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It Is Not "Mandated" To "Accept" Hitler

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Constantly people keep mentioning the figure of Hitler, especially newer people. Therefore, pass them this post to help them understand and if you are of those who do not understand, read further yourself too.

Around Hitler, no different than anyone who spoke against the jews who have overwhelming control and keep our existence back for enslavement, there is a huge weaving of lies, fear, purposeful disinformation.

People have been literally programmed like in Pavlov's experiment to dislike Hitler, through decades of mind-washing. Do these people have looked on anything besides a video about anything? Most do not even know the date the World War 2 occurred.

Others, do not like him because it's not in their interest to do so, yet they have no clue what their own interests are, no different than when it comes with the Gods.

The programs are present everywhere, and you cannot get through to others, as many do not even think.

Anyhow, the answer here is simple: You do not have to like anyone.

The lowest slime of this earth like Jewish Freddie Krueger is glorified in Netflix, and every kike that craps on humanity is programmed to be so "great and good", and this programming presents itself in those who are the poor victims of this relentless propaganda.

To fight this programming, is often-times futile. It takes time until these things are rectified. Satan is hated over literally nothing but jewish claims about him and nothing else.

No records exist besides jewish pseudo-history of Satan being evil. In the East HE is worshipped and loved as the source of creation, life and Truth. Yet, the program can be strong in the heads of many, because it has been strongly instilled into them.

The reality is that Adolf Hitler is a figure of an ascended man of the highest calibre of the previous century, and reached the level of what we refer to as "Anti-Christ" or a mostly ascended being which by enemy standards is the "Devil" and so on.

You do not have to worship anyone and the mentions here about Adolf Hitler are for historical accuracy, because he did most heroic actions, is a figure to derive meaning and beautiful inspiration from, but also to see the saga of an ascended being in the material realm, which the enemy does NOT want you see, let alone idolize.

They want you to be dead, therefore, any person who gives you inspiration, whomever that might be, unless it's some crackhead trapper, they do not want you to see. They want you to live in the gutter of non-existence.

Beyond the obvious politics that this threatens the enemy agenda and their conspiracy, this serves the entities of the lower domains and the evil spirits and beings behind the enemy programs, which ferment the mind of humanity to be cattle.

If one still feels uneasy about this, that means nothing; you do not have to "accept" Hitler or anyone and anything in the end of the day, just to walk the path of the Gods.

There are many figures one can look into to observe the process of the ascent of the human being and get inspired by, which is the key point to recognize the Gods and their influence in your life and their existence in this world.

One can pick Napoleon, Khan, or Alexander the Great, Aurelius, George Washington, or Ben Franklin, or many other figures. If you are Hindu, maybe Chanakya will inspire your heart. All of these figures were strongly related to Spiritual Satanism in their spirit. You can like Ataturk, who did great things for his people too to his own level and capacity, he has been an effective statesman.

Maybe all this politics is something you do not even care about. That is perfectly fine. If you are a scientist, you might look at Satanic scientists who have helped forward this world. If a model, then maybe Coco Channel will inspire you. If a businessman, then maybe the heads of Adidas and Nike [the creators were German] or Henry Ford.

The reason for this is to not forget the Gods and to see how much they can help humanity, to observe the power of the order of the Gods, and in the case of Adolf Hitler a view into the future where we have understood a lot of fundamental Truths about our species and the science behind them.

To understand further, that a global conspiracy now unveiled [Hitler started this in recent history] is trying to keep humanity back into a delusional state of neolithic hatred and away from advancement.

Still, one does NOT have to accept the above as a necessity for Spiritual Satanism. In the Joy of Satan page, that's not mentioned.

In my first year, I received a barrage of Truths from the JoS so I had to take my time to learn. As my Nation was hit hard by the National Socialists, I had my doubts, or so I thought. Then I learned in actual history the so called casualties, damages, and so on, were minimal; if Stalin had taken over, then my Nation would likely have been dead.

A mountain of facts nobody wants to share with you can arrive with you only if you make your research. These change the awareness of history. But nobody has really looked into how the favorite hated figures like Satan are affected by this. They take the word of the jew for granted who says Satan is suddenly the cause of all evil, and they are "fine" with it.

In Spiritual Satanism the spirit that wants the Truth shall receive it. This can come at odds with many things one knows, and happens in levels.

I asked Father Satan to show me the Truth and to help me understand the larger picture of this all. And here, but also in numerous posts, the greater picture of the matter is related.

We are here to understand and try to grasp the bigger picture. The bigger picture and historical reality show that Adolf Hitler [who is second to slander in modern day world only to Satan Himself] was actually anything but a monster.

Therefore, a service to Truth can mean to know this, but you do not have to accept this or follow this; our side is eternal and nobody comes to oppress you into belief.

We are here for Satan and the Gods. The Gods express the great Truths, which later are reflected in social and economic systems, or the lies of the enemy manifest themselves, bringing ruin. Our focus in Spiritual Satanism is to draw closer to the Truth.

