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My Spiritual Advancement


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2021
Hello everyone. I wanted to share with you what I'm doing on a daily basis. I wanted to share it to get advice. I don't have any specific questions, I just want to listen and get as much advice as possible because doing things without listening to others and their ideas seems stupid to me...

Obviously I will only talk about the part strictly related to JoS, I will not talk about martial arts or my studies of the various manuals I spoke about in the past. Although martial arts are directly connected to the Gods (the names of Muay Boran techniques carry Divine allegories. Just think of Hanuman's techniques or all the times that some God like Lord Rama appears in the names of the techniques), I did not want to talk about things not strictly connected to spirituality in this topic.

My current goal, which I am facing with patience, is to master all the meditations and magic at an advanced level. To do this I am starting from the "Meditations" section. When I have mastered the various Meditations, even the advanced ones, I will happily move on to Magic. Obviously starting from the simplest meditations possible and arriving at the more complex ones.

For example, my absolute starting point was the meditation on the void. I took a small crystal (a green emerald) and stared at it for five minutes. I had no problems because... honestly it is not my first meditation, the fact that I want to master them all at an advanced level does not mean that I have never vibrated the Sanskrit in the chakras absorbing energy and remaining concentrated. But I started with 5 minutes of meditation on the void.

Now I am mastering the void meditation better. I have tried all kinds of void meditations with success up to 15 minutes (today I got to that number). For example, the last thing I did an hour ago was this: I sat in a comfortable Yoga position (I haven't gotten to the uncomfortable ones yet, I will get to them in the next few days, and then I will start meditating on the void under the cold shower) and meditated on emotions (to master the use of emotions in magic, like anger in black magic, etc.).

It was difficult to find the right emotion honestly because I was very quiet and so I meditated on my willpower. I tried to feel my love desire for a girl and meditated on that for 15 minutes without distractions, the comfortable position became uncomfortable towards the middle of the session.

I will continue like this for all meditations. But following these simple rules that I have imposed on myself:

1) Each session begins with preliminary work based on my level of advancement. As I master something, if it can help me advance, it will be added to my daily practice. For example, as soon as I have mastered the void meditation, I will move on to the meditation on the candle flame, but this will be added to, without replacing, the void meditation.

2) My daily meditation consists of several sessions every day. In only one session among these will be included the meditations that I have already mastered. In the other sessions, only the new meditation will be performed to master it better.

3) Having mastered a meditation does not mean that I have already drawn all its benefits, but that I will have managed to perform it without distractions for at least 5 minutes, remaining constant for a certain period necessary to insert it into my routine. As it definitively becomes part of the routine, the daily time dedicated to the specific meditation may also become less. It is necessary to continue performing it in order to obtain all the benefits in the long term.

Final note on meditations: everything I wrote above applies to beginnings and intermediate meditations. In the advanced meditations (i.e. those on managing the elements, etc.) they will be treated similarly to how I will treat magic.

ABOUT MAGIC: As I said, I have not yet started training in it. But the only difference will be that I will take my time to master each magical power calmly. When I have mastered one completely without any human ability to do better, I will move on to another power. For example, I will not start creating elementals before my evil eye is actually at its maximum effectiveness and this will require several sessions a day for many days.

The last thing is about Divination. When I will be really very advanced, I will be happy to experiment with different Divination techniques (like Tarot). But one thing I am already doing is studying Astrology (of course the information in my Astrology books is all filtered based on the knowledge I have acquired from JoS and there is NOTHING that I acquire to the detriment of JoS or that I am not sure JoS would confirm).

Astrology is really useful to me. The thing that is fundamental for me is to know myself better to see which of my behaviors and which of my charisma is truly mine and which part of my character is due to past trauma or social anxiety. This is a way to be able to truly take control of myself for how I truly am spontaneously. In addition, I will also be able to understand my spiritual strengths to exploit and my weaknesses to work on even more.

