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Keeping Promises To The Gods

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In another topic a long time ago, I have described about taking Oaths and under which circumstances Oaths should better take place; especially in circumstances where they must be done. In our society, we have these kinds of oaths and promises.

A promise in general relies mostly on your own personality, than an oath which is based on being sworn on something external. Of course, human beings take both lightly, thinking that neither matter in the present day and era. The reality however is that Oaths given in front of the Gods, from an astral standpoint, and from an immaterial standpoint, are literally you standing in from of the Deity and making a declaration.

This message here however will explain more about your promises to the Gods. A promise looks more like "Please do X for me, and I will do X for you, Father Satan, but help me on this topic", or simply when you are in deep prayer and you request their help, and it arrives. Oftentimes, one might not offer a thing, yet at other times, one might say something that they want to do in order to help things the Gods love, or for the JoS, or the common good.

Certain of us and especially as we advance, when we really start to comprehend the Gods, we understand that giving back or upholding promises is actually a very normal and very healthy way to exist, as it creates positive relationships based on progress and trust. These also progress us as individuals. We know this is how this beautiful path works.

And actually, we very much enjoy the opportunity to try to uphold these manners, as they give meaning to life and everyone here who does that and has felt the positive feedback from the Gods, they can understand how beautiful and irreplaceable this unimaginable reward really is. Yet, to understand this, it can take some time.

Further, there is also the situation where the Gods can literally watch over you, help you, or literally even save your life. You will KNOW it was something that intervened if this happens, especially in the face of impossible odds. In that case, one must have the reason to give back for what they have been given. I know I have been MANY times in this category. Yet that is another topic, it was important to mention that.

Many people in our family keep telling me, especially in dire cases, that they request help from the Gods, oftentimes telling them they will do certain things in exchange of that help. The Gods tend to always help people [they do their own end] and then it's up to the human being to do something in return.

Due to the weak memory of human beings and many rationalizing mechanisms, people don't really understand that these promises are as real as anything else and that they must be upheld. It also shows a good quality of a human being to follow with these promises, and these in the eyes of the Gods does build a relation of trust, which over time, is the basis of proceeding in building a soul the Gods want to work with, guide and help more readily.

The above is nothing new in existence as the very same reality of promises given. If you follow up, it's for your own good and to the good of your relationship to the Gods. If you don't follow up, you aren't building this trust. Further, the Gods don't "need" things from us, but they "need" from us to become good and properly grown human beings, which start representing better qualities in ourselves.

Years ago there was on SS girl that used to mail me, and used to tell me she wanted to get on an Ivy League university. The chances of this happening were extremely low, but the opportunity presented itself and then they did a Ritual to a God telling them they will do certain things in exchange to get into the Ivy League in the face of rather impossible circumstances. Eventually through a series of "weird" events, this happened, and they made it in.

They explicitly told me, boastfully too, what they "would do" if this was done back then, yet this didn't really sound like much but excitement at the time. More like a despairing call if anything.

Regardless, they knew the almost impossible event needed the hand of another being to happen, and it did happen. Yet when this happened arrogance and the feeling that "they did it" or that it happened "coincidentally" kicked in. Long story short that's a cover for laziness, ungreatfulness, and being foolish in life. Both of which are parallel to Satanism's only sin, which is stupidity.

Next thing that happened was that this person who was lukewarm and faithless to begin with, started to arrogantly believe that this was "them", or tried to say that it would happen "anyway" and other nonsense, which people know in themselves are lies but might insist on saying this in the attempt to not do something for those who do something for them.

I kept asking back then if they ever planned to do anything they said they would do, you know, just because for a token of appreciation. Normal things. I was always confronted with another excuse ranging from the weather to anything under the sun.

Eventually they did nothing. If I recall they then also left Satanism, to move forward in the life they considered that they "themselves" created.

If you expect that I write about some sort of punishment about the above from the Gods you are wrong. Our Gods in general only punish where it fits. They don't punish stupidity.

The above is utter stupidity, because in itself, this behavior is what causes issues of trust between one's self and the Gods, let alone does bad to one's future in general. This bad in itself is enough, and punishment is not the point I am trying to make here.

For example, if one had forward thinking, they would understand, that as they needed the Demonic Assistance in that circumstance now, they might need them again in the future.

