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Important Easter Week

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I always use https://www.lunarium.co.uk/planets/hours.jsp
Be sure if you use this site to update it to your location or the closest you can get to it as it’s already automatically on London every time I have used it in a new device so what is shown at first isn’t accurate.

The other things are fine but not everyone is able to use Chronos XP on a mobile device I don’t think.
I used to do 1-2 full Final RTRs a day, but these days I've pushed myself to exert maximum strength for important times like these, and discovered that I can at least quadruple that amount. I managed to do 8 yesterday, and 7 today. It motivated me more than it tired me, though I did sleep 1-2 hours longer than usual. I intend to keep performing the Final RTR at similar numbers even after this week ends.

For me, my throat dries out relatively quick. After every Final RTR, I have to drink water and gargle to remedy the sting in the back of my throat. This dryness can and has screwed with rune or mantra repetitions, too, so I tend to keep about 30 minutes between each Final RTR to rest. Sometimes, this happens during RTRs; my eye starts to twitch, and speaking the letters begin to feel like that lump in your throat when you had been sobbing from crying. I feel fine after drinking water and about half an hour, though.

At my current level, I'm not yet able to perform several Final RTRs after one another in a single sitting, but I'm giving it my all with the plethora of time I have throughout the day. I encourage everyone to give it their best, but to pace yourself in whatever way suits you most realistically and comfortably.

I was actually among the people Ghost in the Machine referred to in another thread (https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=37575), about the type who possess much free time for RTRs, but instead decide to play games for 8 hours. Reading his post and that of the others is what has pushed me to use everything I got now. Thanks, Goblin Slayer.

Everyone who may still feel stuck to distracting habits, please realize that games and other distractions can severely hold you back from performing as much as you're truly capable of. You got more in you than you might think. I'm directing this mainly to the people who have the time but not the will to RTR because they'd rather x as RTRs and meditation can feel like chores.

Though, I must say, I haven't gotten the time to draw or study my personal fields of interest due to the amount of spiritual work this particular week has required of me so far. But I like to believe that SS duty takes precedence, especially for the time being.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
What about the case of physical strain? 18 full RTRs is where my lips start to grow numb and I fumble to the vibrations, and even though I stay as relaxed as I can the muscles around my core and ribs will start to ache, even when I space these out through my day as best I can, and I keep water with me but my throat will still grow sore and scratchy, again slightly hindering the vibrations. Am I allowed to keep going or should that be where I stop?

Will these physical things like fumbling the words a bit make doing the RTR less effective in that is it even worth continuing like that after such a point? Or is it okay for me to keep going so long as I'm able to manage the most part? Or perhaps there's some kind of alternative in this case?

I'm always fine again the next day to repeat the 18 again so it's nothing permanent as far as I can tell, I'm just wondering about in a single day. I'm too stubborn to tell if there's a real limit and if maybe I'm overdoing it.

Brooooo 18 FULL RTRs thats crazy how the hell :eek: ... you should probably not do anymore than that . I knew you were a UNIT but i didn't know your an actual Goblin Slayer :lol: :lol: :cool:

I find chamomile tea helps with the scratchiness and soreness of the throat but please take breaks occasionally or split it up throughout the day. its not good for you to be sitting in a chair for 4 hours straight while saying like what... over 4 times the amount of words a person says a day on average? Strain on the vocal cords can cause long term or permanent damage that can require surgery if serious enough.

Keep water ( and if for longer sessions preferably tea. It will not exactly heal your throat but it will help with the pain. ) nearby

Don't go 1500+ words without a break. It seems like a lot but when youre doing the RTR for extended periods of time it adds up quite quickly. If you're sore consider doing some quick stretches, leaning over a computer all day isnt the best for you. This doesn't eliminate the risk of vocal cord damage but it does help with pain and soreness.

Doing such extended reps in an unhealthy way will have a toll on ya eventually, not trying to scare you but PLEASE take care of yourself. Don't frickin give yourself vocal cord polyps and then not be able to do RTRS without being in pain ( or be able to vibrate the letters practically at all ). Seriously. Surgery to get those removed is expensive to say the least and can affect your ability to talk properly without being in pain. ( not to mention if botched you might end up not being able to talk. ) Heck, teachers get them from excessive talking and I know 18 RTRs is way more then a teacher talks throughout a day. If you're doing 18 every single day consider toning it back a bit. You shouldnt encounter issues if you actually listen to your body, cause no amount of chamomile tea will disguise the pain of a vocal cord polyp lmao. If you find your voice has long term changes then it might be probable cause for concern though. ( unless you're still developing, damn you puberty!! )

