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[ JOS TRANSLATION FORUM NOW LIVE ] Expanding Joy of Satan - my proposal

The Alchemist7 [JG]

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
[email protected]
As I said in another topic I think is essential to have as much JoS information translated in as many languages as possible. There is two ways this can be done, one difficult way and one quite easy way.

1. The difficult way
More difficult but more safer way is to translate the specific sites/articles manually, word by word, which means 100% accuracy for who can fully understand these articles, but would take much longer than

2. The easy way
There is this website: https://www.deepl.com/translator
Since I used it to speed up my translations, I am yet another `client` who can certify that this translator is by far way way better than google translate. But since I don't speak any of these languages, I need native people to check for grammar errors in articles translated with the above website. How this will work out is that I would simply copy paste JoS websites into that translator and I will send by email the files to someone speaking these languages to check and fix all errors so the text will be 100% gramaticallty and logically correct, which would take way less time than translating word by word, then sending the materials back to me. Creating the website itself is a matter of 2 days of work maximum (if is a relatively small website).

At the moment given my time constrains, the size and complexity of the main JoS website and another big website that I am working on and is my top priority at the moment, I am willing to do any of the following:
Exposing Christianity
Kabbalah Exposed
Black Sun 666
Third Reich And Satanism

So if you are native or speak perfectly a language in the website above and are willing to help expanding JoS in your language(s), leave a reply with your email and the website that you want translated so we can start doing the work. By sending your email I can know who I am talking to, If I post my email most likely I will be contacted by infiltrators who will try to ruin all this. After translations are gramatically corrected I will double check anyway so I can make sure that I haven't colaborated with an infiltrator who will deliberately alter the texts to slander and defame Joy of Satan. Who is in?
Henu the Great said:
Hello. Great commitment. I will only email you to send the files in a password protected .7z archive uploaded on mega.nz when all 4 websites are finished. I will tell you the password in the email. If someone is pretending to be me and sending you weird links please be aware that is not me. I'm not going to write my entire email here but just so you can know my first two letters are `an` and the email ends in 7 and is a protonmail adress. I approximate from now that it will probably take at least one month for me to do all 4 websites. Hopefully won't take that long, I will start as soon as I can. What format do you want the files into? I use Linux so they are normally saving in .odc but I can save them in whatever format you want.

I have translated some JoS materials with google trandlate, but they are only few text and some grammatical incorrect things are there.

I can help but at the moment I am traveling around Estonia and I have not always computer at hands and it is bad to write with phone, so it takes time.

Estonian langue
E-mail [email protected]
But as I understand we must help check langue but you do website itself? I am not good at all doing websites. I have only done one google sites webpage for Estonian JoS but I do not want post this link here because jews are reading this forum and kikes can take joogle site down with one report. I have edited Estonian wikipedia and Estonians who read about satanism from wikipedia can find Satanisgod.org link + my google sites link.
I had an idea once ,there are a lot of Web and computer guys here.

We could create an introductory course ,like the Udemy ones but totally free with graphics ,audio video and voice overs.

Introducing our Ideology, presenting the facts in a presentation format etc.

A lot of people have very low attention spans so it could help them piece together a lot of things because the Jos knowledge is fucking vast.
The Alchemist7 said:
Henu the Great said:
Hello. Great commitment. I will only email you to send the files in a password protected .7z archive uploaded on mega.nz when all 4 websites are finished. I will tell you the password in the email. If someone is pretending to be me and sending you weird links please be aware that is not me. I'm not going to write my entire email here but just so you can know my first two letters are `an` and the email ends in 7 and is a protonmail adress. I approximate from now that it will probably take at least one month for me to do all 4 websites. Hopefully won't take that long, I will start as soon as I can. What format do you want the files into? I use Linux so they are normally saving in .odc but I can save them in whatever format you want.

I am using LibreOffice so any file format it supports is fine by me. I did not see .odc file support, but many others. I think .odt and .doc files would be better in this case. Send me them and I will report how they will work and we'll go from there.

If at all possible, send me them one by one so I can start working on it as soon as possible.

