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Leniency and Tolerance on the Forums?

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=408814 time=1671828928 user_id=21286]

I appreciate you clearing the thread up in such a short manner. I understand what's up in this thread a little better (will probably skim some more)or at least where it's at now and am interested in any ideas from members to better manage trolls as well.
Abyssos said:

I believe that your frustration comes from the belief that the goal here is to expand the JoS and get as many members as fast as possible.
"Quick! Save as many people as possible as quickly as possible! We shall save everyone! Now! Yesterday!"
I had the same frustration that you had but, in recent weeks, I stopped caring about saving others.
I only care about the truth and offering a path to it, so to those that actively look for it may find it. I no longer care about imposing truth on others.
Maybe that's how most people feel here and that's why things were allowed to play out as they have been.

And, I know exactly what you are going to think about my post : "His post is demoralizing people in subtle ways! Can't you all see what he's trying to do? He's trying to stop the JoS from expanding as quickly as possible and sowing inaction!"

Take my post as ONLY an analysis of the situation from my point of view and me sharing with you my state of mind after a year of meditation. Is it going to stay that way? I've no idea.

The advanced members here are more advanced than me and you realize and they see further and clearer than me and you. Of that I'm now certain.

I completely agree with Abyssos.

I of course am the same when talking about Incels and seeing the Blackpill thing around their community.

Based on your idea, both sexes will enjoy the solution you gave in your post and it is a certain and probable thing that with it, although time consuming, you will change time.

Please do not worry or think that you are talking to brick walls here, it happens.... that is all I can say, at least now.

First of all, prepare for a long post.

Second of all, who are you acting as therapist or what did Abyssos do that bad for the community?

The fact that he posted a mega-thread with total problems about your community without showing any zero disrespect whatsoever and clearly telling in his reply that the solutions he provides aren't applied and a lot of people, if not everyone, doesn't / don't understand his explanations, shows the existential reality of the situation, not a pretending action or an invalidity in opinions.

It is basic communicational knowledge that one supposedly has that should make him able to see that Abyssos (in this case, the sender of the message) tried to tell people about the problems that are on the community and basically how everyone makes him think that he talks to brick walls.

The fact that Abyssos cited Meteor, which, I looked up from 6 months or something and heard was a troll, citing his phrases of cutting genitalia, although, really? "it wasn't passed on the community" when you have let Meteor post that stuff... but anyways... he cited it as to show people what are the real problems and yes... Abyssos is right in all of his points, from the fact that Meteor and others are using FBI tactics and also that he talks to brick walls here.

Certain inconveniences can also be resolved without making people that basically disagree with a forum opinions a total troll, pretender or anything like this.

You in any case, except the nonsense that is here act like total therapists and, contrary to your uninformed opinion, you are basically helping individuals like Gear88 and others who are trolls in disguise.

Not to mention the rest of the things that you do and there are a lot of missarangements which you will never improve by the way... but... I can't say more because my digital mouth may get shut....

Moving on... if Abyssos observed he was understood, he wouldn't have had continued making this threads, and perhaps having a lot of drafts to put out as new replies... I can't wait for them... but, he did that and he will do that, as I feel and see it, because he wasn't at all understood.

One thing is to let an individual post things that are very very long, but then improve and understand (oy vey, perhaps an undefined term (insert 404 no brain reference here)) and the other thing is to let an individual post his solutions, ideas, thoughts, stories, etc. and willingly not understand him.

How ironic is that you "understand" other individuals such as Cosmic6999, the long post writer and N propagandist Gear88 and also how funny it is that whenever the said individuals post, under billions and zillions of new accounts, they are accepted and even helped by you (rarely as you are not willing to help) and also helped by the guardians! Aren't you still therapists for the guys / users I have mentioned?

Misusing words and twisting reality perhaps, as I saw it in threads and posts which I think you, HP, know about, are a specialty here, most like a 2nd qualification or occupation you have.

