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Improving As A Man

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Now that we have a HPS for our women, it's also important for me to go over some men-specific subjects that are very important.

Overall, it's common to be asked in regards to how one can become a better man. The situation is that as men, we have a lot of issues we have to face, including irrelevance, having to fight to better our position instead of "attracting" our way into it, and so on. This "fight" is this situation where we must also combat ourselves from numerous things such as avarice, foolishness, addiction and so on.

The moment a person does sever themselves from a larger purpose, the understanding of a common purpose, the Gods, and one's true self integrity, the roadway to destruction lays wide open for any man. It is naturally designed to be that way, so as many people who ask "Why are men like this today", the answer is because none of the above truly or viably exists in this world.

In order to maintain a honorable momentum, one must hold strongly into them the above virtues, or they will be eaten by the lesser factors in existence. To have this, there must be a formal culture or other higher understanding that one must apply to keep one's self together until one becomes a better man. That's Spiritual Satanism in a nutshell.

Disconnection from these higher things, results essentially in yet another worthless man who walks around and is nothing but yet another animal seeking to strike another animal, without any form of purpose, or need to even evolve. The most basic instincts that prevail, torment the person having them in a never ending need of a futile circle, where one is an animal that is only fit for subjugation, and one is already enslaved to many things more, such as passions, ignorance and darkness of mind and spirit.

These above factors provide nothing to you, if not even temporal "pleasure" but they rob from you all fundamentally real sense of success or true feeling of establishment in existence. In order for one to finally transform, it is sensible that one must start putting on the side all sorts of things that don't reflect the best version of one's self.

As Spiritual Satanistm gives all these tools for someone to do this, if one is not doing this, one cannot sit there all day and whine and complain to anyone else but one's self. Sure, there are certain things you are not responsible for in this life, but if you look at what you ARE responsible for and what your CAN improve, you will likely notice that a lot of things you are not doing at all.

Self honesty is very important here, not with the intent of breaking up your mind and spirit, but just a proper self recognition.

One major key that can help someone grow higher than themselves is to have a larger, more important thing than themselves in mind. For example, the community or the Gods. Living through this, one will become a master over persona misery, fear, smallness, and over many other problems that plague everybody else. These problems don't disappear entirely, but they are greatly minimized through this.

Over the years there have been many times where I thought I was at my "limits". Then everytime I realized that there were no real limits, because "my" limit was essentially the limit of our common goals, not myself. That here is not a recipe to live without balance, it's just to show us the power of brotherhood and belief. We "ourselves" can only do so much.

Looking back, it's because of serious incentives to grow things for this community that I have overcome myself, with "myself" coming on the last wagon of the importance as to why.

Ourselves are very important, but if one is looking to become a higher version of this so called "self", then we must look inwards to find the larger purposes of existence, rather than the small ones.

Further, there are also these delusional people [the more worthless one is, the more these delusions persist] that they are wholly perfect and whole right now, and that the world merely owes you something because you exist. That state of falsehood comes with a thousand faces, including thinking one knows about things one does not know, thinking the world is always "wrong", and that you are always "right", imbuing yourself with a state of comfortable denial. That must be banished from one's mind to evolve as a man. You haven't grown into manhood yet if you have this mentality.

Life will shake you out of this via either brutal force, or if you are sheltered enough, you will unfortunately squander all your potential in this land of delusion such as is the case for many Western men right now dying in their comforts.

Speaking of being a man we also have to be aware of our mistakes and accept them. Having a high amount of responsibilities, is where we are most severely tested, and this is where the real essence of being a man comes into materialization. If you have no responsibility or you squander it like a fool, that is the quick recipe to degenerate as a man.

Don't think I am speaking here from a standpoint of a "perfect" person, as I am certainly in a constantly evolving trajectory like other men here. Maybe responsibilities, forces of life, fateful events, or capacities, have shaped certain things differently for me, but overall, we all have our unique but similar path to walk on. We are all confronted with similar challenges. I am no stranger to any of them.

