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Just talk to Satan

Everyday when I wake up, get back from school, and before I got to sleep, I talk to Father Satan. Ever since I started doing this, I have felt happier, stronger, and just overall better than I was before I discovered Satanism. I can't perform any rituals, since I am in a Christian Group Home and my Parents are christian, but I still try to keep a good relationship up with Him. Father Satan has improved my life so much since I discovered His Truth in 2019.
Do you think that Satan could ever forgive me? I made a lot of mistakes without even realizing it or realizing it. I misunderstood Satanism. Only now do I understand how things are, is it too late? Are my mistakes unforgivable? Don't I have another chance? Talk to him? A wonderful thought, but I'm too ashamed of who I am. Will I always stay out? Don't I have another chance?
Satnam666 said:
Satnam666 said:
I just talk to satan, an when some would tell me Satan is busy and don't bother him,I would ignore them because,never know it might be a reptile trying to pose as a Gentile ( oy vey goyims I meanses nots contact Satan he bes busy goyims)

Anyway thank father Satan for being there

An to the reptilian jews why all the fear in preventing us from making contact with Satan, do you fear he's a real God, but that can't be true could it?
I meant those on the forums, who would tell people not to contact Satan cause he's busy, but my statement is the same never know if a reptilian jews might try an pose as a ss an tell you not to contact Satan,that's why I ignored post like that,an contacted Satan anyway

I also said things like that but not because I was an reptilian but that's how some made me believe, that's how I was made to believe
CandiceLee1313 said:
Maybe if I quit posting! And didn't say anything! Perhaps people would be much happier. :oops: And I will.. just find something else better to do.. And if I am still a member? On here and still one of the group? Ater I post this OPEN MIND!!# 😠 I will just keep my mouth shut from herd on out. 🙏 And Just read. And practice other thing's. And stay out of everyone's way. :) 🙏💖 Have a nice Day!!! Open mind... Hail Satan !!!

Bruh, we just wanted you to post in separate sentences so it's easier to read. You're not getting piked or anything.
CandiceLee1313 said:
Maybe if I quit posting! And didn't say anything! Perhaps people would be much happier. :oops: And I will.. just find something else better to do.. And if I am still a member? On here and still one of the group? Ater I post this OPEN MIND!!# 😠 I will just keep my mouth shut from herd on out. 🙏 And Just read. And practice other thing's. And stay out of everyone's way. :) 🙏💖 Have a nice Day!!! Open mind... Hail Satan !!!

*in paragraphs
Florina 22 said:
Do you think that Satan could ever forgive me? I made a lot of mistakes without even realizing it or realizing it. I misunderstood Satanism. Only now do I understand how things are, is it too late? Are my mistakes unforgivable? Don't I have another chance? Talk to him? A wonderful thought, but I'm too ashamed of who I am. Will I always stay out? Don't I have another chance?
Satan is not a fake god who whips us to submission for mistakes unlike the abrahamic so called gods. This is a path of growing and evolution. The price to pay for mistakes or stupidity are setbacks and such. So, do not worry. Lift you chin up, and keep learning.
I did the dedication some years ago. And then I stopped for some time but still kept up with spirituality in some manner things in life just happened and I became a young father, I'm not sure what to do anymore?
Empowerment666 said:
I did the dedication some years ago. And then I stopped for some time but still kept up with spirituality in some manner things in life just happened and I became a young father, I'm not sure what to do anymore?
Consider continuing from where you left off. Start basic meditation program, do yoga every day, and spiritual warfare. Things like that.
Empowerment666 said:
I did the dedication some years ago. And then I stopped for some time but still kept up with spirituality in some manner things in life just happened and I became a young father, I'm not sure what to do anymore?
Wildfire said:
CandiceLee1313 said:
Maybe if I quit posting! And didn't say anything! Perhaps people would be much happier. :oops: And I will.. just find something else better to do.. And if I am still a member? On here and still one of the group? Ater I post this OPEN MIND!!# 😠 I will just keep my mouth shut from herd on out. 🙏 And Just read. And practice other thing's. And stay out of everyone's way. :) 🙏💖 Have a nice Day!!! Open mind... Hail Satan !!!

Bruh, we just wanted you to post in separate sentences so it's easier to read. You're not getting piked or anything.
I've found myself coming back to this original post a couple times and now it's really sinking in for me. Thank you for the help!!!

I just recently had moments of feeling overwhelmed by my own thoughts and stuck in 4D world. Problems then manifested on top of this whereby I felt as though a xianist in my life was treating me like a child for no good reason. During this brief confrontation I expressed my feelings in a voice of disbelief and frustration, which ended in my hate-filled acceptance of their position toward me as I decided to push no further.

Soon after I got to a point that I felt trapped, where I couldn't feel anything but emptiness. My aura was completely drained and I knew I had to overcome that feeling of hopelessness somehow yet it felt like trying to lift a monumental weight. I was thinking of just sulking in my bed in solitude until falling asleep.

