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It Is Never Too Late To Return - Answer The Phonecall...

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In our life, there is this uncanny thing.

It's as if life tries to draw us in too much, so that when we find a higher Truth we forget it, unless we cling on it very powerfully.

Events and circumstances, or our own inner failings, often-times distance us from our dreams, our hopes, but also higher understanding.

Over the years in being Clergy I have spoken with many people, many SS who are souls of Satan. Many have understood why they made it here. Time and time goes and passes.

We pass through this time, without understanding our relationship with it, we become it's slaves.

Understanding does not mean having verbally or in a written form intellectualized the exact cases - understanding relates to the heart in that case.

This is like raising a phone on an anticipated phonecall, and waiting to listen what the anticipated phonecall has to tell you. We might hear the fleeting voice of the Gods, or experience their fleeting presence.

Sentences, sounds, or broken words - but you know they are there. Then, your mother or wife calls you for dinner, and you close the phone. But you remember the phonecall and want to get called again.

Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul. Our forgetfulness is our own worst enemy.

We try maybe a little too hard to listen to this telephone, to where giving up might be the logical conclusion. Then, we might be called away from it, it's dinner time.

There are a thousand ways this can go away from the telephone, but only one way to listen to it: you got to get there and hold to it.

There is so much in life that we can only call fate and not coincidence. You cannot have possibly listened to this sound and tell yourself you have not. "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."

Every soul in this world, has an opportunity to grow. This opportunity is based on soul level of development, and it's memories. Certain people who are of the Gods, will want to return back to the Gods again.

We seek again the glimmering light from where we came. In fact, there is no time where we are not in their presence. The Gods are here with us.

Life however deceives us through it's fast pace, and often-times, we can get lost.

Getting lost, quitting, giving up, all of these are natural human tendencies. There is nothing evil there in these happening, but evil comes exactly because of succumbing to no return to these tendencies.

In other cases, not listening to the phone, grief, guilt, fear, lack of understanding - all of these can try to keep you from this. One might want to never raise this phone again. It disturbs our sleep inside delusions when it rings, and even it's mere memory can feel like a burden.

An errant voice inside might even say, that you will live better without it - the same voice that reveals nothing to you about your soul or your higher potential. We know it's a lie, but yet, like servants, too many of us have followed into the claws of the beautiful but not-so-beautiful lying harpy.

Yet, even in the gnawing claws of this creature, we see it's true face. We thought we never would, but eventually we do. It's there, and it's happy to consume the creatures of it's domain, the offspring of her ignorance. And then we remember...

The experience of knowing never goes away. And if our mind somehow manages to forget, the eternal memory of the spirit retains this memory...Life rings the loud bell, and we the opportunity presents again itself, to lift up the telephone...

And then...We try again. The recurrence that almost looks as if it were eternal, is ringing the phone again.

The illusion of distance of time, or how we experience time, or our rushing foolishness, makes us frequently make mistakes in life. One of these mistakes is to keep struggling against one's soul, which is the eternal vehicle of one's existence.

We are all sons and daughters of "delusion", in that we delude themselves, often times without really intending it. But this is not really who has fathered our soul, it is the Gods. Therefore, the soul remembers them, and wants to get back to it's advancing pace.

Certain people never really leave Father Satan in their soul because that's impossible, yet, they might let themselves drift into lower levels as a result of falling. One might state on this state for a longer or lesser time.

If one had rose to a higher consciousness level, this wouldn't be a take one would have in life. We would understand better what is important and meaningful in our existence.

The closer to this state, the more the swindles of the lower part of ours which is bred into delusion give in and we advance. The more we allow this to take ground, the ground it takes is what takes ground from our very own feet.

Our memory of our emotions, our wonder when entering this path, or our love for this all, can be fought against by external life.

Society indeed wants to shrink people, and in the current state we are at, having a soul is like owning tons of gold while gold was made illegal.

Spiritual Satanism is where you recognize and you take this gold in your custody, because it's yours. If you have forsaken the great fortune of your soul, just remember, it's never too late to return to the path, or to Father Satan.

It's time to pick your phone, sometimes, and to tell the world that you need to finish your phone-call, so that dinner can wait. This world is never devoid of another dish of delay and delusions to serve you.

