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Is there a way to discover the Ascendant by just looking at someone?


New member
Oct 2, 2017
Any tips? You don't know the hour of birth, but you have a photo of the subject. Since the Ascendant (and relative ruler/co-rulers) rule the body, can you discover the ascendant by just looking at their look/body?
Here are a few clues that might or may not help guess the ascendant. Obviously the more you know about the person the easier. A single "professional" looking photo may not be enough.

Aries : Face can be V shaped, hair might be curly and/or blonde or red. Confident and assured/aggressive outlook. They sometimes seem to move with the head ahead. Generally thin and height can be more then average. May be ripped/have a great body shape. Not likely at all to be fat. They are very active physically and have a fast metabolism. They may be fond of the red color. Extremely competitive and will create arguments out of nowhere just to spare with people. Will like aggressive/military sounding music with a strong beat (so may be into metal). Walks quickly for sure.

Taurus : Bulkier then average. Generally on the short/average side with a bulky/boney build. Women may be particularly beautiful and very curvy. Men stronger then average, solidly built with bones and muscles. Can be laid back but the clothing will be very nice and clean. They take care of themselves but do not try to show off. They may tend to like earthly colors (brown/sand/green shades) and especially soft and high quality fabrics. May have brown/brunette hair. Demeanor may not always be the most gracious (they might seem like elephants in a room full of porcelains at times). Walks in a slow and steady way. Very physical (likes touching things).

Gemini :
Not bulky. Perhaps darker/brunette natural hair but may like coloring their hair in unusual colors. Loves accessorizing everything. Clothing may include yellow color and generally bright colorful and happy clothing. May keep checking their smartphone or playing with it. Very talkative and loves gossip and people news. Prefers chatting over a deep argument. Probably walks quickly as well.

Cancer :
May be smaller then average, with dark or brunette hair. Oval shaped head (moon type), moody and may be attracted to blue/silver/gray color patterns and decorations/jewelry with starts or moon on them. The breasts can be very developed and attractive. They like comfy clothing and environments. Generally the appearance will tend to be discreet and conservative (they do not like being the center of attention). Cancer ascendant might wear their heart on their sleeves and appear very emotional. Will be careful who they are involved with on any level to not be hurt. Probably doesn't like partying and big crowds, may be found in a more personal/intimate setting with close friends. They might be messy especially in their home. They like to collect stuff and keep it close and they don't like when it's too orderly and neat (not lively enough). Can be very guarded when they don't know people (suspicious of strangers).

Leo : This one may be the easiest (apart from the obvious Capricorn cold business-person), look for the person sitting in the middle, who wears flamboyant colors, has a perfect hairline and always gets the attention to themselves. They speak loudly and believe are entitled to everything. Bright colors, impeccable appearance and general obnoxiousness/arrogance will make spotting them easy :roll: . Very prideful. Can be very generous and very romantic but these are really not Leo ascendant traits but based on planets. So Leo ascendant might appear generous while not being so...
So to differentiate with Aries is quite easy : Aries want to be the best and try to compete all the time to prove it, Leos believe they are born the creme of the creme of blue blood and do not feel the need to compete to show it. Also Leo is much more ready to spend lavishly then Aries and are much more charismatic in social situations. Aries is more sports/physical activities orientated then Leo.

Virgo :
The biggest giveway seems to be fine and delicate wrists (works for both sex). Hair may be on the darker side. They are not built particularly bulky like Taurus are. Does not like being the center of attention and will try to remain on the sides. Demeanor is polite and a bit shy. Probably very critical of themselves and others (although they might not always say it because they have tact and are generally nice and looking to help) Look for the perfectionist who loves using complicated and precise words properly instead of more generic and boring ones. Or using expressions/quotes in latin/greek. Virgo ascendant feeds the noble ranks of the order of the grammar nazi cadet juniors :lol: . Also the ones to notice every detail or thing out of place, and will tell you that you have food on your face (but again it's just to help you, and isn't that better for you then to leave you to the regards of everybody else ?).