I knew these thoughts were silly - there are people with far worse problems than my own, starving people even. The mere sole cause of this was a feedback loop of perpetual sadness and self-loathing that I created.

I barely thought Satan's name (almost as a pitiful way of asking "what should I do?")
Instantly I could feel him behind me. I remember thinking how silly it would be to bother Satan for something so trivial yet he wouldn't leave my side. I half-heartedly allowed him to step in while at the same time feeling apologetic and incessantly resenting myself. Very strangely my depression vanished like it wasn't even there.

Right now (as I type this) he has literally brought me to tears this time upon reflection and feeling his full presence and his love.

I now realize the problem we often face as Satanists. We think that we have to constantly be strong and never rely on him for emotional/spiritual support. However, if the going gets tough he's right there eagerly wanting to step in. I knew this in that moment unequivocally and unquestionably.

I've been using a mantra almost like a tick before this experience, "hail Satan", but only during the good times. I realized one remarkable thing:

We can connect to him far more frequently and powerfully than the xianists do with their parasite yhvh and jesus-borg. Don't let your contempt of the Christian religion cause you to deprive yourself of his love. The key difference here is we don't beg or plead for things constantly. Instead, we seek a synergistic approach. He's constantly with us, bolstering and helping guide us at all times.

If you ever feel like you're in a self-induced crisis don't hesitate. I implore you readers out there to accept him fully. You will literally be born anew and this is no joke or cliche. Thanks again for this post and sorry for the tear-jerker (pun intended). :D

I look forward to reading everyone else's inputs. How foolish it was of me to not do so sooner. Thanks everybody for being a part of this amazing family!

Hail Satan!
I hope this is all so true and I can achieve a good level relationship with Satan himself.

In the end, faith takes courage, sustain, and progress shall be made, at least that's how I feel.

Obviously I should stop whining all the time to him about how my life got ruined cause "this, that, attack, etc."
but in the end, this whole life is about creating an effortless life for us with living near the gods so I don't see why I shouldn't be honest with my feelings whenever I want to reach out to our Father (or any of the other Gods/Goddesses).

As long as intentions are pure in life is how I see it
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
HPS Maxine has stated , Satan only assists his closest friends and confidents.

He will hear you however and that's one of the reasons people Dedicate to Father Satan. That's how the bond and relationship is built. Refer to my reply above about managing expectations.

For most things, your Guardian Demon that is assigned on you will be there to assist you and teach you on a personal basis, and that is why they are assigned on all SS.

I know you know, just answering for new readers and other people who might not know.

If we're not gay, can we still have same-sex guards?
Kebabguy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
HPS Maxine has stated , Satan only assists his closest friends and confidents.

He will hear you however and that's one of the reasons people Dedicate to Father Satan. That's how the bond and relationship is built. Refer to my reply above about managing expectations.

For most things, your Guardian Demon that is assigned on you will be there to assist you and teach you on a personal basis, and that is why they are assigned on all SS.

I know you know, just answering for new readers and other people who might not know.

If we're not gay, can we still have same-sex guards?
Yes, we can.
Jihiji12 said:
I've seen other SS post quite a few times, and experienced the feeling myself, that I shouldn't 'bother' Satan with a problem I wanted to vent or with talking to him in general

I don't want to put words in his mouth, but from recent experiences i can pretty confidently say this is false and you should never feel this way.

Satan is never 'too busy' or 'bothered' by a dedicated SS speaking with him. In fact, from the push I've got to post this I'd say he wants to hear more from us

Father Satan loves us immensely and you can feel this when you speak with him. Words really cant describe just how positive and caring his energy feels. Don't restrain yourself from feeling this love because of some insecurities or whatever your reason may be.

There have been times where I've been absolutely fuming and almost instantly after venting with Satan i felt so much better, theres been times I've cried to him, and times I've talked to him just to talk. I've never once got the feeling that he didnt want to hear it, quite the opposite in fact.

Also for things you wish you could speak with other SS about, maybe you're excited you made a breakthrough lets say and wish you had a friend to talk to about it or youre debating something deep in your head and want to vent it out. Talk to Satan, I'm sure he would love to hear it

You're never alone as an SS. You never have 'nobody to talk to' or 'nobody who cares. You have Satan and you always will.

Im sure i haven't articulated this as well as i wanted, but regardless, i hope the message gets across and helps someone. Its really mentally and emotionally freeing to have someone who is always there to listen and who actually cares, and you shouldnt push that away
I need to get into meditation… that being said.. one time I talked with satan and I believe I’m here to mediate satan and jahova. They’re both interesting beings whom I get along with… (even if I practice satanic rituals).. you would say I’m unbiased… any possibility of reunion of satan and jahova?
Kebabguy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
HPS Maxine has stated , Satan only assists his closest friends and confidents.