Basically you are saying that Abyssos in this case is abusing your time, but in reality he is the one who speaks the truth, but, perhaps truth isn't convenient to you, lol, learn the differences between telling the truth and wasting time, and secondly, after misusing words such as, in the case of Abyssos acting as a therapist, but, in reality you are just acting as victimized individuals (victimized by what and who?) clearly stands as a solid statement for what I have stipulated in my previous paragraph, that you are just misusing words and twisting reality.

Be politically correct and tell the people all the things that have to be told, about how that millionaire that then contacted, by mistake I hope, Meteor, got connection with the JoS and you especially. How did you even know that that said millionaire was it himself, as there are tons of usernames here and you can't basically know which and who is who, so, this is shady... and... even if that millionaire tried to help JoS... isn't it interesting that the said millionaire didn't at all help you with any visible improvements. The forums and site look like 2005 kids drawings made in MS Paint, the forums are and will always look like trash and, most importantly, besides you... there is no other HP "active" here.

Come on?! Isn't that millionaire having a better life from the donations you are collecting every day, every week, every month, every year? I think Zola should be a happy dude now, lol, but perhaps he isn't?

I would have like to make this post longer but... I will let you some space for reply.

Certain things are to be shed light upon... bring your contribution here and speak all the things that need to be said.

After all, it is Abyssos and me who want the whole truth to be told, not just informational pieces of it.

And, as a post scriptum.... before saying I am an idiot, an FBI agent or something like this... I want to tell you from now that I do not have any affiliations with those and... besides paranoia... if FBI agents were there and used their digital and even physical mind-twisting tactics, you, the guardians and other valuable members would have been in jail or worse from a much earlier point in time.

So... be a man... HP... share your thoughts to me, to Abyssos, to others that are reading your sermons day by day and tell all the truth that needs to be told.

No excuses.

No turning backs.

Just communication and truth telling.

After all... this is the path of truth, isn't it?
Master.mind said:


To expand on that post. Should we impose liberty and prosperity on people that desire slavery, poverty and war?
What if the "bad" desires come from the enemy and their subtle programming? Should we try to change people's desires?
Should we just treat them as stupid and impose on them whatever we think is best for them once we gain power?

I believe that it is our duty to help people. What if the people are arrogant and "know best" and don't want your help?

It looks like the means are more important than the ends.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:

Just understand that nobody is obligated to explain their every move to someone who already has made up their mind in the first place. Why exactly does HPHC or anyone else have to reply to you?

You even said that Abyssos showed no disrespect, which is true, but there may be problems with his solutions that he wants implemented. Yet you insult HPHC in multiple ways and simultaneously demand answers of something that is only a problem to you and very few others.

There is nothing complicated here: just do your RTRs, meditations, studying, and move on. All of this forum drama is a waste of time.

Who cares about what you say Karen, you are stupid either way.

You can masturbate your own act and thoughts in the shower not here.

When you lack basic awareness in life, basic logic, basic human decency and try to pass it in appealing values yet lacking all critical notions required for judgement, this is the outcome.

It is actually mind boggling to read these rants, the level of retard and hate is high.
Abyssos said:
I am interested in bringing awareness of certain critical phenomenon to the attention of the forums,

Are you assuming that they don't know?
Are you assuming that they are not playing dumb?

Assumptions lead to mistakes.
Abyssos said:

For my own part, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for now. You even apologized for the patronizing attitude and words which was one of the really offensive things. I knew as soon as I saw that that it wasn't going to be well received... my inner harmony bug cringed hard, and I pretty much internally face-palmed and braced myself for the reaction. You undermined everyone all at once in a single post while trying to establish yourself as someone who knows better than all of them. What possessed you to think that was a good idea? If you're a strategist, then that was such a bad move that it would cost you your career.

There are very perceptive scrutinizing people here who won't be as quick to forgive as I am. Step on too many toes, and you'll make lasting enemies for as long as you remain here. As for me, if you happen to be up to no good, the reason I won't pounce is because I don't see you as a threat yet.

You're now in a position where you either lose the trust and credibility you gained, or you deliver on your promises and prove your worth. Fortunately there's no time limit, and you can make your large posts at your own convenience. I hope for your sake it's worth all the hype you drummed up for it. Gathering up everyone's attention like a jester for no reason has consequences that will follow you into the future if it's not.

