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Aug 11, 2024
Do andrapod in our lives get WAYYYY stupider after we dedicate?

There’s this one andrapod in my life that I work with in my business, a Xian… he’s a good guy but unfortunately highly brainwashed by the Jewtrix especially by their bulwark Christianity.

I’ll preface this by saying I of course have not revealed anything to him about the truth about Satan or be me being a SS.

However I’ve told him somethings about Zionism & Jews & Hiter & things going on in politics etc all on a pretty sanitized & surface level & he’ll be interested & pay attention & ask questions but then a few days later me or my brother or one of my friends will make an “anti semetic” joke & there he goes

“HEYYYY you need to stop that! Not all Jews are like that… Blah Blah Blah”

& then he promptly forgets everything we’ve told him about the Jews etc

& the same goes for now Jew related topics where I’ll give him a long in depth explanation on a topic multiple times for example crypto has been a recent one & then a few days later he says something that indicates he hasn’t absorbed a single bit of the knowledge I’ve tried to share.

This phenomenon just started happening after I’ve dedicated although he doesn’t know anything about it.

A few weeks before my dedication I was going down the rabbit hole of studying about all the horrible thing Jews have done & how bad they are (That’s how I found the JOS) & I would make “anti semetic” jokes & he would laugh & join in & say FUCK THE JEWS but ever since my dedication it’s been a complete 180 in his behavior which is very strange.

Has anyone dealt with something like this before?

If so how should I handle it?

Ever since his outbursts of defense for the Jews I’ve just dropped the topic & everything related altogether, but his behavior is different even on the non Jew topics specifically a newly developed complete lack of information retention abilities about anything except the business (At least he’s focused & productive on that)
You caused this by saying these things which are not popularly accepted.

The fact that you must have accountability for your own words and know what to say and what not to say, does not mean other humans are andrapods or retarded. It means you are just stretching the limits of what you can say and clearly you say things that conflict with their reality.

Nobody even here said "ALL THE JUICE ARE THIS". We are not into extremes. We just mention a general situation and move on. This is nothing that should be conversed with regular joes who have no idea of what is even going on or who are corn fed NPC materials all their life.
Thank you for the feedback HPHC

I certainly have been steer clear of the Jew topic after the reactions he’s had recently

Something I find odd however is that he used to be just fine with Jew jokes a few months ago & then all of a sudden these same exact jokes don’t fly with him anymore

Furthermore on topics completely aside from the Jews I’ve noticed his behavior change sharply since after my dedication which he doesn’t even know about especially when it comes to understanding & applying advice I give him

Which has been on topics such as Crypto, Working out, & diet

Where I’ll tell him something, & he’s interested & listening & then completely forgets a few days later & then wants me to explain the exact same things to him again & again all while never acting on my advice

I’ve also noticed that this has caused negative psychic ties with me where I frequently feel annoyed & irritated at him for these behaviors & dwell on it

(I’ll do the necessary working(s) to deal with this)
After dedication, it oftentimes happens that you will be put in different situations by the Gods, so that you can learn and evolve. Pay attention to what this encounter had to teach you.

No one other than yourself can point out for sure what is the reason, but people can give you some ideas. Such as:

1. Just because someone does not agree with you, it does not mean they are "stupid", it just means it is not their time to understand what you tell them. Everyone has their own timing in the path, that is in accordance to the Will of the Gods. That person didn't have to agree with you, on the crypto part either.

2. From your disscutions, this person asked questions in order to know your exact views on politics and the world, considering you work on the same business. Through this, he got to know his work partner. And oftentimes, it is a good idea to listen more than you speak, so you can know what types of people you have around you. Or simply to keep the conversation going in an engaging way for the other participants, you ask questions regarding the subject the person is interested in. I do that often as well. That is the art of communication. You never know when you'll need it in your life.

3. Sometimes, it is good to not share your views with other people, especially when it comes to j3ws, as it might not end up well, and there can even be legal consequences as well depending on where you live.

And again:
After dedication, it oftentimes happens that you will be put in different situations by the Gods, so that you can learn and evolve. Pay attention to what this encounter had to teach you.

Hail Satan!
I swear NPCs have a reset switch in them. Worst part is most of them are decent people they are just blind or unable to see outside themselves. Its frustrating when you have to deal with certain people on regular basis struggling (even if they are your friends), so you go out of your way to help them. You have problem X because of your thinking. Here is the proof that thinking Y causes problem X. Get them to agree with whole heartily to make some changes and then a week later they go back to their old way of thinking or double down.

Talking about jews only works if you are funny or everyone thinks you are crazy or maybe a bit of both. Usually you can only bring the topic up when something happens politically. Kanye starts naming the jews and its an opening to talk about how the jews controlled the Atlantic slave trade, make a jew/kanye joke and then walk away. Steven Hawking wanting to watch midgets do math at Epsteins island: Jeffy Epstein worked for mossad using children to blackmail powerful/influencial people as part of isreali foreign policy and midget story is a misdirect. Make a few jokes and walk away. Even then talking about the jews is risky and takes a lot of finesse. There are openings for dropping red pills, there is a dangerous art to it. I would also avoid going from A directly to J. Build people up with smaller red pill such as banking and how inflation work.
Do andrapod in our lives get WAYYYY stupider after we dedicate?

There’s this one andrapod in my life that I work with in my business, a Xian… he’s a good guy but unfortunately highly brainwashed by the Jewtrix especially by their bulwark Christianity.

I’ll preface this by saying I of course have not revealed anything to him about the truth about Satan or be me being a SS.

However I’ve told him somethings about Zionism & Jews & Hiter & things going on in politics etc all on a pretty sanitized & surface level & he’ll be interested & pay attention & ask questions but then a few days later me or my brother or one of my friends will make an “anti semetic” joke & there he goes

“HEYYYY you need to stop that! Not all Jews are like that… Blah Blah Blah”

& then he promptly forgets everything we’ve told him about the Jews etc

& the same goes for now Jew related topics where I’ll give him a long in depth explanation on a topic multiple times for example crypto has been a recent one & then a few days later he says something that indicates he hasn’t absorbed a single bit of the knowledge I’ve tried to share.

This phenomenon just started happening after I’ve dedicated although he doesn’t know anything about it.

A few weeks before my dedication I was going down the rabbit hole of studying about all the horrible thing Jews have done & how bad they are (That’s how I found the JOS) & I would make “anti semetic” jokes & he would laugh & join in & say FUCK THE JEWS but ever since my dedication it’s been a complete 180 in his behavior which is very strange.

Has anyone dealt with something like this before?

If so how should I handle it?

Ever since his outbursts of defense for the Jews I’ve just dropped the topic & everything related altogether, but his behavior is different even on the non Jew topics specifically a newly developed complete lack of information retention abilities about anything except the business (At least he’s focused & productive on that)
Talking about jews to colleagues at work is an easy way to lose your job.
I learned it the hard way not to talk with people about jews and my opinion on them. Mostly because they don't care or they prefer being puppets

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