He will hear you however and that's one of the reasons people Dedicate to Father Satan. That's how the bond and relationship is built. Refer to my reply above about managing expectations.

For most things, your Guardian Demon that is assigned on you will be there to assist you and teach you on a personal basis, and that is why they are assigned on all SS.

I know you know, just answering for new readers and other people who might not know.

If we're not gay, can we still have same-sex guards?

Guardian assignment is not based on sexual preferences, but on your overall growth needs, apparently.
956GOD said:
Jihiji12 said:
I've seen other SS post quite a few times, and experienced the feeling myself, that I shouldn't 'bother' Satan with a problem I wanted to vent or with talking to him in general

I don't want to put words in his mouth, but from recent experiences i can pretty confidently say this is false and you should never feel this way.

Satan is never 'too busy' or 'bothered' by a dedicated SS speaking with him. In fact, from the push I've got to post this I'd say he wants to hear more from us

Father Satan loves us immensely and you can feel this when you speak with him. Words really cant describe just how positive and caring his energy feels. Don't restrain yourself from feeling this love because of some insecurities or whatever your reason may be.

There have been times where I've been absolutely fuming and almost instantly after venting with Satan i felt so much better, theres been times I've cried to him, and times I've talked to him just to talk. I've never once got the feeling that he didnt want to hear it, quite the opposite in fact.

Also for things you wish you could speak with other SS about, maybe you're excited you made a breakthrough lets say and wish you had a friend to talk to about it or youre debating something deep in your head and want to vent it out. Talk to Satan, I'm sure he would love to hear it

You're never alone as an SS. You never have 'nobody to talk to' or 'nobody who cares. You have Satan and you always will.

Im sure i haven't articulated this as well as i wanted, but regardless, i hope the message gets across and helps someone. Its really mentally and emotionally freeing to have someone who is always there to listen and who actually cares, and you shouldnt push that away
I need to get into meditation… that being said.. one time I talked with satan and I believe I’m here to mediate satan and jahova. They’re both interesting beings whom I get along with… (even if I practice satanic rituals).. you would say I’m unbiased… any possibility of reunion of satan and jahova?

JHVH or "Jehovah" is a form of jewish magic based on the elements designed to curse us and our Gods, "Jehova" is not a being its a thoughtform created to give jews/greys/reptilians more power.

They infiltrate planets, replace their spirituality with lies, and trick beings into accepting being complacent and taking orders through fear. They mindlessly give thought energy to this thoughtform to avoid punishment, and it degenerates their souls in the process and lowers their consciousness.

Then once they're fully enslaved theyre microchipped and borged to create a "farm" of energy to feed the thoughtform further, have disposable cattle to do their dirty work to help them continue to do this to others.

"Jehova" and the beings behind it are everything Satan stands against. Satan stands for freedom, and created us to be totally free in every way. We actively reverse this jewish creation everyday and its expected of us by Satan to do so

Concerning spiritual warfare: https://www.joyofsatan.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Concerning_Spiritual_Warfare.html

RTR: https://satanisgod.org/search2.php?x=0&y=0&query=final+rtr

There can never be a "reunion" as Jehova never existed and never will, its all carefully crafted lies.

For further study on xianity and its "god":

Jihiji12 said:
956GOD said:
Jihiji12 said:
I've seen other SS post quite a few times, and experienced the feeling myself, that I shouldn't 'bother' Satan with a problem I wanted to vent or with talking to him in general

I don't want to put words in his mouth, but from recent experiences i can pretty confidently say this is false and you should never feel this way.

Satan is never 'too busy' or 'bothered' by a dedicated SS speaking with him. In fact, from the push I've got to post this I'd say he wants to hear more from us

Father Satan loves us immensely and you can feel this when you speak with him. Words really cant describe just how positive and caring his energy feels. Don't restrain yourself from feeling this love because of some insecurities or whatever your reason may be.

There have been times where I've been absolutely fuming and almost instantly after venting with Satan i felt so much better, theres been times I've cried to him, and times I've talked to him just to talk. I've never once got the feeling that he didnt want to hear it, quite the opposite in fact.

Also for things you wish you could speak with other SS about, maybe you're excited you made a breakthrough lets say and wish you had a friend to talk to about it or youre debating something deep in your head and want to vent it out. Talk to Satan, I'm sure he would love to hear it

You're never alone as an SS. You never have 'nobody to talk to' or 'nobody who cares. You have Satan and you always will.

Im sure i haven't articulated this as well as i wanted, but regardless, i hope the message gets across and helps someone. Its really mentally and emotionally freeing to have someone who is always there to listen and who actually cares, and you shouldnt push that away
I need to get into meditation… that being said.. one time I talked with satan and I believe I’m here to mediate satan and jahova. They’re both interesting beings whom I get along with… (even if I practice satanic rituals).. you would say I’m unbiased… any possibility of reunion of satan and jahova?