I can tell by my urge to say all of this to you that you've gotten me to care about you so don't let me down.
NakedPluto said:

Who cares about what you say Karen, you are stupid either way.

You can masturbate your own act and thoughts in the shower not here.

When you lack basic awareness in life, basic logic, basic human decency and try to pass it in appealing values yet lacking all critical notions required for judgement, this is the outcome.

It is actually mind boggling to read these rants, the level of retard and hate is high.

Please state clearly the conclusions that made you to reach the conclusion that I am a Karen?!

I haven't reached the forums and send that post without a valid reason and that HP doesn't behave well with Abyssos and listening to his argumen5s.

You just need to read between the lines and everything will be set, of course if you want to do it.

Also, the fact that I have strictly used the phrases Meteor posted and the phrases of his that Abyssos has cited over in his posts, how surprisingly, in the same logical manner to not sustain genital mutilation, clearly shows that first: masturbation wasn't at all implied, as related to what you have stated go masturbate your thoughts in the shower , and second of all, being a Karen and saying an opinion mean totally different things, or at least, that is what I expect to happen.

In any ways, I am not to be held accountable of any wrong accusations.
Henu the Great said:
Abyssos said:
The time and effort you have beat around the bush could have been used to bring up the points. Still waiting....

Wow! He is not beating his time around the bush. He speaks facts.

You can still wait, I can still wait but unrelationable everyone can wait and post things that he doesn't speak facts.

He speaks facts and most importantly, he never felt for any traps om his road, and, as how smart I see he is, never he will do a thing like that

I suggest you should change the topic if you dislike it that much and bring more contribution if you have any.

Basically my purpose is to tell the truth to everyone, no matter how harsh it is and even on forums show myself when necessary.

The rest of the things are clear... nothing more to discuss.

I simply go at topics like this from Abyssos, of course not the case as I totally hear the work he puts into his posts, threads, replies, whatever and, go like it is another day.

Perhaps, if tou knew it, from a much much much earlier time in your childhood the expression calling it a day means ending a discussion or other thing such as a brainstorming meeting up or scholars event or any other things like this, and, if possible return to it the next day.

Or it can be used until you say something useful or prevent the escalation of conflictuality phenomena
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=408931 time=1671880104 user_id=21286]
AshStarIshtar_88 said:

Just understand that nobody is obligated to explain their every move to someone who already has made up their mind in the first place. Why exactly does HPHC or anyone else have to reply to you?

You even said that Abyssos showed no disrespect, which is true, but there may be problems with his solutions that he wants implemented. Yet you insult HPHC in multiple ways and simultaneously demand answers of something that is only a problem to you and very few others.

There is nothing complicated here: just do your RTRs, meditations, studying, and move on. All of this forum drama is a waste of time.

I do not waste any time.

I simply say things.

I appear, dissappear and reappear and then do the same over and over again.

Decipher the mystery as my posts will go on.

Mystery at best
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
NakedPluto said:

Who cares about what you say Karen, you are stupid either way.

You can masturbate your own act and thoughts in the shower not here.

When you lack basic awareness in life, basic logic, basic human decency and try to pass it in appealing values yet lacking all critical notions required for judgement, this is the outcome.

It is actually mind boggling to read these rants, the level of retard and hate is high.

Please state clearly the conclusions that made you to reach the conclusion that I am a Karen?!

I haven't reached the forums and send that post without a valid reason and that HP doesn't behave well with Abyssos and listening to his argumen5s.

You just need to read between the lines and everything will be set, of course if you want to do it.

Also, the fact that I have strictly used the phrases Meteor posted and the phrases of his that Abyssos has cited over in his posts, how surprisingly, in the same logical manner to not sustain genital mutilation, clearly shows that first: masturbation wasn't at all implied, as related to what you have stated go masturbate your thoughts in the shower , and second of all, being a Karen and saying an opinion mean totally different things, or at least, that is what I expect to happen.

In any ways, I am not to be held accountable of any wrong accusations.

