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Jews Caught In Underground Tunnels In New York City

Jews Caught In Underground Tunnels In New York City

News have been circulating around in X and everywhere, that Jews were caught having illegal tunnels in New York city beneath their synagogues. In the raids, there were discovered numerous child-size mattresses that were pulled out from the tunnels beneath their Synagogues, smeared with fecal matter and other weirder things. In regards to why anyone would need such tunnels with child size mattresses, hidden beneath the Synagogues, I guess to ask that question would be Anti-Semitic.

The news people are asking why the jews reacted so crazily as to literally riot over the discovery of these tunnels...Because sacrifices, weird Rituals and all sorts of other criminal activity is undergoing beneath these tunnels, that is why. Most people however wouldn't figure it out, especially those who think the jews as a whole are a very good and innocent people, since they never studied a single page about the culture that encompasses these "people".

Seeing the war in Palestine now and them conducting constant Genocide, amidst all sorts of the things revealed (and that will be revealed) about them, nobody out there will consider them normal anymore. They are not "normal" nor they are good in anyway as they pretend they are. They are a very strange and weird people. As they were being caught by the police (who will likely hide everything about what these Tunnels were about and so on), it all begs the question how further all of this will go. Another jew named Epstein, is another head of global pedophilia, their story going viral. Or the king of Hollywood Rape, Wisenstein.

Long story short, the crimes never end with these people. They were persecuted and driven forcibly out of many Nations with very good reasoning, and because governments of Gentiles constantly found what they were doing, be these occultistic kinds of crimes, or crimes such as these that are unveiled everyday. The power of Israel in the Middle East, and how they torture and attack anything they randomly call "Hamas" (5 year olds must be Hamas, as well), shows to the world what kind of beings they are and what culture they follow.

Since they control Western Media [who extol them daily for conducting genocide among all their other crimes they cover], you can only read about this story in X and media from elsewhere in the world, in a non-suger coated fashion.

What more crazy things will see from these lizards? Nobody knows. For all we know, the Gods look upon us with grace and love for raising our heads against their massive grasp of power over this world, and what they have been doing and plan to do to it...


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is not a good year for israel or the chosen thus far. It's not even the end of January yet!
I can't wait to see what other man-made horrors beyond our comprehension will start to surface as the new age progresses. I'd bet my last dollar that creepy tunnels full of blood-stained mattresses is just scratching the surface of the tip of the iceberg.
I recommend everyone save as many of these videos as we can as they will probably erase them of the internet at some point. But if they keep popping up all the time they will have to play Whack a "Mole" ---- I Mean Jew.
Oy vey, it was a tunnel made to escape pogrom! You may see children entering it sometimes but i swear we dont use it anymore! We only keep it for historical reasons! Yup!

Oy vey goyim it was a tunnel to escape Joe Biden and his plan of an impeding Holohoax of all the jewish people, that's all it was, because we were toasted, 60 trillions of us were planned on extermination in New York City in a giant gas chamber. Believe it goy!!

I hate that people think that hating Jews was a "trend" in NS Germany, or that Jews never did anything to deserve "that".

Most people were fine with Jews in "Nazi Germany" even upwards to 1940, despite of being wary about them and wanting them to move out.

However as the Government didn't keep as many secrets about jews or protect them in all their doings as done today in many places (since they obscurely manipulate almost all governments, public opinion etc), and because Gentiles actually sat for once in a long time in these governmental chairs, they decided to share some of the things they were seeing, which is what pissed off the population.

Only after the jews declared "International War Against Nazi Germany" for revealing things about them, this is where the real hate started taking place. That's because jews knew after 139 times of being kicked out of many Nations, if anyone discovered what they did, this was going to occur again.

After all these events transpired jews quickly built Israel with Western help in order to make themselves as legally immune as possible from their crimes and always have a place to go when they do them.