The Sanatana Dharma is many stairs higher than the material policies of Nations and States, it's a wholly difference of perception into the world itself. We honor the people who tried to make the world a better place, because it's a service to the above eternal law.

Our greatest personalities never told you that you must believe in them or burn eternally in "Hell". Satan or the Gods will not turn you down if you do not like certain things like this, only those who hate the Truth are their enemies.

Our obligation is to seek the Truth and grow ourselves. Allow yourself to experience things in that department, and just take the Truths expressed and move on into your line of understanding.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
When I was new I had a very weird block to Hitler, I just couldn't accept him and so I ignored it for a while, meditated and read about it more. After a while I accepted it, not because the Jos brainwashed me but because the things I read just made so much sense.

The funny thing is that I was more "scared" of Hitler in the beginning than Satan, the amount of brainwashing they do is really too much. They are shit scared of people finding out the truth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Still, one does NOT have to accept the above as a necessity for Spiritual Satanism. In the Joy of Satan page, that's not mentioned.

In my first year, I received a barrage of Truths from the JoS so I had to take my time to learn. As my Nation was hit hard by the National Socialists, I had my doubts, or so I thought. Then I learned in actual history the so called casualties, damages, and so on, were minimal; if Stalin had taken over, then my Nation would likely have been dead.

Many years ago, when I first found Joy of Satan, I consumed every single page I could find on the main site before eventually coming to the forums for more. Up to that point, the forums was the first time I saw the many pictures and posts venerating the Nazis and Hitler, and due to programming it did take me aback. However, having had a chance to understand and digest the many truths in the JoS already, I kept returning to the forums on the following days to learn more, and slowly understood the truth.

Similar to your story, my grandparents grew up in a nation that was in close proximity to Germany during WW2, and their many stories added to my reluctance.

I do think it is a positive thing that the main site does not directly mention the Nazis for example to a degree, because obviously latent programming can scare people away before they have had a chance to digest the lower hanging fruits of truth that Joy of Satan has to offer.
I am very glad,for you finally clearing all this up.

As for me,for as long as I can remember I have always had great respect for Hitler,somehow I have never been impact by any of the slander that has been cast upon him.
It remains wild to me the block that others understandably had, I feel so strange when I think back on it. When I first found JoS pages and read everything I could, I saw the pages on Hitler and the Nazi's and merely thought nothing of it. "So they believe this" I jotted down, while still thinking of everything else I had been of course brainwashed in school. For those of us who already knew magic or the spiritual/supernatural was real even before finding the JoS this was just another lie the world had fed to us. My world was already crumbled, so it was easy to look at what Hitler did and think "Yes there is a world where this is backwards."

I only accepted the truth after testing the other meditations JoS offered. I hadn't fully thought this out at the time, but surely whoever could teach such things as how to feel that powerful bliss and heat in my aura/charkas/ and soul, I figured had to have a point on else. This might not be entirely logical, but it was just the natural reaction I had. I can't see how one could use the meditations given to us by Maxine and not think that she put the same effort into finding the truth in all areas she put on the JoS sites. Hitler remains a great inspiration to all with the same ambitions.
Very good you talk about this, specially for new people, as you say.

I recall my beginnings,
I was young and... An undisciplined stupid bitch, so to speak, thats why I'm now here again, after passing my military service and learning what discipline and routine means...

Anyways, I, sadly, live in comunist land, Cuba, and that character of Adolf Hitler is very, very, very attacked and used as a synonym of death and evil, so when I was new it shocked me a little bit seeing he had here a very honorable (and deserved) position.

I guess the Rtrs did effect on me... Even away from JoS I was seeing that jews were the real problem behind every little economical, social, and health problem humanity has had. I finally started thinking for myself... Oh my! Hitler is the good guy! I've been stupid goy!

Knowledge, study, and deep deprograming are to be done in order to feel the bliss of mental freedom, thats for sure.

Thanks for the post. Hail Satan!
I remember when I was really young, around 10 years old, I was arguing with adults about ww2. I didn't liked to hear 'Hitler was really bad, he was crazy'. My points where that we don't know exactly what happened in 1940's, the history could have been written wrong and if the whole nation was against jews they must have had a good reason. Hitler didn't hypnotised the whole nation. I can't describe how they were staring at me

All I have is love for what those real mens and real womens did for us. Can we do something to glorify the souls of ex-nazis and get rid off all the curses?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The problem that I see with rejecting Hitler and Satan I can exemplify with something that happened to me recently: a person approached me saying that he was interested in "Satanism in general" and not in the JOS, because he did not like National Socialism.

