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Jan 7, 2025
Hello Dear brothers and sisters. Dear colleagues, as well as those who just decided to answer me. This question bothers me a lot. That's the only thing stopping me from making the dedication right here and now. They are Jews. I've read a lot of articles. I understand that the Jewish elite is doing a lot of bad things. But I can't just hate on a national basis. There are bad people among all nations, and it's not just Jews who kill, lie, and steal. Not all Jews have a bad attitude towards Gentiles. Only religious people do that. (Christians and Muslims do this too, they also destroyed our culture), then why do we hate them? You should know how much that worries me. That's not how I was raised. I can't hate a random Jew who didn't participate in any of this. I just can't. It's against the way I live and think. This is wrong. That's how I feel.
I hope you can help me. Thank you. All the best, may Satan be with you.
It will probably become natural as you study their history and what they think of us, there are many excerpts from their books which highlight how their entire religion is based on enslaving humanity eccetra eccetra. But anyway, if you love the Gods, don't let this stop you!
There is SO MUCH MORE to this path than the hate for the enemy.
Just focus on our beautiful Gods and the magnificent meditations they've gifted us, feel your Soul be uplifted by in Spiritual Practice.
i used to think the same way you do when i was completely new; "i can dislike the evil spread by abrahamic religions, but not every single jew individually".
i dedicated anyways, because the rewards of taking the path to advancement, walking alongside our Gods, far outweighed the potential immorality of "disliking based on nationality".
and as Aquarius said, the more you learn, the more you will see them exactly for what they are. give yourself some time
if you look at their books, their torah and such, you wull find that even an average jew as you put it will and does hate you. Any of them that study the torah hate us gentiles it's in their books it's how they are raised to be plain and simple. It's why they have done all of these things over the past 2000 years to twist our history and posion us. we have the proof of this. check out the TOS read it all, HP Maxine has pointed out many things about them along with other sources to look at if you can stomach it.
But the thing is Dedication isn't about hating the jews. it's about wanting to be on this path of being an SS and getting close as possible to our true gods. To Father Zeus, to the thousands of other gods and hundreds of other SS here. The path itself brings so much warmth and light to ones life when you put yourself to it. It's not about hate, far from it total opposite of it. This path is about bringing light to your own soul- which is power- and using that light to better your life so that you live your life to the fullest. That in a nutshell is the path. Yes many strive for Godhood of course but the gods want us to enjoy life to the fullest while we strive for Godhood or else doing so is pointless.
So don't worry about hating the jews. think instead about your soul and what bringing light to it would do to help you live a better life.

Hail Father Zeus
That's not how I was raised. I can't hate a random Jew who didn't participate in any of this. I just can't. It's against the way I live and think. This is wrong. That's how I feel.
That's the way you feel, because it's the way you were brought up to feel by Christian influenced society - hug and forgive your enemies, turn the other check. No one here is telling you to hate anyone, we simply offer the truth and leave it to you to make an informed decision about them. All Christianity comes from Roman Catholicism, which was Judaism adapted to appeal to non-jewish people, Gentiles. Early Catholicism (third century +) contained a lot of pagan customs and beliefs to attract people of pagan belief in the Roman Empire. Some of these still exist today; Easter - of the Lady Astarte, known as Ishtar, the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility, often referred to as the "Queen of Heaven." The first ten Popes were jews ("This myth of jesus has served us well" - Pope LeoX). You only have to go online and look up the foul-evil history of catholicism to realize it is something right out of the imagination of a blood thirsty psychopath, devoid of any love or moral conscience. It has murdered, tortured millions: European inquisitions, rape, pillage of South America by the Conquistidors and the catholic church. It has tried to erase all knowledge of other religions before it. It's no mystery that there is so little knowledge of the ancient civilisations with the jews systematic destruction of history.
We don't preocupy ourselves here anymore about the jews and their evil agenda. We simply acknowledge what they are, move on and concentrate on our relationship with our Gods, and our spiritual growth.

Below are some links and information:

You should understand that not once have they ever corrected themselves historically from committing endless crimes against our people, and these crimes are of an extreme weight, serious infractions that will make you sick to the core.