I may translate primarily Third Reich and The Black Sun to Turkish language. It is a nice thing that I've been already thinking about translating texts from JoS for a few weeks. In fact, I was going to ask to the Turkish brothers/sisters to help them in translating HPHC's sermons for the website https://spirituelsatanizm.org/ So, I can willingly translate the ones you ask. I can start translating them after the 19th of June.
Okay don't laugh I freaking forgot to add my e-mail there :D I was excited, sorry.

[email protected]
A couple of days ago I peaked in and noticed the will of the Gods about languages to be expanded and worked on. Thank you for opening this. This is very important!
Unfortunately, the language I can translate in is not available on the website. It's Hindi. It has a massive potential as it's one of the most spoken languages in the world by numbers so the best bet is to use google translate and then manually correct any incorrect translations. But then there is the trust issue. How would you know that I am not an infiltrator and mistranslating? Maybe translate my corrected Hindi version back into English and try to see anything suspicious?

Hail Father Satan Forever!
Hail The Crowned Princes of Hell Forever!
Hail The Powers of Duat Forever!
Native spanish language speaker here, pretty good with translations and always look that those translations make sense and do not sound too elemental or messy. I always leave at the end of every translation "translated & edited for better comprehension by Zecnetovk" as sometimes I find myself in the need to remove, rephrase or add certain words to the document so it will sound ethical and profesional as well as easy to understand.

Have an eye specifically for perfect grammar. (except for the spanish word "sólo" that is used to refer to one specific thing. This is my personal way of protesting against this ridiculous change from the RAE since 2010.)
The Alchemist7 said:

I would love to help, I speak spanish and even though it already has a lot of translations in the JoS, some of them are not correct and I can help with that in any case.

If it’s ideal, then send them to me at: [email protected]

I’ll try to help in what I can
Awsome just get it out there was taken to the page about kundalini forgot thaTs all i need. As i pass its all going well dont forget the gods who have come and gone. Still on my jibberjab Ekra hait su_ga_r annu_bukai. Just ever felt overwhelmed to say something and felt it came from another aspect of the soul __ as i succumb to satan? I just feel overwhelmed to say somthing enki anum skar anibukai peace be with earth. Im thinking japanese bushido among us.

Heya, had a few questions for ya.
Deepl API
This makes it possible, with a Pro Account, to automate all of your translations
Heres the full source code im using, excluding my Auth Key:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

data = {'auth_key': 'redacted'}

url = 'https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Power2.html'
def translate(url, target_lang):
	deepl = 	'https://api.deepl.com/v2/translate'
	data['target_lang'] = target_lang
	res = requests.get(url)
	html_page = res.content
	soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page, 'html.parser')
	text = soup.find_all(text=True)

	output = ''
	blacklist = [
			# there may be more elements you don't want, such as "style", etc.
	for t in text:
			if t.parent.name not in blacklist:
					output += '{} '.format(t)
	data['text'] = str(output)
	r = requests.post(deepl ,data)
	d = (r.json())

print(translate(url, 'ES'))

Uno no necesita accesorios u otros elementos rituales para lanzar un
llamado "hechizo". Las meditaciones de poder, realizadas durante el tiempo suficiente son más que
eficaces en la capacidad de influir en el entorno y en los demás.
Cuando el campo de uno es lo suficientemente fuerte, es fácil poner pensamientos
sentimientos y otras proyecciones en las mentes de los demás. Algunas personas
Algunas personas son más fuertes que otras y la proyección puede encontrar cierta
resistencia, por supuesto dependiendo de lo fuerte que seas TÚ. Los más fuertes
Los más fuertes, sin embargo, tienen sus defensas bajadas considerablemente cuando duermen.

Las personas débiles son fáciles de tratar en cualquier lugar y en todas partes. Basta con entrar
en un leve trance de enfoque y concentración y notarás si

Uno no necesita accesorios u otros elementos rituales para lanzar un
llamado "hechizo". Las meditaciones de poder, realizadas durante el tiempo suficiente son más que
eficaces en la capacidad de influir en el entorno y en los demás.
Cuando el campo de uno es lo suficientemente fuerte, es fácil poner pensamientos
sentimientos y otras proyecciones en las mentes de los demás. Algunas personas
Algunas personas son más fuertes que otras y la proyección puede encontrar cierta
resistencia, por supuesto dependiendo de lo fuerte que seas TÚ. Los más fuertes
Los más fuertes, sin embargo, tienen sus defensas bajadas considerablemente cuando duermen.