I assume this person will never do the dedication ritual or meditate because JOS does not conform to his political leanings. Your search for "Satanism in general" may lead you to Jewish corruptions.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe all this politics is something you do not even care about. That is perfectly fine. If you are a scientist, you might look at Satanic scientists who have helped forward this world. If a model, then maybe Coco Channel will inspire you. If a businessman, then maybe the heads of Adidas and Nike [the creators were German] or Henry Ford.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

when i saw researching the coco channel and her photos, i felt an immense attraction, even a little older, i went looking for the history and other things, an admiration for having posture and class even without knowing anything, only deduction

marcus aurelius when i read meditations i knew he was not just anyone, and the same happened about interest

I think the reason so many people have blocks to Hitler is because the jewish brainwashing in schools, but what these people really need to ask themselves is,

most people don't trust the media anymore if the jewish owned media lies to you in your face why trust their version of history?

were we told lies about this history of ww2 what else have we been taught that is a lie?

I'm mean the reptilian jews obviously won't teach the gulags in schools,
luis said:
When I was new I had a very weird block to Hitler, I just couldn't accept him and so I ignored it for a while, meditated and read about it more. After a while I accepted it, not because the Jos brainwashed me but because the things I read just made so much sense.

The funny thing is that I was more "scared" of Hitler in the beginning than Satan, the amount of brainwashing they do is really too much. They are shit scared of people finding out the truth.

This is exactly the same for me, at first I ignored it and then after a while I was like "This makes sense".
At the age of 17 I came across information on the Catholic Inquisitions. Ever since, I renounced christianity. But at the same time I also came across the enemy's lies about National Socialism from the Holocaust, torturing homosexuals, to being racist and wanting to occupy the world.

The enemy has several million fiction books such as The Book Thief to emotionally manipulate the Gentiles' minds and perception. Millions of movies, documentaries... The brainwash and misguidance is extremely intense.

I soon became aware and affected by the Palestinian cause. Everyday I saw the "jewish" ugliness and heartlessness in real footages, torturing and murdering children and innocent Gentiles whose land the Jews stole like thieves, houses of innocent poor people demolished, children jailed for years at length for the most ridiculous crimes, bioweapons and chemicals used against the Palestinian people.

I began to understand Adolf Hitler better. When I came here, I learnt the truth about Adolf Hitler in less than a month. Even after a year, I constantly fell upon the enemy's propaganda, such as Himmler's speech on the threat of homosexuals, Hitler's alleged use of fluoridated water to reduce the critical thinking of the people and the 440 HZ... And many other lies I read in it unrelated books.

One must use one's occult knowledge to filter through the endless lies.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Constantly people keep mentioning the figure of Hitler, especially newer people. Therefore, pass them this post to help them understand and if you are of those who do not understand, read further yourself too.

One can pick Napoleon, Khan, or Alexander the Great, Aurelius, George Washington, or Ben Franklin, or many other figures. If you are Hindu, maybe Chanakya will inspire your heart. All of these figures were strongly related to Spiritual Satanism in their spirit. You can like Ataturk, who did great things for his people too to his own level and capacity, he has been an effective statesman.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Isn't Ataturk related the jewish Young Turks who perpetrated the Armenian genocide?
People only perceive arccording to level of Awareness and unfoldment. At the core of your being is the perfect, Uncreated Supreme Essence, Being, God. All issues are resolved in THAT. So the more you tune into THAT ,the more clarity. Though watch out for the intellect ,with it's ego. Because intellectual clarity on occult on issues , doesn't make one a guru in the strict yoga sense. There has to be a conscious experience of Self God within. Conscious experience of the Formless Atma within ,this is Kundalini rising to the crown chakra. You can't cheat into that experience or intellectualize your self into it. It's contemplation ,that does it.(that's what even the swastika represents ,a crooked cross,God Realisation is indirect through intuition not the intellect).
Because it's already there,you are already IT. You are just tuning into IT, withdrawing your Awareness into IT. Ouroboros ,snake devouring itself, turning your Awareness on itself to realise the Self God within. In a deeper sense,this also symbolises ,when the cycle of secretions becomes complete , between the pituitary gland and pineal gland. The pituitary at the top secretes and stimulates the pineal gland at the bottom,the pineal in turn secretes and this goes to the top towards the pituitary gland at the top. When this cycle becomes complete ,then Self Realisation occurs ,the Awareness is successfully turned on itself (Ouroboros) ,the Kundalini rises.
You can't cheat yourself into this process,that's why a Satguru is highly revered in the East , because experience of the Self (Formless Atma) is God approved..
No one can cheat Atma.
The point is Sadhana , spiritual practice toward
God Realisation , should be strongly emphasized,even as you do research. Issues take alot of time to resolve ,if you just focus alot on words (the intellect). At your core ,you are perfect and complete already. You are THAT. Clarity therefore comes quickly if you go towards THAT within yourself. Problems get resolved on their own the more you tune into THAT. The pineal and pituitary glands are stimulated in the process and more clarity happens.
Debate is not necessary.
I understand that you want to say that it is not necessary to worship Hitler, but it sounds like you try to soften nationalsocialism. This only harms ourselves. Reason why me and many other people are here not in some other "satanic" group is that JoS was talking truth about politics. My decision to join JoS became certain when I started reading Exposing Christianity and saw that JoS is clearly against communism. But what now, in the time when white nationalism is growing fast, you soften our nationalism to like few trannies. Is it worth it, is it worth it, HoodedCobra?
When I learnt about Adolf Hitler I spent a whole day reading everything our sites have to say about him. I was not disagreeing nor agreeing. His figure still looked a bit off to me but not in a bad way, and I was liking him more and more and by the end of the day it was making complete sense to me and I was shouting HEIL FUHRER from all my heart. It was so weird, my mind being deprogrammed right before my eyes.
I find the posts here interesting as I never seemed to have that problem of accepting Hitler. But I appreciate the clarification.
nebu said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If a model, then maybe Coco Channel will inspire you.
when i saw researching the coco channel and her photos, i felt an immense attraction, even a little older, i went looking for the history and other things, an admiration for having posture and class even without knowing anything, only deduction