Libra : People are attracted to their company but they don't feel the need to rule over others like Leos do. Will flirt with pretty much everyone and might give wrong impressions in the process. Not flamboyant type. Generally very attractive, gracious. Listening to others in a friendly way and silently forming opinions/judging them. "Charming" is the proper word here. Look also for nice jewelry maybe. Colors most likely nice and romantic colors rather then aggressive ones or dreamy/aloof ones. Hates open conflict or arguments. Actually quite manipulative but very discreet about it (people expect the Scorpio manipulation but watch for the Libra ! :lol: . Iron hand in the velvet glove type of people (they are a cardinal sign after all !). The biggest giveaway is if two people in a couple wear matched cloths (not kidding), that means one is a libra and initiated that. If it is a hetero couple the woman is more likely to be the Libra one (this is the classic Libra girlfriend move).

Scorpio : Generally dark haired (but likes to color their hair). Eyes may also be quite dark. Face often has marked cheekbones and a marked nose. Will probably wear intense colors especially black and burgundy. May look secretive/closed and will not talk much but when they talk it matters. They are very serious, may seem too much for some more "fun" loving air or fire signs. May appear very icey when they are angry and exert vengeance later on rather then going in the open. May not have many friends and. May not trust anyone other then themselves. Very private about themselves but will try to collect your secrets (although they will not gossip about them or use them against you if you do not give a reason). Will not try to be in the center like Leos (they don't care). Stare is intense and very troubling, like X-rays.

Sagg : Definitely on the taller side. May be more muscular then average but the muscles are probably long (being tall themselves) rather then bulky. May be discussing philosophy and outlook on life with others in front of a drink. Generally very active and fun orientated. May have a hard time staying in place. Always seem happy and positive. Extremely blunt and honest and lacks any tact. They genuinely love arguments but these have to be meaningful and about a subject they are interested in. They will not create random arguments out of nowhere just for the sake of sparing with people like Aries will. Can get bored easily if talking about banalities. Loves the outdoors and camping, outdoor sports and visiting other places. Look for the adventurer type.

Capricorn : Easy : look for the extremely professional and dressed-up person that tries to show very high public status. May seem very cold and distanced and also judging. This is the type that might wear a suit on a beach while talking with their expensive iphone just because they can and to show it to "the plebs". Very self-orientated and cynical. Probably makes much more money then you and has a nice and expensive car. Height may be average with darker hair and medium build.

Aquarius : Generally tall to very tall. Hair may be brunette/black with darker eyes. They are not especially muscular, more the long and skinny type. The clothing may be the weirdest of all. Like avant-garde type fashion or out of space. They love being weird and provoking people. Also they believe they are always right and the most intelligent of all people but they can actually be very annoying and completely unreliable. Will leave you in trouble and flake knowing that you need them but they simply do not care because they are "intelligent" and logical. So may appear cold and heartless. Also often found in humanitarian endeavors but does not like directly helping particular people like Pisces, they are more interested in "abstract" or "general" ways to improve the world rather then helping a particular person get out of a bad situation. Will think a lot about concepts and ideas but leave out the practical details planning to a Virgo. By themselves they may not accomplish that much because they get bored very easily about practical details or daily stuff.

Pisces : Look for comfy and non aggressive clothing, especially in shades of blue or purple. Any type of spirituality linked or weird accessory (but not weird for the sake of weirdness but because they are attached to it for some reason, could be some symbol from another culture or a spiritual thing etc). Demeanor is sympathetic and never aggressive. Also look out for the presence of alcohol or drugs in the close vicinity :cool: . Might also be found helping the homeless or lamenting about the world/culture. Dreamy/zoned out eyes. Great propensity to embrace various social actions/protests like veganism, ecology, militantism, hippie lifestyle or beliefs, helping the homeless, doing social work in the neighborhood etc. Usually very messy because they see the big picture and deep things, but do not care about appearances. May be very flaky because they are easily overwhelmed by emotions and situations and are very non-confrontational. May physically feel emotions of others (empaths). May be naturally attracted to crystals, yoga/reiki/qi gong type disciplines and meditation.
LOL, the description you gave for people born with the same Ascendant as me is spot on.
Clearly, all the planets have to be taken into consideration...but again, spot on.
Neoma Isadora said:
Here are a few clues that might or may not help guess the ascendant. Obviously the more you know about the person the easier. A single "professional" looking photo may not be enough.

Aries : Face can be V shaped, hair might be curly and/or blonde or red. Confident and assured/aggressive outlook. They sometimes seem to move with the head ahead. Generally thin and height can be more then average. May be ripped/have a great body shape. Not likely at all to be fat. They are very active physically and have a fast metabolism. They may be fond of the red color. Extremely competitive and will create arguments out of nowhere just to spare with people. Will like aggressive/military sounding music with a strong beat (so may be into metal). Walks quickly for sure.

