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Just talk to Satan

Jihiji12 said:
Woodlandman said:
Talk to your Guardian demon instead, there is a reason why you have one.

Why not talk to both? Also, not everyone, especially those newer who are who this is more targeted towards even knows their guardian

That's true.
When you say “talk” to him do mean that literally or “talking” in a meditative state where your awareness is strong? I’ve tried to talk but I’m not sure that he hears me.
Lydia said:
Excellent post. I have found this to be so true.

Also, it should be made clear, that Satan has an unbelievably huge consciousness. Someone talking to him will not take all of His attention and "prevent Him from doing more important things". I think He can probably have many conversations with many people at the same time. I can sense how it is, but can't articulate it fully, but it goes much higher than how we communicate.

His love for us is astounding. Don't keep yourselves distant from Him!

Hail Satan!

I feel the same Lydia. I also asked him before if I'm distracting him, the answer was something like his energy is answering me.
HPS Maxine has stated , Satan only assists his closest friends and confidents.
Okay. Thank you 🔥🙏
Thank you for making this post. I've always been a little annoyed at some of the sentiments I've seen expressed by particular members in years past. I've seen people outright claim the Gods should never be "bothered", even under the most dire situations. I've even seen people who have made other spurious claims, making fearful statements about the Gods or encouraging new members to actively fear contact with them. This just simply isn't reality. In my years of experience the Gods have been listeners, compassionate and logical. The truth is, I don't really have many people to talk to about what's going on in my life, and around family, I have to keep up a fairly stoic persona to maintain the status quo for the sake of others. With the Gods however, I am more open, as there's no lying to them regarding my feelings anyway. I've always been fairly open, regarding my plans, thoughts, and so on. And this open candour has exclusively only benefited me. Sometimes, even the act of speaking aloud, as if I have an audience, has given me truly remarkable revelations and epiphanies.

Before anyone goes to make any claims about the Gods being this or that, just remember the level of entity you're talking about here. You're not speaking about some random guy down the street who you're talking the ear off. The Gods know better than anyone how you're feeling, and their high level and overall perfection has enabled them only more levels of understanding where human paranoias and fallacies arise from, not less. People think that, because of the Gods level, that they would not understand the plight born from human ignorance, but they understand it better than people themselves do. Matter of fact, the opposite is true. I would even go as far as to say my Guardian knows me better than I even knew myself, and much of her help in years past I only fully comprehend and appreciate now. At the time I didn't get what I wanted out of something, but realizing now, I certainly got what I needed, which was far more important.

No true Satanist has anything to fear out of contact with the Gods. Speak openly, even if you're feeling weak. Letting things fester because only for the sake of appearances will not help you in the long run.
Maybe if I quit posting! And didn't say anything! Perhaps people would be much happier. :oops: And I will.. just find something else better to do.. And if I am still a member? On here and still one of the group? Ater I post this OPEN MIND!!# 😠 I will just keep my mouth shut from herd on out. 🙏 And Just read. And practice other thing's. And stay out of everyone's way. :) 🙏💖 Have a nice Day!!! Open mind... Hail Satan !!!
Satnam666 said:
I just talk to satan, an when some would tell me Satan is busy and don't bother him,I would ignore them because,never know it might be a reptile trying to pose as a Gentile ( oy vey goyims I meanses nots contact Satan he bes busy goyims)