Go to this library and use the search function, type in "genocide" and read everything on the topic of genocide. It has always been a jewish idea and aspiration against us.
The more you study about them, the more a natural fire of hate will start in your belly about them. The atrocities they commit on a regular basis since 2000 years ago will make you want to puke.
who are they? Any Jew? It sounds weird.
There are bad people among all nations, and it's not just Jews who kill, lie, and steal.
Let me introduce to an important statistical term: per capita. You can't just say "there are bad people among nations". The percentage of bad people in each nation can be measured. For example, in America Black people are 13% of the population but commit over 50% of violent crime. Blacks are clearly statistically overrepresented in violent crime. Similarly, Jews are 2% of the population but were over half of Biden's cabinet, almost every big bank CEO is jewish, most funds to the 2 parties come from jews and so on, most feminist pioneers were jewish and so one

So you you can see despite jews being a small minority, they are overrepresented in most bad things.

Take a look at the site below and you will see jews are overrepresented at an awful lot of bad things:

Not all Jews have a bad attitude towards Gentiles. Only religious people do that.

Those jews who wrote anti-White books with titles like "White trash", "White privilege" and pretend to be White when they want to talk shit about White people aren't religious. They are secular/atheist jews. Noel Ignatiev, the jewish professor who said horrible things like White people should not exist was not religious. He was an secular jew. Tim Wise, the anti-White asshole who regularly bashes White people is a secular jew. Pornography is largely controlled by secular jews. The Hollywood and the crap it pushes is controlled by atheist jews. George Soros, the big villain who funds anti-White organizations and NGOs to replace White people in European countries is a secular jew. The founders of most communist movements in Europe were all secular jews.

Most bad shit is done by secular/atheist jews.

(Christians and Muslims do this too, they also destroyed our culture)

Xianity and islam are jewish programs. Both came from the jews and are based on the jewish character Abraham, that's why they are called Abrahamic.

I can't hate a random Jew who didn't participate in any of this. I just can't. It's against the way I live and think. This is wrong. That's how I feel.

Your way of thinking is typical of the so-called postwar consensus imposed by jews.

You don't have to hate anyone. All we are saying that as you study more about them you will notice certain patterns. Every time I see a corrupt judge for example I check his/her early history on Wikipedia and most of the time it happens to be a jew. Other times I don't need to look things up, their name ends in -berg, -stein, -witz or -baum.
who are they? Any Jew? It sounds weird.
They are literally of another seed than us. They are humanoid, but not human. That is why they are not compatible with with what we do, and vice versa, their practices are harmful for us.

All the relevant information can be found from the resources here: https://zeusisgod.org/

And the following video is quite revealing:

One of the most psychologically revealing Jewish statements ever made: “We go into countries as an undercover team. We take on the same shape and form as the people there . . . we’re like undercover agents . . . We are aliens, starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth . . . We are being trained, activated, and that emotion and mind awakens in us. It’s coming from our original planet . . . We will take over those living on Earth . . . It’s not a different galaxy, it’s a different Universe. It’s a different dimension altogether.”

In other words, they are a biological weapon.
who are they? Any Jew? It sounds weird.
You are committing the fallacy of division here. You assume that jews being bad in general means every single jew is bad.

Tigers are dangerous and can attack you. Not all tigers are dangerous, in fact there's a buddhist monastery in Thailand where they have tamed tigers. But that doesn't mean that when you see a random tiger out in the wild you don't have to watch out and you can just relax and pet it. The same thing with jews: an individual jew might not be bad, but jews in general are bad and you should be careful when you meet a random jew.
They are literally of another seed than us. They are humanoid, but not human. That is why they are not compatible with with what we do, and vice versa, their practices are harmful for us.

All the relevant information can be found from the resources here: https://zeusisgod.org/

And the following video is quite revealing:

One of the most psychologically revealing Jewish statements ever made: “We go into countries as an undercover team. We take on the same shape and form as the people there . . . we’re like undercover agents . . . We are aliens, starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth . . . We are being trained, activated, and that emotion and mind awakens in us. It’s coming from our original planet . . . We will take over those living on Earth . . . It’s not a different galaxy, it’s a different Universe. It’s a different dimension altogether.”

