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Important - 27/August/2016

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002

This is a reminder for everyone to stay onto the RTRs, especially the 72 name of abomination.
http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... ituals.htm
These are the full set of Reverse Torah Rituals we will be doing. Yom Kippur begins in October. This will set off an entire new year for the enemy again and we must follow behind them and reverse their malignant filth. These rituals are doing their job! We must stay onto them. Even when we begin to fight Islam through spiritual warfare.
EVERYONE should be doing these rituals. Unless one has a serious reason, such as being underage and not free to do so, anyone who is fully capable and not doing these rituals, is a parasite. Few here really can appreciate just how lucky we are to be able to be with Satan. Those of us who are free to be with him, such as in the US where we are free to worship as we please [in the way no one can bust down your front door and execute you for your choice of religion, legally].
Next, we will be concentrating on destroying and annihilating Islam. As I have stated repeatedly, I have never encountered anything [not even fundamentalist Christianity], that is as rotten as Islam. Islam is pure evil. In addition [and this includes Christianity], as these sick and most vile programs use fear, the energy that is put into them from deluded believers creates an aura of [through fear], making these lies credible to the populace. This rotten filth has an aura and for those of us who are psychic, we can easily detect it. This is how these programs thrive, as they are so stupid and insane. Any thinking person who is not under their spell would laugh. Also, like that rotten Bible, there are many contradictions within that foul Koran.
I also want to add, just as with Christianity, in Islam, everything is also stolen and corrupted from Pagan religions preceding it.
With studying Islam, which is totally ugly and sick beyond belief, I, myself am more and more grateful to Satan every day. Each and every one of us should be very grateful that no one here, who has found Satan, has been DAMNED into Islam. Millions of people who are DAMNED into enemy programs such as Islam [where there is widespread illiteracy amongst much of the populace where that foul program thrives], have no choice. Books, writings and information is heavily censored and the only available written material is that GODDAMNED Koran, and millions of people are literally damned into it.
In addition, as I’ve stated before, many are forced to memorize that entire piece of literary toxic filth. Even studying about this is not good for one’s mental health, it is so sick, but saturating one’s mind and soul with it is spiritual poison. This is why so many Muslims commit heinous crimes against innocents. Their so-called “god” is a murderer and a liar. This comes out in the deluded believers, who for centuries have perpetrated nothing but violence, bloodshed, slaughter, torture, and mass murder. Like Christianity, the goal of Islam is to turn civilization and society back into the Dark Ages.
This is NOT something to take lightly. Lazy parasites here who are fully capable and who do nothing WILL eventually be affected. Look what is now happening in Europe . Unless we fight, this hideous poison will succeed in destroying the entire world.  
 Satan has stated emphatically that those who do nothing in the way of spiritual warfare are of no importance to him.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Civilization is not something that should be taken for granted.

@Abdul Sozzer 
Fuck off, troll!And watch your mouth towards High Priestess Maxine.
fuck you guys you guys dont know shit take me off this stupied ass group you fake ass satanist

From: "dypet.rodent@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2016 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Important - 27/August/2016

  @Abdul Sozzer 
Fuck off, troll!And watch your mouth towards High Priestess Maxine.


Trust me, I know how disgusting, sickening that book is.
I'd studied the Judeo-islamic book in two languages (the original Arabian- I can only read it, not understand it- and in Turkish) years ago, long before I dedicated. And since dedication, I didn't even want to remember a word from that piece of filth.Still, after studying occult and also other books/verses (including very recent ones, which are no different from the rest of the "holy books") the enemy dictated, I noticed a few things about it: 
(this is going to be a little detailed as I'll also explain the words with definitions for those who want study it to see the true face of the enemy, hope it helps)

1 - Void Names

"Koran" basically means "the reading, the book" and is being used as a mere verb, "to read" in various verses. Also, "muslim" means "the one who surrenders" literally, the one who obeys without showing resistance, without rebelling. The sheep, for short. This "surrendering" concept can be seen in some New Age teachings, and also islamic new age Sufism. "Surrendering" makes the will weak against them. Jihad, again, means "to fight" by definition (and in their case, fighting anyone who doesn't 'surrender' and bow to the enemy beings) and their 'salvation place alongside the jew thought-form' heaven is named as c(j)ennet, which means nothing more than a garden, and again, the same word is used when the book tells a story of this man who has a garden, which indicates these names have no special meanings whatsoever: "The book", "the fight", "the garden" 2 - "Djinn" are not (always) Gods 

