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is prostitution a necessary social service?

Aquarius said:
Any suggestion on where to find decent women?
I don't see how the library is a suitable place, people go there to read not to be flirted with :lol:
Volunteering, educational courses, classes, malls, can practice flirting over voice if you play video games, parks, hiking/bushwalking activities, in line at cafes (can chat about coffee or not a morning person etc), book stores, always keep your mind open for opportunity to have a nice chat at the least!
Soul Wings said:
Aquarius said:
Any suggestion on where to find decent women?
I don't see how the library is a suitable place, people go there to read not to be flirted with :lol:
Volunteering, educational courses, classes, malls, can practice flirting over voice if you play video games, parks, hiking/bushwalking activities, in line at cafes (can chat about coffee or not a morning person etc), book stores, always keep your mind open for opportunity to have a nice chat at the least!

I am too shy to walk up to a woman and talk, I have talked to a few and they love me, think I am funny and entertaining, but I don't have the courage to sit next to a girl and talk, high shyness.
It's also a shame that most of the women around here are all social network addicts and only know how to talk about celebrity life, which makes conversation a drag.
StyleCoin said:
Soul Wings said:
Aquarius said:
Any suggestion on where to find decent women?
I don't see how the library is a suitable place, people go there to read not to be flirted with :lol:
Volunteering, educational courses, classes, malls, can practice flirting over voice if you play video games, parks, hiking/bushwalking activities, in line at cafes (can chat about coffee or not a morning person etc), book stores, always keep your mind open for opportunity to have a nice chat at the least!

I am too shy to walk up to a woman and talk, I have talked to a few and they love me, think I am funny and entertaining, but I don't have the courage to sit next to a girl and talk, high shyness.
It's also a shame that most of the women around here are all social network addicts and only know how to talk about celebrity life, which makes conversation a drag.
Work with male energies. Uruz, Nauthiz, Sowilo. Chakras 1-3, with corresponding Sanskrit mantras. Over time your confidence will increase. Exercising helps, yoga helps. Socializing also.
Henu the Great said:
StyleCoin said:
Soul Wings said:
Volunteering, educational courses, classes, malls, can practice flirting over voice if you play video games, parks, hiking/bushwalking activities, in line at cafes (can chat about coffee or not a morning person etc), book stores, always keep your mind open for opportunity to have a nice chat at the least!

I am too shy to walk up to a woman and talk, I have talked to a few and they love me, think I am funny and entertaining, but I don't have the courage to sit next to a girl and talk, high shyness.
It's also a shame that most of the women around here are all social network addicts and only know how to talk about celebrity life, which makes conversation a drag.
Work with male energies. Uruz, Nauthiz, Sowilo. Chakras 1-3, with corresponding Sanskrit mantras. Over time your confidence will increase. Exercising helps, yoga helps. Socializing also.

I'll try it later, thanks.
But seriously, women here only want to know about men who are tattooed and who smoke pot, who have earrings and so on, this gives me a rage, after she becomes a single mother, she cries on social networks calling all men garbage, but I will try to do some magic that will help me later, at the moment I just want to focus on cleaning and strengthening my soul.
StyleCoin said:

I'll try it later, thanks.
But seriously, women here only want to know about men who are tattooed and who smoke pot, who have earrings and so on, this gives me a rage, after she becomes a single mother, she cries on social networks calling all men garbage, but I will try to do some magic that will help me later, at the moment I just want to focus on cleaning and strengthening my soul.
Do, don't just try. You need to apply pressure, and the result will follow.

As for the trashy people thing. You can use powers of the mind to attract someone suitable. That's a good focus, keep it up!
Henu the Great said:
StyleCoin said:

I'll try it later, thanks.
But seriously, women here only want to know about men who are tattooed and who smoke pot, who have earrings and so on, this gives me a rage, after she becomes a single mother, she cries on social networks calling all men garbage, but I will try to do some magic that will help me later, at the moment I just want to focus on cleaning and strengthening my soul.
Do, don't just try. You need to apply pressure, and the result will follow.

As for the trashy people thing. You can use powers of the mind to attract someone suitable. That's a good focus, keep it up!