The time is however, now. Even if it looks like it's late, it is not late to return.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is beautiful, especially considering that before I joined JoS, Zeus and Astarte were always lingering in the shadows, from my childhood and my upbringing, whether it be Greek mythology in school, videogames, or their names in people that were pivotal to my upbringing. And deep down, it's like they want me to come back to them, especially after the clutches of Catholicism and the enemy programs that were passed down through bloodline and reading this really hit the nail in the head. Thank you for the reassurance.
I went trough a similar phase in 2020 and most of 2021, when I let myself being deceived that JoS teachings are not worthy. I wish i weren't that foolish back then, as I've realized that it was all my fault for not asking enough advices to the advanced members despite being a "noob". However, I cannot change the past, I can only improve my future, no matter how many times I have to start over, I will do everything to raise my status of Beginner SS. Everyone should have the courage to try again, like a jap media that i will not mention told me in 2016.
Nimrod33 said:
I went trough a similar phase in 2020 and most of 2021, when I let myself being deceived that JoS teachings are not worthy. I wish i weren't that foolish back then, as I've realized that it was all my fault for not asking enough advices to the advanced members despite being a "noob". However, I cannot change the past, I can only improve my future, no matter how many times I have to start over, I will do everything to raise my status of Beginner SS. Everyone should have the courage to try again, like a jap media that i will not mention told me in 2016.

I do not think that any new person hasn't underwent at least some of these difficulties. The important factor here is to hold onto the important things and keep advancing. This is what increases the wisdom on seeks.
I honestly think the majority of the SS that are here have been with Satan and the Gods in past lives. A lot of us also share a common theme of being drawn to the supernatural and the occult as well as finding Satan at lowpoints in our lives.

I have heard some other SS that were "out of practice" as they called it say that they could still hear their GD whispering to them every so often. I think a lot that may stray eventually always return.

As the enemy is being destroyed and a lot becomes clearer i think in the long run many will find it harder to stray along with others waking up.
Did the phrase about owning gold come from somewhere, or was it invented for this post personally? I think I've heard it many times before, and it brings back many strange memories. What explains deja vu, what is it?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

My lack of any material wealth with 0.29 $ to my bank name and other problems keep on pushing me towards suicide. But this sermon has told me to hold on just at the right time and push through the struggle. Thanks Hoodedcobra666 for the sermon. I'll try to do what I can.

For those who want Astral hearing and vision

**for the 6th Chakra use the PTAH vibration as it's extremely effective, when I used it even without yoga within 2 months I could see ghosts in close range that wanted to interact with me (most likely because my affirmation was "My 6th chakra/Pineal gland is empowered, activated and powerful now and permanently. This is happening in a positive way and healthy way for me.") In the form of a translucent light with shape that can move at its own will
*from what I heard the crown Chakra is connected to the 3rd eye so it beneficial to do its yoga too, not only 6th Chakra and 3rd eye.

I'm going to get back into meditation. Is there a spell someone here could show me that will force me to wake up at specific time and do meditations like a re-engineered love spell ???

Those advanced who can really talk to their guardian demons, please ask them for me. It will really help a lot?
The enemy tried its hardest to make me quit by throwing my own outsider friends and random people from the past back at me(Knew them since high school, the same strangers pulled in by the same cruel fucks I bound and dealt with long ago). I can never forgive them for the hurtful stuff they even said about the JoS I felt like wanting them dead. It took me months to trick them to see me as changed because I'm waiting for the day I can put knives at their backs for what they tried to do for the enemy without knowing. I made a thread about this, where they even thought I might be HPS Maxine's top satanic James bond agent or some shit(What delusional losers, THAT will NEVER happen).

This is why I never open up fully to outsiders anymore, sucks having to hide behind a persona and gray appearance effect among the crowd of 'humanity'.

They can never be forgiven for all of them trying to hinder me from knowing my soul, from getting me to even answer the phone call for too long. In my situation, I really have to curse my way through the enemy's annoying guinea pigs to get to know parts of my soul at least or even pick myself up again and again for too long. They really won't stop till I quit. Sorry if I really have to spare some gentiles for this for a while, most of them here in a heavily enforced jew-curse-infested country need to go the hard way.

Once I get to certain parts of me opened again, let me teach it to some of the determined ones that will see it in their next lives, when they look back at this one, to learn RESPECT.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In our life, there is this uncanny thing.

This is like raising a phone on an anticipated phonecall, and waiting to listen what the anticipated phonecall has to tell you. We might hear the fleeting voice of the Gods, or experience their fleeting presence.

Sentences, sounds, or broken words - but you know they are there. Then, your mother or wife calls you for dinner, and you close the phone. But you remember the phonecall and want to get called again.

Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul. Our forgetfulness is our own worst enemy.

The time is however, now. Even if it looks like it's late, it is not late to return.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Sometimes they are speaking, but you are not ready to understand so you forget only to remember when you are ready and in need.

I understand that but I still wish I could reach there earlier than I did. I took every step carefully and strongly, I printed and studied HP Maxine's Sermons (It was amazing to find what I have inside in someone else's words). It took about a year to dedicate after I met JoS for the first time.

I know I did everything right but I'm still mad at myself for not being brave enough. Fear was holding me back. I didn't fear Satan. It was the threats of inhumane tortures of the fake god.

When my fiancee who is a US Marine veteran took his own life with his gun, I had no other chance besides blacking out all my fears since he spent all his life mocking the Chruch and committed terrible sins like being bisexual so he is supposed to burn in eternal fire, which I couldn't accept. It pushed me off the cliff.

