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I want to rant for a moment

Apr 1, 2011
I live in a big city. Lots of people and many races. And I am just disgusted by how many white men I am seeing with Asian girlfriends. Or, even worse, white men with nego girlfriends. Not many of those. its more common to see white women with brown and black skinned men. 
I see them on the street holding hands and I feel so much anger! To me its revolting and infuriating! I pass them by and think: You fucking criminals! You disgusting race traitors! You filth!
When I see their mongrels, it pisses me off even more. Like the other day I saw a white man holding the hand of his son, who was obviously produced by mating with a fucking negro! Makes me feel sick!
I really hope that what they are doing will finally be recognized for the crime it is. And then, once in a while, I see a white couple with a baby stroller and I think: Hail Satan! Heres at least ONE white couple who is reproducing!
It pisses me off so much! I feel so angry when I see these idiots holding hands with and nailing women not of their race! it is so disgusting!!! I just feel so angry about this! I hope there is retribution to these miserable race traitors!
it makes me sick!

I feel the same way. Just the thought of race mixing makes me want to vomit, it's disgusting. I honestly hope when we destroy the jewish filth on this planet and free our race that punishment for race mixing will be death.

To be honest I don't understand, how can people do that?
Not only are your screwing yourself, you are also screwing generations after you if you race mix. Disgusting!

Race mixing goes against laws of nature and Father Satan, I think death is fitting punishment. I mean It's not like they are going to change... once a race traitor always a race traitor
I feel the same way. It's so vile. When I see couples of the same race, even black or asian, but especially Aryan, it makes me very happy. When I see a White child, I always think in my head, "Grow strong and find Satan." ...and sometimes I add "- as long as there's not a spec of jew in you. In which case croak quickly."

I know exactly what you're saying and how you feel. I too live in an area with the same sick problems, and it disgusts and infuriates me to no end. I have even rambled angrily in my personal diary about this so many times, its just gotten horribly out of control and i too am very frustrated. I totally understand why you have to let loose about this, ive had to many numerous times as well. Ive also had many visualizations of the our race becoming perfect again and all impurities eradicated, us all being completely pure and whole again, the day this happens is the day i will finally be able to rest. As a satanic aryan warrior, this is something i wish to see so much wording my feelings here is near impossible. I always get angry and disgusted seeing the things you described, and i want all who advocate this rotten behavior to pay the price so this is never repeated. What i hate more, people who are foolish enough to say or so much as think 'everyones doing it so its ok' when this is obviously horribly wrong; if everyone did that, as Sister Maxine has said civilization would cease existence. When i think about how obvious that is, its awfully sad that few of the 'modern masses' can see this. I get the problem with jewish enemy programming (and i know this is horrid power way out of wack), and the so called modern teachings (jewish lies, jew history book, etc) that promote this, but its just so sad how very few these days even stop to think about that. But in the end, i know they will pay the price for this mess and everything else they did to degenerate humanity. I mean its not over yet, but given HP Cobra's recent writings about the enemy's desperate attempts, i can still say this confidence :)
On Oct 6, 2017 2:57 AM, "zolaluckystar@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected] wrote:
  I live in a big city. Lots of people and many races. And I am just disgusted by how many white men I am seeing with Asian girlfriends. Or, even worse, white men with nego girlfriends. Not many of those. its more common to see white women with brown and black skinned men. 
I see them on the street holding hands and I feel so much anger! To me its revolting and infuriating! I pass them by and think: You fucking criminals! You disgusting race traitors! You filth!
When I see their mongrels, it pisses me off even more. Like the other day I saw a white man holding the hand of his son, who was obviously produced by mating with a fucking negro! Makes me feel sick!
I really hope that what they are doing will finally be recognized for the crime it is. And then, once in a while, I see a white couple with a baby stroller and I think: Hail Satan! Heres at least ONE white couple who is reproducing!
It pisses me off so much! I feel so angry when I see these idiots holding hands with and nailing women not of their race! it is so disgusting!!! I just feel so angry about this! I hope there is retribution to these miserable race traitors!
it makes me sick!
In particular, I've noticed Asian women are the most aggressive race mixers and obsessed with chasing White men and shunning their own men. In every race, you've got those who mix and have issues with their own people but no other group even comes close to Asian women. Not all of them but most. Statistically men and women of every race overwhelmingly date within their own race, which is natural. Most people instinctively prefer their own race, except for Asian women. Look it up. They are the only group which mixes more than sticks with their own people. In Canada, Asian women have something like a 70% rate of intermarriage which is crazy.