Thanks. :) 👍
StyleCoin said:
I am too shy to walk up to a woman and talk, I have talked to a few and they love me, think I am funny and entertaining, but I don't have the courage to sit next to a girl and talk, high shyness.
It's also a shame that most of the women around here are all social network addicts and only know how to talk about celebrity life, which makes conversation a drag.
Honestly I don't have that much experience with being approached but I remember back in the day there was one guy who did that. I wasn't really used to direct male attention at that point, so I was mostly just blushing and trying to eat while he spoke, lol. We were in the same class. He came up, started a conversation, talking to me like he'd spoken to a thousand other girls, sat next to me and wouldn't stop telling me there was pasta on my face while I was eating (which I was doing before he got there, and I didn't feel like eating gracefully to impress people lol). He did not seem like a super imposing guy so it was fine. He seemed charismatic and nice aside from that(avg looks) but it was too direct for someone shy like me. I guess it gave me the impression I was just one girl out of his blow through many girls and it didn't make me feel that special. I didn't give a shit about the pasta on my face, and secretly wished he'd shut up about it, lol. We were friends after and it turned out he was just really looking for a tinder hookup and not a relationship anyway.

The above is kind of why I don't understand the PUA method of just talking to billions of girls. Sure it's important to talk to girls but yeah, it kind of sucks feeling like you're the next one in line. Even if that's the reality we just don't want it to feel that way.

It's definitely nerve wracking and actually as women we understand that since we've probably tried to talk to a guy, had crushes, or ask someone out ourselves etc. For some reason for me in life it's just been difficult to like guys that have approached me because in a way they care or invest themselves waaaay too much and end up saying stupid shit like "Hey there's pasta on your face" or "Hey, is that your second packet of chips?" like they're my father or something. I already got one I don't need another one. 🙄 In all this retrospect, I'm just so thankful my boyfriend isn't like that. But we are both nerds.

I tend to prefer just someone breezing past or standing and shooting me a quick smile, hey, hi, sup etc. Just be super chill. As weird as it is to say, it's extra effective if you smell nice (subtle) and look good. I gave my cousin this advice back in the day and he has a gf now. Even a "hi" is still a tiny bit of rapport and if you approach her later (if you're gonna see her later) at least your face will be in her head. This works better with shy girls especially if they are chilling alone.

Idk who you're talking to but nearly no women I know are interested in that stuff. It sounds like you might want to think about what kind of conversation you want to have with women and maybe even do a working for yourself like that other person said, it can't hurt.

I also wanted to mention to anyone reading about something else. I don't know how many people here are willing to use VRchat, or virtual chatrooms, but I have had some of the best conversation in my life on there, I mean unforgettable stuff. You don't have to use a headset you can just download it off Steam. You will meet people from all over the world and be able to work on just talking to women just like in a chilling sense to help you (realise women are just people like you!) be at ease when you do it IRL. It's also socially normal to just walk up to people and start talking as long as you are joining in on the conversation. Because you are both anonymous as well there's no reputation stuff or anything too so it's like a clean slate.
Lydia said:
Aquarius said:
Any suggestion on where to find decent women?
I don't see how the library is a suitable place, people go there to read not to be flirted with :lol:

A lot of men seem to think you need to flirt and have "game" or whatever. This isn't so. I get what you mean but I wanted to say that anyway, because of how society is these days. All about being flirty and suggestive, sure that can get you a hookup but not necessarily a lasting relationship.

I've known people who met at libraries btw, you notice someone reading a book you've read or are interested in, and chat about it (quietly of course because of the no loud talking rules) and then maybe make plans to go for coffee or whatever and then take it from there. It happens. Maybe not the most exciting way to meet someone but better than not trying at all.

You hear all the time about couples who meet through common friends or family members, or shared interests in activities. Of course a lot of people meet in bars because that's their shared activity lol, but there are more ways.

i take it my reply made you uncomfortable if so i'm sorry
Lydia said:
Aquarius said:
Any suggestion on where to find decent women?
I don't see how the library is a suitable place, people go there to read not to be flirted with :lol:

A lot of men seem to think you need to flirt and have "game" or whatever. This isn't so. I get what you mean but I wanted to say that anyway, because of how society is these days. All about being flirty and suggestive, sure that can get you a hookup but not necessarily a lasting relationship.

I've known people who met at libraries btw, you notice someone reading a book you've read or are interested in, and chat about it (quietly of course because of the no loud talking rules) and then maybe make plans to go for coffee or whatever and then take it from there. It happens. Maybe not the most exciting way to meet someone but better than not trying at all.

You hear all the time about couples who meet through common friends or family members, or shared interests in activities. Of course a lot of people meet in bars because that's their shared activity lol, but there are more ways.