Taurus : Bulkier then average. Generally on the short/average side with a bulky/boney build. Women may be particularly beautiful and very curvy. Men stronger then average, solidly built with bones and muscles. Can be laid back but the clothing will be very nice and clean. They take care of themselves but do not try to show off. They may tend to like earthly colors (brown/sand/green shades) and especially soft and high quality fabrics. May have brown/brunette hair. Demeanor may not always be the most gracious (they might seem like elephants in a room full of porcelains at times). Walks in a slow and steady way. Very physical (likes touching things).

Gemini :
Not bulky. Perhaps darker/brunette natural hair but may like coloring their hair in unusual colors. Loves accessorizing everything. Clothing may include yellow color and generally bright colorful and happy clothing. May keep checking their smartphone or playing with it. Very talkative and loves gossip and people news. Prefers chatting over a deep argument. Probably walks quickly as well.

Cancer :
May be smaller then average, with dark or brunette hair. Oval shaped head (moon type), moody and may be attracted to blue/silver/gray color patterns and decorations/jewelry with starts or moon on them. The breasts can be very developed and attractive. They like comfy clothing and environments. Generally the appearance will tend to be discreet and conservative (they do not like being the center of attention). Cancer ascendant might wear their heart on their sleeves and appear very emotional. Will be careful who they are involved with on any level to not be hurt. Probably doesn't like partying and big crowds, may be found in a more personal/intimate setting with close friends. They might be messy especially in their home. They like to collect stuff and keep it close and they don't like when it's too orderly and neat (not lively enough). Can be very guarded when they don't know people (suspicious of strangers).

Leo : This one may be the easiest (apart from the obvious Capricorn cold business-person), look for the person sitting in the middle, who wears flamboyant colors, has a perfect hairline and always gets the attention to themselves. They speak loudly and believe are entitled to everything. Bright colors, impeccable appearance and general obnoxiousness/arrogance will make spotting them easy :roll: . Very prideful. Can be very generous and very romantic but these are really not Leo ascendant traits but based on planets. So Leo ascendant might appear generous while not being so...
So to differentiate with Aries is quite easy : Aries want to be the best and try to compete all the time to prove it, Leos believe they are born the creme of the creme of blue blood and do not feel the need to compete to show it. Also Leo is much more ready to spend lavishly then Aries and are much more charismatic in social situations. Aries is more sports/physical activities orientated then Leo.

Virgo :
The biggest giveway seems to be fine and delicate wrists (works for both sex). Hair may be on the darker side. They are not built particularly bulky like Taurus are. Does not like being the center of attention and will try to remain on the sides. Demeanor is polite and a bit shy. Probably very critical of themselves and others (although they might not always say it because they have tact and are generally nice and looking to help) Look for the perfectionist who loves using complicated and precise words properly instead of more generic and boring ones. Or using expressions/quotes in latin/greek. Virgo ascendant feeds the noble ranks of the order of the grammar nazi cadet juniors :lol: . Also the ones to notice every detail or thing out of place, and will tell you that you have food on your face (but again it's just to help you, and isn't that better for you then to leave you to the regards of everybody else ?).

Libra : People are attracted to their company but they don't feel the need to rule over others like Leos do. Will flirt with pretty much everyone and might give wrong impressions in the process. Not flamboyant type. Generally very attractive, gracious. Listening to others in a friendly way and silently forming opinions/judging them. "Charming" is the proper word here. Look also for nice jewelry maybe. Colors most likely nice and romantic colors rather then aggressive ones or dreamy/aloof ones. Hates open conflict or arguments. Actually quite manipulative but very discreet about it (people expect the Scorpio manipulation but watch for the Libra ! :lol: . Iron hand in the velvet glove type of people (they are a cardinal sign after all !). The biggest giveaway is if two people in a couple wear matched cloths (not kidding), that means one is a libra and initiated that. If it is a hetero couple the woman is more likely to be the Libra one (this is the classic Libra girlfriend move).