Consolation and comfort came from Satan's Hell, not from the so called merciful god who supposedly created hell to torture and burn us. It was an easy choice in the end.

Fear didn't leave me alone though. It wasn't for me, it was for him. The idea my fiancee is in pain continues to haunt me even when I refuse such a place exists. This proves that it's not a belief but a spell that binds us in my opinion. I don't believe it, but I have the emotion of fear and desperation against it. No sense at all.
advancement just takes so long... as you said before, strength for the newbie is in the power to endure the burden of ignorance. The burden of ignorance and powerlessness can be so crushing for so many years
Shadowcat said:
I honestly think the majority of the SS that are here have been with Satan and the Gods in past lives. A lot of us also share a common theme of being drawn to the supernatural and the occult as well as finding Satan at lowpoints in our lives.

I have heard some other SS that were "out of practice" as they called it say that they could still hear their GD whispering to them every so often. I think a lot that may stray eventually always return.

As the enemy is being destroyed and a lot becomes clearer i think in the long run many will find it harder to stray along with others waking up.

For this, I would say that there is no shadow of a doubt, here are those people who look far, those who have "supernatural" goals
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I would have written some moral insights here, but I think this post deserves only admiration. There is simply no need to write my opinion under the post, it is simply beautiful as it is.

The glow lifts our spirits further towards happiness, and that's why we're here. I believe that the knowledge and strength within a person can be developed. Though you shine enough, High Priest, may your soul continue to shine on the side of truth for eternity.
It's extremely pleasant and instructive to read HP's Sermons, thanks for your words as usual.
I must say, receiving a phone call from the Gods is one of the rarest and best opportunities a human can have, we are billions, I doubt the Gods send out billions of calls, rather some thousands maybe.
I received phone calls many years ago when I was unable to answer for lack of understanding. But my inner soul received the call anyway, of which I can understand the meaning now. This is a wonderful experience, surpassing every distraction we may have in eathly life.
It really is easy to forget about all this with everything going on. And even more so since I've picked up my new job last year.

Working nearly 16 hours a day, with most of those hours driving. . . But I am getting better at managing my time, and I fully intend on finding some way to do at least a RTR and cleaning ritual while I drive. And keep a schedule of Kundalini Yoga when I wake up, no matter what, the RTR if I have time before driving if not during, and Hatha Yoga before bed. Even with how exhausted I've been at the end of each day.

And I've meant to ask if there's anyone else in a similar situation for so long. But time eludes me. So I've been doing what I can, planning on leaving this job in almost a year from now for something local, and hoping the world doesn't fall apart until then.

But at the same time, the perspective I've gained from this job. And the experience are truly incredible. I just wish they all knew how to properly drive.

Thank you HP Cobra, and thank you to ALL the Satanic Clergy for the immeasurably important work you all do.

Hail Satan!!
🥺 I had a dream last night. I was very young and a cat was in the dream,we were playing and I was laughing a lot like a child does I had a strong bond with the cat. On the dam wall I saw someone watching us play. I felt under his protection and knew I have nothing to worry about aslong as he is there.I had freedom to do as I want and play far away but felt like returning everytime I went to far.

Your post made me think about this dream now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In our life, there is this uncanny thing.

It's as if life tries to draw us in too much, so that when we find a higher Truth we forget it, unless we cling on it very powerfully.

Events and circumstances, or our own inner failings, often-times distance us from our dreams, our hopes, but also higher understanding.

Over the years in being Clergy I have spoken with many people, many SS who are souls of Satan. Many have understood why they made it here. Time and time goes and passes.

We pass through this time, without understanding our relationship with it, we become it's slaves.

Understanding does not mean having verbally or in a written form intellectualized the exact cases - understanding relates to the heart in that case.

This is like raising a phone on an anticipated phonecall, and waiting to listen what the anticipated phonecall has to tell you. We might hear the fleeting voice of the Gods, or experience their fleeting presence.

Sentences, sounds, or broken words - but you know they are there. Then, your mother or wife calls you for dinner, and you close the phone. But you remember the phonecall and want to get called again.

Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul. Our forgetfulness is our own worst enemy.

We try maybe a little too hard to listen to this telephone, to where giving up might be the logical conclusion. Then, we might be called away from it, it's dinner time.

There are a thousand ways this can go away from the telephone, but only one way to listen to it: you got to get there and hold to it.

There is so much in life that we can only call fate and not coincidence. You cannot have possibly listened to this sound and tell yourself you have not. "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."

Every soul in this world, has an opportunity to grow. This opportunity is based on soul level of development, and it's memories. Certain people who are of the Gods, will want to return back to the Gods again.

We seek again the glimmering light from where we came. In fact, there is no time where we are not in their presence. The Gods are here with us.

Life however deceives us through it's fast pace, and often-times, we can get lost.

