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Is Star Trek A Warning?

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Is Star Trek A Warning?

The Bible the occult blue print of the enemy World Government states there will be a war in which the earth and the nations of the world will be destroyed. Then the New Jerusalem which is a cube ship will descend to the earth from "Heaven" the sky and land. This is the city of Elohim. The Kabbalah adepts of the Jewish Rabbi's state that Elohim is a collection of Reptilian, Extra Terrestrials. This New Jerusalem is their city and its a ship which descends from space.

After this the Bible states that Elohim will openly dwell on earth and rule as god, and the surviving humans will be changed into something different. If you read the Bible the new humanity has no race, gender, biological sex and they have a collective mind.

The New Jerusalem is stated in the Bible to be cube space ship:


Something's make it into the mainstream from insiders as a warning, note the Borg ship from Star Trek, the Borg ship is taken from the New Jerusalem of the book of Revelation in the Bible, as a warning:


The Borg are human Greys in Star Trek, what makes them Borg on the show is they have a microchip implanted in their forehead into the brain and this is the source of what makes them a Borg Drone. This is where the Greys have the implant in their head which make them drones. Some insiders put that into the show as another warning.


The humanity described in the Bible when Elohim descends in the cube ship can only be created by genetic engineering and implants. Which is what the Reptilians did to the race now known as the Greys when they conquered their world.
It's also interesting to note that the way Captain Picard was able to get out of his predicament with the Borg was to start destroying their hive mind from the inside and causing the drones to be confused and think contrary to the hive mind, if I recall correctly. This is very much similar to the Final RTR which screws up the enemy's hive mind link and causes programs such as Xtianity designed to link Gentiles up to this borg hive mind to fail.

The transhumanist movement is also filled with Jews who literally want the entire world to become borg drones under the guise of instantaneous information and enhanced physical capabilities. Star Trek may have been a mostly left-wing show for it's time, but like Star Wars, Stargate, and even Warhammer 40k, it is chock full of warnings about the enemy.
A while ago I noticed the Borg looked oddly familiar to other things I'd seen in jewy media. Safe to say I think Star Trek is far from the only warning.

I wrote a long post detailing everything I noticed about the Hellraiser movies a while back, and its very obvious its themes and concepts tie very much into what was being expressed by the Borg race in Star Trek. The Cube, the Leviathan, the bloodletting. That same look of pale white figures dressed in black.

It wasn't the last time I'd seen these themes reappear however. There was another movie, called Dark City, about an extra terrestrial race known as The Strangers who uses corpses as their host, and operated as a hivemind. They had psychokinetic powers, while humanity had none, although the human protagonist ended up having far greater powers than the extra terrestrials did. The basic jist of the story is, they were a parasitic race studying humanity within a false reality they had created to investigate human individuality, and were keeping humanity controlled within their little zoo by denying them any comprehension of their past, keeping them perpetually stuck in the present where the city was always night time and sunless and nobody ever thought that was odd until they were presented with the idea otherwise. At the end of the night, everyone would pass out, and the night would be reset, the clocks spun backwards.

Considering this movie inspired the Matrix itself, it goes without saying it presents an awkward idea or two. No wonder the movie was mostly ignored.


What struck me as curious is every time these same hivemind beings are portrayed in mass media its always the same pale corpse skin and black clothes.

Even when the Greys themselves are occasionally portrayed with clothes its always the same black.


Sometimes I feel as if its as simple as the Jews cannot help but accidentally expose their own alien nature from time to time.
They also made the new Klingons in Star Trek Discovery as Nazis for absolutely no reason.


The evil villains are now concerned about race and multiculturalism for some reason.

The actor playing Danaeres Targaryan in GOT also said that she was researching Hitler speeches for the Speech she made in the last episode in GOT after committing a genocide for no good reason. Considering the producers are Jews they might have trying to insert the Holocaust Much Jews made into lampshades thing into the show.
Notice how they always show evil factions flags as red and black as a mental psyop to connect it with the Nazi blitfahne hakenkruez.


In star wars

Nazi flag,

The old star wars was somewhat good though,
HP Mageson666 said:
If you read the Bible the new humanity has no race, gender, biological sex and they have a collective mind.
In a conference I saw a preacher said that "jesus" wants a fat, multi-coloured bride (which includes males being 'brides' of "christ"). Of course, we know that "god" doesn't want people to use their brains, as well.

The New Jerusalem is stated in the Bible to be cube space ship:


Something's make it into the mainstream from insiders as a warning, note the Borg ship from Star Trek, the Borg ship is taken from the New Jerusalem of the book of Revelation in the Bible, as a warning:


Star Trek, or Space Morals, was created by jewgene rottenverry, with the jew Spock having "Satanic ears" and having Orion slave girls, died in green colour, being bought and sold...and the God-like species of Q being afraid of the Federation/Terrans rising up and becoming more powerful than the Q too quickly, who introduced the Borg...and the species of Whoopie Goldberg being very powerful and mystical throughout time, sort of timelessly, and very wise, who hates the Q and of course the Borg who scattered her species around and left few alive...and the only way to defeat the Borg and its cubes and other shapes is to join together as a one-government world and Federation of Planets... I note that for at least a while, the "president" of this was an Efrosian, not a Human.