Y'all please don't call me a jew. I know it sounds something along the lines of this "nO goyim you shouldnt be doing RTRs, very bad for you! Pls no do the RTR! zeh goyiM knoW" but anything too much of most things is bad. I dont think many people think about the fact that it might have repercussions on their physical health to push yourself past your limit for extended periods of time. Doing as many RTRs as you want is ok if its HEALTHY. If you're body is screaming at you to fucking stop you probably should for a bit, even if its only a 5 minute break to stretch your muscles and rest your voice. I'd rather get accused of being a jew then someone have permanent damage to their vocal cords over doing 20+ RTRs without taking any breaks every day and not be able to do them properly in the future. Think what ya want, lol.
Catalincata94 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I've memorized and built myself up to in a year I guess. One RTR takes me 10 minutes, 9 RTRs take me an hour and a half, sometimes just an hour if I stay steady. I do 9 in the morning and 9 at night during the hour of Saturn, totaling in 18 in a day. This is 2 to 3 hours of time which I can afford to spend out of my day.

I'm in quarantine, no job to go to, nothing, so I have lots of free time. Also I had forgotten about the FAQ, thank you for the link.
I did want to ask something?
Can I know the hours of Saturn? I am really just spamming , raising energy , spamming , working , cleaning.
I dont really remember where to check the hours of Saturn.
Thank you .
Take Care :)
Hail Satan
Hail Gods of Hell
Use Chronos xp for planetary hours, in the program go to change settings choose your city/town or the closest to you and click "find my latitude and longitude online" and search your town/village and there you will see the latitude and longitude coordinates something like this "15n06, 39e08" set that in the program "n" is North and "e" is East, etc... click apply and ok done

There you will see a calendar and for each day on the right are the planetary hours,
for example
Jupiter 14:30 (this is the time when the hour of jupiter starts)
Mars 15:40 (the time when mars starts and jupiter ends)

Thank you
ChaosBringer666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
I did want to ask something?
Can I know the hours of Saturn? I am really just spamming , raising energy , spamming , working , cleaning.
I dont really remember where to check the hours of Saturn.
Thank you .
Take Care :)
Hail Satan
Hail Gods of Hell
under Satanic Witchcraft in the information section scroll down to "planetary Hours" it changes everyday so keep this in mind :)
Thank you
Ghost in the Machine said:
What about the case of physical strain? 18 full RTRs is where my lips start to grow numb and I fumble to the vibrations, and even though I stay as relaxed as I can the muscles around my core and ribs will start to ache, even when I space these out through my day as best I can, and I keep water with me but my throat will still grow sore and scratchy, again slightly hindering the vibrations. Am I allowed to keep going or should that be where I stop?

Will these physical things like fumbling the words a bit make doing the RTR less effective in that is it even worth continuing like that after such a point? Or is it okay for me to keep going so long as I'm able to manage the most part? Or perhaps there's some kind of alternative in this case?

I'm always fine again the next day to repeat the 18 again so it's nothing permanent as far as I can tell, I'm just wondering about in a single day. I'm too stubborn to tell if there's a real limit and if maybe I'm overdoing it.

I have been experimenting and I noticed that I work best with several sessions of doing three repetitions. Distributing the activity over the course of the day makes every session feel great. I also rarely lose focus in this way.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I've memorized and built myself up to in a year I guess. One RTR takes me 10 minutes, 9 RTRs take me an hour and a half, sometimes just an hour if I stay steady. I do 9 in the morning and 9 at night during the hour of Saturn, totaling in 18 in a day. This is 2 to 3 hours of time which I can afford to spend out of my day.

I'm in quarantine, no job to go to, nothing, so I have lots of free time. Also I had forgotten about the FAQ, thank you for the link.

Wonderful GitM. I recall last year burning myself out one time and not doing F-RTR for like 3-4 days doing 10 and then 11 rituals on a Tuesday and then Wednesday.

1 ritual for me takes me just as long about 10-12 minutes. So I'd wager to state back then probably 35-50 minutes worth of F-RTR.

BTW have you noticed that a lot of the alephbet letters look the same. Like Heh being deh-lahd with an extra shape. Or Vahv being Yod with an extension like Fuck. Or Niy-eye having Zion and Vahv together in the same Y shape. Or Bet having Rohs as it's shape same with Simket having a bent Rohs in circular shape.