Getting lost, quitting, giving up, all of these are natural human tendencies. There is nothing evil there in these happening, but evil comes exactly because of succumbing to no return to these tendencies.

In other cases, not listening to the phone, grief, guilt, fear, lack of understanding - all of these can try to keep you from this. One might want to never raise this phone again. It disturbs our sleep inside delusions when it rings, and even it's mere memory can feel like a burden.

An errant voice inside might even say, that you will live better without it - the same voice that reveals nothing to you about your soul or your higher potential. We know it's a lie, but yet, like servants, too many of us have followed into the claws of the beautiful but not-so-beautiful lying harpy.

Yet, even in the gnawing claws of this creature, we see it's true face. We thought we never would, but eventually we do. It's there, and it's happy to consume the creatures of it's domain, the offspring of her ignorance. And then we remember...

The experience of knowing never goes away. And if our mind somehow manages to forget, the eternal memory of the spirit retains this memory...Life rings the loud bell, and we the opportunity presents again itself, to lift up the telephone...

And then...We try again. The recurrence that almost looks as if it were eternal, is ringing the phone again.

The illusion of distance of time, or how we experience time, or our rushing foolishness, makes us frequently make mistakes in life. One of these mistakes is to keep struggling against one's soul, which is the eternal vehicle of one's existence.

We are all sons and daughters of "delusion", in that we delude themselves, often times without really intending it. But this is not really who has fathered our soul, it is the Gods. Therefore, the soul remembers them, and wants to get back to it's advancing pace.

Certain people never really leave Father Satan in their soul because that's impossible, yet, they might let themselves drift into lower levels as a result of falling. One might state on this state for a longer or lesser time.

If one had rose to a higher consciousness level, this wouldn't be a take one would have in life. We would understand better what is important and meaningful in our existence.

The closer to this state, the more the swindles of the lower part of ours which is bred into delusion give in and we advance. The more we allow this to take ground, the ground it takes is what takes ground from our very own feet.

Our memory of our emotions, our wonder when entering this path, or our love for this all, can be fought against by external life.

Society indeed wants to shrink people, and in the current state we are at, having a soul is like owning tons of gold while gold was made illegal.

Spiritual Satanism is where you recognize and you take this gold in your custody, because it's yours. If you have forsaken the great fortune of your soul, just remember, it's never too late to return to the path, or to Father Satan.

It's time to pick your phone, sometimes, and to tell the world that you need to finish your phone-call, so that dinner can wait. This world is never devoid of another dish of delay and delusions to serve you.

The time is however, now. Even if it looks like it's late, it is not late to return.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You are so right Cobra. Took me years to see and hear the Gods. Some days it's faith, but now it's a daily occurrence, where we can hold conversations, either with a spirit board or telepathy.

So many hard days in the past where I couldn't hear them. But when I did, I thought for a long time it was my mind, until the occurrences kept adding up and their constant presence in my life is undeniable.

One thing I want my fellow brothers and sisters to know is that it may take time to open up, but IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

It takes time but past a certain point the communication channel is open. Then things are alot better.
Nimrod33 said:
I went trough a similar phase in 2020 and most of 2021, when I let myself being deceived that JoS teachings are not worthy. I wish i weren't that foolish back then, as I've realized that it was all my fault for not asking enough advices to the advanced members despite being a "noob". However, I cannot change the past, I can only improve my future, no matter how many times I have to start over, I will do everything to raise my status of Beginner SS. Everyone should have the courage to try again, like a jap media that i will not mention told me in 2016.

Let me just tell u how it went out for me even if im still a newbie, in the beginning i was introduced to SS by a member i randomly had met. I was already aware that jews were the rotten in this world, but i believed their next level lie that they in truth were satanists because i was still not aware of how things were. Then i started reading everytjing in the site and the more i learn and search the more it made sense that i had been believing a very long lie.
Not to mention that father and the gods had. Been sending me messages for quite some time wich i had been understanding little by little.
As foolish at it may sound one day when had been striving wheter jos was telling the Truth or i was being "lied to take the evil side" like the Christian filtgs say i needed to find out the truth.
So very" randomly" to one that woulsnt understabd signs i run into someone that read tarots and i took a reading and this person in that moment had a certain effect on me i felt i was attracted. She pick a card that tell me to stop procastinating and start doing your research to find your answers.
After some reading into also SS germany i was sure of my new family when i read into Rudolf steiner and his jewish discrediting of exoterism and how they thought spirituality and lucifer are convieved. When u find out he was jewish and persecuted by Ekhart Dietrich i was sure i had been guided to the Truth into Jos. Was beautiful
I love this! Truly inspirational.

Since I dedicated myself to Father Satan, what brings me down mostly is the ignorance of other people. Especially the people around me. It saddens me that people don't see what we see, the beauty and power of the Gods and their presence all around us. I pine for the arrival of the Gods back to Earth. I long for the day humanity is fully awakened to the Truth.