Nothing ever said about the jews is unjustified. Jews knowing this, they have decided to exercise strict control to stifle and ruin all opposition, which they say is for their "Survival". It never dawned to them to change any of their behaviors, just to strangulate their opposition and keep going with everything.
Does the tunnel jew scandal count as viral on MSM? How long before the NPC forgets this? Is it acceptable to share memes in Meme warfare forum, if the memes weren't made by JoS or me? As long as true and effective memes? This being viral for as long as possible is what these tunnel rats deserve. That stain looks familiar. There's a podesta shabbos traitor who has a painting that mattress reminds me of...
I have been studying for my own reasons the role of pedophilia on the human mind, and its consequences. This post caused my repressed rage to grow with resentment against those sick jews and their disgusting nature, even more.
The role of their "rituals" on innocent Gentile kids is appalling, on the Astral realm it manifests with a huge and powerful vortex of energies catching people into pedophilia - at least this is what I perceive - so this constantly replicates inside xian/muslim environments.
To my knowledge it is much more extended to "normal" people than we may think, and this explains why the jews are so interested to keep this "internal child" they always claim on psychology books, subdued to their will.
Even the strongest man who suffered childhood abuse may unknowingly develop an internal personality called "child" (not sure if this is natural for the psyche to have, as a manifestation on basic feelings) who can literally drive the man's will to specific directions, and give response to specific feelings or commands, when the "master" knows how to do this.
Basically the jews are TWICE criminals for 1. operating physical and psychological violence on kids and 2. using the results of this to mentally/emotionally enslave their slave goyims.
They create and generate and mantain this giant vortex with this rituals o kids. Maybe they will possibly keep the kids alive after "treatment" as ther slaves, as most of them (if still alive...) wlll not consciously remember any of the violence, the mind removes any memory.
This pedophilia is one of the roots of jewish control on humanity, accordng to what I know now, and must be eradicated with all means.
If the jew cannot control your deeper feelings, the jew has no "remote control" on your mind, so the jew cannot control you.

I am very happy this is coming out, this is a spark of justice that will ignite bigger fires to burn the jewish plague. This made me deeply happy and grateful there is some sort of justice coming as, until now, I perceived this pedophilia plague as non dealt with.

Thank Satan and the Gods for helping us raising our heads againt this shit! I am deeply grateful.
It's good that these things are finally being known publicly. These types of news will be more and more common as time goes. They can't hide or lie anymore.

On the news nobody seems to know what motivated these jews to build these tunnels and some sources claim a bunch of nonsense like easier access to the synagogue during covid...

As if anyone would ever believe any of that. We all know that whatever was happening there was likely related to jewish ritual murder in some way.
And then they get expelled over 100 times from more than 90 countries for no reason whatsoever.

Martirio - Giovanni Gasparro.jpg

A courageous modern masterpiece, Martirio di San Simonino da Trento, by Giovanni Gasparro.

These quotes are taken directly from the source of the enemy: https://www.sefaria.org/texts/Talmud

Avodah Zarah 37a

The Gemara explains the reason for this opinion: Since a nine-year-old boy is fit to engage in intercourse, he also imparts ritual impurity as one who experienced ziva. Ravina said: Therefore, with regard to a female gentile child who is three years and one day old, since she is fit to engage in intercourse at that age, she also imparts impurity as one who experienced ziva.

The Gemara asks: Isn’t that obvious? The Gemara explains: It was necessary to state this ruling, lest you say that the halakha that a gentile who is suited for intercourse imparts impurity does not apply to a female. The possible difference between a male and female child is based on the fact that whereas that child, a nine-year-old male gentile, knows how to accustom others to sin by employing persuasion, this child, a three-year-old female gentile, does not know how to accustom others to sin until she matures. Therefore, Ravina teaches us that the halakha nevertheless applies to both male and female children.

Berakhot 24a

The Gemara asks: Until what age is one still considered a minor? Rav Ḥisda said: A girl until she is three years and one day old, and a boy until he is nine years and one day old, for these are the ages from which a sexual act in which they participate is considered a sexual act. Some say: A girl eleven years and one day old and a boy of twelve years and one day old, as that is the age at which they are considered adults in this regard. This age is only approximate, as the age of majority for both this, the boy, and that, the girl, is at the onset of puberty in accordance with the verse: “Your breasts were formed and your hair was grown” (Ezekiel 16:7).