These White men who go with Asian women will regret it when they have Eurasian sons who are largely rejected by women of any race. I'm serious, there is a whole community online of mixed half Asian half White Men, in their 20s and 30s who are still virgins and they are BITTER at the world and women for rejecting them. Elliot Rodger was a classic example. Look up Hapa Reddit.
From what I've seen, White men are usually the ones who chase Asian women. Asians do not readily race mix. At least they didn't in the past. I don't know about today.

Something I saw some 30-40 years ago, it was hilarious.

I saw this cartoon by the KKK. There was a White guy with his arm around an Asian woman. The Asian woman was wearing one of those wide cone caps they wear in the fields, like in Vietnam. Both had huge grins on their faces.

Then the caption read:
"Gee, isn't it great to be treated like a real man but not have to be one."

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
you guys are really misunderstanding, Asian women outnumber white women EXPONENTIALLY.
there are just so many Asian women that it is common to see them with white men in a disproportionate amount that you ill see white men with white women.
also a lot of these Asian women are very young and are with older single white men, these older single white men ordinarily didn't have a spouse to begin with, so those asian women are filling in for multiple generations of white women.
 and thats just one reason why you see so many asian girls with white men. as opposed to white and white.
who doesn't have an uncle or grandpa or even a dad who has had an Asian girlfriend?i live on the west coast, there are a LOT of Asian people here.
personally i mesh much better with the Asians then i do with the blacks, i also find Asian girls to be very sexy as well..not all of them obviously, but because there are so many Asian women there are going to be a lot more pretty Asian women.
europe and north america make up 18-20 percent of the worlds population,
 but asia makes up over 60 percent 
so as a general guideline lets say that 1 in every 5 white women you will find a very pretty girl
lets assume the rule is the same for Asian women
there are going to be 3 times as many very attractive Asian girls as white girls

at that you can say its almost like your options for dating an asian woman are tripled when compared to dating white women.
so its just a numbers game, its not like white men prefer asians over whites, they just prefer the most beautiful asian women, over average looking white women.

please dont be offended and get upset because you think i am encouraging race mixing...i am not, im just trying to give my opinion on "WHY" you guys are seeing what you are seeing

Attachments :
<ol>wh.PNG</ol><ol>as.PNG</ol>notice the difference in search hits, i searched multiple times and the results were the same
hits for sexy asian women outnumber the hits for sexy white women by 28:18  which is essensially 30-20 
or a 3:2 ratio, keep in mind i did this search only in English imagine if i did it in mandarin Chinese
The reason you got this search result.. Which proves nothing by the way, is because people do not generally use text discriminators for "white" women.

If I was to do a search for white women, the only women whom I am naturally attracted to, I would write sexy women.

So.. When one saves the key words for their web page for Google to read, it is unlikely that the word white is frequently included for pages about sexy white women.. It would simply be sexy women.

So this search is basically meaningless.
Attachments :
<ol>sexy women.PNG</ol>i searched "sexy women" here you go, there were 11 whites and 11 asians, i searched this in english, the majority of english speaking countries are white, so shouldn't there be WAY more whites than asians coming up?
open up the above file, you will see why,  if you only want to see white women then you should use a keyword, because you are super likely to come across pictures of women from all different races
GBC, so the Asian women outnumber whites, so its only 'natural' that white men would mix with them?!? Despite your disclaimer that is exactly what you seem to be promoting. 
I don't give a rats ass how many asian women are 'sexy' and somehow that means that white men would want to fuck them and reproduce with them. To do so is a crime against your own race. On both sides.
"who doesn't have an uncle or grandpa or even a dad who has had an Asian girlfriend?"

