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Jewish War Against Mankind: Vaccine Mandates And New Quarantines, Attacks & The General "Plan" [UPDATED 19 DECEMBER]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Updated: 19 December 2021

When Will This All End?


Updated: 4 December 2021

Mass vaccine death data has finally aired...And it's actually shocking data.


Updated: 18 November 2021

Egon said:
Now I had a person at my workplace who died "of it" - young and obsessed with covid precautions. The difference of them and my old family member is that the person at my work got put into a breathing machine and the later wasn't. The strange competition among doctors of who puts more people into breathing machines, and that most, if not any deaths "by covid" are of people who were put into breathing machines, makes one wonder.

The death toll from all of this has too many victims. In actual level of severity for death causes:

1. Creation of globalized poverty, difficulties to move to hospitals for necessary procedures, no availability surgery deaths. The people who were frozen with fear, many times did not go to hospitals wanting to save themselves from "Co-Vid", causing their own death or advancing their own illnesses.

2. Those who died from psychological disorders through all this insanity. Murder and other things like this have increased. The increase of mental disorders, also counts for many people becoming disabled and about to be plugged into pixels from a pond since they can't cope with reality after 2 years of sheer disconnect from reality.

3. The wave of the dead who will be those that weren't born in the last two years due to social distancing, strangulating birthrates, and stopping the flow of all life. The declining birthrates which were already declining for years, will of course skyrocket leading to faster extinction of the Western World, if this situation with "Social Distancing", "Do not meet in the physical" still continues ad nauseum. Added to the above, the declination of the Western economies the more this meme is perpetuated, will be dangerous and also indirectly again affect birthrates and future generations.

4. Coverups of deaths from the the vaccine, or side effects who might have effects in the future. The exact number of dead and shorterm dead after this remains unknown, as anyone will say anything else was the case but the "vaccine".

5. Some people who died "from Co-Vid" that were already in a dangerous situation "With CoVid", who were murdered in hospitals to increase the Co-Vid count, or due to lack of medicine since the Jew World Order decided to shill the vaccine only and nothing else.

6. Those who died and counted as dead from Co-Vid to increase the numbers of both infected and sick, who were used as sacrificial lambs in all this.

The actual death toll of all of this insane situation is everyone above, yet since most of these categories are purposefully denied, everyone is told to focus solely on the 5, as if nothing else even exists.

Adding all the above, we can say that a great culling has taken place in the last two years, and that it will continue, despite of where the source of this is coming and not necessarily only by one cause such as the "Vaccine" or the "Co-Vid" as Governments and those who are anti-vax state. The situation is more far reaching.

That is why the situation is referred to as a Jewish War Against Mankind.

End of Update of 18 November 2021

Even Billy Gates himself [he wants no more liability] has come out and admitted that the vaccine does not stop the spread in anyway. Herd immunity coming from this is a hoax.

The claim of "herd immunity" was the claim that was used by the governments to enforce vaccinations, crush freedoms, and divide people into two blocks that fight each other over false perception and misinformation in regards to the whole "pandemic" ordeal.

With this admittance, Billy has collapsed the whole rherotic of all governments, and therefore all the justifications they made up to get us all here in the first place. They tell you in the face they are trolling us all.

The vaccine has been snake oil in that given regard of "herd immunity". More and more doctors who are serious worldwide are coming up and saying this openly now.

I found the above video on a twitter someone posted, and then all of it is gone but only bogus "Fact Checker" claims are there to deny the obvious. Yes, Billy actually admitted this as he wants his tail out of this, and he has been exposed enough.

Basically Billy trolled humanity there, telling them that the last 2 years of rape they have underwent were for nothing, waiting for a false solution to a problem that would never arrive. Confidently, they expect to not only get away with this, but continue lying constantly and unceasingly, while promoting their "Greater Reset Agenda" of which this is only a small drop in the bucket.

The whole vaccine craze has helped little until now, with many countries getting Co-Vid everywhere in explosive waves [plus the enemy lying about the cases] and many governments wanting to hide their mistakes by raping and attacking a random scapegoat category which are the unvaccinated, which generally get tested all the time and have to continue their lives only after proving they are "negative". Punishing healthy humans for being healthy based on the suspicion of illness is just insane.

Governments attack the unvaccinated because they didn't comply to whatever governmental demands. However the insanity is at the stage where even those who do not constantly become full slaves to the whole agenda, are going to be equally attacked. The attack on the vaccinated of the recent past has also began.

The vaccinated are being literally trolled that they will be "protected" with claims that are exaggerated and have nothing to do with reality. Then they were "not entirely protected". Now, they "aren't protected at all if they had the vaccine in the last 6 months", and soon, they will be required to eternally do doses until Pfizer is satisfied with how much the cattle has been inoculated.

This behavior of false claims in regards to the otherwise "Super Miracle Vaccine", makes many not only overconfident spreaders, but also victims of governmental lies. Vaccinated citizens will soon be deceived even more, in that they will be told to get a 3rd and 4th dosage, or their so called "Freedom Pass" will not sustain itself.

There is no end to this inception, and the governments are at liberty to dictate fake cases, exaggerate, and lie as they see fit in a relentless manner. Vaccinated or not, people must understand by now all of this is an exercise to rob the freedoms of the West, by taking down one Constitution at a time, and by destroying the general fabric of human freedoms.

The rhetoric of governments on the vaccine subject has self collapsed, but they are purposefully pushing it despite the fact that it has collapsed. China and other more serious Nations have already given up with the rampant hoaxing. The Western world with kikes and it's geriatric control from Israel, is still ranting and raving about something that has less of a death toll or equal death toll to a flu. Only because of fear, when people test positive, they freeze in their boots and many emotionally suggestive people fear and PTSD.

The rule of fear and paranoia created by jews, and the spirit of social division is at the all time peak. And the only thing they do is keep repeating this.

Yet, Pfizer and the Jews have tied all world governments based on contracts which force governments to behave in a certain way. If they do not, the States, which are legal entities, will be fined. The governments of the jews of course are happy to oblige. Here you can see about the contracts of the types of Pfizer and what these entail towards a Government.