Needless to say it should be obvious as to how the Gods might keep a person in the lower ranks of a hierarchy of care when they constantly behave in this manner. While the Gods can certainly grant help and miracles, the situation is, the most important level to be in, is on a level where you are loved and trusted by them. That's more important than any favor.

The analogy here is that one might be pleading for help from a billionaire, and then at one point they might get a loan. The loan will solve problems. But that doesn't mean you have built to where you are a head of bankers and have a masterful knowledge of wealth or anything like that.

Clearly, one of the way to proceed in the ranks higher is to actually pay a debt or a few, to gain understanding and then a pathway to a better position by getting positive attention to rise higher.

When you ask things from the Gods and you get them, and you know you must give something back, it's better that you should. As you advance there will be times you get certain things in this path without even really 'asking' for anything. Further, you will understand that certain things you might have asked also could have been bad or simply unfitting [this awareness will come as you seriously evolve] and you will find that the Gods have directed you to a higher understanding than what you have done.

All of the above matters, and the situation is to uphold promises one makes, so that one rises higher in the eyes of the Gods as much as one can.

By keeping our promises we only have very positive things to expect, we foster our relationship to the Gods, and we become higher in how we also see ourselves. That gratification is irreplaceable and builds a powerful self, upon which the Gods can build a better human being out of us all.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
thank you for the sermon and the reminder.

I hope the admin or HP rejects all my replies in one of the topics "lesser demons and deities" because after I read this sermon I felt that I was full of fire and light which resulted in me replying to comments with arrogance, pride and superiority. and I need to meditate to balance this so that it does not happen again. thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Further, you will understand that certain things you might have asked also could have been bad or simply unfitting [this awareness will come as you seriously evolve] and you will find that the Gods have directed you to a higher understanding than what you have done.

Many years ago, I performed a death spell on someone. Nailed a puppet and everything; did more than necessary. The extent of energy, focus and intent I spilled into it, overloaded it way beyond the possibility of failure, and it absolutely would have been 100% chance to succeed.

But "someone" intervened, and I knew it beyond a doubt.

Turns out the person I targeted, was to become someone of crucial, pivotal importance to my life for a long time to come, and their absence in my life would have destroyed it beyond imagination. The endless chain reaction it would have caused, I can see only now, many years later. Things would've went horribly for me, if that spell had gone through.

I'm still grateful the Gods nullified the energies I raised that day. Although maybe slightly different to the case in the original post, my experience has served me as a valuable example of how our desires can be blinded by emotions or level of understanding at the time, and that which we wish for might not actually be good for us...
I love this sermon, makes me feel good, and more connected to the gods.
I'm grateful that I have experienced the god's help and Satan's blessings, it is really amazing.
These ungrateful people especially towards the gods, makes me mad, and sad at the same time, how they can be this arrogant, stupid, and ignorant.
Great and interesting sermon :)

Hail Satan!
Any pledge to the Gods must be taken as seriously as a pledge to your own parents, or realistically, even moreso. The Gods created you and any higher order being - literally. You owe them reverence. Not out of fear or guilt, out of respect.

I needed the assistance of two Demons after seeing something undesirable on the horizon. They agreed they would help if I myself generated the proper energy to avert this for quite a long time. I gave them the promised energy EVERY DAY, WITHOUT FAIL. The thing did not happen.

There is no "I am too tired", "I'm bored", "too many rituals already" or "I went on a cruise and a hula girl is glued to my chest so I can't do it". You make the pledge, you do it. If you are tired or exhausted, raise energies with SATANAS or VUH-VOH-VAH.

Some get caught up in somehow not doing this out of fear and guilt. The Gods will not kill you for failing to honor a promise, the Gods are nothing like the nazarene piece of crap and its endless litany of threats, but you must understand they will be unimpressed. Just as your own mother would be unimpressed if she asked you to get milk and you just went out and did shots instead, or a commander on the battlefield would be unimpressed if you threw your gun into a ravine for no reason.

The only excuse is if one is too physically ill to do Magick (i.e. flu) or some extreme intimate emergency happens.

Another thing that has to be reckoned with is that type of ingratitude the Harvard girl exhibited. I've seen a number of people here who somehow come upon "new information", new circumstances in life mostly due to things hee and suddenly think they're better than the JoS, or better than the Gods, even. The Harvard girl probably came across a gaggle of kikes (Harvard is crawling with those) who wanted to be her best friend and promised her the whole nine yards. Much easier to become their plaything like Trump and many others than do hard work here.

