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Images that describe xianity honestly


I think it would also be funny if it was Eve instead of "god" who asked how Joe knew. Also - "god" makes penises and decides they're evil, disgusting, wrong, "sin". "god" decides that's the only way Humans can procreate Naturally, and decides that is evil, disgusting, wrong, "sin". Yep.

Why? Mary carried a strange... erm... "man"'s child, so why not you? "god" doesn't care. Mary had no choice but to obey Joseph, but still was forced into - i.e. still didn't have a choice about - being impregnated by something else. Then again, despite jewish "law", Joseph was still a weakling beta or delta... or zeta... and "god" still raped underaged, married, allegedly virgin (presumably with hymen still intact) Mary and cuckolded adult, elderly and overaged Joseph... "god" got another... "man"'s girl - literally, in this case - pregnant. "god" thinks as much about you for not protecting you from, nor informing you about, those actions against you.

Being raped and being forced to give birth to such newborns should not happen, but "god" doesn't care. "god" could have told you about it, or prevented it from happening, but refused to or didn't know how to or enjoyed watching it happen. You could abort, but being an xian you think you have to "bear your cross" instead, because that's what "loving" "god" demands of you (and knowing "if they're not told, they'd go to 'heaven' anyway", so aborting would be "better" in a fucked-up christian sense), all the while living under the thumb of the husband. "god" is such a misogynist. It is so disgusting.

As for the husband making the wife get artificial "eNhAnCeMeNtS", it sounds like he loves the misogynistic "god", as well. She apparently obeyed the husband for getting these things against her will, but disobeyed him, as per her will, by going out without being escorted by husband or his friends after being forced to get those things. Maybe husband wanted this to happen against wife. Maybe she thinks that being groped and raped was "god"'s punishment against her for not being a slave to her so-called husband.

Besides "you can't serve two masters" -

Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

so it's either "god" or the husband. Stupid christians. I'd wait to be told that I'm TaKiNg ThAt OuT oF cOnTeXt; It SaYs MoNeY, nOt HuSbAnD. Yet it cost a lot to get those "enhancements", and I bet the church didn't pay for it! Oh, and the church demands money and has loads of money. "god" prioritises "mammon" (wealth, materialism, pursuit of riches) higher than "spiritual" engagement with Humans... Mammon is more important to "god" than healing amputees or preventing disasters, and indeed, it admits "I ... create evil" (Isaiah 45:7).

I wonder if in any "the gay church" congregation if a gay Woman has to be slave to her "husband" wife...

you'll have to pretend that you can hear my tonation, not unlike pretending that you hear the holey Ruskie wodka spirit talking to you...
"god" is "dog" backwards, where "god"... just... erm... ... ...and dog brings me newspaper and slippers and defends my home from strange cats and cuddles up with me when I'm sad, and "god"... sort of... Seriously? WtF? "god" what?! I love dog! Herp-fucking-d--oh, fucking forget it, FFS...
Because Bitchute takes too long to process, I used imgur for this, but it doesn't like videos that are longer than 60 seconds, so I had to speed this one up slightly.

Turn sound on

I'm waiting for christians to becry No True Scotsman.
"god" is a Karen. Some think "god" is a woman; since "god" is supposedly neither Male or Female, I think "god" is a non-gendered, non-sexed (and also virgin, despite having a "son" and despite raping underaged, supposedly-virgin, married Mary) allegedly-male Karen (which would be Kevin or Ken technically, but I mean it more specifically and directly as a (fake)male-Karen).

Why? Because this is the Human version of "god" -

"god" the Karen
"god", the selfish, spoilt brat piece of shit.
An appeal aimed at stopping the large scale dumping of plastic bottles containing Bible verses in the River Bann appears to have worked.




xians polluting River Bann with biblical nonsense

christians: No True Scotsman christian would do that!
"god" didn't inform you that it would happen, nor prevent it from happening. In "god"'s opinion, it is good.

Luke 12:49
I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!