Ummm......my family. My family doesn't have any of that shit in their background. We are white. It is NOT natural or OK. It is disgusting.
Like tonight. I was walking home and saw an asian man walking with his girlfriend, who was an absolutely beautiful white aryan girl and I was just.....sick at seeing this.
I don't give a rats ass if there are three times more available asian girls. White men need to be reproducing with their white female counterparts, period. Anything else is a crime. And I agree with the other people who posted here that this is a crime that warrents the death penalty, because they are contributing to the death of the white race. They are filthy traitors.
"personally i mesh much better with the Asians then i do with the blacks, i also find Asian girls to be very sexy as well"

If you are a white man saying this, then I would have to say you are a race traitor. And WTF are you doing promoting this? And you call yourself a Satanist? When this is to Him a criminal act and against Him? You ARE encouraging or at the least, condoning race mixing! Oh well, there are three more asian women to white women so you can't blame them...are you kidding me? I don't care about the numbers! Of COURSE there are far more of them: we are the most endangered species on Earth! What, 7%? White people are the most endangered species on Earth! 
If you are going against Satan in this, then you are of the enemy. I am not 'misunderstanding' anything!
Race mixing is evil and not to be tolerated. Period. So you can say please don't be offended all you like: I'm offended. This is not acceptable, not in my eyes but more importantly, not in Satans eyes, nor the eyes of the Gods. It is a crime. It is white genocide.
We, the real Satanist's will never accept this filth. I personally am disgusted and angered by this race mixing shit. It infuriates me. It is wrong on so many levels.
I'm ranting here because I can't rant or let my real feelings out in the day to day world but it angers me no end. I'm sick at heart.
Where I grew up and went to school, white people compromised 99% of the population. And I'm sick in my heart to see how we have declined, and are in danger of being overwhelmed by these other races, and to see white men and women betraying thier own race. I'm just so sick to see this....

zola im not saying its ok to have kids with the asian women, however not everybody feels that members of the other races are gross, also when i said "mesh better" i didnt mean sex, i just mean on a level of friendship, i have always had more peaceful and friendly encounters with the asian people then i have with the black people i have come across.
im not condoning anything, im just trying to tell you guys why i think that this is happening, I KNEW FOR A FACT that someone was going to spazz out when they saw this, go figure it was the seriously offended white woman who is insecure because some white men like Asian women.
i appreciate you taking out your "anger" or whatever on me, it makes a lot of sense for you to waste all that energy trying to do whatever that was instead of doing something useful.
anyways i couldn't care less if Satan is upset because im naturally attracted to Asian women too, he designed me so how tf is that my fault?
+zolaluckystar Don't worry I feel the exact same. We can all agree Whites who are into miscegeny are traitor scum who betray their own heritage and people. I support using the death sentence for this crime also, when you think about it, race mixing is almost like a murder because by this act they are preventing the birth of White children that would otherwise have been born had they just had normal relationships.

This recent mass shooter. Steven Paddock is an example of an Antifa supporting degenerate trash self hating and had an Asiatic mongoloid woman as his girlfriend. Though there is evidence he may have been a Jew himself. Jews have a lot of race mixing in their own history as well as inbreeding, they're like a weird combo of race mixing and inbreeding which is probably where they get their ugly looks from haha.
Listen, race-betraying ASSHOLE!!  You have been BANNED for promoting this shit and for disrespecting Zolaluckystar's honest observations.  You have also been banned for stating your own personal OPINIONS as if they are "facts" and the "truth."
SATAN HAS TOLD ME FACE-TO-FACE HOW HE FEELS ABOUT RACE-MIXING, AND I'M NOT EVEN A HETEROSEXUAL!!!!  So you can take your race-betraying attraction to Asian women that SATAN NEVER GAVE YOU [despite your wishful thinking] and you can shove it the fuck up your ass.  Anyone else want to help GBC destroy our race while claiming to be a "Satanist" in a group that is specifically for the White Aryan Race of SATAN???
In Satanism, the only "excuse" for Whites not to reproduce is people that are exclusively homosexual, as these people who have more time freed up from not having family life are given roles of leadership.  This is not exclusive.  Some heterosexuals will be given these roles, as well.  However, some homosexuals are going to have to reproduce, as well.  This is about racial survival, and selfishness will not be tolerated.
Anymore tolerance, or even indifference, towards race-mixing will be an automatic BAN!  Attraction to other races does NOT come from Satan!
High Priest Jake Carlson