Another example is someone who used to be here, she was a loser, yet she suddenly decided to sell weed as a legal business by using spells here, having moderate success. Then she came across some Black plug who made her 'feel good' and had his baby. Of course, months after giving birth, she wrote psychotic fuck Hitler, genderqueer children on hormones are good, pro-Antifa shit here, and blasphemed one of the Goddesses. Now she is back at square one and on EBTs.

The Gods didn't punish her, she just reverted back to the same fated stupidity she slightly crawled out of and then slid back into at double force. This is a punishment of nature. As we do more and more of the Gods Rituals and the FRTR's effects become obvious, the consequences of aberrant stupidity will also reveal themselves.
I thought of doing the ritual of a particular God for 40 days in exchange for his help.
Similar to a spiritual work, but with rituals of the Gods.

For example, I ask Valefor for help to cure a disease.
Obviously, for more serious illness, the working time is 80 days or more.

Can this work?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I've been so much blessed by Satan in my life, and in many occasions, that I feel like I can't even pay Him back in the entirety of this lifetime. Everyone who knows me personally knows how "lucky" I've been in my life and to find myself where I am right now, financially, and not only. But I know that it was never "luck", but our Almighty Father Satan.

I want to fix my lack of constancy in meditations, and become the best version of myself, more and more because I want to pay back and use the luxuries I've been gifted by Father, and not waste them like I've been doing for much of my life.

I feel like I'm on the right path, since when I've returned after my hiatus, and I'm more hopeful than ever.
But the path feels slippery, as if failure is just one wrong step away.
It's stressing, but I gotta stay careful to not fail.
This is too important.
This is everything.

"O Mighty Satan, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever." has never felt more literal. I've been reciting the Invocation to Satan quite often as of late. It makes me feel extremely good, although I'm kinda worried that maybe I'm doing it too much and maybe ""bothering"" (emphasis on the quote unquote) Him when not really needed. But I'm mostly sure that it's fine, as every time I've done it I've felt Father close.
I've been having "random" events happen to me too after doing some of the group rituals on here recently. Unlike your example person, after doing a ritual, I don't specify what I would do in return, I instead ask what They, the Gods, want in return. I'm usually told, "you're already doing what needs to be done." I was a bit confused before, but I'm beginning to understand why they say that.
Awesome sermon! I have always held promises close to heart because I always have strived to keep my promises. Yes we're human so it's not gonna be imperfect or without fault, but as long as in your heart your integrity remains, the promise should flow just as fast as the promised words did!

Ave Satanás
Ave Astarte
Ave Azazel
Last year I promised Lord Baalzebul that I would do something. In retrospect, because of my enthusiasm at the time, I promised more than I could actually deliver. It was supposed to happen by this year's Beltane, which didn't happen due to life circumstances, this situation made be very unhappy about it, because I understand the seriousness of these promises.

However, two months later, life took so many turns that I not only delivered what I had promised but also far exceeded it. So, in the end, everything turned out well, I believe.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Last year I promised Lord Baalzebul that I would do something. In retrospect, because of my enthusiasm at the time, I promised more than I could actually deliver. It was supposed to happen by this year's Beltane, which didn't happen due to life circumstances, this situation made be very unhappy about it, because I understand the seriousness of these promises.

However, two months later, life took so many turns that I not only delivered what I had promised but also far exceeded it. So, in the end, everything turned out well, I believe.

The Gods totally understand this. Since the task was done, then it was done, despite difficulties. Our timelines are drastically different. I don't think anyone has not done this at least once. This doesn't happen out of ill will or foolishness, but because humans cannot always see what things will happen. The Gods know this obviously, and they know what will and what can happen. So rest reassured things are well.

Rhoosychik said:
Awesome sermon! I have always held promises close to heart because I always have strived to keep my promises. Yes we're human so it's not gonna be imperfect or without fault, but as long as in your heart your integrity remains, the promise should flow just as fast as the promised words did!

Ave Satanás
Ave Astarte
Ave Azazel

Exactly. That's basically the point of it all.
Being close to the Gods and contributing to the things they care for will often result in getting looked after for sure in many different ways. Something recently occurred with my dad, whom I was worried was actually very ill. He got some results back that signaled the possibility of cancer. Days before a diagnostic procedure, I did the ritual to Valefor...apon taking my dad to his appointment i saw 666 on the way. And again on his discharge paperwork in the hospital. The results turned out to be benign. about two weeks before i had a dream that my dad was relieved and telling me that nothing was found.

