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The Muslim Koran, is full of the stories of the Torah and Judeo-Christian bible this includes the fictional character Jesus. Mohammed was a Jewish character and first stated to be the Messiah of the Jews. This all creates the sympathetic connection into the enemy thought form of the Jews. The mystical systems of Islam are all designed to connect into specific passages of the Koran. This also involves the Arabic letters many which are Hebrew letters as well. Each letter or series of letters connects to a passage, Jewish character and such in the Koran. This includes the 99 names of Allah which are within the Koran and Hadith, that Muslim's pray on their rosaries which have the 99 beads for each name and forming the underlying basis of Islamic mystical practices. Each Muslim must make the trip to Mecca at least once in their life time. In which they must visit the Kaba, the cube and walk around it counter-clockwise seven times while offering prayer. This ritual also includes the ritual slaughter of animals, and the stoning of the Devil when they throw rocks at three pillar's denoting the Devil. The Kaba is stated to have been built by the Jewish prophet Abraham thus creating a further tie into the enemy thought form with the cube. This ritual is designed to raise negative energy from ritual murders of animals and the prayers into the enemy thought form that connect with all this, while attempting to curse and bind our Gods. The three pillar's are due to the number three being of materialization of energy.

The cube is the shape of the element of earth in sacred geometry all Muslim's perform stolen yogic postures on their prayer mat, five times a day on the solar power points and then direct this energy towards Mecca to the cube. The reason for this is the cube materializes energy from the astral which the mental aspect is connected to and exists within. And brings this energy into the material world from the astral. The Jews wear the Tefillin box which is designed to look like the cube at Mecca as Rabbi's state and they tie the straps for this seven times on their arm in the same direction the Muslim's circle the cube. This creates a sympathetic tie into this Muslim ritual and connects the energies in the astral to bring them into the material world. The black cube of the Jewish Tefillin relates to the Shema prayer which is a formula to materialize the enemy thought form.

The Hindu temple in the east is built around the cube as the center. Of which they built the Meru or cone shaped tower over. To act as a pyramid structure to create a cone of energy from the astral with this geometric shape into which the cube in the center the energy materializes. All the Hindu rituals are done within this cube by the priests and facing towards the cube by the other participants. This materializes the energy of the rituals into the world. People who visit these ancient Hindu temples mention you can place your hand on the walls and feel the stones vibrating with energy. This is because they are infused with the energy from the astral of the geometric shape that forms the center of the temple and the collective psychic power of centuries of the rituals within them.

The Mosques traditionally are the central dome which is a cone of power, a pyramid shape this is to bring in astral energy and infuse this into the power of the rituals being performed five times a day within them. The towers on the corners act as obelisks which transmit energy out of the earth and direct them from the energies of the four directions into the dome and charge the ritual further. This energy is together directed towards the cube at Mecca.
Imagine if every dedicated satanist gave energy to the gods, and for our cause, 5 times a day...

Thanks for this posting.
I do a lot of that and every time I do I see a golden serpent ascend around me,a sign that I should go under my base chakra and guide it up out of my crown.I cannot offer energies until my body has adapted to the life force,only then .I have tried over and over to push myself into offering but i feel like am stopped.
What’s Inside Kaaba ? Open your eyes ! See the Truth ! Dont Miss...

Khana Kaba is Holly place for Muslims. It is also called Baitullah Sharif (House of Allah), Masjid Al Haram, Qibla and Haram Sharif. Khana Kaba is located in Mecca which is the most important city of Saudi Arabia. The Muslims of the all the world bow in front of Khana Kaba to perform prayers and it doesn’t matter where they are in the world. In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Kind Lots of people have wrong information about what’s inside Kaaba ! Even Lots of muslims don’t have any Idea about kaaba…….

So Open your eyes ! See the Truth !

Kaaba gates are opened 2 times in a year for cleaning purpose.1st time before Ramadan and 2nd time Before Hajj.

What is inside the Kaaba ?

The president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) had the opportunity to go inside the Kaaba in 1998. He describes the following features:

  • there are three pillars inside (others report 3 pillars)
  • there is a table on the side to put items like perfume
  • there are two lantern-type lamps hanging from the ceiling
  • the space can accommodate about 50 people
  • there are no electric lights inside
  • the walls and floors are of marble
  • there are no windows inside
  • there is only one door
  • the upper inside walls of the Kaaba were covered with some kind of curtain with the Kalima written on it.