Las personas débiles son fáciles de tratar en cualquier lugar y en todas partes. Basta con entrar
en un leve trance de enfoque y concentración y notarás si
están donde puedes observar a estas personas, los efectos evidentes de
sus proyecciones.

Recuerda siempre que es muy importante aprender a controlar la ira. Cuando
uno llega a cierto nivel, los agresores, ya sean ajenos o
seres queridos se encontrarán con la desgracia. Esto puede ser muy molesto cuando
un ser querido tenga un accidente o caiga enfermo como resultado de
su ira. Esta viene con el poder y debe ser controlada. Cuando
el campo energético de uno es lo suficientemente poderoso, no se necesita mucho. Debemos
estar siempre seguros de que tenemos la intención de que los infractores sean castigados. Sin intención
cólera, luego el ofensor se disculpa y los resentimientos desaparecen
y luego la persona se encuentra con el desastre, esto puede causar mucho arrepentimiento.

No puedo exagerar el poder de estas meditaciones, cuando se hacen
cuando se hacen durante el tiempo suficiente y con constancia, todos los días.

Para ciertas cosas específicas, como la atadura, se pueden usar accesorios como
punto de enfoque. La mayor parte de las veces, el hecho de insistir en algo con
con voluntad, concentración y deseo, se manifestará, siempre que no se
siempre que no se preocupe o se dedique a ello de forma dudosa o desesperada.

Volver a Información sobre la mente

666 --!>
<!-- 666 --!>
<!-- 666 --!>

<!-- Reflejado de www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Power2.html por HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Thu, 03 Nov 2016 11:54:10 GMT

I can improve the code more, but this is just what I came up with in a couple hours :p
Please dont copy paste each page manually lol, but if you do, you are a legend
The Alchemist7 said:
As I said in another topic I think is essential to have as much JoS information translated in as many languages as possible. There is two ways this can be done, one difficult way and one quite easy way.

1. The difficult way
More difficult but more safer way is to translate the specific sites/articles manually, word by word, which means 100% accuracy for who can fully understand these articles, but would take much longer than

2. The easy way
There is this website: https://www.deepl.com/translator
Since I used it to speed up my translations, I am yet another `client` who can certify that this translator is by far way way better than google translate. But since I don't speak any of these languages, I need native people to check for grammar errors in articles translated with the above website. How this will work out is that I would simply copy paste JoS websites into that translator and I will send by email the files to someone speaking these languages to check and fix all errors so the text will be 100% gramaticallty and logically correct, which would take way less time than translating word by word, then sending the materials back to me. Creating the website itself is a matter of 2 days of work maximum (if is a relatively small website).

At the moment given my time constrains, the size and complexity of the main JoS website and another big website that I am working on and is my top priority at the moment, I am willing to do any of the following:
Exposing Christianity
Kabbalah Exposed
Black Sun 666
Third Reich And Satanism

So if you are native or speak perfectly a language in the website above and are willing to help expanding JoS in your language(s), leave a reply with your email and the website that you want translated so we can start doing the work. By sending your email I can know who I am talking to, If I post my email most likely I will be contacted by infiltrators who will try to ruin all this. After translations are gramatically corrected I will double check anyway so I can make sure that I haven't colaborated with an infiltrator who will deliberately alter the texts to slander and defame Joy of Satan. Who is in?

Glesga Scots.

Thanks ;)
Henu the Great said:
I am using LibreOffice so any file format it supports is fine by me. I did not see .odc file support, but many others. I think .odt and .doc files would be better in this case. Send me them and I will report how they will work and we'll go from there.

If at all possible, send me them one by one so I can start working on it as soon as possible.

My bad, .odt format I am using as well not .odc, I confused the last letter
That's perfectly fine, as soon as I finish one website I will email it to you.

NakedPluto said:
A couple of days ago I peaked in and noticed the will of the Gods about languages to be expanded and worked on. Thank you for opening this. This is very important!
Lol. I noticed this kind of thing on the forum multiple times, it just shows how the Gods are always helping us in subtle ways with our deeds. I had this idea since months ago but I waited first to finish Kabbalah Exposed.