In other words, they are a biological weapon.
It's more like a conspiracy theory and conspiracy theories. There is no real evidence of this. I might as well call myself the conqueror from Mars.
You must not know any of them. All of them who I have ever known have all been evil, had bad intentions, always trying to create problems and harm innocent people.
It's more like a conspiracy theory and conspiracy theories. There is no real evidence of this. I might as well call myself the conqueror from Mars.
I mean at the end of the day why would you believe the Temple of Zeus about literally everything else and then fall short about the jews? Why would the clergy speak the truth about every matter and then randomly decide to lie about the jews?
Satan literally means enemy in hebrew, you hail Satan but cannot dislike jews? You must see the contradiction?

"Sure they lied about our Gods, stole all spiritual information from us, have taken control over most western governments usurping our democracies, genocided multiple Gentile peoples, are genociding another right now, openly brag about all of this and their entire religion is built around enslaving us, but what about a hypothetical good one?"

At the end of the day believe what you want, the Temple of Zeus does not enforce political or ideological conformity just dont expect to get very far spiritually speaking because the Gods place power in those they can trust to wield it, and the lines have been drawn so to speak, there is no middle ground between every goyim a slave and complete liberation, its one or the other.
Religiously they are complete enemy and antithesis. In real practical life, finding some "good jews" or wathever normalcy is "normal".

We here are dealing and talking about essences, we do not care about any random jew who is astray from his inner calling towards his torah. However, collectively, in the most extreme facets of social, cultural, political, academic, economic, religious parts of life they have proven to be extremely unlikable and destructive towards our people of all races.

If random jew takes offense on this, he should do something to fix this in the eyes of humanity. Until then and until divine justice is declared, we do not and will not accept any jew, religious or not, evil or "good", supportive or not in our assembly, as a brother, as anything but a declared by nature, history and Gods, enemies: permanently. This does not imply hate, hate is a very low domain sentiment which accomplishes nothing and is based on a Karen level of reaction mind. We do not "hate", but we are logically-passionate in restoring our values and boundaries religiously that have been, to say the least assassinated and humiliated across ages by jewish souls, in all spectrum of diversity a jew was and is, he has been a declared enemy for us. They say this themselves since before we were not even born here as individuals, across thousands of years not only by doctrine but by action and spiritual violations as well. They boast, they propagandize, they create victimhood and "gas-litigations".

We love all other races of people, and we support each other. We sustain all human growth, we are not "nazis" (as a modern adjective) over human mistakes, absurdists or conspiracy theorist, but very logically and very emotionally invested in the good and in the positive. Our own people, gentiles, various gentile beings souls have also done irreparable mistakes, not only the jews, and those that did, Gods will know to enact justice upon them as well.

Our Zevist also try to educate and show people in aims to invest protection in you, to be aware. But this is not obligatory, and most fundamental it is a sign of community social bonding, they are not trying to brainwash you into any "hate", any irrationality or to force you to change your mind. That will not happen since it comes at the cost of awareness, life experience and many other things that majority of people will definetly not have, and also not need in practical life, in your own awarnes of starting to be initiated in the path. But as you pursue this path, you will become able to see and understand a larger part of human dynamic and world affairs, that will be above a reactionary instance of "bad jew, conspiracy theorists and Joe Rogan".

It is very understandable the shock factor that many will have coming here in regards to this, but the fundamental situation here that one must accept is that from a spiritual and religious stand point at least, by our authority in warning you for protection and proper initiation , the jews must be avoided and known as corrosive elements that do not desire or have empathy in growing you as a being or close to Gods. Quite the opposite.
It's more like a conspiracy theory and conspiracy theories. There is no real evidence of this. I might as well call myself the conqueror from Mars.
It is not, actually. It becomes evident to all spiritually inclined people, and by that, I mean those who work directly with Gods. For example, the information in ToZ is directly from Gods, and the personal experiences of very advanced individuals.

