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Laws Of MAAT: The T.H.U.G life of TUPAC SHAKUR


Sep 24, 2017
Greetings to All fellow Satanists..

Last year During Samhain During some intense telepathic Meditation. I was guided to a Book called "The Book of Pac" by Dream Taylor through My guardian Daemon. At the time i did not understand what this information meant. Ive sat on this Information for quite sometime trying to research, Learn and understand what the Gods were trying to show me.
Before making a post about my findings.

The book itself kind of Chronicles the Life and Journey Of the Late Tupac Amaru Shakur. Realname (Lesane William Parish Crooks). I read this book over and over again through my Satanic point of view. It appears that Tupac was a very very Spiritual person and clearly shows and states that he was in Direct communication with Our Gods Maat And Set. As he refers to them in the book as "The Creators". The description of him portrays that he Lived his life according to the Laws of Maat.

The book itself seems to have been written and then re-written by someone trying to corrupt this information. And hide this knowledge and his Real message to his people the black race. But appears that they did not do a very good job in doing so.
There is alot of contradiction and grammatical errors in there but if you read the book with Satanic eyes and go through it with a fine comb you will understand and realise that something is not quite right here/ someone has tried to cover things up, By trying to add christianity in there to throw people off.
In there they tried to use the same Jesus Narrative in there also. which contradicts alot about His true core beliefs.
They try to say that He was born to a A virgin(Afeni his mother). This was the first nonsense in there. His real father was William Jefferson “Billy” Garland. Tupac never stated that he was born to a virgin mary - This was a lie.
He knew that he had a father growing up. But believed that he was dead or simply did not want anything to do with his son. Later in his life his father appears in his sons life. He became popular amongst his followers preaching the principles and Laws of Maat. He was also challenged by alot of Christians and priests for his Radical point of view also. He states that "The Creators" sent a spiritual man to him called Jack the Haitian. To provide guidance and protection. This proves the point that he was on a spiritual path of his own. And did not follow the teachings of the xtian bible. Which alot of media outlets state that He was Xtian and followed a distorted view of xtianity and prayed to Jewsus. This media lie does not appear to be True.

in Chapter 9 it states: 1 People fear what they cannot understand, in every dream that come true, there was a price that was paid.
2 Your heavenly light will bring evil to your door. Dark forces will see your light shine to brighten the darkness for other followers.
3 because of that light, evil people will try and extinguish that light and try to stop you from shining in your Glory.
4 They (jews) will do miraculous things to stop your light from showing others the truth. You have a responsibilty to bear and must continue to shine.
5 As long as i am in the world, I am the light of the world.
6 You are also lights in this world and whatever you say will be as long as you are in balance with the true light of this world.
7 The kingdom of the "Ancestors" is within you and every man and woman on earth.
8 We were not prepared for the true knowledge because many hold onto the current bible curriculum.
10 Many confuse your spiritual presence with religion. The two are not the same. Religion is a set of Rules.
11 Your Spirit comes from the "Creators". Your spirit connects you with the universe and all beings in the universe.

This passage from the Book clearly shows that he did not believe and follow the Xtian bible. But was a Spiritual man with Satanic beliefs. In chapter 10 of the book he states:
2 If churches took half the money they were making and gave it back to the community, the faith community would be thriving.
3 If the modern church gave half of the buildings they praise God in and gave them to the people who really need them, the faith community would be alright.
4 have you seen some of these church buildings? some take up an entire New york city block.
5 while Homeless believers sleep outside the churches doors.
6 The Creators do not need ceilings of Gold to commuincate to us, The children of the Gods.
10 The scary religion of the past does not make sense, and that is why many do not believe.

it also appears that he understood the purpose of life was to reach Godhead.
18 Too many Truths and understandings from the Ancestors have been plagiarized need to be corrected.
22 You have the power of life and death. If you use your mental capacity to reflect the power of the lessons your ancestors left for you.
23 You will Transcend from your current mind state into a God mind state. Nothing can overcome or stop you.