You try too hard, you also only try to produce interaction, nothing else. Therefore, you won't have want you want, but only what is the direct conclusion without you having explicitly be explained about, since you don't deserve and second, you won't understand/as neither of those things are of your scope here.

You fucker can try as much as you can to pretend to be smart, cunning or to be on some sort of flex on mind bending lies or falsified impressions. The intentions of the behind are seen clear, as so the forensic of our material world functions so the psyche and other things.

No one has any right in this world to attack HP. You are a foreigner coming in this house talking a bunch of shit because you feel entitled as you saw an opportunity to act like a wild dog, and you pretend to be some sort of empirical individual, while you lack the basic set of instinct of what you are doing here and who you talk about.

Therefore, check yourself and mind yourself.
As I predicted, the cliquey and gossipy attitude of this group, which they are terminally addicted to, is already causing problems and provocations.

You don't even know what the rat beginning with Z is, yet you bring it up.

If you come here with such fixed viewpoints about how the world is immutably this and that then call everyone here a naive child then I don't see your biokinesis plan working out so well. Out of all the Magick, this is something that in combination with conventional incel complexes can turn out to be a disaster.
NPC#66 said:
Great post! It is important not to reduce ourselves to the level of trolls through attacks and not to confuse new members for trolls, I agree.

May I ask why do you have such an insulting pic? It literally is depicting us JoS members as NPCs which objectively couldn't be further from the truth.

My worries with your account is that it was made yesterday and that is the pic you decided to go with. I'd like to hear your side though.
Qingu666 said:
Agreed, yet I see that your words here do not necessarily follow actions.

It is easier said than done. There are also situations where I feel obligated to act. Other situations are more clearly fruitless to pursue. Sometimes it is hard to tell, but in this case, the person was trying to insult HPHC into a conversation that didn't even need to happen.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
I do not waste any time.

I simply say things.

I appear, dissappear and reappear and then do the same over and over again.

Decipher the mystery as my posts will go on.

Mystery at best

Your self-imposed mystery seems like the opposite of being efficient with time. If I cannot understand what you are trying to say, how is it better for me to try to assume? Please don't add unnecessary complexity.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Better way no one found out that the N666 dude was BW666 and SW666 account and he was just a trolling idiot.

But, from backups I had he looked like a very well individual troll who trolled the troll our of you.

He basically knew how to manage the psyche, rhe occult, the central, the existential force and perhaps he is now higher than the the Hitler himself.

Who knows, I am not a praisor but when right is right and wrong is good, I act and tax and justify accordingly.

Interesting to know.
hailourtruegod said:
NPC#66 said:


Out of curiosity have you actually read Otto Rahn's works on Lucifer? You might find that he disagrees with you quite a bit on who this entity is.

https://archive.org/stream/RahnOttoLucifersCourt/Rahn%2C%20Otto%20-%20Lucifer%27s%20Court_djvu.txt simply ctrl f and search "satan"
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
So... be a man... HP... share your thoughts to me, to Abyssos, to others that are reading your sermons day by day and tell all the truth that needs to be told.

No excuses.

No turning backs.

Just communication and truth telling.

After all... this is the path of truth, isn't it?

Yes...HC has nothing better to do and will stop what he's doing to come get involved in this pointless argument, and then take the time to write a reply to entertain you.

By all means voice your concerns, but don't be so arrogant as to believe the HP is obligated to entertain you at your command. Considering all he has on his plate I'd even consider it insulting if he was wasting time here with this inconsequential discussion.

You want truth, here's the truth: this is a pointless argument that has no importance whatsoever, and does not warrant any replies or attention from the HP who has better things to do.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
NPC#66 said:
Great post! It is important not to reduce ourselves to the level of trolls through attacks and not to confuse new members for trolls, I agree.

I am confused why you pick this name. Are you a NPC or are you a conscious human?

The NPC meme with the number 66 pasted on top of the JoS logo is sending a very blatant message.

I suspect in 2-4 months this account drops another "I TRICKED YALL ROLFLMAO!!11!" thread.
Qingu666 said:
Out of curiosity have you actually read Otto Rahn's works on Lucifer? You might find that he disagrees with you quite a bit on who this entity is.

