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It was finally time to dedicate myself...


Oct 9, 2023
yesterday it felt like it was really the time to do it, and therefore i did finally engage in the dedication ritual... but... i have to be honest, i did skip the part related to the blood, because in my humble opinion, i think that spiritual satanism shall be completely detached from blood on a physical level ^

infact,30 minutes after that, i did the "Reverse blood sacrifice RTR"...a necessity for me, the intuition told me it was simply the right thing to do, and i did that very powerfully,my voice was definitely firmer than usual, since, the dedication definitely had some beneficial effects on mood and energy levels ^

i'm sure that the gods and Satanas has heard my Words and the intention behind said words , infact, i think i did receive a positive response..when i was laying down in bed, in darkness and with eyes closed(not sleeping), right after having finished the dedication,and before doing the previously mentioned RTR, i did see a kind of visual effect i haven't seen before: Blue energy appearing and expanding and then fading away, intermittently, and a few times, it started appearing as green, but shifting to blue anyway, and then disappearing like usual...i think that whole situation lasted probably between 1 or 2 minutes ^

and then not long after that , i did kind of have a visualization of pyramids projecting energy towards Orion,and i then became part of said energy,being projected myself... but i'm not sure if i was consciously trying to visualize that or if it was a beneficial "intrusion" inside my mind, or whatever..i just don't remember... after all of this though, if i tried to keep my eyes closed again, i wouldn't see the Colours i did see previously, it happend only once and it's not something i would have tried to visualize on purpose, that's for sure... it definitely felt like some kind of divine "response" ^

aside from all of this , i also had moments where i felt almost spiritual love towards a real satanist that cannot be found on the forums right now(very likely will join in the future), but that is helping me learn many things and said individual can see things i cannot see yet...^
... a very close friendship that trascends physicality... and that's a good sign indeed, to experience this, after the dedication ^

another very good sign is the blue i saw , which is the colour of Shaytan indeed, which is potentially proof that the ritual has worked despite this "lil' modification" ^

i do personally enjoy to experiment and try different paths, and i would say, that the experiment has been successful in regards to this ^

obviously, if from an official point of view that is not accepted, i might eventually be forced to repeat the process by following the standard protocol...time will tell ^
unofficially speaking, i do already feel part of the "family" anyway though ^

and that's all for now, therefore, i can conclude this post with a loud...

I'm happy for your dedication.

It's good to walk your own path, but you should definitely not modify certain things, just because you think that it's better like that.

That mostly goes with rituals.

The blood thing is a one time go, and is one of the highest level of dedication that forms a connection; ITS NOT SACRIFICING.

Your dedication was succesful, but keep this in mind. Just because you think it's better it might not be.
The prayer of the dedication, and what you do before/after can be individual, but the blood is a key part in this ritual.

Again, in this ritual, we don't sacrifice blood, we are saying that we trust them, and we are committed to them.

That RTR refers to actual mass-blood sacrificing.


You should also know what you can do and not, for example spiritual warfare isn't a beginner thing. And is straight up stupid before dedication, and I can tell that you have done rituals before dedication.

You should know the limitations, because spirituality is not a fairly tale, there are actual consequences, and risks.

Just because it seems that it is easy to perform an advanced meditation, it doesn't mean you should, or that it won't have any unwanted consequences.

Spiritual warfare should only be done after months of aura protection with words of power.

There are things you can't/shouldn't do, and that is only because of your own safety.
You might feel like "I can do whatever I want" "I'm free" "nobody can tell me what I can do and what not" "There is no limitations for me" and etc.. but in reality, this is just a delusional thinking. There are even limitations for Satan himself, hence he is not omnipotent/omnipresent/etc..
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
i have to be honest, i did skip the part related to the blood, because in my humble opinion, i think that spiritual satanism shall be completely detached from blood on a physical level ^

infact,30 minutes after that, i did the "Reverse blood sacrifice RTR"...a necessity for me, the intuition told me it was simply the right thing to do, and i did that very powerfully,my voice was definitely firmer than usual, since, the dedication definitely had some beneficial effects on mood and energy levels ^

Signing your name in blood is precisely the most important part of the ritual and the one should not miss, because it's invalid without it and you should do it again. This is what seals the ritual, as blood is your DNA and contains your lifeforce.