I see many great replies on this topic, those should be sufficient for now. I wish you good luck in realizing the truth about this topic, and in getting yourself familiarized with the 8-fold path.
Hello Dear brothers and sisters. Dear colleagues, as well as those who just decided to answer me. This question bothers me a lot. That's the only thing stopping me from making the dedication right here and now. They are Jews. I've read a lot of articles. I understand that the Jewish elite is doing a lot of bad things. But I can't just hate on a national basis. There are bad people among all nations, and it's not just Jews who kill, lie, and steal. Not all Jews have a bad attitude towards Gentiles. Only religious people do that. (Christians and Muslims do this too, they also destroyed our culture), then why do we hate them? You should know how much that worries me. That's not how I was raised. I can't hate a random Jew who didn't participate in any of this. I just can't. It's against the way I live and think. This is wrong. That's how I feel.
I hope you can help me. Thank you. All the best, may Satan be with you.
Just look at Putin what he is doing. He is a Jew. Do you live in christian family? Maybe you were raised and think like this because of Christianity. Read: templeofzeus.org maybe you will see it from different perspective. You will not regret if you join Satan.
Friends, thank you all for your answers! It's just that you've probably heard that Yahweh ordered the killing of pagan tribes in the Bible? When I talked to Christians, they explained that "almighty Jesus knew that pagans would be bad and killed children early." But is this normal? Is this adequate? Is that a good thing? It's bad and it's pure evil. That's what I mean. According to historical information, as well as books by many writers, cruelty on the part of the Germans was even to the children of Jews. But is it really right? Stigmatize a child? It's cruel to kill him. I believe that there is no excuse for this, we must always remain human, and in relation to children in the first place. It doesn't matter which one. No matter what beliefs a person has, children should not fall into the category of enemies. Naturally, the Germans had an ambiguous policy. Many were even nice towards the local population. I'm not saying that everyone was cruel. No, that's not true. For example, in the work of a writer living during the war, Adile Emirova, "What is was ist das?" She talks about the kindness of a German soldier. But there are also reverse examples. Yet again. I mean, even during the war, there were both positive and negative examples. This is confirmed by the mouths and letters of those who lived at that time.
Just look at Putin what he is doing. He is a Jew. Do you live in christian family? Maybe you were raised and think like this because of Christianity. Read: templeofzeus.org maybe you will see it from different perspective. You will not regret if you join Satan.
I don't live in a Christian family. My parents were never religious. Naturally, we followed some traditions influenced by the culture of our country. It's just that I can't express my dislike for the innocent. We can say "All Gypsies are thieves," because there really are many of them. But there are other examples in life. We can say, "All Tajiks, Arabs" are terrorists, because they mostly come from Eastern countries. But it's not like that. Not everyone is like that.
It is not, actually. It becomes evident to all spiritually inclined people, and by that, I mean those who work directly with Gods. For example, the information in ToZ is directly from Gods, and the personal experiences of very advanced individuals.

I see many great replies on this topic, those should be sufficient for now. I wish you good luck in realizing the truth about this topic, and in getting yourself familiarized with the 8-fold path.
Thank you very much! Have a nice day too! May Satan be with you!
Religiously they are complete enemy and antithesis. In real practical life, finding some "good jews" or wathever normalcy is "normal".

We here are dealing and talking about essences, we do not care about any random jew who is astray from his inner calling towards his torah. However, collectively, in the most extreme facets of social, cultural, political, academic, economic, religious parts of life they have proven to be extremely unlikable and destructive towards our people of all races.

If random jew takes offense on this, he should do something to fix this in the eyes of humanity. Until then and until divine justice is declared, we do not and will not accept any jew, religious or not, evil or "good", supportive or not in our assembly, as a brother, as anything but a declared by nature, history and Gods, enemies: permanently. This does not imply hate, hate is a very low domain sentiment which accomplishes nothing and is based on a Karen level of reaction mind. We do not "hate", but we are logically-passionate in restoring our values and boundaries religiously that have been, to say the least assassinated and humiliated across ages by jewish souls, in all spectrum of diversity a jew was and is, he has been a declared enemy for us. They say this themselves since before we were not even born here as individuals, across thousands of years not only by doctrine but by action and spiritual violations as well. They boast, they propagandize, they create victimhood and "gas-litigations".

