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Oct 12, 2024
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How , following hitler's teachings, should governments Deal with immigrants, to keep racial intégrity of everyone anyway ? Creating maybe communities for specific people of each country? Spanish One, european one, african one, asian one? Making thèm partially continue their lignage of Blood tò keep having for each of thèm their pure Races, only for a Few of thèm I mean, not everyone must be obliged so in My opinion.
Governments should keep 100% purity of their own race if they want to avoid any problems. Blood pollution causes civilizations to fall as Adolf Hitler pointed out in his book "Mein Kampf". In other words, any country which was established by the White people should follow the following policies.

1. Make sure that White birth rates are increased. No force is necessary. Demographics can be resolved in a very simple way:

a) Give loans for buying a house with a fixed interest rate. The good thing is that giving loans can be based on the financial reputation of those who ask for such loans. So no retards would get such loans. Without any force soft Eugenic measures would be achieved as mostly decent people would qualify for such types of loans.

b) First kid erases 25% of the loan that needs to be returned. Second one erases 50%, and the fourth would erase the loan fully.

This is an ingenious solution that Hitler did. In the long-term, people would spend even more money having four children than the house is worth, so the economy would grow in a sustainable way. And people having their own house would feel much more secure and motivated to live in such a country. About various grand solutions that looked impossible you can read here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/0...begins-hitlers-triumph-and-social-revolution/ . This was one of the reasons why Hitler was able to raise the most motivated army in the whole of human history. Personally, these solutions for me are even more worthwhile than building the pyramids. Building something that lifts humans, makes them never lose hope and believe in their bright future is so much more. Such people will build not just pyramids, but intergalactic eternal human empires.

2. Non-Whites should be absolutely excluded from White countries. Same would apply for non-White countries. People should stick to their own race, and this must be enforced in whatever means necessary as race mixing is one of the ways for evil entities to invade humanity and make it degenerate. So the following measures are tolerable. Forced expulsion of non-Whites from White countries. If people would go voluntarily to their origin countries, then they can be given some wealth just to be able to start living somewhere else. But if non-Whites resist, then forced expulsion is tolerable. Or even execution of the non-compliant individual if no civilized way works.

I know this can sound cruel for some people, but tolerating blood pollution is actually much worse than most murderous war crimes. We can survive wars among each other given they are among our own race. We can survive diseases that wipe out two thirds of the European population. We can even survive getting burned alive to death in every lifetime. But polluting blood absolutely erases one from existence. The whole bloodline. This is much worse actually than just cursing. In this way, one rejects the whole bloodline of tens of thousands of years. One humiliates, despises, desecrates thousands of people who are connected to this one through blood. Also, possibility to reincarnate is erased for the people of this one’s race. So I think that parents are entitled and have the obligation to even disown their own children if they decide to pollute their own blood through race mixing. Not just disown, but even curse them if the point of no return is reached. Race mixing really is a crime not just against nature, natural laws, but against everyone in the bloodline. One can say "fuck those laws" out of ignorance, but spitting on the face of one’s Ancestors? This is pretty much the same as spitting in the face of our own most dearest, most beautiful Gods. So yes, cursing in such cases is actually the most empathetic way to do. So yes, any functional government must do everything in power to keep the race pure. As this is the way of the SATANAS in this context of matters.

I am focusing on Whites as I am White myself, but similar policies should apply to the non-White countries as well if they want to reach higher and higher levels of consciousness and not fuck up their own countries through blood pollution. In other words, geographical separation should be introduced. And even a planetary one in the far future. Separate human races would be unable to interact peacefully as non-ascended humans are affected by natural laws where separate sub-species tend to fight each other for limited resources.

3. Eugenics should be in place. Since we know reincarnation is real, I think we need to keep the race not just pure, but also ever improving. In other words, I think that people with hard disabilities should not be allowed to have children. And those that have perfect traits should be encouraged through various social initiatives to do so. By doing so, we would help those disabled people to focus on their own spirituality, so in the next life they would be able to be healthy themselves and actually feel the joy of having children without any curses that result in disabilities and miserable lives. When looking more broadly, we can easily see that Eugenics as a social instrument would work as the proactive tool that allows us to ascend to Godhood. If Eugenics would be used only for several generations, there would probably be no more people who would need to be forbidden from having children as everyone would be of perfect health, mind and spirit.

In reality, we actually have the Eugenics measures, i.e., “anti Eugenic” if we want to be more accurate. What should one call the following when drug addicts, alcoholics qualify for getting social payments if they just have some children? I think this is an artificial way to degrade people's level of consciousness. Under normal society, such children would be taken away from such subhuman filth, and would be screened for their health and potential problems. Afterwards, they would be healed and educated as much as possible, so they would not become such trash or at least would become bearable for other members of society. People are not equal, so not all people are going to become kings, presidents, high priests, etc. But we can definitely achieve a society where everyone can have their function and add at least some benefit to the betterment of the civilization to flourish even more. So under normal society, in one generation all this problem of junkies would get erased absolutely as political will to work for the betterment of society would prevail.

I think I have summarized such policies in a very simple way, and people are smart enough here to see this would actually work and would bring us the indestructible Satya Yuga. But to implement this would be a different matter. Imagine someone establishing a political party which would lay out all of this as a program. Such a person would immediately become "the next Hitler", maybe "even worse than Hitler". I would see this as a compliment, but feeling complimented would not be a comforting thing given such a person would be jailed immediately. So this is where so-called “freedom” of speech actually ends. But I have positive expectations on this. If X from libtard nest was turned into a place where some freedom of speech can be expressed, then we still have lots of chances for actual hope.
Governments should keep 100% purity of their own race if they want to avoid any problems. Blood pollution causes civilizations to fall as Adolf Hitler pointed out in his book "Mein Kampf". In other words, any country which was established by the White people should follow the following policies.