Coco Channel is a true inspiration, born in poverty and then becoming one of the wealthiest and most influential Gentiles on earth at the time. She also fought the jews, and won! Jews had to pay all of the living expenses for the last decades of her life after her court case against them, which is why she lived in an expensive hotel... on the tab of the jews, lol.

Also, she was against wearing clothes that were too revealing or skin-tight, saying it wasn't classy or womanly to do so. "A dress should be tight enough to show she is a woman, but loose enough to show she is a lady." Compare that quote to how women think they have to dress these days.
Can those who accept it say for sure what happened to Hitler?

To me, there is complete unknown, maybe it has been burned and destroyed, there is no game.
Whether he died or not, this can never be known. If it had been known, someone would have told it here, but it is unknown.
It is Not "Mandated" to "Accept" Hitler...sure, okay I get it not everyone can stomach massive databanks on WW2 to redpill themselves.

But at least as the enemy word we should take back I'd like to see "woke" on Hitler.

Sheer fact is we ask people to at least do the minimum of study Hitler/WW2/Holocaust/etc.etc. and understand it's yet another lie your being pumped during the childhood.

Sheer fact is Hitler is the boogeyman of Earth. Like the meme Everyone I hate is Hitler but also you can add including Hitler.

I hate Hitler...Why?...I don't know I hate him!...Why?

Perpetual circular dislike. NPCs can never give a straight answer. I've read of HPs like Myla and other prominent members mention National Socialism would be disliked in America as it rubs them the wrong way. Probably too much drinking into the Libertarian aspect(ex: I don't want to pay taxes as that is organized theft by the Govt. But in NS you do pay taxes unlike say China whereby 67%-72% don't pay taxes cause they'll outright die from lack of money. Maybe people would be more willing to pay taxes if the taxes were more moderated and consistent rather than an outright debt clearing spree by the enemy berging and steining money due to an interest-debt system in place).

Sheer fact is Nazism is viewed as the ultimate evil. It reminds me of the interlude radio broadcast from White Zombie's pre-Thunder Kiss '65 song. The pastor goes "And All we have to ask is Why does God admonish us to hate evil? If God creates evil" before his question in the speech goes away and the interlude to Thunder Kiss '65 pops in.

Indeed why are people admonishing Hitler with NPC data. They don't even want to smell the coffee of National Socialism.

I believe the biggest thing jews did was turn people into lazy pieces of shits pumping them full of fear. Coofy was a wake up call.

I hate how the enemy uses words like "woke" or "liberal". These lefty terms often had a historical NS-Lite history.

Liberal: A person who sides against the church and is against the right conservative and reactionary floor towards cucking towards the church. I can see many liking a liberal agenda if it exercised right and might against the church along with pulling the right wing towards a goal to fight against the church.

Too much Sarah Palin memeing for christcuck right. We need to have a full wing, both wing, and all wing against the target enemy. Which is a fear the enemy had with NS.

As Hitler put it this war thrusts us back years and decades of planning we needed 15 or 25 years of peace to solve our situation. 15 or 25 would mean Hitler and company would have planted the seeds of Amalek into MANY Nation-Racial-Statehoods around the World. A centralized-AND-decentralized network of the Satanic World Order. As both systems are needed no matter how much people like Decentralized existence there needs to be Centralization as well. It isn't exclusively jewish or some form of kosher supervision.

A dualtralized system.

Woke: A person with a high political literacy and being able to exercise their rights. Along with that in modern NS theorem we can gather a person who took the redpill and is awaiting further instructions to "awaken" them.

You took the redpill but like Neo in the Matrix he isn't Matrix 1 later on, nor Enhanced Neo Matrix 2, nor even Super Neo in Matrix 3. Hell even Neo didn't know about the real outside World and even seeing the World destroyed and the World in shambles he still didn't care he viewed the 300IQ vision. Peace, as he asked the machine face which even the machine accepted as he knew Agent Smith had become more deadly and was a threat to both. Even the Machine face a life or death situation and even Neo who SHOULD have been pissed off at the machines took the high road and said in between the lines especially in Matrix 2 talking to the Architect in the subway station. Even Neo probably realized "Holy shit have all of you lost your goddamn minds we need peace and prosperity". And funny enough even the Machines realized Neo was right and peace is needed. Hell Neo acted more like a Human and a machine friendly Human that even he probably was surprised the machines so readily accepted peace. Even the enemy jew bots in the movie that went full shoah were sick and tired of the same shit.