Moving past the self evident facts of the present that anyone with a mind will understand, the whole situation is tied to many other plots that everyone who has made their own diligent research does already know. These involve the "Great Reset", a gradual reduction of human presence on the external world, digital enslavement agenda, and depopulation agenda.

Meanwhile, as people in the West are told bogus shit about "Muh vaccine muh you cannot work", boats are coming in steadily with millions of invaders yearly, who will be given jobs, shelter, freedom, and more rights than any "goy" that vaccinated by the "miracle vaccine" to later be told that "oy vey goy it doesn't matter have it again" is going to have.

The trolling of governments by the jews is beyond any comprehension now, and they have dropped every mask they were keeping. This will intensify as we go.

In regards to what people have to understand here, about jews ruling "Our Nations", I have to tell you, let's say we made some people of you here Presidents of Israel. How would you treat the kikes? Would you even care?

In the same way, they are Jews, who fully hate and despise humanity, have confused alien agendas, and they hate you to the death, while they rule over you. Do people think legitimately that this wonderful opportunity to flatten everything while pretending a virus did this, is going to be laid to waste by the jews? Hardly.

People are protesting, speaking out, crying out loud, saying that they are poor and destroyed, and jews are listening to this while laughing loudly and taking a plane to fly on Israel to dine with Pfizer, to laugh over the whole ordeal.

Many people are in such denial, that they can't even comprehend that based on this worthless low tier bio-weapon, and the whole two years that have been wasted and your life is being attempted to drastically change forever. The Jews like Zuccerberg are preparing people to literally be plugged in a lonely digital matrix, where you will be only pixels inside a lie.

Your existence will be for nothing. In there, you will be mined for data and resources. If their plan proceeds, you will own nothing but pixels, and as Klaus said in his dementia infested mouth, "Zu will own nufin and u will be happe!".

Your life is being changed and you are being attempted to be turned permanently into sterile, digitally enslaved BORGS. The end results as the JoS and it's people have said is a plan to slowly terraform humanity into a sort of soulless human, parellel to that of what alien analysts refer to as Greys.

That was of course a slow plan, and there are many steps to this final damnation. Yet, the enemy doesn't seem to want to be that much patient anymore.

While this is the longterm plan, it comes in increments. By getting people used to be brutalized by governments for medical procedures, there will be no limits to what these people will be able to do on anyone. This is the beta testing stage for this right now.

Everything that we have told you for years is happening before everyone's eyes now. Many people are so startled they cannot accept these. They pointlessly try to pretend nothing gets going while life around them is collapsing, and their rights are going to the grave.

The above plan is NOT of human origin, has nothing to do with humanity, and is a result of the Jews and their invasion into our midst, who brought with them these insane human hating ideals. The spiritual energies and anti-human programs that they have channeled on earth, opened it up to human hating entities and aliens that affect humanity on a global scale, leading it progressively to these false conclusions about existence.

In the same way, weather manipulation, purposeful inflation, shortages and other things are used to strangle humans into submission over doing all these irrational things. However, as we have told you, the vaccine and all this madness is only one aspect of this generalized attack against humanity. It's all rather multifaceted.

Spiritual warfare is key in moving out of this, then we have awareness and knowledge [which is why the most rampant censorship in human history is taking place right now], and lastly, physical action and resistance that must form from all people who still value their freedoms.

The warfare they are using is financial, weather focused, propaganda warfare, legal warfare in removal of rights and confusing the law, but above all, systematic psychological warfare to bring down the barriers of the human mind.

They are trying to break humanity down entirely, keep people back from giving birth, being human, going out, get them used in lockdowns that will happen over fake or arbitary reasons, or living in a state of lawlessness where just a few tyrranical jews can do as they see fit without any opposition.

Spread this everywhere and get people who have a brain to start doing spiritual, information and all forms of resistance right now. This whole situation is something that unless averted and fought against, humanity will progressively walk into doom.

We turn now and we have many positive things to look for at the future, but the enemy has to be again, like all previous historical intervals where humanity was about to lift off, at high activity. They must be punished and put in their place fully, so the rest of humanity can finally move on.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think so far JoS has done a good job spreading awareness and awakening people. Even If you look at some vaccine/anti-vaccine memes on insta or other jewish social media outlets you'll notice debates in the comment section regarding vaccine. Actually, a very large number of people can see the truth. Even on jewish social media you can see a lot of people questioning the vaccine. These numbers of people who can see the truth seem at an all time high. The other half who are vaccinated are extremely stupid and their arguments for getting the vaccine are the typical jewish narrative.

Another common narrative is that "getting vaccinated will keep the others safe," "I got the vaccine to keep my grandparents safe." Bruh. It's common knowledge that vaccine doesn't prevent you from carrying the virus. It's not even something that the enemy is trying to cover up, it's just common publicly available facts lmao. Getting it will not stop the spread because even the vaccine makers, the lying bastards, don't claim that you won't carry the virus after getting vaccinated.

To add to this, the memes I mention generally depict the anti-vaccine populace as stupid. This is like a mass peer pressure where people doubtful of the vaccine are being pressured into taking them just to "fit the norm."

But still I see a very large number of people totally against the vaccine and a lot in the middle ground questioning it.

Also, as HPHC mentioned in the recent warfare schedule, willing the collapse of jewish political power while doing the rtrs sounds great. These fuckers obviously need to be stripped of their political influence asap.
स त न म said:
Another common narrative is that "getting vaccinated will keep the others safe," "I got the vaccine to keep my grandparents safe." Bruh. It's common knowledge that vaccine doesn't prevent you from carrying the virus. It's not even something that the enemy is trying to cover up, it's just common publicly available facts lmao. Getting it will not stop the spread because even the vaccine makers, the lying bastards, don't claim that you won't carry the virus after getting vaccinated.