In addition, there was a time that I was still brainwashed into thinking that as long as Gentiles do not race-mix with Jews, race-mixing couldn't be "all bad."  I hadn't studied the politically incorrect reality of race, nor the hazards of race-betrayal during that confusing time.  This was ten years ago.
But then, Satan came to me when I was new to studying Ben Klassen, George Lincoln Rockwell, and others, who, although they had a Christian-Muslim-like hatred of the third gender [but otherwise made excellent points], he [Satan] told me that in the Al-Jilwah, when he states, "I do not allow friendly association with other people," he was referring to Whites being on friendly terms with the Jews and the colored non-Whites.
This doesn't mean "race-hatred" like the Jews who hate and want to exterminate all of the non-Jewish Nations, but rather a sound method of racial protection and preservation of Satan's human bloodline by avoiding any and all miscegenation with non-Whites.
Although he had some deluded Gnostic-Christian views and superstitious hatred towards women, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels was right that Aryan man and woman used to be Gods and Goddesses until "the Fall."  "The Fall" was not only the "sin" of obtaining "forbidden knowledge," but rather the abomination of Whites stooping down and mixing with the lesser races, which resulted in the compromising of our immortality gene.
The truth that many of you here already know is that whenever Whites mix with non-Whites, the non-Whites receive racial upgrades, while the White Racial quality suffers and drops significantly in quality, both individually, and collectively, as what one White person does or doesn't do for our Race, has an effect on our overall collective Racial soul.  This is one reason why Christianity needs to be completely destroyed.  Christianity = blood contamination via indoctrination of our Aryan soul into Jewish curses and superstitions.  What affects our souls eventually manifests in the physical.
Christianity insidiously achieves within our White Aryan Racial soul what miscegenation does to our physical offspring.  However, what most of the sleeping White Race fails to see is that, like Christianity, race-mixing isn't just a physical hazard, but it is also a spiritual hazard.  
High Priest Jake Carlson

I feel exactly the same, where I live more and more interracial couples and it makes me very angry and sad to see all those people betraying our race and our ancestors.Even before I started on satanism when I was not open spiritually I already saw interracial couples as something unnatural.
---In [email protected], <zolaluckystar@... wrote :

I live in a big city. Lots of people and many races. And I am just disgusted by how many white men I am seeing with Asian girlfriends. Or, even worse, white men with nego girlfriends. Not many of those. its more common to see white women with brown and black skinned men. 
I see them on the street holding hands and I feel so much anger! To me its revolting and infuriating! I pass them by and think: You fucking criminals! You disgusting race traitors! You filth!
When I see their mongrels, it pisses me off even more. Like the other day I saw a white man holding the hand of his son, who was obviously produced by mating with a fucking negro! Makes me feel sick!
I really hope that what they are doing will finally be recognized for the crime it is. And then, once in a while, I see a white couple with a baby stroller and I think: Hail Satan! Heres at least ONE white couple who is reproducing!
It pisses me off so much! I feel so angry when I see these idiots holding hands with and nailing women not of their race! it is so disgusting!!! I just feel so angry about this! I hope there is retribution to these miserable race traitors!
it makes me sick!

Here in the Caribbean island i'm in race mixing is everywhere, keep in mind all races can be found here, as they've been pushing the whole equality bullshit since we got Independence after ww1, The indentured slaves that came from both Africa and India(both brown and indo-ayran) both make up the majority of the island.