When first contact happened, with Cochrane who created the warp drive, the non-emotional (well, suppressed-emotional) Vulcans were passing by, and they only came to the Humans after noticing a warp signature. The Federation adopted this policy in its Prime Directive of non-interference, which includes of pre-warp civilisations especially. As such, any natural disaster or terrible thing happening, the jew Federation and its principles and morals ignore things which any non-retard would go and try and help beneficially. Also likewise, according to jew Star Trek, every single species and race and civilisation all advances in more or less the exact same manner that Humans did (according to jew-perverted history).

I also note that for most of the time, until a point, the Borg were all White Males, and then a smattering of Females and a sprinkling of non-Whites. (In one programme, Whoopie decided to lol at Whites for being oppressed - when was she enslaved and oppressed? "Her people", perhaps, but what lollage does she have against non-Whites raping White areas? Just like Jenny is still From the Block, Whoopie is oppressed because she's Black. (As for the surname Goldberg, one could guess she is actually and it, a jew.)

The Borg are human Greys in Star Trek, what makes them Borg on the show is they have a microchip implanted in their forehead into the brain and this is the source of what makes them a Borg Drone. This is where the Greys have the implant in their head which make them drones. Some insiders put that into the show as another warning.


The humanity described in the Bible when Elohim descends in the cube ship can only be created by genetic engineering and implants. Which is what the Reptilians did to the race now known as the Greys when they conquered their world.
It just so happens that I have been watching Voyager again. It's shit for too many reasons to mention, but that's a different topic. The very episode I've just been watching was where Seven (official designation 'Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix zero-one' or Human name Annika Hansen) was returning to be Human again, being de-Borgified, with the Borg implants being rejected by her Body - and in her very forehead was a something-or-other (a cortical node) which is also being rejected. Because of this, and the maternal Captain, they have to go and steal a cortical node from another Borg who just so happened to be in an accident, when our beloved ship Voyager passed a Borg debris field "6 days ago", oh so contrivedly.









The lollage of this jewness says that if the re-Human loses all of their jew Borg major implants, then the Human dies. (We can extrapolate from this that it is the same for all species of alien who have been raped into the Borg collective. They may have different physiology, but this is ignored and not explained. - This, at least in part, is what made Star Trek so successful - things are not explained and are ignored, so naturally we fill in the blanks ourselves, we presume things, which our own Minds decide is cool and enjoyable, so then we think we love Star Trek. Does this remind you of xianity, where the sheep presume their own things which is "faith" and not explanation, and say "god is good!"?!) Seven is dying because her biology has come to rely on the Borg implants - including the microchip-like implant in her head, especially. The beginning of the episode is sad for some people - former-Borg Children, still with implants, have found a home, who we've come to know and love for a few episodes. The reason these Children were saved was because the Borg decided that they were too damaged to be bothered about, the the collective ignored and abandoned them. Children are not to be Borg, though; they are put in 'maturation chambers' to speed-up their growth into adults, so that they can be used.

In a later episode, Seven decides to be deep, philosophical and meaningful to a couple who have a Baby on-board. Learning how to be a (jew version of a) Human, Seven says that she hopes their Baby achieves everything in life except for one thing, so that the Baby always has something to strive for. All the sheep present smile and smirk accordingly.

Scion of Atlantis said:
It's also interesting to note that the way Captain Picard was able to get out of his predicament with the Borg was to start destroying their hive mind from the inside and causing the drones to be confused and think contrary to the hive mind, if I recall correctly. This is very much similar to the Final RTR which screws up the enemy's hive mind link and causes programs such as Xtianity designed to link Gentiles up to this borg hive mind to fail.
They were to send a particular geometric pattern of a picture into the Borg which had no solution, so when the first Borg/s couldn't solve it, they'd store it and send it out to others, and others, and others...until all the Borg were fooked, by reserving a significant amount of processing power to solve it...which couldn't be done, thereby overwhelming the Borg. "It cannot exist in real space or time." Sort of like a DoS attack, in a way.


Invasive topological geometric form paradox.
(They also love the number 47.)

However, with the jew morals, they decided to not do that and instead allow the Borg to remain "alive" as Mind-raped slaves, because that's the more Humane thing to do.

Arcadia said:
the Borg race in Star Trek.
They're not a race. In Star Trek, they call every species a race, including the Borg. As for the Borg themselves, they designate a number to species, as opposed to races. The Borg are a forced-collection (an appropriation) of many different species/races of species. There can be Human, Klingon, Vulcan...all different species all being borgified. This is "perfection". That doesn't make sense - the (or a?) Borg Queen was assimilated...so being the/a Queen, it would be in charge and would realise to let everyone not be drones (an actual term) anymore, but free them back to being their own species and peoples and individual selves. Maybe the/this Borg Queen loves the maternal perversion over mostly-male drones and the perverse power it has over them. I have been wanting to mention something for a little while - no wonder the jew is mysogynistic - look at Howar'd mum in the Big Bang Theory and any jew mum in any "comedy" and how they behave. Look at this Borg Queen being perverted over men. No wonder xianity is mysogynistic, and islam is, etc. Of course, there are also more Spiritual matters regarding the Female Side of the Brain/Soul, as well. Whom was the Queen/s assimilated by?... She/they were not the very first Borg-thing; she/they were an/other species before being borgified.