Thank you HP Cobra for this beautiful sermon.
But if you went through a kind of trauma and forgot about the existence of the Gods even without wanting to, and you lost yourself so much that you almost take it in other ways, is there still a way to return?
Thank you for such wise words of encouragement. This sermon comes in a good timing for me. I have hung up the phone more times than I can remember, over the years. This time around, almost a year ago, I decided to do exactly what you said on the beginning of the sermon and never let go of the phone as I understood from my past difficulties that life is constantly distracting and one must be constantly focused in order to succeed, the phone is now always in my hand with an ongoing call that never ceases. It has been the longest I have ever endured and I am very proud and happy for I achieved many goals so far.

But to sort of make up for lost time, I planned so many workings to clear all of this bad karma I have, I learned where my limits are, and everyday I walk near that line, never really crossing it. I never really burn out but I never really rest either, it has been very very tiring physically and mentally. It wouldn't even cross my mind to ever quit, at this point, no matter what happens, my faith both in me and in the Gods is stronger than has ever been. But I'm just so exhausted... Given my Saturnian nature, my stubbornness and unwillingness to back down an inch from my plans makes it impossible for it to happen in any other way. I know I have to endure, and I will. Lydia has said recently on some thread that the first year is the most chaotic... and that is not an understatement at all.

Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for the words of motivation, and the reminder of what's at stake here during this particular time of my life.

Shadowcat said:
I honestly think the majority of the SS that are here have been with Satan and the Gods in past lives. A lot of us also share a common theme of being drawn to the supernatural and the occult as well as finding Satan at lowpoints in our lives.

I find it curious that I had no interest in the occult until I met someone who proved it to me beyond a shadow of a doubt. I was a fervent atheist otherwise until that day, and I needed answers ever since. It was more like the occult was drawn to me than the other way around. It was only in hindsight that I know that person was part of fate, and the Gods always knew I'd find them and the events would play out to make me hunger for true magic.

The night I dedicated I still hold on to that memory of the dream I had, being welcomed into the arms of a large giant of a man, welcoming me home. I'm still not 100% which God that was, but I know they wanted me to know I was where I belonged. People here should never forget that it's with the Gods that our true home lies.
I am going through a hard phase right now and ı couldn't find a direction to go further but this sermon hit me like a medicine. When ı first saw the title ı thought that must be sign from our Gods. Thank you for everything you've done.
Lasollor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

My lack of any material wealth with 0.29 $ to my bank name and other problems keep on pushing me towards suicide. But this sermon has told me to hold on just at the right time and push through the struggle. Thanks Hoodedcobra666 for the sermon. I'll try to do what I can.


You can definitely get more wealth, just do workings and impress upon yourself to create and work towards this end. It will take a while, but it is achievable. Do not let life defeat you. I wish you truly the best of luck.
BrightSpace666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I would have written some moral insights here, but I think this post deserves only admiration. There is simply no need to write my opinion under the post, it is simply beautiful as it is.

The glow lifts our spirits further towards happiness, and that's why we're here. I believe that the knowledge and strength within a person can be developed. Though you shine enough, High Priest, may your soul continue to shine on the side of truth for eternity.

I appreciate the kind words, keep up the good work. We are here to expand upon this positivity and spread it as much as possible.
Lasollor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

My lack of any material wealth with 0.29 $ to my bank name and other problems keep on pushing me towards suicide. But this sermon has told me to hold on just at the right time and push through the struggle. Thanks Hoodedcobra666 for the sermon. I'll try to do what I can.

For those who want Astral hearing and vision

**for the 6th Chakra use the PTAH vibration as it's extremely effective, when I used it even without yoga within 2 months I could see ghosts in close range that wanted to interact with me (most likely because my affirmation was "My 6th chakra/Pineal gland is empowered, activated and powerful now and permanently. This is happening in a positive way and healthy way for me.") In the form of a translucent light with shape that can move at its own will
*from what I heard the crown Chakra is connected to the 3rd eye so it beneficial to do its yoga too, not only 6th Chakra and 3rd eye.

I'm going to get back into meditation. Is there a spell someone here could show me that will force me to wake up at specific time and do meditations like a re-engineered love spell ???

Those advanced who can really talk to their guardian demons, please ask them for me. It will really help a lot?

You REALLY should start a wealth spell if that is your case. I struggled financially too ones, and the only thing that saved my ass at the time was doing a full rosary working, 40 days in total. A working like this should be started during a waxing moon and in a complementary sign that will help with this e.g. Taurus, Sagittarius, and Leo.

DO NOT start a working during a void of course moon.

As for doing a working that will help you in advancing spirituality is freeing the soul using MUNKA with a rosary or anything that will help you count. An affirmation could be something like "I am free to advance spiritually in a very positive and healthy way for me". Freeing the soul to advance, may also help in the dealing of meditation struggles where discipline is concerned. This should be done during a waning moon.