In other words the person is becoming the Amalek of their race. I'm sure the jews probably have Amalekian words for other tribes of races of people we can piggyback on their payload, hijack it, and rearrange a strike package against them.

Sheer fact is at the VERY least understand NS/Hitler understand the boogeyman of the jews their version of Freddy Kruger nigthmare is the nightmare of the jews and that is their kryptonite.

Their mighty Superman the counter towards Aryanicity is brought down by a little green rock that emits a little radiation that destroys the bejesus out of Superman or as he becomes Stuporman.

I think people simply need to redpill on Hitler/NS/Satanism and understand.

At the very least ...Understand...

Keep it in mind at a later date to come back and study WW2/Holocaust/Hitler and company.

As the wise Yoda put it "To learn you must unlearn what you learned".

So far as the Greatest Generation and Boomers are around cuck, cuck, and more cucking occurs.

We need a fresh slate a Tabula Rasa on Hitler.

Hell even Hitler hated the church with Horst Wessel. We don't need no stinkin' church we need Horst Wessel.

If that is allowed I wonder what more would have occurred had the SWO replanted itself in reality and organized a dualtralized firing on all cylinders strike package against the enemy.

I know the Soviet Union was most likely going to attack August 1941 6 weeks after Barbarossa. Either way WW2 was going to happen. But at the very least Germany would have been more prepared and not goaded into WW2 despite the fact Poland as well as Irgun/Alchaida(Alqada) terrorist forces created issues in the border and in Poland to goad Hitler into fighting by terrorizing Polish-German citizens as well as prevent acquisition of Danzig corridor.

Sheer fact is the war might have started but imagine Germany with a solid two years better economy.

Either way Hitler speaks on this subject on alliances and understands things for example allying with Japan after the 1905 defeat would have checkmated England into forming an alliance with Germany thus checkmating France's expansion. Hitler does go on some rants against France and states England is foolish in believing France is an ally or at least in England's favor. France is in it for themselves.

Sheer fact is I'm going to end it with the typical NPC stuff. I hate history and I hate to study history. History is not a defined science and shit changes all the time.

The Gods probably look at us and go WTF is wrong with you humans your historical fluctuation and changes of history is damaging past, present, and future.

As George Orwell and Kane from Command and Conquer RTS series state:

"He who controls the past commands the future. He who controls the future commands the present."

I'd like to see unification and a combined arms attack against kosher supervision. If not I believe even if we take out the kikes the christcusk want us to still be in kosher supervision.

I don't know how the planet that broke out of kosher supervision managed to do it especially with a christcuck community in it's society.

But I do hope Abrahamism is punished with pure bestial brutality. No! to kosher supervision of any kind.
Hypatia666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The problem that I see with rejecting Hitler and Satan I can exemplify with something that happened to me recently: a person approached me saying that he was interested in "Satanism in general" and not in the JOS, because he did not like National Socialism.

I assume this person will never do the dedication ritual or meditate because JOS does not conform to his political leanings. Your search for "Satanism in general" may lead you to Jewish corruptions.
This is not a "problem" that he will never do dedication ritual. He will only weaken our people. If he is not ready to accept Hitler, he can join The Satanic Temple rainbow soy LARP club.
Will Satan punish me if I marry a woman not of my race?like I am mixed race,majority caucasian,yet I am only successful with asian women from southeastasia,and I like their look alot.

many southeastasians are mixed race,though majority asian?

I want a woman like sandra dewi,and I am not compatible with mixed race latinas(they are beautiful,just not my type) on a moral or cultural or personality level,most of them are christians anyway.

I like indian women though.
Osiris Silvio said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Constantly people keep mentioning the figure of Hitler, especially newer people. Therefore, pass them this post to help them understand and if you are of those who do not understand, read further yourself too.

One can pick Napoleon, Khan, or Alexander the Great, Aurelius, George Washington, or Ben Franklin, or many other figures. If you are Hindu, maybe Chanakya will inspire your heart. All of these figures were strongly related to Spiritual Satanism in their spirit. You can like Ataturk, who did great things for his people too to his own level and capacity, he has been an effective statesman.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Isn't Ataturk related the jewish Young Turks who perpetrated the Armenian genocide?

I find it really strange also. Ataturk was a jewish piece of filth from Thessaloniki, his mother was jewish and he was the one that has slaughter thousands of both Armenians and Greeks
As one awakens spiritually and remembers more things things can totally change: before I was an SS I was averse to National Socialism and Hitler and then several years later I discovered that is was something very important to me in the past.
luis said:
When I was new I had a very weird block to Hitler, I just couldn't accept him and so I ignored it for a while, meditated and read about it more.
Funny thing is, I was drawn to the great Führer since I was a kid, watching those soviet jew commie movies about the war.
In a similar way and age I was drawn towards Satan, somehow knowing that He is the Good Guy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for clarifying.
As you mentioned, is not a general rule to accept or like this or that other personality, but, as Satanists I think we are obligated to know both versions of story, knowing that the jew influence is present over all relevant facts of history.
promitheusS88 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Constantly people keep mentioning the figure of Hitler, especially newer people. Therefore, pass them this post to help them understand and if you are of those who do not understand, read further yourself too.