I had a chat with someone who recovered from Covid-19 a few months ago. Prior to catching it she was pregnant so avoided it entirely. I hoped she would stay away from it entirely, but here's how it went:

Her: "I'm going to have the vaccine"
Me: "Why? Didn't you already catch and recover from it?"
Her: "Yes but you can still catch it if you've had it"
Me: "If you've had what?" [raised eyebrow]
Her: "Covid!" ...[cogs turning]... "Well, you can catch it even if you've had the vaccine as well" ...[cogs turning]... "They are going to make you have it to go abroad though"

I think some people are defensive over the fact they've already had it, and others are just embarrassed to admit they are willfully giving away their freedom.
I would like to make the following websites public.

And I am offering them to you to spread.
We have to do it as a team! I don't care about attacking the enemy!
But everyone save the website so that it will be preserved, especially domestic Satanists.
Because there is a language translator on the internet, so anyone can read what you write, I don't think it's a problem that it's in Hungarian.

Although I know that Jos has a Christian exposure website,but I think it is important to show people the truth in detail.

What do you think about this, my Satanist brothers?
gnome said:
Her: "I'm going to have the vaccine"
Me: "Why? Didn't you already catch and recover from it?"
Her: "Yes but you can still catch it if you've had it"
Me: "If you've had what?" [raised eyebrow]
Her: "Covid!" ...[cogs turning]... "Well, you can catch it even if you've had the vaccine as well" ...[cogs turning]... "They are going to make you have it to go abroad though"
I know a couple of people that have had the vaccine, when i ask them why they took it, the usual response is: Well i wanted to go on vacation or i have bad health so i don't want to take the risk, some even took it because their employer demanded this from them.

When i tell them about the all the lying and twisting of truth that is going on, they often say that they are fully aware of that. But they are never able to explain why they took the vaccine anyways. Some of them tell me that they are never going to take any booster shot, but if they were willing to take the covid vaccine, how can they be against taking a booster shot? I am sure that they cave in the moment they are under the same pressure as non-vaccinated people.

Its a real shame how many people are aware of the covid hoax but decide to ignore it, but hey what can you expect from good little sheeple.
Fire Kobra said:
I would like to make the following websites public.

And I am offering them to you to spread.
We have to do it as a team! I don't care about attacking the enemy!
But everyone save the website so that it will be preserved, especially domestic Satanists.
Because there is a language translator on the internet, so anyone can read what you write, I don't think it's a problem that it's in Hungarian.

Although I know that Jos has a Christian exposure website,but I think it is important to show people the truth in detail.

What do you think about this, my Satanist brothers?

Lol, you are such a joke!
gnome said:
gnome said:
Her: "I'm going to have the vaccine"
Me: "Why? Didn't you already catch and recover from it?"
Her: "Yes but you can still catch it if you've had it"
Me: "If you've had what?" [raised eyebrow]
Her: "Covid!" ...[cogs turning]... "Well, you can catch it even if you've had the vaccine as well" ...[cogs turning]... "They are going to make you have it to go abroad though"

I think some people are defensive over the fact they've already had it, and others are just embarrassed to admit they are willfully giving away their freedom.

People have been barraged with brainwashing and confronted with many loss-loss emotional situations. People who have been conned are understanding this now, it's only beginning to be kind of "apparent" right now. It won't be everyone.

All of this is applied mindwashing showing itself in front of our very eyes. Few people can remain retain critical thinking with all this.
gnome said:
स त न म said:
Another common narrative is that "getting vaccinated will keep the others safe," "I got the vaccine to keep my grandparents safe." Bruh. It's common knowledge that vaccine doesn't prevent you from carrying the virus. It's not even something that the enemy is trying to cover up, it's just common publicly available facts lmao. Getting it will not stop the spread because even the vaccine makers, the lying bastards, don't claim that you won't carry the virus after getting vaccinated.

I had a chat with someone who recovered from Covid-19 a few months ago. Prior to catching it she was pregnant so avoided it entirely. I hoped she would stay away from it entirely, but here's how it went:

Her: "I'm going to have the vaccine"
Me: "Why? Didn't you already catch and recover from it?"
Her: "Yes but you can still catch it if you've had it"
Me: "If you've had what?" [raised eyebrow]
Her: "Covid!" ...[cogs turning]... "Well, you can catch it even if you've had the vaccine as well" ...[cogs turning]... "They are going to make you have it to go abroad though"

I think some people are defensive over the fact they've already had it, and others are just embarrassed to admit they are willfully giving away their freedom.
I know a couple that got a baby, when the woman was pregnant she has avoided the vax for obvious reasons, but after that she will get vaxxed. I can't fathom what goes on in their brainwashed minds, if a person avoids it when pregnant it means their is doubt in their mind about it, a glimpse of common sense that shines in their mind, but after the pregnancy she is gonna take it, this means that the person in question doesn't value itself in any way. Unfortunately it's true that many people simply don't care, they are all for the short term pleasure rather than thinking about consequences.
Webster Dictionary:

2019 Definition https://web.archive.org/web/20190331203942/https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vaccine

2021 Definition

Forever has the definition been "A preparation of killed microorganisms"....ect
Now the definition reads "A preparation that is administered..as by injection"...ect

MRNA is not a vaccine, it's gene therapy.

Additionally, the definition of the word “anti-vaxxer” was changed. The definition now reads “A person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccination”.
Its so astounding I almost cant help but crack a smile. Even the redditers and so called deboonkers know the entire incentive(saving your fellow man) for getting the vaccine was built on a false premise using false logic. If the vaccine doesn't protect against transmission, either way, how would it even protect your fellow citizens or the ones you love? As a result, all they can do is black out dissenting opinion and bully free, biologically healthy individuals by calling them "antivaxers" and insulting their intelligence.

Hmmmm, its almost as if every single billions of individuals that exist and will soon exist, must all comply in order for the so called "incentive" to kick in. This so called phenomena in itself only reveals the true nefarious agenda and motivation behind the vaccine. Every single person who ever got a single dose of the vaccine should be ashamed and embarrassed they traded in their own rights and the rights of their children for some hypothetical signal of virtue.

Thanks Billy for showing the true nature of these cowards!
स त न म said:

I think so far JoS has done a good job spreading awareness and awakening people. Even If you look at some vaccine/anti-vaccine memes on insta or other jewish social media outlets you'll notice debates in the comment section regarding vaccine. Actually, a very large number of people can see the truth. Even on jewish social media you can see a lot of people questioning the vaccine. These numbers of people who can see the truth seem at an all time high. The other half who are vaccinated are extremely stupid and their arguments for getting the vaccine are the typical jewish narrative.

