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JoS Donors Free Article: A Story About HPS Maxine

Hail HPS Maxine, Hail HP Hooded Cobra, Hail the JoS, and Hail Satan and the Gods.
This is the greatest lessen for us to learn and greatest example to follow.

There are some patterns that signify the path of great Satanist that will go far. These signs are the proof these people deserved their advancement. I myself experienced help here one would not experience even in physical world and it was a great lesson for me, that real Humans exist and that I have an example to follow. Because the fact of being or nor being just-digital is a matter of choice. If one prefers to stay a digital shit in VR then it is just their choice and they will stay this even in physical life. While for those who chose to be humans to others they will remain so everywhere. This showed me that in this epoch of AI and everything being whored around, there are still those who chose the way of the human. And providing we all know where they ended, we know who is where according natural law.

This also show what Spiritual Satanism really is and what it really stands for. Providing the main heroes of the story are those who take this path seriously and are the main examples here, outsiders can clearly see where we are going.

Ironically I recently read some jew age books of some founder fathers’ of jew age and guess what, some «mage» very much revered in that book when their family member died on their eyes in the accident, they just did nothing, they did not even cry. Why? Because death and life are equal, goy, and everyone is, no one and nothing has any importance, no one and nothing matters etc. This is what jew age crap was originally based upon. Yes, they are moving cars and do all sorts of miracles in some fiction book about them, yet they fail even to mourn their own loved ones. Even insects are more useful to their families than such «mages». They say «we are equal to plants». We are not, but such filth surely is, I would say he who failed even to mourn his family, is actually lower than plants because even plants do.

In Satanism it is really not shame to not be lower than plants and to not fail our human duty and fight for our own. Equality is for those unworthy of life. I would not be surprised if our Gods and Father Satan also cry when something bad comes to their people, actively participate in their fate, fight their battles for them, and mourn if the battle is lost. At least it was very common in our Pagan culture: you would find many statues and arts of Gods and Demi-Gods mourning their disciples, fighting for them, avenging them, healing them and participating in their life in every way.

Angels are known to be very arrogant, indifferent and uncaring to humans, stolen jewish g-d did not even cry when its son was tortured and crucified. Though a fiction as well as that book, the story is the same: nothing is worth attention, just stay detached when your family sinks, everything is equal, life, death, nothing matters… When you ring to Hell, Satan is the first one to answer.
This sermon is most beautiful and extraordinary in itself, it goes to show how wonderful we are in our abilities instead of relaying on outside source to help us in anyway that doesn't exist or have no affect whatsoever. By all that, the Gods do exist and they're here for us in all degrees say the least.

This is purity at it's finest, if you can't see the truth here in any way and just think it's a story of a fairytale. Then,
Thank you, this story made me think.
I was under its influence for the whole day.

Happy Mabon to all!
Truly touching. Not at all surprising either, considering her sheer tone of voice alone carries the full weight of both her awe-inspiring, magnetic presence as well as her boundless care. Wisdom, irresistible power, compassion and charm and grace in equal, sublimely high measure. Almost as if an earthbound Demoness.

May you too Ascend among the ranks of our mighty Demons and take your rightful place one day, HP Cobra, but not one moment before finding a worthy successor(s) to carry on the mantle and do good by the entire glorious workload.

And so the torch is passed on. From Her to you, and from you one day to us eventually. And even to her, from multitudes unsung heroes, sages and wise-ards of innumerable years past who sacrificed blood and tears to keep our inheritance going in one way or another since time immemorial; obscured and relatively reserved at times but never broken, never shattered, and certainly never ever to be thrown to the wayside ever again under our watch!

Hail Father Satan. Hail High Priestess Maxine. Hail to all the heroes sung and unsung who helped the tiniest bit to bring our eternal legacy to this day and to this stage, hail to our current Clergy, hail to you, our High Priest Cobra.

Hail to all my Brothers and Sisters who are fighting under the flag of Lucifer!
Thank you for sharing this
She is the blessed women walk earth
I hope hp maxine is well and happy

I worked as a hospice nurse assistant for 8 years
2010 to 2018 I seen all races, ages , genders etc and it is hard it takes a certain kind of person to do the job and it will break you in ways you never thought possible.
The one thing I been taught that is life and we must move on it is up to fate and the gods if we lived or died and that that lil boy lived.