One can pick Napoleon, Khan, or Alexander the Great, Aurelius, George Washington, or Ben Franklin, or many other figures. If you are Hindu, maybe Chanakya will inspire your heart. All of these figures were strongly related to Spiritual Satanism in their spirit. You can like Ataturk, who did great things for his people too to his own level and capacity, he has been an effective statesman.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Isn't Ataturk related the jewish Young Turks who perpetrated the Armenian genocide?

I find it really strange also. Ataturk was a jewish piece of filth from Thessaloniki, his mother was jewish and he was the one that has slaughter thousands of both Armenians and Greeks

To make an actual judgement, we have to distance ourselves from the atrocities these people have done. The atrocity they have done is in the context of wars, and oftentimes, wars break out and people die.

Jews have been rivalling for control of global policy since before Hitler's time. This is what causes the genocides. They enforce people in power who are not with them [Gentiles] to do these crimes, or they actually put Jews in place to do these for the tribe.

The situation with Kemal, despite of the certainty of many, I find is one of these with endless conflicting information. He clearly did slave for jews and did crimes for them, but with whatever situation he had, he also shaped modern Turkey as it is today, which he couldn't have done.

By shaping Turkey, this created a very negative situation for the "To-Be" Israel, which a true jew wouldn't do unless they were stupid. Turkey and Israel are always on really bad relations ever since Turkey's creation. The problem is also geopolitical here.

The origins of Kemal are highly debatable. Most people who claim he is a jew are saying so over the fact that this town in Greece has had a high percent of jewish population, but so does Berlin and Vienna. Jews generally live in ghettos and disconnected from the rest of the people.

I am aware of the genocide, the claims of the "Donmeh" and know of all of this from a historical standpoint. Yet there is one thing more about the situation with Ataturk.

Generally for every historical figure, there is always this statement about how they are jews again and again, oftentimes a fabrication by the jews themselves to gain from their fame and acclaim.

The claim is that Kemal Ataturk was a crypto-jew, could be a fabrication. Jews might have went as far as to falsely call him a jew, because he does not look like a jew. Jews do not officially accept that he was a jew, as much as they love to always claim people for being jews, especially statesmen and leaders of anything.

In this case he was a crypto-jew, then he is a very successful Crypto-jew and definitely does not traditionally look like one.

Ataturk being jewish is a common claim that has been going on for a while that I have seen nowhere clarified, and he looks like a Greek biologically and not a jew, as many Greeks look from the region.

Many Turkish members have sent me conflicting information and claims on Ataturk, which leaves me tentative that he might not have been a jew himself, yet in cahoots with jews or having to pay up infinite favors to them for helping him get in power through the Donmeh and other controlling groups of crypto-jews in Turkey.

On one hand, the Turkish members see him as a uniter of Turkey and a revolutional leader, albeit clearly he did genocides and all sorts of other things. So people draw inspiration from him on a Nationalistic level. He had a very higher up level of life relative to his state.

As about the Jewishness, I do not have conclusive evidence on "for or against" and his mere pictures are not indicative of a jew. In that I mean about RACIAL jewishness.

In fact, certain things he done in his policies scream that the jews actually were either forcing him or they were exchanging favors, but there has not been a singular leader in modern history except of Hitler that actually did what he wanted without having to pay dues to the jewish lobbies.

Hitler is the only leader who truly dared to go against them and solve this situation of their global control which extends for over many centuries and has been an escalating battle.

Everyone else including Ataturk had to bow their head once in a while to them and do all sorts of favors and crimes to engage in any policy.
Personally I have always respected all of these. Some other members have a very dualistic view of things like historical violence and war.

On the other hand, those figures of history who did the bidding of the enemy like Justinian are blatantly obvious. They enforced enemy orthodoxy with an iron fist.
Karnonnos said:
Personally I have always respected all of these. Some other members have a very dualistic view of things like historical violence and war.

On the other hand, those figures of history who did the bidding of the enemy like Justinian are blatantly obvious. They enforced enemy orthodoxy with an iron fist.

That or Emperor Constantine are actually full time, are 100% tier servants.

Olaf and others were almost literally like jews incarnate regardless of theoretically not being "jewish" in race.

Both of the above could or could have not been racial jews, but they served them like slaves. This in many cases is even worse than actual full blown jews, as these idiotic servants have done maximum damage to the works of the Gods, while they could also have been retarded or sold out Gentiles.

Kikes have had many sellout servants in history, this won't be the first time. Joe Biden for example is likely not even a kike or a crypto kike. Yet, he is a jew golem manifest when it comes to anything the jews have demanded from the Co-Vid to fake money sent anywhere.