Just because the enemies of Satan spread lies about blood and/or don't understand its meaning doesn't mean we should avoid it.

It's also not a "blood sacrifice", as a blood sacrifice involves killing another being and spilling its blood on an altar offering it to a deity.

The blood as its used in the ritual isn't an offering, but sealing your dedication with your lifeforce, and it's also a (slight) test of strength.

There are workings and rituals in SS which you can use use blood for extra power, as long as it's your own blood. For women, menstrual blood is the most powerful and can use menstrual blood instead for things like anointing sigils in sigil magick or empowering certain rituals. Years ago we did a destruction ritual against jews on JoS where we empowered the sigil of the ritual with our own blood, as it made it powerful.

Again just because the enemies think this is something bad doesn't mean we should abandon such a powerful practice. I still use blood in a lot of rituals myself. Whatever the enemy thinks is irrelevant. Their opinion is irrelevant.
Satanic Avenger 666 said:
Signing your name in blood is precisely the most important part of the ritual and the one should not miss, because it's invalid without it and you should do it again. This is what seals the ritual, as blood is your DNA and contains your lifeforce.

Just because the enemies of Satan spread lies about blood and/or don't understand its meaning doesn't mean we should avoid it.

It's also not a "blood sacrifice", as a blood sacrifice involves killing another being and spilling its blood on an altar offering it to a deity.

The blood as its used in the ritual isn't an offering, but sealing your dedication with your lifeforce, and it's also a (slight) test of strength.

There are workings and rituals in SS which you can use use blood for extra power, as long as it's your own blood. For women, menstrual blood is the most powerful and can use menstrual blood instead for things like anointing sigils in sigil magick or empowering certain rituals. Years ago we did a destruction ritual against jews on JoS where we empowered the sigil of the ritual with our own blood, as it made it powerful.

Again just because the enemies think this is something bad doesn't mean we should abandon such a powerful practice. I still use blood in a lot of rituals myself. Whatever the enemy thinks is irrelevant. Their opinion is irrelevant.

I don’t think that the Ritual isn’t valid.

While I was thinking about dedicating myself, Demons were visiting me, giving me strong signs, like Telekinesis, very powerful dreams with messages and so on.

This means that Father Satan and his Demons are very aware of what people are doing, even before they dedicate. (Or at the very least this is true for people that have been with Father Satan in previous lifes before)

I don’t think that blood is needed, for the ritual to be valid, but I do believe this makes the Ritual more powerful. We always say in our Rituals „your dedicated followers Bonded by Blood“.

Which is true for most of us, we bonded ourselves, with our current blood and energy to Father Satan, with an open heart and with the dedication and intention to do so.

But also, Father Satan respects individuality and respect personal opinions and freedoms. Father Satan doesn’t force people into doing certain things.
The relationship between Father Satan and the individual is highly individual.
Father Satan decides who he takes into loving Family, what is important here is what is in the heart of people.

But I agree with you 100%, the proper way, out if respect and to bind to Father Satan more powerfully is by going through the bond of blood.
AFODO said:
You should also know what you can do and not, for example spiritual warfare isn't a beginner thing. And is straight up stupid before dedication, and I can tell that you have done rituals before dedication.

You should know the limitations, because spirituality is not a fairly tale, there are actual consequences, and risks.

Just because it seems that it is easy to perform an advanced meditation, it doesn't mean you should, or that it won't have any unwanted consequences.

Spiritual warfare should only be done after months of aura protection with words of power.

There are things you can't/shouldn't do, and that is only because of your own safety.
You might feel like "I can do whatever I want" "I'm free" "nobody can tell me what I can do and what not" "There is no limitations for me" and etc.. but in reality, this is just a delusional thinking. There are even limitations for Satan himself, hence he is not omnipotent/omnipresent/etc..