Selected comments -

Francis Marcel Vos
2 months ago
On .48 of this video, Hebrew letters appear: ישרא המקום הזה (he will honnor this place) This seems to have been a synagogue.

Noah ben moshe
2 months ago
Wow I didn’t know that It’s written in Hebrew language on the wall All I saw two words I could read this Is amazing במקום הזה or המקום הזה , Maybe the Saudi’s are one of The 12 tribes of Israel

mosh georgei
4 months ago
There are Hebrew words written on a "parochet" and its looks exactly like "aron hakodesh" that u can find in every sinagog around the world.

Android as Easy
1 month ago
Is there are 2 doors inside Kaabah??. Not 1.
Wrong information.
Hebrew writing on the wall of Kaabah??

Simon Jay
10 months ago
This is a false video!! 0:48 is a Hebrew writing on the wall??? Clearly, this video is misleading and I should've known, when the voice-over guy sounds like computerized Stephen Hawking, the publisher must have a hidden agenda! I'll give 1000,000,000,000thumbs down if I can.

gaming and toys world
2 months ago
The real God is Allah this is not a shiva or Hindu temple because every year the king of the Arabia goes inside it to examine it and there's no sign in it that declares it is a shiva or Hindu temple

Jonathan Joestar
9 months ago
this is suck. i already knew what inside ka'bah , but my believe to Allah SWT not faltering at all.so what you expect?

Green TwoStay
7 months ago
Frame 1:24 Hebrew letters at bottom of screen appears to be the Tetragrammaton (God's name in Hebrew)?...

a b
1 month ago
table is in the middle, looks like an alter to me, three pillars one to the moon Isis, one to the sun Ra, and one to the planet Saturn El, repackaged zionism

Ric Jelfs
2 months ago
Are you sure that the images are all taken inside the Kaaba? I clearly saw Hebrew/Jewish writing in one of the images.

Jihad Bunnydick
2 months ago
All freemason symbology in that box. From the 3 pillars to the golden plaque of Saturn..
Coincidentally, the North Pole of Saturn has a storm, in the shape of an eye

sahabat gua
sahabat gua
7 months ago
false pic included to give wrong message about kaabah.

Muhammad Abd
7 months ago
For your info 10 to 15 times a yaer they will open the kaabah for various purposes....i work there..and i know better

Nilla my
6 months ago
such a great lie kaba is hindu temple,it just a few same of it

Maw 3615054
8 months ago
At 0:45 the Hebrew inscription on the wall says :"נורא המקום הזה".. Translated ="This place is an awe inspiring place".. How did this Hebrew inscription get there??!?

4 months ago
3 pillars. Allut manat alluzza. Or pyramids 3 in Egypt

I also found these -
The situation's reality is all there really is to do that matters is Satanism. People make this mistake of thinking they should do all this other stuff in life, that in many cases amounts to novelty seeking. And they don't understand they are on a planet that is under attack and is having a nightmare world government built around them by enemy aliens and billions of fools who are creating a program of death and slavery by connecting into these occult political programs of the enemy and manifesting them into reality.

If we don't win, nobody will have a future. Its that simple. What are you coming back to if you have to reincarnate. The borg cube world. What will happen to your soul after numerous reincarnations onto a planet with no spiritual practices and having yourself saturated with enemy curses engraved upon your soul.

Not only will you physically die, but your soul will also have what happen to it...

Satanism is Life, literally.
The Arabs, who are otherwise known for their brutal power in the sense of anger that when one triggers, it will be difficult to avoid the consequences for him/her, are descendants of ancient Gentile peoples.

Islam is based upon destruction of Zoroastrianism, a monotheistic pre-Islamic religion of ancient Persia founded by Zoroaster in the 6th century bc.

"Aryan invaders of the second century B.C. established Zoroastrianism as the dominant religion in the area, lending the people their distinctive ethnic heritage as well as their name." - from Jewkipedia

Now, the Jews have made rabbi Muhammad in order to take control over a certain group of people in power.

Muhammad is a copy of Jesus, created to islamize everything that Judeo / Christianity created with jewsus.