JHVH or "Jehovah" is a form of jewish magic based on the elements designed to curse us and our Gods, "Jehova" is not a being its a thoughtform created to give jews/greys/reptilians more power.

They infiltrate planets, replace their spirituality with lies, and trick beings into accepting being complacent and taking orders through fear. They mindlessly give thought energy to this thoughtform to avoid punishment, and it degenerates their souls in the process and lowers their consciousness.

Then once they're fully enslaved theyre microchipped and borged to create a "farm" of energy to feed the thoughtform further, have disposable cattle to do their dirty work to help them continue to do this to others.

"Jehova" and the beings behind it are everything Satan stands against. Satan stands for freedom, and created us to be totally free in every way. We actively reverse this jewish creation everyday and its expected of us by Satan to do so

Concerning spiritual warfare: https://www.joyofsatan.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Concerning_Spiritual_Warfare.html

RTR: https://satanisgod.org/search2.php?x=0&y=0&query=final+rtr

There can never be a "reunion" as Jehova never existed and never will, its all carefully crafted lies.

For further study on xianity and its "god":

He is a kike, probably a mixed one. Do not waste time on him.
Jihiji12 said:
956GOD said:
Jihiji12 said:
I've seen other SS post quite a few times, and experienced the feeling myself, that I shouldn't 'bother' Satan with a problem I wanted to vent or with talking to him in general

I don't want to put words in his mouth, but from recent experiences i can pretty confidently say this is false and you should never feel this way.

Satan is never 'too busy' or 'bothered' by a dedicated SS speaking with him. In fact, from the push I've got to post this I'd say he wants to hear more from us

Father Satan loves us immensely and you can feel this when you speak with him. Words really cant describe just how positive and caring his energy feels. Don't restrain yourself from feeling this love because of some insecurities or whatever your reason may be.

There have been times where I've been absolutely fuming and almost instantly after venting with Satan i felt so much better, theres been times I've cried to him, and times I've talked to him just to talk. I've never once got the feeling that he didnt want to hear it, quite the opposite in fact.

Also for things you wish you could speak with other SS about, maybe you're excited you made a breakthrough lets say and wish you had a friend to talk to about it or youre debating something deep in your head and want to vent it out. Talk to Satan, I'm sure he would love to hear it

You're never alone as an SS. You never have 'nobody to talk to' or 'nobody who cares. You have Satan and you always will.

Im sure i haven't articulated this as well as i wanted, but regardless, i hope the message gets across and helps someone. Its really mentally and emotionally freeing to have someone who is always there to listen and who actually cares, and you shouldnt push that away
I need to get into meditation… that being said.. one time I talked with satan and I believe I’m here to mediate satan and jahova. They’re both interesting beings whom I get along with… (even if I practice satanic rituals).. you would say I’m unbiased… any possibility of reunion of satan and jahova?

JHVH or "Jehovah" is a form of jewish magic based on the elements designed to curse us and our Gods, "Jehova" is not a being its a thoughtform created to give jews/greys/reptilians more power.

They infiltrate planets, replace their spirituality with lies, and trick beings into accepting being complacent and taking orders through fear. They mindlessly give thought energy to this thoughtform to avoid punishment, and it degenerates their souls in the process and lowers their consciousness.

Then once they're fully enslaved theyre microchipped and borged to create a "farm" of energy to feed the thoughtform further, have disposable cattle to do their dirty work to help them continue to do this to others.

"Jehova" and the beings behind it are everything Satan stands against. Satan stands for freedom, and created us to be totally free in every way. We actively reverse this jewish creation everyday and its expected of us by Satan to do so

Concerning spiritual warfare: https://www.joyofsatan.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Concerning_Spiritual_Warfare.html

RTR: https://satanisgod.org/search2.php?x=0&y=0&query=final+rtr

There can never be a "reunion" as Jehova never existed and never will, its all carefully crafted lies.

For further study on xianity and its "god":

interesting info.. much appreciated.
Jihiji12 said:

Not that what you write isn't useful in general, or for others, but also be aware of what was said here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=280214#p280214
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=317676 time=1642710666 user_id=21286]
Jihiji12 said:

Not that what you write isn't useful in general, or for others, but also be aware of what was said here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=280214#p280214

Yeah, Henu said he was a kike too. I wasnt aware but whatever, like you said at least its there for others
Jihiji12 said:
I've seen other SS post quite a few times, and experienced the feeling myself, that I shouldn't 'bother' Satan with a problem I wanted to vent or with talking to him in general

I don't want to put words in his mouth, but from recent experiences i can pretty confidently say this is false and you should never feel this way.

