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Jews Say: "Pedophilia Is A Natural Sexual Orientation"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Aquarius said:
Pedophilia Is A Natural Sexual Orientation | Mirjam Heine | TEDxUniversityofWürzburg
Literally posted by a channel with a david's star as picture.

In the above video you will see a robotic cuck that has her hormones overridden to the point she (or it) is a total borg, that tries to convince the "Close minded" people, in regards to how pedophiles are to be catered, protected, and loved, and taken care of by civilization, and helped to "Amend for their sins" through science and trying to tame these and "help them". She wants to be a good caring mommy for pedos, and she tries to sweet talk them into 'seeking help' and all the related.

How sweet of her. She's probably one of these types that talk about how marginalized and oppressed and sad Muslims are in Europe. Tear up now please.

Sort of like, let's keep AIDS alive, because this little virus is really innocent, and it doesn't want to harm anyone on it's own accord. It's our own system's fault that is dying from this innocent virus...The Problem is in ourselves fellow goys, not in AIDS. It only wants to live, like all other poor species born into existence. This way we are being gud and caring mothers for all that is defiled upon the face of this planet, and good "Rational thinkers".

According to the jew and his demented lackeys, we SHOULD (And we will be socially ENFORCED to through Multiculturalism) to open our large hands to cuddle, fondle, and support all these social destroyers, child soul ruining filth, and pedos, and we do not give them bullets or lead or imprisonment or the electric chair, and we can pride ourselves in that, how 'good' people we are because we do not punish it.

This is the system around this filth in a nutshell. 20 years ago this shit would never pass. But as the son of the jew Soros admitted, his dad and jews push multiculturalism so that all of these things change, and the jews are 'at home' everywhere.

To begin I have written a lot of posts, and have made documentaries (Which were of course disappeared by the enemy as they shit their pants when these things gain attention) in regards to jewish pedophillia and how they are systematic abusers and pedos. Of course, much of this can be found online, but most of it cannot. I will post only a couple pieces below for reference. Everyone is turning a blind eye to all of this.

Britain's Hidden Child Abuse - London's Orthodox Jewish Community - Documentary

Sex Abuse Case of Rabbi Moshe Taubenfeld Adjourned for Two Months

Systematic cuckery and effemination of civilization comes to a point where all cucks who can't deal with any problem, because it's beyond them to fix, try to sweet talk, amend, and try to 'normalize' a problem because they are sick themselves, perverted, and mentally il. This is not even a topic of debate, as simply, the female and male energies deal with problems differently. The male energy destroys, cuts, rips through (as in some cases like that should be the case), while the feminine energies try to deal with a problem through other and less obvious methods.

This is a characteristic sickness in present day civilization, where all the abomination things that happen, instead of persecution and destruction, are only met with fake pseudo-solutions to 'justify' them, 'accept' them, and try to make things seek normal and focus on how people 'need help'.

Christians and other idiots who pretend they are 'against' this, must have lost the part in the bible where Lot gives his 'young daughters' for prostitution to angels, who of course proceed to fuck their brains out. Many also who pretend to be against pedophillia also seem to skip the other fact that Islam is literally based on this and that in most Muslim countries, pedophillia is an ordinary, everyday practice.

Christianity and the Church is the number 1 place of pedophillia, shipping of children, and snuff operations in every nation. The same goes for Mosques and Synagogues. These are seats of endless crime in all nations. The vermin of the christians and the "priests" are attracted into the house of the jewish vermin, and they all work to corrupt and destroy society together.

This is typical in this video which was posted in that these kikes promote "Pedophillia as a normal sexual orientation" and that these people only deserve to be "Helped". The jews are again projecting as they always have done since their inception by the alien filth they were created.

As it is clear in this video, these people are jews. They forgot to hide the star of david on their channel too. To them, pedophillia is a very pronounced craft, same as any other disgusting, disturbing. Jews are pedophiles on a universal level, and they have hidden doctrines which revolve around raping even their own kids to Torah submission, same as beating them extremely much, and even giving them drugs.

There was this group in Israel which was called Lev Hator in which every practitioner was given heavy drugs, women were beaten and raped in submission, and people were given lashes for 'disobedience' on a consistent basis, or beat severely because of failure to 'comprehend' Torah law or just comply with the enemy's agenda. Rape in Judaism is also instated as a normal thing between husband and wife, and rapists or child assaults are never punished, never even reported. They are not even looked upon as a problem.