I have also felt to have been looked after financially during a nasty Saturn transit that caused a temporary but annoying tight spot some months ago.

If you promise to do something do it and keep at it, as showing you care will have you cared for in return.
OhNoItsMook said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Further, you will understand that certain things you might have asked also could have been bad or simply unfitting [this awareness will come as you seriously evolve] and you will find that the Gods have directed you to a higher understanding than what you have done.

Many years ago, I performed a death spell on someone. Nailed a puppet and everything; did more than necessary. The extent of energy, focus and intent I spilled into it, overloaded it way beyond the possibility of failure, and it absolutely would have been 100% chance to succeed.

But "someone" intervened, and I knew it beyond a doubt.

Turns out the person I targeted, was to become someone of crucial, pivotal importance to my life for a long time to come, and their absence in my life would have destroyed it beyond imagination. The endless chain reaction it would have caused, I can see only now, many years later. Things would've went horribly for me, if that spell had gone through.

I'm still grateful the Gods nullified the energies I raised that day. Although maybe slightly different to the case in the original post, my experience has served me as a valuable example of how our desires can be blinded by emotions or level of understanding at the time, and that which we wish for might not actually be good for us...

Glad they stopped you, while I on the other hand successfully murdered some people and now I realized what better outcomes would have happened if only I had far more brain cells than I have. Some people really do have a chance and this is a path that I should have brought out of them. Besides, killing someone really left me with a horrible feeling, something I'd never go out of. I'd rather be granting death however to really vile individuals that don't serve any purpose to life so I have nothing to cry about. If another Joseph Stalin would exist then I'd be happy to cover him in gray energy.

I sometimes question myself if this is just like those dumb tv show tropes of letting someone live or giving mercy to someone because he has some chance or importance.

My guess is that this all has to do with keeping and preserving better pathways in life to reach success faster as they can really see all possibilities of those they care about and the world around them before they happen.

Either I am saying something right about why they do this or have I finally lost my sanity?
Last year i got dermatitis. I prayed to Abraxas for assistance to heal dermatitis. In 1 month i healed myself with Abraxas's assistance. I promised Him what i will do in exchange. I also promised Him one day i will ask Him to become my Guardian.

Hail Satan!
Hail Abraxas!
My boss used to tell us to never make promises we can't keep, to always work in a manner of honesty towards others and themselves.

When we makes oaths or promises, we should take the moment to deeply ponder upon ourselves on why we choose to make these, and those we make them to and how they mean to us.
Wildfire said:
OhNoItsMook said:

Glad they stopped you, while I on the other hand successfully murdered some people and now I realized what better outcomes would have happened if only I had far more brain cells than I have. Some people really do have a chance and this is a path that I should have brought out of them. Besides, killing someone really left me with a horrible feeling, something I'd never go out of. I'd rather be granting death however to really vile individuals that don't serve any purpose to life so I have nothing to cry about. If another Joseph Stalin would exist then I'd be happy to cover him in gray energy.

I sometimes question myself if this is just like those dumb tv show tropes of letting someone live or giving mercy to someone because he has some chance or importance.

My guess is that this all has to do with keeping and preserving better pathways in life to reach success faster as they can really see all possibilities of those they care about and the world around them before they happen.

Either I am saying something right about why they do this or have I finally lost my sanity?

I think you're totally correct to ponder upon this.

While there are indeed some cases that deserve the delivering of justice, sometimes in the form of ending the life of the target, most people generally either actually learn from their mistakes (rather rare, admittedly), or dig their own grave through the delusional path they choose for themselves.

That is why I've personally stopped putting effort into black magick upon a specific target, on top of the fact it costs too much energy that could instead be put into elevating our own lives beyond the reaches of any low-life out there that might've wronged us.

(Additional note: In very specific cases like in the assassination attempts upon HPS Maxine, some of the perpetrators DID die, die, without an additional "chance", so to speak, so even the Gods don't always leave certain people to life's hands in very certain contexts.
Reference: one of the cases from Jos Newsletter 2010 Sermons and Important Messages PDF, page 164)

But, again, this kind of situation is on a complete different level than, let's say, someone being retarded and simply ignorant, or exhibiting other forms of self-destructive behavior, like that of a race-mixer, drug user, or ungrateful taker like in the original post. As much as I personally would love to hit delete on many people I encounter daily, stupidity and actions resulting from it should be resolved through education, and technically doesn't deserve death straight. If they fail to learn, they simply doom themselves.