Also throughout the book he refers to the Laws Of Maat many times. And also encourages his followers to study the Ancient Hyroglyphics for truth.

chapter 12
7 Then Tupac said, incorporate this into your life for a fuller life.
8 Do something productive whenever you can. That is the best use of your time.
9 When you follow the Laws of Maat, you are in cosmic balance with the universe.
11 Think, speak and act. All your actions will be in harmony with the universe if you follow the laws.
13 Do not do what these leaders do and preach only prosperity. I preach faith, belief and reality.

he also believed and encouraged Mediation:
18 Having faith and belief in the Creators is essential, but if you need medical attention, you should still see a doctor. Meditate on a miracle,but also be practical because your miracle may not be supernatural but worldly.
19 your Ancestors gave abilities to protect and care for children. Any man or woman who does not protect children, shall never find peace.
chapter 14: 21 All who follow the Laws of Maat and keep the laws shall know love and peace. The creators will manifest knowledge to you.
25 know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. Use the power to break negative cycles in your life.
28 Many of us have been beat down with the Bible. We must use our knowledge to lift people up. Help our Family and friends.
29 Teach and lift those that need help. Never be a fool for anyone.

He also encouraged his follows to follow a path of spiritual understand, spiritual knowledge and enlightenment:
chapter 18: 12 Your life is here and now , make the most of it. Enjoy the life you have. Do not believe the lies that have been told for generations.
13 even if there is an everlasting life, why not enjoy the current life you have now. Why do you have to sufffer to get there?
14 This is not what your Creators want for you. Go and live the life the Creators have destined for you. This is your destiny.
15 The truth shall truly set you free. The world will be one with the Truth and that truth shall save the world and all who dwell in it.
20 Examine all beliefs and apply them against the knowledge of the ancestors Teaching in the hieroglyphics. There you will find the origin of all spiritual understanding.
21 There is much contradiction in current scripture, so i am here to provide clarity to the believer and true follower.
22 Many falsehoods are invented by men to gain control of other people. These beliefs must be exposed, inspected and weighted on the Truth.
24 Fear is the need for people to create false versions of the knowledge the ancestors gave us.
25 When you remove that fear , there is no need for many of the lies and control religion places on the believer.
26 The church should not give followers guilty consciousness because of false teachings.
30 The original doctrines have been proven over time to be false information. We must reconnect with the true and living God (Satan).
31 The hieroglyphic knowledge is based on sound philosophy. That knowledge is placed here for us to learn the truth about life so we can avoid spiritual death.
38 We must expose the wrong things and make the leaders accountable to the people for their false teachings.

It also appears that he was very adept in Mediation very awake and aware:
Chapter 20:1 You don not need to wish for super powers, you are your own super power. Power is within you by birthright.
4 Your mind connects you with the past and the present . It connects you with the entire world.
9 Prayer and meditation are one. When you pray, feel connected to the energy of the ancestors and the world.
16 Focus on what you want, not the things you do not want. Whatever you focus on will be what comes to you. So focus on what to wish for.
17 belief is the most important factor. Believe in what you wish for. This is the key to making the life you want.

He also talks about an evil force/s referring to the jewish Kabbalists:
Chapter 21 2 There are evil forces in the world, but they have no dominion over you and your life. You are one thousand times more powerful than the most evil things in creation.
3 You are supremely blessed and cannot be stopped. These evil ones have fake magic that cannot work on anyone that has belief and faith.
4 Your Creator was here before, and will be here once we are deceased. So fear not, let all things in the dark have light shed on them.
9 The Creator is by your side and will never abandon you. Hold fast to knowledge and understanding. You can overcome unbelievable odds.
15 Religion is about following traditions blindly. Before you follow anything, examine, think and understand whatever you have decided to follow.
16 Your body is your alter, your cells are your celestial ancestors within you. All of your organs work together to make your body function. If one fails, you will die.
19 In this life, the way to knowledge is narrow, and very few go down that path. You must make a must for your life.
20 Follow the Laws of Maat and not the animal instinct that many follow. The sphinx symbolizes a human head and an animal body in obedience.
21 you must control your lower nature or animal nature at all times. This is a must. You are in control.

The Book of Maat: As defined by him in Chapter 23

1 Everything can teach you something. Your ancestors learned from birds and insects. We can also learn many things from anything in the world.

2 Be righteous in all you do, so when you look in the mirror, you can be at peace with yourself.

3 I know, I am taking away the mysticism from what you believed in the past. Better you learn the truth and save your life than remain a lie.

