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Cosmic War And Planet Yahweh

The Jewish leadership state in their texts that their "god" didn't create this world. They also state there was the pre-Adamic civilization and races on this earth. Adam is the Jewish race in their texts. The Jewish Midrashic texts state their "god" destroyed worlds before this one the Bible and the Greeks stated there are other worlds with humans on them. That "god" destroyed worlds what this means in the context of their writings is that the previous world civilization on this planet the Pre-Adamic one was destroyed by their "god" and that the story of Creation in Genesis describes this planet was desolated by their "God" then "god" put Adam on this earth to create the new world the Rabbi's state this is contained as a secret in their hidden teachings. The seven days of creation they state are allegories each day is one thousands years to their "god". The Jewish Rabbi's state as its stated in the Torah that "god" has encircled this world in spiritual darkness. Torah..... Ra means darkness in Judaism. The Rabbi's state their mission from "god" is to create the new world which is a six thousand year warfare program to use occult power and political control to bring about the Messiah which is when the world will be conquered and turned into a slave world for their "god". This is the fulfilment of the Torah. The Rabbi's state the Torah is nothing more then a method of "god" to shape the new world. They state the world was energy, consciousness before it became physical. This is describing how the Torah works as energy to manifest the new world they want. There is also the secret Torah the oral one which is taught from the leadership to qualified Rabbi's only. Its the Jewish occult knowledge.

The Torah states that "god" destroyed the world in a flood. This flood destroyed the Pre-Adamic civilization or world. This is also the other meaning of how their "god" destroyed other worlds. This flood happened when the planet between Mars and Jupiter, Phaeton was destroyed it was a water planet. This world was hit with the fall out from this including massive continent sized ice melting as it came down thought the atmosphere and flooding the world in a night and a day as the ancients stated. This desolated this world totally and remade the surface of the earth. Mars also was destroyed the surface of Mar's has artificial structures on it and its surface is covering with impact zones of nuclear style blasts, same with the one moon around Mars and the earth's moon. Our world also has ancient radiation zones on it which are nuclear blast zones from thousands of years ago form around this time. Remember the Jews created nuclear weapons in our time and Jewish Oppenheimer bragged they had nuclear weapons in the ancient world. The Jews that ran Truman's administration [which Truman rallied against in the found missing pages of his diary] used nuclear weapons on Japan after they already surrendered "god" destroys worlds.

The Gentile texts that have survived state this solar system was attacked by the anti-Gods or the evil-Gods around ten thousand years ago. We can now note who the evil-gods were. The Reptilian Extra Terrestrials who's race is called "Yahweh".

The Jewish Rabbi's, the leadership level ones like Laitman stated that the Jewish race came from another world to take the shape of the people of this world and conqueror us humans from within. The Rabbi's state that Adam came to this planet from outside this world, literally. The Rabbi's highest teachings for the top Jews the Merkaba teachings are based on teaching meditation techniques to allow the Rabbi's to become pure mediums who can both telepathically communicate with and see their "god" and astrally project to the realm of their "god". These Rabbi's state their "god" is a hive mind of literal Reptilian aliens they call the Seraphim and the Heavenly Metatron. The Merkaba teachings are so important to the leadership caste of the Jews one must already be tested by the Rabbi's to show they already have their psychic abilities open. Before they even will be considered. This allows the leadership to communicate with and take orders from their reptilian "god" directly to steer things on earth. The Rabbi's also state every Jew is connected into the hive mind or collective soul of the reptilian hive mind and racial consciousness. Laitman's statements on the Jew has taken the shape of the humans of this world. Is the Jews are a hybrid race they have a reptilian gene the Cohen gene and a reptilian alien soul.

The Rabbi's also state they have an alien racial soul and their religious system at the top is build around this fact.

The Rabbi's at the top are trained in another branch of the secret Torah which they refer to the knowledge of Black Magic they are adepts in it. They also call part of this "The teachings of forbidden sexual practices" because these practices relates to the knowledge of the Pre-Adamic civilization of what they call the "Strange Gods" this is there term for the Pagan Gods and the Gentiles. They brag they have all this knowledge at the top. But they state that Jews are forbidden from Pagan or Gentile Gods or magical systems because the energies of the Jewish magical system and Gentile one are not to mix as they are total opposites and the Gentile system is toxic to them on the soul level and to their Metatron. This is what they mean by sexual practices the mixing of energies. They also mean not allowing their own at the top to racially mix with the Gentiles and mix the soul template. They warn against this and call the mixed multitude a curse on the Jews who reincarnate into the Jewish race and cause them problems. The Rabbi's at the top are trained to recognized these forbidden magical practices and knowledge so they can attempt to counteract it with their black magic and the Rabbinical courts could then direct, arrest and execute any Jews practicing Gentile mixed practices in Israel. The prohibitions against magic in the Torah are against any Gentile systems only. The Jewish leadership are all trained black magicians and adepts in the Jewish occult teachings of the secret Torah. This is because the energies of the Jewish soul and Metatron are alien to the Gentile soul. Our magical systems are connected to our soul just as the Jewish one is a manifestation of theirs. Our spiritual systems and magic is totally toxic to them. Hence they also work to remove them for society as part of their Noahide laws any Gentiles practicing our spiritual knowledge is to be executed.

