Bright Truth said:
I'm doing daily 15-20 mins of void but only for 2-3 minutes I can focus on SaTaNaMa or shut my mind. I want to use ISA rune for a quiet mind and empower my focus ability. Do you have any addings? And is this rune secure to use for positive goals?
I wouldn't advise you to do this. Isa is known for making someone dull, lazy or slower in their usual activities when applied repeatedly. I think it's best to just keep doing void meditation. I have a lot of air in my chart and it took many months to be able to clear my mind completely at will. The mind learns to do something quicker the more you repeat it. I remember when I was practicing trances and it would take hours to get into one. Over a month of practice, just lying down and clearing my mind would get me into a deep trance, sometimes to where I would hear my bioelectricity (a loud buzz) or almost Astral project. I even stopped practicing trances for a while because I was getting into them every time I slept or took a nap without even trying. You need to be patient with yourself and trust that the daily practice is building something bigger.
The dhyani mudra was also suggested years ago to be good for helping clear the mind. You can Google the pictures.