4 Women are Gods just as much as men are Gods. Women reflect a different energy, but they are Gods none the less.

5 It is not proper to call them Goddesses, but Gods on earth.

6 We all have unique gifts. Any gift you have can lead to a wonderful life. Never be ashamed of the gifts you are given.

7 I will suffer so you can have freedom in this life, and the next. I will give my life so you can achieve your best life..

8 It seems to us the crazier a religion is, it makes more sense to us. We need magical and mystical things to Believe there is a God.

9 Religious science dates back to our Ancestors in Africa. Every religion is based on this stolen knowledge.

10 To know the Truth, you must go back to the source of the Lie. Study the real facts.

11 Organized religion is designed to divide and conquer the people. we must come together and learn the truth.

12 We are connected to the Cosmos by nature. We are the Holy Ghost, we are the Gods on earth.

13 There is no such thing as original sin. This is a lie.

14 No nation or race is cursed or deserves to be treated less than any other.

15 We must live by our Intuition. The voice of our Creators is within us at all times.

16 Our spiritual experience may differ, but we still must seek our own path, Through the Laws of Maat.

17 Once you know the Truth, it is impossible to return and be the same person.

18 You are truly born again in the image of your Christ self. You are on the path to knowing who you are and how to create your best life.

19 You must become stronger when people reject you. When people speak evil against you, your character must manifest itself.

20 That character will not become full without trials and tribulation. You must overcome.

21 If people see hate in you, they hate themselves. If they see love in you, They love themselves.

22 When things are perceived to be good or bad, be happy. Because in the end all things are good for you.

23 The universe does not stop working for you. The universe works in your favour at all times.

24 It may not seem this way, but believe it is so. My death and rebirth will manifest these things.

25 Peace to the Gods!

My conclusion to all of this is that Tupac Shakur or 2pac. Was a very enlightened spiritual being during his time. It appears he was quite Vocal about his sprituality and grow in popularity with his black community. He really cared for his people and could sense that his people were becoming spiritually dead. What he spoke about shows that he was very advanced on the left hand path and was communicating with the Gods. There is nothing about what he states to suggest that he was xtian. Yes he understood biblical scripture but that didnt mean he was xtian like so many websites claim. It appears that he was Trying to Wakeup the BlackRace with his knowledge very much like Hitler did with the Aryan race. So by doing so he attracted too much attention from The jews and the Church and possibly government agents. Who obviously did not want this man to Awaken his race with his spiritual beliefs and point of view. I truly believe for these reasons he was Murdered to keep him silenced and his spiritual teachings destroyed. He died of from multiple gunshot wounds. The time of his Death is more important to understand than Who was it that pulled the Trigger. He was killed on September 13 1996.
9 days before the jewish holiday of Yom Kipper. Its clearly obvious that his death was timed with this important date. In order for the enemy To manifest his death energy for the their Kabbalistic Rituals. That they perform at this Time to curse us Gentiles. He was Sacrificed to their Gods To spirtually enslave The black Race. And it is apparent with whats going on in todays America. The Black Race still seems to be under That curse.

I hope that my findings will help motivate the black race. To learn, educate and immerse themselves fully in this spiritual journey. And rise up break this enemy curse of enslavement that they are facing. Also i recommend Reading this book also. With a Satanic point of view. There is a bit of enemy Corruption in there. But you still get a clear message of what is being said in this book. Some may not agree with whats written.That is fine...Alot of what is written on my post is not my point of view but what i have discovered while studying and researching this book to its core. Also growing up i did not Listen to his music. So i am not an obsessed Fan either!

Knowledge is the Key to breaking the Spell of Ignorance!!

thanks a lot for this insight. post more of it if you can. i would want to read the book myself but i don't know where i can get it yet
forward666 said:
thanks a lot for this insight. post more of it if you can. i would want to read the book myself but i don't know where i can get it yet
So far I have been trying to find knowledge everywhere and anywhere in regards to the Author Dream Taylor but there appears to be none. It appears it could be a Pseudonym. The book sounds like it has come directly from Tupac himself but it looks like it has been heavily Altered by a Christian or a Jew. You get a real insight as to how he was as a person.The music he wrote and performed was his way of trying to wake up his people prophetically as he states many times. He would also feed his followers early on in his career as food was scarce amongst his community back in his time. Its really good back. I actually purchased a hard copy version in an old rural counrty town music shop out of all places. It was such a weird place to find this book. As the people of this Area did not fit the type of discription of a person that would follow this artist or listen to his music. Very weird..There are online copies of the book. Not to sure if there are copys on torrent sites.

mercury_wisdom said:
This is so interesting. Well done compiling all of this.