Many people confuse the "djinn" with Demons. This is not true. While the book mentions them as the ones ancients worshipped (Demons, our Pagan Gods) : 'Angels' say to the 'god' that they worship it, but complaining people were worshipping 'djinns' (part 34/verse41) - 
The book also mentions the "djinns" who are of them-basically enemy beings who worship "the god". They're quoted, completely "coincidentally" in the part 72/1,2,3...     
3 - 99 Names of "god"

It states "the god" has 99 names, and like 72, this has to do with numerology again. 9x11 maybe? They used 9-11 before--as explained in this article in JoS: The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft

By the way, those in the book are not "names" but adjectives, probably giving the thought-form certain qualities. One of the names is translated as, "The one that forces his will" 
4 -  666 Verses

There are 666 verses. As you know, 666 is the most powerful number and is linked to the Sun, and so on. So it must be empowering or something.
5 - 6 Days and 1 Rest, 7 Doors 

6 days of creation, like in the bible, an allegory. There's also a verse where it says there are 7 parts and doors (15:44) in both heaven and hell-- again, allegory.
6 - Creation of Humanity and the "Immortality Tree"

The creation of humanity is again in the garden (stolen from Garden of Edin/Eden where Gods created humanity) and Satan is the one who shows "the immortality tree" aka Tree of Life. (the truth about creation, tree of life, kundalini (from JoS) : The Tree of Knowledge, the Apple and the Serpent

7 - "Spell"

The first verse of the book is translated as "Read", an order. But this is different from the verb "to read", this is more close to "to spell". And I'm guessing, just like the English word "spell" it has the literal meaning of "to cast a spell". Spelling-Vibrations create what's being read in astral dimensions, and this is how "holy" books work, right?
8 - "19"

The enemy'd dictated 19 Keys (the ones JoS reversed) which praise Jehova. 19 is one of the numbers the enemy uses a lot too. In a verse, out of nothing, it states, "There's 19 on it" (74/29) Some translations add "19 angels" but in the original text, there's no mention of angels whatsoever, just 19. And in next verse, it mocks "kafirs" (literally meanning: 'those who deny, do not accept' opposite of 'those who surrendered') that they discuss the numbers (numerology)

9 - Communism

There are serious communism references, there are even researchers who claim communism and islam are closely linked. 
It's forbidden to collect wealth/capital, wealth and goods which are more than necessary *must* be shared so everyone will be equal, it literally states "everyone is equal in the eyes the 'god'" exactly like in the bible, wealthy people who are not Jewish (or not of "the god") are always branded as evil.  According to one of the so-called 'greatest' muslim thinkers, M. İkbal, states, that "Marx was a prophet without Gabriel" and that "Das Capital is Koran without Gabriel" 
There's a verse, in which the enemy states, "what's the use of you to the Lord if it's not for your prayers?" (25/77)  Literally, humans are useless to them if it's not for their energies. In another verse, it states living beings only exist to serve/worship 'god'  who is always "watching" people.There we have the Big Brother.
Your personality doesn't matter, you only exist to serve the Communist Government of 'god'You cannot own a private property (communist government of 'god' doesnt let it), everyone is "equal" (but some are not---they are the "chosen" jews)
10 - This must be noted, there are unnecessary repetitions: Certain words, sentences are keep being repeated (e.g. in the part 55, 13th verse is being repeated 31 times) These are clearly not just to stress importance, but to empower (thus making it happen in astral) the specific phrases.
11 - Sanskrit "Sekar"
In 74:25, it talks about one who doesn't believe the book is word of god, but rather man-made. In 26, it says they will throw that man into "Sekar" (which is later explained as a part of "hell") 
The word "Sekar" itself is stolen from Sanskrit, and in Sanskrit it means, "top" and, wait for it,"crown" Related to crown chakra? 
And, if they were actually talking about the torture place of the enemy, so-called "hell" of theirs, they also mention something like this in 28: "It sees everything" and in 29, "It shows plates/tablets/screens to people" (this is from the translation of a Turkish islamic researcher) since it sounds unlikely, some translators ignore these definitions of the word "lavvahat" and just translate the verse as "it burns people". The word has nothing to do with burning. But, it was derived as "levha" to Turkish, which means "tablet, screen (monitor)" etc. The book uses verb version of this, so literally something like "monitoring"
 With that, I got 2 conclusions, one, if Crown chara allegory is involved, this "all seeing" could be related to the Third Eye.
Two, the enemy pointed out they monitor their torture place, the one they sometimes show people astrally to scare them off.
Either way, just keep in mind that translations differ a lot. That's why I've read both translation and the original version together, noting each word.
12 - "Science"