I've spent the past two years doing F-RTR not always of course I do have my days I taper down or burn myself out. But I've noticed in the past two months that some of the alephbet letters look the same or are combinations of others. Like it just popped to me while doing it and going "What kind of engineering is that for a shape, why are some of the letters exact duplicates of each other in different configurations".
Ghost in the Machine said:
What about the case of physical strain? 18 full RTRs is where my lips start to grow numb and I fumble to the vibrations, and even though I stay as relaxed as I can the muscles around my core and ribs will start to ache, even when I space these out through my day as best I can, and I keep water with me but my throat will still grow sore and scratchy, again slightly hindering the vibrations. Am I allowed to keep going or should that be where I stop?

Will these physical things like fumbling the words a bit make doing the RTR less effective in that is it even worth continuing like that after such a point? Or is it okay for me to keep going so long as I'm able to manage the most part? Or perhaps there's some kind of alternative in this case?

I'm always fine again the next day to repeat the 18 again so it's nothing permanent as far as I can tell, I'm just wondering about in a single day. I'm too stubborn to tell if there's a real limit and if maybe I'm overdoing it.

Damn dude you make me feel bad, I only do 4. So for tomorrow ill try 20. 10 in the morning and at night. THE COMPETITION BEGINS! *finger pistols*
Big Dipper said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
What about the case of physical strain? 18 full RTRs is where my lips start to grow numb and I fumble to the vibrations, and even though I stay as relaxed as I can the muscles around my core and ribs will start to ache, even when I space these out through my day as best I can, and I keep water with me but my throat will still grow sore and scratchy, again slightly hindering the vibrations. Am I allowed to keep going or should that be where I stop?

Will these physical things like fumbling the words a bit make doing the RTR less effective in that is it even worth continuing like that after such a point? Or is it okay for me to keep going so long as I'm able to manage the most part? Or perhaps there's some kind of alternative in this case?

I'm always fine again the next day to repeat the 18 again so it's nothing permanent as far as I can tell, I'm just wondering about in a single day. I'm too stubborn to tell if there's a real limit and if maybe I'm overdoing it.

Damn dude you make me feel bad, I only do 4. So for tomorrow ill try 20. 10 in the morning and at night. THE COMPETITION BEGINS! *finger pistols*
You need to do as much as you can if you feel physically bad after too many Rtr's then do less. You should not feel numb or in pain.
Big Dipper said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
What about the case of physical strain? 18 full RTRs is where my lips start to grow numb and I fumble to the vibrations, and even though I stay as relaxed as I can the muscles around my core and ribs will start to ache, even when I space these out through my day as best I can, and I keep water with me but my throat will still grow sore and scratchy, again slightly hindering the vibrations. Am I allowed to keep going or should that be where I stop?

Will these physical things like fumbling the words a bit make doing the RTR less effective in that is it even worth continuing like that after such a point? Or is it okay for me to keep going so long as I'm able to manage the most part? Or perhaps there's some kind of alternative in this case?

I'm always fine again the next day to repeat the 18 again so it's nothing permanent as far as I can tell, I'm just wondering about in a single day. I'm too stubborn to tell if there's a real limit and if maybe I'm overdoing it.

Damn dude you make me feel bad, I only do 4. So for tomorrow ill try 20. 10 in the morning and at night. THE COMPETITION BEGINS! *finger pistols*
I'm prety sure you can't hold it for much even if you manage to do the first days, so many RTR's will tire you and if you get too tired or you have low bioelectricity do you know what happens? you will be depressed and then you may not even do 4 RTR's for some time. Satanism is not a race or competition. Competition will make you do more but at what cost?
And don't you realize he is an advanced SS that's why he can do so much but even so he has some negative effects which is may be a sign that he does to much? And you want to do 20 in a day.
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I've memorized and built myself up to in a year I guess. One RTR takes me 10 minutes, 9 RTRs take me an hour and a half, sometimes just an hour if I stay steady. I do 9 in the morning and 9 at night during the hour of Saturn, totaling in 18 in a day. This is 2 to 3 hours of time which I can afford to spend out of my day.

I'm in quarantine, no job to go to, nothing, so I have lots of free time. Also I had forgotten about the FAQ, thank you for the link.

Wonderful GitM. I recall last year burning myself out one time and not doing F-RTR for like 3-4 days doing 10 and then 11 rituals on a Tuesday and then Wednesday.

1 ritual for me takes me just as long about 10-12 minutes. So I'd wager to state back then probably 35-50 minutes worth of F-RTR.

BTW have you noticed that a lot of the alephbet letters look the same. Like Heh being deh-lahd with an extra shape. Or Vahv being Yod with an extension like Fuck. Or Niy-eye having Zion and Vahv together in the same Y shape. Or Bet having Rohs as it's shape same with Simket having a bent Rohs in circular shape.