Of course I am not without my share of critics or places to improve, to whom I try to do my best even for them, to improve myself. I consider myself fully responsible to become better for all of you, consistently. It's not easy, and I would invite also others to wear the biggest shoes they can wear for themselves, inspiring us all to do bigger miles.

As these are very large topics, one can easily go up here in this topic and clearly find a few places where work is required. Nowadays there are many "male gurus" out there who preach "masculinity", it is important to understand that as Spiritual Satanists we can also work on the dimension these people cannot work on, which is the internal aspect of consciousness, which is the real source of all power inside.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this Sermon!
That we have a feminine HPS for the more emotional and nurturing needs of people, and also a very masculine High Priest that gets things done and shows men the right path, is an evidence that the Joy of Satan is the real deal.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This sermon has arrived at the best possible time for me, thanks a lot. I've always thought that the fight you speak of is what makes one stronger at the end of the day. If we could attract everything there would be no point in striving, there would be no pursuit whatsoever, and in truth, what makes a man is his willingness to pursue, to dare and grasp what he wants out of this world. I may not be burdened with very heavy responsibilities right now, as I'm still young, but my mental space has been unkept for far too long, and only after dedicating and meditating I realize the amount of work I have to do. Past addictions, excuses, toxic people, they all left a burden on my mind, and sometimes I falter. Last week has been tough, which is why this sermon hits pretty close to home. Thank you again, HP Hooded Cobra. I will try my best, if not for me, at least to honour your words. May we all be blessed, and Hail Satan!

thank you.
Thank you for this post High Priest Hooded Cobra. :)
I am very appreciative of the JOS and what it has done for me.

I am a young guy and I have found that most of my biggest obstacles come from removing myself from material comforts. Speaking from personal experience video games, comforts, and modern technology really retard the mind and soul.
Plants need water, but if you give some plants too much then their roots will begin to rot.

Fortunately after being in Satanism for several months now I have begun to overcome many of them.
As I finish my education and stabalize my life I am going to shift focus to helping out Satan and our comrades. I don't know how many years it will take, but I will become useful to Satan and the JOS. Hail to the gods of Hell. :twisted:
I adore this message.

I see it also stemming from being a warrior in essence, which is something that is already by default understood of course.. and being a warrior is not necessarily a constant state of acting upon a war, against another or anything else but an essence of "being brave", as stated on our Ethics page, and being brave is far away from "arrogance" and "aggression", which these themselves put obstacles in the act of improvement in itself. Arrogance creates confusion and lesser thought, as it comes from a place of "not understanding" and being lower, and "Aggression" in its definition creates problems and obstacles by at least not harmonizing, in itself or as a whole (collective as stated in this sermon) towards a solution, rarely aggression being a solution. Because in this train of thought there is also the concept of being a warrior in wisdom and to deploy principles of enlightenments within all of these facets of life, based on basic goodness, that must be found, obligatory by all men.

In this, a principle can be to also not be afraid of who you are, as in aim to be honest as stated, and then able to understand and shape. If you are afraid of yourself , you won't be able to improve and stay idle in confusion and fear. Warrior essence is about active applied principle of "fearlessness", exactly because we have to improve, otherwise we are empty.

Then from the inner cosmos, this is mirrored, and is the same fiber outside of us, the world. So are we afraid of the world, at least some things in it?

They are inside of us as well, then and for sure, and then we must not be afraid of ourselves, meaning the act of warriorship must take place and improvement is an absolute necessity not only for survival here, but to reach higher as well.

If you are afraid you become selfish, even in hiding valences, you create apathy and entropy for a sake of an instinctual habit trait, which again here is a key. It is cowardly to ignore the reality of fear, which exists for all.

Rather acknowledging this is a brave step towards illumination of this, as in the experience of something we can improve. Life of a man if then being "very bad and of sadness", then this experience must be lived and improved outside of this, and this is the essence. All of us have something to experience and overcome here, and it is necessary, otherwise our consciousness cannot level up or know more than applied ignorance in cowardice emotions.