Ketubot 9a

No, it is necessary to teach this ruling only in the case of the wife of a priest, who is rendered forbidden to her husband even if she engaged in intercourse by coercion. In that case, there is a single uncertainty. And if you wish, say instead that this ruling is relevant even to the wife of an Israelite, and it is in a case where her father accepted her betrothal when she was less than three years and one day old. Intercourse with a girl less than three years old does not permanently rupture the hymen, and therefore there is no uncertainty whether she engaged in intercourse before or after betrothal. Clearly, it took place after betrothal, and there is only one uncertainty: Did she engage in intercourse by coercion or willingly?

Ketubot 11a

Rava said that this is what the mishna is saying: An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye. In the case of an eye, after a tear falls from it another tear forms to replace it.

Ketubot 11b

And similarly, with regard to a female convert, or a captive woman, or a maidservant, who were ransomed with regard to the captive, or who converted with regard to the convert, or who were freed with regard to the maidservant, when they were more than three years and one day old, their marriage contract is one hundred dinars and they are not subject to a claim concerning their virginity. When they married, their presumptive status was that of a non-virgin.

Rava said that this is what the mishna is saying: An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye. In the case of an eye, after a tear falls from it another tear forms to replace it. Similarly, the ruptured hymen of the girl younger than three is restored. And a young boy who engaged in intercourse with an adult woman renders her as one whose hymen was ruptured by wood. And with regard to the case of a woman whose hymen was ruptured by wood itself, there is a dispute between Rabbi Meir and the Rabbis. Rabbi Meir maintains that her marriage contract is two hundred dinars, and the Rabbis maintain that it is one hundred dinars.

Kiddushin 10a

Rava said: Come and hear a resolution from a baraita: A girl who is three years and one day old can be betrothed through intercourse, and if her yavam engaged in intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And if she is married, one is liable if he engages in intercourse with her, due to her status as a married woman. And if she is impure as a menstruating woman, she renders one who engages in intercourse with her ritually impure for seven days.

Niddah 32a

The Gemara asks: Apparently, when the verse includes young girls through the word “and” it includes even a one-day-old. But you can raise a contradiction from another baraita, which discusses the verse: “And the woman with whom a man shall lie carnally, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be impure until the evening” (Leviticus 15:18). From the word “woman” I have derived only that the sexual intercourse of an adult woman is considered intercourse that renders her impure. From where do I derive that the sexual intercourse of a girl aged three years and one day is also classified as intercourse? The verse states: And the woman. Evidently, the word “and” includes only a girl aged three years and one day.

Rava said: These are halakhot transmitted to Moses from Sinai, and the Sages merely supported them with verses. There is therefore no contradiction. The Gemara asks: Whichhalakha is derived from a verse and which is a halakha transmitted to Moses from Sinai? If we say that the halakha that the status of a menstruating woman may apply to a one-day-old girl is a halakha transmitted to Moses from Sinai, and the halakha that the intercourse of a girl aged three years and one day is considered intercourse is derived from a verse, then one may object: But the verse is written in an unspecified manner; consequently, a oneday-old girl should be included by the verse in the same manner as a three-year-old girl.

Rather, the halakha with regard to the intercourse of a girl aged three years and one day is a halakha transmitted to Moses from Sinai, whereas the halakha with regard to the menstruation of a one-day-old girl is derived from a verse. The Gemara asks: And now that it has been established that the halakha with regard to the intercourse of a three-year-old girl is a halakha transmitted to Moses from Sinai, why do I need a verse?

Niddah 44b

MISHNA:A girl who is three years and one day old, whose father arranged her betrothal, is betrothed through intercourse, as the halakhic status of intercourse with her is that of intercourse in all halakhic senses. And in a case where the childless husband of a girl three years and one day old dies, if his brother the yavam engages in intercourse with her, he acquires her as his wife; and if she is married, a man other than her husband is liable for engaging in intercourse with her due to violation of the prohibition against intercourse with a married woman.

Niddah 45a

The Sages taught in a baraita: There was an incident involving a gentile woman called Yusteni, the daughter of Asveirus, son of Antoninus, a Roman emperor, who came before Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi. She said to him: My teacher, at what age is a woman fit to marry, i.e., at what age is it appropriate for a woman to engage in intercourse, which would therefore be the appropriate time to marry? Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi said to her: She must be at least three years and one day old.