I really accept any kind of advice from anyone. Even from new members who have some experience to share that worked for them and that maybe I can try to see if that will be useful for me too. I have always done this in my topics because I think that other people's experiences deserve to be considered since they can help you understand what is really good for you by reflecting on whether what you are listening is also right according to your spontaneous nature or not. So please, express your opinion... :D
A wise decision.

Try doing void in motion (chi gong exercises are perfect for this) after a while with some distracting factors such as sounds and then maybe some wind, light rain. Not saying you should do tumo style stuff and risk catching a cold, just reasonable levels of discomfort.

Listen to your body and mind so as not to get burnt out.

I wish you success in your quest to reach greatness and may you inspire others to do the same.
Try doing void in motion (chi gong exercises are perfect for this) after a while with some distracting factors such as sounds and then maybe some wind, light rain.

Thanks for the advice. Today for example I started doing void meditation at the gym. Friday martial arts training is about energetic principles and physical strengthening circuits. In Muay Boran it is a fundamental thing. You don't learn new techniques on Fridays, so I can use that time to train meditating on the void while focusing on counting the repetitions of the exercise in a state of stress due to fatigue. It went very well. They also put us in pairs on Fridays and my partner wouldn't stop spewing useless chatter so as not to take the martial training seriously, and I managed the situation very well.

Listen to your body and mind so as not to get burnt out.

Since I gained expertise in turning off thoughts I was able to not get distracted. I personally noticed that my intrusive thoughts (such as anxiety, unwanted paranoia and even things like romantic suffering) are no longer in my head, and I have faster management of thoughts and awareness of what is happening to me, and all this even when I am not meditating on the void obviously. I am not a victim of the mind, but I have perfect control over it now.

And I am enjoying following a program where I learn new things and master them by taking everything seriously. It is really a pleasant and fun thing. :)

I wish you success in your quest to reach greatness and may you inspire others to do the same.

Thank you very much. Setting a good example is a good goal. Anyone with a minimum of responsibility will want to gain the right expertise to show others that taking care of themselves and the universe is the right thing to do. In any case, I promise that whatever power I will be able to obtain, I will use it for the good of the people and not only for my own good. I will never go against the ethics taught by the Gods, but exclusively in full support of them. Hail Satanas!
Your plan isnt bad but I wouldn't suggest the whole only do one thing until you master it approach to learning magic and meditations, certain aspects of your soul are awakened and strengthened through the acts of using them, this awakening and empowerment strengthens the whole of your soul which in turn strengthens your workings, you seem to be approaching the occult with more a martial training method of master one technique then incorporating something new, which is fine at first, but the human soul is much like the body it works best when you use it in its entirety, you wouldnt try and get strong by just doing bicep curls would you? and you wouldn't wait until you can bicep curl 60kg before moving onto squats because it would be a very inefficient use of your time, the soul is similar and what your doing now does not take a hollistic enough view.

many buddhists and hindu's spend their entire lives trying to master just one thing and fail because thats simply not how its done, you must build every aspect of yourself in order to master even a single aspect, your crown chakra can only be so strong if you throat chakra is weak, this is because despite the fact they are unpaired the soul strives for balance and you are as strong as your weakest link, yet again much like the body.

A lot of the warnings about doing too much too soon is to protect the mentally vulnerable and the willfully ignorant, you clearly have done a lot of research, furthermore you seem quite a stable and cautious person, and so you should feel a little bit more confident to branch out, mastering the evil eye isn't something that will take many days its something that simply will not happen until your soul is powerful enough to enforce your will on others to reach that level you must do more than just training the technique, you need the horsepower so to speak.

Creating elementals is an entirely different technique to imposing the evil eye, you dont need to master one before starting the other, and in fact developing the ability to do both will in fact synergies your development.

Also I agree martial arts are fantastic for spiritual progress but be careful I stopped wrestling due to the fact that an enormous amount of my energy was being diverted into healing and recovery slowing down my spiritual progress, at a certain point of advancement your soul acts to protect your body actively without your command this includes via healing and so you can be draining yourself fairly substantially by getting beaten up, though from my understanding eventually you get powerful enough that the pendulum swings the other way and you can heal effortlessly and you get all the benefits of spirituality + martial training with none of the downsides, its the part in the middle where its hard, where you soul tries to heal you but can't keep up with the stress of combat sports.