No worries...I will always try to share interesting and useful information here with my brothers and sisters in Satan. At present i am on a Spiritual path of utilising my meditation practices to enable the guidance from my guardians to assist me in finding spiritual knowledge that has been hidden or guarded. Trance, Void and yoga is excellent for this. But from what i have learned is that we have to get to a certain point mentally where all fear and doubt is removed from your mind. To the point where your mind is empty and blank.(If this makes sense). This takes quite a bit of time and took me months to reach. Once you are at this point, Your guardian will come in and fill your emptiness with their wisdom. It is your fear and doubt which stop you from progressing and advancing. The thing is dont stop or give up if you feel that your not getting anywhere. patience and persistence is the key. After the first month i felt like i wasnt getting anything in return for my efforts. It was frustrating to say the least. But i kept going. Then by the second month i started getting results.By the third month I realised i had still had too much doubt and hadnt let go of it. That was the reason why it took so long because i needed to learn to let go of my worries and fear. Meditation to most newcomers can feel like a chore or a bit of a drag on the daily routine of life. But its just that when you begin there is so much layers of crap that need to be removed before you actually start feeling what you doing. Thats the key. You just have to push through. Its like lifting weights or doing exercise at the Gym. you need to push through each time with more repititions in order to gain those physical gains. You are building mental toughness and clarity at the same time without really realising it.
forward666 said:
thanks a lot for this insight. post more of it if you can. i would want to read the book myself but i don't know where i can get it yet
So far I have been trying to find knowledge everywhere and anywhere in regards to the Author Dream Taylor but there appears to be none. It appears it could be a Pseudonym. The book sounds like it has come directly from Tupac himself but it looks like it has been heavily Altered by a xtian or a Jew. You get a real insight as to how he was as a person.The music he wrote and performed was his way of trying to wake up his people prophetically as he states many times. He would also feed his followers early on in his career as food was scarce amongst his community back in his time. Its really good back. I actually purchased a hard copy version in an old rural counrty town music shop out of all places. It was such a weird place to find this book. As the people of this Area did not fit the type of discription of a person that would follow this artist or listen to his music. Very weird..There are online copies of the book.

mercury_wisdom said:
This is so interesting. Well done compiling all of this.