Mishnah Niddah 5:4

A girl of the age of three years and one day may be betrothed by intercourse and if a yavam had intercourse with her, he acquires her thereby. One can be liable for adultery with her; And she defiles the one who had intercourse with her so that he in turn conveys uncleanness to a couch underneath as to a cover above. If she was married to a priest, she may eat terumah. If any of the disqualified men have relations with her he disqualifies her from the priesthood. If any of the forbidden relatives found in the Torah had relations with her he is to be executed on her account, but she is exempt [from the penalty]. If she was younger than this age, intercourse with her is like putting a finger in the eye.

Sanhedrin 54b

And Shmuel holds: It is written: “And you shall not lie with a male as with a woman,” indicating that the halakha of a male who engages in intercourse passively is like that of a woman; just as the intercourse of a woman has the halakhic status of intercourse from when she is three years old, the same is true with regard to a male who engages in intercourse passively. Consequently, in Shmuel’s opinion, one who engages in intercourse with a male who is older than three is liable.

Sanhedrin 69a

Rabbi Yirmeya of Difti says: We learn in another mishna (Nidda 44b) as well that one follows the majority even in cases of capital law: A girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal can be betrothed with intercourse, as, despite her age, the legal status of intercourse with her is that of full-fledged intercourse. And in a case where the childless husband of a girl three years and one day old dies, if his brother, the yavam, engages in intercourse with her, he acquires her as his wife. And if a girl of that age is married, a man other than her husband is liable for engaging in intercourse with her due to violation of the prohibition against adultery, as despite her age she is legally considered to be a married woman.

Yevamot 57b

Rava said: We, too, learn in the following baraita that there is no legal significance to an act of intercourse with a girl less than three years old: A girl three years and one day old can be betrothed via sexual intercourse; and if she was a yevama and her yavam had intercourse with her, he has acquired her; and a man who has intercourse with her while she is married to someone else is liable on her account because of the prohibition of intercourse with a married woman; and if she experiences a menstrual discharge she renders ritually impure a man who has intercourse with her, so that he renders impure the object upon which he lies like the upper one.

Yevamot 60b

Rav Huna explains: You must say that the verse is speaking of a woman who is fit for intercourse. The verse does not mean to distinguish between women who have actually engaged in sexual intercourse and those who have not. Rather, it distinguishes between a girl over the age of three, with whom an act of intercourse is recognized as such, and a girl below the age of three.

This is also taught in a baraita: “Every woman that has known man”; the verse is speaking of a woman who is fit for intercourse. The baraita proceeds to discuss this halakha: Do you say it is referring to one who is fit for intercourse, or perhaps it is referring only to one who has actually had intercourse? When the verse states: “But all the women children that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves,” which indicates that grown women must be killed even if they have not had intercourse with a man, you must say that the verse is speaking of a woman who is fit for intercourse.

The Gemara asks a practical question with regard to the events described by the Torah: From where did they know whether a particular girl was already three years old and fit for intercourse? Rav Huna bar Bizna said that Rabbi Shimon Ḥasida said: They passed them before the frontplate of the High Priest. Any girl whose face miraculously turned sallow, it was known that she was fit for intercourse, and any girl whose face did not turn sallow, it was thereby known that she was not fit for intercourse. Similarly, Rav Naḥman said: A sign of transgression in the area of sexual morality is the disease hidrokan, which causes one’s face to turn sallow.

I HATE so much to see how the (((media))) are already full on damage control mode. The article I've read made me want to vomit, and it didn't even mention the mattresses, of fucking course.
That can be expected from those vermin aliens? Israel is the one who is also behind the illegal international traffic of organs.
The skin bank in which illegally keep the skin of the Palestinians they kill is literally a horror movie. Plus, most of the Palestinian prisoners who die in israeli jails have their organs harvested by those aliens...
Does the tunnel jew scandal count as viral on MSM? How long before the NPC forgets this? Is it acceptable to share memes in Meme warfare forum, if the memes weren't made by JoS or me? As long as true and effective memes? This being viral for as long as possible is what these tunnel rats deserve. That stain looks familiar. There's a podesta shabbos traitor who has a painting that mattress reminds me of...
Even if they forget, they can easily be reminded of it.