Another common narrative is that "getting vaccinated will keep the others safe," "I got the vaccine to keep my grandparents safe." Bruh. It's common knowledge that vaccine doesn't prevent you from carrying the virus. It's not even something that the enemy is trying to cover up, it's just common publicly available facts lmao. Getting it will not stop the spread because even the vaccine makers, the lying bastards, don't claim that you won't carry the virus after getting vaccinated.

To add to this, the memes I mention generally depict the anti-vaccine populace as stupid. This is like a mass peer pressure where people doubtful of the vaccine are being pressured into taking them just to "fit the norm."

But still I see a very large number of people totally against the vaccine and a lot in the middle ground questioning it.

Also, as HPHC mentioned in the recent warfare schedule, willing the collapse of jewish political power while doing the rtrs sounds great. These fuckers obviously need to be stripped of their political influence asap.
In the comments sections literally pro-vax people are almost all trolls or Jews, only an online minority are ignorant and confused.
These trolls act exactly like Jews and incite hatred and discrimination in a direct way (you can see it on YT for example).
Personally I'm happy that people are starting to wake up, the thing that bothers me is that a lot of people compare everything to Nazism, or say that Nazism is the same as communism instead a minority blame Satan because, muh, the bible says he's the source of all evil, so...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In fact, a lot attention is paid to those who not ben vaccinated. But also to those who have been vaccinated. They have to repeat it at certain intervals, and those who have not been vaccinate are told to get vaccinated in the same way. I do not understand the urgency of this vaccination. I do not trust them at all. As long as this "CoVid" is all about hate mongering, there is no point in bothering with it. You can look at it, inflation, closures, discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated, new measures to "control the epidemic, which is just a cover to drive people apart, a plethora of disinformation, their new agenda is all this crap.

Really, it's amazing how many people believe in this fucking fictitious paradigm that's going on now, both in terms of vaccines and the "Covid".
Fire Kobra said:
I would like to make the following websites public.

And I am offering them to you to spread.
We have to do it as a team! I don't care about attacking the enemy!
But everyone save the website so that it will be preserved, especially domestic Satanists.
Because there is a language translator on the internet, so anyone can read what you write, I don't think it's a problem that it's in Hungarian.

Although I know that Jos has a Christian exposure website,but I think it is important to show people the truth in detail.

What do you think about this, my Satanist brothers?

So this is account number 4? Obyzouth, User666, 666darkness weren't enough already? How many accounts do you even have :|
gnome said:
... others are just embarrassed to admit they are willfully giving away their freedom.
I've noticed this particularly as well. I believe because it's too unbearable for many to face the magnitude of what's happening.
But thankfully I've been seeing more and more people in various parts of society admit it should be a choice and they have a family member that's not vaccinating.
Manofsatan said:
Fire Kobra said:
I would like to make the following websites public.

And I am offering them to you to spread.
We have to do it as a team! I don't care about attacking the enemy!
But everyone save the website so that it will be preserved, especially domestic Satanists.
Because there is a language translator on the internet, so anyone can read what you write, I don't think it's a problem that it's in Hungarian.

Although I know that Jos has a Christian exposure website,but I think it is important to show people the truth in detail.

What do you think about this, my Satanist brothers?

Lol, you are such a joke!

Are you sure, my SS friend?

Exposing Christianity:


And about your covid:


Before you say anything, tape your mouth shut,because SS may be the person who writing!

And there are translation errors, so everyone has to interpret what is written.
Obyzouth said:
Okay. Now since you are all about seeking truth. Obviously nobody ever said that the vaccines are 100% protection or stop the spreading of the virus. It is proven though that the vaccine has a protection because once the vaccine is inside the body anti bodies are created. Bill Gates has nothing to do with Biontech Vaccine the founder of that is a turkish guy living in germany.


The claim for "Herd immunity" and how "Everyone must be vaccinated to stop the spread","two more weeks to flatten the curve" was the meme of all the news for the last two years. As the lie became too big, they slightly changed the rhetoric in that it "protects you from serious co-vid" and so on. These are things you can see only by seeing the news of the last 2 years.

People like you were paid and sent far and wide [and others brainwashed] to pretend that none of this was ever said, like kikes typically do.

Nothing has been proven, in most European countries, people have died en masse from the vaccine and also shortly after it. This was covered up entirely, and Pfizer didn't even give the hospitals a proper yellow card so that the side effects would be sufficiently or fully reported.

The effects are entirely under-reported, and about the future, anything that happens will be forced to not be seeked as having it's source in the vaccine. While the majority of people have went unscathed, that doesn't prove anything but the fact that most people just tanked any damage, since there was no research if there was any, anyway.

Even doctors admit that nobody knows the longterm or anything of these types of effects, but say that "YOLO" and that "life is short, take it to be free".

Most trials also avoided to touch pregnant women and other categories that governments loudly declared were "SAFE" to vaccinate, telling pregnant women and kids to go have it anyway. People's personal medical records were not taken in consideration, forcing everyone to have it through extortion that they will be unfree citizens.

People have died from this whole situation and this also involves some people who died from the actual shit tier virus that was exported to start the meme. And they have died from vaccines too. Yet the numbers will remain unknown because looking into the matter is repressed.

Billy Gates has everything to do with this whole situation he's the perpetrator, planner, and creator of this whole craze that was used now, running simulations and enforcing these situations to happen years ago. Like Fauci, he is also linked to both the Wuhan lab, and is the major investor in vaccine technologies.

We are aware you are shilling on numerous accounts pretending to be different people, I just reply for general reference, kike shill.
BrightSpace666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In fact, a lot attention is paid to those who not ben vaccinated. But also to those who have been vaccinated. They have to repeat it at certain intervals, and those who have not been vaccinate are told to get vaccinated in the same way. I do not understand the urgency of this vaccination. I do not trust them at all. As long as this "CoVid" is all about hate mongering, there is no point in bothering with it. You can look at it, inflation, closures, discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated, new measures to "control the epidemic, which is just a cover to drive people apart, a plethora of disinformation, their new agenda is all this crap.