Anyway thank father Satan for being there

An to the reptilian jews why all the fear in preventing us from making contact with Satan, do you fear he's a real God, but that can't be true could it?
I meant those on the forums, who would tell people not to contact Satan cause he's busy, but my statement is the same never know if a reptilian jews might try an pose as a ss an tell you not to contact Satan,that's why I ignored post like that,an contacted Satan anyway
Everybody" has their own way of expressing their opinions.. on here. And has their own style of writing!... It's 😀😂 funny that I get singled out like a little girl!..
And told how horrible my handwriting is!... And here we are on here talking about satan.. are we not? And does it matter how a person writes? Like do you think father Satan is going to care? Not everybody is perfect!.. and so I am being told how to write? And how to eat my own Cheerios and how to sit down at the dinner table? And I am a 50-year-old woman! :) it's interesting that I would get called out on something? Or singled out just because of the way I write!.. I don't care if other people want to read my content! I am not an English class! And I didn't come on here to be graded on my paperwork or to have somebody's opinions? On how my penmanship should be and how my behavior should be :).. number one I treat people very well on here :) and I am always on my best behavior! After all I'm a 50-year-old woman ❤️.. but I haven't been told how to write ? Etc etc since I was a little girl attending school eons ago!.. it's interesting that my husband never complains about my handwriting.... Especially when I'm writing on paper :) or doing the paperwork or making out the bills.. I have never had any complaints from any of my family members when it come to my handwriting :) and if you think that my handwriting is horrible? You should consider other people as well laugh out loud nobody is perfect! And if you think that my messages and everything I share and post on here is boring?.. 👀😂.. maybe you should check out other people's handwriting besides mine? And be the judge of other people or be the judge of yourself?..Openmind2.. and stop judging other people! :) all I was simply doing was making a statement :) and since this is a subject and a topic about talking about Satan...And talking to Our Lord Satan.. I was just simply voicing my opinion on how I feel! And telling it like it is from my heart and from my soul! And maybe my mind thinks a little quicker than my hand!
When I go to write something?..
And maybe it's not perfect to a T. But still I get my opinion out there expressing how I think and feel!.. Especially when it comes to Satan. And how I think and feel about him personally!!!❤️
I was not looking to be judged on my Handwriting..!!! ❤️ And maybe other people may not be interested in my content! But at least I am! And maybe fathers say to himself wants to hear from me and maybe he doesn't care about how I write... Just the fact that I am on here and learning something about Satan! As a student and a member of this group! And I am on here for my own personal benefit! To become closer to Satan just like everybody else on here! And I don't think Satan and his gods and demons don't care how one person writes and voices her or his opinions on here.. 👀❤️ .. anyway I apologize for making an ass of myself :)... I just wanted to get this out :) and tell it straight from my heart how I think and feel!... And I don't care if one person on here or another person finds my content boring! And maybe I don't write like an English scholar! And maybe I don't write like I'm in the freaking military.. but at least I do what I can expressing my opinions and my love for father Satan and that's pretty much the point behind all of this! And if you don't like reading my text messages that's fine! If people don't want to read my content I am quite content with that :) I pretty much tell it like it is the way I write it! After all I am not a professional writer!... Like other people are on here who take the time and Dot their eyes and cross their t's and put their punctuation marks :) yes I used to be that way back when I was a little girl going to school! But at my old age you reach a point..? Where you don't even care!.. in my old age you just kick back and relax and enjoy yourself :) and live each and every day of your life doing the best you can :) keeping positive :) and learning as much as you can! Seems like these days nobody gives a crap about handwriting anyway everybody's on their cell phones texting as it is.. I never really took the time to really think about my penmanship at my old age but I guess maybe it's time I pulled out my pencils and sat down and tried writing for a few hours each and every day? And that way I will not make a fool of myself on here again!..
And I hope that I don't get into trouble on here? And I hope I don't get kicked out of the group! 😭. It would be a very sad day for me? Because I didn't plan on making a fool of myself on here :-( I never planned on making anybody upset! And if people are not happy with my content? Well to each her or his own? All I wanted to do was voice my opinion about talking to
Satan ❤️.. and trying to keep things pleasant! Without getting all upset! 🥰❤️.. and I promise you :) I will not bug anybody again and I will not talk to anybody again on here :) and I won't post or share any more content on here if it's going to be that big of a problem :)... ☕❤️ I will just go find other things to do on here if I'm lucky to still be a member of this website and a member of this group :) Enjoy your evening!! ☕ :) With all respect!. Hail Satan!! Hail Lilith!! Hail Azazel!! ❤️ I love you!!! And I apologize!!! ☕❤️