Here's a link I've used as a guide a lot and contains basically all you need for the above:

Using words of power of the sun is also very powerful such as Suryae. You can use this instead of the Sanskrit sentence if that suits you better for the money working. You can also do half of the 108 repetitions, like 54 if that is better considering the lack of discipline. Discipline is also something that gets easier as you practice. Stay with the number you choose and do not miss a day.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Off topic but I want to know what happened with Satanisgod.org homepage and does it come back. I think that it's make us less effective in promoting JoS in white national district because now when Satanisgod.org redirects to Joyofsatan.org we don't have homepage where you can immediately found info about Third Reich and Satanism connections.
Luana Stoicea said:
But if you went through a kind of trauma and forgot about the existence of the Gods even without wanting to, and you lost yourself so much that you almost take it in other ways, is there still a way to return?

This is like you wander through town and get lost. But after a few twists and turns, you hit into a main street you know and can find your way back. After all, how can you truly forget your way home?

You can rest assured there is not just a way to return, there are many ways you can make it back. The soul keeps memories of everything, it is just sometimes you are so blinded by life that you can't access them. But they are always there, you just sort of have to wish yourself back to your center, your return to serenity if you will.

Welcome back :cool:
Your sermon, so beautiful, came at the right time. I wrote to Father last night that I was feeling old (because it is the birthday period) and that I regretted finding him so late and not feeling as useful to Him as I would have liked.

But...it's never too late to come back to your real home. At home ! Like Ulysses after a long journey full of misadventures and teaching. And finally, begin to understand why.
Lasollor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

My lack of any material wealth with 0.29 $ to my bank name and other problems keep on pushing me towards suicide. But this sermon has told me to hold on just at the right time and push through the struggle. Thanks Hoodedcobra666 for the sermon. I'll try to do what I can.

For those who want Astral hearing and vision

**for the 6th Chakra use the PTAH vibration as it's extremely effective, when I used it even without yoga within 2 months I could see ghosts in close range that wanted to interact with me (most likely because my affirmation was "My 6th chakra/Pineal gland is empowered, activated and powerful now and permanently. This is happening in a positive way and healthy way for me.") In the form of a translucent light with shape that can move at its own will
*from what I heard the crown Chakra is connected to the 3rd eye so it beneficial to do its yoga too, not only 6th Chakra and 3rd eye.

I'm going to get back into meditation. Is there a spell someone here could show me that will force me to wake up at specific time and do meditations like a re-engineered love spell ???

Those advanced who can really talk to their guardian demons, please ask them for me. It will really help a lot?

If you really have that amount of money and no debt at the same time, you can consider yourself wealthy, brother.

While I do not consider myself very rich, I can give you this little advice. Hold an account each month of your income and expenses. I use an excel file for this. At the beginning of each month, put aside some money into a savings account. You can determine how much you can afford by subtracting what you have to pay (bills) plus common expenses like food and clothing. This will give you money discipline. You see, each $ is like a little soldier. You must hold it dear and not give it away easily.

Other than this, yes there are rituals and stuff, but I find discipline being the most important. Like fitness for instance.

Good luck!

P.S. Suicide is not really an option, since you go back to square one or worse. Besides, if you are here, you've made it more than half of this world did. Give yourself a chance to victory I'd say, you might be closer than you think :cool:
Pammy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In our life, there is this uncanny thing.

This is like raising a phone on an anticipated phonecall, and waiting to listen what the anticipated phonecall has to tell you. We might hear the fleeting voice of the Gods, or experience their fleeting presence.

Sentences, sounds, or broken words - but you know they are there. Then, your mother or wife calls you for dinner, and you close the phone. But you remember the phonecall and want to get called again.

Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul. Our forgetfulness is our own worst enemy.

The time is however, now. Even if it looks like it's late, it is not late to return.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Sometimes they are speaking, but you are not ready to understand so you forget only to remember when you are ready and in need.

I understand that but I still wish I could reach there earlier than I did. I took every step carefully and strongly, I printed and studied HP Maxine's Sermons (It was amazing to find what I have inside in someone else's words). It took about a year to dedicate after I met JoS for the first time.

I know I did everything right but I'm still mad at myself for not being brave enough. Fear was holding me back. I didn't fear Satan. It was the threats of inhumane tortures of the fake god.

When my fiancee who is a US Marine veteran took his own life with his gun, I had no other chance besides blacking out all my fears since he spent all his life mocking the Chruch and committed terrible sins like being bisexual so he is supposed to burn in eternal fire, which I couldn't accept. It pushed me off the cliff.

Consolation and comfort came from Satan's Hell, not from the so called merciful god who supposedly created hell to torture and burn us. It was an easy choice in the end.

Fear didn't leave me alone though. It wasn't for me, it was for him. The idea my fiancee is in pain continues to haunt me even when I refuse such a place exists. This proves that it's not a belief but a spell that binds us in my opinion. I don't believe it, but I have the emotion of fear and desperation against it. No sense at all.