And since it was occupied by the British they're whites here, the Asians like chines came later down the line for better quality of life and such, opening chines restaurants, when i was a kid there was only 1 chines restaurant but now there's like 3, they're all over the place.
I have noticed Asians usually stick to themselves, but the ones that i grew up with race mixed, all the Asian women either took a white or black guy, i can't say anything about the Asian guys because i never grew up with any, but for the most part Asians stick to themselves as there's a lot of racial tension here.
And then there's the white/Indian mixing with the black, my relatives do this as well, the whole race mixing thing had always put me of since i was a kid, but now that i'm an SS i understand the whole race mixing thing,and now it's rather aggravating tbh.
But this island had always been going down the path of degradation, hate this place so much.
One additional thing I have personally noticed about Asians is that they are joint manipulators who like to turn other people, namely Whites, against each other for the benefit of the Asian who is manipulating and playing people off of each other.  
The Asian woman sees the White man who is attracted to them as weak and as a potential victim.  White men who are attracted to Asians are weaker, and are possibly infected by the meekness gene.  The meekness gene is something I am not good at explaining, but I know that according to the rabbis, it was mostly originally intended to turn the original Spartan warrior-like third sex population into malleable slaves and sissy-ass bitches of Christ and his people, but since this genotype has taken on a life of its own, it can grab hold of any heterosexual it damn well pleases, as well.
The purpose of the meekness gene is to turn the White Race into effeminate slaves of Christ and his Jewish people.  The Jews obviously also use the colored Gentiles to beat our White Aryan Race into submission, while showing these colored victimizers as being the "victims."  As Satanists, we are given "X-Ray" vision to see what those who are without only rarely can see. If we don't keep waking our own people up, nobody else will before it is too late.
High Priest Jake Carlson

HP Jake Carlson, thank you! You're awesome Sir!
Also, thank you for clarifying:
"he [Satan] told me that in the Al-Jilwah, when he states, "I do not allow friendly association with other people," he was referring to Whites being on friendly terms with the Jews and the colored non-Whites.
This doesn't mean "race-hatred" like the Jews who hate and want to exterminate all of the non-Jewish Nations, but rather a sound method of racial protection and preservation of Satan's human bloodline by avoiding any and all miscegenation with non-Whites."
I used to think Satan meant by this statement do not have friendly associations with gentiles who follow Xianity or Islam. I didn't know He meant it in the sense you just explained though now that you do it makes perfect sense. 
While I don't detest other gentiles who are not Aryan, I don't love them either. I personally have no desire to hang out with them or form close friendships with them. I've always preferred being with my own people, even before becoming a Satanist. Especially as the years went on and more and more colored people began inundating us. 
And white people really are the best. Something that happened to me illustrates this pretty well I think: 
I was volunteering at a yoga studio. The light in the roof in the reception area had burnt out. It had been out for days I learned when I asked why it hadn't been fixed, but no one (apparently) wanted to take the trouble to do anything about it. Instead they were sitting in the gloom of only one working light which I thought was stupid. So I decided to do something. 
The folding ladder was up in a kind of loft thing. I managed to get it down alone while standing on a chair. But after fixing the light, struggling to get it back up there, found I wasn't strong enough. I'm quite strong but I just couldn't lift that 10 foot metal ladder all the way over my head while standing on a chair. But I was trying. A class lets out. A nego man (I'm in the reception area) comes out, puts on his shoes and leaves. Then two asian men. They do the same as the black guy. Followed by a white man who immediately exclaimed: Let me help you! You're going to get hurt! And lifted it up for me. The one who helped:
The white man. Of course.
This is another rant. I hate how white men are just being relentlessy attacked. In subliminal and not so subliminal forms and ways all over media. Like this Las Vegas Shooter Patsy (I think it was a CIA or FBI/MOSSAD operation, personally): but look, its a crazy white dude! At least, this is what he is being held up for I think, to denigrate white men. Meanwhile as you say Ashley, even if he is a jew, the general public won't make that connection. They'll look and think: White degenerate MAN.
Yes, I heard this Antifa and more recently talk of it was ISIS terrorism come to the USA. I think thats more divide and conquer, maybe trying to start a race war here in the US between real Americans and the alien muslim horde they have been pouring into our country, perhaps also to bring more war abroad? Its a gun grab as well (look what the jew witch Clinton tweated about it). Oh, lets not forget that ISIS was funded and trained/created under Clinton and the Obamas regime.
Interestingly, I heard a veteran say (after listening to the sound of the gunfire in Las Vegas) he said it was (some technical name I forget) armamant, which civilians can't get and these guns take two men to handle them. Not to mention they are LOUD. HOW is it even possible that they were able to shoot these things out of a huge hotel without Security being alerted immediately, let alone escape? I know if I heard that on my floor I'd be down to the front desk to get security and/or dialing the cops immediately.
Was anyone really killed? I wonder...as at another place online an ex cop said that when a body is shot it bleeds out a pool of blood (I'm going on memory here) that is three feet across and a half inch thick and that blood begins almost instantly to coagulate. So, with all these people shot, there should be blood (he said a gory mess) on the ground, yet there isn't any...so, I don't know, they shot real guns into the air for the sound effects?