If I am thinking what I think it is that boy is very lucky and the gods got a plan for him.

Truly a miracle worker and very humble to request assistance. I loved her voice, I always kept saying "I love her voice".
Jokingly " I kept thinking either HP Maxine or HP HoodedCobra was Michael Jackson, because I feel their greatness.

This has inspired me to share my own personal healing story. It was for a friend of mine some time ago back in the late summer of 2022 last year. He knew of my connection with satan and was one of my two friends who shared our points of view together. He wasn't part of the Joy of Satan directly and was never active on the forum, my other friend was the one to tell me about the forum though and we all read the website and did the dedication ritual together back in 2018.

So last summer he called me up on discord as we usually do to hang out for the day and his tone was different. He asked me if I would join him with our other friend to start a routine healing working for his aunt. I asked him why and he told me her cancer had come back and she was getting worse and worse by the week. My other friend and I all agreed together and so we would perform the ritual in vc together every single day.

We kept at this for a solid 30 days as was laid out in the working in vc at the same time every day. I felt truly lucky and happy to have such devoted friends like this, I never felt this way before in my whole life. I could feel our magic was working together, we would often describe a warm feeling with one another and even if we couldn't make it all together in vc some days we would still do the healing workings on our own time to help our friend.

It was a very emotional experience for us and my friend was grateful for it. After the first 30 days we opted with enthusiasm to just keeping going until she was out of the hospital, since when we hit about the second week in she had to go there, so we amped up our goal. All the while we felt bonded in our efforts and it felt like there was hope on I think day 47 when the doctors informed his family that she was stable.

I prayed to satan that night and my guardian demon for the sake of my friend hoping and pleading that they would give aid to help this last push for her to make it out of this. I felt this strong warmth rush all over me and I felt truly elated in an almost influenced reminder about how 'she already survived it once, she will survive it again' and I cried such relief for my friend, waking up the following morning in our call to tell him my experience and that everything was going to be okay.

Through all this time we kept going with the healing working together, feeling good about how far we've come. Then 2 weeks later she was sent home in critical condition for her last few days where she died on the second night. All three of us were wrought with grief and hopelessness. We truly felt like it was working and we put so much into it for little over 2 months every single day. I know anyone reading this was looking toward a happy ending about our beloved gods, but with all due respect high priest, do you think because it ended up going well on high priestess maxine's end, that these things aren't still down to just chance? If his aunt did make it last year, I would have praised the gods like never before, fulfilled in my belief to their great powers, with all the hope and light and positive energy that filled me throughout the working and even when I called out to them for aid and a sign that night.

But when it all fell cold and she ended up dying in the end, who's to say anything about what that was all about after all? The positive energy or the sign? I mean the three of us shared the feelings, it wasn't just me, we all felt it together at the same time. I have to say sorry here, as I know this is my first post here but given my previous experience I just genuinely felt upset and even angered at how you could praise someone with high esteem over something very likely left up to chance and consider them great for it. I just had to post and share my story, and yes it's all true and I think this is the reality of our situation where I mean to say are we just fooling ourselves about the power of magic?

While we weren't three of the best, we were still three and with some good years of experience and practice behind us, we equally meditated on a regular basis and over the years did plenty of advancing efforts to our vril and chakras. Our magic combined and experience at our backs, all it's good feelings and even the warm hope that enveloped me that night from satan and my guardian demon was all the light I needed to feel like we were defying the odds, but it was all a lie. How many good feelings can you honestly trust? How do you truthfully know when something is done by your own doing or just a fluke when you can be tricked like this? I don't feel at all that maxine doesn't have some capabilities, but I'm not the only one with these experiences that don't end well when you think it's going good. I'll probably be called a troll or something, but I had to share my story because sometimes these things are just accidents, not true power.