The Strangers who uses corpses as their host, and operated as a hivemind
Similarly, a species in Star Trek use corpses and change their DNA to be their own species so that they can procreate. This corpse-using species must be xenophobic, not being "allowed" to leave. The shit in the particular episode, though, is that a falsely-well-known character, officer, was unknown to the audience watching Star Trek Voyager, yet this character was supposed to have been known by all of the crew on-board ship. Similarly, the jew just makes shit up as it goes along, and nearly never gives characters actual histories/backstories. Maybe that's the reason why when a franchise does have proper history and backstory, that it is so successful. With the continual shit of shit like this, and the dragging-down of decency with "reboot" films and not trying hard because they know you'll waste money on it regardless, it stupefies people. At first they might complain that it's shit, but then they keep watching it and get sucked into it, and then forget how shit it is and accept it instead, then live it in some ways, to one extent or another. (((Media))) brainwashing and making pathetic borgified idiotic slave drone clone zombie sheep out of everyone - which then helps when elections come around... According to a jew on a programme, TV was intended originally to educate... I think a member also said that here recently, as well.

Sometimes I feel as if its as simple as the Jews cannot help but accidentally expose their own alien nature from time to time.
The jew doesn't have an imagination. All it does is assimilate and dissimilate.

The jewness of Star Trek could be quite subtle, in that all species of being, except for Human, have a capital initial for their species - e.g. Borg (like a "race" of many races, rather "species" of many species - does that remind jew of anyone?!), Klingon, Vulcan, etc... whereas Humans don't have a capital H, but instead are called Terrans (very rarely) with a capital T. It's a subtle anti-Human attack - and speaking of appropriation; the jew then tries to claim, and also tries to be Human, on its own terms.

Jack said:
They also made the new Klingons in Star Trek Discovery as Nazis for absolutely no reason.
In the Original Series and also after, there has been mention of WW2 and the Nazis/Hitler. It's as if there is an agenda to "remind" people of "the" only-ever-to-have-happened holyco$t. As for the changing of the Klingons - they were first more Human-like, but with darker skin and greasy-looking; then because of "artistic license" which was not explained but laughed-off in the bonus features, they decided to build them with turtle heads and dinosaur-like kite-shaped plates. Then in DS9 with the TOS cross-over episode, Worf dismissed it as not wanting to be talked about, and then in the latest programme, they were changed again. It's as if "jesus" changes its appearance from flat-Earth to sphere-Earth and from no-homosexuality to now-homosexuality.

As for Michael - that's a Boy's name. Stupid jew and its androgyny, melting pot, paint pot trying to make all be the same. They did that before with a couple of males wearing skirts.

As for the Matrix - they are trying to find/create "zion". As for Stargate - they misuse and blaspheme our Gods and Goddesses names as evil, then later (in SG-1) have christianity-type crap in the latter episodes. A member said recently that HPS Maxine had said about a Satan-friendly species or race has long white hair. I couldn't help but be reminded of Stargate Wraith, from Stargate - Atlantis. In Star Trek - DS9, I suspect strongly that because everyone loved the Klingons and their religion, that the jew realised this and inserted Bajorans with christianity as a big part of DS9. It goes so much that "it doesn't work like that", and having to "have faith", with a stupid grin, and one of the Bajoran leaders (a female version of "the" pope) asking, "What's this blasphemy?" when a Bajoran bursts into a room/chamber of them.

HP Mageson666 said:
Is Star Trek A Warning?
I told you! Y'all can thank me later. :p :lol: I'm not just a fanatic! To be honest, I find it annoying more than entertaining. When I watched Star Trek Beyond, I was overly-critical, but honest, about it. Out of all of it, there was only a few bits which I was positive about. It's as if after a certain year, or slowly over a while, with all of these reboot shit things, that things became so shite. The jew knows you're going to waste money on seeing that shit, so it knows it doesn't need to bother trying hard. Notice the different styles, types and ways of film and TV media over the decades - you can see peaks and troughs, sort of thing, in how they change. This latest "reboot" crap is shit (from what I've seen). jew jew abrahamandpork is shit and all it cares about is shining lights into the camera lense and glitter and glitz and glamour, all things looking polished and shiny.

It's similar with computer games - I like playing older early 2000s games and 1990s games. The graphics might be crap, especially in the games from the '90s, but the gameplay and to a degree the AI is quite good, compared with today's shit. Today, the size of the games - and therefore the price of the games - is so big because of the shit amazing graphics, with the rest of the game being like swilling faeces with a stick around in piss water. I played one Star Trek game on PC. In reality, if you are to raise the shields to protect the ship, you'd press one single button (unlike in Star Trek where they press a random sequence of multiple buttons for nothing to happen) - you need shields raised quickly in an emergency, so one single button press should be enough...however, in this game I kept losing until I realised something. Why did I keep losing before I realised that something? Because you had to press and hold the shields-raised button, while doing other things, as well. Which retard decided that? They don't bother testing things properly - they know you're going to be a retard sheep wasting money on it, regardless, so they don't try. (I didn't buy this game, though.) It's like Groundskeeper Willie from the Simpsons, when he had to stop Children from going on the grass. He just hammered in a single sign somewhere which said to keep off the grass and he said, "Ehh. That should do it".