Note that there are other technologic/scientific references, including very deep ones: In 36:80 it states, "[It is] He who made for you from the green tree, fire, and then from it you ignite."  They stress "green" and "fire" because the chlorophylls make trees (and plants) look green, and they also turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. Fire is made of oxygen elements, in chemical reactions O2 represents fire, burning. Igniting fire is breathing. 
Basically, like New Agers do, they've given out "advanced scientific knowledge" to very, very ignorant people who'd think even this kind of 5th grade-knowledge is some sort of magic.
Think about it, wouldn't ignorant religious people bow to, even worship some beings who would show them magic-like tech and science? That's how New Ager enemy nordics lure people into their mess too. Because they know they managed to degenerate people into that low level. Ancients wouldn't even blink at their tech, their "knowledge" since Gods had taught them better. That's one of the reasons why Ancient Pagans, our ancestors, have never "surrendered" to the enemy. Even the enemy states in their book, how advanced Ancients were, both spiritually and technologically.
Other reference is to a "Piercing/knocking star" (not "pierces (the darkness)" just "pierces"), most researchers claim it's pulsars/neutron stars, even christians do so apparently: http://www.answering-christianity.com/m ... .htm&nbsp;
They mention "missiles" in 67:5 In the full translation  https://quran.com/67:5 the verse goes like "...with stars" but once you click on arabian version the word is translated as "lamps" and indeed, in the original sentence, there's no mention of stars -which are usually referred as necm in arabian- but something else called mesabiha (defined as a lamp, bulb, glow-lamp etc. completely artificial), and they state they filled the "nearest heaven" with them, and that they use them to "thrown at 'devils' (in original arabian it's "Satans" --those who are of Satan, Gods) as missiles" 
This sort of thing is being mentioned multiple times in the book, in 37:6-7-8 (using "stars" -again, not literally stars- as protection of their 'assembly') in 55:33 men and 'jinn' cannot pass 'beyond  the regions of heavens' without their permission, "authority". They did attack humans, during moon landing. And in 1975-76, CIA's remote viewer Ingo Swann saw enemy nordics-"angels/elohim" of jewish religions, and their base on the Moon, as he outlines in his book Penetration.
   13 - Certain letters are being repeated in various verses, they don't contain any meaning. Just arabian letters. Eg.15:1  Researchers claim these could be "codes between the 'prophet' and the 'angel'" that dictates the book. 14 - In 2:7 they openly state the god "has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing" and in 2:18 they call people "deaf, dumb (ignorant), blind" 
The enemy did seal our chakras and astrally-spiritually blinded us, also destroyed our ancient Pagan wisdom/knowledge. This is being stressed in other verses, how they astrally blinded people, how people "cant see what's in front of them" etc.
Jews know this. Like they state in Protocols (Protocol No 15/11):  "In this difference in capacity for thought between the GOYIM and ourselves may be clearly discerned the seal of our position as the Chosen People and of our higher quality of humanness, in contradistinction to the brute mind of the GOYIM. Their eyes are open, but see nothing before them and do not invent (unless perhaps, material things). From this it is plain that nature herself has destined us to guide and rule the world."
15 - Fake anti-semitism: In   it's being stated that everyone who "surrenders" --this includes Christians and Jews-- are going to be "saved" (5:69, 2:62, 7:157) so unlike what jews claim, islamists are not "natural enemies" of the jews. 
16 - Angels are unconscious beings, "made of light" (Elohim, El: light), who only exist to serve the "lord" "The light" concept is being used frequently. New age sufism is all about it. The main goal of sufists? "Being one with the god" and that they already are gods and such, it's full of jewish teachings ("Torah, Jews, Yahweh are one"), no wonder why most sufists are jews.    
There are other books the enemy has dicated to the Jews, like teachings of Raelians, and they used exact same sentences as they did in other "holy" books.Especially now that they're getting weaker, they're more desperate.
Anyway, hope this is informative. Knowledge is power after all.
Hail Satan and Gods eternally, as the truth is eternal.       

That was interesting to read satanswarrior, many things I didn't know specifically about Koran, but I suspected most of it.

Still it's good to see revealing knowledge like that which shows the true meaning of these things.

I really need to read more on the exposing Islam website to learn more about how depraved the koran is.
Hi Abdul! How are you!? I trust you're well and healthy!?

What the "88" means is goodnight... It's how we say goodbye to each other. I hope this clears up your ignorance you infidel!

Hail Satan forever!
Hail Lucifuge!
Hi Abdul, I hope you're well and healthy!

What the "88" means is goodnight. It's how we say goodbye to each other. I hope this clears up your ignorance you infidel!