Pedophillia is not some sort of orientation or fetish, it is a sickness when one is a sexual assaulter to those who are weak, incapable to defend themselves, and it is criminal. If "pedophillia" is so "Natural" as these jews claim, why does it leave people literally SCARRED for life? People who are sexually assaulted are scarred and emotionally ruined permanently. But it is not a surprise the enemy pushes this the more mentally destroyed people are, the easier they are to control. Abuse and being assaulted at a young age is in the mix for many serial killer, murderers, among other factors.

Jews come from a very "oppressive" (self inflicted) and sick alien culture. Behind every promotion of unnatural things, and disgusting things, the statement that is a century old but is eternally true "Raise any rock and you will find a jew" is a very true statement.

Many people in the west do whine about pedophilia which is essentially practiced in EVERY non White nation to an extreme. Of course, this is not mentioned, as this doesn't fit the stereotype of that everyone who is non White is a little oppressed and beautiful "angel", who evil Devil Whitey does persecute. This is not to say that Whites do not have these types of people, but in other places, this is normalized, universalized, and even seen as a divine thing as with Mohammed and his 9 year old wife. Islam is based on the tolerance of pedophilia and universalizing pedophiles into a normal, everyday thing, as Islam is vicious and it requires an endless chain of victimization.

Jews know to do very good Jew talk when it comes to trying to justify this. Someone being 'attracted' to fully grown girls who have had periods for at least 2-3 years, and are 16 years old, is not a classified pedo. Some people are ready for sexuality at 15, some others when they are 21.

Jews try to mix these categories to cause confusion and cloak themselves, which is also illegal in most places, is branded together with the pedophiles, so the jews can mask how alien this practice is.

The situation is pedophillia aims on people who are beneath the age of ability of sexuality, and the pedos stalk and go to assault kids who are beneath the age of 12 or literally even in the crib. This is the definition of literal spite. This is sick and is deserving of death upon proof in regards to that.

In regards to the enemy's religions, it is an absolute necessity to push these things so people become traumatized and too ruined to resist them or act against them. The sexual vocations of the Vatican both in regards pedophilia and both of what they do to one another as "pious holy men", and what they do to nuns, is well known.

Misery to the enemy is a feeding source. It's well documented that most pedophiles are only caught after their streak of victims can be over 100 people. Out of these, many people abuse themselves. The abused becomes the abuser, and the vicious cycle continues like a literal infectious illness. These people are left disabled and ruined for life. The same goes for rape and other things which our "Enrichment" is not only increasing in our civilizations, but also is made "legal" by the jews. Take notes on how easy rapists and child abusers come off the hooks legally in Europe, simply by saying they "Do not know it was children assault".

This is because in their countries (and most of course will totally lie about this as with many other things), child assault is everyday life. Many have been assaulted themselves. This sickness then replicates itself, and spreads to more and more people, increasing social destruction. A lot of people are scarred to such an extent that they never recover.

The jews want to normalize a world which is basically the absolute epitome of sickness and degeneracy, so they can be at peak and on their natural habitat. That way, the "Goyim" will be pre-occupied with so many hazards, that they will live in such a shitty and dangerous, and degenerate existence, which will be normalized, and the jews will not be looked upon as a problem as other problems will have reached the absolute peak.

In Satan's coming era, there will be none of this. And by none, it is meant none. It will be all squashed mercilessly and destroyed. Cursed be the kikes and everyone who promotes this fucking filth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What happened to her? No joke now she really act, speak and look like a borg. Or maybe that's just how she is... Also why so many wires for a simple microphone?

BTW related to the subjects.

Judgind after the beard that guy looks jewish, also a pedophile himself.
This is absolutely disgusting and I tried but couldn't even watch much. Also notice the jewish star as the channel icon. I wonder how long youtube will allow this video to stay up (probably forever).
Vx36 said:
This is absolutely disgusting and I tried but couldn't even watch much. Also notice the jewish star as the channel icon. I wonder how long youtube will allow this video to stay up (probably forever).

If it has a jewish star, and it preached pedophillia, it will stay up forever.

If it is a channel like mine, it will be booted instantly at skyrocketing speed only because I just reported and reposted what the jews say about themselves.

If it promotes Jews, Christianity, Islam, etc and the related things, you can expect anything to stay up indefinitely.
(Jewish) Talmud

Book of mishnah niddah chapter 5 verse 4

(mishnah niddah 5:4)
If I am not mistaken, then the American (or jewmerican) DSM version whichever-is-the-most-appropriate-these-days agrees.
Here in the third world(Nicaragua) the cases of rape and pedophilia are very normal, the rapists do not receive punishment and it is the victim who receives punishment since the family isolate him/her and turn his/her life into a nightmare.

