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I request the deletion of my account

Henu the Great said:
Dark Lawyer said:

We have heard the same a dozen times before.

None of us have extraordinarily easy life. Some have luxury, which is the result of hard earned work.

Quit your whining, do something to make yourself have a better outlook and circumstances, but for goodness sake stop begging for our pity with your story. You are not the only one. The world is full of suffering. You have an extraordinary chance to make something out of your life, even extending to future incarnations and most of your effort goes to self pity. Shame, such a shame...

"The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness." - Eric Hoffer
Dark Lawyer said:
At most, shortness of breath and nerve stimulation
I used to have this too and it was very frustrating, almost as if something was wrong with me. Then I discovered that it was because I was super tense, in the sense that my body was always super tense, almost like in fight or flight mode, and there was no relaxation in my mind.

Try and relax your body and mind, seek harmony in your mind. Also remember, mental harmony is a habit, and is something to always have even if you feel like you should not have it because of your bad financial situation.
Henu the Great said:
Dark Lawyer said:

1. I do not understand you. Blitzkreig wrote to me and I replied to him. Why did you write to me now? I wrote a reply to you recently, but you did not reply:


2. Cobra could have easily handled my deletion 4 months ago when I requested my deletion. Then you shouldn't be reading me now. Although you don't have to, because you can choose not to read what I write.

Henu the Great said:
Thanks for taking time to describe the situation. (...) All in all the situation is dire and complex, yet, some methods would alleviate your woes in short to medium term and others long term to future life/lives (freeing of the soul workings, cleaning your chakras and aura, protection meditations and reverse torah rituals). If anything, lessening future suffering would be a wise option instead of totally giving up.

I quote this only because of all the accusations you have been making against me lately. Interestingly, you praised my honesty then and now you write YAWN. And tell me, would your bracketed rabbit's tail list be a great solution to my "dire and complex" situation?
Aquarius said:
Dark Lawyer said:
At most, shortness of breath and nerve stimulation
I used to have this too and it was very frustrating, almost as if something was wrong with me. Then I discovered that it was because I was super tense, in the sense that my body was always super tense, almost like in fight or flight mode, and there was no relaxation in my mind.

Try and relax your body and mind, seek harmony in your mind. Also remember, mental harmony is a habit, and is something to always have even if you feel like you should not have it because of your bad financial situation.

This is a key point, especially because Dark Lawyer mentioned tinnitus, which can come from kidney yin deficiency or inflammation. All of this would make someone tense or stressed out.

While the Kundalini yoga should make you feel better in an energizing fashion, if you are dealing with a lack of yin or cooling in the body, then it may be too heating. There is a difference between the positive fire created by kundalini yoga and the negative fire that is inflammation, but it might be hard to distinguish when they occur together.

Pressing either kidney 3 or large intestine 11 for long enough would help the body cool down. Plenty of times I have held these points and literally sighed out of relaxation.

Similar to this point, I think Dark Lawyer should instead focus on the more tangible side of our path. Instead of doing yoga for spiritual powers, why not do it for its ability to make you feel good and happy? Do hatha yoga and also try the various pranayama exercises.

People want him to keep meditating because it would improve his situation, but he has lost confidence in the astral manipulation of our path. Instead, he should focus on the tangible and physical side, which gives immediate feedback, but would also improve his overall situation, due to having higher energy.
Karnonnos said:
Some members here would find putting the bottle down or doing a law exam the hardest thing on earth, whereas you found it a cakewalk.

It was not a cakewalk for me in the least. It was two hard fights and there were a lot of rounds in both of them. :cool: Only NakedPluto thinks that I "all of the life doing nothing". But NP sometimes argues with his own ideas, and I don't want to disturb him. :roll:

Karnonnos said:
By the sounds of things it doesn't even seem like your chakras have opened so I'm not sure what to think here.

I'm also not sure what to think here. In this topic, I have accurately quoted the list of results promised by Cobra for the 40th day of the 40-day programme.