In the double-previous episode to that which I watched above, Seven of Nine was in a lucid-dream-like state, but interacting with other Borg in real-time and with full consciousness, while asleep. These particular Borg who could do this were found out, and according to the/this current Borg Queen they had an illness or disease, and they must be "fixed". In the waking world (if you can call it waking, for the Borg), they cannot remember anything about this place. The (current?) Borg Queen notices that, for example, 1 individual Borg has this ability and on a ship of, for example 11 thousand drones, because this Queen cannot 'hear' this one drone, then the entire population of that ship must be destroyed - including all the other 10 999 drones who are good little christian sheep. It's retarded because this Queen can tell any drone/s to look here, there and everywhere and she can see through their eyes, yet when not being able to hear any particular drone with this ability, she cannot, for whatever reason, tell other drones to look at this particular one and see who it is.

In an earlier episode, when we're learning about Seven and some others, they were in an accident and were separated from the hive; their connection to the collective was severed. As a part of this, they were starting to become individuals again and they, naturally, tried to reassert themselves as their individual species' selves, yet Seven demanded that they all remain good christian slaves of jewsus. The reason for this is that Seven, as Annika, was a frightened little Girl when she was first assimilated, so this fear stayed with her and returned as she was disconnected; whereas these others in her group were adults when they were assimilated. What is this? Control through fear? Preying on the vulnerable and Children?!...

As for my references to christianity and sheeple here, it's the same with this Star Trek shit. At first, people think they love it so much because it is so amaze-balls and things, but once you start to pick it apart, it falls to bits and pieces. That is both the retardation of illogic of the jew christianity and also the jew Star Trek. Suspend disbelieve, you st00pid Goy! I am not your toy; I am a beautiful cluck-cluck creature!

In the Borg ships, they tend to be darker and gloomy, and with green lights and colours. For those who are ignorant, this must be a false-representation of Hell.

At last, I would like to also remind everyone, or inform anyone, about the jewsus of Borg article HPS Maxine shared -
This G.O.D. stands for Galactic Obliteration Device.
Good question. Star Trek's original run was as Jewish as it gets, but TNG has too much goyim-knowing to really ignore. The best part is that before the Borg, the Ferengi were supposed to be the main antagonists -


- so you have space-Merchants and space-YHWH in the same series.

The GoT finale did result in this, which is pretty great.

Arcadia said:

Sometimes I feel as if its as simple as the Jews cannot help but accidentally expose their own alien nature from time to time.

they need to expose, for humans to accept subconsciously, it's just magic
Just to round-off the episode I mentioned which I was watching, also regarding how shit the jew is...

They tried 12 simulations of transplanting the stolen/salvaged node into Seven, but in each of them it didn't work, and Tom Paris said that he doesn't think the 13th try will be lucky. Hilarious! Despite them having matter-to-energy converters (replicators), they can't replicate one of these nodes because its technology is "too complex". (So much is to be said for a spaceship a couple of centuries ahead of us - especially when they cannot backup any important files, such as the EMH (Emergency Medical Hologramme) - if it is online (i.e. running) and something happens which causes it to be disabled incorrectly, then they will lose the EMH...yet we have the lowly, laymanly ability to back our shit up an infinite number of times... Furthermore, they have replicators, so they should just orbit a decent star and replicate some solar panels and batteries, and other equipment to transport them home in a few months or years, instead of about 75 years (although, looking on various sites, depending on different things, it might take them a lot less than 75 years, despite not being able to travel at full speed in a straight line constantly).)

It also makes sense, if you think about it for a long enough time after drinking sacramental wine, that while Seven's body is rejecting the cortical node, which her body relies on, without it she will die. Yes, that indeed does make sense - and a lot of sense at that! By the way, the reason that they have Seven, the resident Borg, in Voyager is because the Ocampan Kes character was not good enough; it wasn't working for them. Maybe because she had Psychic abilities which were going to be too big a problem in the later episodes to be explained, without delving too deeply into Occult knowledge regarding such things. Instead, they prefer to have microchipped slaves be troublesome, instead, which provides more opportunities to give the jew's "version" ( :roll: ) of Humanity with technology, rather than Psychic abilities.

Later in this episode (I don't watch full episodes all at once for various reasons...), Seven deactivated the EMH, AKA the Doctor. She must remain in sickbay but she left, and they asked the computer to locate her. Instead of locating Seven of Nine, the computer located Seven of Nine's commbadge, and said she is in sickbay, when she was elsewhere. Such amaze-balls future technology! This jew shit is beyond shit. It knows, both with xianity and lying about our Gods and Goddesses, and also with storytelling, that it, the jew, is pathetic and incapable, yet it continues on regardless. The jew doesn't realise that it is embarrassing its sorry self - but being without emotion, it doesn't matter!