I am sorry for your loss, I will not pretend to understand it, I just believe this to be one of the many losses which could have been avoided, had this world not been so twisted by the enemy. So many of our beloved ones fell prey to their spells and foul agenda and so many do this day, just follow the vaxx victims.

I am sure long time conditioning is involved with this illogical fears that you are experiencing. The only good thing that came out of this is that it pushed you right through the wall of terror and lies. Only to find out there is no terrible hell, just the opposite.

I remember myself when I did the dedication ritual. I was at the end of my hopes and just said what the hell, if this Satan guy is so hated in the whole bible, he must quite a being. And I just did it, whatever would come of it, would come. And, lo and behold no pathetic god came striking me from the heavens. Yeah, we've all been there one way or another.

The only thing I can say is welcome to the warfare. It ain't easy, but it's the only thing we have. To avenge those we lost and to offer a better life to those that will come after us. Us included. Cause we all reincarnate so the battle rages on.

Also, there is no sin. That's just made up bullshit so that we deny our own nature. But I'm sure you already know by now.

Anyway, hope this made some sense in the end, I'm just glad to see new faces joining the fight :cool:

Welcome, Pam.
A bit offtopic, but quite as important: baby tooth paste has no fluorine. If you are like me, struggling to find such toothpaste they have pretty much removed it from everywhere, at least in my country. Except for the little ones :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In our life, there is this uncanny thing.

It's as if life tries to draw us in too much, so that when we find a higher Truth we forget it, unless we cling on it very powerfully.

Events and circumstances, or our own inner failings, often-times distance us from our dreams, our hopes, but also higher understanding.

Over the years in being Clergy I have spoken with many people, many SS who are souls of Satan. Many have understood why they made it here. Time and time goes and passes.

We pass through this time, without understanding our relationship with it, we become it's slaves.

Understanding does not mean having verbally or in a written form intellectualized the exact cases - understanding relates to the heart in that case.

This is like raising a phone on an anticipated phonecall, and waiting to listen what the anticipated phonecall has to tell you. We might hear the fleeting voice of the Gods, or experience their fleeting presence.

Sentences, sounds, or broken words - but you know they are there. Then, your mother or wife calls you for dinner, and you close the phone. But you remember the phonecall and want to get called again.

Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul. Our forgetfulness is our own worst enemy.

We try maybe a little too hard to listen to this telephone, to where giving up might be the logical conclusion. Then, we might be called away from it, it's dinner time.

There are a thousand ways this can go away from the telephone, but only one way to listen to it: you got to get there and hold to it.

There is so much in life that we can only call fate and not coincidence. You cannot have possibly listened to this sound and tell yourself you have not. "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."

Every soul in this world, has an opportunity to grow. This opportunity is based on soul level of development, and it's memories. Certain people who are of the Gods, will want to return back to the Gods again.

We seek again the glimmering light from where we came. In fact, there is no time where we are not in their presence. The Gods are here with us.

Life however deceives us through it's fast pace, and often-times, we can get lost.

Getting lost, quitting, giving up, all of these are natural human tendencies. There is nothing evil there in these happening, but evil comes exactly because of succumbing to no return to these tendencies.

In other cases, not listening to the phone, grief, guilt, fear, lack of understanding - all of these can try to keep you from this. One might want to never raise this phone again. It disturbs our sleep inside delusions when it rings, and even it's mere memory can feel like a burden.

An errant voice inside might even say, that you will live better without it - the same voice that reveals nothing to you about your soul or your higher potential. We know it's a lie, but yet, like servants, too many of us have followed into the claws of the beautiful but not-so-beautiful lying harpy.

Yet, even in the gnawing claws of this creature, we see it's true face. We thought we never would, but eventually we do. It's there, and it's happy to consume the creatures of it's domain, the offspring of her ignorance. And then we remember...

The experience of knowing never goes away. And if our mind somehow manages to forget, the eternal memory of the spirit retains this memory...Life rings the loud bell, and we the opportunity presents again itself, to lift up the telephone...

And then...We try again. The recurrence that almost looks as if it were eternal, is ringing the phone again.

The illusion of distance of time, or how we experience time, or our rushing foolishness, makes us frequently make mistakes in life. One of these mistakes is to keep struggling against one's soul, which is the eternal vehicle of one's existence.

We are all sons and daughters of "delusion", in that we delude themselves, often times without really intending it. But this is not really who has fathered our soul, it is the Gods. Therefore, the soul remembers them, and wants to get back to it's advancing pace.

Certain people never really leave Father Satan in their soul because that's impossible, yet, they might let themselves drift into lower levels as a result of falling. One might state on this state for a longer or lesser time.

If one had rose to a higher consciousness level, this wouldn't be a take one would have in life. We would understand better what is important and meaningful in our existence.