Satan is never 'too busy' or 'bothered' by a dedicated SS speaking with him. In fact, from the push I've got to post this I'd say he wants to hear more from us

Father Satan loves us immensely and you can feel this when you speak with him. Words really cant describe just how positive and caring his energy feels. Don't restrain yourself from feeling this love because of some insecurities or whatever your reason may be.

I could not agree more. I have been having almost daily conversations with him lately. It has been immensely reassuring to know (as I do now) that I don't have to worry about "bugging" him with my problems, concerns, or just general thoughts about stuff. He has encouraged, uplifted and guided me into a place in my life where I am confident that I can tackle just about anything that this insane world throws at me. It is wonderful to feel and understand his love more and more each day.
I think i'm kinda retarded cause i can't find a way to create a new topic :D so i will write here, since it's related to what i wanted to write. i hope you will give me a couple minutes of your life, i would really appreciate it.

I did the Dedication Ritual on April 2014, so i'm not a new one, nor an expert or anything. A little background, i suffer from crippling severe depression, i was already depresses before but in the last years things have been spiraling down very fast. I started doing Rtr's almost as soon as i did the ritual, some weeks it was 6/7 at day, some weeks i've been very lazy, especially in the last few years.

I don't have a relationship with Satan, and i hope you won't judge me for this, as foolish as it may sound to you, i have my reasons. I don't think he really cares for me, maybe because i do use drugs, maybe he just doesn't like me. I realized that what i was really doing in the first years, was really playing with my head, IMAGINING what a supreme being might have said or thought, and I started calling that "thought form" Satan. But in reality, he spoke to me once (with useful informations) and i saw him for a split second, i just recall seeing his face, wich was almost identical to the paintings on the Jos site, and he was sourrounded by a light so powerful it was like seeing a blacklight picture, so i'm pretty sure it was him. But this stuff happened around 2015/2016, so it's been a LONG period of silence. And when i asked for help, all i got was nothing but a series of seriously messed up signs, to this day i still don't know if maybe they came from Angels who were messing with me, they've been attacking me since i was a kid (by the way i'm 26), so wouldn't be surpised. My response to that was to just cut it off, and trying not to make things even worse.

With that being said, the reason i'm writing this is that since i distanced myself from that state of kinda self-deception i was at the beginning, i started questioning things a lot, and i was hoping maybe someone had a similar experience, maybe i just need to hear something from someone, i don't know. I used to find "meaning" in the Rtr's, i really did...but than i think about it, and i know this War is going to go on even without me, it's going to be won even without me, and at the end of the day, i'm nothing but a weirdo who is always alone, always in pain, and more importantly, without any meaning. When i started doing those rituals, i REALLY thought i was doing it for the people, for my parents, for Satan, for whatever noble reason. But now i can see myself, maybe i just wanted to feel important, even though i'm defintely not, maybe i'm just a bad person who found himself in extraordinary circumstances.

If you are thinking i've been dumb to stop trying to talk to the Gods, maybe, but from my personal experience i know with one single sentence, they could have spared me YEARS of me going nuts because i didn't know what to do, wich to this day, is kind of a mistery...so what i'm supposed to think? maybe it's them that don't want anything to do with me, and that's fine...nobody does.

I'm sorry, i KNOW you guys are not shrinks and maybe i should keep these things to myself (since i obviously can't talk about this with a real shrink), but after almost a decade of total silence, i think i'm really losing my fucking mind, so... in the worst case, you'll just ignore this. Sorry for my english, and Cheers
nobody111 said:
I think i'm kinda retarded cause i can't find a way to create a new topic :D so i will write here, since it's related to what i wanted to write. i hope you will give me a couple minutes of your life, i would really appreciate it.

I did the Dedication Ritual on April 2014, so i'm not a new one, nor an expert or anything. A little background, i suffer from crippling severe depression, i was already depresses before but in the last years things have been spiraling down very fast. I started doing Rtr's almost as soon as i did the ritual, some weeks it was 6/7 at day, some weeks i've been very lazy, especially in the last few years.

I don't have a relationship with Satan, and i hope you won't judge me for this, as foolish as it may sound to you, i have my reasons. I don't think he really cares for me, maybe because i do use drugs, maybe he just doesn't like me. I realized that what i was really doing in the first years, was really playing with my head, IMAGINING what a supreme being might have said or thought, and I started calling that "thought form" Satan. But in reality, he spoke to me once (with useful informations) and i saw him for a split second, i just recall seeing his face, wich was almost identical to the paintings on the Jos site, and he was sourrounded by a light so powerful it was like seeing a blacklight picture, so i'm pretty sure it was him. But this stuff happened around 2015/2016, so it's been a LONG period of silence. And when i asked for help, all i got was nothing but a series of seriously messed up signs, to this day i still don't know if maybe they came from Angels who were messing with me, they've been attacking me since i was a kid (by the way i'm 26), so wouldn't be surpised. My response to that was to just cut it off, and trying not to make things even worse.