Scorpio : Generally dark haired (but likes to color their hair). Eyes may also be quite dark. Face often has marked cheekbones and a marked nose. Will probably wear intense colors especially black and burgundy. May look secretive/closed and will not talk much but when they talk it matters. They are very serious, may seem too much for some more "fun" loving air or fire signs. May appear very icey when they are angry and exert vengeance later on rather then going in the open. May not have many friends and. May not trust anyone other then themselves. Very private about themselves but will try to collect your secrets (although they will not gossip about them or use them against you if you do not give a reason). Will not try to be in the center like Leos (they don't care). Stare is intense and very troubling, like X-rays.

Sagg : Definitely on the taller side. May be more muscular then average but the muscles are probably long (being tall themselves) rather then bulky. May be discussing philosophy and outlook on life with others in front of a drink. Generally very active and fun orientated. May have a hard time staying in place. Always seem happy and positive. Extremely blunt and honest and lacks any tact. They genuinely love arguments but these have to be meaningful and about a subject they are interested in. They will not create random arguments out of nowhere just for the sake of sparing with people like Aries will. Can get bored easily if talking about banalities. Loves the outdoors and camping, outdoor sports and visiting other places. Look for the adventurer type.

Capricorn : Easy : look for the extremely professional and dressed-up person that tries to show very high public status. May seem very cold and distanced and also judging. This is the type that might wear a suit on a beach while talking with their expensive iphone just because they can and to show it to "the plebs". Very self-orientated and cynical. Probably makes much more money then you and has a nice and expensive car. Height may be average with darker hair and medium build.

Aquarius : Generally tall to very tall. Hair may be brunette/black with darker eyes. They are not especially muscular, more the long and skinny type. The clothing may be the weirdest of all. Like avant-garde type fashion or out of space. They love being weird and provoking people. Also they believe they are always right and the most intelligent of all people but they can actually be very annoying and completely unreliable. Will leave you in trouble and flake knowing that you need them but they simply do not care because they are "intelligent" and logical. So may appear cold and heartless. Also often found in humanitarian endeavors but does not like directly helping particular people like Pisces, they are more interested in "abstract" or "general" ways to improve the world rather then helping a particular person get out of a bad situation. Will think a lot about concepts and ideas but leave out the practical details planning to a Virgo. By themselves they may not accomplish that much because they get bored very easily about practical details or daily stuff.

Pisces : Look for comfy and non aggressive clothing, especially in shades of blue or purple. Any type of spirituality linked or weird accessory (but not weird for the sake of weirdness but because they are attached to it for some reason, could be some symbol from another culture or a spiritual thing etc). Demeanor is sympathetic and never aggressive. Also look out for the presence of alcohol or drugs in the close vicinity :cool: . Might also be found helping the homeless or lamenting about the world/culture. Dreamy/zoned out eyes. Great propensity to embrace various social actions/protests like veganism, ecology, militantism, hippie lifestyle or beliefs, helping the homeless, doing social work in the neighborhood etc. Usually very messy because they see the big picture and deep things, but do not care about appearances. May be very flaky because they are easily overwhelmed by emotions and situations and are very non-confrontational. May physically feel emotions of others (empaths). May be naturally attracted to crystals, yoga/reiki/qi gong type disciplines and meditation.
the clothing and phisique type isnt me, but everything else u got me
Neoma Isadora said:
Here are a few clues that might or may not help guess the ascendant. Obviously the more you know about the person the easier. A single "professional" looking photo may not be enough.

Aries : Face can be V shaped, hair might be curly and/or blonde or red. Confident and assured/aggressive outlook. They sometimes seem to move with the head ahead. Generally thin and height can be more then average. May be ripped/have a great body shape. Not likely at all to be fat. They are very active physically and have a fast metabolism. They may be fond of the red color. Extremely competitive and will create arguments out of nowhere just to spare with people. Will like aggressive/military sounding music with a strong beat (so may be into metal). Walks quickly for sure.

Taurus : Bulkier then average. Generally on the short/average side with a bulky/boney build. Women may be particularly beautiful and very curvy. Men stronger then average, solidly built with bones and muscles. Can be laid back but the clothing will be very nice and clean. They take care of themselves but do not try to show off. They may tend to like earthly colors (brown/sand/green shades) and especially soft and high quality fabrics. May have brown/brunette hair. Demeanor may not always be the most gracious (they might seem like elephants in a room full of porcelains at times). Walks in a slow and steady way. Very physical (likes touching things).