We love all other races of people, and we support each other. We sustain all human growth, we are not "nazis" (as a modern adjective) over human mistakes, absurdists or conspiracy theorist, but very logically and very emotionally invested in the good and in the positive. Our own people, gentiles, various gentile beings souls have also done irreparable mistakes, not only the jews, and those that did, Gods will know to enact justice upon them as well.

Our Zevist also try to educate and show people in aims to invest protection in you, to be aware. But this is not obligatory, and most fundamental it is a sign of community social bonding, they are not trying to brainwash you into any "hate", any irrationality or to force you to change your mind. That will not happen since it comes at the cost of awareness, life experience and many other things that majority of people will definetly not have, and also not need in practical life, in your own awarnes of starting to be initiated in the path. But as you pursue this path, you will become able to see and understand a larger part of human dynamic and world affairs, that will be above a reactionary instance of "bad jew, conspiracy theorists and Joe Rogan".

It is very understandable the shock factor that many will have coming here in regards to this, but the fundamental situation here that one must accept is that from a spiritual and religious stand point at least, by our authority in warning you for protection and proper initiation , the jews must be avoided and known as corrosive elements that do not desire or have empathy in growing you as a being or close to Gods. Quite the opposite.
Thank you so much for your reply! Let me clarify. Can I just treat a jew with close attention and caution in life? Can I not hold a grudge? I don't want to keep the negativity in me.
You are committing the fallacy of division here. You assume that jews being bad in general means every single jew is bad.

Tigers are dangerous and can attack you. Not all tigers are dangerous, in fact there's a buddhist monastery in Thailand where they have tamed tigers. But that doesn't mean that when you see a random tiger out in the wild you don't have to watch out and you can just relax and pet it. The same thing with jews: an individual jew might not be bad, but jews in general are bad and you should be careful when you meet a random jew.
I think you have to be careful with everyone. Everyone can cause harm.
Thanks for the answer!
They are literally of another seed than us. They are humanoid, but not human. That is why they are not compatible with with what we do, and vice versa, their practices are harmful for us.

All the relevant information can be found from the resources here: https://zeusisgod.org/

And the following video is quite revealing:

One of the most psychologically revealing Jewish statements ever made: “We go into countries as an undercover team. We take on the same shape and form as the people there . . . we’re like undercover agents . . . We are aliens, starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth . . . We are being trained, activated, and that emotion and mind awakens in us. It’s coming from our original planet . . . We will take over those living on Earth . . . It’s not a different galaxy, it’s a different Universe. It’s a different dimension altogether.”

In other words, they are a biological weapon.
Is there any scientific evidence for the existence of Jewish aliens other than words? A person can come up with anything they want at any time. I'm not going to believe in something just because someone said so. Anyway, I'll be attentive, thanks for the reply.
Let me introduce to an important statistical term: per capita. You can't just say "there are bad people among nations". The percentage of bad people in each nation can be measured. For example, in America Black people are 13% of the population but commit over 50% of violent crime. Blacks are clearly statistically overrepresented in violent crime. Similarly, Jews are 2% of the population but were over half of Biden's cabinet, almost every big bank CEO is jewish, most funds to the 2 parties come from jews and so on, most feminist pioneers were jewish and so one

So you you can see despite jews being a small minority, they are overrepresented in most bad things.

Take a look at the site below and you will see jews are overrepresented at an awful lot of bad things:

Those jews who wrote anti-White books with titles like "White trash", "White privilege" and pretend to be White when they want to talk shit about White people aren't religious. They are secular/atheist jews. Noel Ignatiev, the jewish professor who said horrible things like White people should not exist was not religious. He was an secular jew. Tim Wise, the anti-White asshole who regularly bashes White people is a secular jew. Pornography is largely controlled by secular jews. The Hollywood and the crap it pushes is controlled by atheist jews. George Soros, the big villain who funds anti-White organizations and NGOs to replace White people in European countries is a secular jew. The founders of most communist movements in Europe were all secular jews.

Most bad shit is done by secular/atheist jews.

Xianity and islam are jewish programs. Both came from the jews and are based on the jewish character Abraham, that's why they are called Abrahamic.