You have the right mindset, I just dont want to see you waste your time inefficiently, the soul like the body is made stronger through use, overly isolating parts of your soul will result in imbalances and weaknesses that will be harder to address later.
Hello everyone. I wanted to share with you what I'm doing on a daily basis. I wanted to share it to get advice. I don't have any specific questions, I just want to listen and get as much advice as possible because doing things without listening to others and their ideas seems stupid to me...

Obviously I will only talk about the part strictly related to JoS, I will not talk about martial arts or my studies of the various manuals I spoke about in the past. Although martial arts are directly connected to the Gods (the names of Muay Boran techniques carry Divine allegories. Just think of Hanuman's techniques or all the times that some God like Lord Rama appears in the names of the techniques), I did not want to talk about things not strictly connected to spirituality in this topic.

My current goal, which I am facing with patience, is to master all the meditations and magic at an advanced level. To do this I am starting from the "Meditations" section. When I have mastered the various Meditations, even the advanced ones, I will happily move on to Magic. Obviously starting from the simplest meditations possible and arriving at the more complex ones.

For example, my absolute starting point was the meditation on the void. I took a small crystal (a green emerald) and stared at it for five minutes. I had no problems because... honestly it is not my first meditation, the fact that I want to master them all at an advanced level does not mean that I have never vibrated the Sanskrit in the chakras absorbing energy and remaining concentrated. But I started with 5 minutes of meditation on the void.

Now I am mastering the void meditation better. I have tried all kinds of void meditations with success up to 15 minutes (today I got to that number). For example, the last thing I did an hour ago was this: I sat in a comfortable Yoga position (I haven't gotten to the uncomfortable ones yet, I will get to them in the next few days, and then I will start meditating on the void under the cold shower) and meditated on emotions (to master the use of emotions in magic, like anger in black magic, etc.).

It was difficult to find the right emotion honestly because I was very quiet and so I meditated on my willpower. I tried to feel my love desire for a girl and meditated on that for 15 minutes without distractions, the comfortable position became uncomfortable towards the middle of the session.

I will continue like this for all meditations. But following these simple rules that I have imposed on myself:

1) Each session begins with preliminary work based on my level of advancement. As I master something, if it can help me advance, it will be added to my daily practice. For example, as soon as I have mastered the void meditation, I will move on to the meditation on the candle flame, but this will be added to, without replacing, the void meditation.

2) My daily meditation consists of several sessions every day. In only one session among these will be included the meditations that I have already mastered. In the other sessions, only the new meditation will be performed to master it better.

3) Having mastered a meditation does not mean that I have already drawn all its benefits, but that I will have managed to perform it without distractions for at least 5 minutes, remaining constant for a certain period necessary to insert it into my routine. As it definitively becomes part of the routine, the daily time dedicated to the specific meditation may also become less. It is necessary to continue performing it in order to obtain all the benefits in the long term.

Final note on meditations: everything I wrote above applies to beginnings and intermediate meditations. In the advanced meditations (i.e. those on managing the elements, etc.) they will be treated similarly to how I will treat magic.

ABOUT MAGIC: As I said, I have not yet started training in it. But the only difference will be that I will take my time to master each magical power calmly. When I have mastered one completely without any human ability to do better, I will move on to another power. For example, I will not start creating elementals before my evil eye is actually at its maximum effectiveness and this will require several sessions a day for many days.

The last thing is about Divination. When I will be really very advanced, I will be happy to experiment with different Divination techniques (like Tarot). But one thing I am already doing is studying Astrology (of course the information in my Astrology books is all filtered based on the knowledge I have acquired from JoS and there is NOTHING that I acquire to the detriment of JoS or that I am not sure JoS would confirm).

Astrology is really useful to me. The thing that is fundamental for me is to know myself better to see which of my behaviors and which of my charisma is truly mine and which part of my character is due to past trauma or social anxiety. This is a way to be able to truly take control of myself for how I truly am spontaneously. In addition, I will also be able to understand my spiritual strengths to exploit and my weaknesses to work on even more.