I made it clear that after 47 days I felt almost none of the promised results. This has been ignored by everyone in this topic. Instead, I got insulting reactions about me being a liar, being on the intellectual level of a monkey, that I had achieved nothing in my life, that I was a troll, fuck myself, I'm retarded, and that I should be physically beaten. Sorry, but this style has a sectarian feel.

And of course, the reason I wrote about not feeling the promised results of the 40-day program is because I was so fucking happy to have done the meditation program for 47 days with no results, in addition to my 12-hour job. I wrote about this because I'm a liar and a retard, and the joy for me is when I'm working without results.

You're probably right, and I really don't have my chakras open. Either because there is no such thing as a chakra, or because the 40-day program doesn't work, or because I am unfit for spirituality. I honestly no longer care which of the three is the real answer. If I do, I'll have to find out for myself, because there is no communication on this topic here. Which is interesting because Cobra just wrote the other day that there are no forbidden topics on this forum. There are indeed no forbidden topics, only those that result mothering.
Dark Lawyer said:

Here we have members who have a horrible past and yet now they are there having a fulfilling life. The important thing is to turn the page. Feeling pity for the past does no one any good, what is the purpose of being continually in this state? The past is the past, peel off the label and start life again, no matter if you are 40 years old.
Watch this short video:
Dark Lawyer said:
I made it clear that after 47 days I felt almost none of the promised results. This has been ignored by everyone in this topic. Instead, I got insulting reactions about me being a liar, being on the intellectual level of a monkey, that I had achieved nothing in my life, that I was a troll, fuck myself, I'm retarded, and that I should be physically beaten. Sorry, but this style has a sectarian feel.

And of course, the reason I wrote about not feeling the promised results of the 40-day program is because I was so fucking happy to have done the meditation program for 47 days with no results, in addition to my 12-hour job. I wrote about this because I'm a liar and a retard, and the joy for me is when I'm working without results.

You're probably right, and I really don't have my chakras open. Either because there is no such thing as a chakra, or because the 40-day program doesn't work, or because I am unfit for spirituality. I honestly no longer care which of the three is the real answer. If I do, I'll have to find out for myself, because there is no communication on this topic here. Which is interesting because Cobra just wrote the other day that there are no forbidden topics on this forum. There are indeed no forbidden topics, only those that result mothering.

People get angry, and maybe they don't know how to help you, but they still want to. So, they may try to "force" you to do what they want through the use of insults or other harsh language.

Overall, the main problem I see is just that you are being way too hard on yourself, and external criticism is not going to help this. However, please also understand that the 40 day program is only the beginning. It is to be continued and expanded upon as you continue along your advancement path.

It took me perhaps 6 months of consistent practice to start to feel like I was confidently "doing something" with energy and magic. About every 6 months after that is how long it takes for me to feel like I have made decent progress and advanced to the "next level".

If you are missing this initial period to develop confidence and competency, then it is not surprising why you feel how you currently do.

Remember that our astral senses have been cursed and degenerated, therefore some faith in our magic is required until we can develop the ability to sense the evidence of our work. If you don't believe me here, then focus 1 hour of work solely on astral sight and you will see it start to open up, even if partially.

This situation is very similar to how people may struggle to get results in the gym as a beginner, but it is even harder because you cannot easily measure it. Imagine if you had to actually train your eyes to see your muscles at the same time as trying to train the muscle itself.

It is certainly not easy, but it is definitely doable if you give it a chance. I know you are frustrated, but I know you don't think everyone here is simply crazy, either. Because a lot of people have directly experienced results from magic, that is why they are aggressively trying to convince you now.
Aquarius said:

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=401006 time=1669058749 user_id=21286]
This is a key point, especially because Dark Lawyer mentioned tinnitus, which can come from kidney yin deficiency or inflammation. All of this would make someone tense or stressed out.

Thank you for your replies!

I have had tinnitus since the first half of 2014. And for about 25 years I've had disgusting inflamed pimples on my skin. Neither medication nor doctors have helped.