Gemini :
Not bulky. Perhaps darker/brunette natural hair but may like coloring their hair in unusual colors. Loves accessorizing everything. Clothing may include yellow color and generally bright colorful and happy clothing. May keep checking their smartphone or playing with it. Very talkative and loves gossip and people news. Prefers chatting over a deep argument. Probably walks quickly as well.

Cancer :
May be smaller then average, with dark or brunette hair. Oval shaped head (moon type), moody and may be attracted to blue/silver/gray color patterns and decorations/jewelry with starts or moon on them. The breasts can be very developed and attractive. They like comfy clothing and environments. Generally the appearance will tend to be discreet and conservative (they do not like being the center of attention). Cancer ascendant might wear their heart on their sleeves and appear very emotional. Will be careful who they are involved with on any level to not be hurt. Probably doesn't like partying and big crowds, may be found in a more personal/intimate setting with close friends. They might be messy especially in their home. They like to collect stuff and keep it close and they don't like when it's too orderly and neat (not lively enough). Can be very guarded when they don't know people (suspicious of strangers).

Leo : This one may be the easiest (apart from the obvious Capricorn cold business-person), look for the person sitting in the middle, who wears flamboyant colors, has a perfect hairline and always gets the attention to themselves. They speak loudly and believe are entitled to everything. Bright colors, impeccable appearance and general obnoxiousness/arrogance will make spotting them easy :roll: . Very prideful. Can be very generous and very romantic but these are really not Leo ascendant traits but based on planets. So Leo ascendant might appear generous while not being so...
So to differentiate with Aries is quite easy : Aries want to be the best and try to compete all the time to prove it, Leos believe they are born the creme of the creme of blue blood and do not feel the need to compete to show it. Also Leo is much more ready to spend lavishly then Aries and are much more charismatic in social situations. Aries is more sports/physical activities orientated then Leo.

Virgo :
The biggest giveway seems to be fine and delicate wrists (works for both sex). Hair may be on the darker side. They are not built particularly bulky like Taurus are. Does not like being the center of attention and will try to remain on the sides. Demeanor is polite and a bit shy. Probably very critical of themselves and others (although they might not always say it because they have tact and are generally nice and looking to help) Look for the perfectionist who loves using complicated and precise words properly instead of more generic and boring ones. Or using expressions/quotes in latin/greek. Virgo ascendant feeds the noble ranks of the order of the grammar nazi cadet juniors :lol: . Also the ones to notice every detail or thing out of place, and will tell you that you have food on your face (but again it's just to help you, and isn't that better for you then to leave you to the regards of everybody else ?).

Libra : People are attracted to their company but they don't feel the need to rule over others like Leos do. Will flirt with pretty much everyone and might give wrong impressions in the process. Not flamboyant type. Generally very attractive, gracious. Listening to others in a friendly way and silently forming opinions/judging them. "Charming" is the proper word here. Look also for nice jewelry maybe. Colors most likely nice and romantic colors rather then aggressive ones or dreamy/aloof ones. Hates open conflict or arguments. Actually quite manipulative but very discreet about it (people expect the Scorpio manipulation but watch for the Libra ! :lol: . Iron hand in the velvet glove type of people (they are a cardinal sign after all !). The biggest giveaway is if two people in a couple wear matched cloths (not kidding), that means one is a libra and initiated that. If it is a hetero couple the woman is more likely to be the Libra one (this is the classic Libra girlfriend move).

Scorpio : Generally dark haired (but likes to color their hair). Eyes may also be quite dark. Face often has marked cheekbones and a marked nose. Will probably wear intense colors especially black and burgundy. May look secretive/closed and will not talk much but when they talk it matters. They are very serious, may seem too much for some more "fun" loving air or fire signs. May appear very icey when they are angry and exert vengeance later on rather then going in the open. May not have many friends and. May not trust anyone other then themselves. Very private about themselves but will try to collect your secrets (although they will not gossip about them or use them against you if you do not give a reason). Will not try to be in the center like Leos (they don't care). Stare is intense and very troubling, like X-rays.

Sagg : Definitely on the taller side. May be more muscular then average but the muscles are probably long (being tall themselves) rather then bulky. May be discussing philosophy and outlook on life with others in front of a drink. Generally very active and fun orientated. May have a hard time staying in place. Always seem happy and positive. Extremely blunt and honest and lacks any tact. They genuinely love arguments but these have to be meaningful and about a subject they are interested in. They will not create random arguments out of nowhere just for the sake of sparing with people like Aries will. Can get bored easily if talking about banalities. Loves the outdoors and camping, outdoor sports and visiting other places. Look for the adventurer type.