In the rural areas this is pretty common and rapists have transcended as leaders of my country.
wtf don't think she was raised correctly. gonna go listen smashing pumkins or snow patrol or something kikes are fricking sick, can't believe I watched most of her talk just ate too think i'm gonna go throw up.
Cacique Satanás said:
Here in the third world(Nicaragua) the cases of rape and pedophilia are very normal, the rapists do not receive punishment and it is the victim who receives punishment since the family isolate him/her and turn his/her life into a nightmare.

In the rural areas this is pretty common and rapists have transcended as leaders of my country.

I knew one person who told me they went to Thailand for regular vacation, and they asked the cab driver there in regards to where the brothels were and to drive them there. The cab driver recommended them to go home and fuck his wife and his own daughter, which he said was around 8 years old at the time.

They got shocked and the cab driver explained to them this is how it "Goes" in many places in Thailand. He was so used in regards to pedos and pimping his own family to cab customers who were visiting the region that he automatically assumed they wanted the offer.
This is the mind of a Jew and shows very much their way of thinking. This guy very obviously has Jew blood.

I was aware of this article for awhile. I came across it last year when I randomly ended up on a youtube video talking about this and I was like this cant be real but it was. Just dont click here if you are sensitive cause this will make you want to throw up.

With that said. I understand completely what you are saying. I was almost a victim of a baby sitter who did have some position in the local catholic church where I grew up I dont fully remember what. But luckily this person was caught before doing anything. He would go around my neighborhood and get really into playing with the kids on my street. He was very creepy in the way he did this. It was actually my dad who told me this story I dont fully remember it. Luckily my parents had not left yet when this started he claimed he was just comparing his "junk" to mine is the quote my dad used. He did this in broad daylight out in the back yard I never was touched though. We were not Catholics btw

Anyways this stuff is sick and anyone who has any level of awareness would never harm a child. I hope this can end. Filthy kikes for promoting this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Pedophilia Is A Natural Sexual Orientation | Mirjam Heine | TEDxUniversityofWürzburg

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

As for those viruses in human form (the Jews) I hate them. We need revenge. If someone wants to answer me, I would be very grateful ... it concerns the energy of the Polaris star. In short, initially, in the section on stellar energies we wrote that some stars like Caput Algol and Polaris are extremely destructive and invoking their energies can cause permanent madness. Later, when the characteristics for each star are listed, for Caput Algol it is confirmed that absorbing its energy can cause permanent madness ... instead for Polaris, it says that ... ability to find one's own way, possible disease or affliction, spiritual power and respect thanks to it. Please enlighten me about the energy of the Polaris star. HAIL SATAN
darkmonkey666 said:
This is the mind of a Jew and shows very much their way of thinking. This guy very obviously has Jew blood.

I was aware of this article for awhile. I came across it last year when I randomly ended up on a youtube video talking about this and I was like this cant be real but it was. Just dont click here if you are sensitive cause this will make you want to throw up.

With that said. I understand completely what you are saying. I was almost a victim of a baby sitter who did have some position in the local catholic church where I grew up I dont fully remember what. But luckily this person was caught before doing anything. He would go around my neighborhood and get really into playing with the kids on my street. He was very creepy in the way he did this. It was actually my dad who told me this story I dont fully remember it. Luckily my parents had not left yet when this started he claimed he was just comparing his "junk" to mine is the quote my dad used. He did this in broad daylight out in the back yard I never was touched though. We were not Catholics btw

Anyways this stuff is sick and anyone who has any level of awareness would never harm a child. I hope this can end. Filthy kikes for promoting this.
I want to say something similar to what you posted here but I don't intend to upset or offend you, so you might want to skip my next paragraph below.

Seeing as there is such a meme culture these days, there should be some memes made of the jew comparing the sizes of their...noses, but of course in an abusive, degenerative context and manner. As it turns out, "the" pope is a kike, so there could be a Child-abusive version of these jew-nose-size-comparing memes for that, as well. If done well, the memes could be funny as well as informative and perhaps gruesome, but if anyone does do any, then please make them be highly derogatory against the kike!