I've spent the past two years doing F-RTR not always of course I do have my days I taper down or burn myself out. But I've noticed in the past two months that some of the alephbet letters look the same or are combinations of others. Like it just popped to me while doing it and going "What kind of engineering is that for a shape, why are some of the letters exact duplicates of each other in different configurations".

Hey . Ikr xD
I remember when we were doing like just one day for a while ( before yom kippur around last year sometime). It was so fun to do just one or two a day. I actually had fun with it. After each line completed I would burn those letters and visualise them being blown out of earth and placing Satan's sigil on earth after every line.
but the playing days are over rite? xD
I know like fasting in the sense on malnutrition isnt encouraged ( I do one meal though) and that always kinds of give me the liberty of doing the breathing exercises or yoga any time I feel like ( multiple yoga sessions a day sometimes, dont worry though I have been doing this for quite a while now and habituated to it) and this allows me to spam a lot without much trouble, especially during this time. Food kinda of gets me slow. So I dont really burn out now even after spamming .
Take Care
Bye :)
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I've memorized and built myself up to in a year I guess. One RTR takes me 10 minutes, 9 RTRs take me an hour and a half, sometimes just an hour if I stay steady. I do 9 in the morning and 9 at night during the hour of Saturn, totaling in 18 in a day. This is 2 to 3 hours of time which I can afford to spend out of my day.

I'm in quarantine, no job to go to, nothing, so I have lots of free time. Also I had forgotten about the FAQ, thank you for the link.

Wonderful GitM. I recall last year burning myself out one time and not doing F-RTR for like 3-4 days doing 10 and then 11 rituals on a Tuesday and then Wednesday.

1 ritual for me takes me just as long about 10-12 minutes. So I'd wager to state back then probably 35-50 minutes worth of F-RTR.

BTW have you noticed that a lot of the alephbet letters look the same. Like Heh being deh-lahd with an extra shape. Or Vahv being Yod with an extension like Fuck. Or Niy-eye having Zion and Vahv together in the same Y shape. Or Bet having Rohs as it's shape same with Simket having a bent Rohs in circular shape.

I've spent the past two years doing F-RTR not always of course I do have my days I taper down or burn myself out. But I've noticed in the past two months that some of the alephbet letters look the same or are combinations of others. Like it just popped to me while doing it and going "What kind of engineering is that for a shape, why are some of the letters exact duplicates of each other in different configurations".

Hey . Ikr xD
I remember when we were doing like just one day for a while ( before yom kippur around last year sometime). It was so fun to do just one or two a day. I actually had fun with it. After each line completed I would burn those letters and visualise them being blown out of earth and placing Satan's sigil on earth after every line.
but the playing days are over rite? xD
I know like fasting in the sense on malnutrition isnt encouraged ( I do one meal though) and that always kinds of give me the liberty of doing the breathing exercises or yoga any time I feel like ( multiple yoga sessions a day sometimes, dont worry though I have been doing this for quite a while now and habituated to it) and this allows me to spam a lot without much trouble, especially during this time. Food kinda of gets me slow. So I dont really burn out now even after spamming .
Take Care
Bye :)
Big Dipper said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Damn dude you make me feel bad, I only do 4. So for tomorrow ill try 20. 10 in the morning and at night. THE COMPETITION BEGINS! *finger pistols*

In no way was that to make anybody feel bad, it was a legit question on my part. I don't mind if you're motivated but do what you mentally can. The RTR is real power and you do not need to mentally stress or compress yourself. Not every soul is made the same, some can just handle more than others because they have higher endurance, this doesn't mean you have to force yourself to be like this.

I'm not going to body build to where I can single-handedly lift an entire tree just because I feel bad that an elephant can do it. Trust me, if you forcefully stress yourself you're doing more harm than good, this is not a competition and I'm never going to see it that way. You can up your daily to 5 or 9 if you want to but don't just jump to such a high number like 20 in a day, it took me a few months to be able to build up to do 9. I don't know how you are but maybe in time you could build up. And I certainly don't do 18 consistently every day, my schedule doesn't always allow it and sometimes it's too much for me and I'll need a resting day or two where I just revert to my default reps.
Arin said:

"Rest"? What is that?

In all seriousness though I do take resting days if you can consider 9 RTRs taking it easy I suppose. This post makes the most sense to me though and I think you may be right in that I should be more careful.

However I am stubborn and enjoy bringing harm and suffering to the enemy, so once I've risen to a potential I don't like the idea of backing down from it. Meaning if I ever want to do 18 RTRs I'm very likely going to do 18 RTRs... but from your post I think I'll try to spread them out more in between. That or make the days I do them less frequent. At the least I can probably devote them to just Saturdays, but I'll see.