This is a great answer. I think dating culture has mostly been ruined by depictions in the media. One does not need to be flirting from the first second in order to find a lover. One also does not need to be sending nudes immediately either. Everything has its own pace. The most important thing is cultivating the relationship, which in most cases is better started in situations like the ones Lydia described, not by sending an intimate picture of yourself on a dating app, which is rightfully considered sexual harassment in some countries and not with pickup lines taken from your friend circle who knows nothing about relationships other than hook-ups or from the first NLP book/video one finds, thinking they're clever.

Talking about interests, getting involved in activities, and having patience in building something long-lasting. This is true in all types of relationships and sexual orientations, no matter what Tinder, Bumble and Grindr say.
Aquarius said:
Yeah, I'm not the "game" type, I go hard against that bullshit when someone promotes it. Thank you for the advice, although that's easier said than done now here in Italy, green pass for everything is needed, gonna have to try my luck when hiking lol.

Covid has changed everything :/
Crystallized Mushroom said:
Blitzkreig said:
Soul Wings said:
I mean just consider how pathetic the term "involuntarily celibate" is to begin with. It's basically synonymous with "I'm sitting here being lazy but I still deserve sex and love, where are the women dudebros?"
Aside from the "manlet" meme, for the most part looks have nothing to do with it. Unfortunately I can't find the video but there was an incel on youtube who found a girlfriend. His initial video was very famous where he calls himself ugly. Anyway, he was not attractive at all, he just changed his attitude and lowered his expectations. Incels are also desperate, misogynist, usually traditionalist and bitter, most women sense that > don't like it > reject them > cycle continues. Many of them are beyond hope of changing because they simply refuse to change. Others have such archaic beliefs that women should be literal slaves for them. All because they are - or want to be - the breadwinners, and simply exist.

I think most of Incel rage comes from what they perceive as a failure of society to prepare both them and women for conducive relationships. In the same way, desperate older women probably feel similarly.

There is rage involved in this situation of repressed emotions, but that does not mean pity cannot be had for the struggles of normal people who only want to satisfy basic needs.

We know that the enemy has fucked up society so badly that it is not clear what needs to be fixed. This is the case with spirituality, but also with gender relationships. Therefore, just as some people turn to strange New Age beliefs, Incels try to go backward in time and chose something they think has worked before.

Crystallized Mushroom said:

You aren't going to an incel, or have any other major problem if you are steadfast in your advancement. There is nothing to fear, and there is always a solution.

well by societys standards they would probably consider me an incel due to being a virgin even though my personality isn't toxic otherwise i wouldn't have the seven or so friends i have and get along with others barring my family of course but i still interact well with my family despite that. also i'm at a point where i don't want family love or brotherly love i just wanna be independent and have a girlfriend/boyfriend maybe one day in a tropical paradise :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

also are you sure sex is a "need" cause it doean't seem like it sure i'm depressed and apathetic to life and have some suicidal thoughts that i don't act on and want to sometimes give up my family and friends but i don't act on them i just COPE as usual.plus i also feel its wrong for me to even desire to be with someone.

is there something wrong with what i said? i'm only being honest i think on some level i have anhedonia and i used to be more emotional when i was young my mom even said so. also is my tropical paradise with a lover stupid or something?
Blitzkreig said:
Soul Wings said:
I mean just consider how pathetic the term "involuntarily celibate" is to begin with. It's basically synonymous with "I'm sitting here being lazy but I still deserve sex and love, where are the women dudebros?"
Aside from the "manlet" meme, for the most part looks have nothing to do with it. Unfortunately I can't find the video but there was an incel on youtube who found a girlfriend. His initial video was very famous where he calls himself ugly. Anyway, he was not attractive at all, he just changed his attitude and lowered his expectations. Incels are also desperate, misogynist, usually traditionalist and bitter, most women sense that > don't like it > reject them > cycle continues. Many of them are beyond hope of changing because they simply refuse to change. Others have such archaic beliefs that women should be literal slaves for them. All because they are - or want to be - the breadwinners, and simply exist.

I think most of Incel rage comes from what they perceive as a failure of society to prepare both them and women for conducive relationships. In the same way, desperate older women probably feel similarly.

There is rage involved in this situation of repressed emotions, but that does not mean pity cannot be had for the struggles of normal people who only want to satisfy basic needs.

We know that the enemy has fucked up society so badly that it is not clear what needs to be fixed. This is the case with spirituality, but also with gender relationships. Therefore, just as some people turn to strange New Age beliefs, Incels try to go backward in time and chose something they think has worked before.