A few years ago I saw a programme on TV regarding Children and I think it was to do with their development in and out of school, and a teacher said that they overhear things, of course, and one thing this one teacher overheard was a Child saying that their Daddy's penis (but whatever word the Child used) is big and they were also giggling, in the way Children talk sillily and matter-of-factly about things. Of course, it probably would seem to be big to a Child, but regardless of whatever, the teacher didn't think anything abusive or questionable or illegal was happening. One would hope that the teacher asked the Child some questions, of course. They didn't say this, but of course subjectively you'd assume what anyone would think is the obvious, but based solely on that bit in the programme, and also being objective, I thought it could have been the Child and Daddy having a bath together, or perhaps being in a swimming centre or something, where the Dad would have been...exposed. I know it is not uncommon for very young Children to see/be naked with Parents in the bath, for example, and these Children in the programme were obviously old enough to communicate but not old enough to feel ashamed or embarrassed for being naked/see Parent/s naked.

Then there is also the point about family nudist areas. Seeing as the jew - "god" - forced adam and eve to feel ashamed for being naked (despite that nudity is supposed to be "how 'god' intended it", which is a contradiction), then I should expect there to be some articles about indecent exposure and sexual abuse on family nudist colonies/beaches sooner or later. If Ancient Greece, et al, are to be believed, with the current version of history, then nudity was very common, including among the athletic fighters. I suppose being in a warmer country, it made sense, and it was an everyday occurence for people. I don't know this for certain, but I think that in some Asian countries, young Children in school have times or certain circumstances of being naked in the school with teachers present and as part of school life. My guess is this is communist areas with Child orphanages and toilet/bath times.

There are many opportunities to turn something into a jewed thing, to then cause an outcry and backlash, to then reduce it and control it, back into xianity. I have noticed an increase in xian shit in (((media))), so these things are attempted to be coming together. Then with the worldwide Child rapists appointed by "god" being exposed now, "No True Scotsman" will come into play, with "the debull" influencing "god"'s appointed "leaders" (and "god" not doing anything about it nor preventing it in the first place - but this will be ignored and "explained"!), and because these "god"-appointed Child rapists are not actual christians, really, then "this is what xianity actually is", and clever individuals will ignore the fact "god" didn't prevent shit from happening to begin with.

One would hope that some would not be too retarded to accept a bullshit "explanation", though, and instead leave xianity forever. In a more off-topic way but also regarding leaving kike shit, I was told once about a story of 3 Children trying to cross a wide stream or narrow river. This was a part of an emotional, subjective "lesson" for me regarding not only having "faith" but also being wise (a contradiction in xian terms!). These 3 Children wanted or needed to get across the water and "had faith" that "god" would protect them despite the severe dangers. They prayed and believed and had faith...and then set across. "god" never showed-up and all three of the Children drowned. The kike "moral" of this story (whether a real or fake story - but as an xian retard, you choose to believe(!) that it's a real story and that you're a lowly spastic so just accept bullshit shit) is that you should also know when to not be stupid. As I said, this is a contradiction because you're supposed to be like an ignorant, immature, naïve Child.

That's why these "priests" whom "god" appointed to rape Children worldwide are not really true and actual xians, despite them preaching and being worshipped and obeyed for many years and despite "god" not removing nor preventing them, and zidiots will accept these types of tripe "explanations".
Gray0123456789 said:
Seriously, go to the Astrology subforum and make a topic there about your stars. I don't know why you keep asking this in all these unrelated topics. Click on the Joy of Satan picture at the top of the page it brings you to the board index that lists all the subforums. Then go to the Astrology one and click Add A New Topic. It's not hard to do
I like to add that even if a person is lucky enough to find Satanism and start to heal themselves it isn't an easy road. I am speaking from experience. I've mentioned a while ago in the Yahoo groups that I was assaulted as a child by my babysitter while my mom went to school or work. Can't remember all the details as most of has been forgotten because of how long ago it was or my mind has blacked out most of it. I was 6 or 7. Whatever year kindergarten kids are. I myself have never assaulted a child and I say this with the understanding that I wouldn't be lying to people here but to myself if this wasn't true since in the end I know the truth. Thankfully for my own sake like I said I never have done something so disgusting. With how low I've felt growing up because of this and then adding smoking weed and taking a ecstasy a few times making it all way way worse for my mind I know for a fact that I would have killed myself by now if I have done something disgusting and awful to an innocent child.