When really whats behind all this shit is fucking Israel and the jews. Its all so insidious!
I found this video online, where another utuber actually predicted the Las Vegas Shooting two weeks before the event:

I look forward to the day the blowback comes when the TRUTH finally comes out, when they can't hide anymore, when Gentiles figure out what the jews have done to them, ARE doing to them and we finally take vengeance; not just for ourselves, but for our Ancestors!
Like you said Ashley, every white child that wasn't born because a white gentile race mixes, is like a murder. Not to mention all the people before us who were murdered in the Dark Ages, all their filthy wars, etc. 
Hail Satan!
PS: I am wondering, since we always return to our race to be reincarnated, what soul goes into these mixed babies?

It's new souls that get created or other disgusting mixed souls reincarnate , as they are basically a different soul from pure white or black. We wont ever reincarnate in those disgusting mixed bodies.

And to the topic of race mixing, I have noticed how most people who race mix, are complete loosers, who can't even get a nice white woman, so they pass to negros and they'll feel loved, basically they are life loosers  with a reallyy weak mind. This mixed guy I was best friend with a long time ago, was the most retarded being on earth, his father was an idiot who couldnt get more then 700euro a month and his mother was a complete negro nigerian woman. so disgusting.
i was never able to even imagine a sex with another woman who is not white (im a third sex woman), and even when i wasnt SS i found it disgusting to watch how can (for example) a black man kiss white woman, or some white woman kiss an asian man, or white man kiss a black woman and so on and on... never got intrigued by it and i always turned my head around, and i wasnt even an SS back then! you know, i am croatian, and at least croatian hold to their race, and dont like mixing aswell, i thought before oohhh hooow primitiveeee we areee... but now, i am more than happy to actually realize that croatians are not primitve for trying to save their race, and many croatians are like that, trying to save what is left of us... currently i reside in germany and because of germany i started to see the true problems and because of germany i slowly started to take interest into national socialism, because if you live in croatia your whole life you will problably see 10 asians and 2 black people, so i didnt even thought about saving the white race, or what other problems are, because the only problem we had is that of poverty in our country and to fight to live another day and to actually have something to eat by the end of the month... and once i saw the state in which germany is, my heart broke, even i was firstly crying for days after i realized certain things when it comes to white race, so the only thing i want is for white race to rise up like in the hitler times, or even older times of old powerfull aryan civilizations where they were building powerful culture full of pride... today, i barely see any pride in our white men and women, they are all scared of it and think it is moraly wrong to think that race mixing is wrong, and they keep shitting around about loveeee.... they dont even realize what a love is and expecially not what a love for the whole race is... they never will if they keep doing this... if i knew for 100% that i could save the whole white race and make them powerful for the whole eternity i would give my life over and over again for it... all are afraid of being called nazis and thing that this will be their ruin or that if they think that way that they are "limiting their way of thinking" because LOOVEEEE FOR EVERYONEEE, we all must love each other to live in peace... -.- ... could puke on that one... fight for white race, stay pride, never give up, believe in Satan and our Demon Gods, think about Hitler and what he did for us, and never EVER loose the white aryan flame that burns inside us... NEVER!!!
When I was a kid, we had to make a family tree for a school project, complete with pictures and info on one genetic trait (eg. eye or hair colour). I found some extremely old photos & decided to write down everyone's eye colour. Most had blue eyes. When I thought of this years later, I discovered that in my family there is no non-whites and almost entire youngest generation (even cousins living overseas) has blond hair. On my grandpa's funeral his sister told my cousin and I that we're very beautiful girls & that our entire family is made only of beautiful people. At that time I was still a child, believing beautiful meant those poeple shown on TV & I thought that she just had bad eyesight. When I became a SS & learned about the importance of race purity it finally made sense. I remember my mother telling me as a child not to marry a non-white man when I grow up. I payed her no mind - to me, that was only natural.