I know there is real magic out there, I do. I have had some wild experiences that I couldn't say were just chance happenings and I've even learned how to lucid dream thanks to my psychic studies. But I can't help but feel like these have been too far apart in between to one another over the years and it's mostly just been cluttered with some kind of psychic deception, but my understanding was that pisces isn't the age anymore? Anyway my friends and I since have talked on and off about it in the past year since and we don't do as much like we used to, but I'm still a dedicated satanist, we all are. It's just different now the way we look at it. Never the less thank you for sharing and I'm glad it went well for kenny whether it was magic or just plain medical practice.
Vira_ said:
But would this behaviour only be maintained with people for whom you have a deep and true connection?

For the rest, if any person is dying, I should not feel emotionally obliged to act, so I would ignore them, right?

Widening the concept of caring for someone, we come to hospitals and emergency rooms, which are invented especially for the people.

We do all act, every day by removing the jewish curses.
Despite the fact that HPS Maxine has very strongly high intelligence, despite the fact yet her sermons are so simply and well written, even the simplest person can fully understand her writings, sermons.

Although I have not been in any absolute relationship with her, but I can still appreciate it more than HP.Hoodedcobra666. I also very appreciate you too HP.Hoodedcobra666 and I don't want to say anything negative about you, but I like HPS Maxine's writing and phrasing better, because as I said simpler and easier to understand, at least for me.

Unlike many of the SS here, I will not try to describe HPS Maxine with words of praise, because there are no words for Maxine's greatness and worth and as soon as I try to describe it in words, then it would probably failure.

I'm just wondering, that all this work and effort has somehow not burned she out.
Absolutely beautiful to read. This was amazing! Please take your time HP with the PDFs the work you put in is indeed of the highest quality. Thank you.
Can you share the specifics of the healing working for our benefit?
For example- was it gold color visualization and affirmations?

Anubisath666 said:
Sorry for the loss.

You three don't reach the power that both HPS Maxine and HP HC cumulatively possess, so it's useless for you to compare yourselves to them.

And as for your "chance", chance is influenced by magick. Magick isn't just magic, it sets forth the possibility of success. Where a doctor could have done a procedure without success, with magick he would've done the right procedure and had success.

And also, you don't take in account that people simply die because their time is up, that's a cold and hard truth of reality, someone you love could just die at any moment because simply its time is up, and astrologically it is visible.
Not to long ago I was thinking about HP Maxine and Azazel said "My Queens". I have always thought about her this way since then.

To turn tragedy into triumph, and to also transform yourself in the process if the most honorable way of dealing with these type of situations. Everyone is better off for it and I'm sure the kid is all grown up and grateful for having a chance at life again.

May Queen Maxine reign Supreme!
I started visiting here in the spring of 2020, just as HPS Maxine was leaving. I am very disappointed and miss her very much for that, but her energy and personality can be felt in what she wrote. Thanks to her.

And thank you, HPHC, for the same to you.
Anubisath666 said:

How much, objectively, did this aunt have a chance of survival? A cancer can be minor but also late-stage, and so as a result there is a good success of the magic workings or it is useless, in the sense that some times there is not much to be done because it's already all too late. If that child, by HP Hooded's story, did not have that 10% but 1% or less, it is likely that there was nothing to write about, because it's called fate. It's also probable that through your work she had that improvement/stabilization, before the fall.
You just simply continue on your path.
Anubisath666 said:

Nobody will call you a troll for this. Magick can work powerfully but it's limited to both knowledge and power of the people involved. Not always can a ship that has accelerated down the waterfall be turned around, and one must not feel guilt or like a failure for not managing this.

If people could so easily control fate, anyone would be a God and there would be no reason for development. What this story tells me is that you all valiantly fought the battle regardless of the consequence, and that the outcome of fate was heavier than what could be lifted; it should be used as a commemoration and more force for you to grow.