Istead of saying some sob story what I'm getting at is that with the cleaning the soul meditations and recently using the WUNJO rune to heal myself from mental and psychology trauma and damage the experience can be said it's like getting your ass kicked mentally. For me ive had unwanted thoughts which aren't even about sexual things and more like my family getting hurt out of nowhere or myself instead come to my mind in my mind almost dives into it and I start panicking. Ignoring these thoughts were so difficult at first but recently I have gotten way better. Though feeling like I'm about to go insane tends to come and go but thankfully it isn't as harsh as before. I feel doing the SATANAMA meditation has helped me in this as well. Not trying to toot my own horn but being a Saturn person and having a lot of grounding aspects about me has helped keep this going and also deeply wanting my loved ones to be safe in this world and in the years to come when the enemy finally falls keeps me motivated. But what about those who don't have these or similar and have had the unfortunate experience of going thru what I did. It pains me thinking that their healing process can maybe be too much for them and that being the reason why they fail in SS. If it wasn't for the jews fucking this world up the ones that find the beauty of empowering their soul and could go far and beyond in this path but failed because of how deeply scarring being assaulted as a child can be and they couldn't handle the cleansing process. I've read in the Yahoo groups another member posted she went thru this horrible shit but made it out good and has children of her own now. She probably can testify to how horrible the experinece can get when cleaning out the mind and soul from this type of trauma.

As it's already been mentioned many times the world as a whole is pretty fucked to a point but the sooner we get rid of the enemy the faster we can stop from things getting worse than they already are and they're pretty bad already. Which is an understatement. I know the JoS has done a lot in these decades and a couple more to finish the job isn't a lot but to me just one more day with the enemy freely fucking things up is too much.
Notice this talk is in Europe(Germany). The main reason for normalizing pedophilia would be for less criticism and greater acceptance of the Muslims. Pedophilia is completely normal for them, rampant, and promoted. Right now people can cite pedophilia as a major criticism against taking them in and this is still within the social norms.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cacique Satanás said:
Here in the third world(Nicaragua) the cases of rape and pedophilia are very normal, the rapists do not receive punishment and it is the victim who receives punishment since the family isolate him/her and turn his/her life into a nightmare.

In the rural areas this is pretty common and rapists have transcended as leaders of my country.

I knew one person who told me they went to Thailand for regular vacation, and they asked the cab driver there in regards to where the brothels were and to drive them there. The cab driver recommended them to go home and fuck his wife and his own daughter, which he said was around 8 years old at the time.

They got shocked and the cab driver explained to them this is how it "Goes" in many places in Thailand. He was so used in regards to pedos and pimping his own family to cab customers who were visiting the region that he automatically assumed they wanted the offer.

Oh my! It is horrible!
But I just cannot imagine that most of Thai people would be like that filthy moron.
I know Thai people too and fortunately they
are not like this at all. But of course they are normal.

In most cases those Thai people who are involved in these disgusting acts are from very poor, uneducated families and have a very low life and are obviously defected.

And it's also horrible that many people blame Whites for this shit too because there were "western men and sex tourists" in Thailand who were involved in these crimes. As I see most of these pervert pedos who were caught were jews and cryptojews.

If I know well the Thai goverment is fighting with these criminals recently better than before and set up special task forces to catch them...but who knows.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:

Sex Abuse Case of Rabbi Moshe Taubenfeld Adjourned for Two Months

The video is gone. I tried the Wayback Machine but couldn't find it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gray0123456789 said:
Seriously, go to the Astrology subforum and make a topic there about your stars. I don't know why you keep asking this in all these unrelated topics. Click on the Joy of Satan picture at the top of the page it brings you to the board index that lists all the subforums. Then go to the Astrology one and click Add A New Topic. It's not hard to do
Okay thanks
So what if i am 16 and i am attracted to older women is that natural i wouldn't have a problem with this since i will probably have a succubus when i am ready but what do you think about that is it okay or is it an issue and my succubus will probably be a mature person since i won't like it any other way so what do you think hps?
Gengar said:
Notice this talk is in Europe(Germany). The main reason for normalizing pedophilia would be for less criticism and greater acceptance of the Muslims. Pedophilia is completely normal for them, rampant, and promoted. Right now people can cite pedophilia as a major criticism against taking them in and this is still within the social norms.

Two Words: Vlad Tepes.

This is sick beyond any reasonable belief.
mercury_wisdom said:
So what if i am 16 and i am attracted to older women is that natural i wouldn't have a problem with this since i will probably have a succubus when i am ready but what do you think about that is it okay or is it an issue and my succubus will probably be a mature person since i won't like it any other way so what do you think hps?