Now that I grasp there could potentially be real long-term damage to my voice though, I'm more looking for ways to help combat this instead so that I can keep doing what I'm doing, even though that's kind of counterproductive to what I said above...

Could something like honey 'safe-guard' the vocal cords essentially so they don't end up as strained?
Catalincata94 said:
Big Dipper said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
What about the case of physical strain? 18 full RTRs is where my lips start to grow numb and I fumble to the vibrations, and even though I stay as relaxed as I can the muscles around my core and ribs will start to ache, even when I space these out through my day as best I can, and I keep water with me but my throat will still grow sore and scratchy, again slightly hindering the vibrations. Am I allowed to keep going or should that be where I stop?

Will these physical things like fumbling the words a bit make doing the RTR less effective in that is it even worth continuing like that after such a point? Or is it okay for me to keep going so long as I'm able to manage the most part? Or perhaps there's some kind of alternative in this case?

I'm always fine again the next day to repeat the 18 again so it's nothing permanent as far as I can tell, I'm just wondering about in a single day. I'm too stubborn to tell if there's a real limit and if maybe I'm overdoing it.

Damn dude you make me feel bad, I only do 4. So for tomorrow ill try 20. 10 in the morning and at night. THE COMPETITION BEGINS! *finger pistols*
I'm prety sure you can't hold it for much even if you manage to do the first days, so many RTR's will tire you and if you get too tired or you have low bioelectricity do you know what happens? you will be depressed and then you may not even do 4 RTR's for some time. Satanism is not a race or competition. Competition will make you do more but at what cost?
And don't you realize he is an advanced SS that's why he can do so much but even so he has some negative effects which is may be a sign that he does to much? And you want to do 20 in a day.

Like I said above, if your body is screaming at you to stop you should probably stop lmao. Pain doesn't exist for no reason. You'll probably be drained as hecc and after awhile your vocal cords start to hurt. ( and again permanent damage can be done to the vocal cords. TOO MUCH IS TOO MUCH! )

20 rtrs or so is ok on occasion but dont make that your daily goal ;-;

Admittedly I'm new ( a few months ) but even the 10 I've been doing every day for easter week has made me pretty tired throughout the week. Like ghost in the machine said its not a competition. Do whats healthy for you, do not harm yourself over "I have to do ____ extra RTRs because this person is too!". We all have our different limits.
Arin said:
Catalincata94 said:
Big Dipper said:
Damn dude you make me feel bad, I only do 4. So for tomorrow ill try 20. 10 in the morning and at night. THE COMPETITION BEGINS! *finger pistols*
I'm prety sure you can't hold it for much even if you manage to do the first days, so many RTR's will tire you and if you get too tired or you have low bioelectricity do you know what happens? you will be depressed and then you may not even do 4 RTR's for some time. Satanism is not a race or competition. Competition will make you do more but at what cost?
And don't you realize he is an advanced SS that's why he can do so much but even so he has some negative effects which is may be a sign that he does to much? And you want to do 20 in a day.

Like I said above, if your body is screaming at you to stop you should probably stop lmao. Pain doesn't exist for no reason. You'll probably be drained as hecc and after awhile your vocal cords start to hurt. ( and again permanent damage can be done to the vocal cords. TOO MUCH IS TOO MUCH! )

20 rtrs or so is ok on occasion but dont make that your daily goal ;-;

Admittedly I'm new ( a few months ) but even the 10 I've been doing every day for easter week has made me pretty tired throughout the week. Like ghost in the machine said its not a competition. Do whats healthy for you, do not harm yourself over "I have to do ____ extra RTRs because this person is too!". We all have our different limits.

I often did 22 rtrs in one day on the power dates cause I thought that number was cool for us but usually I do 9-16 sometimes less and no I don’t use this so 9 at one time thing cause after about 4 reps at one time it feels weaker but someone that had their energy up a lot could without problems probably. I can redo another 3 reps after raising energy again though no problem. I am usually able to tell if something is weaker when doing it.

Probably after this holiday thing I will try for 8 or 9 in a day so I have time for more stuff in unrelated meditations but I think this is important right now.

Btw it doesn’t take more than 11-15 minutes to do one so this isn’t a big deal especially with this quarantine I have nothing else to do even if I wanted to anyways.

I am trying to do more this enemy holiday though
Yeah don't burn yourself out; key #1 rule. If you burn yourself out you stop doing F-RTR. Even a single if your on edge is better than nothing.