I just hope I didn't offend anyone? I am not mad or anything!.. I apologize if I'm not a perfectionist like other people on here! When it comes to the way other people write!... And quite frankly I would rather talk to Satan then to waste my time on here making a fool of myself. I think I've done pretty much enough as it is and I have done my share!.. I am sorry I'm not in my twenties with the most perfect handwriting in the world! And if people find my content boring? Well then why do people read it? I haven't complained about other people on here and how they write? The people seem to enjoy jumping all over me? And all I'm doing is just minding my own business.. and if I write something I write it like a free spirit.. and writing freestyle :) I know that there are rules on here and I respect these rules but when it comes to handwriting it mild age I don't give a shit about how I write! I am not in school anymore I'm a 50-year-old woman!...mind you!! 😂 And nobody is perfect and when you reach my age I don't worry about being perfect or trying to please other people! I just simply tell it like it is and just do it how I feel as an individual :) and quite frankly I don't think father Satan and his gods and demons care how one writes on here. ❤️ It's what comes from the heart and it's what comes from the soul that matters! I don't need to have perfect penmanship on here! But if it's needed? And if it is a must? Laugh out loud and no problem! You're never too old to learn anything!! 🖤 And I think that communicating with Satan and his gods and demons is important and it's beautiful!!❤️ And instead of wasting my time on here posting useless content...!
would rather talk to Father Satan. At least he respects me and understands me. And at least he doesn't make me feel uncomfortable about my handwriting and how I feel about him! In my words and it doesn't matter? If I write like a 12 year old or a 50 year old woman? Or a teenager fresh out of high school! ☕🙂.. and you're saying that I'm not on the subject?.. if this is supposed to be talking about satan? Well then it should be talking about Satan and having a conversation with Satan. And not judging other people on their Handwriting.✨🔥
I'm happy to read the content of other people :) expressing their feelings and their opinions! And how they feel about communicating with Father Satan! I noticed that everybody's got their own peculiar way of writing on here? And there should be no problem with that! :) I think it's beautiful to hear how other people think and feel about Satan expressing their opinions and their emotions on him! And I enjoy reading what other people have written. I think that's one of the things I enjoy about being on this website! :) it's not so much all of the books and writings of PH Maxin Detrich. And HP Hooded Cobra666 reading and studying the documents. On The Exposure of xtianity and Islom. And such. It is also reading the content that other people write :) that gives me an open door and a perspective! How other people think and how they view themselves and their knowledge and their understanding in Satan and his gods and demons and what they have learned throughout the years depending on how long they were on here? And where else they got their information from? When people study and read as individuals! And wherever they get their knowledge from? And the fact that people share it on here and express it! ❤️ I do enjoy reading it and I have learned a lot from other people on here as well! Just reading what they have posted and what they share on here every day! Which obviously motivated me? To want to express myself and my opinions on how I personally think and feel about Father's Satan and his gods and demons and what I have read about and learned being on this website. I think this is a beautiful place! The people on here are very beautiful! ❤️ I have really never complained about anybody or anything much on here! ❤️ 🙂 And I have been very open just the same as the next person on here :) it's nice to have people on here helping me :) and it's a pleasure to learn from one another! ❤️ Think that this is a very. Inspiring topic! And it's something that I feel very passionate about! Especially when it comes to talking about father Satan and how much he loves us and how much I love and care about him! And to see others Express their feelings and their emotions about Satan. And how enlightening it is! ❣️ I enjoy being on here! Even at my old age I don't quit learning! And yes maybe I have a nasty habit when it comes to my handwriting! And I will do whatever I can on my end to take care of it! But still I have the right to voice my opinions on how I think and feel about father Satan. I just wanted to get it out in my own words! Even if people find my content boring and ugly! At least to me it's not boring and ugly! And I don't think father Satan cares! As long as he hears about me and my opinions just the same as he does with everybody else on here sharing their opinions and their interests just the same as the next person! :) ❤️ I think it's a treat being on here! :) and it has always been a comfort to me! This place is like home to me where I can sit down and relax and read and learn something! Like I said nobody's too old to learn something! But I honestly do think it's a beautiful retreat just to be on here I think it's healing! And I think it's very inspiring! And it gets my mind off all of the garbage..of the world and it gets rid of all the negativity! Because it gives me a chance to sit down and focus on Father Satan. and it gets me prepared to go into a meditation and then I am able to enjoy the rest of the morning or the rest of the evening!. ❤️ I just want to tell everybody thank you! And show my gratitude! And to let father Satan and his gods and demons know how much I love them! Especially our Lord Father Satan 🔥 this website means the world to me! And you people mean the world to me! And so does Satan! ❤️ And I mean that! 🌞💯 Eternally!! Hail Satan!! ❤️ My home is your home and I am forever grateful!!🔥❤️
I am going to talk to Satan tonight. And relax☕❤️ I believe. I had said enough.
On here. And I don't want to get into trouble. Or get kicked off. Meditation! Is the best way and the only way, to Talk to Satan. And I feel happier and safe in his presence. And I can share my emotions, and talk abouy problems. With no regrets! Holding nothing back. ☕ Cry if I need to. And just let it go. ❤️ Where on here and about. Everything is open. And to much is revealed. It's good to get out your feelins and talk about it to others. But in the same. It's easier to share my personal feelings and my interests with Satan. ❤️ He loves us as we are. And always has time to listen. Even when you least expect it. You would be surprised! 🙂 I love reading your posts! And how you feel about him too. ☕❤️🙂 It's very inspiring and it's beautiful! ❤️
The Outlaw Torn said:
When you say “talk” to him do mean that literally or “talking” in a meditative state where your awareness is strong? I’ve tried to talk but I’m not sure that he hears me.