The closer to this state, the more the swindles of the lower part of ours which is bred into delusion give in and we advance. The more we allow this to take ground, the ground it takes is what takes ground from our very own feet.

Our memory of our emotions, our wonder when entering this path, or our love for this all, can be fought against by external life.

Society indeed wants to shrink people, and in the current state we are at, having a soul is like owning tons of gold while gold was made illegal.

Spiritual Satanism is where you recognize and you take this gold in your custody, because it's yours. If you have forsaken the great fortune of your soul, just remember, it's never too late to return to the path, or to Father Satan.

It's time to pick your phone, sometimes, and to tell the world that you need to finish your phone-call, so that dinner can wait. This world is never devoid of another dish of delay and delusions to serve you.

The time is however, now. Even if it looks like it's late, it is not late to return.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Ever since I was young, I felt this unexplained urge to achieve a higher state of being and help make this World a better place. Before others told me who I "should" be, I wanted to befriend beings from other worlds and travel through diverse dimensional planes. Back then it was being a superhero fighting monstrous creatures. Now, it is all about keeping the phone line with the Gods receptive and on speaker, if you will. My Saturn return is not even here yet, and drastic changes in my life have already occured to where there is no going back.

In retrospect, Saturn forced me to put all other calls on hold, to pick a long overdue one up. I have chosen to answer it and keep an open mind in an attempt to stay focused and sane. I now know that my highest goal is to be an HP, Guardian, or some kind of Healer to this community, once I am more experienced. In the mean time, being a Translator should help me at least pick up the phone.

It may sound strange, but I look forward to my Saturn Return, like a Squirrel with a stock of nuts anticipating Winter. The snow of Winter helps purify all of the lies and distractions away.

I am wondering if anyone else here has felt like a string of seemingly unfortune events were actually a blessing in disguise, to let go of the false, of whatever does not stand the test of time to discover what does. Personally, I feel like a peeled onion, exposed and bare. But I am ever so determined to build new layers that have true and lasting value.

Lost my former career, left my home, felt like everything was falling apart, pushed to the edge of my human capacitu to believe, but a single phone ring saved my life. And I don't want to ever let it go.

Stay strong by being gentle and loving to yourselves, Brothers and Sisters. Shut the noise outside, even if for a brief instant, to hear or simply feel the voice inside. That inner voice is that of the Gods.

Thank you HP, as always. We are eternally grateful to you. We need you as much as we know deep within our hearts that ypu need us too. To help. To have purpose. Thank you.
Thank you for this sermon. I've learned recently that having a close connection and frequent communication with the Gods is vital to helping us stay on the right path.

Lately I've been fed up with people telling me "you need to socialize", "go see your family" and "it's good for your mental health".
I care about my family however I do not like having to entertain them. I'm extremely charismatic and good at this yet this is very draining. I can take it in bursts however longer than 2 days gets to be too much for me.

The other thing is they always insist I have a beer (or three). This further depletes my energy.
We create our own happiness. We should never depend on others to bring us happiness, yet the whole world seems to be programmed this way.

People think that isolating ourselves from others is selfish when in reality people constantly seeking-out companionship is selfish. We should not be afraid to be honest and say "I only have this much time". I will create healthier boundaries from this point forward.

I just wanted to say that I'm very impressed by what you've done recently, High Priest Hooded Cobra. I had an account earlier called WEASZX, I talked a lot of shit and said I didn't like how the community was... Well, you've done exactly what I wanted to see from the JOS. I fought to incite the same passion you have for years. I'm so very alienated from this community now, and I think it's better that way for the sake of newer people's safety. Maybe my group can help the JOS achieve your ambitious 10 year plan. If there is someone I can speak to in private regarding a specific project collaboration I have in mind, just let me know and I'll gladly inform them on it. I also just wanted to say I think HP Shannon's work on The Blacks for Satan is great as well.

Here to stay loyal and true to Satan and JOS since day 1 2013.
Lasollor said:

I've been using your username on all platforms like Instagram, Twitter etc for about 5 years. You're a thief! :D :lol:

Just kidding aside, when I saw your message, I thought, do I have such an account?

I need a new nickname right now, lmao...
I heard this harpy a couple of days ago when i was working on my throat chakra.
I was crying hard and everything pissed me off.
I was thinking about how the world behaves towards us and if i was asleep and a npc like everyone else, i would enjoy life more and people would love me more etc.
This harpy showed me everything positive of being one of the many sheep.
But it passed and i will never betray myself, it will never happen. I would rather die 100%, than going back.
I noticed also how when i start to work on magickal squares, my surroundings are trying to disturb me more frequently.
Even strangers calling me on the phone.
Also i noticed some problems with the forums today, i tried to log in many times and it wouldn't let me. I was worried a bit.
I really thank Father Satan for giving us a wonderful High Priest like you and the Joy of Satan.

Thank you for your continuous support in our spirituality and enlightenment.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