Your way of thinking is typical of the so-called postwar consensus imposed by jews.

You don't have to hate anyone. All we are saying that as you study more about them you will notice certain patterns. Every time I see a corrupt judge for example I check his/her early history on Wikipedia and most of the time it happens to be a jew. Other times I don't need to look things up, their name ends in -berg, -stein, -witz or -baum.
Okay, you take popular personalities. Let's take an ordinary Jew who lives an ordinary life, how does his bad attitude manifest itself to us? If we take such popular personalities, you can find a goat in absolutely any nation.
Please don't be mad at me. I'm not 18 years old yet. I read and study a lot, but I still don't understand everything.
I am new here to brother and I see from reading information on Joy of Satan website that the Jews are what the enemy is working and continue to work. They are responsible for making the bible and changing it to work evil mind control. I was a Christian and completely understand what that bullshit does to your mind and soul. I believe every person has a choice. If a jew wanted to follow Satan they could and would have no problem leaving that land and see the real shit for what it is. A Jew converting to Zeus is possible and to me it is just a greater example of the almighty power and influence of Father Lucifer. Lucifer is so beautiful and merciful even a corrupted seed can leave the filth and be transformed by Him and through Him. All praise to Father Lucifer, All Powerful and ever merciful. I used to blaspheme His name as a stupid Christian and found mercy and real life and transformation through Him. It has only been a few days since I have converted and I am already experiencing His power to override the lies from the pathetic bible. I HATE THE BULLSHIT ISRAEL HAS DONE AND CONTINUE TO DO, so for that I hold a land and a people responsible, but nevertheless an Individual who chooses to find the higher wisdom WILL ALWAYS FIND IT HERE. And here is Father Lucifer and His beauty. I am so grateful I found this. And all of it is Free. I could cry tears. I thought Lucifer would never want me for all I said and where I came from. I hope this helps some brother. For you, all Love :)
Is there any scientific evidence for the existence of Jewish aliens other than words? A person can come up with anything they want at any time. I'm not going to believe in something just because someone said so. Anyway, I'll be attentive, thanks for the reply.
You are free to spiritually advance to the point of seeing it for yourself, or asking Gods the question, or questions.
In regards to the topic of jews, watching a video Helleniser shared in regards to Saturn, how the enemy uses it to cause suffering on earth, and the associations with the black cube we see across the abrahamic religions really spoke to me. The cube has been an intriguing topic in my head for years and now it seems to click why.

Years ago reading sermons from HPS Maxine I had come across Aleister Crowley and his communication with a grey named “Lam”. Looking into this further I had come to an understanding that this “Lam” is the entity behind the abrahimic religions- “god” if you will. Lam talks of the existence of a cube which took me down a path of researching the black boxes the jews and muslims dedicate prayer to, and was finally drawn to the version that xians prayed to.

It came together when in my studies when I read up on the book of revelations- the last book of the bible- for symbolism and answers. That is when I found that the “new jerusalem” is a cube.

Good News Translation:
“The city was perfectly square, as wide as it was long. The angel measured the city with his measuring stick: it was fifteen hundred miles long and was as wide and as high as it was long.”

This led me to why is Lam obsessed with the cube and what is his connection to all three of the abrahamic filth. I learned that “Lam/Laam” is the Arabic letter that is commonly used as an acronym for allah and in the bible there is much symbolism with “god” announcing himself as “I am”. Crowley understood that this was a miscommunication, as it is not “I am” but “lam” or “Lam”.

Finally, I found the connection the jews have. The hebrew letter “lamed” is associated with “yahweh”, the most sacred name of their god.

“The letter Lamed itself represents the number 30, but its constituent parts, Vav and Kaf, yield the number 26, which is the number of , YHVH: Since Lamed is central and raised above all the other letters, it represents YHVH, or the King of Kings.”

I never understood why the cube and Lam was so important and any connection it had, until I watched the informing video posted by Helleniser and the connection between the enemy using Saturn to bring suffering on earth, and the black cube, which they use to manifest the energy.