I really accept any kind of advice from anyone. Even from new members who have some experience to share that worked for them and that maybe I can try to see if that will be useful for me too. I have always done this in my topics because I think that other people's experiences deserve to be considered since they can help you understand what is really good for you by reflecting on whether what you are listening is also right according to your spontaneous nature or not. So please, express your opinion... :D
I also want to learn energy martial arts. What do you advise me? And can I learn it at home?
I also want to learn energy martial arts. What do you advise me? And can I learn it at home?

You cannot learn martial arts without a Master any more than you can learn spirituality without ToZ. You have to choose which martial art is right for you. My advice for choosing well is this:

Many martial arts have lost their original martial technique. This has happened to adapt to Western sporting contexts. The warrior and military part has been lost in many cases. If you see Muay Thai in Thailand it is simply a sport and it is difficult to find places to really practice Muay Boran as it was originally conceived by the Gods, that is, as martial combat: the Muay knowledge.

Fortunately, I can. But if you see some derivations of the original Karate such as Shotokan Karate, etc. much has been lost to adapt to sports regulations that prohibit deadly techniques by banning the wide department of murderous possibilities, etc. Keep this fact in mind when choosing what to practice. And stay away from Krav Maga. Zeus hates it. I know this personally. Enlil explained to a friend of mine how the Jews stole all his martial knowledge to corrupt into that Krav Maga filth. Adopt a way and become a Master in that.
You cannot learn martial arts without a Master any more than you can learn spirituality without ToZ. You have to choose which martial art is right for you. My advice for choosing well is this:

Many martial arts have lost their original martial technique. This has happened to adapt to Western sporting contexts. The warrior and military part has been lost in many cases. If you see Muay Thai in Thailand it is simply a sport and it is difficult to find places to really practice Muay Boran as it was originally conceived by the Gods, that is, as martial combat: the Muay knowledge.

Fortunately, I can. But if you see some derivations of the original Karate such as Shotokan Karate, etc. much has been lost to adapt to sports regulations that prohibit deadly techniques by banning the wide department of murderous possibilities, etc. Keep this fact in mind when choosing what to practice. And stay away from Krav Maga. Zeus hates it. I know this personally. Enlil explained to a friend of mine how the Jews stole all his martial knowledge to corrupt into that Krav Maga filth. Adopt a way and become a Master in that.
Thank you for these valuable tips. I think that if I want a martial art in its original form with deadly moves, I should search well in Japan or China… specifically in the temples.
Thank you for these valuable tips. I think that if I want a martial art in its original form with deadly moves, I should search well in Japan or China… specifically in the temples.

If you add ToZ's spiritual knowledge, I assure you that your martial mastery will be much more effective. Many things about the energetic principles and dynamics of Ki I know because of our Gods. And they recur in different forms here as well. Just try to avoid stupid and corrupt things like prohibitive diets, Buddhist mindsets, or things that are generally propagated to adepts. One thing I love about my Grand Master is that he refuses to explain to others how to live. Except with me (and I am grateful to him), he doesn't meddle with that. For him it is necessary to have decent ethics and that's it.There are Shaolin monks who had studied in monasteries in the past who give home lessons in Kung Fu. Obviously private and at a higher cost. Maybe also in video calling.
If you add ToZ's spiritual knowledge, I assure you that your martial mastery will be much more effective. Many things about the energetic principles and dynamics of Ki I know because of our Gods. And they recur in different forms here as well. Just try to avoid stupid and corrupt things like prohibitive diets, Buddhist mindsets, or things that are generally propagated to adepts. One thing I love about my Grand Master is that he refuses to explain to others how to live. Except with me (and I am grateful to him), he doesn't meddle with that. For him it is necessary to have decent ethics and that's it.There are Shaolin monks who had studied in monasteries in the past who give home lessons in Kung Fu. Obviously private and at a higher cost. Maybe also in video calling.
Thank you a lot

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