When I drank a lot of alcohol, the tinnitus stopped. Now I am thinking about marijuana, I have never tried it. According to the literature, it has much less addictive potential than alcohol, which means that even for former marijuana addicts, controlled use is feasible. Maybe it may also help with tinnitus. And I have previously collected and saved Blitzkreig's detailed writings on tinnitus on my computer.

The pimples disappeared completely when I was hospitalized once and couldn't eat anything. So the skin problem is related to my digestion, but I do not know the exact reason.
Dark Lawyer said:
The pimples disappeared completely when I was hospitalized once and couldn't eat anything. So the skin problem is related to my digestion, but I do not know the exact reason.

Any redness on the skin, or any inflammation in general (like allergies), pertains to pathological "heat" in the body. This can also be synonymous with toxins, but it is still a broader category of its own.

Certain foods like red meats can produce heat in the body, but they are balanced by cooling foods like fruit and vegetables.
You can either modify your diet to include more vegetables, push and hold the large intestine 11 point (which tells the large intestines to remove heat from the bloodstream), or do yin-focused exercises like hatha yoga or the lunar or sitkari breathing exercise.

The pimples represent a heat being pushed out of the body, especially if certain organs are struggling to remove it on their own. It is possible that you are predisposed to (air) dryness or heat (fire), based on your natal chart, but you can still take physical actions to push against this. On a more permanent basis, it is lunar energy, such as moon squares or berkano, that help generate fluid and cooling properties, particularly in the digestive system.

Although marijuana has some yin properties, it also drains kidney yin and creates stomach heat. This is why people get insane appetites. It is actually a false digestive power. You are better off looking at other yin-building herbal formulas, rather than marijuana or alcohol.

As for more information on tinnitus, these resources are pretty good:

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=401006 time=1669058749 user_id=21286]

Similar to this point, I think Dark Lawyer should instead focus on the more tangible side of our path. Instead of doing yoga for spiritual powers, why not do it for its ability to make you feel good and happy? Do hatha yoga and also try the various pranayama exercises.

People want him to keep meditating because it would improve his situation, but he has lost confidence in the astral manipulation of our path. Instead, he should focus on the tangible and physical side, which gives immediate feedback, but would also improve his overall situation, due to having higher energy.

Thank you. I feel that I can do that. I think this is the best advice I've received in this topic so far. If I don't feel anything and I don't have faith, why not start the practice completely from the ground up, at the physical level?

I realised I had nowhere to hurry. As I wrote, my life will go on as it is. There is no perspective, nothing to hope for. And there is likely to be some kind of genocide, migrant war, World War 3 or something soon, which I would have to be very lucky to survive.

So I don't have to hurry. I'm in a situation like in Formula 1 when a team gives up for the season. And the only reason why they are participating is because they are preparing for the next season. If SS is a reality, and - let's say - after my initiation I practice only Hatha yoga and pranayamas for the rest of my life, I would still be much further ahead with these basics in my next life. And if I do happen to gain deeper experience along the way, I'm open to moving on.

And if, as many of you have written here, my chakras are probably not open, I lack basic spiritual skills, etc., then I suppose it would be unnecessary for me to do frtr and other rituals at this time.
Dark Lawyer said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=401006 time=1669058749 user_id=21286]

Similar to this point, I think Dark Lawyer should instead focus on the more tangible side of our path. Instead of doing yoga for spiritual powers, why not do it for its ability to make you feel good and happy? Do hatha yoga and also try the various pranayama exercises.

People want him to keep meditating because it would improve his situation, but he has lost confidence in the astral manipulation of our path. Instead, he should focus on the tangible and physical side, which gives immediate feedback, but would also improve his overall situation, due to having higher energy.

Thank you. I feel that I can do that. I think this is the best advice I've received in this topic so far. If I don't feel anything and I don't have faith, why not start the practice completely from the ground up, at the physical level?

I realised I had nowhere to hurry. As I wrote, my life will go on as it is. There is no perspective, nothing to hope for. And there is likely to be some kind of genocide, migrant war, World War 3 or something soon, which I would have to be very lucky to survive.