Seven is in Engineering, and a lovely, heart-warming moment is shared between former rivals Seven and Torres, saying she (Torres) won't tell the doctor where Seven is. Seven questions Torres about going to Klingon paradise (which they call 'heaven' of course, Sto-Vo-Kor). B'elanna Torres is only half-Klingon (half-Human), and she has rejected Klingon culture and mythology all of her life, so this Race-mixing shit is further bullshit when they ignore that and try and force you to accept that she is a full-Klingon. (Ignoring that, according to Worf, Human Women are too fragile, Torres's dad is Human, so he must have been a bodybuilder or something... :roll:) The jew is beyond retarded - but very clever in its abilities. I once heard or read something that said, "Don't argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and win from experience". The jew is so retarded, and as I have said before, dragging you down and pushing you under itself, claiming that it is amazing and superior. A yid book about yiddish with a yid dictionary is not a yid book about yiddish and is not a yiddish dictionary, but it is a wordbook and a lexicon all about yiddish...but both "wordbook" and "lexicon" mean "dictionary"...all about yiddish... Also as I said in "Why Jews Hate Us?" by HPHC -

I wish the jew would reason this - the Goyim are cattle, and the jew cannot be served by cattle, so the jew's "god" made this cattle be in Human form, but the Goyim cattle is not Human but is cattle but cannot serve the jew because the jew cannot be served by Goyim cattle... I'm going to go put the fire out in my brain now. Thanks.

It all makes (an amount of) sense!

Torres tells Seven that she shouldn't be thinking about death, then Seven tells her that the Doctor said any attempts to save her will fail, and Seven pushes the question to Torres. Torres said it depends on how honourable her death is...despite hating all Klingon things - and ignoring the fact that she hates Klingonisms, Klingonality. Seven might be dying because her biology is rejecting the very thing that her biology has become reliant on (this episode, entitled "Imperfection", is about being reliant on other people/things), but as per usual it will all be alright by the end of the episode or double-episode, depending on which is relevant, so we know Seven is not dying at all; there is no jeopardy in these shit things. Very rarely do main characters die in actuality, but that is, as I have said, because they want/have to quit or are sacked from the job, not because it suits the storyline. I won't spoil the ending of this particular episode for you, but let me tell you it is a contrived piece of disgusting and smelly bullshit, which has jew fingerprints buried deeply into that shit, which is very important and serious with a bit of shock value in it and uncomfortable extremes gone to, to achieve a goal, for a reason, with morals and principles all to make you consider why your life is fulfilled and perfect - or perhaps why it is not. An alien person, who is a biological, living, breathing alien person, is somehow better than the computer programme of the doctor in coming up with a solution...despite this very computer EMH doctor having been programmed with 6 million types, ways and means of operations and surgical procedures from 6 million doctors of the Federation and beyond. Star Trek is very biblical in numerous ways, including being contradictory and not fitting correctly and also being full of toilet holes.

Going back to the point about melting pot, paint pot androgyny for a second - there is a wet-dream usage in Star Trek which ignores the actual sex of a commanding person. Whether you are male or female, they refer to you, most of the time, as "sir", ignoring "ma'am" for women.

The retarded jew. As long as it "defines" things and tries confusing you, then you can ignore reality, what is staring you blindly in the eyes, and instead accept this bullshit of "definition" and nonsense of the jew. I'll let you all watch the episode (and episodes) for all of the jew morals and life-after-death and philosophical, heartwarming, fulfilling, feeling-good-ness shit, all for yourselves to enjoy!

RoyBatty91 said:
Good question. Star Trek's original run was as Jewish as it gets, but TNG has too much goyim-knowing to really ignore. The best part is that before the Borg, the Ferengi were supposed to be the main antagonists -

The Ferengi were also changed from vicious...rats scurrying around - and I mean that literally - to more comical idiots being cowards and devious. In both incarnations, they are misogynistic, though. You can see the jew in various ways in Star Trek. The Ferengi, money-grabbing swindlers/cheaters/sellers; the Federation/Earthlings, the moralistic, principled "only way" sayers; the Cardassians, the evil dictatorial, Draconian, authoritative rapists (including sexually), played off as "only following orders"; the Q, the godly, very powerful, mischievous spoilt brats who use you as a toy... Perhaps the Klingons are, in some ways, the closest to Humanity, including closer than Humans/Terrans, but exaggerated and perverted and of course not being Humans/Terrans.

There is a question I would like answered, though. Regarding Deanna Troi, the resident half-Betazoid/half-Human, again with Race-mixing, empath/telepath on TNG - if all Human-like species are called Humanoid species, then if we were Betazoids, would all Betazoid-like species be called Betazoidoids?! Further with Race-mixing (species-mixing in Star Trek), Vulcan Spock's mum was Human, dad was Vulcan; Klingon Worf's son's mum was half-Human/Half-Klingon; Naomi Wildman's mum was Human, dad Ktarian... Nearly entirely, it is always Humans mixing with non-Humans. What's the hidden agenda and message - and "moral of the story" - here?! Then with the talk about Jean-Luc Picard coming back, supposedly, in another programme (with Discovery and the other reboot already in their own timelines), there was crying that White Picard (Stewart) can't be in it, yet, as mentioned more than enough times, jew Star Trek is very (((multi-cultural, diverse, and Race-mixy))), plus those retards crying about White Picard are ignoring "Michael" from Discovery. :roll: The jew's poisonous ill-"mind" has been affecting many Goyeem.
To be off-topic but on topic. Despite Star Trek and to a lesser degree Star Wars are old 1960s/1970s creation. Growing up in the 90s, in the mid-to-late 80s these shows started popping in. Both Star Trek and the Star Wars movies. I never bothered with Star Trek but did watch Star Wars. I also noticed a whole bunch of shows showing some truths like X-Files and other shows and movies at the time like Outer Limits. Stargate was my favorite despite the blasphemy.