I can do German and Swedish, also Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian if it's gonna be needed.

Hail Satan!
My spanish isn't the best and I am pretty busy, but I should have enough time to proofread and double check for you after someone has already translated. I can understand, speak, read, and write(with many spelling errors) basic spanish, but it is my second language. I should have enough free time around August/September to translate if you still need my help.

[email protected]
The Alchemist7 said:
At the moment given my time constrains, the size and complexity of the main JoS website and another big website that I am working on and is my top priority at the moment, I am willing to do any of the following:
Exposing Christianity
Kabbalah Exposed
Black Sun 666
Third Reich And Satanism

So if you are native or speak perfectly a language in the website above and are willing to help expanding JoS in your language(s), leave a reply with your email and the website that you want translated so we can start doing the work. By sending your email I can know who I am talking to, If I post my email most likely I will be contacted by infiltrators who will try to ruin all this. After translations are gramatically corrected I will double check anyway so I can make sure that I haven't colaborated with an infiltrator who will deliberately alter the texts to slander and defame Joy of Satan. Who is in?

Interesting idea, if this website you mentioned is worth it, it would definitely speed things up a bit.

Italian here.

[email protected]

(The name here is obviously fake, always better to play safe. I've been meaning to get a protonmail one, like many others here.. it's on the to-do list. This is a disposable one in case it gets attacked.)

If you send a translated page, please attach the original English link so I can check them both. Sometimes something that wasn't too clear in one of the two language was better explained in the other.. guess that's an advantage of speaking both.

Good initiative. I hope more people will participate.

The Alchemist7 said:
As I said in another topic I think is essential to have as much JoS information translated in as many languages as possible. There is two ways this can be done, one difficult way and one quite easy way.

1. The difficult way
More difficult but more safer way is to translate the specific sites/articles manually, word by word, which means 100% accuracy for who can fully understand these articles, but would take much longer than

2. The easy way
There is this website: https://www.deepl.com/translator
Since I used it to speed up my translations, I am yet another `client` who can certify that this translator is by far way way better than google translate. But since I don't speak any of these languages, I need native people to check for grammar errors in articles translated with the above website. How this will work out is that I would simply copy paste JoS websites into that translator and I will send by email the files to someone speaking these languages to check and fix all errors so the text will be 100% gramaticallty and logically correct, which would take way less time than translating word by word, then sending the materials back to me. Creating the website itself is a matter of 2 days of work maximum (if is a relatively small website).

At the moment given my time constrains, the size and complexity of the main JoS website and another big website that I am working on and is my top priority at the moment, I am willing to do any of the following:
Exposing Christianity
Kabbalah Exposed
Black Sun 666
Third Reich And Satanism

So if you are native or speak perfectly a language in the website above and are willing to help expanding JoS in your language(s), leave a reply with your email and the website that you want translated so we can start doing the work. By sending your email I can know who I am talking to, If I post my email most likely I will be contacted by infiltrators who will try to ruin all this. After translations are gramatically corrected I will double check anyway so I can make sure that I haven't colaborated with an infiltrator who will deliberately alter the texts to slander and defame Joy of Satan. Who is in?

I've been planning to translate some things into Arabic. So I can help.
[email protected]
The Alchemist7 said:
As I said in another topic I think is essential to have as much JoS information translated in as many languages as possible. There is two ways this can be done, one difficult way and one quite easy way.

1. The difficult way
More difficult but more safer way is to translate the specific sites/articles manually, word by word, which means 100% accuracy for who can fully understand these articles, but would take much longer than

2. The easy way
There is this website: https://www.deepl.com/translator
Since I used it to speed up my translations, I am yet another `client` who can certify that this translator is by far way way better than google translate. But since I don't speak any of these languages, I need native people to check for grammar errors in articles translated with the above website. How this will work out is that I would simply copy paste JoS websites into that translator and I will send by email the files to someone speaking these languages to check and fix all errors so the text will be 100% gramaticallty and logically correct, which would take way less time than translating word by word, then sending the materials back to me. Creating the website itself is a matter of 2 days of work maximum (if is a relatively small website).