So one guy's ramblings on the topic of Satan overrides all your personal or others' anecdotal evidence of Satan, including your experience with the meditations provided by the Gods, etc?

On Wikipedia, it mentions that Otto also frequented Anti-Nazi circles before resigning, so again there seems to be no reason to pay attention to this person

Thankfully we have the sigils of the Gods as a means of direct communication and testing, as well as many other sources which paint a more clear picture of Satan.
Qingu666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
NPC#66 said:


Out of curiosity have you actually read Otto Rahn's works on Lucifer? You might find that he disagrees with you quite a bit on who this entity is.

https://archive.org/stream/RahnOttoLucifersCourt/Rahn%2C%20Otto%20-%20Lucifer%27s%20Court_djvu.txt simply ctrl f and search "satan"

Could you relate the specific points over which you think Rahn has a different opinion? From the brief overview, it appears it's all the same with different semantic statements.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Abyssos said:

Do not pretend you are trying to instruct Abyddos, you are just interjecting an argument to try to agitate and nothing else.

Secondly, Abyddos likely understood what has been stated better than you. In opposition to you, he is an SS and I will hear them on validity of a point. The asking here is to clarify the points in an accurate communication.

You trying to muddy waters to pretend he is your friend is errant, because you come from elsewhere, and you are a common troll jocker, who interjects conversations to further confuse them where the opposite is the point.

The rest of your say in this is rambling and trying to do more sly methods because you think you found an open point where there was none.

You are just a kike or an enemy subversive, or an equally useless fake critic. In all cases, you do not matter, but I let you know of this in the reply.

As for your underestimations of what we are making here, it is for sure a thousand times higher and better than anything you would ever have created, so to doubt anyone behind the sites is again more failed criticism without any point to it..
Ol argedco luciftias said:
NPC#66 said:
Great post! It is important not to reduce ourselves to the level of trolls through attacks and not to confuse new members for trolls, I agree.

I am confused why you pick this name. Are you a NPC or are you a conscious human?

Likely to troll that anyone who has a like minded in JoS out of our choice and to diss us in a degoratory manner as NPCs.
Dahaarkan said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
So... be a man... HP... share your thoughts to me, to Abyssos, to others that are reading your sermons day by day and tell all the truth that needs to be told.

No excuses.

No turning backs.

Just communication and truth telling.

After all... this is the path of truth, isn't it?

Yes...HC has nothing better to do and will stop what he's doing to come get involved in this pointless argument, and then take the time to write a reply to entertain you.

By all means voice your concerns, but don't be so arrogant as to believe the HP is obligated to entertain you at your command. Considering all he has on his plate I'd even consider it insulting if he was wasting time here with this inconsequential discussion.

You want truth, here's the truth: this is a pointless argument that has no importance whatsoever, and does not warrant any replies or attention from the HP who has better things to do.

Contrary to your opinion, HP answered my post.

Do your homework well next time before posting anything lol
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Dahaarkan said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
So... be a man... HP... share your thoughts to me, to Abyssos, to others that are reading your sermons day by day and tell all the truth that needs to be told.

No excuses.

No turning backs.

Just communication and truth telling.

After all... this is the path of truth, isn't it?

Yes...HC has nothing better to do and will stop what he's doing to come get involved in this pointless argument, and then take the time to write a reply to entertain you.

By all means voice your concerns, but don't be so arrogant as to believe the HP is obligated to entertain you at your command. Considering all he has on his plate I'd even consider it insulting if he was wasting time here with this inconsequential discussion.

You want truth, here's the truth: this is a pointless argument that has no importance whatsoever, and does not warrant any replies or attention from the HP who has better things to do.

Contrary to your opinion, HP answered my post.

Do your homework well next time before posting anything lol

He said it does not warrant and that it was high unlikely. Which is true. On holidays, I am clearly going to answer things what these may be.

What Dahraarkan said is accurate, this is quite pointless as I explained in my reply. So, what this is about, this about answering a general troll or misplaced behavior way, for the meaning of the reply.