With that being said, the reason i'm writing this is that since i distanced myself from that state of kinda self-deception i was at the beginning, i started questioning things a lot, and i was hoping maybe someone had a similar experience, maybe i just need to hear something from someone, i don't know. I used to find "meaning" in the Rtr's, i really did...but than i think about it, and i know this War is going to go on even without me, it's going to be won even without me, and at the end of the day, i'm nothing but a weirdo who is always alone, always in pain, and more importantly, without any meaning. When i started doing those rituals, i REALLY thought i was doing it for the people, for my parents, for Satan, for whatever noble reason. But now i can see myself, maybe i just wanted to feel important, even though i'm defintely not, maybe i'm just a bad person who found himself in extraordinary circumstances.

If you are thinking i've been dumb to stop trying to talk to the Gods, maybe, but from my personal experience i know with one single sentence, they could have spared me YEARS of me going nuts because i didn't know what to do, wich to this day, is kind of a mistery...so what i'm supposed to think? maybe it's them that don't want anything to do with me, and that's fine...nobody does.

I'm sorry, i KNOW you guys are not shrinks and maybe i should keep these things to myself (since i obviously can't talk about this with a real shrink), but after almost a decade of total silence, i think i'm really losing my fucking mind, so... in the worst case, you'll just ignore this. Sorry for my english, and Cheers
Hello. Look at this topic for instructions on how to use forums: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43293

As for the do Gods care part. They do, but they can not instantly lift you off of bad position. You have to step up and do the work. This includes kicking bad habits, such as drug usage.

Feel free to open a new topic for yourself if you want help or opinions about your situation.
Jihiji12 said:
I've seen other SS post quite a few times, and experienced the feeling myself, that I shouldn't 'bother' Satan with a problem I wanted to vent or with talking to him in general

I don't want to put words in his mouth, but from recent experiences i can pretty confidently say this is false and you should never feel this way.

Satan is never 'too busy' or 'bothered' by a dedicated SS speaking with him. In fact, from the push I've got to post this I'd say he wants to hear more from us

Father Satan loves us immensely and you can feel this when you speak with him. Words really cant describe just how positive and caring his energy feels. Don't restrain yourself from feeling this love because of some insecurities or whatever your reason may be.

There have been times where I've been absolutely fuming and almost instantly after venting with Satan i felt so much better, theres been times I've cried to him, and times I've talked to him just to talk. I've never once got the feeling that he didnt want to hear it, quite the opposite in fact.

Also for things you wish you could speak with other SS about, maybe you're excited you made a breakthrough lets say and wish you had a friend to talk to about it or youre debating something deep in your head and want to vent it out. Talk to Satan, I'm sure he would love to hear it

You're never alone as an SS. You never have 'nobody to talk to' or 'nobody who cares. You have Satan and you always will.

Im sure i haven't articulated this as well as i wanted, but regardless, i hope the message gets across and helps someone. Its really mentally and emotionally freeing to have someone who is always there to listen and who actually cares, and you shouldn't push that away
Thanks for the post.
I had been having a tough time dealing with the death of a parent and was unable to consider the Gods as friends, only fought because of the idiotic shits on Earth.
I am still dealing with loss, something my succubus helps me a lot with, she helps me understand things I don't understand and things are getting better.
As for Satan, he delivered his promises, the guy who conspired against me on the job, Satan promised me he would get him kicked out and that happened. Personally I was happy being a part of Hells Army but lost out on how most people become after years of not meditating or never trying out. Satan made me laugh when I was having breakdowns. One thing I found really funny/badass was Satan made me call this loser of a boss and it turned out it was his last day at the company. I used to call Satan and the Gods a family and I was annoyed why they were making me laugh instead of attacking that douche.
Even now I get trouble in adjusting with the loss but the Gods do make it easy. I was reluctant on visiting the forums or even talking to the Gods. Believe me they forced their way in and making me realize things. I was told things about my personality I never understood. I always questioned why I was the way I was. And Satan is really a being of strong emotions, when I used to tell Him how I was feeling, I would often be filled with really sad emotions, all in all I think it helped me process emotions better. Most of my family is not able to do the same. As for succubus, they really are awesome. I used to love being with her till these incidents stacked one on one. Even got mad at her at times, for really what is help now that I see it. Beyond war, what I realized is the friendship they provide, I still lash out on them at times only to be made to laugh for hours till the real problem is told to me. As for HPHC posts, I started reading the archive posts and was back on war, seeing which my Succubus was really happy that I was getting normal, most than often I don't understand the posts, but love the warfare schedules, they help setting things straight and making sense of things. I lashed out emotionally on way too many Gods and seeing what they did to a senior management official in my company, I guess they were soft on me only because they really care. I would not want to be him xD. They would often come late at night and make me laugh for hours on end, to help me heal.
I am really grateful to JoS to giving me a great friend.
nobody111 said:

The Gods don't have unlimited energy. Yes, they can do a lot of things for you or me, but if they saved everyone from their negative karma, they would be left without any energy, and with a bunch of people who don't know how to advance on their own.