1. Make sure that White birth rates are increased. No force is necessary. Demographics can be resolved in a very simple way:

a) Give loans for buying a house with a fixed interest rate. The good thing is that giving loans can be based on the financial reputation of those who ask for such loans. So no retards would get such loans. Without any force soft Eugenic measures would be achieved as mostly decent people would qualify for such types of loans.

b) First kid erases 25% of the loan that needs to be returned. Second one erases 50%, and the fourth would erase the loan fully.

This is an ingenious solution that Hitler did. In the long-term, people would spend even more money having four children than the house is worth, so the economy would grow in a sustainable way. And people having their own house would feel much more secure and motivated to live in such a country. About various grand solutions that looked impossible you can read here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/0...begins-hitlers-triumph-and-social-revolution/ . This was one of the reasons why Hitler was able to raise the most motivated army in the whole of human history. Personally, these solutions for me are even more worthwhile than building the pyramids. Building something that lifts humans, makes them never lose hope and believe in their bright future is so much more. Such people will build not just pyramids, but intergalactic eternal human empires.

2. Non-Whites should be absolutely excluded from White countries. Same would apply for non-White countries. People should stick to their own race, and this must be enforced in whatever means necessary as race mixing is one of the ways for evil entities to invade humanity and make it degenerate. So the following measures are tolerable. Forced expulsion of non-Whites from White countries. If people would go voluntarily to their origin countries, then they can be given some wealth just to be able to start living somewhere else. But if non-Whites resist, then forced expulsion is tolerable. Or even execution of the non-compliant individual if no civilized way works.

I know this can sound cruel for some people, but tolerating blood pollution is actually much worse than most murderous war crimes. We can survive wars among each other given they are among our own race. We can survive diseases that wipe out two thirds of the European population. We can even survive getting burned alive to death in every lifetime. But polluting blood absolutely erases one from existence. The whole bloodline. This is much worse actually than just cursing. In this way, one rejects the whole bloodline of tens of thousands of years. One humiliates, despises, desecrates thousands of people who are connected to this one through blood. Also, possibility to reincarnate is erased for the people of this one’s race. So I think that parents are entitled and have the obligation to even disown their own children if they decide to pollute their own blood through race mixing. Not just disown, but even curse them if the point of no return is reached. Race mixing really is a crime not just against nature, natural laws, but against everyone in the bloodline. One can say "fuck those laws" out of ignorance, but spitting on the face of one’s Ancestors? This is pretty much the same as spitting in the face of our own most dearest, most beautiful Gods. So yes, cursing in such cases is actually the most empathetic way to do. So yes, any functional government must do everything in power to keep the race pure. As this is the way of the SATANAS in this context of matters.

I am focusing on Whites as I am White myself, but similar policies should apply to the non-White countries as well if they want to reach higher and higher levels of consciousness and not fuck up their own countries through blood pollution. In other words, geographical separation should be introduced. And even a planetary one in the far future. Separate human races would be unable to interact peacefully as non-ascended humans are affected by natural laws where separate sub-species tend to fight each other for limited resources.

3. Eugenics should be in place. Since we know reincarnation is real, I think we need to keep the race not just pure, but also ever improving. In other words, I think that people with hard disabilities should not be allowed to have children. And those that have perfect traits should be encouraged through various social initiatives to do so. By doing so, we would help those disabled people to focus on their own spirituality, so in the next life they would be able to be healthy themselves and actually feel the joy of having children without any curses that result in disabilities and miserable lives. When looking more broadly, we can easily see that Eugenics as a social instrument would work as the proactive tool that allows us to ascend to Godhood. If Eugenics would be used only for several generations, there would probably be no more people who would need to be forbidden from having children as everyone would be of perfect health, mind and spirit.

In reality, we actually have the Eugenics measures, i.e., “anti Eugenic” if we want to be more accurate. What should one call the following when drug addicts, alcoholics qualify for getting social payments if they just have some children? I think this is an artificial way to degrade people's level of consciousness. Under normal society, such children would be taken away from such subhuman filth, and would be screened for their health and potential problems. Afterwards, they would be healed and educated as much as possible, so they would not become such trash or at least would become bearable for other members of society. People are not equal, so not all people are going to become kings, presidents, high priests, etc. But we can definitely achieve a society where everyone can have their function and add at least some benefit to the betterment of the civilization to flourish even more. So under normal society, in one generation all this problem of junkies would get erased absolutely as political will to work for the betterment of society would prevail.

I think I have summarized such policies in a very simple way, and people are smart enough here to see this would actually work and would bring us the indestructible Satya Yuga. But to implement this would be a different matter. Imagine someone establishing a political party which would lay out all of this as a program. Such a person would immediately become "the next Hitler", maybe "even worse than Hitler". I would see this as a compliment, but feeling complimented would not be a comforting thing given such a person would be jailed immediately. So this is where so-called “freedom” of speech actually ends. But I have positive expectations on this. If X from libtard nest was turned into a place where some freedom of speech can be expressed, then we still have lots of chances for actual hope.
This is perfection. Your speech is great. I'd really love to learn more about Hitler's economical plan, if you have any books talking about it, it would be' great. Just to read about giving loans for Houses and children was great

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