Really, it's amazing how many people believe in this fucking fictitious paradigm that's going on now, both in terms of vaccines and the "Covid".

Indeed, that's why we also say that way past the whole "Co-Vid" situation, "Vaccines" etc, the agenda that reigns above it is far bigger. The reality is people are being kept pre-occupied with this while the enemy is cooking the bigger recipes on the background.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obyzouth said:
Okay. Now since you are all about seeking truth. Obviously nobody ever said that the vaccines are 100% protection or stop the spreading of the virus. It is proven though that the vaccine has a protection because once the vaccine is inside the body anti bodies are created. Bill Gates has nothing to do with Biontech Vaccine the founder of that is a turkish guy living in germany.


The claim for "Herd immunity" and how "Everyone must be vaccinated to stop the spread","two more weeks to flatten the curve" was the meme of all the news for the last two years. As the lie became too big, they slightly changed the rhetoric in that it "protects you from serious co-vid" and so on. These are things you can see only by seeing the news of the last 2 years.

People like you were paid and sent far and wide [and others brainwashed] to pretend that none of this was ever said, like kikes typically do.

Nothing has been proven, in most European countries, people have died en masse from the vaccine and also shortly after it. This was covered up entirely, and Pfizer didn't even give the hospitals a proper yellow card so that the side effects would be sufficiently or fully reported.

The effects are entirely under-reported, and about the future, anything that happens will be forced to not be seeked as having it's source in the vaccine. While the majority of people have went unscathed, that doesn't prove anything but the fact that most people just tanked any damage, since there was no research if there was any, anyway.

Even doctors admit that nobody knows the longterm or anything of these types of effects, but say that "YOLO" and that "life is short, take it to be free".

Most trials also avoided to touch pregnant women and other categories that governments loudly declared were "SAFE" to vaccinate, telling pregnant women and kids to go have it anyway. People's personal medical records were not taken in consideration, forcing everyone to have it through extortion that they will be unfree citizens.

People have died from this whole situation and this also involves some people who died from the actual shit tier virus that was exported to start the meme. And they have died from vaccines too. Yet the numbers will remain unknown because looking into the matter is repressed.

Billy Gates has everything to do with this whole situation he's the perpetrator, planner, and creator of this whole craze that was used now, running simulations and enforcing these situations to happen years ago. Like Fauci, he is also linked to both the Wuhan lab, and is the major investor in vaccine technologies.

We are aware you are shilling on numerous accounts pretending to be different people, I just reply for general reference, kike shill.

Also, I think this vaccines is safe at all, at least not as much as it is claimed to be. In fact, not at all. They make a virus and then make several types of vaccines for it, even one type of which has who knows what risks/adverse/complications. They figure they have to mix them and even repeat them. Joke.
BrightSpace666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obyzouth said:
Okay. Now since you are all about seeking truth. Obviously nobody ever said that the vaccines are 100% protection or stop the spreading of the virus. It is proven though that the vaccine has a protection because once the vaccine is inside the body anti bodies are created. Bill Gates has nothing to do with Biontech Vaccine the founder of that is a turkish guy living in germany.


Also, I think this vaccines is safe at all, at least not as much as it is claimed to be. In fact, not at all. They make a virus and then make several types of vaccines for it, even one type of which has who knows what risks/adverse/complications. They figure they have to mix them and even repeat them. Joke.

The reality is that few side effects have been observed, some countries have also banned at least one of the vaccines, others have cited concerns, but in the end of the day, the "Governments" always keep repeating it's absolutely safe, go have it, do it all, and force people to have it through coercion, job loss, income prohibitions etc.

They are now conversing about literally straight up "mandating" it.

They also admit that they know something like a low percent of the vaccinated is going to die and get side effects merely under this pressure, but they just say that it's necessary to move on from the pandemic, while if the whole globe was vaccinated, the deaths from Co-Vid that they claim to fucked the world over about, would probably be equal or surpassed if all people were vaccinated, doubling the death toll, just because of the immediate side effects.

But that will go unreported goy since it never happened, so that's ok, have the vaccine.

The people who will remain healthy out of this and won't get it, will have to get either vaccine or co-vid by force, only so that they can get their QR code for groceries. You will have this flu or the injection goy, or you won't be able to live, oy veyyyyyyyyyy.

Somehow I am supposed to sit here like many others who have a brain and say "Yes" to all this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

O Satan, we will continue to fight, whatever happens. Nothing will stop us.
Commander i have a personal question, let's say im not vaccinated, is it safe to have intimacy with a vaccinated woman?
I am still worried about this one, other things not so much. I have heard the vaccinated can make you sterile and give you the vaccine through their DNA etc. Or is this just another psychological thing of the enemy?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BrightSpace666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Also, I think this vaccines is safe at all, at least not as much as it is claimed to be. In fact, not at all. They make a virus and then make several types of vaccines for it, even one type of which has who knows what risks/adverse/complications. They figure they have to mix them and even repeat them. Joke.

The reality is that few side effects have been observed, some countries have also banned at least one of the vaccines, others have cited concerns, but in the end of the day, the "Governments" always keep repeating it's absolutely safe, go have it, do it all, and force people to have it through coercion, job loss, income prohibitions etc.

They are now conversing about literally straight up "mandating" it.

They also admit that they know something like a low percent of the vaccinated is going to die and get side effects merely under this pressure, but they just say that it's necessary to move on from the pandemic, while if the whole globe was vaccinated, the deaths from Co-Vid that they claim to fucked the world over about, would probably be equal or surpassed if all people were vaccinated, doubling the death toll, just because of the immediate side effects.

But that will go unreported goy since it never happened, so that's ok, have the vaccine.

The people who will remain healthy out of this and won't get it, will have to get either vaccine or co-vid by force, only so that they can get their QR code for groceries. You will have this flu or the injection goy, or you won't be able to live, oy veyyyyyyyyyy.

Somehow I am supposed to sit here like many others who have a brain and say "Yes" to all this.