I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?

Context - the heading in the text is "not peace, but division"

christians: The news item was about water, not burning the Earth! The Devil shows how stupid you are!
Oh, so this is literal, then, not symbolic? Herp-derp.

"god" is such a divider (see also Tower of Babel - "god" said, "If we don't fuck their shit up, then nothing they plan will be impossible for them to do") and a destroyer. So evil. Similarly, christians are supporters and accomplices of evil - polluting a river with plastic and nonsense. The nonsense would dissipate in the water, since paper can break-up when wet, but protecting it in plastic - and thousands of times? christians are so careless and uncaring...

...when judeochristianity invades Paganism and turning e.g. Asian countries into abrahamic-inspired shitholes?! I would say the christian forgot about that conveniently, but then I would say they ignored it, but I expect they might not really know much about it, but surely still know something about it, so... ignored it when stating that. For those who don't know - the jew declared war on Nazi Germany, so the Germans did not "do in 'the' holocaust"; many people died from non-"holocaust" things, and many non-jews also died; the jew number was reduced from 6 million to about 1 million which included many non-jews, as well. More Humans have died in history as a result of jew shit, including, as I said, judeochristianity (and islam) destroying, razing, raping, burning, etc.
I need an image woth suicidal xian quotes, like a list in a image.
Where to begin? There's an entire bible-full of them! (There are multiple volumes - bibles!) If you mean anything specific, then I'm not able to read your mind. It might exist online, or you could make it yourself.




Possible epilepsy warning.



Dudes those are completely jokes I LOVE THEM , let's gooo!!!! The Gay Jessus and Mohammed look awesome !
"When Jesus died on the cross along with him died the hopes dreams and potentials and eventually lives of billions of others on this planet"
Like..what do you mean by that? What's the purpose of saying this shit anyways then some dogy pictures , is this how Jesus look ,right? him and his lovely angelic beings .

I should have spelt "intelligent" wrong. :/ Don't try to find "jesus" in all the wrong places (or perhaps right places, when you realise it's a pervert), like a dog's anus...
This poor, stupid Woman...


...and curse "israel". Also the link of this AI-generated "jesus selfie" contains "kFJ5zUS". If only that 5 was a 3! jeezussss! In jeezuss name, change the 5 to a 3, the holy trinit-three! The jew's there going, "'Holy trinity'? Hehe. The holy triniteeheehee!". The jew should, like so usually, steal my "holey" and add use it - "Holey triniteeheehee". Come on, christians, (if any are reading this) - "god" isn't upset about me saying these things...

If "jesus" was supposedly seen, perhaps the entire World would feel... different, if the jew is supposedly so powerful. The event wouldn't be merely hearsay...

Regarding that biblical quote about it being easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than people to get to "heaven" (my interpretation is s valid as christians', because "you can read the same "X begot Y, begot Z" passages 1000 times and get 1000 different messages from it!") - that was the jew authours of the bibles taking the piss, letting christians know that they will never get to "heaven", and they can keep trying and working hard and being disappointed and frustrated and lost... and they still won't get there, no matter what, and how much, they do. :eyeroll:

Regarding that comment about christians burning "jesus" as a communist - can you remember the jew "teacher" who was trying to indoctrinate school Children? Click.. It's funny - christians hate commjewnism but worship jewsus and follow xianity...

Plus what I argue is that "when" "jesus" "returns", xians won't believe it. They would claim it is a false-prophet!

Lastly, another argument I am adopting. These people, like the Woman in that video, either actually do, or at least are elibigle to, vote...
They may be trolling and lying and formerly(and currently-if-they-could)-murdering, etc. but...


...it's funny that in countries that, from what I can tell, are only catholic and not other demoninations of christianity, which christians went over to and colonised and raped and raided and razed... that they are full of crime, poverty, drugs, dying of starvation, etc. In more secular societies where abrahamism is not the main death cult, societies actually exist.