At the moment given my time constrains, the size and complexity of the main JoS website and another big website that I am working on and is my top priority at the moment, I am willing to do any of the following:
Exposing Christianity
Kabbalah Exposed
Black Sun 666
Third Reich And Satanism

So if you are native or speak perfectly a language in the website above and are willing to help expanding JoS in your language(s), leave a reply with your email and the website that you want translated so we can start doing the work. By sending your email I can know who I am talking to, If I post my email most likely I will be contacted by infiltrators who will try to ruin all this. After translations are gramatically corrected I will double check anyway so I can make sure that I haven't colaborated with an infiltrator who will deliberately alter the texts to slander and defame Joy of Satan. Who is in?

I've been planning to translate some things into Arabic. So I can help.
[email protected]
The Alchemist7 said:
As I said in another topic I think is essential to have as much JoS information translated in as many languages as possible. There is two ways this can be done, one difficult way and one quite easy way.

1. The difficult way
More difficult but more safer way is to translate the specific sites/articles manually, word by word, which means 100% accuracy for who can fully understand these articles, but would take much longer than

2. The easy way
There is this website: https://www.deepl.com/translator
Since I used it to speed up my translations, I am yet another `client` who can certify that this translator is by far way way better than google translate. But since I don't speak any of these languages, I need native people to check for grammar errors in articles translated with the above website. How this will work out is that I would simply copy paste JoS websites into that translator and I will send by email the files to someone speaking these languages to check and fix all errors so the text will be 100% gramaticallty and logically correct, which would take way less time than translating word by word, then sending the materials back to me. Creating the website itself is a matter of 2 days of work maximum (if is a relatively small website).

At the moment given my time constrains, the size and complexity of the main JoS website and another big website that I am working on and is my top priority at the moment, I am willing to do any of the following:
Exposing Christianity
Kabbalah Exposed
Black Sun 666
Third Reich And Satanism

So if you are native or speak perfectly a language in the website above and are willing to help expanding JoS in your language(s), leave a reply with your email and the website that you want translated so we can start doing the work. By sending your email I can know who I am talking to, If I post my email most likely I will be contacted by infiltrators who will try to ruin all this. After translations are gramatically corrected I will double check anyway so I can make sure that I haven't colaborated with an infiltrator who will deliberately alter the texts to slander and defame Joy of Satan. Who is in?

I've been planning to translate some things into Arabic. So I can help.
[email protected]
The Alchemist7 said:
As I said in another topic I think is essential to have as much JoS information translated in as many languages as possible. There is two ways this can be done, one difficult way and one quite easy way.

1. The difficult way
More difficult but more safer way is to translate the specific sites/articles manually, word by word, which means 100% accuracy for who can fully understand these articles, but would take much longer than

2. The easy way
There is this website: https://www.deepl.com/translator
Since I used it to speed up my translations, I am yet another `client` who can certify that this translator is by far way way better than google translate. But since I don't speak any of these languages, I need native people to check for grammar errors in articles translated with the above website. How this will work out is that I would simply copy paste JoS websites into that translator and I will send by email the files to someone speaking these languages to check and fix all errors so the text will be 100% gramaticallty and logically correct, which would take way less time than translating word by word, then sending the materials back to me. Creating the website itself is a matter of 2 days of work maximum (if is a relatively small website).

At the moment given my time constrains, the size and complexity of the main JoS website and another big website that I am working on and is my top priority at the moment, I am willing to do any of the following:
Exposing Christianity
Kabbalah Exposed
Black Sun 666
Third Reich And Satanism

So if you are native or speak perfectly a language in the website above and are willing to help expanding JoS in your language(s), leave a reply with your email and the website that you want translated so we can start doing the work. By sending your email I can know who I am talking to, If I post my email most likely I will be contacted by infiltrators who will try to ruin all this. After translations are gramatically corrected I will double check anyway so I can make sure that I haven't colaborated with an infiltrator who will deliberately alter the texts to slander and defame Joy of Satan. Who is in?