You are at an age to have consciousness and consent. You are not 6 years old you are 16. In many countries 16 is legal age for all of these things and you are a grown adult.

It is normal for a lot of people to seek older partners for numerous reasons.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
So what if i am 16 and i am attracted to older women is that natural i wouldn't have a problem with this since i will probably have a succubus when i am ready but what do you think about that is it okay or is it an issue and my succubus will probably be a mature person since i won't like it any other way so what do you think hps?

You are at an age to have consciousness and consent. You are not 6 years old you are 16. In many countries 16 is legal age for all of these things and you are a grown adult.

It is normal for a lot of people to seek older partners for numerous reasons.
Ok thanks for clearing it up
That's what the Jews "Gary Glitter" real name Paul Gad, went to Thailand for.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cacique Satanás said:
Here in the third world(Nicaragua) the cases of rape and pedophilia are very normal, the rapists do not receive punishment and it is the victim who receives punishment since the family isolate him/her and turn his/her life into a nightmare.

In the rural areas this is pretty common and rapists have transcended as leaders of my country.

I knew one person who told me they went to Thailand for regular vacation, and they asked the cab driver there in regards to where the brothels were and to drive them there. The cab driver recommended them to go home and fuck his wife and his own daughter, which he said was around 8 years old at the time.

They got shocked and the cab driver explained to them this is how it "Goes" in many places in Thailand. He was so used in regards to pedos and pimping his own family to cab customers who were visiting the region that he automatically assumed they wanted the offer.
mercury_wisdom said:
So what if i am 16 and i am attracted to older women is that natural i wouldn't have a problem with this since i will probably have a succubus when i am ready but what do you think about that is it okay or is it an issue and my succubus will probably be a mature person since i won't like it any other way so what do you think hps?
Older women are always the best bro hahaha:)
Jews are really abnormal :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
When i was thinking that they didnt hide it anymore... i didnt know that the situation was so.... you name it..
What is pedophilia? A people, with 25 years old, can have sex with a old human, like 50 years old. Is pedophilia too!? You can eat humans organs or lick ass and is disgusting for have sex with 12 yo boy? Is a simple brain jail for you.
Here is a difference between pedophilia and rape. You can be raped by a young girl or man (like you're 30 yo and your sexual partner have 18, but have experience in life and you're retarded) or reverse. Woman or girl human body can make birth from 7-8 years and can birth a baby. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too.

In Jewish tradition, like Gentiles tradition, sanctified is about consecrate and bless the future for marriage. Is like "your [muslim] family promise your girl for have a marriage with ..." but is more different.

Today's Jews are not totally taken after the Talmud, some Jews consider the Talmud to be old and have adapted it after time. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too from old times.

Lasollor said:
(Jewish) Talmud

Book of mishnah niddah chapter 5 verse 4

(mishnah niddah 5:4)
HP Mageson666 said:
That's what the Jews "Gary Glitter" real name Paul Gad, went to Thailand for.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cacique Satanás said:
Here in the third world(Nicaragua) the cases of rape and pedophilia are very normal, the rapists do not receive punishment and it is the victim who receives punishment since the family isolate him/her and turn his/her life into a nightmare.

In the rural areas this is pretty common and rapists have transcended as leaders of my country.

I knew one person who told me they went to Thailand for regular vacation, and they asked the cab driver there in regards to where the brothels were and to drive them there. The cab driver recommended them to go home and fuck his wife and his own daughter, which he said was around 8 years old at the time.

They got shocked and the cab driver explained to them this is how it "Goes" in many places in Thailand. He was so used in regards to pedos and pimping his own family to cab customers who were visiting the region that he automatically assumed they wanted the offer.
Hey, who do you think was the leader of the gang?

Aquarius said:
mercury_wisdom said:
So what if i am 16 and i am attracted to older women is that natural i wouldn't have a problem with this since i will probably have a succubus when i am ready but what do you think about that is it okay or is it an issue and my succubus will probably be a mature person since i won't like it any other way so what do you think hps?
Older women are always the best bro hahaha:)
Eurgh. You just reminded me of a jew I had to work with once, who was very interested in having an older, rather mature, woman to be with it. It didn't specify a kike wife and it never admitted it was a kike (we never spoke about that) but in hindsight I imagine it would be with someone like katey sagal.