For example ; Gabriel-Jibrail [or I don't really know because there are different types of translations, and I actually don't care for this piece of shit], bitch Mary was introduced as Merjam or Majram .. and basically they took everything from that shitty program and have packed it for Pre-Islamic Arab people. After they took control islam was a weapon of aggression and terrifying army which killed as much Pagans as the Inquisition itself. They ware the ones who installed Islam in Ancient Egypt, destroying everything spiritual in it by another of their parasitic prophet called Jusuf, which was another islamized Judeo/Christian character, who was claimed to be sent by god and Fuckbriel to show Egyptian people their true God, in that tale, last worshipers of Amon Ra destroyed their Temple and turned it in the Mosque when Jusuf finally mind-owned them [here we can see that it was just Judeo/Christianity in a form of Islam] Islam has left enormous scars in big nations and now it's currently running to islamize whole Europe.

There are still nations and maybe Europe itself who are currently in Dark Ages of Islam.

Now, for all those who are interested in exposing of Islam along with Zildar Raasi's website, there is one youtube channel called "Apostate Prophet" .. BUT I want to emphasize some things .. he is "Atheist" in a form of loving all religions except Islam, which he hates because it destroyed his life... as he said

As Maxine emphasized with many corrupted books, it should be looked by Satanic Eyes, watched on Satanic Way.
There is a very good number of videos that ruin a lot of things in Islam, exposing them maximally.

So, as important as deprogramming from Christianity, it is so important to deprogram from Islam for those who ware muslims, because Islam leaves very deep mental consequences and literal sickness .. same as all those mind controlling programs.

I love what Maxine said about this program

As for Islam, Azazel told me, the RTRs made so much impact, Islam will more than likely collapse on its own. There will be seriously frightening and terrifying times coming. Know that those of us who agree with Satan and are dedicated to Him will have His protection.

This box has hebrew blessings in it. It is supposed to mimic a spiritual structure, but all it is is a charging station and focal point, and nothing else.
HPS Shannon said:
Imagine if every dedicated satanist gave energy to the gods, and for our cause, 5 times a day...

Thanks for this posting.

5 is a special number. I knew this was important somehow still dont quite understand it if you can do the final rtr about that many times a day if you are doing less try for it. I wont offer the Gods energy of my own until I can see them i dont think cause I dont want it stolen by the enemy I read a lot of things about this happening recently. I did used to pray and ask them to take excess energy from me but I dont know now whether that was dumb or not. I will be glad to offer energy to them when I can see and hear them.

I think though people should be reminded of how the Muslims do this from time to time. I was aware of this for awhile. Even though they are forced to in their own mind programming and by social circumstances it still goes to show if we have this kind of dedication we could win very quickly. They do it and they waste their whole lives on lies. I mean even if you do like netflix you can do the final rtr on the phone while watching it or meditate no excuse to be lazy.

Hail Satan
So if I had a stone cube, or even a cube shaped box, and I focussed on it while doing a spell or ritual, would this help improve the manifestation of said spell? And if so, what about an inverted crucifix, since the cross is an unfolded cube?
for people who lives in middle east How can they do ritual against koran
and stop the negative energy, in middle east you listen to islamic prayer in loud
five times which is very horrible.
HP Mageson666 said:
The situation's reality is all there really is to do that matters is Satanism. People make this mistake of thinking they should do all this other stuff in life, that in many cases amounts to novelty seeking. And they don't understand they are on a planet that is under attack and is having a nightmare world government built around them by enemy aliens and billions of fools who are creating a program of death and slavery by connecting into these occult political programs of the enemy and manifesting them into reality.

If we don't win, nobody will have a future. Its that simple. What are you coming back to if you have to reincarnate. The borg cube world. What will happen to your soul after numerous reincarnations onto a planet with no spiritual practices and having yourself saturated with enemy curses engraved upon your soul.

Not only will you physically die, but your soul will also have what happen to it...

Satanism is Life, literally.

You are absolutely correct. The Arab sensibility that you mention is actually s very important part of all this. As you say, Islam is meant to destroy Zoroastrianism, but not just that. It is meant to destroy ALL non jewish religion in the region. The religion of Islam is Judaism, but tailored to the Arab ideals of conquest.

Christianity it the same thing as Islam, except it is tailored to European individuality. It's purpose was to destroy the Roman religion and replace it with a form of Judaism. The war between Rome and the North wasn't just about territory. It was a war against the tyrannical death cult introduced by Josephus.
Consider too, that all of the ancient pyramids of egypt contained a black granite box. Idiotic egyptologists think that these are coffins, despite never finding any human remains in a single pyramid.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