They can't actually make this shit compulsory, many people are reluctant to get vaccinated because of their income. People are blackmailed into not coming to work if they don't get vaccinated. This will only fuel extreme inflation. Many people get vaccinated, not caring about the side effects of vaccination, just because they hear everywhere that vaccination is good. Of course they will blame the unvaccinated for the whole mess because they are surely causing the epidemic ( No ). I don't know how we got to this point where they are deliberately creating a bioweapon somewhere that is causing social controversy/complications.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

O Satan, we will continue to fight, whatever happens. Nothing will stop us.
Commander i have a personal question, let's say im not vaccinated, is it safe to have intimacy with a vaccinated woman?
I am still worried about this one, other things not so much. I have heard the vaccinated can make you sterile and give you the vaccine through their DNA etc. Or is this just another psychological thing of the enemy?

I do not think based on studying the evidence that "DNA" transfers in this manner enough to cause you whatever. Yet I am not a doctor and the amount of fake ass information online is too much. This affects the mRNA, which is not trasnfered through childbirth. Regardless, follow your instincts here and pick a proper partner.

A lot of people who are anti-vaccine are also making up a lot of fake rumours that are complete not substantiated, which drive many people into freezing fear. They said for example everyone would be dead in two years, but we are about two years into this, and I am not seeing all the dead they claimed nor the apocalypse of corpses.

I called this out years ago and people flared up on me, those that believed twilight would occur within a year or so. But it didn't happen, that should be clear with the amount of vaccinated people now. What happened is the enemy regardless procures their plan and it moves straight forward. Still, while I don't rule anything out with the enemy, this didn't look true and it hasn't come to pass.

If the situation with DNA was like this, even people who have a bad diet or a DNA based problem would pass it down merely over sex. This does not occur in sex where exchange is minimal, but it does occur in offspring. That's not the case. However, the birth of children is another more complex question, yet there also science claims there is no transfer of mRNA going downwards to the child.

About sterility coming to people from this, medical science says there isn't any problem. Also, the fact that people who have this literally have a blank situation going where after 6 months nothing exists into their system, not even as antibodies, makes me think that whatever is in these vaccines simply wears off, as far as the first two doses are concerned.

They have planned another 6 doses though, and the fact these could have devastating effects or cause unforeseeable mutations, is something one cannot rule out, with the 2 first doses only being an easy bait to get people to do more until some cause the serious issues.

Sterility occurring might not occur from the "The vaccine", but from other things the vaccine causes on some people, causing sterility as a final result. It's not like "sterility" is programmed into it or something. They avoided to test this on pregnant women on trials for some vaccines, as abortions might have occurred.

Picking partner for children is not only about a vaccine choice it's about a general choice, if the person you will have kids with has all sorts of a bad lifestyle, that can be way worse than them merely having the vaccine.
Obyzouth said:
okay... assumptions do not matter though? reality is that the virus exists now and that the biontech vaccine offers a base protection. i got covid myself and i wish i was vaccinated because it felt like hell and after i lost the ability to smell with my nose for 12 days i really regretted that i was not vaccinated. but i had luck... some other people lose their ability to smell forever.

Sorry, I am from that generation that we got the flu and we didn't consider it a big deal, let alone a deal to destroy our Constitutions over. That generation isn't that far back either in time. You are probably of this generation that you get a scratch and you go to the hospital. That mentality is slavery mentality that you have, and is not consistent with the maintenance of any freedom let alone biological freedom.

I got this infamous Co-Vid thing too and got the same but I wasn't busy whining all day on the media to pretend I was being crucified while this thing was merely parallel to any other flu that happens to people every so often. In fact, the regular flu I got 3-4 years ago, was far worse.

Intensive care is filled yearly with people getting the flu and then pneumonia, if they have underlying diseases, and kills yearly possibly even more people than the "Co-Vid Pandemic". The death toll of a bad flu year, surpasses yearly that of Co-Vid or is about the same thing. Co-Vid will keep on living, and killing a set amount of people, until the virus calms down. The more we try to "crush it", the more it will probably advance like the flu.

Destroying civilization and the fabric of human society over this wasn't necessary, and was only illogical.

By your idiotic shill logic, we might vaccinate you with over 500 vaccines a month, since there are so many things we can prevent with vaccination. You are of course a media shill, maybe without you being conscious of it. And let's also keep you locked in your pod or house, since you are SUSPECT of carrying some illness you don't even know about.

The slippery slope of this logic can destroy human civilization.

Of course it's not that deep it's idiots like you whining all day with some 75-90 something year olds that shit their pants that they will die from something that we knew 2 fucking months after it's emergence that it's a fucking joke, which has the same amount of chances of killing them like the flu or any other illness does.

We are here because people got irrationally scared and because the jews, who yes, are truly evil and are taking opportunity in the making of all this, have an agenda to profit and expand their influence out from. The plan they want to push after this is going to be bigger. That's called a swindle for a power grab.

It's all an evil plan, but you can keep listening to your television. Enjoy your 8 dosages and your DNA manipulation that is planned for 2026 with nanotechnology. And don't forget, all this happened so that you wouldn't get something like the flu.
Not sure if this is safe to say here but here is my case.

I had covid symptoms but the exam was inconclusive, I had 4 or more family members who were diagnosed with it, one of which is a senior with several health problems, who made it just fine. They had every family member around them the whole time and no one got any symptoms whatsoever. So this whole belief that this flu is super contagious so much so that everyone must use masks 24/7 and bath in alcohol is a lie, or it is actually contagious and it makes no difference as almost no one will feel sick or have any problems from having it, no difference than not having it or having a normal flu.

Now I had a person at my workplace who died "of it" - young and obsessed with covid precautions. The difference of them and my old family member is that the person at my work got put into a breathing machine and the later wasn't. The strange competition among doctors of who puts more people into breathing machines, and that most, if not any deaths "by covid" are of people who were put into breathing machines, makes one wonder.
Egon said:
Not sure if this is safe to say here but here is my case.