I mentioned this on another thread but I'm hoping we reach a point were even one or two F-RTR is considered spamming and the enemy is so weakened that 1 or 2 is all you need to do.

Either way I will admit the F-RTR gets boring. That's another issue as well which is linked with burning out.

I'm wanting the new astral grid ritual that at some point in the future comes out. But again for now think rationally people.

High reps that = burn out = bad.

BTW for some of you guys who've concerns for burning out or are burnt out. Have you guys tried reciting the F-RTR 1 or 3 times? Some of you guys can still do "short RTR sessions" with 1 or 3 reps per letter it's like 2-5 minutes depending on 1 or 3. So at least your still pumping anti-kaballah into the air. Despite being 9 reps the norm or multiples for some of you high rep spammers it's at least DOING the F-RTR to a degree even a weaker degree that is still a good thing.

Some of you guys can recover your inspiration to do 9 rep and higher reps with lower reps 1 or 3 and lesser F-RTR repetitions. At least KEEPING the momentum going. Think "snowball" mentality even a little snowball can roll into a massive killer ball. So for some there are alternatives to normal rep/high rep situation.
Hearsync said:
If you have an android phone, you can also download the app "PH Pro" - it's amazing. I now always know what hour I'm in and what hours are coming up next, or throughout the day.
Could you please elaborate on that one? I couldn't find an app with that name.
slyscorpion said:
Arin said:
Catalincata94 said:
I'm prety sure you can't hold it for much even if you manage to do the first days, so many RTR's will tire you and if you get too tired or you have low bioelectricity do you know what happens? you will be depressed and then you may not even do 4 RTR's for some time. Satanism is not a race or competition. Competition will make you do more but at what cost?
And don't you realize he is an advanced SS that's why he can do so much but even so he has some negative effects which is may be a sign that he does to much? And you want to do 20 in a day.

Like I said above, if your body is screaming at you to stop you should probably stop lmao. Pain doesn't exist for no reason. You'll probably be drained as hecc and after awhile your vocal cords start to hurt. ( and again permanent damage can be done to the vocal cords. TOO MUCH IS TOO MUCH! )

20 rtrs or so is ok on occasion but dont make that your daily goal ;-;

Admittedly I'm new ( a few months ) but even the 10 I've been doing every day for easter week has made me pretty tired throughout the week. Like ghost in the machine said its not a competition. Do whats healthy for you, do not harm yourself over "I have to do ____ extra RTRs because this person is too!". We all have our different limits.

I often did 22 rtrs in one day on the power dates cause I thought that number was cool for us but usually I do 9-16 sometimes less and no I don’t use this so 9 at one time thing cause after about 4 reps at one time it feels weaker but someone that had their energy up a lot could without problems probably. I can redo another 3 reps after raising energy again though no problem. I am usually able to tell if something is weaker when doing it.

Probably after this holiday thing I will try for 8 or 9 in a day so I have time for more stuff in unrelated meditations but I think this is important right now.

Btw it doesn’t take more than 11-15 minutes to do one so this isn’t a big deal especially with this quarantine I have nothing else to do even if I wanted to anyways.

I am trying to do more this enemy holiday though

On power dates and stuff its perfectly fine ( 20+ ) but I am talking about every day. Over using your vocal cords will catch up to you eventually if you aint careful but again, your body will make it extremely obvious when you do lol. 10 RTRs or so is almost double what the average person speaks in one day, but theres nothing wrong with it ( daily ) if you listen to your body. Again, issues with the vocal cords will make themselves very obvious lol. 20 every day though is kinda stretching it both energy wise and physical health wise.
Considering some of you guys are busting your chops doing so much.

This question goes out to the High Priests. But are we closing in on when 1-3 F-RTRs is enough?

Despite the fact I didn't do as many RTR/RNTRs in the past as I wish and was a high rep spammer even though people like HP. Cobra mentioned even a 10 minute session of multiple RTR/RNTRs was enough. I thought with the F-RTR I could redeem myself.(Muliple like Shema, 72, 42, Communications, Anti-confusion, DA-RNTR etc.etc.)

So my question is with the enemy collapsing from whatever retarded things they've done with eliminating their psychic batteries plus our rituals.