In the case of drug addictions, use the Munka mantra to remove any influences from the drug from your soul permanently. This is how you destroy negative karma for good. Also, in regards to drug use, this can possibly explain some of the confusion or mixed signals that you think come from the Gods. Those who use drugs are open to enemy influence, unfortunately.

The Gods fight for every human, and we cannot always see their full efforts. We don't know the true extent of what they have done for us. However, they do care about us as individuals as well, but there is only so much reasonable interaction they can have with you, especially if your astral senses aren't open.


Your life may spiral out of control if you are doing warfare and not protecting yourself from enemy counterattacks or other curses. You have to be cleaning and creating a strong aura of protection around yourself to stay safe. It is also possible you are dealing with other planetary transits or negative karma as well.

In regards to both depression and laziness, which are strongly influenced by the solar chakra, you should use the Sowilo rune. For example, you can start working on the February full moon, which is in Leo.

For example: "This energy of Sowilo has permanently increased my ability to spiritually advance
as fast as possible, and in the best way for me." x10

-This is broad, yet focused on your advancement as well. It should clear any physical or mental issues pertaining to solar energy that would otherwise prevent you from being able to do your advancement routine.

The number of Sowilo (or Munka) you should use is based on what you can handle. For a beginner, 40x or 80x would be decent enough. Continue this for at least 40, but 80 days would be better.

One exercise that can be used as a substitute for this would be the breath of fire pranayama, which increases the fire element and stimulates the solar chakra. This can give you an immediate sense of energy and drive while you are waiting for more permanent solutions to manifest.


And NO you should not hide your problems from others here. This platform exists for your growth just as it does for others. People who are new do need more help than others, so this is to be expected. If you did not make this post, for example, how would I have been able to communicate to you?

Anyway, stay strong. Keep meditating. Post on the forums about what you are working on and let others give you suggestions. Continue to focus on solutions to your problem.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=319452 time=1643157135 user_id=21286]
nobody111 said:

The Gods don't have unlimited energy. Yes, they can do a lot of things for you or me, but if they saved everyone from their negative karma, they would be left without any energy, and with a bunch of people who don't know how to advance on their own.

In the case of drug addictions, use the Munka mantra to remove any influences from the drug from your soul permanently. This is how you destroy negative karma for good. Also, in regards to drug use, this can possibly explain some of the confusion or mixed signals that you think come from the Gods. Those who use drugs are open to enemy influence, unfortunately.

The Gods fight for every human, and we cannot always see their full efforts. We don't know the true extent of what they have done for us. However, they do care about us as individuals as well, but there is only so much reasonable interaction they can have with you, especially if your astral senses aren't open.


Your life may spiral out of control if you are doing warfare and not protecting yourself from enemy counterattacks or other curses. You have to be cleaning and creating a strong aura of protection around yourself to stay safe. It is also possible you are dealing with other planetary transits or negative karma as well.

In regards to both depression and laziness, which are strongly influenced by the solar chakra, you should use the Sowilo rune. For example, you can start working on the February full moon, which is in Leo.

For example: "This energy of Sowilo has permanently increased my ability to spiritually advance
as fast as possible, and in the best way for me." x10

-This is broad, yet focused on your advancement as well. It should clear any physical or mental issues pertaining to solar energy that would otherwise prevent you from being able to do your advancement routine.

The number of Sowilo (or Munka) you should use is based on what you can handle. For a beginner, 40x or 80x would be decent enough. Continue this for at least 40, but 80 days would be better.

One exercise that can be used as a substitute for this would be the breath of fire pranayama, which increases the fire element and stimulates the solar chakra. This can give you an immediate sense of energy and drive while you are waiting for more permanent solutions to manifest.


And NO you should not hide your problems from others here. This platform exists for your growth just as it does for others. People who are new do need more help than others, so this is to be expected. If you did not make this post, for example, how would I have been able to communicate to you?

Anyway, stay strong. Keep meditating. Post on the forums about what you are working on and let others give you suggestions. Continue to focus on solutions to your problem.

Thank you so much for your time...i needed to read that. I will try to save me!
Henu the Great said:
nobody111 said:
I think i'm kinda retarded cause i can't find a way to create a new topic :D so i will write here, since it's related to what i wanted to write. i hope you will give me a couple minutes of your life, i would really appreciate it.

I did the Dedication Ritual on April 2014, so i'm not a new one, nor an expert or anything. A little background, i suffer from crippling severe depression, i was already depresses before but in the last years things have been spiraling down very fast. I started doing Rtr's almost as soon as i did the ritual, some weeks it was 6/7 at day, some weeks i've been very lazy, especially in the last few years.