So I don't have to hurry. I'm in a situation like in Formula 1 when a team gives up for the season. And the only reason why they are participating is because they are preparing for the next season. If SS is a reality, and - let's say - after my initiation I practice only Hatha yoga and pranayamas for the rest of my life, I would still be much further ahead with these basics in my next life. And if I do happen to gain deeper experience along the way, I'm open to moving on.

And if, as many of you have written here, my chakras are probably not open, I lack basic spiritual skills, etc., then I suppose it would be unnecessary for me to do frtr and other rituals at this time.

I know some will take my post count with a huge grain of salt but I want to emphasize that doing at least the FRTR will actually expediate opening your soul, especially your chakras. If you do any practice beyond yoga, please consider it.
I would even advise that you vibrate the entire FRTR into ONE chakra per day. This can be in the opening order, or focus on the day corresponding to to the chakra of the ruling planet. I did this myself along with Vi-suddhi x28 and the rune Ansuz x40 and had amazing results. You don't need to do all of that but try starting with even just 3 reps for the 1st part of the FRTR for 40 days and see if you feel anything? It will only take 10 mins at most.

I was and still am somewhat in a similar position to you where it has taken me an insane amount of effort for very little results. My life is in shambles and I am far behind my fellow peers of my age. No partner, money, home, disowned from family, and no friends. But I am finally feeling my soul after pressing forward regardless and can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Please don't give up on your future just yet. There are people here in a similar position to you. Hopefully this post helps.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375221 time=1658025225 user_id=21286]
You said you had a small amount of time. I believe you should focus on the basic activities only. For example: 5 minutes of void, 2 minutes of visualizing, 5 minutes of aura cleaning with Surya, 10 minutes of chakra opening + spinning, 30 reps of Algiz for a protective aura, 40 reps of Fehu to attract wealth and opportunity for yourself. Total time is about 45 or 50 minutes.

If you want to do more, then look at the hatha yoga pdf. You can do this in about 15-20 minutes.

I have a few questions.

1. Is there any point in doing these exercises when I'm enervated, don't believe in their effectiveness, and just do them as a boring chore? I'm sure I won't feel anything, just as I haven't felt anything before. And I have no faith. It prevents me from concentrating, visualizing, I can't get into the exercises. Does it make sense to do them this way?

2. "2 minutes of visualizing" - What should I visualise?

3. "10 minutes of chakra opening + spinning" - I do not understand this. Do I do the same exercise every day for a specific chakra that I did to open that particular chakra in the 40-day program? And then spin it? The next day, an exercise to open the next chakra in the sequence?

I don't want to do the Fehu work, because I don't want to direct energy to something that is impossible. As I said, the most I can dream of is a government job. And that wouldn't put me in a much better financial position. So it's pointless for me to deal with this question, my situation remains hopeless in any case. Working for miracle is pointless.
Dark Lawyer said:

Please excuse the delay:

1) Yes and no. Part of their success comes from your own will and perception of the result. Yet, your perception would change if you at least gave them a chance to work. Instead of prematurely concluding that the result is bad, you should instead decide to withhold conclusions until you have more evidence.

Since your problem comes solely from feeling, then it would make sense to directly practice this. The best time to do this would be right after your meditations. Sit and focus on a chakra, such as the 6th, and put yourself in a passive state. Try to feel the chakra: Try to judge its shape, quality, status, and other features.

This is no different than how you feel a physical object. It is a feminine and passive activity. It is ok if you have thoughts in your head, too, but try to calm them and focus on the sensation of the chakra itself.


As far as enervation, this may be uncomfortable, but it should not be an obstacle. Yoga will definitely help heal and calm this. Similarly, yoga or pranayama directly stimulate the associated chakras, so it is impossible to claim that nothing happened.

For example, the lunar breath activity directly improves your intuition, sensations, astral senses, and so on. This would be great for you: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Kumbhaka_Lunar_Breath.html
You will feel the energy move to your head, right where the 6th chakra is.

2) You can visualize anything, but it is best to start with something simple. Use this:

3) The opening procedure is like a one-time activity that initially restores activity to a dormant chakra. Then, you continue with daily empowerment so that the chakra stays open and continues to strengthen and improve.