Are we closing in on the situation were a small number of F-RTR is enough for the day and that small number is considered spamming due to the weakness of the enemy being de-kaballatized?
Is their another way to bring down the foes I know my black magic is powerful just shed a light of intention for direction please?
Man, I'm glad this is the topic of discussion because I was about to make my own post related to this so I could ask some questions.
I'm not new to Satan but due to a life of being brought up Christian I just recently (last week) decided to finally do the dedication and I just wanna say to anyone second guessing do it. The enemy voice was immediately silenced and I had the most peaceful state of mind that I've ever had. Along with feeling amazing and having the most confidence I've ever had as well.
Sorry for getting off track but I figured someone lurking like I used to might get the edge they need to just pull the trigger.

Now to the questions. Has anyone else noticed that when you first start doing the RTRs that there is something making it hard to get the chants out? Like, they're not that hard to pronounce and the fact that you're repeating should make it easier but instead I have to enter an extreme state of concentration just to get them done like something or someone is right there mentally blocking me. Also the first couple days I noticed that I had an extreme feeling of anxiety and dread while doing them, which has now been replaced by me focusing pure hatred but I still notice that I have to concentrate way harder than I should have to pronounce 2 and 3 syllable words. Hopefully today and here on out it will be easier, but even if it doesn't I'll continue because I can feel the power they have and I wish I would've started years ago when I first found you guys. Also I've noticed that my hunger is ravenous anyone else notice the same?
Anyways, just figured I'd share my experience and see how your guys first times went.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Arin said:

"Rest"? What is that?

In all seriousness though I do take resting days if you can consider 9 RTRs taking it easy I suppose. This post makes the most sense to me though and I think you may be right in that I should be more careful.

However I am stubborn and enjoy bringing harm and suffering to the enemy, so once I've risen to a potential I don't like the idea of backing down from it. Meaning if I ever want to do 18 RTRs I'm very likely going to do 18 RTRs... but from your post I think I'll try to spread them out more in between. That or make the days I do them less frequent. At the least I can probably devote them to just Saturdays, but I'll see.

Now that I grasp there could potentially be real long-term damage to my voice though, I'm more looking for ways to help combat this instead so that I can keep doing what I'm doing, even though that's kind of counterproductive to what I said above...

Could something like honey 'safe-guard' the vocal cords essentially so they don't end up as strained?

However I am stubborn and enjoy bringing harm and suffering to the enemy, so once I've risen to a potential I don't like the idea of backing down from it.

Talk about "iron will" xD
It is actually really pleasing to not back down.
Same here , Its like the RTRs are always on my mind.
Wake up, clean, and there it begins.
Its an awesome feeling to feel to have contributed. :)
Usthepeople666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Arin said:

"Rest"? What is that?

In all seriousness though I do take resting days if you can consider 9 RTRs taking it easy I suppose. This post makes the most sense to me though and I think you may be right in that I should be more careful.

However I am stubborn and enjoy bringing harm and suffering to the enemy, so once I've risen to a potential I don't like the idea of backing down from it. Meaning if I ever want to do 18 RTRs I'm very likely going to do 18 RTRs... but from your post I think I'll try to spread them out more in between. That or make the days I do them less frequent. At the least I can probably devote them to just Saturdays, but I'll see.

Now that I grasp there could potentially be real long-term damage to my voice though, I'm more looking for ways to help combat this instead so that I can keep doing what I'm doing, even though that's kind of counterproductive to what I said above...

Could something like honey 'safe-guard' the vocal cords essentially so they don't end up as strained?

However I am stubborn and enjoy bringing harm and suffering to the enemy, so once I've risen to a potential I don't like the idea of backing down from it.

Talk about "iron will" xD
It is actually really pleasing to not back down.
Same here , Its like the RTRs are always on my mind.
Wake up, clean, and there it begins.
Its an awesome feeling to feel to have contributed. :)

I am not sure on how to prevent it, other then toning it down a bit honestly, though singers usually stretch their vocal cords to help prevent strain. I understand being stubborn, just try to understand when to tone it down a bit. If you are experiencing vocal fatigue, lack of range in voice, or a itchy / scratchy feeling in your throat and they are not alleviated by some tea and vocal stretches you should probably rest your voice for a bit, 20 - 30 minutes being the minimum. If it persists for up to 2 weeks ( despite toning it down ) it may be a cause for concern. I'm thinking about picking up a few books on vocal health for singers and see if it has any info on it, since its not elaborated on how to prevent it very well online. What I can say though, is if your voice goes hoarse its best to stop there, since that can be pretty serious. Again, if it persists for 2 weeks despite toning it down it may be cause for concern.
Arin said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
"Rest"? What is that?

In all seriousness though I do take resting days if you can consider 9 RTRs taking it easy I suppose. This post makes the most sense to me though and I think you may be right in that I should be more careful.