I've been planning to translate some things into Arabic. So I can help.
[email protected]
Lol we are all booked for the next half a year then :lol:
Since many members posted their emails here, the first thing I want to say is to be very cautions at emails from people who will pretend to be me. I don't even think that it will ever happen but better pe prepared. I will personally inform everybody on the forums here when I have emailed you.
I will need to systematize and organize all this since there are many languages so delays are to be expected.
Also I need to mention that for more than one year I got another website ongoing which is like 25% translated so that would be a priority to get done but of course I will work in all websites here in between, just focusing primarily on that one.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hello. May I ask if is possible to have a sub-forum for translations. There have been many replies and trying to organize everything in one thread is quite a chaos. Something exactly like the Internet Battalion forum where different threads can be opened. I would want to open one threat for each language posted here so members will join only in their language thread, that would make things easier and way more organized.

Henu the Great said:
Finnish language.
I've sent you an email.

hailourpeople said:
i did already set up exact copy of JOS in Polish but translation is in process so I will not send link now
If you mean the main JoS, i would propose to wait for that untill all smaller websites are translated in all languages posted by members who offered to help. The main JoS is huge and will take the most amount of time but other problem is that I am not sure if a tool used to create blogs is really the right choice to use to create a website of such complexity. For now I would propose to wait, maybe in time other members will come with ideas regarding better websites or domains.

Kurat said:
I have translated some JoS materials with google trandlate, but they are only few text and some grammatical incorrect things are there.
Estonian langue
E-mail [email protected]

But as I understand we must help check langue but you do website itself? I am not good at all doing websites.
Hi. When you are free you can correct what you have already translated and I can translate the rest with the translator I mentionned and send the material to you. You can give me a shout when you are ready, or let me know if you want me to email you. Regarding the websites yes if is a small website like the ones I mentionned at the beginning I do them with Blogger. You can check Kabbalah Exposed in my description to see how websites eventually would look like. They won't look all the same though.

Jack said:
We could create an introductory course ,like the Udemy ones but totally free with graphics ,audio video and voice overs.
Introducing our Ideology, presenting the facts in a presentation format etc.
A lot of people have very low attention spans so it could help them piece together a lot of things because the Jos knowledge is fucking vast.
Indeed you are right. Because of garbage like tik tok, youtube and facebook, most people won't read or watch anything that is above their own `acceptable` length of time or size of text. Indeed even Udemy might be good to use since is a very popular platform.

Lenore said:
I may translate primarily Third Reich and The Black Sun to Turkish language. It is a nice thing that I've been already thinking about translating texts from JoS for a few weeks. In fact, I was going to ask to the Turkish brothers/sisters to help them in translating HPHC's sermons for the website https://spirituelsatanizm.org/ So, I can willingly translate the ones you ask. I can start translating them after the 19th of June.
If you would transate them yourself then that would definitely speed up the things for me, I would create the websites straight away, Thanks.

Shadowcat said:
I know there is one or two of us who has dutch as a first language. It is my second language as i lived in NL for over half a decade. If no one else has time i could offer help with proofreading at least of translations. Some i could be able to translate but i have always spoken it better than writing it. Don't know if this could be of much help but i figured better to offer than do nothing.
Hello. I can email one website to you after I translate it in Dutch and you can let me know how you feel about it. Kabbalah Exposed is already translated in 3 languages and a fourth one on the way so I would say to start off with that first.

ValentineCHL said:
Hello! My native language is Spanish and I would love to help, I already translate some stuff with this method in the Spanish foro, so I really appreciate that you share this translator, and, I have much free time, so you can contact me when you like

I would like that you use the formats like .doc or .word or inclusive .pdf, whatever you like.

I would love to help to translate anything of JoS, except, advance thing or things that deepen in advance concepts, because I don't have much information beyond the basic stuff of meditation, magic, powers of the mind. I hope you don't mind, if you like, I could ask you if I don't understand something.
Hello. If you would translate the websites, that would tremendously help me to create the websites quicker. You are right deep concepts are not really easy to translate but if you fully understand what they mean then you won't have any problem definitely.

NewEra said:
Hello, I can do German! Mail me [email protected]
Hello. I got a question, Is any JoS material or website translated into German? Is just a curiosity given the importance of this country in the past century against the enemy. I think is as vital to have JoS translated in German as is in English, French and other major languages.