Just close your eyes and visualize his sigil, or face and talk either in your mind or aloud. You dont need a trance or anything like that

Even if you dont hear him, or can't yet feel the energy, he will hear you and the more you connect with him the more you'll see that in time
100% true, ive just recently strongly felt Father Satan's presence, his energy is so positive and warm. I must say since new year i have had an amazing spiritual awakening. I will continue to learn and grow in this, i just started Jupiter Squares today. Something new i havnt tried before :)

I know i say this all the time, but i am so happy i am on the right path and Father has found me. I feel like i have been given a 2nd chance at life, and will work hard to continue to grow on this path. Satanic Blessings to all!

jbkbmz said:
HPS Maxine has stated , Satan only assists his closest friends and confidents.

He will hear you however and that's one of the reasons people Dedicate to Father Satan. That's how the bond and relationship is built. Refer to my reply above about managing expectations.

For most things, your Guardian Demon that is assigned on you will be there to assist you and teach you on a personal basis, and that is why they are assigned on all SS.

I know you know, just answering for new readers and other people who might not know.
CandiceLee1313 said:
Maybe if I quit posting! And didn't say anything! Perhaps people would be much happier. :oops: And I will.. just find something else better to do.. And if I am still a member? On here and still one of the group? Ater I post this OPEN MIND!!# 😠 I will just keep my mouth shut from herd on out. 🙏 And Just read. And practice other thing's. And stay out of everyone's way. :) 🙏💖 Have a nice Day!!! Open mind... Hail Satan !!!

Your comments always make me happy. You seem like such a nice person. If somebody doesn't want to read it, they don't need to.
Hello everybody. I have a financial project for this year, a nightclub! My grandmother had a cabaret and I'm incredibly looking forward to having one too. Can anyone tell me how I can talk to Satan and offer him up?
Thank you ❤️
Musifim666 said:
Hello everybody. I have a financial project for this year, a nightclub! My grandmother had a cabaret and I'm incredibly looking forward to having one too. Can anyone tell me how I can talk to Satan and offer him up?
Yes make that pursuit. This is the best time to start musical pursuits. As Satanists carrying on Family Traditions is important. And it is the spiritual backbone of what satanism is built on. "Sa Mote be"
Damn it! I've had this in mind for a few years. I look forward to doing it. Thanks for your feedback. I speak to Satan daily through prayers and have an altar to my ancestral entity. however, I do not know of ritualistic practices that require mentoring from a priest. Could you please let me know how I can offer this business to Satan to help me progress?
Musifim666 said:
Hello everybody. I have a financial project for this year, a nightclub! My grandmother had a cabaret and I'm incredibly looking forward to having one too. Can anyone tell me how I can talk to Satan and offer him up?

Father Satan is not a wish-granting genius. He can offer some support if you deserve it, but the majority of the work in physical affairs will always befall on you. And you can definitely go for it on your own.