But I do have an off-topic question. What if you knew of the existence of these shows but never watched nor bothered with them? For example I've always been a hateful person(We can't all be nice people). But I never liked Star Trek and always felt stupid even thinking about it and going "How the fuck is there a cult of people around this shit". For example Klingons are LOVED by nerds(I'm aware many will state the whole Jock vs. Nerd mentality is judeo-bolshevik class divisional warfare).

What if you love Sci-fi but hate the entire coldness and lack of spirituality. I mean the aliens you guys describe sound moronic it's like "How the fuck are you guys a space civilization?". Even you guys post it's just a jewish memetic mentality into other races "Oy vey goyim, judah powah everywhere". When people have stated it's only us Earth idiots who act like a jew in relation to other space empires.

I will readily admit since someone mentioned Warhammer 40K. How the fuck did people even know about that stuff growing up without the internet nor even proto-internet.

I guess what I'm trying to state is "Why do people bother with all this crap?"

Is it because the subliminals are so strong that people intuit a "Hey subconscious didn't we have space-faring aliens come down to our planet and turn us from advanced simians to homo Sapien?"

Am I just being hateful without reason or do I make a point and my hatred was justified?
I liked the original Star Wars, but I really like Dune when it comes to Sci-fi.

Star Trek I was never really into, I didn't mind Deep Space Nine, back in the day. But that was the only one I ever cared to watch all that much.
Gear88 said:
I guess what I'm trying to state is "Why do people bother with all this crap?"
Escapism. The jew created shit in the world, and now the jew is trying to create a jewish future of an all-one non-race (with a lowercase R). It's all subtle attacks against us, as in examples I mentioned, and while people pour brain power, including emotions and for some their Soul, into it, those energies can be directed to the jew egregore. Science fiction doesn't "predict the future", nor does the Simpsons. It is partly that people want certain things in them to happen, which then causes them to happen, and also that the jew knows the mass mind can create "zion" and jew world order. The jew is a dirty, lazy bastard - it hardly works hard for itself, and it uses the labourious blood, swear and tears of people - and the energies of these - to create things for it.

It is infused with all sorts of contradictions and plot holes, which the viewer fills in and accepts as gospel (canon), and of course the jew knows how to use occult knowledge and mind-control, in one form or another, to achieve things. It appeals to certain types, as does "reality" TV to certain types, etc. Notice the in-groups all being sheep of each other, including the so-called "non-conformists" who are very conformist, or who are very non-conformist in a very conformist way.

If you shake things up (see Chladni figures, for examples), then people and things fall in line - or into certain lines, certain directions, and then these groups are easier to control by, with and through the thing that they are attracted to. In other words, the jew uses sheepdogs to round herds into particular pens, and not only sheepdogs, because the jew can realise that people are waking up, so instead of using sheepdogs they use Babe, sheeppigs, to round sheeple into particular pens. i.e. other things that one hasn't considered and/or doesn't know about. It's all just a means to an end.
In my opinion, Halo and Mass Effect are the best sci-fi works.
TopoftheAbyss said:
In my opinion, Halo and Mass Effect are the best sci-fi works.

I'm on the same boat with Halo. Never really cared much for Mass Effect.
hailourtruegod said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
In my opinion, Halo and Mass Effect are the best sci-fi works.

I'm on the same boat with Halo. Never really cared much for Mass Effect.
Halo has a lot of interesting symbolism in it as well. Master Chief is an Aryan descendant of the Forerunners (Nordics); and the Covenant, his main enemies for most of the series, are completely comprised of reptilian alien species with a Judeo-Xtian-like religion and the prophets are essentially insane alien rabbis with a plan to destroy the galaxy. Also the "Flood", which erased the ancient civilizations of mankind and the Forerunners in the Halo timeline is allegorical to the flood triggered by the enemy which sunk Lemuria.

Unfortunately Halo 5 was not as good as it's predecessors and had some forced multiculturalism thrown into it, coupled with a storyline that isn't as interesting as the previous games. Almost all sci-fi universes that we once enjoyed have been tainted in some way or another by kike media and writers.
Scion of Atlantis said:
Also the "Flood", which erased the ancient civilizations of mankind and the Forerunners in the Halo timeline is allegorical to the flood triggered by the enemy which sunk Lemuria.
AKA Mauritia, which sank 84 million years ago? Is there some real or fake history which I have missed?
FancyMancy said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Also the "Flood", which erased the ancient civilizations of mankind and the Forerunners in the Halo timeline is allegorical to the flood triggered by the enemy which sunk Lemuria.
AKA Mauritia, which sank 84 million years ago? Is there some real or fake history which I have missed?
There's definitely a lot you've missed then, the land of Lemuria/Atlantis was an ancient continent present in the Golden Age and it was a part of Kumari Kandam, one of the places where they first began to create us and teach humanity spiritual knowledge. Maurita has little connection to Lemuria/Atlantis besides being a chunk of land that broke away longer ago from roughly the same region.