स त न म said:
Unfortunately, the language I can translate in is not available on the website. It's Hindi. It has a massive potential as it's one of the most spoken languages in the world by numbers so the best bet is to use google translate and then manually correct any incorrect translations. But then there is the trust issue. How would you know that I am not an infiltrator and mistranslating? Maybe translate my corrected Hindi version back into English and try to see anything suspicious?
Hello. If you want to translate the articles yourself then definitely would help me create the websites quicker. Yes I might as well re-translate in english. Is not like I wouldn't trust people here but I am quite paranoic when it comes to trusting others in general.
What is quite important about India, as far as I know there are nearly 200 million muslims there so White Death of Islam is important to be translated into Hindi more like other websites. But the website is quite big, we will see in the future, for now we can focus on the websites I mentionned as they will take way less time to be translated and put together.

RYanK said:
Native spanish language speaker here, pretty good with translations and always look that those translations make sense and do not sound too elemental or messy.

TheAwakening1 said:
I would love to help, I speak spanish and even though it already has a lot of translations in the JoS, some of them are not correct and I can help with that in any case.

Astralnaut said:
My spanish isn't the best and I am pretty busy, but I should have enough time to proofread and double check for you after someone has already translated.

Hello. More speakers of one language will definitely speed up the things.
@The Awakening, if you are willing to correct errors on already existing JoS websites in Spanish then you will need to find out who translated them and created the websites. As far as I know there is a Spanish speaking high priestess which is not really active as of recently, she might have been involved in the Spanish JoS translations.

Bravera said:
Heya, had a few questions for ya.
Hello. Definitely any tool that can speed up translations are welcomed. Ideally they should be free, like I wouldn't mind paying a few bucks per month for a service that helps me but is rather a problem of privacy.

Lasollor said:

r2vven said:

Thanks, we might have to use google translate for these languages. Or we will see, as far as I've seen there are other translators as well. Don't really know if they are better than google translate.
FaboanDeAdonai said:

I can do German and Swedish, also Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian if it's gonna be needed.

Hail Satan!

Oopsie, forgot to put the email:
[email protected]
Very good idea. Thank you The Alchemist7 and all the others who contribute for Joy Of Satan!
I am always available to help, organize, support, or anything else needed, any of these projects. Feel free to mail your ideas and we make it happen.

Translations of every language that doesn't exist, are an absolute necessity.

Arabic and Chinese, and Hindi, would be groundbreaking projects, and I am willing to help those who undertake this in anyway necessary to make these happen.
Jack said:
I had an idea once ,there are a lot of Web and computer guys here.

We could create an introductory course ,like the Udemy ones but totally free with graphics ,audio video and voice overs.

Introducing our Ideology, presenting the facts in a presentation format etc.

A lot of people have very low attention spans so it could help them piece together a lot of things because the Jos knowledge is fucking vast.

Jack, any thoughts or recommendations of a Hindi translation?

India needs us a lot. Plus, there are millions of already spiritual and open souls here who would be fascinated by JoS.

We also can proceed with any other future goals in regional, but we first need a core translation.

Only the JoS main, should suffice in most cases.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shadowcat said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Maybe you can help if you are not busy. :D
Trust me ill make time. If no one else has time and if I find i can't be of help I can even ask my ex. Dutch is also his first language and we mail from time to time on friendly terms. I could offer him a lil something for help. I tried to convert him in the past and he wouldnt have it. The worst I can get is a no
I know you have the time bro. You're the one who wrote the comment. I was quoting Lunar Dance so that she would see it, and I was asking her if she could help with it because I know she is Dutch.

*sis :lol:
just throwing more info of some one else i could ask just incase some of ours dont have time. I was also referencing her in my first comment :)
Ok, I worked more on this... There is a total of ~485 links on the Joy of Satan Website
The total characters that need to be translated will be... ~2,130,049
Each page should probably be checked 1 by 1 to make sure everything is added properly, and remove any extra characters
Then We will have multiple text files, with only the text that needs to be translated, this will be comparable to a short book
I have the next few days off, and honestly have been wanting to reread the JOS website, so ill work on this
Once I have a completed text file, we can pass it into my translate program and tada, we have a translated JOS book :p
Paging Wildfire

Can you do it for our own people brother? I'm going to help assist you in any way I can, just give me the directions. Filipino is not my main local dialect.

[email protected]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