i know, i did admit to have done those mistakes myself before, i did not hide that... and it's a thing of the past at this point, doesn't make much sense to keep focusing on that though,it cannot be changed afterall ^

and, in the end, no harm has truly been done to any non-nefarious entities aside from me temporarily, and i'm sure i've dealt some damage to the enemy albeit in a risky and un-efficient way, indeed , which i would definitely not advise anybody to indulge into ^

and in regards to the blood, i also had kind of fear that the energy from that blood could potentially be "intercepted/re-routed" by the hostile thoughtforms and other parasitic vampires themselves.. is that a possibility... or is Satan and gods watching closely said process , enough to ward off that kind of threat completely ?
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
i know, i did admit to have done those mistakes myself before, i did not hide that... and it's a thing of the past at this point, doesn't make much sense to keep focusing on that though,it cannot be changed afterall ^

and, in the end, no harm has truly been done to any non-nefarious entities aside from me temporarily, and i'm sure i've dealt some damage to the enemy albeit in a risky and un-efficient way, indeed , which i would definitely not advise anybody to indulge into ^

and in regards to the blood, i also had kind of fear that the energy from that blood could potentially be "intercepted/re-routed" by the hostile thoughtforms and other parasitic vampires themselves.. is that a possibility... or is Satan and gods watching closely said process , enough to ward off that kind of threat completely ?

Your blood would not be intercepted or rerouted by hostile entities. If you are dedicating, the process is protected by the Gods.

Unfortunately I believe the blood is a requirement to make your dedication official. Even one drop on the paper is enough. It is the intention that matters.
ApolloAbove said:
Your blood would not be intercepted or rerouted by hostile entities. If you are dedicating, the process is protected by the Gods.

very well, if there are no risks of that kind ,then i guess i'll just repeat the process again soon, no harm done, and i still did do the experiment i had in mind, which has been an useful/ positive experience overall anyway, even though, potentially not valid from an "official" point of view,indeed ^

mentally speaking there's no doubt that i'm ready for all this, it's just a matter of a "lil' formality" at this point, and i'm absolutely ready to accept that ^
A blood mark shows intention and probably deeply connects you providing your unique imprint on a vibrational level.
Most likely you still arent totally ready to immerse yourself fully in the demonic realm.

It's okay.

The dedication is a big thing and the Gods do protect the process.

I think it matters more what you do rather than you did the dedication right or not.
If someone dedicates, but does not mediate/contribute in any way, worth nothing compared to someone who haven't been yet dedicated but meditate and contribute.

I'm not saying this ritual is not important, it is, but it isn't what your path depends on and how the Gods look at you.
It's a binding contract with satan and the blood part is the soul aspect that YOU agree with the name you were given corporally. With that said it is a very real agreement btw

But worry you should NOT because the standard birth certificate with your corporal name and all of that is owned by the Vatican or similar entities that are involved in soul harvesting schemes (without your consent ) have already deemed your soul as their property or brought shares of it. Read up on what a soul contracts and soul contract revocations are. I hear banks and many institution are using soul harvesting as well

I dedicated after 2 months bc I knew what was going on, but jos made it seem too simple and it really is simple and I wouldn't have thought I would detach myself completely from these parasitic evil grim alien lifeforms in one sheet of paper. At a glance it Kinda makes you believe it is some self help shit designed to break out of religion or something, it's also that and i didn't notice breaking out of religion wasn't as easy as declaring it because they use formal ways and we use blood so the blood part is crucial

And although it's a really good deal so far I myself altered the agreement In my own terms, because I'm free to do so. Can even add new updates to the agreement new elements to make myself comfortable and more freer, it's personal relationship that others won't probably agree with. But what really matters is that you put blood on the paper and sign your name and burn it🔥 otherwise your corporally name isn't enough because its not your soul or your essence

I hope this helps
sarvayonipranava said:
I hope this helps

this definitely helped,and no,i actually didn't know about that kind of "soul harvesting", therefore, it seems to be one additional reason for doing the dedication in the more traditional way , indeed ^

and in regards to the personal relationship, i do agree, there must be some freedom of doing things a lil' differently, albeit without exxagerations of course, for example freedom shouldn't be used as an excuse to partake in degenerate behaviours such as pedophilia, sacrifices and other BS of that kind , ya know ^

but, "WE" also don't wanna become hive-mind robots that thinks absolutely the same and does the exact same things , which is a dream of a certain individual and a certain band...but a nightmare, for the rest of humanity ^
soundtrack: https://youtube.com/watch?v=D_8Pma1vHmw&pp=ygUKdGhlIHJvYm90cw%3D%3D