I would be very careful these days not to land in a hospital bed, even more so if you are not vaccinated.
I also heard about the oxygen stuff, that they kill them with oxygen and many stories from people like yours.
Just be careful everyone and try to avoid the hospital bed, a cohencidence could happen.
All the best.
Obyzouth said:

I think the cure for the problem is that we need to start to vaccinate all of Judaism and their children from the birth, with a better vaccine, then the virus will stop soon. Open borders, sleeves up and pants down - Pissrael
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Updated: 18 November 2021

3. The wave of the dead who will be those that weren't born in the last two years due to social distancing, strangulating birthrates, and stopping the flow of all life.

Do you mean those whose souls have dissipated on the astral?
Powerofjustice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Updated: 18 November 2021

3. The wave of the dead who will be those that weren't born in the last two years due to social distancing, strangulating birthrates, and stopping the flow of all life.

Do you mean those whose souls have dissipated on the astral?

I didn't go that far on how this possibly affects higher levels.

Primarily I was meaning the declining birthrates which were already declining, and will of course skyrocket leading to faster extinction if this situation with "Social Distancing" still continues ad nauseum.

This is accelerating demographic disaster, since people cannot meet and the lack of life disallows people to build relationships and so on. The more this is continued, economy, productivity, and birthrates will keep plummeting and struggling to get better, putting the whole West into permanent jeopardy if continued past a point.
Webster Dictionary:

2019 Vaccine Definition https://web.archive.org/web/20190331203942/https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vaccine

2021 Vaccine Definition

A vaccine used to be “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease”, meaning it had nothing to do with mRNA injections, which are not live vaccines and do not use an infectious element.
i tend to find that the idiots who go along with this probably aren't really worthy of the coming aeon or the powers it bestows its a good kick up the ass for humanity i do my spiritual warefare hard and every day i used to get worried now i just have to accept what ever happens happens now like we have been saying for the past near on 20 years now they will all want in on our level but it will be too late because they will be poisoned, impoverished, corrupted, dead, crippled and destroyed let those whom would be so foolish to follow these programs perish for their stupidity we the people of Satan and his gods will survive and thrive.

but it must be made obvious to this group also the Jews are the furthest along this destructive path they have thrown themselves into the meat grinder many Jews fall dead in the street from their own biological weapon one would have thought they would have made a fake non lethal form of the vaccines it shows you how insane these people are they hit the big red destruction button idiots.

Even the Israeli health minister has been reporting heart palpitations and problems sending him to the hospital fools.
Obyzouth said:
Okay. Now since you are all about seeking truth. Obviously nobody ever said that the vaccines are 100% protection or stop the spreading of the virus. It is proven though that the vaccine has a protection because once the vaccine is inside the body anti bodies are created. Bill Gates has nothing to do with Biontech Vaccine the founder of that is a turkish guy living in germany.

Pretty much what this vaccine does is it builds anti bodies and is getting shit/pissed out after some hours-days. What is left then are the anti bodies which protect against the virus. you only need 2-3x a year the vaccine shot for protection.

And the vaccine actually helps reducing the spread of the virus because it gets killed faster once it confronts a body so that means it is pretty much way safer overall to have the vaccine.

This is scientifically proven and PROVEN means its absolute truth. I would recommend you to stop watching so much fake news (which means unedicated news) and focus more on the truth. I know that you are trying to help but this is not the way to go all you do is spread false awareness pretty much.

the vaccine is harmless and i find it weird that you mention this so often. now if you are fair and if you are seeking for the absolute truth you are gonna respond to this or you are gonna delete this. doesnt change the fact though that it is how it is.

You might want to read this posts:
In 2017 Gates started to research DNA/RNA vaccines.
Plus the vaccines do not prevent transmission at all, it is even that trend, that vaccinated people are more likely to getting infected. But this probably has to do with that, because they do not have to get tested.
Overall, the vaccine‘s protection is quite weak.

Also by vaccinating you inject your body mutagens. This mutagens stay for serveral months within your body, and during this time they can enter any and all nuclei in your body, messing with your DNA, and ultimately leading to genetic diseases, or cancer. Clinical symptoms may or may not only manifest after several years tho.
So no, you Dont „piss“ it out after a couple days dude.
Also stop messing around you are technically a full grown adult, you look like 17 and behave like 13, grow up.
Hello comrades,

I don't vaccinate because it doesn't make sense because even though If I were vaxxed I will have to keep wearing a fucking mask, and I possibly trasnmitting the viruse to someone else regardless I am vaxxed or not, and because at the end I won't be immune to that fucking virus, and besides that I'll be taking the risk that those motherfuckers/greys are trying to modify our DNA with the vaccines, or maybe sooner or later I could die because after the vaccine my immune system is not strong enough and could die from something else without knowing that it was actually the covid vaccine that weakened my immune system

I am the kinda person who thinks that we have an immune system and once we got a virus/invader it will be activated, some people won't make it because of their life style and trash food they eat every day, so that is a fuel for the covid to kill more people because of their unhealthy habits.

We as humans are perfect creation from Father Satan, we can evolve and survive the same way as the primitive made it without vaccines during many years, we as humans shouldn't go to the doctors to get pills or vaccinated because if not hour genetics and DNA will not evolve stronger and resist future JewsBioWeapons.

Hail Satan.
So lil' pussy stop crying for losing your sense of smell.
i get ur point, its not about vaccinated or unvaccinated.

its them damaging us all.

still i cant tolerate vaccinated ppl, too many stupid. i am worried abt the future, too lazy types of people...
NinRick said:
Obyzouth said:
Okay. Now since you are all about seeking truth. Obviously nobody ever said that the vaccines are 100% protection or stop the spreading of the virus. It is proven though that the vaccine has a protection because once the vaccine is inside the body anti bodies are created. Bill Gates has nothing to do with Biontech Vaccine the founder of that is a turkish guy living in germany.

Pretty much what this vaccine does is it builds anti bodies and is getting shit/pissed out after some hours-days. What is left then are the anti bodies which protect against the virus. you only need 2-3x a year the vaccine shot for protection.

And the vaccine actually helps reducing the spread of the virus because it gets killed faster once it confronts a body so that means it is pretty much way safer overall to have the vaccine.