The text of Rabbi Yehuda from the ninth century that repeat much older Jewish texts are still mentioned by high ranking Rabbi's today state the "Fallen Angels" were actual physical flesh and blood beings with superhuman spiritual abilities. And they created a Human race on earth. The Rabbi's also admit some of the advanced races to have been on this earth came from the galaxy of ORION. Nephilim means "The Sons of Orion".

Note its well documented the Jewish "Fallen Angels" are stolen and corrupted or in layman terms a Jewed historical account of the God Enki and the 50 other Gods or Sages that came to earth from Orion. The Jews state Gentiles are from a Satanic blood line which Satan is the physical leader of a race of physical extra terrestrial Gods that fathered Gentiles. Satan is the ancient Sanskrit name for the head God of the Gentiles its means The Highest God and Sat, King, An, God. The Sumerian's called the King of the Nordic Gods Satan as did the Persians, Hindu's, Egyptians and others. Satan and the Demons are the Gods of the pre-Adamic, golden age human civilization. Many of the Demons are physical humans who ascended with the teachings of the Magnum Opus in the Golden Age.

The Rabbi's state Pre-Adamic humans had superconsciousness and powerful spiritual abilities and universal spiritual knowledge and practice and literal physical immortality. And that the Jewish "god" removed this and shrunk their consciousness down to where it is today. This is related to the spiritual darkness the Jews have enveloped the planet in with the Torah field of energy. Its a binding spell on the world and the Goyim. This is the purpose of Christianity and Islam its the spell of the Torah to bind the planet with. The Sumerian pre flood histories mention Pagan Emperor's reigning for hundreds of thousands of years straight before just retiring and handing the office over not dying or growing old. The histories of the ancients state civilization of the Pre-Adamic world going back almost half a million years and other texts mention in the east important dates that Shiva [Satan] visiting earth to give teachings around eighty thousand years ago. That is just one visit date.

The Mayan civilization is revealing if one studies their histories they are now able to translate as they have a greater knowledge of the Mayan language. Originally the Mayans had the religion of the Nordic Gods.

The Mayan's were taken over by coup from the inside and foreigners those not of Mayan royal blood came to power. They called this king literally "curled nose" like super hooked nose. This new cabal then waged war and conquered the Mayan empire from within. They ruled for centuries and imposed a new religious cult on the empire, till they were driven back but after a series of wars this cabal came back to power. We note the same with Egypt and Akhenaton whom the Jews claim they are descended from. The Mayan empire was huge and its influence extended into North America as well. The native tribe who descend from the Mayan had a religion found amongst no other native nations in the America's. They followed a new god called.....Yahweh who's name they couldn't speak in public, they had a system of rituals only found in Judaism such as The festival of booths, they believed the world was created in seven days by Yahweh who they DESCENDED from and they had other teachings only found in Judaism they also mentioned interaction with reptilian aliens. There is also a steele of a Mayan priest wearing the Jewish Phylactery on the head and arm and its wrapped the same way the Jews do theirs. The Mayan language had words introduced into it that are Hebrew as well. The Mayan's also called this new "god" YAO another name of Yahweh in Hebrew. This new religion they had imposed on them has theme's only found in the Jewish Torah stating the humans were put on earth to be slaves to these new "gods". The Jews have a belief their ancestors lived in the ancient America's and they have also found ancient Hebrew inscriptions of the Ten Commandments found in burial mounds. And other ancient inscriptions in ancient Hebrew from the area's the Mayan descended tribal regions.

We can still note what happened.

"They tell how Quetzlcoatl departed. It was when he refused to obey the sorcerers about making the human payment, about sacrificing humans. Then the sorcers deliberated among themselves, they whose names were Tezcatlipoca, Ihuimetcatl, and Toltecatl. They said, "He must leave his city. We shall live there."

Codex Chimalpopoca of the Aztecs.