Overcoming arrogance, and overcoming habitual patterns within us. After all the layers of a man is shown, the basic vector in itself is a form of harmony, that is positive and good in itself, natural and of the Gods. Based on this we have to find it and then use it and build it. The jews cannot do this, as their base is non existent as good, but evil. Therefore, a gentile man must seek the good, advancing, accepting hierarchical reality, activate and search in this world, and all bases itself on the life boat saver: being a warrior.
Thank you for another excellent sermon, HPHC, hail and praised be to you, we the soldiers of Satan, and Satan and all the Powers of hell for all eternity!
(Ordered thusly for rhyming lol)
Inventor_Occulti_Fati said:
Thank you for this post High Priest Hooded Cobra. :)
I am very appreciative of the JOS and what it has done for me.

I am a young guy and I have found that most of my biggest obstacles come from removing myself from material comforts. Speaking from personal experience video games, comforts, and modern technology really retard the mind and soul.
Plants need water, but if you give some plants too much then their roots will begin to rot.

Fortunately after being in Satanism for several months now I have begun to overcome many of them.
As I finish my education and stabalize my life I am going to shift focus to helping out Satan and our comrades. I don't know how many years it will take, but I will become useful to Satan and the JOS. Hail to the gods of Hell. :twisted:

If you desire to be useful acting in the RTR programs and doing daily Final RTR is always a great option.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ourselves are very important, but if one is looking to become a higher version of this so called "self", then we must look inwards to find the larger purposes of existence, rather than the small ones.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This got to me, and not only do I want to have one goal, I would like to achieve multiple, I want to become something greater, someone a lot more useful than just an artist, where he can work in tech fields to ensure this kali yuga never happens again, well look at why I'm doing everything I've been doing now, the image I'm making myself and most of all the height I've climbed from being a depressed wreck who's at least becoming more confident about himself but needs this balanced haha.
It's definitely not easy considering a lot of us were never taught what it means to actually be a man. Except for pseudo-masculinity advice.

Thx for posting this HP!
Thank you for this sermon High Priest.

In my own life, you have been the best example to look up to and learn from what it means to be a man and grow into proper manhood, for which I am eternally grateful to learn from you.

Excellent sermon.
My father was a very strong man (inner strength and physical), and had wisdom and intuition. Because of him, I always had a natural respect for men. It's sad that many men these days are lost, or think that being a real man is about being a steroid brute.
Thank you for this sermon. Though i'm female your sermon hold excellent wisdom for both and thats part of what makes you a wonderful HP. Thank you.

Hail Father Satan.
I am on this path of self improvement at the moment. It's not easy it hurts to face ones self and one problem head on VERY HARD na sometimes even to painful to bear but im striving to overcome them. It's all i can do i cannot immediately just fix something within it takes time and a strong mind.
The rtrs forces me to face these problems because i want nothing in this world more than the enemy dead so I'm forced to better myself and make strong what is weak.
Thank you HP you a good man Charlie Brown :)
As a 42 year old man, I am still utilizing great advice like the amazing information in this article. Thank you Brother, please keep up the Good Work!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Cobra you mentioned a while ago.
Considering the current crisis of failed masculinity.
We should have no fear in embracing our True Masculinity.

I have thought on this almost everyday.
I have considered asking you to elaborate.

Over the past year, just keeping this on my mind.
I used to constantly struggle, seeing other men, thinking they looked "older, bigger, stronger, better, cool beard"

Now I see myself following in the path of Arnold Schwarz,
Sure Ill never be no Body Building prodigy.

I do not look at other men the same anymore.

Now I think, what is their successes, and how can I embrace the culture of True Masculinity I see within my own Community. How can I put our SS Culture on a Pedestal for all my Community to see.