The above is just one example of the sermons made by the HPs on the subject of Lemuria/Atlantis/Kumara Kandam, might want to check this book, The Lost Civilization of Lemuria out as well:


Mageson also touches back on this topic in the Satan Lucifer Lord of The World sermon:

Scion of Atlantis said:
FancyMancy said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Also the "Flood", which erased the ancient civilizations of mankind and the Forerunners in the Halo timeline is allegorical to the flood triggered by the enemy which sunk Lemuria.
AKA Mauritia, which sank 84 million years ago? Is there some real or fake history which I have missed?
There's definitely a lot you've missed then, the land of Lemuria/Atlantis was an ancient continent present in the Golden Age and it was a part of Kumari Kandam, one of the places where they first began to create us and teach humanity spiritual knowledge. Maurita has little connection to Lemuria/Atlantis besides being a chunk of land that broke away longer ago from roughly the same region.


The above is just one example of the sermons made by the HPs on the subject of Lemuria/Atlantis/Kumara Kandam, might want to check this book, The Lost Civilization of Lemuria out as well:


Mageson also touches back on this topic in the Satan Lucifer Lord of The World sermon:

Dang. Thanks.
You know, I’ve been watching “The Next Generation”, and it is most probably my favorite show of all time.

Aside from Lt. Cmdr. Data being played by Jewish actor, and main music theme composed by jew, I like one thing the most: the series portray humanity in a positive light, unlike many other works of fiction where humans are almost always violent, arrogant species that are always looking for a war, and to fuck up whatever they can.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard is the main example. His personality is so unlike any other fictional character. He’s the epitome of good captain, not easy on the trigger, always calm and reasonable, he is always trying to consider every possible solution to a problem, rather than “fire photon torpedoes right away”!

Entire crew of the “Enterprise-D” is likable (aside from Data, who’s only downside is that he is played by a Jew).
Scion of Atlantis said:
hailourtruegod said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
In my opinion, Halo and Mass Effect are the best sci-fi works.

I'm on the same boat with Halo. Never really cared much for Mass Effect.
Halo has a lot of interesting symbolism in it as well. Master Chief is an Aryan descendant of the Forerunners (Nordics); and the Covenant, his main enemies for most of the series, are completely comprised of reptilian alien species with a Judeo-Xtian-like religion and the prophets are essentially insane alien rabbis with a plan to destroy the galaxy. Also the "Flood", which erased the ancient civilizations of mankind and the Forerunners in the Halo timeline is allegorical to the flood triggered by the enemy which sunk Lemuria.

Unfortunately Halo 5 was not as good as it's predecessors and had some forced multiculturalism thrown into it, coupled with a storyline that isn't as interesting as the previous games. Almost all sci-fi universes that we once enjoyed have been tainted in some way or another by kike media and writers.

Before I read that the Elites were reptallian like, which I think was put into the lore after halo 3 though I could be wrong, I felt they represented white xians. A noble a warrior like race but following an alien religion like xianity. In a short movie they explain how the "Covenant" is an alien religion and the first "arbiter" fought against it and it's armies when it first came to their homeworld. And the brutes were more like the Arabs/blacks. They act with more brute force and have their own gangs or as the the lore says, packs. In a Halo lore novel I read the brutes were advanced at one point and where on the brink of space exploration until they got into a civil war with nuclear weapons and the result ended in their civilization going back to the stone age.

Once I read the Elites are reptiallian like then that just ryubed their image for me.

The lore of halo went downhill once Bungie sold the rights to the game to 343 and even the quality of the games overall went downhill to the point where the gaming community blames 343 for ruining an amazing franchise. It's basically what happened with star wars series but with a video game series instead.
hailourtruegod said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
hailourtruegod said:
I'm on the same boat with Halo. Never really cared much for Mass Effect.
Halo has a lot of interesting symbolism in it as well. Master Chief is an Aryan descendant of the Forerunners (Nordics); and the Covenant, his main enemies for most of the series, are completely comprised of reptilian alien species with a Judeo-Xtian-like religion and the prophets are essentially insane alien rabbis with a plan to destroy the galaxy. Also the "Flood", which erased the ancient civilizations of mankind and the Forerunners in the Halo timeline is allegorical to the flood triggered by the enemy which sunk Lemuria.

Unfortunately Halo 5 was not as good as it's predecessors and had some forced multiculturalism thrown into it, coupled with a storyline that isn't as interesting as the previous games. Almost all sci-fi universes that we once enjoyed have been tainted in some way or another by kike media and writers.

Before I read that the Elites were reptallian like, which I think was put into the lore after halo 3 though I could be wrong, I felt they represented white xians. A noble a warrior like race but following an alien religion like xianity. In a short movie they explain how the "Covenant" is an alien religion and the first "arbiter" fought against it and it's armies when it first came to their homeworld. And the brutes were more like the Arabs/blacks. They act with more brute force and have their own gangs or as the the lore says, packs. In a Halo lore novel I read the brutes were advanced at one point and where on the brink of space exploration until they got into a civil war with nuclear weapons and the result ended in their civilization going back to the stone age.