Despite of my greatest efforts I have also failed to reverse certain situations that we hardly ingrained in fate. The Gods can alter fate but if the ship is already past the point of ready to fall on the waterfall, then it likely will. That does not mean that one's efforts were in vain. They showed you where certain limits in existence lie.
Who can tell me about this. I have my first experience after the dedication ritual. I did a ritual and called Satan Lucifer. I ask Satan to show me that He is the one I worship. The next day I saw a black cat 😺 looking at me and I approach the cat but the cat refuses to run and my mind asks me to touch the cat 🐈 while the other mind tells me not to touch the cat. Until the cat disappears and some days another black cat appears, no one sees the cat but only I see the cat and people come closer but no one sees the cat. Trolling 🪨 I stone the cat since that day the cat stopped to come closer to me, sometimes in the middle of the night I hear the voice but the cat can't show me again. I'm crying 😭 who can help me bring the cat back so it starts coming towards me. What ritual will I perform to bring the cat closer to me again and again? I love the cat because he wants to help me but I don't have much experience controlling the black cat. Now I have experience controlling the cat but I don't see it coming to me again. please help
Satanswarlord666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=464374 time=1695541361 user_id=21286]
angramainyu said:
When did she die.?

She did not die; she left to move on to other responsibilities.

Okay, that's what your being told. So anybody who questions this vague disappearance off High Priestess Maxine Dietrich is called a troll. She didn't even announce her time off, or that HP hooded cobra would be taking over.
So to me this will always be fishy, and a question mark.
It would even be safe to assume she really is dead. She is the director of the Joy of Satan and suddenly without a trace she leaves? Turning her back like that to us doesn't sit right with me at all. And she is responsible enough as I know her, to announce her temporary or permanent departure to this forum. That was the kind of person Maxine really was. I'm not a " yes man ". I demand for everybody's sake an explanation to what really happened to Maxine Dietrich!!! Not a link posted to a supposed long winded post which doesn't clear up what " really " happened to Maxine. We're supposed to think critically as Satanists. Now we are being teased with a post by cobra on how great she WAS right!?
Not your business, you do not have the right to know about her life.
Satanswarlord666 said:
angramainyu said:
When did she die.?

Thinking critically also means considering the unique circumstances and person of HPS Maxine, which changes the assumptions you can make.

Do you think the most important person to Satan simply died, either by failure of her own abilities, or that of all the Gods? Alternatively, if she was banned and removed from the forums in a takeover, why did not email anyone in which she was close to? Are you assuming HPHC knows of something bad, yet has done nothing to help her? None of these are reasonable assumptions.

It is most likely that her departure was time-dependent and so she was unable to post anything. Additionally, any details of this likely had to remain private for her safety.

Do you suppose that Adolf Hitler, before escaping Germany, notified each and every one of the Wehrmacht's soldiers of why and how he was leaving? Of course not. That doesn't mean he did not love them, nor feel responsibility towards them, but that circumstances demanded such actions.

Despite this "long-winded post" (which you should give more respect to), HPHC had also freely mentioned that you, or anyone, can ask Satan for an explanation of HPS Maxine's absence, especially if you are very concerned. So why are you throwing around implied accusations when you have know of such solutions?
Satanswarlord666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=464374 time=1695541361 user_id=21286]
angramainyu said:
When did she die.?

She did not die; she left to move on to other responsibilities.

Okay, that's what your being told. So anybody who questions this vague disappearance off High Priestess Maxine Dietrich is called a troll. She didn't even announce her time off, or that HP hooded cobra would be taking over.
So to me this will always be fishy, and a question mark.
It would even be safe to assume she really is dead. She is the director of the Joy of Satan and suddenly without a trace she leaves? Turning her back like that to us doesn't sit right with me at all. And she is responsible enough as I know her, to announce her temporary or permanent departure to this forum. That was the kind of person Maxine really was. I'm not a " yes man ". I demand for everybody's sake an explanation to what really happened to Maxine Dietrich!!! Not a link posted to a supposed long winded post which doesn't clear up what " really " happened to Maxine. We're supposed to think critically as Satanists. Now we are being teased with a post by cobra on how great she WAS right!?

HPS Maxine moved mountains for you and every other plebs so that they have a chance in existence, and won't move for your disrespectful "needs" and "desires" which find resolve in basically being of normal intelligence. Your need for investigative drama work can be satisfied on a TV show, not here.

You are not allowed, entitled to know these things, especially as these things were and are of intimate nature of existence, and a being that is and will be among the highest echelons of beings the Earth has seen.

