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Is Elon actually a Jew slave or just a good politician?


Active member
Dec 12, 2023

Is Elon really a Jew slave? This seem's kinda based tbh.

Naturally if you're in his position it's the most logical tactical choice to "appear" to defer to Jew's when you haven't got a literal army behind you - he'd be killed or ruined otherwise.

As a by-proxy-politician you have to make certain concession's, and Hitler did the same with appearing to support Christianity.

Are we certain he's actually Jewish, or just a good politician?

Who perhaps isn't on our side, but at least isn't against us?

I'd do the same thing in his position even if I was called a Jew-slave for it - the result's are what matter.

It provides the optimal vantage point to wreak as much damage as possible on to the Jew's without putting a target on your own back.

No one to microchip you when you're the guy in control of the tech.

That being said, I don't know shit else about the guy, so if someone could explain why he's a kike that would be nice.
Elon has claimed to help humanity and he has brought attention to problems other people wouldn't touch, not even Trump, like birth rates for example. I do think he is trying to help humanity imo, although there are some signs he might be bad.

Again he might just be human with good and bad ideas. A jew wouldn't do what he did.

There are mainly 2 types of jews:

1) Feral jews: these just care about money and being degenerate, aren't aware of the bigger picture but still doing damage, they're on a lower level
2) Subversive jews: Know exactly what they're doing and executing their plans with calculation

Elon is neither of those. I do think he is genuinely trying to help, just in a tainted vision way. He's pissed off the jewish establishment enough to the point they write daily hitpieces on him. Jews are also divided into globalist/zionist factions, some factions work together, others oppose each other. Soros for example is hated in Israel. Jews mainly unite when they're called out directly. Elements of jewish power, mainly the zionists, support the MAGA faction which Elon is now officially part of as they think it'll be good for Israel. The globalist faction though despises him as they want total technocratic control over everything and Elon stands in the way of that.
If he wasn't a jew (racial or not It really doesn't make a difference, still a son of Israel if you work for them) you would not hear his opinion on TV every day. Not only that, he's a complete sociopath and his basement looks like a horror movie. You can ignore the second part of you want!

Is Elon really a Jew slave? This seem's kinda based tbh.

Naturally if you're in his position it's the most logical tactical choice to "appear" to defer to Jew's when you haven't got a literal army behind you - he'd be killed or ruined otherwise.

As a by-proxy-politician you have to make certain concession's, and Hitler did the same with appearing to support Christianity.

Are we certain he's actually Jewish, or just a good politician?

Who perhaps isn't on our side, but at least isn't against us?

I'd do the same thing in his position even if I was called a Jew-slave for it - the result's are what matter.

It provides the optimal vantage point to wreak as much damage as possible on to the Jew's without putting a target on your own back.

No one to microchip you when you're the guy in control of the tech.

That being said, I don't know shit else about the guy, so if someone could explain why he's a kike that would be nice.
It's actually pretty simple, Israel wants to chip you like a cow, but she needs your consent. So she uses a somewhat charismatic (?) useful cunt like Musk to make It sound like a positive and rational thing to do. He has no real freedom or power, don't believe the "news"..
I don't think this man-child has enough power to think that far and plan such a thing out.

Have you seen the way he embarrasses himself almost daily?
My opinion on this guy, along with many others like him that somehow opposes the jews, is that for now, until a trustworthy famous person who is aligned with the Gods appears, this is what we have, and I think the Gods are directing him, along with others, into doing decisions that are good for Gentiles. He said he supports Israel, but a super famous person like him must do it, or else they will criticize him and make him lose power, sue him etc. therefore we don't know if he really supports Israel and the Jews.
Elon has claimed to help humanity and he has brought attention to problems other people wouldn't touch, not even Trump, like birth rates for example. I do think he is trying to help humanity imo, although there are some signs he might be bad.

Again he might just be human with good and bad ideas. A jew wouldn't do what he did.

There are mainly 2 types of jews:

1) Feral jews: these just care about money and being degenerate, aren't aware of the bigger picture but still doing damage, they're on a lower level
2) Subversive jews: Know exactly what they're doing and executing their plans with calculation

Elon is neither of those. I do think he is genuinely trying to help, just in a tainted vision way. He's pissed off the jewish establishment enough to the point they write daily hitpieces on him. Jews are also divided into globalist/zionist factions, some factions work together, others oppose each other. Soros for example is hated in Israel. Jews mainly unite when they're called out directly. Elements of jewish power, mainly the zionists, support the MAGA faction which Elon is now officially part of as they think it'll be good for Israel. The globalist faction though despises him as they want total technocratic control over everything and Elon stands in the way of that.

Considering that he is supporting an initiative that would bring cheap engineers from India into America only to not pay actual citizens living wages, I doubt that he's trying to help. He only cares about himself and whether he will have enough slaves to offer cheap labour moving on - like all of the rich.
He's autistic. Autists often embarrass themselves since their social intelligence is very low, even after they train to "mask", they slip up often. Their attention to detail is remarkable though.
The thing about autism is you get amped up and then crash. There is a lot going on for the guy even if he is a puppet. The autistic brain takes in a lot of information for months or years at a time, then every once and awhile it tries to get that information out. It comes out all jumbled up for normal people. The autistic brain is suppose to keep track of what society is doing and has been up to. Normal people brains are meant to keep society chugging along, with work, family, normal activities, etc. Normal people rely on (((experts))) plus group consensus for information. The ADHD brain jumps around a lot until something happens then they become hyper focused. ADHD brains are good in high stress emergency situations. Special forces and fighter pilots anything stressful.

The way evolution works is just before or after major events (such as war). A bunch of autistic/ADHD brain people are born. We understand this a little different through reincarnation and astrology. Using mainstream science. The way its suppose to work is the autistic people figure out and keep track oft what is going on then pass that information to the ADHD people when SHTF. Then the ADHD people take action. With all the pharmaceutical drugs and the way society is setup this process has been broken. This isn't really taught, there are research papers on the topic. Elon needs to surround himself with AHDH people and get a normal person controlling or at minimum filtering his social media.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