Capricorn : Easy : look for the extremely professional and dressed-up person that tries to show very high public status. May seem very cold and distanced and also judging. This is the type that might wear a suit on a beach while talking with their expensive iphone just because they can and to show it to "the plebs". Very self-orientated and cynical. Probably makes much more money then you and has a nice and expensive car. Height may be average with darker hair and medium build.

Aquarius : Generally tall to very tall. Hair may be brunette/black with darker eyes. They are not especially muscular, more the long and skinny type. The clothing may be the weirdest of all. Like avant-garde type fashion or out of space. They love being weird and provoking people. Also they believe they are always right and the most intelligent of all people but they can actually be very annoying and completely unreliable. Will leave you in trouble and flake knowing that you need them but they simply do not care because they are "intelligent" and logical. So may appear cold and heartless. Also often found in humanitarian endeavors but does not like directly helping particular people like Pisces, they are more interested in "abstract" or "general" ways to improve the world rather then helping a particular person get out of a bad situation. Will think a lot about concepts and ideas but leave out the practical details planning to a Virgo. By themselves they may not accomplish that much because they get bored very easily about practical details or daily stuff.

Pisces : Look for comfy and non aggressive clothing, especially in shades of blue or purple. Any type of spirituality linked or weird accessory (but not weird for the sake of weirdness but because they are attached to it for some reason, could be some symbol from another culture or a spiritual thing etc). Demeanor is sympathetic and never aggressive. Also look out for the presence of alcohol or drugs in the close vicinity :cool: . Might also be found helping the homeless or lamenting about the world/culture. Dreamy/zoned out eyes. Great propensity to embrace various social actions/protests like veganism, ecology, militantism, hippie lifestyle or beliefs, helping the homeless, doing social work in the neighborhood etc. Usually very messy because they see the big picture and deep things, but do not care about appearances. May be very flaky because they are easily overwhelmed by emotions and situations and are very non-confrontational. May physically feel emotions of others (empaths). May be naturally attracted to crystals, yoga/reiki/qi gong type disciplines and meditation.

Damn I can't even fathom all this sheer knowledge woww..!!
This is such a precise depiction of me even to the color of clothing what the heck! :eek:
Thanks a lot for sharing all this! Usefulness is over 9000!!!! :D
Depends on the sources. I've found many Aries AC to have diamond or square heads, and Cancer to have round faces. I only briefly skimmed what you posted, Neoma Isadora.

Also, take into consideration any sign intercepted in the 1st, this can greatly affect the appearance, and the person will look like a blend of the 2.

Gemini AC is often taller than average in family, I've never seen a short or average height Gem AC actually.

Cap AC will often have prominent or noticeable teeth or facial bone structure... a bit hard to describe, but their looks are not as soft and harmonious as say Libra AC.

Leo AC tend to hold their head in a regal manner, even if not aware of this. Proud, bold facial features, straight nose.

Virgo AC rarely ever has noticeable cheekbones, their face is more straight, narrow.

Libra AC will have the oval shape face, this is considered by stylists to be the most harmonious face shape as it goes with every style.

Pisces AC will have the "ethereal beauty" look, large expressive eyes, more likely to have long hair.

I tested myself in the past, I went over many celebrities and guessed their AC based on their appearance, and found their birth info to see if I was correct. Not all had their time of birth though, so then I would do more digging (I often get carried away with astro) and rectified their AC based on transits etc. I have a pretty good average going with guessing AC's.
Hey Lydia thanks for the precisions. I thought the square head is more a Taurus deal and Aries would go heart-shaped (V) type head ?

Generally air and fire seems taller then earth and water but I also know a libra ascendant person that is quite short.

[So below I started with adding a bit on Leo and turned into looking for some Game of Thrones characters as comparison for zodiac ascendants.]
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Ah and Leo is more likely to have blonde hair. Think Jaime Lannister in early Game of Thrones for a typical Leo ascendant looks and demeanor (before he got mutilated). Everybody knew he was the flamboyant lion. Cersei is (was?) also the same of course, they are twins and they are played with the same pride and arrogance both. I would say that Tywin Lannister is more the Capricon type however. He is very much the "it's only business" type person.