I would greatly appreciate feedback into this, as it has been years since I really dug my heels into this topic and this is information I can recall.
In regards to the topic of jews, watching a video Helleniser shared in regards to Saturn, how the enemy uses it to cause suffering on earth, and the associations with the black cube we see across the abrahamic religions really spoke to me. The cube has been an intriguing topic in my head for years and now it seems to click why.

Years ago reading sermons from HPS Maxine I had come across Aleister Crowley and his communication with a grey named “Lam”. Looking into this further I had come to an understanding that this “Lam” is the entity behind the abrahimic religions- “god” if you will. Lam talks of the existence of a cube which took me down a path of researching the black boxes the jews and muslims dedicate prayer to, and was finally drawn to the version that xians prayed to.

It came together when in my studies when I read up on the book of revelations- the last book of the bible- for symbolism and answers. That is when I found that the “new jerusalem” is a cube.

Good News Translation:
“The city was perfectly square, as wide as it was long. The angel measured the city with his measuring stick: it was fifteen hundred miles long and was as wide and as high as it was long.”

This led me to why is Lam obsessed with the cube and what is his connection to all three of the abrahamic filth. I learned that “Lam/Laam” is the Arabic letter that is commonly used as an acronym for allah and in the bible there is much symbolism with “god” announcing himself as “I am”. Crowley understood that this was a miscommunication, as it is not “I am” but “lam” or “Lam”.

Finally, I found the connection the jews have. The hebrew letter “lamed” is associated with “yahweh”, the most sacred name of their god.

“The letter Lamed itself represents the number 30, but its constituent parts, Vav and Kaf, yield the number 26, which is the number of , YHVH: Since Lamed is central and raised above all the other letters, it represents YHVH, or the King of Kings.”

I never understood why the cube and Lam was so important and any connection it had, until I watched the informing video posted by Helleniser and the connection between the enemy using Saturn to bring suffering on earth, and the black cube, which they use to manifest the energy.

I would greatly appreciate feedback into this, as it has been years since I really dug my heels into this topic and this is information I can recall.
Thank you! Useful!
A Jew converting to Zeus is possible and to me it is just a greater example of the almighty power and influence of Father Lucifer.
judaism is to any jew what Zevism (primordial Paganism) to any Human / Gentile.

And have you ever seen what rabbi Michael Laitman says about jews? They are a different species, coming from a different dimension. In other words, invaders whose sole reason for existence is to conquer and destroy Earth - Zeus' / Satan' Earth.
So even when some filthy jew were to come here and, after having been exposed, would claim it is a converted, self-hating jew - no, it won't fool us. We've seen it way too many times. Vermin thrives on deception.

The number evidence is abundant.
A Jew converting to Zeus is possible and to me it is just a greater example of the almighty power and influence of Father Lucifer. Lucifer is so beautiful and merciful even a corrupted seed can leave the filth and be transformed by Him and through Him. All praise to Father Lucifer, All Powerful and ever merciful.

Replace "Zeus" or "Lucifer" with "Jesus" and this part sounds like a xian pastor's sermon. You said you were a xian but apparently you never fully deprogrammed from it. You have more work to do.
A Jew converting to Zeus is possible and to me it is just a greater example of the almighty power and influence of Father Lucifer. Lucifer is so beautiful and merciful even a corrupted seed can leave the filth and be transformed by Him and through Him. All praise to Father Lucifer, All Powerful and ever merciful.

Explaining briefly why this part reads like xian cringe, besides the jew conversion thing that others already addressed:

You are throwing away your own power and expect salvation from a being. Don't do that! Even if that being is Zeus or Satan. He doesn't want us to throw away our personal power, he want us to develop it and save ourselves. Transformation comes from ourselves. No other being can transform us. He can help us and guide us, but all transformation is done by ourselves. Recognize your own power instead of seeing another being as all-powerful and forgive yourself instead of begging another being to show you mercy.
You have more work to do
What I've observed is that jews love sticking to their racial topics. Abramovich, Rabinovich, Yakobovich, Yosef, Solomon, etc.

That said, @Solomons - are you jewish? You seem to be trying to stick to this name TOO HARD.

As the majority of us were either xian or mudslime as those had been forced onto us, we were able to cast off the shackles.

Jews will not abandon what they are.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