Hail Satan forever!
Hail Lucifuge!
That is incorrect. 88 signifies HH (H being the 8th letter in the alphabet). HH stands for Heil (or, in English, Hail) Hitler
Hi ljossmyrkr...

I am well aware of what it really stands for, I was being facetious towards this bloke as I'm picking up really bad vibes as well as from what I've seen being posted by the individual on these chats, unless it was by a different character with the same name in which case I shall apologize to him otherwise, may the infiltrator scum get bent, for lack of a better term.

Hail Satan forever!
Hail Lucifuge!
The prophet was ordered to marry the 9 year old it was a command it wasent out of lust.
From: "Fatherschild fatherschild138@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Important - 27/August/2016

  Yeah yeah,but Abdul.. where the nine year old girls at?Tell me.

I asked you before - why are you here?

The charter laid down by the clergy strickly forebids the promotion of faiths contrary to Spiritual Satanism!

Your words in your mind are confused, bitter and angry! They betray what is false in your heart!

In the name of "Lord Beelzebub - asana - get out of here!
yes i am jewish slave to islam. according to allah being a slave is permissible. i leave this group. only the enslaved will go to heaven for the salvation belongs is through the jews. mohammed was jewish

From: "satansdemons@... [JoyofSatan666]"
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2016 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Important - 27/August/2016

  Please clarify! Are you a mudslime?

If not, get that shit out if your life!

Islam is an affront to Satan and all Satanists!

You were warned about this from the clergy!

Get your head together, stop wasting your life ; and our time!

Get with Satan and start really living - know the right path!

Good bye slave to the most savage, brutal religion in the world!

Hail Satan!


On Thu, 9/1/16, Abdul Sozzer abdulsozzer@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Important - 27/August/2016
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, September 1, 2016, 9:58 AM


i am jewish slave to islam. according to allah being a slave
is permissible. i leave this group. only the enslaved will
go to heaven for the salvation belongs is through the jews.
mohammed was jewish

"satansdemons@... [JoyofSatan666]"
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday,
September 1, 2016 7:12 AM
Subject: Re:
[JoyofSatan666] Important - 27/August/2016


Please clarify! Are you a mudslime?

If not, get that shit out if your life!

Islam is an affront to Satan and all Satanists!

You were warned about this from the clergy!

Get your head together, stop wasting your life ; and our

Get with Satan and start really living - know the right

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If Islam is the only religion, then why would you be wasting your time on us? It's almost as if you're not satisfied with your own religion, so you have to mock people of theirs. Piss off you fucking wanker. Go fuck a goat you Islamic fucker.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 4:41 AM, Abdul Sozzer abdulsozzer@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   you idiot islam is the one and only true religon.

From: "maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:53 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Important - 27/August/2016

        This is a reminder for everyone to stay onto the RTRs, especially the 72 name of abomination.   http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... ituals.htm   These are the full set of Reverse Torah Rituals we will be doing. Yom Kippur begins in October. This will set off an entire new year for the enemy again and we must follow behind them and reverse their malignant filth. These rituals are doing their job! We must stay onto them. Even when we begin to fight Islam through spiritual warfare.   EVERYONE should be doing these rituals. Unless one has a serious reason, such as being underage and not free to do so, anyone who is fully capable and not doing these rituals, is a parasite. Few here really can appreciate just how lucky we are to be able to be with Satan. Those of us who are free to be with him, such as in the US where we are free to worship as we please [in the way no one can bust down your front door and execute you for your choice of religion, legally].   Next, we will be concentrating on destroying and annihilating Islam. As I have stated repeatedly, I have never encountered anything [not even fundamentalist Christianity], that is as rotten as Islam. Islam is pure evil. In addition [and this includes Christianity], as these sick and most vile programs use fear, the energy that is put into them from deluded believers creates an aura of [through fear], making these lies credible to the populace. This rotten filth has an aura and for those of us who are psychic, we can easily detect it. This is how these programs thrive, as they are so stupid and insane. Any thinking person who is not under their spell would laugh. Also, like that rotten Bible, there are many contradictions within that foul Koran.   I also want to add, just as with Christianity, in Islam, everything is also stolen and corrupted from Pagan religions preceding it.   With studying Islam, which is totally ugly and sick beyond belief, I, myself am more and more grateful to Satan every day. Each and every one of us should be very grateful that no one here, who has found Satan, has been DAMNED into Islam. Millions of people who are DAMNED into enemy programs such as Islam [where there is widespread illiteracy amongst much of the populace where that foul program thrives], have no choice. Books, writings and information is heavily censored and the only available written material is that GODDAMNED Koran, and millions of people are literally damned into it.   In addition, as I’ve stated before, many are forced to memorize that entire piece of literary toxic filth. Even studying about this is not good for one’s mental health, it is so sick, but saturating one’s mind and soul with it is spiritual poison. This is why so many Muslims commit heinous crimes against innocents. Their so-called “god” is a murderer and a liar. This comes out in the deluded believers, who for centuries have perpetrated nothing but violence, bloodshed, slaughter, torture, and mass murder. Like Christianity, the goal of Islam is to turn civilization and society back into the Dark Ages.   This is NOT something to take lightly. Lazy parasites here who are fully capable and who do nothing WILL eventually be affected. Look what is now happening in Europe . Unless we fight, this hideous poison will succeed in destroying the entire world.      Satan has stated emphatically that those who do nothing in the way of spiritual warfare are of no importance to him.     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich www.joyofsatan.com   Civilization is not something that should be taken for granted.    
It would be best if he would not "fuck" a goat, since that would be very terrible for the poor animal. 
Anyway it's honestly quite funny while at the same time very saddening to see someone so ignorant and slavish as this individual. 
There is no salvation for people like this. They are too far gone and the jewish programming has corrupted the to the point or (nearly) no return... 
Even while fully knowing and aware of the brutality and the stupidity which is pisslam and the fact that it's a Jewish invented religion that demands you to be a slave to them and their imagined "god" he still worships it and follows it as if it's the only truth... 
Such a terrible state the countries infested by pisslam are currently in. I truly do hope that the rituals Lady HPS Maxine is currently working on for reversing pisslam will be able to wake those people up from this terrible nightmare they created for themselves through their "prayer"... 
Hail Father Satan!Hail Lady Astaroth!Heil Hitler!Hail all the True Gods of Hell!!!!
I tried downloading the audio to this rtr and its not working..pls who can post the audio