Ned Stark was the Taurus type actually. He was very bulky, walks in a naturally steady and confident manner but without showing off. Conservative demeanor and inflexible with his beliefs, but the mind was slow to form opinions and not intrigue orientated at all. A bit socially awkward as well in more refined environments.

Arya would be the Scorpio. Always very serious and capable. Very intense and secretive. Collecting information quickly and easily. Totally adept at personal justice and family orientated. Contrary to most GoT characters she is not motivated at all by the prospects of an easy life of indulgence in money and luxuries.

Oberyn Martel it's harder to say, I would say the character may correspond to Aries sun and ascendant with Scorpio moon. The character is very competitive and reminds me of Achilles. I would say scorpio Moon because he is so vengeance orientated (even to put himself in risk... which is very Aries) and loves poisons and dark stuff.
Actually I just looked up the actor he has Aries sun and ascendant with Capricorn moon. And the uncanny Capricorn moon can easily pass for a Scorpio one when acting.

Daenerys is the cancer. She is very motherly towards her people (including the former slaves she became the "mother" of, and towards her dragons. She is idealistic and has strong convictions. She is very sensible and emotional but doesn't show it to strangers at all anymore (she had to learn to shell up). She is very suspicious. She can also go on on very little, like a very frugal lifestyle like when she did when going through the desert with her people. Cancer is a cardinal (strong and leading) sign, like Libra or Aries or Capricorn. For some reason Cancer and Libra both do not get taken seriously by some people while Aries and Capricorn pass as "proper" Cardinal. Nonsense.

Tyrion ? Libra ascendant actually (yeah may be hard to believe at first glance but keep reading). He has several Sagg traits : very enjoyment orientated (to say it mildly) and yet a deep thinking philosopher. Loves adventure, drinking and women. However he doesn't have the Saggitarius brutal honesty at all. Which makes me think he would have some of Sagg in the planets but not the ascendant. If you noticed he always persuades people charmingly that they and him have common goals. Like when he gets caught by bandits early on in the mountain he turns them into his mercenaries just with the power of speech and good calibrating. He is the master of calibrating and persuasion. When he is imprisoned by Lysa Arryn he manages calibrates to the stupid guard that they can have common goals. Also he calibrates to the whole people by playing their own game that he is guilty and will confess then using their narrative he manages to get out of his horrible "cell" and turns the whole narrative thing upside down. He always collects information by asking seemingly friendly questions and more importantly listening. When Tyrion asks "What do you want, Bronn ?" he is working on judging and calibrating him. He already picked up on the details about Bronn being a mercenary (which what this would imply as a lifestyle : he loves money, women and adventure... as long as it's not too dangerous). Tyrion is very iron hand in the velvet glove. He also managed several other impressive things like turning from a seemingly enemy of Daenerys (according to her point of view) to her councilor (all by proper calibration and starting to tell a story to break Daenerys' narrative).

Bronn would be the real Saggitarius ascendant. He goes along so well with Tyrion because Tyrion must have a strong Sagg influence somewhere in his planets. Definitely the adventurer type and he has a brain too.

Alright so I have found Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagg and Capricorn ascendants among GoT characters. Now remains : Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius and Pisces but I am getting too hungry to continue for now :)
well i do wear aggressive clothing XD but i do love blue though :D no, i never had anything to do with drugs and i never will and i hate people who do that so... guess im strong? ehm... i hate protests and hippies, maybe i used to be like that but it is not with me like that... and yes i want to help homeless, i always get rush of emotions and i cry if i dont help... i used to be non-confrontational, but today i am really REALLY confrontational and i say right into the face what the thing is...and the rest is all true :cool: and yes, accessory rules :cool: :cool: :cool: expecially weird ones.... :lol: :lol: :lol: (im deadly serious...)

---> pisces here :cool:
@ Neoma Isadora: The 7 general face shapes are diamond, heart, round, square, triangular, oval, oblong. Some faces may be a blend of the these, such as oblong-square to make rectangular.

As well, since there are only 7 main face shapes, and 12 zodiac signs, then of course some will be repeated.

Pisces is more likely to have heart-shaped faces. Again, keep in mind that other emphasis of signs will affect this. Heart shaped is a wide forehead and cheekbones, narrow jaw, pointed (or softly pointed) chin. Aries generally have strong jaws, but I can see how new-age astrologers might call it heart shaped based on the chin.