In most other cases of State Leaders and heads of powerful places, the jews have influence. This ranges from 10% all the way to 100%.

Biden for example can be seen as an 90% percent of influence, while Trump was anywhere from 50 to 80% at certain times. Even that was not satisfactory to jews, who cast Trump down and ruined him.
Yes one does not need to accept Hitler or like him at all but I think a person needs to know and understand that the nazis and Hitler were indeed definitely of satan I know this forsure because a year before i came to satan I became obsessed with Hitler and the nazis drawing swastikas, ss bolts all over my school stuff books etc would draw them on my skin
And me obviously being not all white teachers would tell me Hitler would have killed me cause I'm clearly not all white, and all this complete BULLSHIT and I KNEW in my heart Hitler was a hero I just didn't have my facts to tell people, there were all so obsessed
With the holocaust and that little lizard abomination Anne frank and all that jew made up bullshit anyways I found father satan the following year and dedicated myself to him
Back to my point the only reason I believe anyone would dislike Hitler is because of the jew lies spread about him endlessly there are some satanic groups out there not of the jos that want to think otherwise, like it or not the high ranking nazis were extremely satanic
promitheusS88 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Constantly people keep mentioning the figure of Hitler, especially newer people. Therefore, pass them this post to help them understand and if you are of those who do not understand, read further yourself too.

One can pick Napoleon, Khan, or Alexander the Great, Aurelius, George Washington, or Ben Franklin, or many other figures. If you are Hindu, maybe Chanakya will inspire your heart. All of these figures were strongly related to Spiritual Satanism in their spirit. You can like Ataturk, who did great things for his people too to his own level and capacity, he has been an effective statesman.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Isn't Ataturk related the jewish Young Turks who perpetrated the Armenian genocide?

I find it really strange also. Ataturk was a jewish piece of filth from Thessaloniki, his mother was jewish and he was the one that has slaughter thousands of both Armenians and Greeks
I read similar information in many places including JoS, the forums, and Kaballah exposed website.
I admire Himmler and Hitler so fucking much, i want to be like them. My wishes are that i would be the leader of my country and help my people in my country. My lastname has origins from Germany.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
promitheusS88 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Isn't Ataturk related the jewish Young Turks who perpetrated the Armenian genocide?

I find it really strange also. Ataturk was a jewish piece of filth from Thessaloniki, his mother was jewish and he was the one that has slaughter thousands of both Armenians and Greeks

To make an actual judgement, we have to distance ourselves from the atrocities these people have done. The atrocity they have done is in the context of wars, and oftentimes, wars break out and people die.

Jews have been rivalling for control of global policy since before Hitler's time. This is what causes the genocides. They enforce people in power who are not with them [Gentiles] to do these crimes, or they actually put Jews in place to do these for the tribe.

The situation with Kemal, despite of the certainty of many, I find is one of these with endless conflicting information. He clearly did slave for jews and did crimes for them, but with whatever situation he had, he also shaped modern Turkey as it is today, which he couldn't have done.

By shaping Turkey, this created a very negative situation for the "To-Be" Israel, which a true jew wouldn't do unless they were stupid. Turkey and Israel are always on really bad relations ever since Turkey's creation. The problem is also geopolitical here.

The origins of Kemal are highly debatable. Most people who claim he is a jew are saying so over the fact that this town in Greece has had a high percent of jewish population, but so does Berlin and Vienna. Jews generally live in ghettos and disconnected from the rest of the people.

I am aware of the genocide, the claims of the "Donmeh" and know of all of this from a historical standpoint. Yet there is one thing more about the situation with Ataturk.

Generally for every historical figure, there is always this statement about how they are jews again and again, oftentimes a fabrication by the jews themselves to gain from their fame and acclaim.

The claim is that Kemal Ataturk was a crypto-jew, could be a fabrication. Jews might have went as far as to falsely call him a jew, because he does not look like a jew. Jews do not officially accept that he was a jew, as much as they love to always claim people for being jews, especially statesmen and leaders of anything.

In this case he was a crypto-jew, then he is a very successful Crypto-jew and definitely does not traditionally look like one.

Ataturk being jewish is a common claim that has been going on for a while that I have seen nowhere clarified, and he looks like a Greek biologically and not a jew, as many Greeks look from the region.

Many Turkish members have sent me conflicting information and claims on Ataturk, which leaves me tentative that he might not have been a jew himself, yet in cahoots with jews or having to pay up infinite favors to them for helping him get in power through the Donmeh and other controlling groups of crypto-jews in Turkey.

On one hand, the Turkish members see him as a uniter of Turkey and a revolutional leader, albeit clearly he did genocides and all sorts of other things. So people draw inspiration from him on a Nationalistic level. He had a very higher up level of life relative to his state.

As about the Jewishness, I do not have conclusive evidence on "for or against" and his mere pictures are not indicative of a jew. In that I mean about RACIAL jewishness.