If anything, even I, myself, have performed certain actions in the past that I would now gladly hammer someone's skull in for if they did the same thing, but I managed to reinstate value to my life and consciousness, thanks to JoS and the Gods.


In general, life itself punishes stupidity sufficiently already, by suspending the individual to a worthless, depressingly stagnant level of existence. On top of that, this process will only repeat itself in the next one, until one breaks out of it through Satanic knowledge and evolution through meditation, empowerment, connecting with the Gods and increasing insight.

This is why for the most part, even if you bump the victim, they'll just live to commit the same ignorant actions again once they respawn.

It's also why I believe the strongest "oath" we can make to the Gods, is the real work and dedication we put into evolving ourselves in the likeness of that which they desire for humanity, and live up to the potential they know resides within our souls.

That said, the Dedication ritual, for the most part really actually means Dedicating your life to the development of your soul and building proper relationships with the Demons, the Gods of humanity.

In the case of the girl mentioned in the original post, she seemed to have failed to repay her part in the relationship, and the consequences of such choices in itself will suffice in making one suffer in life, eventually. As HPHC said, she even ended up leaving. Imagine tossing a life connected to literal Gods, for mere material pursuits that the same Gods helped one to obtain...

Anyway, stay strong, brother. It is an element of awareness to be able to slightly doubt oneself sometimes. You haven't lost your sanity, not nearly as much as in the case addressed in the original post.
Hi, thank you for this topic. I had a similar experience asking Satan and the gods. In the past months, I had a strong addiction to smoking, so that my daily consumption of cigarettes increased drastically, and I knew that this was harmful to my body and soul, but quitting it after a long time was a difficult task for me. One day when I was smoking in the yard of my house, I suddenly had an idea to ask Satan and Gods for help to quit smoking and lead a daily life without smoking. In my heart, I called the devil and the gods to help me, and in return I also do something for them and the progress of my soul. A few weeks later, I became so sick that I could not get out of bed! After a few days when I felt better, I wanted to smoke a cigarette even though I had no desire to do so. I lit the cigarette and wanted to smoke, but at the same moment I regretted it and threw the cigarette pack away. It's been a few months now that I quit smoking completely and suddenly, and I think I'll never smoke again. There has been a conflict in my personal life for some time that I could not fully fulfill my promise to the Satan and the gods. But I will come back and I keep my word. I had other experiences with the help of the Satan and the Gods who saved my life and guided me, and I am very grateful to the Satan and the Gods for this great love in my life.
Hail Satan :)
(and I'm Sorry for my bad English)
Hello, thank you for this topic. I had a similar experience asking Satan and the gods. In the past months, I had a strong addiction to smoking, so that my daily consumption of cigarettes increased drastically, and I knew that this was harmful to my body and soul, but quitting it after a long time was a difficult task for me. One day when I was smoking in the yard of my house, I suddenly had an idea to ask Satan and Gods for help to quit smoking and lead a daily life without smoking. In my heart, I called the devil and the gods to help me, and in return I also do something for them and the progress of my soul. A few weeks later, I became so sick that I could not get out of bed! After a few days when I felt better, I wanted to smoke a cigarette even though I had no desire to do so. I lit the cigarette and wanted to smoke, but at the same moment I regretted it and threw the cigarette pack away. It's been a few months now that I quit smoking completely and suddenly, and I think I'll never smoke again. There has been a conflict in my personal life for some time that I could not fully fulfill my promise to the Satan and the gods. But I will come back and I keep my word. I had other experiences with the help of the Satan and the Gods who saved my life and guided me, and I am very grateful to the Satan and the Gods for this great love in my life.
Hail Satan :)
(and I'm Sorry for my bad English)
Amir_Ss said:

Congratulations on quitting, brother, it is a wise decision. However, as a person who also quit, I will give you a warning. Sometimes, weeks or even months after you quit, you can get a sudden feeling of wanting to smoke just one. This may be because you will experience something you associate with smoking, for example, you will go to a café you used to smoke in, you will want to smoke while driving because you smoke while you drove a car, or perhaps you will hear a song you used to smoke to. Be very careful not to give in to it, because when you light just one, you can easily fall back into the cycle if you were heavily addicted. Good luck!
Can you explain more about promises?
Examples of promises ..
And thank you very much