The skin bank in which illegally keep the skin of the Palestinians they kill is literally a horror movie. Plus, most of the Palestinian prisoners who die in israeli jails have their organs harvested by those aliens...

I didn't know of this. Only the Gods know of their crimes past a point. That's insane...
Well, kikes just being kikes, but this is certainly RTR fuel right here, HEAVY RTR artillery fuel. They often say, when you begin a detoxing/pest-removing process, they all come out from their hiding nests.......yuck to see but its the beginning of the end of them

"BUT BUT BUT....THOSE ARE NOT REAL JEWs, THOSE ARE THE "SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN" - some idiot useless Christian NPC still living in denial
Yet another display of their true nature. It's good to see the exposure this is getting, more and more people are taking notice of who the real enemy is.

We're making progress every day, the website and forums updates and this community stand in the face of that. I can't wait to see what this new year will bring. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to this community.
Well, kikes just being kikes, but this is certainly RTR fuel right here, HEAVY RTR artillery fuel. They often say, when you begin a detoxing/pest-removing process, they all come out from their hiding nests.......yuck to see but its the beginning of the end of them

"BUT BUT BUT....THOSE ARE NOT REAL JEWs, THOSE ARE THE "SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN" - some idiot useless Christian NPC still living in denial
I am laughing at the things you bolded in your post.

And it also shows the reality of the Xian idiots who believe that their programs are "human-friendly"😒
Be careful guys we might have to install bars in our toilet seats lest a jew come out from the toilet seat out of some tunnel to call us Anti-Semetic and complain about the holohoax they have been subjected in that slayed 60 trillion of them at one big swoop, while the most modern forms of cremation can't even keep up with 100 people per day in most large Nations even in 2024.

It would be a little anti-semetic but maybe it has to be done. You never know when jews had a meeting with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles down there...
And to demotivate them in case they try to cut the bars, put up an alarm system that blares the song "Erika" all across the sewage system.
about damn time i wonder if the time is right for them to get prosecuted for this or not imagine it they all get found out then they all get booted out back to israel by the people and then we bomb them constantly into nothingness what a dream that would be but i know we might not get this lucky not unless we really pump the gas on our rituals.
Приветствую Вас друзья! Битрикс24 CRM

Провайдер со 100 000 клиентов.Мы никогда не писали высокую миссию и кредо компании. Мы просто делаем так, чтобы ваши проекты работали. И делаем это хорошо.
От всей души Вам всех благ!
Be careful guys we might have to install bars in our toilet seats lest a jew come out from the toilet seat out of some tunnel to call us Anti-Semetic and complain about the holohoax they have been subjected in that slayed 60 trillion of them at one big swoop, while the most modern forms of cremation can't even keep up with 100 people per day in most large Nations even in 2024.

It would be a little anti-semetic but maybe it has to be done. You never know when jews had a meeting with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles down there...
Thank you.

I think I'll hide a hammer near the toilet. Behind the toilet pump.

On the other hand, these are terrible things.

Jews Caught In Underground Tunnels In New York City

News have been circulating around in X and everywhere, that Jews were caught having illegal tunnels in New York city beneath their synagogues. In the raids, there were discovered numerous child-size mattresses that were pulled out from the tunnels beneath their Synagogues, smeared with fecal matter and other weirder things. In regards to why anyone would need such tunnels with child size mattresses, hidden beneath the Synagogues, I guess to ask that question would be Anti-Semitic.

The news people are asking why the jews reacted so crazily as to literally riot over the discovery of these tunnels...Because sacrifices, weird Rituals and all sorts of other criminal activity is undergoing beneath these tunnels, that is why. Most people however wouldn't figure it out, especially those who think the jews as a whole are a very good and innocent people, since they never studied a single page about the culture that encompasses these "people".