A stranger tells us how HPS Maxine is, was and how she should act in accordance to the pretentions of their instinctive low animal needs and wants, of the level of growling at shocking statement of "not being a sheep".

You leaning on the para-social aspects of people thinking that they grew some kind of ultra relationship with a "person in power", while in fact, not once you have interacted even in wishing well being for said person, is in fact a way to manipulate and fish out reactions and doubts. Therefore, fuck off.
Satanswarlord666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=464374 time=1695541361 user_id=21286]
angramainyu said:
When did she die.?

She did not die; she left to move on to other responsibilities.

Okay, that's what your being told. So anybody who questions this vague disappearance off High Priestess Maxine Dietrich is called a troll. She didn't even announce her time off, or that HP hooded cobra would be taking over.
So to me this will always be fishy, and a question mark.
It would even be safe to assume she really is dead. She is the director of the Joy of Satan and suddenly without a trace she leaves? Turning her back like that to us doesn't sit right with me at all. And she is responsible enough as I know her, to announce her temporary or permanent departure to this forum. That was the kind of person Maxine really was. I'm not a " yes man ". I demand for everybody's sake an explanation to what really happened to Maxine Dietrich!!! Not a link posted to a supposed long winded post which doesn't clear up what " really " happened to Maxine. We're supposed to think critically as Satanists. Now we are being teased with a post by cobra on how great she WAS right!?

It's kinda sad you call yourself Satanswarlord yet you lack the gifts of using your third eye and other senses to help you in fact-checking the situation yourself instead of ranting here.


Cleansing update:
Found out a probable source of my traumas which has to do with workplace abuse, I was in the spanish inquisition of my country, a damn slave that did some metal works of some sort and was beaten over and over by xtian spaniards because I failed to meet some deals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This 5th issue that is coming soon. I am finishing it, sorry for the delays. This new PDF will be dedicated to her, and will contain this article in honorary homage to HPS Maxine, to whom we owe endless things.

Because I wouldn't want to with-hold anyone from this, I share this article with everyone here openly, as it will give you a few things to think about. Things like that, did to me for sure.

I hope you find this short story as meaningful as I did when I lived this, and that it illustrates to you something of her essence and who She has always been.

A Story About HPS Maxine

It was a regular summer night many years ago, where I was sitting there meditating as per usual after a long busy day of working at the JoS. I had not heard from HPS Maxine that day, and albeit we would correspond almost daily, that was not the case this day. Not before long, my phone rang and it was her e-mail asking me to contact her.

Alarmed as I was, I did so immediately, and to my surprise, HPS Maxine Herself was in tears. She was crying to me on the phone, and I was indeed shocked to hear this as I always knew how resolute and strong she has always been.

“How are you? What is going on?” I asked while being very concerned. “What happened?”.

Of course, in my mind I was expecting all sorts of bad responses, or something extremely bad. I was praying to Satan I would not hear any such bad thing, as I could never afford anything bad to have transpired for this great woman that I so deeply have respected.

“I have been healing all night, and I could not come online. Can you help me with something?”. Her response was sort of like this. Admittedly, I was extremely alarmed and worried to the point without hesitation I simply responded “Yes”. Then I quickly asked “What happened”, expecting a very bad response.

Her response was this: “Do you remember this child from the forums, his mother mailed me. It’s about Kenny.”. I responded yes; I remembered Kenny, the young child of a woman from the old Yahoo Groups who has been with us for years. HPS Maxine has brought him up before, in very good words and everything, but I did not know specifics. She would mention about him and how it was "troubling" her. I wouldn't ask, but I would listen. Then, I went on. So I asked her “What happened to Kenny?”.

HPS Maxine responded while still in tears, and she told me something that I remember still: “So Kenny is going for surgery tomorrow about ___(I cannot disclose his illness here)__ and they say that the chances of success of surgery are very low. His mother e-mailed me hours ago, and He is on a terminal stage. I have been crying for hours. Can you help me do healing work on him?”. She then went on about how she also called a Demon to help with this very troublesome situation.