Crystallized Mushroom said:

You aren't going to an incel, or have any other major problem if you are steadfast in your advancement. There is nothing to fear, and there is always a solution.

i have another question i know you probably didn't like what i replied to you but is my current list of goals good or should i work on it more?

the goals are:

get a girlfriend/boyfriend(old goal)

make pottery(art)(new goal)

lose my virginity(old goal)

get a foreskin(regeneration)(old goal)

lose weight and become muscular(new goal)

eat healthy(no junk food balanced diet etc.)(new goal)

get a 1 bedroom apartment to rent(new goal)

go to a tropical country for vacation(new goal)

feel more positive emotions or just emotions in general(not sure whats causing this though)(new goal)

make paintings(art)(new goal)

gain siddhis(new goal)

make more friends(already have seven but more is better cause why not)(old goal)

get over fear of driving and just do it(old goal)

go on dates(have tinder got 54 matches so yeah people like me in the romantic/sexual sense just gotta seek it out now :D :D :D :D )(new goal)

master visualization(new goal)

exercise MOAR(i go on walks and the random yoga for now but i want MOAR)(new goal)

somehow develop love for someone(not sure if love is real but if it is i'd like it instead of feeling neutral to everyone including friends and family)(new goal)

learn how to cook better(new goal)

thats what i have for now i'm sure more goals will come to my mind in time this is mostly recent stuff though
Crystallized Mushroom said:

Being a virgin doesn't make you an incel, it is how you respond to that fact. Sex is a human need and that is why the enemy tries to suppress it. There is the orgasm aspect, which you can solve with masturbation, and there is the romance or companionship aspect, which is probably what you are feeling when you want a partner.

Being depressed and apathetic are symptoms of low fire, same with low motivation, or feeling like it is wrong to have personal desires. On the opposite side, someone with too much fire would be too aggressive, overconfident, and be very demanding of others.

Having a tropical paradise with your lover isn't stupid, but it can be impractical. Your venus sign influences how you feel about relationships. Perhaps yours is in Pisces or aspected to Neptune. In this case, it would make you very romantic, but you have to be careful not to become deluded by a veil of perfection, such as either thinking someone is perfect or thinking things must be perfect.


Your goals are fine, but what makes the difference is how you prioritize them and how you work towards them. Sometimes some goals have to be put on hold. For example, it would be a better use of your time to meditate and build up your fire characteristics with Saulo or Sun/Mars Squares than it would be to try to force yourself to have the motivation to do something.

Working with earth energy can make you more grounded, practical, and able to do the monotonous tasks that come with learning new skills.

Fortunately for you and many others, the Sun will be in Capricorn soon, and Mars will be in Capricorn shortly next year. After that, the Sun will be in Aries in March, and Mars in Aries in May. This is a huge opportunity to really develop your fire and earth characteristics, either through Planetary Squares or Runic workings.
"Incel" is such a strange term. First of all a celibate life is something volontary and not involuntary (especially today), and secondly it must be worse for someone who longs after true love and a life companion but is unable to find a partner no matter how hard he/she tries.
This "incel" term alludes that sex is the only thing a man wants from a woman, and never companionship, love etc.

Kind of reminds me of how a christard pastor was describing sex before marriage as "having payed the architect in advance before the house is built" - as if 1: sex is some kind of payment and 2: sex is the only thing men wants from women.
"Incel" is also very much of a luxury problem. People in poorer areas of the world have other problems to focus on I think.
Blitzkreig said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:

Being a virgin doesn't make you an incel, it is how you respond to that fact. Sex is a human need and that is why the enemy tries to suppress it. There is the orgasm aspect, which you can solve with masturbation, and there is the romance or companionship aspect, which is probably what you are feeling when you want a partner.

Being depressed and apathetic are symptoms of low fire, same with low motivation, or feeling like it is wrong to have personal desires. On the opposite side, someone with too much fire would be too aggressive, overconfident, and be very demanding of others.

Having a tropical paradise with your lover isn't stupid, but it can be impractical. Your venus sign influences how you feel about relationships. Perhaps yours is in Pisces or aspected to Neptune. In this case, it would make you very romantic, but you have to be careful not to become deluded by a veil of perfection, such as either thinking someone is perfect or thinking things must be perfect.


Your goals are fine, but what makes the difference is how you prioritize them and how you work towards them. Sometimes some goals have to be put on hold. For example, it would be a better use of your time to meditate and build up your fire characteristics with Saulo or Sun/Mars Squares than it would be to try to force yourself to have the motivation to do something.