I don't have a relationship with Satan, and i hope you won't judge me for this, as foolish as it may sound to you, i have my reasons. I don't think he really cares for me, maybe because i do use drugs, maybe he just doesn't like me. I realized that what i was really doing in the first years, was really playing with my head, IMAGINING what a supreme being might have said or thought, and I started calling that "thought form" Satan. But in reality, he spoke to me once (with useful informations) and i saw him for a split second, i just recall seeing his face, wich was almost identical to the paintings on the Jos site, and he was sourrounded by a light so powerful it was like seeing a blacklight picture, so i'm pretty sure it was him. But this stuff happened around 2015/2016, so it's been a LONG period of silence. And when i asked for help, all i got was nothing but a series of seriously messed up signs, to this day i still don't know if maybe they came from Angels who were messing with me, they've been attacking me since i was a kid (by the way i'm 26), so wouldn't be surpised. My response to that was to just cut it off, and trying not to make things even worse.

With that being said, the reason i'm writing this is that since i distanced myself from that state of kinda self-deception i was at the beginning, i started questioning things a lot, and i was hoping maybe someone had a similar experience, maybe i just need to hear something from someone, i don't know. I used to find "meaning" in the Rtr's, i really did...but than i think about it, and i know this War is going to go on even without me, it's going to be won even without me, and at the end of the day, i'm nothing but a weirdo who is always alone, always in pain, and more importantly, without any meaning. When i started doing those rituals, i REALLY thought i was doing it for the people, for my parents, for Satan, for whatever noble reason. But now i can see myself, maybe i just wanted to feel important, even though i'm defintely not, maybe i'm just a bad person who found himself in extraordinary circumstances.

If you are thinking i've been dumb to stop trying to talk to the Gods, maybe, but from my personal experience i know with one single sentence, they could have spared me YEARS of me going nuts because i didn't know what to do, wich to this day, is kind of a mistery...so what i'm supposed to think? maybe it's them that don't want anything to do with me, and that's fine...nobody does.

I'm sorry, i KNOW you guys are not shrinks and maybe i should keep these things to myself (since i obviously can't talk about this with a real shrink), but after almost a decade of total silence, i think i'm really losing my fucking mind, so... in the worst case, you'll just ignore this. Sorry for my english, and Cheers
Hello. Look at this topic for instructions on how to use forums: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43293

As for the do Gods care part. They do, but they can not instantly lift you off of bad position. You have to step up and do the work. This includes kicking bad habits, such as drug usage.

Feel free to open a new topic for yourself if you want help or opinions about your situation.

Thank you!
Jihiji12 said:

Hey I just wanted to say thank you for posting this! I've also been falling in thoughts like "I shouldn't bother Him...", "He's probably too busy", "I'm not advanced enough...", etc.. and this has been so wrong!

I actually feel so stupid for having realized this only recently... but being able to talk to Father is a privilege we have... we should not refrain from it!

I made it a point in my day to always say at least a few words to Him... at least a "Thank you", but I also started talking about my own progress, my concerns, my plans for the near future, asking for guidance on matters I'm not sure how to tackle alone... and it's been amazing!

I feel much better after I started... "just talking" to Him! Not only I feel listened to... but it also helps me understand myself better, because I reflect a lot on what I say, but also: the inner peacefulness and calmness and His love I feel everytime after... I can't describe it with words but I'm sure you all know what I mean!

tl;dr: great advice, I needed it, thank you! :D
jbkbmz said:
HPS Maxine has stated , Satan only assists his closest friends and confidents.

He assists many of us, which is a proof that he does have time to speak with many of us and that he does care for us.
Osiris Silvio said:
jbkbmz said:
HPS Maxine has stated , Satan only assists his closest friends and confidents.

He assists many of us, which is a proof that he does have time to speak with many of us and that he does care for us.
I am not exactly is closest friend or confident, but there hasn't been a time where I was left helpless after asking for help. In one way or another he is always there to help me.
Aquarius said:
Osiris Silvio said:
jbkbmz said:
HPS Maxine has stated , Satan only assists his closest friends and confidents.

He assists many of us, which is a proof that he does have time to speak with many of us and that he does care for us.
I am not exactly is closest friend or confident, but there hasn't been a time where I was left helpless after asking for help. In one way or another he is always there to help me.

Me too. Weren't it for Satan, I wouldn't be alive today and I can't count the times he has helped me and given me insights. I'm still earning money from an easy job that I found after asking for his help.
Nothing matters to me if I don't do Satan's will. I am a child of the Beast, and I have been chosen and awakened in this plan. Therefore my only love is for Satan and I will fear nothing. I am eternal to fight until the end against the filthy and rotten god of death, who is nothing more than the destroyer of the creations of the God of life Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