I also see now, the infinite potential innate within a Man, how much moreso can there be in a Family, within a Community.
Thank you HP.
No much words but great gratitude at heart.
Thank you for this Excellent Sermon HPHC!
Hail Father Satan Forever!
Thank you Hp, the sermon came at the right time for me as i am going through challenges. Thanks for your words of wisdom
This your sermon as every other your manful sermon is forever engraved into my soul. Women or men, we choose for ourselves what way to follow. A lot of people of every sex throughout the world choose Lord Baalzebul and Lord Andras as their ultimate role models, and whether we like it or not this is just one's choice of their own path. My choice is to follow this way you lead, and I see you as complete ideal at least from the standpoint of mine. You are a Star of the higher skies for me I gaze through telescope on, and the fact that there are Gods who are these Stars for you, does not change the fact that for me those like you are Stars as well illuminating the ocean to follow them.

Thank you for illuminating the path!

I'm trying to beat all my foolishnes and addictions right now.

Hail Satan
Very Deep and Introspective angle . Thank you for this sermon!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you! This is a very good and important sermon!
I really like this post, everything you said makes perfect sense! :)

Congratulations! :)
Bravera said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Cobra you mentioned a while ago.
Considering the current crisis of failed masculinity.
We should have no fear in embracing our True Masculinity.

I have thought on this almost everyday.
I have considered asking you to elaborate.

Over the past year, just keeping this on my mind.
I used to constantly struggle, seeing other men, thinking they looked "older, bigger, stronger, better, cool beard"

Now I see myself following in the path of Arnold Schwarz,
Sure Ill never be no Body Building prodigy.

I do not look at other men the same anymore.

Now I think, what is their successes, and how can I embrace the culture of True Masculinity I see within my own Community. How can I put our SS Culture on a Pedestal for all my Community to see.

I also see now, the infinite potential innate within a Man, how much moreso can there be in a Family, within a Community.
Your problem is you compare yourself to others.
Bravera said:

It doesn't matter how big your beard is, how much you can lift, how tall you are or how deep your voice is.

What makes you a man is not how you look, but how you act and what you do.
Thanks HPHC I needed this wake up call, long times of stress almost trapped me clinging to comfort. I definitely needed to hear this part of reality to avoid being a victim


I'm gonna write that down in my notebook, because it really moved me.

What does being SS mean to you?

Thank you for being here, Commander. It means a lot to all of us.

I had a dream recently, about a week ago.

I was walking in the woods and I saw this huge spacecraft. It just caught my eye. I followed them. It was really big. I would say 50 to 60 meters.

They were stealing something. They took a giant power station and disappeared. I saw two more after it. They seemed to be about the same size. The 2nd one took a power station more and disappeared.

3. I felt the ship spot me. My whole aura rippled. I started running.
Faster than a human. I could never run that fast in real life.

Strangely, I went into my house in the forest, and I saw blue flames. My whole house was blue. I saw a sigil. It was like the sigil of Lord Satan. But I don't remember exactly.

And then I woke up. I still remember that moment. When I was running, all my senses were very clear, it was like I could see and hear everything.

But I wasn't scared. I think those blue flames made me feel a little bit safe.
VoiceofEnki said:
Bravera said:

It doesn't matter how big your beard is, how much you can lift, how tall you are or how deep your voice is.

What makes you a man is not how you look, but how you act and what you do.

Agreed. Looks are just a consequence of taking proper care of your body. Certainly, looking like Arnold is not very wise in the path of Satanism :lol:
Tell me about it... Been doing terrible that past 5-6 months, am starting to get back on my feet.

Being 35 all I can say is neglecting responsibilities and facing your challenges is really challenging in your road of getting better and stronger. Also putting the blame on others or outside of self while you could "man up" and face the consquences of your actions, recognizing your mistakes and trying to learn from them.
VoiceofEnki said:
Bravera said:

It doesn't matter how big your beard is, how much you can lift, how tall you are or how deep your voice is.

What makes you a man is not how you look, but how you act and what you do.

Exactly, and I would like to add, the NPCs consider themselves a man just because they are hetero, if that were true, the Jewish scum would have been condemned a long time ago

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