Once I read the Elites are reptiallian like then that just ryubed their image for me.

The lore of halo went downhill once Bungie sold the rights to the game to 343 and even the quality of the games overall went downhill to the point where the gaming community blames 343 for ruining an amazing franchise. It's basically what happened with star wars series but with a video game series instead.
What is wrong with the new games?
TopoftheAbyss said:
hailourtruegod said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
Halo has a lot of interesting symbolism in it as well. Master Chief is an Aryan descendant of the Forerunners (Nordics); and the Covenant, his main enemies for most of the series, are completely comprised of reptilian alien species with a Judeo-Xtian-like religion and the prophets are essentially insane alien rabbis with a plan to destroy the galaxy. Also the "Flood", which erased the ancient civilizations of mankind and the Forerunners in the Halo timeline is allegorical to the flood triggered by the enemy which sunk Lemuria.

Unfortunately Halo 5 was not as good as it's predecessors and had some forced multiculturalism thrown into it, coupled with a storyline that isn't as interesting as the previous games. Almost all sci-fi universes that we once enjoyed have been tainted in some way or another by kike media and writers.

Before I read that the Elites were reptallian like, which I think was put into the lore after halo 3 though I could be wrong, I felt they represented white xians. A noble a warrior like race but following an alien religion like xianity. In a short movie they explain how the "Covenant" is an alien religion and the first "arbiter" fought against it and it's armies when it first came to their homeworld. And the brutes were more like the Arabs/blacks. They act with more brute force and have their own gangs or as the the lore says, packs. In a Halo lore novel I read the brutes were advanced at one point and where on the brink of space exploration until they got into a civil war with nuclear weapons and the result ended in their civilization going back to the stone age.

Once I read the Elites are reptiallian like then that just ryubed their image for me.

The lore of halo went downhill once Bungie sold the rights to the game to 343 and even the quality of the games overall went downhill to the point where the gaming community blames 343 for ruining an amazing franchise. It's basically what happened with star wars series but with a video game series instead.
What is wrong with the new games?
They don't respect the lore of the original series, for the most part. Also greedy transactions.

I think it's also worth pointing out that the Prophets (space jews) try to ethnically cleanse the noble and honorable Elites (who's culture is similar to that of the Samurai and Spartans) with the violent, thuggish, ape liked brutes, who are like the kalegi plan colonists invading europe today.
Yurei said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
hailourtruegod said:
Before I read that the Elites were reptallian like, which I think was put into the lore after halo 3 though I could be wrong, I felt they represented white xians. A noble a warrior like race but following an alien religion like xianity. In a short movie they explain how the "Covenant" is an alien religion and the first "arbiter" fought against it and it's armies when it first came to their homeworld. And the brutes were more like the Arabs/blacks. They act with more brute force and have their own gangs or as the the lore says, packs. In a Halo lore novel I read the brutes were advanced at one point and where on the brink of space exploration until they got into a civil war with nuclear weapons and the result ended in their civilization going back to the stone age.

Once I read the Elites are reptiallian like then that just ryubed their image for me.

The lore of halo went downhill once Bungie sold the rights to the game to 343 and even the quality of the games overall went downhill to the point where the gaming community blames 343 for ruining an amazing franchise. It's basically what happened with star wars series but with a video game series instead.
What is wrong with the new games?
They don't respect the lore of the original series, for the most part. Also greedy transactions.

I think it's also worth pointing out that the Prophets (space jews) try to ethnically cleanse the noble and honorable Elites (who's culture is similar to that of the Samurai and Spartans) with the violent, thuggish, ape liked brutes, who are like the kalegi plan colonists invading europe today.
Halo 4 has bad writing. Also Master Chief sadly has jewsus symbolism.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Yurei said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
What is wrong with the new games?
They don't respect the lore of the original series, for the most part. Also greedy transactions.

I think it's also worth pointing out that the Prophets (space jews) try to ethnically cleanse the noble and honorable Elites (who's culture is similar to that of the Samurai and Spartans) with the violent, thuggish, ape liked brutes, who are like the kalegi plan colonists invading europe today.
Halo 4 has bad writing. Also Master Chief sadly has jewsus symbolism.
Really? To me he always seemed more like an Anti-Christ figure. The Covenant literally refer to him as Demon, they refer to all humans as Demons, just like how the kikes call us Amalek and call for our extermination.
Yurei said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Yurei said:
They don't respect the lore of the original series, for the most part. Also greedy transactions.

I think it's also worth pointing out that the Prophets (space jews) try to ethnically cleanse the noble and honorable Elites (who's culture is similar to that of the Samurai and Spartans) with the violent, thuggish, ape liked brutes, who are like the kalegi plan colonists invading europe today.
Halo 4 has bad writing. Also Master Chief sadly has jewsus symbolism.
Really? To me he always seemed more like an Anti-Christ figure. The Covenant literally refer to him as Demon, they refer to all humans as Demons, just like how the kikes call us Amalek and call for our extermination.
Maybe you're right, the demon part I didn't see it playing the games but his name is a quote from the bible.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