Working with earth energy can make you more grounded, practical, and able to do the monotonous tasks that come with learning new skills.

Fortunately for you and many others, the Sun will be in Capricorn soon, and Mars will be in Capricorn shortly next year. After that, the Sun will be in Aries in March, and Mars in Aries in May. This is a huge opportunity to really develop your fire and earth characteristics, either through Planetary Squares or Runic workings.

well ya your right i'm not an incel i don't hate Women or Men at all i get along with both quite fine though they both seem to like my sci-fi fantasy stories and i've been told i should write books on this stuff. also i do desire the companionship are girlfriend or boyfriend would bring since i wouldn't mind either one i don't really have a preference also if i get a partner i would hope they spend most or the rest of their life together with me and share all kinds of experiences especially traveling the world and eating and spending time in nature etc. and go bowling and to the mall and such and make pottery you get what i mean.

ya the low fire sounds like what i have don't know how that happened though and a part of me feels like i can't have personal desires that are good due to thinking that the abrahamic programs would try to stop it in some way i used to have nightmares in the past where my dad would attack me for having consensual sex in my dreams. also ya i probably need more earth too.

well my venus sign last time i checked said it was in sagittarius i was told that would make someone very loyal but with not that many feelings. it doesn't help that venus aspected saturn for me. also yes i would really love to have that tropical paradise with a lover.

thankyou for saying my goals are fine Blitzbro
Blitzkreig said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:

Being a virgin doesn't make you an incel, it is how you respond to that fact. Sex is a human need and that is why the enemy tries to suppress it. There is the orgasm aspect, which you can solve with masturbation, and there is the romance or companionship aspect, which is probably what you are feeling when you want a partner.

Being depressed and apathetic are symptoms of low fire, same with low motivation, or feeling like it is wrong to have personal desires. On the opposite side, someone with too much fire would be too aggressive, overconfident, and be very demanding of others.

Having a tropical paradise with your lover isn't stupid, but it can be impractical. Your venus sign influences how you feel about relationships. Perhaps yours is in Pisces or aspected to Neptune. In this case, it would make you very romantic, but you have to be careful not to become deluded by a veil of perfection, such as either thinking someone is perfect or thinking things must be perfect.


Your goals are fine, but what makes the difference is how you prioritize them and how you work towards them. Sometimes some goals have to be put on hold. For example, it would be a better use of your time to meditate and build up your fire characteristics with Saulo or Sun/Mars Squares than it would be to try to force yourself to have the motivation to do something.

Working with earth energy can make you more grounded, practical, and able to do the monotonous tasks that come with learning new skills.

Fortunately for you and many others, the Sun will be in Capricorn soon, and Mars will be in Capricorn shortly next year. After that, the Sun will be in Aries in March, and Mars in Aries in May. This is a huge opportunity to really develop your fire and earth characteristics, either through Planetary Squares or Runic workings.

also i know its been answered before but how is sex a human need what happens if you don't have sex with someone. i'm asking cause i'm a virgin could me being depressed and apathetic have something to do with it?
Crystallized Mushroom said:
also i know its been answered before but how is sex a human need what happens if you don't have sex with someone. i'm asking cause i'm a virgin could me being depressed and apathetic have something to do with it?

It would be part of it, but not entirely. Having consistent feelings of depression would be associated with low fire. Try inhaling a few breaths of fire, program it to balance your fire element in a healthy manner, and see the results for yourself.
Part of the problem, from what you mentioned with Tinder, is likely low motivation/low fire to meet someone from which you can develop a relationship.

You may have some hangups around personal desires given what you describe, plus what you describe with your dreams. Having a Saturn in Leo or Aries can do this, or Saturn aspecting the Sun or something. Probably the Saturn aspecting Venus as well, especially if it is a hard aspect. The positive side of this is that it also balances you to want stability in your relationship, especially once you transmute the aspect more.

You can see the descriptions of these aspects below:

Sagittarius [Venus]
Sex out of doors can be a thrilling experience and a turn on for them. Their personal freedom is important to them. They dislike possessiveness and displays of jealousy. They are brutally honest, and do not like lies or any phoniness. They will respect you for your honesty. They take romance lightly and love to flirt.
Kiss and massage the inner areas of their thighs, near the genitals. They get bored easily and are often the first to try a new position or method of sexual intercourse. The men often have a fetish for legs and buttocks. They like their women to wear stockings and high heels during sex. They like to have their loved ones think and believe the same as they do and will try to convert you.