From the Aztec codex Chimalpopoca: "The Toltecs were engaged in battle at a place called Netalpan. And when they had taken captives, human sacrifice also got started as Toltecs sacrificed their prisoners. Among them and in their midst the evil YAOtl followed along. Right on the spot he kept inciting them to make human sacrifices. And then, too, he started and began the practice of flaying humans...Then he made one of the Toltecs named Ziuhcozcatl wear the skin and he was the first to wear a Toltec skin. Indeed, every kind of human sacrifice that there used to be got stared then. For it is told and related that during the and under his authority, the first Quetzalcoatl, whose name was Ce Acatl, absolutely refused to perform human sacrifice. It was precisely when Huemac was ruler that all those things that used to be done got stared. Huemas sacrificed a human streamer, thus making payment."

The original culture the Gods installed in South America banned all blood sacrifices. And only stated fruits and flowers this is the same custom that was offered to the Gods in Hinduism as well if one studies. The later animal sacrifices are deviations from this. We see this again right in the Jews Bible the Pagan God Baal refuses the blood sacrifice of animals but Yahweh accepts. Cain offering of fruits and plants was refused by Yahweh but Abel's offering of blood and animals was accepted by Yahweh. In the Torah Abraham tells his fellow Jews not to offer the animal sacrifices in Egypt. As the Egyptians will punish them drastically for this is a serious offense to them.

What is noted is the change in the religion here the language becomes the exact same one finds in the Jewish Torah that of making payments in blood sacrifices to Yao whom the Mayan also called Yahweh and the concept of debt payments as blood sacrifice this is the language only found elsewhere in the Jewish Torah which forms the Christian Bible. The blood sacrifices of the new cult of Yao was massive hundreds of thousands were murdered every year. And they were done along powerful lay line positions to influence the energy grid around our planet.

From the Popol Vuh:

"It has turned out well, your lordships, and this is her heart. It's in the bowl."

"Very well. So I'll look." said One Death, and when he lifted it up with his fingers, its surface was soaked with gore, its surface glistened red with blood.

"Good. Sir up the fire, put it over the fire, said One Death. After that they dried it over the fire, and the Xibalbans savored the aroma. They all ended up standing here, they leaned over it intently. They found the smoke of the blood to be truly sweet.!"

In the Jewish Torah in the book of Genesis:
And Noah built an alter unto the Lord: and took of every Clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord SMELLED A SWEET SAVOR."

Note the Popol Vuh:

"And this is the sacrifice of little Huanhpu by Xiblanque. One by one his legs, his arms were spread wide. His head came off, rolled far away outside. His heart, dug out, was smothered in a leaf, and all the Xibalbans went crazy at the site."

These new Gods are feeding on the energy of humans. They literally went crazy with delight and ecstasy from feeding on this death energy. Note these new Gods are even called "Deaths" and referred by numbers as they are a hive such as "One Death."

The ancient South American's all mentioned the racial traits of the original Gods as being Nordic when the Spanish arrived they thought Quetzlcoatl had returned. And the same cultures recorded the physical appearance of the new Gods Huemac imposed on them and chased out the previous religion of the old Gods.

We still have the images of what the Mayan's literally called Yahweh and Yao [another name for Yahweh] from their Temples and sacred sites.... Remember the Rabbi's at the top level of Judaism state their "god" is collective hive mind of reptilian aliens.....





The Grid Of The Gods, Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart
Cosmic War, Farrell
Magician's Of The God's, Hancock.
Guys meditate daily the enemy knows how dangerous this is to them and they have worked to remove this knowledge and attempt to curse all Gentiles with their Torah form being able to ascend by meditation and to have their life destroyed.

Our Gods want us to meditate daily and they work with us. The LEAERSHIP OF THE JEWS ALL MEDITATE DAILY FOR HOURS....And their shit false gods work with them as well.
Yes, the "Spanish" conquerors arrived to America and there is a new article found in Spanish websites where they detail how Christopher Columbus was a Jew together his comrades.

Also, it is revealed that Christopher Columbus was not financed by the Spanish Kings but by Jews(Luis de Santángel and Gabriel Sánchez)

If you wish a full translation made by me then you can use this translation for your future sermons.I found the article in a Judeo-Spanish website.
Mars' atmosphere was blasted away
Its core ceased churning
And its moons drifted astray
Jewish NASA hides ancient pyramids on Mars
The asteroid belt was planet Phaeton
Of the Gentile god of creation Satan
Frozen debris fell from the heavens
Flooding Atlantis and Mu in the oceans
To the pointless complainer who was crying about how they apparently did hours of meditation but now they can't cause whatever people near them...….. Its like you just can't do pranayama as your main practice..... But I am supposed to believe you really spent hours before but couldn't figure that out. Think about that before you want to carry on in such a strange and meaningless rude way.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