No worries...I will always try to share interesting and useful information here with my brothers and sisters in Satan. At present i am on a Spiritual path of utilising my meditation practices to enable the guidance from my guardians to assist me in finding spiritual knowledge that has been hidden or guarded. Trance, Void and yoga is excellent for this. But from what i have learned is that we have to get to a certain point mentally where all fear and doubt is removed from your mind. To the point where your mind is empty and blank.(If this makes sense). This takes quite a bit of time and took me months to reach. Once you are at this point, Your guardian will come in and fill your emptiness with their wisdom. It is your fear and doubt which stop you from progressing and advancing. The thing is dont stop or give up if you feel that your not getting anywhere. patience and persistence is the key. After the first month i felt like i wasnt getting anything in return for my efforts. It was frustrating to say the least. But i kept going. Then by the second month i started getting results.By the third month I realised i had still had too much doubt and hadnt let go of it. That was the reason why it took so long because i needed to learn to let go of my worries and fear. Meditation to most newcomers can feel like a chore or a bit of a drag on the daily routine of life. But its just that when you begin there is so much layers of crap that need to be removed before you actually start feeling what you doing. Thats the key. You just have to push through. Its like lifting weights or doing exercise at the Gym. you need to push through each time with more repititions in order to gain those physical gains. You are building mental toughness and clarity at the same time without really realising it.
He was definitely aware of Jews and their conspiracy that album " Killuminati" : The 7 day theory. Was a hint that he was aware,it's
probably what killed him. He was hinting to "Killuminati" ,the Ilumunati are Jews and their conspiracy,ex high priest Mageson had written good articles on the Illuminati.....
He was definitely aware of Jews and their conspiracy that album " Killuminati" : The 7 day theory. Was a hint that he was aware,it's
probably what killed him. He was hinting to "Killuminati" ,the Ilumunati are Jews and their conspiracy,ex high priest Mageson had written good articles on the Illuminati.....
forward666 said:
thanks a lot for this insight. post more of it if you can. i would want to read the book myself but i don't know where i can get it yet
mercury_wisdom said:
This is so interesting. Well done compiling all of this.
Hi there, I have been trying to respond on here. My comments keep getting blocked. This is my third attempt. Not sure why. As my reply didnt seem to have any malice in it. I have been trying to research on the Author Dream Taylor on the net. But could not find anything on the Author. It could possibly be a pseudonym. I found the book in an old country town music store. But there pdf copies in the online bookstores. It seems that he was murdered and silenced for the knowledge he possessed. I guess he was just too vocal with what he knew and attracted to much attention from the Jews and the Christians. In the book it states people stopped attending church and instead started following him instead. He was challenged by the church and actually raised alot of good points about the wrongdoings of the church. I guess people of that time understood what he was saying. So they began to start calling him the "'Messaiah"". Which probably pissed off the church and raised alarm bells. The enemy probably could sense that his actions were steering black people away from the church. And were probably worried that his influence was taking away the income/money that keeps the black race enslaved by the church.
likman666 said:
He was definitely aware of Jews and their conspiracy that album " Killuminati" : The 7 day theory. Was a hint that he was aware,it's
probably what killed him. He was hinting to "Killuminati" ,the Ilumunati are Jews and their conspiracy,ex Mageson had written good articles on the Illuminati.....
I have done alot of research on the Illuminati. To understand who the Illuminati are and how they came about. You have to understand the Merovingian Dynasty from the beginning. Once you get to the root of that subject. You will be able to see a bigger picture thats been distorted by the jews for centuries. They began as a Aryan pagan bloodline. Which turned jewish through the Reign of Clovis 1. This is where the confusion of Illuminati being Satanic comes from. They were once Satanic but became a Jewish bloodline through infiltration of marriage. The Satanic and occult symbols you see in movies and music videos is a way that they communicate amongst each other. They use these occult knowledge to communicate in code. They hide behind this. And their Rituals they perform are Ancient Kabbalah. There is nothing Satanic about them. They believe because they have held this knowledge over time which gives them their power that they are above the Elite and the rulers of Nations. The rockerfellers and the Rothchilds that you here about all the time, Are below them and answer to them. Their main Goal was to introduce their own so called "Messaiah" to the world and enslave. But they need the main Religions to be Obedient to make that plan work. So it seems that they have gone with their next Agenda being biological warfare. Who knows?..They may still try and usher in their so called "messaiah" if their Covid19 plan fails. They fear an uprising from SATANS army and they know that their end is near through the Reversal of their so called Holybook. Rabbis have also stated this on record as fact. That is why its so important to do spiritual warfare everyday to undo all their Bindings and curses on humanity. Doing RTRS daily heavily reduces their power and they know this. They are desperate. This particular Bloodline/Families are the 1% hoarders of wealth. They own and run everything. All the heads of Governments, banking cartels, military forces, every single industry in the world.
forward666 said:
thanks a lot for this insight. post more of it if you can. i would want to read the book myself but i don't know where i can get it yet
mercury_wisdom said:
This is so interesting. Well done compiling all of this.
Hi there, I have been trying to respond on here. My comments keep getting blocked. This is my third attempt. Not sure why. As my reply didnt seem to have any malice in it. I have been trying to research on the Author Dream Taylor on the net. But could not find anything on the Author. It could possibly be a pseudonym. I found the book in an old country town music store. But there pdf copies in the online bookstores. It seems that he was murdered and silenced for the knowledge he possessed. I guess he was just too vocal with what he knew and attracted to much attention from the Jews and the Christians. In the book it states people stopped attending church and instead started following him instead. He was challenged by the church and actually raised alot of good points about the wrongdoings of the church. I guess people of that time understood what he was saying. So they began to start calling him the "'Messaiah"". Which probably pissed off the church and raised alarm bells. The enemy probably could sense that his actions were steering black people away from the church. And were probably worried that his influence was taking away the income/money that keeps the black race enslaved by the church.
likman666 said:
He was definitely aware of Jews and their conspiracy that album " Killuminati" : The 7 day theory. Was a hint that he was aware,it's
probably what killed him. He was hinting to "Killuminati" ,the Ilumunati are Jews and their conspiracy,ex Mageson had written good articles on the Illuminati.....
I have done alot of research on the Illuminati. To understand who the Illuminati are and how they came about. You have to understand the Merovingian Dynasty from the beginning. Once you get to the root of that subject. You will be able to see a bigger picture thats been distorted by the jews for centuries. They began as a Aryan pagan bloodline. Which turned jewish through the Reign of Clovis 1. This is where the confusion of Illuminati being Satanic comes from. They were once Satanic but became a Jewish bloodline through infiltration of marriage. The Satanic and occult symbols you see in movies and music videos is a way that they communicate amongst each other. They use these occult knowledge to communicate in code. They hide behind this. And their Rituals they perform are Ancient Kabbalah. There is nothing Satanic about them. They believe because they have held this knowledge over time which gives them their power that they are above the Elite and the rulers of Nations. The rockerfellers and the Rothchilds that you here about all the time, Are below them and answer to them. Their main Goal was to introduce their own so called "Messaiah" to the world and enslave. But they need the main Religions to be Obedient to make that plan work. So it seems that they have gone with their next Agenda being biological warfare. Who knows?..They may still try and usher in their so called "messaiah" if their Covid19 plan fails. They fear an uprising from SATANS army and they know that their end is near through the Reversal of their so called Holybook. Rabbis have also stated this on record as fact. That is why its so important to do spiritual warfare everyday to undo all their Bindings and curses on humanity. Doing RTRS daily heavily reduces their power and they know this. They are desperate. This particular Bloodline/Families are the 1% hoarders of wealth. They own and run everything. All the heads of Governments, banking cartels, military forces, every single industry in the world.