Dahaarkan is absolutely correct in what he says. Additionally, neither me nor members are required to respond to pointless drivel, but sometimes we might, for the benefit of the community, which is not an individual thing. As in that case, for example.

The point to replying is more specifically to illustrate how comments like this have nothing to offer and are only bullshit, so the community is immunized from reading bullshit.

AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=408931 time=1671880104 user_id=21286]
AshStarIshtar_88 said:

Just understand that nobody is obligated to explain their every move to someone who already has made up their mind in the first place. Why exactly does HPHC or anyone else have to reply to you?

You even said that Abyssos showed no disrespect, which is true, but there may be problems with his solutions that he wants implemented. Yet you insult HPHC in multiple ways and simultaneously demand answers of something that is only a problem to you and very few others.

There is nothing complicated here: just do your RTRs, meditations, studying, and move on. All of this forum drama is a waste of time.

I do not waste any time.

I simply say things.

I appear, dissappear and reappear and then do the same over and over again.

Decipher the mystery as my posts will go on.

Mystery at best

We know you are a well known and years old dude around here, but in the end of the day, this repetitive task you do shows there is of no merit, except besides showing up with a behavior that borderlines attention seeking on the extremes, trolling, or outright hostility.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=409124 time=1671950080 user_id=21286]
Qingu666 said:

So one guy's ramblings on the topic of Satan overrides all your personal or others' anecdotal evidence of Satan, including your experience with the meditations provided by the Gods, etc?

On Wikipedia, it mentions that Otto also frequented Anti-Nazi circles before resigning, so again there seems to be no reason to pay attention to this person

Thankfully we have the sigils of the Gods as a means of direct communication and testing, as well as many other sources which paint a more clear picture of Satan.

You misunderstand me, I do not necessarily agree with his conclusions I am dedicated to Satan however I thought I would bring it up because he has the quote in his signature which doesn't mean what he thinks it means. I do find it funny however that only now you attack Otto when I expose this and never beforehand.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Qingu666 said:
hailourtruegod said:

Out of curiosity have you actually read Otto Rahn's works on Lucifer? You might find that he disagrees with you quite a bit on who this entity is.

https://archive.org/stream/RahnOttoLucifersCourt/Rahn%2C%20Otto%20-%20Lucifer%27s%20Court_djvu.txt simply ctrl f and search "satan"

Could you relate the specific points over which you think Rahn has a different opinion? From the brief overview, it appears it's all the same with different semantic statements.

He doesn't believe Satan and Lucifer are the same being nor does he believe Satan is a being worthy of worship but rather this other entity in his view which is Lucifer. If you use ctrl f and then search the word "satan" on the document I provided he makes this abundantly clear referencing them as separate beings and saying they are not the same.
Qingu666 said:
You misunderstand me, I do not necessarily agree with his conclusions I am dedicated to Satan however I thought I would bring it up because he has the quote in his signature which doesn't mean what he thinks it means. I do find it funny however that only now you attack Otto when I expose this and never beforehand.

Sorry for being overly aggressive. I did not realize you were bringing this up as a result of the quotation. A common attack of trolls is to create confusion based on specific passages they have read, without properly evaluating all factors that surround their conclusions.

As far as Otto, I was not aware of this. He is simply confused about this. This can be understandable due to the time and conditions of his life, but I also become skeptical due to his poor relations with other Nazi party members.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=409241 time=1672001539 user_id=21286]
Qingu666 said:
You misunderstand me, I do not necessarily agree with his conclusions I am dedicated to Satan however I thought I would bring it up because he has the quote in his signature which doesn't mean what he thinks it means. I do find it funny however that only now you attack Otto when I expose this and never beforehand.

Sorry for being overly aggressive. I did not realize you were bringing this up as a result of the quotation. A common attack of trolls is to create confusion based on specific passages they have read, without properly evaluating all factors that surround their conclusions.

As far as Otto, I was not aware of this. He is simply confused about this. This can be understandable due to the time and conditions of his life, but I also become skeptical due to his poor relations with other Nazi party members.