i love the idea of connecting to the "JOS hive-mind" for warfare purposes or protecting others following this path,since together we are stronger and more resilient... but without suppressing my own individuality, and indeed, that's definitely one of the many positive things about JOS...i can still be myself, even while being connected to the "hive-mind" for the previously mentioned specific purposes...therefore,that's the perfect balance right there,from my perspective ^
allright, it's done,i repeated the process, this time, with the red substance..i had a hard time actually getting some blood, so the actual amount i did use on the paper was very very very small , but it did get burned and i hailed the gods and satan with strong convinction...from what i've understood, the amount doesn't make much of a difference anyway ^

i did it in the morning, 1 hour ago, and i definitely wasn't relaxed as the other time ,which has also been done towards the night, a better hour for that probably..so i did not have any visions or anything for now,albeit it felt kinda powerful overall, when the paper was burning..maybe later, especially in the evening, i might potentially see something again, if yes and it's worth of mention, i'll post it here ^
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
sarvayonipranava said:
I hope this helps

this definitely helped,and no,i actually didn't know about that kind of "soul harvesting", therefore, it seems to be one additional reason for doing the dedication in the more traditional way , indeed ^

and in regards to the personal relationship, i do agree, there must be some freedom of doing things a lil' differently, albeit without exxagerations of course, for example freedom shouldn't be used as an excuse to partake in degenerate behaviours such as pedophilia, sacrifices and other BS of that kind , ya know ^

but, "WE" also don't wanna become hive-mind robots that thinks absolutely the same and does the exact same things , which is a dream of a certain individual and a certain band...but a nightmare, for the rest of humanity ^
soundtrack: https://youtube.com/watch?v=D_8Pma1vHmw&pp=ygUKdGhlIHJvYm90cw%3D%3D


i love the idea of connecting to the "JOS hive-mind" for warfare purposes or protecting others following this path,since together we are stronger and more resilient... but without suppressing my own individuality, and indeed, that's definitely one of the many positive things about JOS...i can still be myself, even while being connected to the "hive-mind" for the previously mentioned specific purposes...therefore,that's the perfect balance right there,from my perspective ^

Can not agree jos is a hive mind. I believe it values free thought This is a reality and available ways for self empowerment. But some members here get into meditations this good and turn into saint grateful, kinda weird but kinda halts things when things are viewed as being really good instead of improving.
It's up to you if you love it alot and are emotionally compelled, but it's a commitment with actions so the words are just words and without acting upon it or usually having empty words the person words may not be good at all and satan doesn't collect Npcs *non player characters*. It's like how the jews want to kill the best goyim!! Likewise things can get different if you mend your ways. Reform before it's late.. donating is really helpful too grow the place and support satan and usually helps instead of being grateful
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
sarvayonipranava said:
I hope this helps

this definitely helped,and no,i actually didn't know about that kind of "soul harvesting", therefore, it seems to be one additional reason for doing the dedication in the more traditional way , indeed ^

and in regards to the personal relationship, i do agree, there must be some freedom of doing things a lil' differently, albeit without exxagerations of course, for example freedom shouldn't be used as an excuse to partake in degenerate behaviours such as pedophilia, sacrifices and other BS of that kind , ya know ^

but, "WE" also don't wanna become hive-mind robots that thinks absolutely the same and does the exact same things , which is a dream of a certain individual and a certain band...but a nightmare, for the rest of humanity ^
soundtrack: https://youtube.com/watch?v=D_8Pma1vHmw&pp=ygUKdGhlIHJvYm90cw%3D%3D


i love the idea of connecting to the "JOS hive-mind" for warfare purposes or protecting others following this path,since together we are stronger and more resilient... but without suppressing my own individuality, and indeed, that's definitely one of the many positive things about JOS...i can still be myself, even while being connected to the "hive-mind" for the previously mentioned specific purposes...therefore,that's the perfect balance right there from my perspective ^
There is a very, very distinct difference between a hive-mind and a family. JoS is a family, not a hive-mind group...
Henu the Great said:
There is a very, very distinct difference between a hive-mind and a family. JoS is a family, not a hive-mind group...