When your blood is pure, your soul knows what to do, even if you're not a SS. But once you realise the importance of what seemed like common knowledge, you can never go back.
My Christian parents used to be racially-alert when I was a child.  Back then, however, I was the kind of kid that was rebellious to the point that if they taught me not to do something, I would want to taste the forbidden fruit and do just the opposite.  Even though I knew within my soul that having anything to do with other races is wrong, I wanted to rebel against my parents.  However, when it comes to something like race-mixing and multiculturalism, White people do not have to belong to any particular religion to have morals that tell you that these things are against Nature and are just plain wrong.  We know these things deep down within our Aryan souls.
As I grew up, I grew out of my rebelliousness when it came to being obstinate about such things for the sake of being rebellious.  It turned out that I had only been temporarily against what my parents had taught me about race when we lived in the black jungle of South Carolina during the early 1990's because I was naturally against what I perceived to be their typical Christian morality.
Then, I saw what turned out to be the truth all along.  Christianity and White Racial Loyalty do NOT blend together whatsoever.  My parents, as they continued to progress under their Christian bewitchment, gave up on racial awareness and being against multiculturalism, which was blatant proof that Christianity was invented by the Jewish people to DISARM White people who succumb to this plague, and prepare them for multiculturalism, miscegenation and suicidal tolerance.  
Aryans are going to have to choose between being Christians or being true to our Race, as nobody can be loyal to our Race and be a Christian at the same time.  Christian "racialists" can only be racially-alert for so long before the Christian virus eats away at this at-the-soul awareness like an acid dissolving flesh away.
My father is no longer a Christian, but it is obvious that he still sympathizes with some of its more "Right-winged" values to some degree because of my mother's persistence.  At least I was able to get my father to renounce Christ and most Christian teachings.  His renouncing of Christianity has made him racially aware again, while my mother gets irritated and calls me an "extremist" and "paranoid conspiracy theorist" whenever I bring up the facts about the anti-White forces that are destroying Europe and America.  She has progressed so far under the Christian curse that race no longer matters to her at all, which proves that when I was a little kid, I wasn't really rebelling against our Race, but rather what I *perceived* to be Christian teachings, but as I grew up, I learned that they clearly weren't Christian teachings.
For those of you who have children, or plan to have them, make sure to teach them the differences between Satanic Pagan Racialism versus those "White Racialists" who promote Christian values.  Mixing Christianity with Satanic Pagan Nazism is more hazardous than mixing water and electricity.
Out of all of the religions that claim to be pro-White, it is ultimately Satanism that is the only true White Racial Religion, as Satan is our Seed.  We also do what Satan wants, and we carry out his desires.  A long time ago, when I asked Satan what I can do for our Race as a homosexual who doesn't plan on having any children, he said that I need to "Be Creative."  When one dedicates their soul to Satan, they are dedicating their soul to the White Racial collective Soul.  Each Aryan soul's blood is like a stream that flows into the collective Aryan ocean.  What one person does for or against our Race has an effect not only on the individual, but also the collective.
I have been meaning to write my sermon about the importance of the blood for the Dedication ritual, but I have some more sources that I need to read, and I need to gather all of my notes together so I can organize them.  This will take some more time because I have other works in progress, as well.  Thank you all for your patience.
High Priest Jake Carlson