In fact, certain things he done in his policies scream that the jews actually were either forcing him or they were exchanging favors, but there has not been a singular leader in modern history except of Hitler that actually did what he wanted without having to pay dues to the jewish lobbies.

Hitler is the only leader who truly dared to go against them and solve this situation of their global control which extends for over many centuries and has been an escalating battle.

Everyone else including Ataturk had to bow their head once in a while to them and do all sorts of favors and crimes to engage in any policy.

Thank you for your time and your answer
Osiris Silvio said:
promitheusS88 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Isn't Ataturk related the jewish Young Turks who perpetrated the Armenian genocide?

I find it really strange also. Ataturk was a jewish piece of filth from Thessaloniki, his mother was jewish and he was the one that has slaughter thousands of both Armenians and Greeks
I read similar information in many places including JoS, the forums, and Kaballah exposed website.

Yes, that has been the case. This made a lot of SS from Turkey to start giving me additional information. This information was not the things mentioned by the person who wrote this in the library.

No matter what, genocide is foolish. It is not an act that sits on the good side with the Gods. Many people who have made it to great positions, have not been philosopher leaders or philosophers like Hitler - just very successful. That's why there is a high ranking.

Khan for example, again mentioned to be a jew [ I cannot conclude on him ] , did great things for his continent, yet was a devastator for Europe. Yet, he has been great for the people he led.

Tamerlane also extinct half of the lands of Georgia at the time and the Middle Eastern peninsula. They will also say he was a great leader.

No matter if a leader is successful or great, how well they performed in the eyes of the Gods when it comes to politicians is another situation. Most of these leaders were political or warlords, and not leaders in other fields.

Yet, in all these personalities there is the underlying spirit of the Gods, manifested to a decent or greater extent. They too could improve in many ways.

Hitler is among the top, same as Alexander. Alexander for example eliminated only armies, and did not cause any cultural annihilation. Hitler was similar. Others did bestial warfare.

Lastly, all these people in power are judged by the Gods for these actions. Therefore greatness comes at a price for them.
promitheusS88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
promitheusS88 said:
I find it really strange also. Ataturk was a jewish piece of filth from Thessaloniki, his mother was jewish and he was the one that has slaughter thousands of both Armenians and Greeks

Everyone else including Ataturk had to bow their head once in a while to them and do all sorts of favors and crimes to engage in any policy.

Thank you for your time and your answer

From what I have concluded, Ataturk has been a Greek from Thessaloniki, but because they could never twist this historically to fit the narrative, they simply try to lie that he was some sort of jew.

It would make zero sense to Turks to tell them that he was some sort of Greek. Racially, he was that. The chances are extremely low that would be even a part jew.

If this was known, that would confuse not only all of Turkey, but would likely cause a narrative collapse into what Greeks know too. Yet, the practice of the Eastern empire taking Greeks and putting them in leadership positions and then using them against others, is a common practice.

Much of the coast in Turkey is literally of what we refer to as "Hellenic Aryan" descent. Yet, Turkey is a very big Nation which has at least 4 different races, and many other nationalities, living there.

The Armenian and Greek genocide were only two examples of criminal decisions made there. They were not even necessary, and in most of these historical events, the jews are always sitting behind having orchestrated these.

Therefore, even if Ataturk knew, he likely had no choice on the matter. He also had even more limited choices but to work on Turkey and likely pay endless ransom to powerful jews, to the extent they call him a jew, but he doesn't look and there is poor evidence he was one.
Before joining JOS.I had a neutral opinion on Hitler.I always thought his advent was necessary for the world at that time.If not for Nazi Germany,British colonies like India,Burma would not have achieved independence.Now I have a positive opinion of him.Nazi Germany governance was very similar to "Rama Rajya" (Ideal Kingdom Ruled by Lord Rama) concept present in Hinduism.
BabySatan said:
Before joining JOS.I had a neutral opinion on Hitler.I always thought his advent was necessary for the world at that time.If not for Nazi Germany,British colonies like India,Burma would not have achieved independence.

Yes, most certainly.

BabySatan said:
Now I have a positive opinion of him.Nazi Germany governance was very similar to "Rama Rajya" (Ideal Kingdom Ruled by Lord Rama) concept present in Hinduism.


The problem is that in the West we are told nonsense that he wanted to kill everyone and we would all be speaking German and other bullshit, which is not even verified by any of his actions. That's because he beefed with the jews and they kept writing lies about him.

In India and other places people in general have a more neutral or friendly opinion, as the TV is not busy all day pumping people's heads with how evil anything that has to do with self determination is.
Yurei said:
I thought Genghis Khan was of the enemy?

I looked back into what HPS Maxine told me a very long time ago. She has told me on Genghis Khan, the amount of crimes, did not make sense.

She said it was "extremely likely" Khan was a jew. It's sometimes common to have historical conversation about these subjects, as these are very curious and thought provoking subjects.

His war methods were undoubtedly only second to Mao in violence. Likely there haven't been more violent armies than Genghis Khan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
