Excuse me, but why you have that insult to the Third Reich as an avatar? And the way you write makes me think of a Christard on /pol/ who claimed that Japanese media are Jewish.
Oh wait, I've checked your channel and I recognize you! You are the same "Warriors of Lucifer" of Bitchute and YouTube who makes cringe and blasphemous videos attempting to portray yourself as "one of us". GTFO! :evil:
Hello. You mean the server for JoS in Swahili? Is strange, I would have thought there is already a domain for Swahili. Have you been in touch with HP Cobra by email? If he hasn't answered keep emailing as he is probably receiving tens of emails daily and is difficult to keep track of all of them
Sorry for this delay Brother. We are working on this. Infrastructure is being set right now, there were too many things and now it's the turn for JoS Swahili. Sorry for the delay. There are about 30+ sites being built currently. Please answer to my e-mail about the naming of the site.