Now, on to your post about some characters from a TV show, keep in mind those are not real people. They are characters, portrayed by people. So, ignore the characters. Look at a picture of someone, and find their birth info. Ignore the make-believe personality of the characters....

Which leads to the next point. The AC alone does not determine the personality. The entire natal chart does. So don't go by the entire personality, to guess their AC. Someone who is proud and flamboyant, does not necessarily have a Leo AC. They might have a luminary, Mars, or a ruler in Leo.
@Lydia. Alright I was just having some fun plus these are examples of how signs may play out, really it's no different then my first post either, these also weren't real people.
Anyway I went with GoT because it's very popular and people will probably know the serie (it has been the most known series of the last years) and it's always possible to study them as case examples. Besides I have close to 0 interest in actual "celebrities" lifestyle so I would be ill-fitted to use them as examples. Plus it's hard to find the real ascendant data, not all of them are publicly known.
Also that's interesting to speak of roles because the ascendant is pretty much the same, a role we play in public. And the topic was about that, how each ascendant might appear. If we ignore the make believe characters and talk about zodiac suns or moons well that's also fine by me.
Interesting for the head shapes, I never looked into their classification until now. I just went with the feeling.

@AncientShaodow666 : Okay. That seems like a happy combination of very different energies :D
@Neoma Isadora- That's why I was stressing on physical appearance, as in, their looks. Not personality. I also don't pay attention to celebrities, I don't even watch much tv or anything, I was looking at their picture and then finding their birth info. More than 1/2 have their birth info online, astrodatabank has a lot.

The title of this post, is exactly what I wrote about, "by just looking at someone". I took it to mean exactly that, whereas I think you extended it to be about their personality, how they appear to the world (we both used the different meaning of appear, you for personality and me for physical appearance, ie looks). This was not in the title however.
what might help you guys understand me as pisces, is that my how do i say it... "under"sign is scorpio, and ALL that you said about scorpio IS ME.... all of it... and im glad of it because that kind of balances my "weak" spots as pisces.. you know just so you know if this could help you in any way... which is funny actually because I AM pisces and yet not everything you said about pisces is true about me but my under sign is scorpio and EVERYTHING about scorpio is true :cool:
The first house is how we project ourselves. And people project themselves not only in the way they dress, the way they look at you (or refrain from doing so), their body language, or their physical appearance in general.

People project themselves 'energetically' as well. One should also 'look' at the energy of the person, not just the pretty cheekbones or eyes. Is the person open, closed, or whatever, and in what way? I think most people do this (at least to some extent) when they gauge someone, but since most people aren't sensitive enough, they sometimes mistake a momentary emotion the person may experience for an innate trait which is then ascribed to the ascendant.

IMO, unless you are very psychic, determining someone's ascendant solely from how the person projects him or herself is unreliable, as there are other factors involved. A person can have a Cancer ascendant but with the Moon and Mars conjunct in the first house. Or Cancer on the ascendant but with the Sun in the first, which makes the person stand out... This is where the body language and the physical traits become relevant and should be taken into consideration, along with the above.

I also believe the above can change with awareness. Say you have an aggressive or even intimidating presence at times, this can balance itself out with awareness and meditation. The opposite as well, if someone has a weak and frail presence and want to appear stronger. This is what actors do, ironically - sometimes temporarily, but at other times for longer periods as in cases of very Neptunian/Piscean actors who can have a hard time leaving their characters behind after a movie is completed. These are the good actors as well.
To add to my previous reply,

Thunder said:
Any tips? You don't know the hour of birth, but you have a photo of the subject. Since the Ascendant (and relative ruler/co-rulers) rule the body, can you discover the ascendant by just looking at their look/body?

As the OP wrote. Knowing the planets in signs, their physical looks can narrow down the birth time. Nothing to do with their roles in life or their lifestyles. All my replies were about this exact original question.
For Sagittarius I have to add this, the legs are a prominent feature and they stand out or are really developed. Ice-skaters, dancers, strippers... all good on their feet, great mobility and circulation in the legs. I'd love to dance or do Track running or something
Hello Nick.

Can you please contact me? I tried to find your e-mail but couldn't. I have some questions regarding your (awesome) translation.

// Serpent

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