This is scientifically proven and PROVEN means its absolute truth. I would recommend you to stop watching so much fake news (which means unedicated news) and focus more on the truth. I know that you are trying to help but this is not the way to go all you do is spread false awareness pretty much.

the vaccine is harmless and i find it weird that you mention this so often. now if you are fair and if you are seeking for the absolute truth you are gonna respond to this or you are gonna delete this. doesnt change the fact though that it is how it is.

You might want to read this posts:
In 2017 Gates started to research DNA/RNA vaccines.
Plus the vaccines do not prevent transmission at all, it is even that trend, that vaccinated people are more likely to getting infected. But this probably has to do with that, because they do not have to get tested.
Overall, the vaccine‘s protection is quite weak.

Also by vaccinating you inject your body mutagens. This mutagens stay for serveral months within your body, and during this time they can enter any and all nuclei in your body, messing with your DNA, and ultimately leading to genetic diseases, or cancer. Clinical symptoms may or may not only manifest after several years tho.
So no, you Dont „piss“ it out after a couple days dude.
Also stop messing around you are technically a full grown adult, you look like 17 and behave like 13, grow up.
Just follow the patents, I suggest everyone watches this. His fate may soon be the same as Brandy Vaugh who was murdered< do not Google her name please as it's being used as a cover up .. when searching use Duckduckgo or Yandex. A small Kill switch involved. Certainly seems like he's a marked man now, his wife stands with him. Bless this man. Sieg Heil! https://www.bitchute.com/video/g8WoDvRPZCGC/
Obyzouth said:
okay... assumptions do not matter though? reality is that the virus exists now and that the biontech vaccine offers a base protection. i got covid myself and i wish i was vaccinated because it felt like hell and after i lost the ability to smell with my nose for 12 days i really regretted that i was not vaccinated. but i had luck... some other people lose their ability to smell forever.

We have already had many ways of protecting against and treating it like Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Zinc, Vitamin D e.t.c. We don't need a dangerous non-vaccine which doesn't even protect you at all, but, especially when it comes children, kills more people than it saves. This is the reason that the FDA cited a flawed study to claim Ivermectin doesn't work while there are 120+ other studies that show it's very effective and even prevents many deaths. For the non-vaccine to gain Emergency Use Authorization, it had to be the only cure. So they had to fake studies to make other ways of treatment seem as if they don't work. It's that simple and you were conned by the entire thing, if you aren't a Big Pharma shill.

I caught the judeavirus back in February as well, but I was taking vitamins and Zinc so I got off it very lightly without any loss of smell. So, now I've got natural immunity without much trouble. It's also shown in studies that natural immunity is 10x better than the non-vaccine. So, why should I take the non-vaccine and risk destroying myself?

Even if you aren't taking any of these, it's a virus with 0.2% mortality rate, for Hell's sake. And most of these deaths happen in hospitals and not at home, which tells me that they are most likely because of hospital-acquired infections and not because of the judeavirus. Unlike many vaccinated people who die "suddely", even in their sleep, or vaccinated pilots who "suddenly" die in the middle of a flight. The hysteria over all of it is totally manufactured. A person who doesn't watch TV and is not on Facejewk and other (((social))) media will see no evidence of a pandemic. Turn off your TV and throw it away. Pandemic cured!
$ignificant$un said:
Thanks Billy for showing the true nature of these cowards!

Billy discredits the current vaccines on the basis that they are ineffective at preventing transmission and are only good for prevention of "serious illness".

This whole statement is geared towards the creation of an entirely new more "effective" vaccine, that we will probably see in the future.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People have been barraged with brainwashing and confronted with many loss-loss emotional situations. People who have been conned are understanding this now, it's only beginning to be kind of "apparent" right now. It won't be everyone.

All of this is applied mindwashing showing itself in front of our very eyes. Few people can remain retain critical thinking with all this.

I agree completely, it is too easy for people to be manipulated. In the UK they play these government warnings on the radio, urging people to help their teenagers book their vaccines so they "don't miss out" on things that are truly important. They also play really sinister noises whilst warning that covid travels like smoke which makes it sound like a flesh eating virus. They used to play anti smoking warnings with a similar style and background, which would be extremely descriptive about the medical issues it could cause.

We need more people to find Satan, strengthen their mind and empower their soul, then hopefully they would see right through (((their))) deceipt.

At least we have a haven of sanity in these forums to liberally discuss these things.
Aquarius said:
I know a couple that got a baby, when the woman was pregnant she has avoided the vax for obvious reasons, but after that she will get vaxxed. I can't fathom what goes on in their brainwashed minds, if a person avoids it when pregnant it means their is doubt in their mind about it, a glimpse of common sense that shines in their mind, but after the pregnancy she is gonna take it, this means that the person in question doesn't value itself in any way. Unfortunately it's true that many people simply don't care, they are all for the short term pleasure rather than thinking about consequences.

"Short term pleasure rather than thinking about consequences" - got it in one! I think this is an innately human characteristic, and unfortunately leaves us vulnerable to manipulation. All the big data collected from humanity over the last decade in conjunction with the use of AI would likely also present (((them))) with a menu of effective manipulation techniques along with an estimated effectiveness. It is literal brainwashing, but that word alone has enough connotations with "conspiracy theories" and "crazy talk".
Brothers please, I need help, I have to leave the country for work, but they force me to do the vaccine, it hurts my head and I'm nauseous, I cry just thinking about those vaccines, I'm afraid, I don't want to have that fear, I want to be strong, like A warrior that I am, please help me with some advice, please !!
Roxana1992 said:
Brothers please, I need help, I have to leave the country for work, but they force me to do the vaccine, it hurts my head and I'm nauseous, I cry just thinking about those vaccines, I'm afraid, I don't want to have that fear, I want to be strong, like A warrior that I am, please help me with some advice, please !!

If you had to take it, then recommended supplements by doctors are vitamin C, Vitamin D and a multi vitamin. After a month you should be mostly ok. This type of thing is apparent in quite a few people who get it, like migraines. Eat well, rest well, and do a health working as soon as possible.

There is no shame in feeling worry, as the situation like this is indeed worrisome. Just do the best that you can.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