---In [email protected], <lisadragomir13@... wrote :

When I was a kid, we had to make a family tree for a school project, complete with pictures and info on one genetic trait (eg. eye or hair colour). I found some extremely old photos & decided to write down everyone's eye colour. Most had blue eyes. When I thought of this years later, I discovered that in my family there is no non-whites and almost entire youngest generation (even cousins living overseas) has blond hair. On my grandpa's funeral his sister told my cousin and I that we're very beautiful girls & that our entire family is made only of beautiful people. At that time I was still a child, believing beautiful meant those poeple shown on TV & I thought that she just had bad eyesight. When I became a SS & learned about the importance of race purity it finally made sense. I remember my mother telling me as a child not to marry a non-white man when I grow up. I payed her no mind - to me, that was only natural.
When your blood is pure, your soul knows what to do, even if you're not a SS. But once you realise the importance of what seemed like common knowledge, you can never go back.
Despite my distance to my parents I’ve noticed this racial awareness in my mother, she isn't xian, I suppose she had the right idea when she told me back when I was a kid that if I ever brought a black woman home they'd be trouble.   My dad is xian however and sometimes calls my mother racist for some of the things she say, but you're right about xians not being loyal to their race, as well as being acquiescent as fuck.   I know that my dad is unable to face problems, instead he just drinks alcohol for like a week straight, because he's an xian coward like that, the annoying part is that he has quite vigorous body, as he used to help with construction work back in the days.   Strong body, but weak and frail on the inside due to xianity, when the neighbor stole my dog, and I literally saw my neighbor chain my dog and drag him to the front of the house, I told my mom who found my dog and released him, the other day my dog was missing, I knew it was the neighbor.   It turned out that he had my dog sent over to his family who lives very far, my mother tried her best to convince him to call the people so they'd bring my dog back, yet he didn't do anything.   My dad didn't do shit because he was drunk, when I took a cutlass and went on a rampage inside my neighbor’s house, only then did the guy give me the number to the people he sent the dog over to, I called them and they were not compliant, so I went back on my rampage and got him to call his family to return my dog, which was then returned to me the other day.   my dad quite literally stood in the gallery and watched me break whatever I got my hands on, my dad could have absolutely flexed that guy, yet did noting, and when he got sober he had the audacity to tell me that the guy didn’t steal my dog, when I literally saw him chaining my dog the prior day.   All in all I’m surprised they didn’t call the police, but then again I saw the fear in his eyes, he knew he wouldn’t get away with stealing my dog, this all happened around 3-4 months ago, about a weak after the ordeal the guy got really sick and had to be hospitalized, when he recovered he never moved back into the house, instead it was rented to a family, and 1 week ago to as to me writing this, I got news that he passed away(justice).     I really can’t get over how my dad passively stood and did nothing while someone stole my dog and acted like he could do whatever he wanted.
Thanks Ed. I remember now I'd read that in a Sermon. I'd forgotten that. Its a relief to know I'll never be born into a mixed body but it definitely underscores how we need to stick together and not mix. Ancient Shadow love what you said: "never EVER loose the white aryan flame that burns inside us... NEVER!!!"
Lisa I agree. We have no non whites in our family either. I could never imagine reproducing with anyone other than a white man. I was taking a class recently and on the first day we kind of did rounds, each person talked a little about themselves to sort of introduce themselves to the group. I kept my 'introduction' short. But another woman, who was the product of race mixing white and black went on at length of how she hates being mixed, how it has fucked up her life. How she hates herself. She was there for the first day and then dropped out. As I was listening to her I was thinking: THANK SATAN thats not me! I felt sad for her though. How awful. Race mixing is a horrible thing. I'm really looking forward to your Sermon HP Jake Carlson!
Rook, that is so awful about your dog being stolen like that, I'm glad you got him back. If anyone had taken my little Familiar like that I'd have gone absolutely ballistic too. Its terrible your dad didn't do anything. If someone did that to my child I'd have gone postal.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