If I may make a suggestion, also consider healthy people when you open this places, so that you also have healthy drinking options for them. For example, anything that is not alcoholic, carbonated, caffeinated, and/or full of sugar. Also, maybe consider of stepping into the new century: "silent nightclubs", meaning nightclubs with headphones for the music. This is because loud music greatly damages human hearing, so much that most people nowadays have subpar hearing. With headphones, anyone could participate with a volume that is comfortable for them. So any degenerate that like ruining their hearing (and with it also certain parts of their soul, as a consequence) may continue to do, while others can regulate things to a level that is acceptable to them.

Lastly, with Jupiter in Pisces this will be a great year for any business involving musical endeavours, so everything may work in your favour.

Is everything okay? ☕❤️ I feel a little embarrassed... about my behavior on here, the other day. And I want to apologize for that. I normally don't get into it much on here. ❣️ It's kind of rare that I do. And I like to keep things smooth and positive on here. ❤️🙂 Actions speak louder than words sometimes. And yet! 👀 Words are very powerful! And tell a lot more about you than you think. ❤️ And I don't to give other's the wrong impression of myself. And I don't want to give other's a bad emag either. Especially when we have Satan with us. 💗 Here as it is. ❣️ So I want to keep things pleasant! And mean that in the name of Satan! Yes! I do have my problems ! And I will take care of them on my end. ❤️ And I would rather keep them confident. With Satan. And just be honest on here. And continue on with what's important. ❣️ We have enough problems in this world as it is. And we need need the positive energy! Especially on here. ❣️ And I will do it for Satan! And for all of us! And for myself as well 🙂 Hail Satan! Hail Lilith! Hail Astroth!! Hail Azazel!! Hail Beezelbob!!!❤️
Is everything okay? ☕❤️ I feel a little embarrassed... about my behavior on here, the other day. And I want to apologize for that. I normally don't get into it much on here. ❣️ It's kind of rare that I do. And I like to keep things smooth and positive on here. ❤️🙂 Actions speak louder than words sometimes. And yet! 👀 Words are very powerful! And tell a lot more about you than you think. ❤️ And I don't to give other's the wrong impression of myself. And I don't want to give other's a bad emag either. Especially when we have Satan with us. 💗 Here as it is. ❣️ So I want to keep things pleasant! And mean that in the name of Satan! Yes! I do have my problems ! And I will take care of them on my end. ❤️ And I would rather keep them confident. With Satan. And just be honest on here. And continue on with what's important. ❣️ We have enough problems in this world as it is. And we need need the positive energy! Especially on here. ❣️ And I will do it for Satan! And for all of us! And for myself as well 🙂 Hail Satan! Hail Lilith! Hail Astroth!! Hail Azazel!! Hail Beezelbob!!!❤️
CandiceLee1313 said:
Is everything okay? ☕❤️ I feel a little embarrassed... about my behavior on here, the other day. And I want to apologize for that. I normally don't get into it much on here. ❣️ It's kind of rare that I do. And I like to keep things smooth and positive on here. ❤️🙂 Actions speak louder than words sometimes. And yet! 👀 Words are very powerful! And tell a lot more about you than you think. ❤️ And I don't to give other's the wrong impression of myself. And I don't want to give other's a bad emag either. Especially when we have Satan with us. 💗 Here as it is. ❣️ So I want to keep things pleasant! And mean that in the name of Satan! Yes! I do have my problems ! And I will take care of them on my end. ❤️ And I would rather keep them confident. With Satan. And just be honest on here. And continue on with what's important. ❣️ We have enough problems in this world as it is. And we need need the positive energy! Especially on here. ❣️ And I will do it for Satan! And for all of us! And for myself as well 🙂 Hail Satan! Hail Lilith! Hail Astroth!! Hail Azazel!! Hail Beezelbob!!!❤️

Everything is fine, no need to be embarrassed. I dont think anybody here has a bad image of you

Someone just gave you advice to make your posts a little easier to read.

You seem very energetic & enthusiastic i can feel it in your messages, and thats a good thing, but sometimes in text form you need to slow things down & space them out so theyre easier understood by other people. Its not a negative thing & it shouldn't discourage you from posting, you should share what you have to say more if anything.