She also added how this was a very relatable situation, as it was a conversation between two mothers that brought this up with her, clearly charged with emotions at a maximum. While I knew this is who she was, to see this in front of me was a whole other feeling of reverence and respect for her being as a whole. What does that tell to those who think that the "forums" are only digital signatures and digital people, and not true individuals, let alone a place where family is manifest? That taught me many things and during this, I had a flash in my head about realizing this as a younger member in the JoS.

Going back to the conversation, on my end I simply tried to keep a level head, although the bugging thought of such event transpiring right now, was indeed a shocking thing. It was all going too fast.

I instantly accepted, being not only very moved but very shocked about what I was told and proud at following this person that I do for so long and so loyally. I did not express this at this point, these were just my thoughts.

I just said “Of course I will, please send me his picture”. “Thank you brother”, she told me, “I am going back to healing”. Then the phone was closed. Shortly after we closed the phone, without any delay, the e-mail arrived with a description of what is going on. Truly, the situation was rather severe.

Within a minute or so I had received Kenny’s picture and I saw a little boy that was very young and very wronged by fate; his illness could easily be seen through the picture. He was from what I saw, maybe only 6 years old if that. He was beautiful, and it would certainly be a shame for nobody to fight for his life. His mother had to scramble through and did everything in her power to save her child, to gather finances about his surgery, and to fight for his life. Another unsung hero, I could neither deny helping her during this time of disaster, as she used all her powers for her child.

Then, when her power run out, she went to HPS Maxine to ask for her help, and HPS Maxine did not only immediately respond to her [they were friends for many years] but she instantly started to work on Kenny despite of overwhelming responsibilities that she had to put on hold at the time.

Later, we simply corresponded every couple of hours to do the most intensive healing work I have ever done, likely ever, as the disease was indeed terminal. As I was trying to banish all doubts from my head, an e-mail arrived from HPS Maxine and she told me “Do not doubt, just do it, we both know what you can do”. This was a reference to other works that were done in the past.

The next day, Kenny went into surgery, a surgery that had approximately 10% success rate. The more I was reading the more doubt was trying to cloud my mind as this was a terrible situation. For 3 days, HPS Maxine had me doing constant healing work on him, and her did too. It was essentially sleep, wake up, do the work, meditate and eat, do it again. I followed through without reservations and second thoughts, albeit on the last days I was really at past my limits.

Over the course of the next days, there were seldom any updates on if the surgery had failed or did succeed. Except of pushing it past the limits, without the necessary updates, the situation was growing heavy on my shoulders as a newer Satanist at the time. As far as HPS Maxine was, she was unwavering and just told me to “Keep going” and that “She sees it will go well”.

After the third day where this was verified, I was called and told by HPS Maxine that his mother had verified that “All has went well”, filled with tears. Her tone of voice I still remember to this very day, and it was one unique thing to know. Then, HPS Maxine would call me so we could brief each other on certain things in regards to JoS, but before anything, she mentioned Kenny again in that very voice. She told me that “We did it”, again bursted in tears, “The surgery has been successful”.

On so many things experiences like this affected me and changed me as a person, and showed me who She truly was. Knowing all this, I hold no personal doubts that her seat among the Gods has always been the case. She had nothing to gain, but what she did for friendship and also her powers have always been immense.

Her powerful character showed up in her works for the Gods, in creating for others, and in giving and always giving.

Her wisdom and her miracles do remain with me forever, and I do hope this story also enlightens many of you in regards to what type of person our beloved HPS has been.

That’s her as I knew her; a mother, a greatest and most noble woman, a miracle worker, Satan's beloved daughter. A woman so precious, that no heights can describe where she has always been.


-HPHC 666

HAIL TO ALL JoS Guardians and especially Lydia!!!
Loved listening to her as going to gym and after work. Great Sermons, wonderful woman with spirit of Satan in her veins. Inspirational woman and High Priestess for sure.

So you were around 4 years into Satanism at that time. While much advancement can be done within 4 years, one still won't be that strong to heal cancer in a very bad state. In fact Cancer can hardly be cured by the Gods if it's in a very bad state. If you all would have done this 30+ day program, in the very first signs of the cancer, the first day when they have found out, than the probability that you could heal her would have been much better.