Oh, and


only they can pillage and rape and destroy... No-one else can... Because Pagans are ebull and "god" is just; therefore, xians are doing well in their actions; they're dOiNg GoOd and are doing that "good" well.
It makes you laugh but also makes you think😂
I didn't make the original picture. (I edited the text formatting for this one, though.) I wonder just what the exact number of things to consider and laugh at is, because they're funny or because they're stupid.

The serpent, from the "garden of Eden" was not named as Satan in the old testament. The word "satan" with a lowercase S, refers more to the idea, concept of evil and is used as a title and role rather than a name i.e. Satan, with a capital S, the actual person.

If I am not mistaken... bearing in mind there are different bibles... the mention/connection of Satan being "the serpent" was only in the last book, Revelation (and Revelation has connections with the book of Daniel), where Satan was called "that ancient serpent" and referencing the Dragon/the Devil, which in real-life refers to Satan and the Kundalini being many thousands and thousands of years older than abrahamism; these references are defamations against Satan through slander and libel. Likewise, in traditional Asian culture, Dragons are loved; in (((media))), Dragons are depicted as evil and monsters.

More to the point is "god" created the serpent to be more cunning than all other Animals (the bibles admit that); therefore, the serpent was living its best life, doing cunning-ness and being cunning as "god" made it to be... not Satan. "god" decided to make a very cunning Animal who went up to Eve and said, "Eat the fruit!". "god" hurt Eve, and Adam - Adam, being the "male", is more responsible/more punishable of the two (including in archaic "law" in history in real-life). "god" damned Adam and Eve; not Satan; kicked them out and forced Eve to be in a lot of pain when giving birth. Such a loving "god" - especially after sending its own "son" to be tortured to death... It boggles the mind how xians put "good" for evil and "evil" for good, and blame Satan when the bibles admit "god" is the actual devil, and Satan didn't do anything in comparison.

So with "god" sending "jesus" to save us from the serpent that it created in the first place to be very cunning, after which "god" damned Adam and Eve and all of Humanity... erm... yeah... we have to... think that it all makes sense...

"god": makes very cunning serpent
"god": knows precisely what it made
"god": knows in advance what the creature it made will do, because it created that creature to be that and to do that
"god": watches cunning serpent go up to Eve
"god": Why art thou not nekkid?
Eve: You're god. You know everything. You know what was about to happen. You know why, and who, and when it all began before I did.

some time later

"god": ignoring that it made people nekkid originally Stop being nekkid! It's disgusting!

some time later

"god": ignoring that it made the serpent on purpose to hurt, curse and damn Adam, Eve and Humanity Aww, shiii- Wait! I know what happened! Satan is the one who did you wrong! Heh-heh. (He saw how evil I AM in heaven, so He decided to leave because He couldn't stand any more of my evil shit.) As such, I, the lord, your god, will send my son for you to torture to death - and this is the only way - so I can welcome you back to me! xD
Non ho creato io la foto originale. (Però ho modificato la formattazione del testo per questa.) Mi chiedo quale sia esattamente il numero di cose da considerare e di cui ridere, perché sono divertenti o perché sono stupide.

per esempio
Il serpente, dal "giardino dell'Eden" non era chiamato Satana nell'Antico Testamento. La parola "satana" con la S minuscola, si riferisce più all'idea, al concetto di male ed è usata come titolo e ruolo piuttosto che come nome, ad esempio Satana, con la S maiuscola, la persona vera e propria.

Se non sbaglio... tenendo presente che ci sono diverse bibbie... la menzione/collegamento di Satana come "il serpente" è stato solo nell'ultimo libro, Apocalisse (e Apocalisse ha collegamenti con il libro di Daniele), dove Satana è stato chiamato "quel serpente antico" e si riferisce al Drago/al Diavolo, che nella vita reale si riferisce a Satana e alla Kundalini essendo molte migliaia e migliaia di anni più vecchi dell'abrahamismo; questi riferimenti sono diffamazioni contro Satana attraverso calunnia e diffamazione. Allo stesso modo, nella cultura asiatica tradizionale, i Draghi sono amati; nei (((media))), i Draghi sono raffigurati come malvagi e mostri.