Files released Thursday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the 1996 murder of rapper Tupac Shakur state that the star had received death threats from the Jewish Defense League, an organization that has been characterized as terrorist group.
Shakur was shot dead in Las Vegas in September 1996, in a murder case which remain unsolved.

"The JDL have been extorting money from various rap music stars via death threats," the FBI file on the case states. The report then goes on to describe how the group would make the death threats, and then call the rap star and offer protection for a fee.

According to the documents, Shakur was a victim of this scheme, as was another late rapper, Eazy-E.
Although the documents refer to the JDL extortion scheme, they don't make a direct connection between the group and the murder of Shakur.
The FBI files were released as part of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts.
The JDL was founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane, who once served in the Knesset, but whose party was later banned for its extreme right-wing beliefs, which included transferring Arabs out of Israel. Kahane was murdered in New York in 1990 by an Arab-American gunman.
Cowboy123 said:

Files released Thursday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the 1996 murder of rapper Tupac Shakur state that the star had received death threats from the Jewish Defense League, an organization that has been characterized as terrorist group.
Shakur was shot dead in Las Vegas in September 1996, in a murder case which remain unsolved.

"The JDL have been extorting money from various rap music stars via death threats," the FBI file on the case states. The report then goes on to describe how the group would make the death threats, and then call the rap star and offer protection for a fee.

According to the documents, Shakur was a victim of this scheme, as was another late rapper, Eazy-E.
Although the documents refer to the JDL extortion scheme, they don't make a direct connection between the group and the murder of Shakur.
The FBI files were released as part of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts.
The JDL was founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane, who once served in the Knesset, but whose party was later banned for its extreme right-wing beliefs, which included transferring Arabs out of Israel. Kahane was murdered in New York in 1990 by an Arab-American gunman.

Good to see you back Cowboy. Welcome back brother.
It's interesting what you've shared, because there's some truth in the whole thing you've just posted.
He has a lot of songs that are pagan/Satanic in spirit, but I've also found songs that are Christian in ideology.

So many tears
Lord knows
Only God Can Judge Me
All Eyez on Me

The titles speak for themselves!

In any case, the fact is that the enemy has very grossly distorted everything and the later albums have been Jewish produced. No tupac rapping on those albums.
I cannot believe this can be sold around amazon even. Heck, I am having fun reading this. It dresses up as xtianity to bring in something Pagan/Satanic, subverting people who read it from the kike bluprint which is the original bible. Is this guy a mad mastermind? :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