Sorry! :lol:

DigitalHHH said:
What is pedophilia? A people, with 25 years old, can have sex with a old human, like 50 years old. Is pedophilia too!? You can eat humans organs or lick ass and is disgusting for have sex with 12 yo boy? Is a simple brain jail for you.
Here is a difference between pedophilia and rape. You can be raped by a young girl or man (like you're 30 yo and your sexual partner have 18, but have experience in life and you're retarded) or reverse. Woman or girl human body can make birth from 7-8 years and can birth a baby. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too.

In Jewish tradition, like Gentiles tradition, sanctified is about consecrate and bless the future for marriage. Is like "your [muslim] family promise your girl for have a marriage with ..." but is more different.

Today's Jews are not totally taken after the Talmud, some Jews consider the Talmud to be old and have adapted it after time. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too from old times.

Lasollor said:
(Jewish) Talmud

Book of mishnah niddah chapter 5 verse 4

(mishnah niddah 5:4)
Without being able to find out the actual truth of the situation, we have to rely on others to tell us that there was a girl called Lina Medina who was impregnated at 4 years old and gave birth at 5, after having started puberty I think at or about 1 year old... Just google "Lina Medina".

Now if it is possible (either Naturally or artificially with drugs/substances or via Magick or Technology) then should it be done? If no other reasons than these two, then,

  1. young Bodies can die during childbirth, as can some Adults and
  2. Children tend to "want to" be (are) Children, rather than being properly-responsible for another life

As per the second point, for Girls, they have dollies to play with and practice with, to teach them and bring out their Natural material instincts; for Boys and Girls, pets and younger siblings/cousins/friends/nieces/nephews are excellent in caring for another Being, in that it teaches and prepares them for looking after others/their own more responsibly and properly later.

Dumb kike you belong in Israel to preach about that filth, begone from here.

DigitalHHH said:
What is pedophilia? A people, with 25 years old, can have sex with a old human, like 50 years old. Is pedophilia too!? You can eat humans organs or lick ass and is disgusting for have sex with 12 yo boy? Is a simple brain jail for you.
Here is a difference between pedophilia and rape. You can be raped by a young girl or man (like you're 30 yo and your sexual partner have 18, but have experience in life and you're retarded) or reverse. Woman or girl human body can make birth from 7-8 years and can birth a baby. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too.

In Jewish tradition, like Gentiles tradition, sanctified is about consecrate and bless the future for marriage. Is like "your [muslim] family promise your girl for have a marriage with ..." but is more different.

Today's Jews are not totally taken after the Talmud, some Jews consider the Talmud to be old and have adapted it after time. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too from old times.

Lasollor said:
(Jewish) Talmud

Book of mishnah niddah chapter 5 verse 4

(mishnah niddah 5:4)
The Alchemist7 said:
DigitalHHH said:
I propose to microchip all the jews and use them as labour until they pay back all the hundreds of billions of dollars to Germany for the Shoah business. Are you in?

How about no.

Besides, once they're gone we're just pillaging back what they didn't destroy of ours anyway. Aside from those churches and whatever may be altered.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Dumb kike you belong in Israel to preach about that filth, begone from here.

DigitalHHH said:
What is pedophilia? A people, with 25 years old, can have sex with a old human, like 50 years old. Is pedophilia too!? You can eat humans organs or lick ass and is disgusting for have sex with 12 yo boy? Is a simple brain jail for you.
Here is a difference between pedophilia and rape. You can be raped by a young girl or man (like you're 30 yo and your sexual partner have 18, but have experience in life and you're retarded) or reverse. Woman or girl human body can make birth from 7-8 years and can birth a baby. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too.

In Jewish tradition, like Gentiles tradition, sanctified is about consecrate and bless the future for marriage. Is like "your [muslim] family promise your girl for have a marriage with ..." but is more different.

Today's Jews are not totally taken after the Talmud, some Jews consider the Talmud to be old and have adapted it after time. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too from old times.

Lasollor said:
(Jewish) Talmud

Book of mishnah niddah chapter 5 verse 4

(mishnah niddah 5:4)

I seriously almost threw up reading that kike's shit. If someone ever tried to justify to my face children being sexually assaulted I probably would swing at them without a second thought.
DigitalHHH said:
What is pedophilia? A people, with 25 years old, can have sex with a old human, like 50 years old. Is pedophilia too!? You can eat humans organs or lick ass and is disgusting for have sex with 12 yo boy? Is a simple brain jail for you.
Here is a difference between pedophilia and rape. You can be raped by a young girl or man (like you're 30 yo and your sexual partner have 18, but have experience in life and you're retarded) or reverse. Woman or girl human body can make birth from 7-8 years and can birth a baby. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too.