Ancora più importante è che "dio" ha creato il serpente per essere più astuto di tutti gli altri animali (la Bibbia lo ammette); quindi, il serpente stava vivendo la sua vita migliore, facendo astuzia ed essendo astuto come "dio" lo aveva fatto essere ... non Satana. "dio" decise di creare un animale molto astuto che andò da Eva e disse: "Mangia il frutto!". "dio" fece del male a Eva e ad Adamo - Adamo, essendo il "maschio", è più responsabile/più punibile dei due (anche nella "legge" arcaica nella storia nella vita reale). "dio" dannò Adamo ed Eva; non Satana; li cacciò via e costrinse Eva a provare molto dolore durante il parto. Un "dio" così amorevole - specialmente dopo aver mandato il proprio "figlio" a essere torturato a morte... Fa girare la testa come i cristiani mettano "bene" per male e "male" per bene, e diano la colpa a Satana quando la Bibbia ammette che "dio" è il vero diavolo, e Satana non ha fatto nulla in confronto.

Quindi, con "Dio" che ha mandato "Gesù" per salvarci dal serpente che aveva creato in primo luogo per essere molto astuto, dopo di che "Dio" ha maledetto Adamo ed Eva e tutta l'umanità... ehm... sì... dobbiamo... pensare che tutto abbia un senso...

"dio": rende il serpente molto astuto
"dio": sa esattamente cosa ha fatto
"dio": sa in anticipo cosa farà la creatura che ha creato, perché ha creato quella creatura per essere quello e per fare quello
"dio": osserva l'astuto serpente avvicinarsi ad Eva
"dio": Perché non sei nudo?
Eve: You're god. You know everything. You know what was about to happen. You know why, and who, and when it all began before I did.

some time later

"god": ignoring that it made people nekkid originally Stop being nekkid! It's disgusting!

some time later

"god": ignoring that it made the serpent on purpose to hurt, curse and damn Adam, Eve and Humanity Aww, shiii- Wait! I know what happened! Satan is the one who did you wrong! Heh-heh. (He saw how evil I AM in heaven, so He decided to leave because He couldn't stand any more of my evil shit.) As such, I, the lord, your god, will send my son for you to torture to death - and this is the only way - so I can welcome you back to me! xD
Unfortunately with the Jews you never know whether to laugh or cry with all the bullshit that they say.
Unfortunately with the Jews you never know whether to laugh or cry with all the bullshit that they say.
I have more examples of jewish bullshit! A revised edition of a book which, despite being revised, says that a lexicon is a wordbook but is not a dictionary... which are all the same thing; and a jew who was more important than Humans, walking among protestors while knowing the protest was happening already, with it not being a secret, then crying like a bitch that it was being... whatever. We also know the bullshit the jew is doing in the Middle East, as well - pretending to be good, while murdering innocent civilians, starving people and blockading food, drinki, supplies, energy/fuel, and destroying id vehicles, and bombing innocent civilians' homes... all "good"!
I have more examples of jewish bullshit! A revised edition of a book which, despite being revised, says that a lexicon is a wordbook but is not a dictionary... which are all the same thing; and a jew who was more important than Humans, walking among protestors while knowing the protest was happening already, with it not being a secret, then crying like a bitch that it was being... whatever. We also know the bullshit the jew is doing in the Middle East, as well - pretending to be good, while murdering innocent civilians, starving people and blockading food, drinki, supplies, energy/fuel, and destroying id vehicles, and bombing innocent civilians' homes... all "good"!
brother, do you want to know the latest? my classmate is taking a week off just to go visit "the memory train". what a mess! 🙄
brother, do you want to know the latest? my classmate is taking a week off just to go visit "the memory train". what a mess! 🙄
I don't know what that is, but OK!

You can have faith or you can know.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