The part I bolded in your reply is where I'm at as well. I did read about his loose connections to the Nazi party but either I need to do more research or it's lies to have his book in the mainstream without being someone who has strong ties to the Nazi party.

Otto Rahn is far from the only person with honest intentions to ever write very limited information on this type of stuff compared to if he knew what we now today or at least had the internet.

Besides that just like when Odinists show their love for Odin but somehow have hatred for a devil entity I know they are just confused and know that theyre close to getting it so I take whatever love they show to Odin as love for Satan in my eyes because realistically they are the same person. The same goes for Otto.

I fully understand Qingu's concern though and most likely I wouldn't have added it today if I never had it as I know better now but also have less tolerance for misinformation on Satan.

Seeing I have had this signature since almost the beginning of the forums I don't see any reason to take it out especially if we all here know Lucifer=Satan.

All in all as HP HC mentioned, it's all semantics which I will look past especially with a quote that describes me well. :geek:
Ok then what do I have to do to get my posts approved on this forum again? Like I say I will be good this time around I never said anything bad, yeah the pfp was trolling obviously can I not be forgiven for my sins???
Qingu666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Qingu666 said:
Out of curiosity have you actually read Otto Rahn's works on Lucifer? You might find that he disagrees with you quite a bit on who this entity is.

https://archive.org/stream/RahnOttoLucifersCourt/Rahn%2C%20Otto%20-%20Lucifer%27s%20Court_djvu.txt simply ctrl f and search "satan"

Could you relate the specific points over which you think Rahn has a different opinion? From the brief overview, it appears it's all the same with different semantic statements.

He doesn't believe Satan and Lucifer are the same being nor does he believe Satan is a being worthy of worship but rather this other entity in his view which is Lucifer. If you use ctrl f and then search the word "satan" on the document I provided he makes this abundantly clear referencing them as separate beings and saying they are not the same.

Otto Rahn was a researcher for Heinrich Himmler. At some point he was likely assassinated, from what appears to be Freemasonic lodges or the enemy.

In Rahn's time, knowledge was not complete. Things like Sanskrit and other things were still undiscovered. Rahn's theories were not based on much more than German and the existing fake sources that the jews 'Invented' Satan from some sort of "Hebrew".

Heinrich Himmler tried to sent envoys to India to learn more, and he was also a very good friend with Mr. Bose from India, who was into Aryan studies and they spent hours in conversation in visits.

Two important missing keys of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit were missing. Please refer to the posts on ANASTAS and the resurrection of the Serpent, all topics on Satan's Name, and you will see the points unfold, or about Wotan/Odin and the Digamma letter]. These add additional information, which can be contrasted on Rahn's research.

Yet, even with all this knowledge, conclusions would take a while. Egyptology was also in infancy at the time. Unfortunately Rahn's research was great, but incomplete.

We still hold Otto Rahn in high regard as he managed to mention important points and decriminalize Lucifer, and he was not the only one. But the links to Satan were cut because of lack of the source languages from where the jews invented this nonsense.
NPC#67 said:
Ok then what do I have to do to get my posts approved on this forum again? Like I say I will be good this time around I never said anything bad, yeah the pfp was trolling obviously can I not be forgiven for my sins???

There are no sins, if you want to troll that people who have a like mindedness are NPC's, you should know that the NPC is generated through subliminal barraging and not by reading a forum or publications or books. It's based on unconscious process. The JoS doesn't own the television or Netflix apparatus.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

npc isnt just from those things but I understand you, there are certain things every loyal jos member on the forum does or says that is the same which is what I point out for a laugh but no more I suppose.
NPC#67 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

npc isnt just from those things but I understand you, there are certain things every loyal jos member on the forum does or says that is the same which is what I point out for a laugh but no more I suppose.

The only people who behave like NPCS repeating similar lines of dialogue are the crowd who come in trying to pose as real members, but then turn out to be trolls just here to waste everybody's time.

Genuine members are often arguing, discussing different views and personal opinions. The only NPCS here are the people who aren't Satanists and just trying to fit in, thinking they are fooling anybody by making the same posts over and over again.

Which are you?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