In Jewish tradition, like Gentiles tradition, sanctified is about consecrate and bless the future for marriage. Is like "your [muslim] family promise your girl for have a marriage with ..." but is more different.

Today's Jews are not totally taken after the Talmud, some Jews consider the Talmud to be old and have adapted it after time. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too from old times.

Lasollor said:
(Jewish) Talmud

Book of mishnah niddah chapter 5 verse 4

(mishnah niddah 5:4)
Defending sex with a 12 yo? Damn your disgusting. What sane person would want to have sex with a 12 yo? Also defending jews? You are retarded
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Dumb kike you belong in Israel to preach about that filth, begone from here.

DigitalHHH said:
What is pedophilia? A people, with 25 years old, can have sex with a old human, like 50 years old. Is pedophilia too!? You can eat humans organs or lick ass and is disgusting for have sex with 12 yo boy? Is a simple brain jail for you.
Here is a difference between pedophilia and rape. You can be raped by a young girl or man (like you're 30 yo and your sexual partner have 18, but have experience in life and you're retarded) or reverse. Woman or girl human body can make birth from 7-8 years and can birth a baby. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too.

In Jewish tradition, like Gentiles tradition, sanctified is about consecrate and bless the future for marriage. Is like "your [muslim] family promise your girl for have a marriage with ..." but is more different.

Today's Jews are not totally taken after the Talmud, some Jews consider the Talmud to be old and have adapted it after time. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too from old times.

Lasollor said:
(Jewish) Talmud

Book of mishnah niddah chapter 5 verse 4

(mishnah niddah 5:4)
lmao yes like wtf
For us, whites this subject it's disgusting; the extent of disgust is extreme.
Even the lowest of the lowest, socially, or less educated let's say of our people have a COMMON SENSE, (I don't know how to call it) when it comes to kids.
what the hell, this is not acceptable not even among criminals in prison who have a special 'treatment' for those beasts.
I can't wait for the Gods to come...

Here`s a short video I found that shows how dire the situation with these muslim pigs is. In the name of his pedophile stinking god Allah this individual inflicts immeasurable harm to a small child.

Video: Muslims threaten to rape a 5-year-old Chinese girl in Paris (in the name of the Quran)


Hope this video will go viral
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Dumb kike you belong in Israel to preach about that filth, begone from here.

DigitalHHH said:
What is pedophilia? A people, with 25 years old, can have sex with a old human, like 50 years old. Is pedophilia too!? You can eat humans organs or lick ass and is disgusting for have sex with 12 yo boy? Is a simple brain jail for you.
Here is a difference between pedophilia and rape. You can be raped by a young girl or man (like you're 30 yo and your sexual partner have 18, but have experience in life and you're retarded) or reverse. Woman or girl human body can make birth from 7-8 years and can birth a baby. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too.

In Jewish tradition, like Gentiles tradition, sanctified is about consecrate and bless the future for marriage. Is like "your [muslim] family promise your girl for have a marriage with ..." but is more different.

Today's Jews are not totally taken after the Talmud, some Jews consider the Talmud to be old and have adapted it after time. Terra is populated from incest and pedophilia, too from old times.

I seriously almost threw up reading that kike's shit. If someone ever tried to justify to my face children being sexually assaulted I probably would swing at them without a second thought.
Seriously it's so disgusting :x
He was trying to justify rape too like wtf?!?
Just because some sick people's did it in the ancient times (wich i don't belive pagans gentile's people's did it) doesn't mean it's right. If your body is not developed to have sex then you can't have sex. It's really that simple. Rape is bad too. I guess kikes don't understand this...so human of them...
They want to take the Catholic Church off the hook. To keep it going. The Catholic Church is now in the death grip.

Then, of course that goddamned Islam.

Islam is only a matter of time. People worldwide are getting seriously fed up with these foul depraved and most criminal programs.

Islam attracts extreme violence like fresh shit attracts flies on a hot afternoon. The hammer is going to fall REAL HARD.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Aquarius said:
mercury_wisdom said:
So what if i am 16 and i am attracted to older women is that natural i wouldn't have a problem with this since i will probably have a succubus when i am ready but what do you think about that is it okay or is it an issue and my succubus will probably be a mature person since i won't like it any other way so what do you think hps?
Older women are always the best bro hahaha:)
Lmao :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