Hail Satan forever
I have always prayed to the Gods to show me the path and the way to get what I want. Teaching me how to do it is the important thing, not that the Gods do it for me. Besides, if you don't stand on your own two feet, you'll never grow up! The Gods want us to be independent and strong and they are proud when we do things in our own strength.
OhNoItsMook said:
Wildfire said:
OhNoItsMook said:

Glad they stopped you, while I on the other hand successfully murdered some people and now I realized what better outcomes would have happened if only I had far more brain cells than I have. Some people really do have a chance and this is a path that I should have brought out of them. Besides, killing someone really left me with a horrible feeling, something I'd never go out of. I'd rather be granting death however to really vile individuals that don't serve any purpose to life so I have nothing to cry about. If another Joseph Stalin would exist then I'd be happy to cover him in gray energy.

I sometimes question myself if this is just like those dumb tv show tropes of letting someone live or giving mercy to someone because he has some chance or importance.

My guess is that this all has to do with keeping and preserving better pathways in life to reach success faster as they can really see all possibilities of those they care about and the world around them before they happen.

Either I am saying something right about why they do this or have I finally lost my sanity?

In the case of the girl mentioned in the original post, she seemed to have failed to repay her part in the relationship, and the consequences of such choices in itself will suffice in making one suffer in life, eventually. As HPHC said, she even ended up leaving. Imagine tossing a life connected to literal Gods, for mere material pursuits that the same Gods helped one to obtain...

Anyway, stay strong, brother. It is an element of awareness to be able to slightly doubt oneself sometimes. You haven't lost your sanity, not nearly as much as in the case addressed in the original post.

If I find myself becoming anything like that girl or the other Harvard one mentioned by Karnonnos, I'd literally shoot myself. Guess I'm going to need more than just RTR's once I'm in a college swimming with kikes just to be able to earn as a military CompSci guy, I'm going to have to start a serious party risking to be an outcast one more time or they all get cursed one by one, we have the tools to potentially take out even 100 people.

To me, this is going to be a spiritual shootout which my angry self always wished to always do but he's going to finally find the right time and place to start popping up curses/thoughtforms for this time ending all those reptilian fucks better than a deranged and costly synagogue *nerf gun party*.

I remembered this book about an individual who inquired a master alchemist when he discovered this alchemical manuscript hidden in a book at a library he worked at. They both begin experimenting with it until they make a breakthrough discovery, they both make a vow of sworn secrecy.

A year later, the two meet again for dinner to talk about what they had witnessed. The man announces his conviction that he could not longer keep what he saw a secret, that he was doing his own experiments but to no avail. Believing that if he could have done it once, that he could do it again, unaware of the more complicated processes under the hand of the master alchemist. The master alchemist reminded him that he was dealing with powers that would "never forgive a broken vow", that while the knowledge may yield profitability, as he had suspected of the man prior, he could be responsible for cataclysms that can destroy the entire planet.

It was something about the experiment being useless in itself, but about pointing to a certain manipulation of matter that could be exploited under selfish eyes with unpredictable results. That it was only meant for temple knowledge and not for the unenlightened mass. There was also something implied about the "inner workings".

The master alchemist noticed days after their meeting, when the man announced his conviction, that his body was deteriorating, to the point he was complaining about circulatory problems. The man writes to the alchemists his plans for a scheduled meeting with a group of people, in which he was going to reveal everything. He comes to his apartment, to find the man almost a withering corpse, they notion a pile of papers, the one which he had stolen, that it now belonged to the alchemist and for no one else. They were dead the next morning.

I don't think we'll ever get to see the day when the full instructions of the magnum opus will be made public. :D

Anyway, we should respect our vows and honor them. The path of Satanism is not only upon building ourselves, but our relationships to the gods as well. Our dedication, commitment and worthiness will be taken account. The more serious the vows, the more serious the consequences of breaking them. At some point, there may not even be a chance for amends.

But there was one thing I read from someone who looked at his demise philosophically, that as soon they had convicted to break the vow of secrecy, that his own body was starting to work against him. Which got me thinking that it could perhaps pertain to the kundalini itself?

Vows are also deeply tied to our conciousness, to take them for granted is to also take ourselves for granted as well. It will never end well in the long run.
I saw Father Satan , once again , wow but this time it was more real and I literally even saw him this time.