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On Sat, 27 Aug, 2016 at 4:45 pm, maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:     This is a reminder for everyone to stay onto the RTRs, especially the 72 name of abomination.   http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... ituals.htm   These are the full set of Reverse Torah Rituals we will be doing. Yom Kippur begins in October. This will set off an entire new year for the enemy again and we must follow behind them and reverse their malignant filth. These rituals are doing their job! We must stay onto them. Even when we begin to fight Islam through spiritual warfare.   EVERYONE should be doing these rituals. Unless one has a serious reason, such as being underage and not free to do so, anyone who is fully capable and not doing these rituals, is a parasite. Few here really can appreciate just how lucky we are to be able to be with Satan. Those of us who are free to be with him, such as in the US where we are free to worship as we please [in the way no one can bust down your front door and execute you for your choice of religion, legally].   Next, we will be concentrating on destroying and annihilating Islam. As I have stated repeatedly, I have never encountered anything [not even fundamentalist Christianity], that is as rotten as Islam. Islam is pure evil. In addition [and this includes Christianity], as these sick and most vile programs use fear, the energy that is put into them from deluded believers creates an aura of [through fear], making these lies credible to the populace. This rotten filth has an aura and for those of us who are psychic, we can easily detect it. This is how these programs thrive, as they are so stupid and insane. Any thinking person who is not under their spell would laugh. Also, like that rotten Bible, there are many contradictions within that foul Koran.   I also want to add, just as with Christianity, in Islam, everything is also stolen and corrupted from Pagan religions preceding it.   With studying Islam, which is totally ugly and sick beyond belief, I, myself am more and more grateful to Satan every day. Each and every one of us should be very grateful that no one here, who has found Satan, has been DAMNED into Islam. Millions of people who are DAMNED into enemy programs such as Islam [where there is widespread illiteracy amongst much of the populace where that foul program thrives], have no choice. Books, writings and information is heavily censored and the only available written material is that GODDAMNED Koran, and millions of people are literally damned into it.   In addition, as I’ve stated before, many are forced to memorize that entire piece of literary toxic filth. Even studying about this is not good for one’s mental health, it is so sick, but saturating one’s mind and soul with it is spiritual poison. This is why so many Muslims commit heinous crimes against innocents. Their so-called “god” is a murderer and a liar. This comes out in the deluded believers, who for centuries have perpetrated nothing but violence, bloodshed, slaughter, torture, and mass murder. Like Christianity, the goal of Islam is to turn civilization and society back into the Dark Ages.   This is NOT something to take lightly. Lazy parasites here who are fully capable and who do nothing WILL eventually be affected. Look what is now happening in Europe . Unless we fight, this hideous poison will succeed in destroying the entire world.      Satan has stated emphatically that those who do nothing in the way of spiritual warfare are of no importance to him.     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich www.joyofsatan.com   Civilization is not something that should be taken for granted.    

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