Maybe some void in your routine could help with the racing thoughts you have
Hail Satan yes❣️ Truth be told ! 🔥
Thank you!! ❣️🙂 Hail Satan!!! 🔥🙏
I actually wanted to just peacefully co exist on this forum but you started this shit again, you think I will just allow these kids talk shit about me and leave. They will talk about me till they tire I will make sure they talk about me. Get ready to delete 10,000 more accounts, I am here all year, you and these kids will learn
Solarsaga said:
I actually wanted to just peacefully co exist on this forum but you started this shit again, you think I will just allow these kids talk shit about me and leave. They will talk about me till they tire I will make sure they talk about me. Get ready to delete 10,000 more accounts, I am here all year, you and these kids will learn

That mentality will get you nowhere. There is so much wisdom to be learnt for you to think this way and be petty. And for what? What's the point of getting attention for all the wrong reasons? But oh well, to each his own. Let that shit go.
Solarsaga said:

Certain things we do not accept in our community, and you have proven to be one of them, therefore you will be removed from our midst as many times as it takes.

If you make 10.000 accounts, the JoS deletes 10.000. If you make a million accounts, the JoS deletes a million.

Even by the time you have long since passed and end up 6 feet under, we the JoS continues to move forward unbothered by anything you attempted to do to inconvenience us.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Solarsaga said:

Certain things we do not accept in our community, and you have proven to be one of them, therefore you will be removed from our midst as many times as it takes.

If you make 10.000 accounts, the JoS deletes 10.000. If you make a million accounts, the JoS deletes a million.

Even by the time you have long since passed and end up 6 feet under, we the JoS continues to move forward unbothered by anything you attempted to do to inconvenience us.

Hail Satan!
Let's also mention the curses against those who go directly against the JoS.
CandiceLee1313 said:
EnkiUK55.. 😂 Yes! I was all over the place! When it comes to typing out that post. ❣️ My brain is always ahead of me when I go to type or text . That has always been my problem! As a student growing up! :) and if I got a dime for every time my mother told me to relax and let it slowly come out... People would understand more of what I was writing? Or trying to express in my words. 😂 And then I had an English teacher! In the sum of grade who wanted me to pour it out with passion!... And then on top of that putting the punctuation marks in which I often forget because I get carried away. I do go back and read it if I am lucky to :) trying to stay on the subject is one thing :) but then again the subject tends to lead to other things so I get my emotions wrapped up in it as well! Which confuses people and then I have to sit and explain what I have written and the meaning behind ❤️ As for the emojis! They are on the side of the type pannel. And you can put those little dudes in when you're trying to express emotions. And adding some hummor or thought, ? To the subject and expression. To who you are ❤️. Thank you for your help! I respect your honesty. In pointing out at my crazy work. Yes! I do need to take time. And probably write my thoughts on paper first..and then text it and share it first. ❤️ Your awesome Brother!! Hail Satan!!❤️

No not at all your posts are class and Imlove the we emojis I still can find them :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats the best i can do i dont have e love hearts or a would send you one right back :cool:

Take care Sis X
Ol argedco luciftias said:
CandiceLee1313 said:
Maybe if I quit posting! And didn't say anything! Perhaps people would be much happier. :oops: And I will.. just find something else better to do.. And if I am still a member? On here and still one of the group? Ater I post this OPEN MIND!!# 😠 I will just keep my mouth shut from herd on out. 🙏 And Just read. And practice other thing's. And stay out of everyone's way. :) 🙏💖 Have a nice Day!!! Open mind... Hail Satan !!!

Your comments always make me happy. You seem like such a nice person. If somebody doesn't want to read it, they don't need to.

I total agree she seems cool as fcuk :D

Keep on keeping on Candice

Take care both my fellow SSrs
I am in error, I do not know if Satan exists or God exists. I would like to know what is the truth and what happens after death because I believe that after death I will go to another world and I will live again.
is it right? Answer if wrong
Im_God_XD said:
I am in error, I do not know if Satan exists or God exists. I would like to know what is the truth and what happens after death because I believe that after death I will go to another world and I will live again.
is it right? Answer if wrong

You are right. You will live on Earth again, we have been here many times.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