First time it did it when I was 7 and I had gave up upon hope and life, beside I had the enemies on my ass as well, I couldn't literally bare it anymore, the fear, the loneliness , I was helpless and without anything to fight the enemies.

Okay back to the present.
In my past years as a spiritual Satanist , I've done the ritual when I was I think 14 about that. But I always had been what I am , I just didn't knew more about this until Father Satan first showed up. But literally even when I heard his name for the first time, and that's when I was very young, when I've heard it , people were talking bad about him and they were saying his name in the wrong way like they always done but myself, when I first heard it I had a different feeling , I felt a nostalgia , a peace , harmony.

So back to it:
In my past years 6 or it could be a bit more I had just quit , but I did not quit what I am or or leave Father Satan and the Gods I've just wondered alone , doing meaningless things in existence. I even ask HP Maxine about my first experience and She did confirmed it was Him who showed to me first time.

Because I haven't done anything , I think I even asked the Gods to leave me a bit alone , meaning I wanted to take and bare everything in life by myself, to see how it would be without any help without anyone , I don't know why I've asked that but even so, I was upset and devastated even now. I am still, and sometimes I have moments where I literally thing I'm gonna lose it , no prison is more prison then the one where your own mind becomes your literally prison.

Because of my circumstances in life I just couldn't meditate , I had no home to live in and even with a place to live in I had no intimacy's, when I was indeed seriously and constantly meditating I could and I HAVE done things that are let's just say hard to explain with words.

Father Satan and the Gods has been nothing more then the most amazing ,benevolent , indulgent and many more things for me. In moments of despair I admit , I had been helped. In moments when I settle deals , they did respected theirs 100%.

The problem in the present moment is that I never left them and I will never leave especially with my own heart. Father Satan beside the fact he created me, he saved me in this life and listen, bein real and honest it was more then once.

The thing with me Is that I had a long fall which I'm still trying to deal with, I eventually started to get a lot of anti depressive pills and everything in regard to help me with my own mind, basically to fool myself. Using shortcuts to a very deep wound which will only help for the moment with vast damages. But I could not respect my words, I did said I will do what I promised when I will can and this "when I willl can" it become years now . Beside that I promised that I will never use X lets say alchool in this case and if I will ever will do use it again ,I asked Father Satan to banish me from the brotherhood and exclude me entirely as I , did been nothing more then a lier.

The thing is It wasn't a lie ,I just lost the hope and desire to just go on and progress , I was saying to myself even If I become lets say FOREVER , so what? A Forever of extra despair ? This is more because of my Pluto conjuncting my natal Netpune and other stuff which I'm not getting into this but I was a bit lets say in "my world" but I was awake so this happened on the psychically plane of life, while beein aware and concious , not sleeping.

I had two candles in my back , perfumed ones, they smell nice. They were behind me and I was sitting on the chair and next to my monitor I had a bag of crisp open, the light reflected in this bag and some lines and 'things' started to form a something , then it was a face which was like a drawed face, it looked like He just come from a War or something , a face of a warrior , then his one of his eye showed up and then both but the moment his Eye first showed up which was only the eye , the moment I looked in his Eye I literally felt like a connection ,instantly and then I showed his whole face , it was Father Satan. My first reaction was : Wow... I was speechless I just sited in my chair with my eyes closed but nothing else happened.

I think he was just saying Hello and the fact he is still with me. I didn't felt him being angry or upset on me because I couldn't had yet respect my deals and he didn't seem upset that I broke my oath's . I think Father Satan it's just.. inexplicable in any language on this earth. I started to feel more stable and my hope is getting back to me , it's like life itself started once again pouring trough my veins.

I just wanted to share all of this for people who are in the similar situations and they are looking for answers in this kind of matters. The moment Father Satan showed up to me it was when I was looking on this forum , after a while , because I haven't visited as much as before since I haven't meditated.

Father Satan and our Gods have such ways of working it's unbelievable but in the same time you truly know it's actually true , real and happening until it actually happens.

They helped me so many times ,I have so many memories It will take me a lot of time to say them all and many could not even believe and comprehend that our Gods are Real and more powerful then any human being can even imagine , no matter how "strong" this person might think it is.

I am blessed and proud to be alive and share same blood and soul trough them ,with them, to be part of the family.
I am just truly sorry I upset them so much with my fallings and my silly mistakes in life and that's like a deep venom poison which goes trough my soul/mind.

What do you guys think ? What would you advise?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