However I am stubborn and enjoy bringing harm and suffering to the enemy, so once I've risen to a potential I don't like the idea of backing down from it. Meaning if I ever want to do 18 RTRs I'm very likely going to do 18 RTRs... but from your post I think I'll try to spread them out more in between. That or make the days I do them less frequent. At the least I can probably devote them to just Saturdays, but I'll see.

Now that I grasp there could potentially be real long-term damage to my voice though, I'm more looking for ways to help combat this instead so that I can keep doing what I'm doing, even though that's kind of counterproductive to what I said above...

Could something like honey 'safe-guard' the vocal cords essentially so they don't end up as strained?

However I am stubborn and enjoy bringing harm and suffering to the enemy, so once I've risen to a potential I don't like the idea of backing down from it.

Talk about "iron will" xD
It is actually really pleasing to not back down.
Same here , Its like the RTRs are always on my mind.
Wake up, clean, and there it begins.
Its an awesome feeling to feel to have contributed. :)

I am not sure on how to prevent it, other then toning it down a bit honestly, though singers usually stretch their vocal cords to help prevent strain. I understand being stubborn, just try to understand when to tone it down a bit. If you are experiencing vocal fatigue, lack of range in voice, or a itchy / scratchy feeling in your throat and they are not alleviated by some tea and vocal stretches you should probably rest your voice for a bit, 20 - 30 minutes being the minimum. If it persists for up to 2 weeks ( despite toning it down ) it may be a cause for concern. I'm thinking about picking up a few books on vocal health for singers and see if it has any info on it, since its not elaborated on how to prevent it very well online. What I can say though, is if your voice goes hoarse its best to stop there, since that can be pretty serious. Again, if it persists for 2 weeks despite toning it down it may be cause for concern.
It was coffee for me that caused burns but not really fatigue :)
When I feel tired I limit it to 4 a day :)
Ghost in the Machine said:
Arin said:

"Rest"? What is that?

In all seriousness though I do take resting days if you can consider 9 RTRs taking it easy I suppose. This post makes the most sense to me though and I think you may be right in that I should be more careful.

However I am stubborn and enjoy bringing harm and suffering to the enemy, so once I've risen to a potential I don't like the idea of backing down from it. Meaning if I ever want to do 18 RTRs I'm very likely going to do 18 RTRs... but from your post I think I'll try to spread them out more in between. That or make the days I do them less frequent. At the least I can probably devote them to just Saturdays, but I'll see.

Now that I grasp there could potentially be real long-term damage to my voice though, I'm more looking for ways to help combat this instead so that I can keep doing what I'm doing, even though that's kind of counterproductive to what I said above...

Could something like honey 'safe-guard' the vocal cords essentially so they don't end up as strained?

Ahh you guys are such an inspiration to us all, i hope you can see how many of us you've affected i'm gonna try my best to get up to 9 RTR's a day by the end of the month. ( up to 6) I'm also having a friend live with me for a bit a hopefully he can really push my limits in training my physical body, as well as my brother hopefully he can start getting serious too, my Brother is a Satanist but he has only started meditating recently. Any words of encouragement?
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This and there will be more instructions soon, make sure to stay really strong on the Final RTR, which is the main thing to focus on here.

Are they still coming, or were they only meant for Easter?
ChaosBringer666 said:
Any words of encouragement?

You only get closer to the sun when you make the effort to rise, and even when the deepest darkest clouds of struggle blot it out, it never stops existing behind them.

Break down the barriers, fight beyond the hardships to freedom, and the sun promises to shine brighter than ever before when the darkness recedes.
Ghost in the Machine said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Any words of encouragement?

You only get closer to the sun when you make the effort to rise, and even when the deepest darkest clouds of struggle blot it out, it never stops existing behind them.

Break down the barriers, fight beyond the hardships to freedom, and the sun promises to shine brighter than ever before when the darkness recedes.

Thank you, i found this profoundly beautiful I'll definitely re-read this when i'm feeling blue :)
Apprentice said:
Hearsync said:
If you have an android phone, you can also download the app "PH Pro" - it's amazing. I now always know what hour I'm in and what hours are coming up next, or throughout the day.
Could you please elaborate on that one? I couldn't find an app with that name.

Jewgle Playstore doesn't have it - they must have removed it some time ago. It's available on Aptoide - just search "Planetary Hours" or the better version "Planetary Hours Pro"
Hearsync said:
Jewgle Playstore doesn't have it - they must have removed it some time ago. It's available on Aptoide - just search "Planetary Hours" or the better version "Planetary Hours Pro"
Thank you :p
I had an hours app but it acted buggy on my Note so I had to remove it yesterday.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