Seeing the war in Palestine now and them conducting constant Genocide, amidst all sorts of the things revealed (and that will be revealed) about them, nobody out there will consider them normal anymore. They are not "normal" nor they are good in anyway as they pretend they are. They are a very strange and weird people. As they were being caught by the police (who will likely hide everything about what these Tunnels were about and so on), it all begs the question how further all of this will go. Another jew named Epstein, is another head of global pedophilia, their story going viral. Or the king of Hollywood Rape, Wisenstein.

Long story short, the crimes never end with these people. They were persecuted and driven forcibly out of many Nations with very good reasoning, and because governments of Gentiles constantly found what they were doing, be these occultistic kinds of crimes, or crimes such as these that are unveiled everyday. The power of Israel in the Middle East, and how they torture and attack anything they randomly call "Hamas" (5 year olds must be Hamas, as well), shows to the world what kind of beings they are and what culture they follow.

Since they control Western Media [who extol them daily for conducting genocide among all their other crimes they cover], you can only read about this story in X and media from elsewhere in the world, in a non-suger coated fashion.

What more crazy things will see from these lizards? Nobody knows. For all we know, the Gods look upon us with grace and love for raising our heads against their massive grasp of power over this world, and what they have been doing and plan to do to it...


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The "news" make these things go viral only when they can use it for their agenda. In the case of epstein and weinstein they used it to push their "poor females" feminist argument over and over...i don't think we'll see any of this (unless they are compelled from the "Higher Power" for some reason children are not as important right?
I am delighted in seeing this information spread as far as it did. We're off to a great start for a very eventful year!


Jews Caught In Underground Tunnels In New York City

News have been circulating around in X and everywhere, that Jews were caught having illegal tunnels in New York city beneath their synagogues. In the raids, there were discovered numerous child-size mattresses that were pulled out from the tunnels beneath their Synagogues, smeared with fecal matter and other weirder things. In regards to why anyone would need such tunnels with child size mattresses, hidden beneath the Synagogues, I guess to ask that question would be Anti-Semitic.

The news people are asking why the jews reacted so crazily as to literally riot over the discovery of these tunnels...Because sacrifices, weird Rituals and all sorts of other criminal activity is undergoing beneath these tunnels, that is why. Most people however wouldn't figure it out, especially those who think the jews as a whole are a very good and innocent people, since they never studied a single page about the culture that encompasses these "people".

Seeing the war in Palestine now and them conducting constant Genocide, amidst all sorts of the things revealed (and that will be revealed) about them, nobody out there will consider them normal anymore. They are not "normal" nor they are good in anyway as they pretend they are. They are a very strange and weird people. As they were being caught by the police (who will likely hide everything about what these Tunnels were about and so on), it all begs the question how further all of this will go. Another jew named Epstein, is another head of global pedophilia, their story going viral. Or the king of Hollywood Rape, Wisenstein.

Long story short, the crimes never end with these people. They were persecuted and driven forcibly out of many Nations with very good reasoning, and because governments of Gentiles constantly found what they were doing, be these occultistic kinds of crimes, or crimes such as these that are unveiled everyday. The power of Israel in the Middle East, and how they torture and attack anything they randomly call "Hamas" (5 year olds must be Hamas, as well), shows to the world what kind of beings they are and what culture they follow.

Since they control Western Media [who extol them daily for conducting genocide among all their other crimes they cover], you can only read about this story in X and media from elsewhere in the world, in a non-suger coated fashion.

What more crazy things will see from these lizards? Nobody knows. For all we know, the Gods look upon us with grace and love for raising our heads against their massive grasp of power over this world, and what they have been doing and plan to do to it...


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Jews will answer for all the monstrous crimes against humanity and every nation!

All criminals will be punished!

In the future, it will be important to raise all the archives of Jewish crimes (criminal cases from all Gentile jurisdictions in the entire history of mankind) so that no one escapes JUSTICE!
Sewerage RATS 🐀 lowest despicable beings, why aren’t we surprised when we see sewage Jewish rats coming out of their habitats,
why can’t the police force just throw these sewage rats to the lions for breakfast lunch and dinner? Wouldn’t that be a sight to see with pleasure, that would be a dream come true, I wish! 🙏

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