yeah, i just used the wrong word,since i wasn't exactly sure how to express what i had in mind with 1 word ^

what i meant, is , that when we do warfare, we are kind of "connected" with each other, infact, there's a reason why there is a timer in the JOS war room... there is strength in coordinating with other SS ,and that's the rationale behind that ^

but there's no doubt, that JOS itself does respect individuality, that's what i tried to convoy...we do cooperate together on major topics and warfare, but each member still keeps it's own individuality...therefore, yeah , it's undoubtedly a family like Henu rightfully said ^

and to sarva, i can honestly say that i'm doing my part, infact i do engage in all kinds of warfare, and i do believe in what i do,even before i officially did the dedication... that's all i had to say ^
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
Henu the Great said:
There is a very, very distinct difference between a hive-mind and a family. JoS is a family, not a hive-mind group...

yeah, i just used the wrong word,since i wasn't exactly sure how to express what i had in mind with 1 word ^

what i meant, is , that when we do warfare, we are kind of "connected" with each other, infact, there's a reason why there is a timer in the JOS war room... there is strength in coordinating with other SS ,and that's the rationale behind that ^

but there's no doubt, that JOS itself does respect individuality, that's what i tried to convoy...we do cooperate together on major topics and warfare, but each member still keeps it's own individuality...therefore, yeah , it's undoubtedly a family like Henu rightfully said ^

and to sarva, i can honestly say that i'm doing my part, infact i do engage in all kinds of warfare, and i do believe in what i do,even before i officially did the dedication... that's all i had to say ^

True, nice one. I hope the jos meditations can continue to improve it really helped me out. But I still believe in financial support because everone situation is different and can't just jump to rtr warfare. It's real stuff btw and gotta know place and relationship with satan before taking that up for some of us. Warfare means attack and recieve an attack NOT attack and no attacks comes back :lol:
Clearly this is the only place that's not a sell out place and exposes the enemy parasite in True nature. Bless the jos it's an honest expression tbh and I respect all the staff for it.
Other satanist places are total sell outs and have no clue, If you ask me I say financial support tbh to help keep the place alive just my opinion
sarvayonipranava said:
can't just jump to rtr warfare. It's real stuff btw and gotta know place and relationship with satan before taking that up for some of us. Warfare means attack and recieve an attack NOT attack and no attacks comes back :lol:

yeah i know, i took a very big leap of faith there at that time..i already had a kind of strong relationship with my guardian demon and kemetik gods way before that,and i definitely wasn't a Xian even before getting attracted to the egyptian gods in the first place... since i have been agnostic from when i was 12/13 ...but still, it just felt automatic, being attracted to the RTR's, like a magnet, in my mind, all i knew is that i simply had to do em' , couldn't resist the temptation, even though i still wasn't sure about Satan himself,right when i found the JOS ^

and once i did my first "FRTR+tetra+shattering",after that, i simply started craving the RTR's more and more...and then i started craving those simply too much...and the enemy definitely noticed me there,and therefore they tried to stop me, with not so gentle ways...a crazy experience that has been,quite shocking for mind,body and soul, indeed ^

and there's no doubt that JOS is true as opposed to the (((Sell-outs))) and PSYOPS , which fortunately i have never followed,aside from having had some symphaties towards temple of Set(which is kind of fake of course, but still, less "corrupted" compared to many many others)... ^
sarvayonipranava said:
but I don't know internet is boring nowadays and I'm just gonna give up all forms of media tbh and stay in my lair.
Btw if you want to know if your real just don't come here and try doing rtrs by yourself, if you have that incessant drive and passion then it's real

oh , i had many times the idea of leaving the internet in the past, but i do presume it's better for me to keep using it, i can have greater positive influence that way, spread the word etc...

if you do decide to give it up, i do hope you're still gonna fight spiritually together with us though, that would be cool,(you need stuff written down on paper of course) and potentially,it becomes easier to focus on that, compared to someone that stays in front of a screen many hours ^

and yes, i'm real,and RTR's and other JOS rituals are too ^
i have done em' so many times way before i joined the forums... i'm definitely not in there primarily for the social aspect...i'm still quite introverted afterall ^

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