Worth to mention that every working that you do for someone is will lost a lot of power. You can heal yourself much easily than someone else.

When this story that HPHC told, is probably taken place after Maxine's first decade of being a Satanist, as well as many past life advancement. It is possible that HPS. Maxine alone had the same power as you 3 together at that time.

I'm hoping that you are still advancing. That's why a black book is necessary. In miserable times, your past experiences can give a lot of will to keep going.

Spiritual Satanism is not a fairy tale, and reality can be hard to accept. It's not like a capsule that makes you omni potent.
Cancer is a very bad disease, and sometimes astrological, genetical, which would make it 100x harder to heal.

I'm addressing this matter because I believe there are several issues with the information provided. I've made an effort to leverage my psychic abilities, and I can confirm that the situation is under control. Questioning the effectiveness of the Power Rituals or the value of the FRTR is not a logical stance. Additionally, making assumptions about the High Priest's background, particularly implying if he is a jew, is not appropriate.

I would like to address something about your situation, Mr. Satanswarlord666. It appears that discontinuing RTRs and, possibly, an excessive amount of AoP/AC activity may have exposed you to certain risks. I genuinely hope you're doing better from now on.
Satanswarlord666 said:

Do you know how many people "have died" but haven't?

Adolf Hitler was said to have died, with dental records being brought up as proof of his death in a bunker in Germany at the end of the war. Yet, we know the true story goes a lot deeper than that.

Alexander the Great's death is completely unknown, it is a mystery, as he suddenly "disappeared", presumed to have died as that is how most people go. Yet, when you understand the reality we live in as we SS do, you start to understand that there are other ways a person can "go".

Lastly, when speaking of HPS Maxine, show respect. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior against her by anyone.

Fuck off with this funny shit. It is like you try to make it so dumb so that you cater to the dumbest people, hoping you validate your jewish masturbation. How to be an internet agent class for beginners.
Yes Maxine is even greater than Father Satan and Beelzebub because Satan needed Maxine to free him because they were cursed by the greys and Jews
So Maxine is even greater than Satan
Maxine is the greatest of all hail goddess Maxine Dietrich

Simply untrue. Nobody is greater than Father Satan or Lord Beelzebub. The Gods had assistance from Her and other Clergy but to say that She was greater than them is a blasphemy to Them. You need to develop your understanding
On the very front of the JOS it quotes
“I was, am now, and shall have no end.”-The Al Jiwah
“All habitations and desert spaces are indeed of my own creation, set forth,
All fully within my strength, not that of the false gods;
Wherefore I am he that men come with their rightful worship,
Not the false gods of their books, wrongly written;
But they come to know me, a peacock of bronze and gold,
Wings spread over Kaaba, temple, and church, not to be overshadowed.
And in the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship? ”
You stand invincible against all lies.
“Satan’s Power Is Supreme and Felt by All.” -Father Satans Absolution Ritual.

“Baalzebul, King of the Gods and Demons, you stand as all powerful,
All the superior beings rejoice in your presence, you are the fiery eye of the universe.” Lord Baalzebuls Power Ritual
The point is They are all powerful. And yes, there’s some quotes that are affirmations from the Power Rituals however, it is the facts that are presented in saying them that stand to what is being said.
Satanswarlord666 said:
They are not Gods, and reaching true Godhead takes allot of personal work and effort. And theres no way you can finish the magnum opus, by constantly putting all your energy and time in writing allot of sermons. If you did any serious self developmental spiritual work, you could see this easily without a doubt! Not that I have something against sermons to clarify. But I prefer quality over quantity.


Another thing what is shady is the constant begging for donations. Where does the money even go? You guys seriously need to take life more serious, because time is flying.

Yes, you have answered your own question. For her to pursue the next stage of her life she needed to take time away from the forums. Also, you ignored half of the other reasons I put.

You tell us to take life more seriously, as if this can be done without money. Look at how much money Jews donate to Rabbis, because they understand the importance of fueling spiritual development, whereas we are sitting here bickering over pennies.

Please explain to me your game plan for expanding JoS to the world, or even to host this server for us to talk right now, without any money?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