These people have inhibited emotions, which they usually keep in check. They can appear to be very aloof, cold, and reserved. In many cases, one or both parents were hard and/or unloving. There is often shyness, along with misfortune in love and sometimes poverty. People with Venus in aspect to Saturn will often remain in a bad relationship out of duty. They can feel they are unworthy of love and happiness. They may find it difficult to lighten up and have fun, especially if Saturn is in Leo.
Why is everything focused on sex ed and sexual gratification rather than education about relationships? They are both just as awkward and elitist and if prostitution was a social service there absolutely needs to be some kind of public education about abuse and trauma and stuff like that. Does anybody actually want to use prostitution or is it just because they're alone and have a problem? Humans are supposed to be loved and hugged too. Did you know that's what like 50% of johns even use prostitutes for? Maybe we should first focus on building a culture that doesn't think you're a fucked up rapist cat killing incel if you would rather have a family than buy prostitutes for "love" because that seems to be where it's headed. At this point I would almost rather use a prostitute than see another girl who thinks I'm her soulmate for being over six feet tall and I know women feel something like that too. That's all that is anyways, but why is a man hated for having sex with free prostitutes but a woman is praised for being used as a supreme feminist? As a man, if you have sex with anybody but HER, SHE sees you as "using prostitutes" anyways. So maybe it is, I've never tried it and I'm not dead.
Godmode said:
Why is everything focused on sex ed and sexual gratification rather than education about relationships? They are both just as awkward and elitist and if prostitution was a social service there absolutely needs to be some kind of public education about abuse and trauma and stuff like that. Does anybody actually want to use prostitution or is it just because they're alone and have a problem? Humans are supposed to be loved and hugged too. Did you know that's what like 50% of johns even use prostitutes for? Maybe we should first focus on building a culture that doesn't think you're a fucked up rapist cat killing incel if you would rather have a family than buy prostitutes for "love" because that seems to be where it's headed. At this point I would almost rather use a prostitute than see another girl who thinks I'm her soulmate for being over six feet tall and I know women feel something like that too. That's all that is anyways, but why is a man hated for having sex with free prostitutes but a woman is praised for being used as a supreme feminist? As a man, if you have sex with anybody but HER, SHE sees you as "using prostitutes" anyways. So maybe it is, I've never tried it and I'm not dead.

i don't know why stuff isn't focused on relationships plus not everyone can get a relationship even if they seek it out for years or decades i think thats what prostitution is for and besides Humans nowadays don't view having relationships or even sex or just having friends as "human needs" due to most people thinking that means entitlement and such yet hypocritically can't go without that stuff at all and so utmost contempt and hatred to virgins like myself and ell people like me living alone is "okay" and the i know people who are celibate and you don't need sex or masturbation and its just a desire and not a biologically predisposed function and part or life and nature which is what my therapist told me she said that because some people she knows are "celibate" that anyone can be like that and not turn into a pedophile or rapist like religious leaders usually do but her among most people are disrespectful, rude and deny obvious reality and say people don't need others or to be hugged and loved as you said.

also why is it okay for women to ask men who are strangers for sex but not the other way around why is "sexual harassment" only used when men ask for consent to sex from strangers who are women but not the other way around. also why is it okay for a man to be shamed if he rejects a womans asking for a relationship or marriage but "funny" if the man gets rejected why the fucking double standard just like why is it okay to "circumcise" or mutilate a mans penis but not even pinprick a womans vagina.

also why is it considered wrong for a man to have standards in a women such as be attractive and not overweight but okay for a women to judge on how tall or how long the penis is again why the fucking double standards hell i'm bisexual but i probably wouldn't date or even hook-up with women due to this nonsense and thats not even counting divorce courts and paying half your fucking money away thankfully i never had to deal with it also why is it considered wrong for men to want sex on dates but women can get expensive meals on first dates and that women are "entitled to money and resources" and give nothing in return cause the culture teaches "men are evil sexual perverts" even though women have these feelings too why the double standards.

also i don't really want to be with prostitutes except as a last resort.
Because they are sexists. Women rape their sons just as much as fathers rape their daughters, they aren't good people because they have vaginas and half are prostitutes for the 5% of guys that look like me. At the same time, they call us all sluts while they have abortion after abortion. Whenever you wonder why something is a certain way, most of the time it's because humanity has gone all the way backwards and is currently getting prepare for the spiritual slaughterhouse.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