Each day should have some sort of cleaning and empowerment for all the chakras, but the chakra opening goes in the specific sequence. If you did not open a chakra yet, then you can wait on the empowerment, but otherwise chakras should always be empowered and cleaned daily.

Spinning is an example of empowerment because you are simply willing the chakra to spin faster. If this is hard for you, then I would instead say to either use mantras or practice breathing in white-gold energy directly into the chakra.

Once you finish the chakra opening, you do not have to continue the same opening procedure, but you should maintain another empowerment activity.

4) Due to your situation I had made the call to advise you on using Fehu, however that could've been premature if your confidence or power was not strong enough. I agree with your decision here, and support this. Doing changes directly to your soul is much easier and directly evidenced, as opposed to doing work on the world around you.

I hope this answered everything.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=404128 time=1670302836 user_id=21286]

Thank you!

In January I will start Hatha yoga, possibly pranayama, that's all I have planned for now.
NakedPluto said:
If I design you a 40 day programme, within the limits of an hour a day routine, would you do it?

As to not waste time writing it for nothing.

I would. I would love a way to further my empowerment so that I'll have more success in future workings.
I know the disappointment about employment happened about a month ago, but I just want to address a few things in regards to job hunting and securing employment in the current world environment.

I don't what kind of physical measures you took alongside the working, so take this as general advice.

A working alone in most cases is not going to secure employment. It will bring opportunities to you, manipulate the circumstances to a certain extent and so on. However, physical action on that is very important.

The most difficult part is to get an interview, as the job market is extremely competitive and thousands of people will be applying to the same job. On top of that, most recruitment systems search for specific key words. With each recruitment system being different, there's hardly any way to ensure you are selected without having tremendous psychic abilities to predict these key words for each employer and put them in your CV/resume.

Because of this, the most important part of job hunting at this point is finding the hiring manager for the job position you desire, and marketing yourself to them. This can be done in a variety of ways, which I'd be happy to go into detail about if required. The key point here is that you need them to notice you, so you can position yourself ahead of most other candidates who will receive an automated rejection at best, radio silence at worst.

Once you made a good impression and secured your interview, you will have done most of the work already.

The interview is not just an opportunity to market yourself again to the business, but also an opportunity to find more information about them and if they are a good fit to you or a minefield you'd better stay away from or tread carefully. Most people who gain an interview fail to be successful because they don't do any substantial preparation for the interview. If one can't even prepare for an interview, they are very unlikely to be hired as they show themselves unable to take initiative and even prepare for 1 task, let alone multiple duties and responsibilities that are part of the job position they applied for.

The first part of an interview often involves checks that verify what you know about the company and the role you are applying for, which is why it is important to research the company, their values, and their initiatives, and make sure to show that you know about all of them and are a match, by outlining your skills in relation to those factors.

The second part of an interview is usually competency-based, meaning that most interviewers ask for example of when you displayed specific behaviours, qualities and skills. The most effective way to answer these questions is to be proficient with the STAR technique. S (Situation), T (Task), A (Action), R (Result). Hiring managers are often frustrated because candidates don't provide enough detail in their example for them to make a positive decision, and this is where the STAR technique and similar techniques come into place.

Other parts of the interview may vary depending on the role you are applying for. At the end of the interview, you will be usually asked if you have any questions. Here it is important to demonstrate your interest in the company through your questions, and it's also important not to ask questions that are already easily answered by reading the career portal of the company, or browsing through their social media accounts. You can ask for more detailed information about your work, the goals of the company, progression opportunities, and so on.

One successful line of interviewing I heard from many recruiters is asking about things that tie in with the behaviours and values of the company. For example, if the company values growth and learning, asking about personal and professional development opportunities in-depth is going to make an excellent impression. Another example, if they mention they are passionate about driving change, asking details about initiatives and try to make small talk related to your experience and vision is a good strategy (obviously strategic small talk that you can lie about if you think differently).

At the end of the questioning, it is also important to get commitment from them by asking yes/no questions about whether you addressed things like all their concerns, clarifying anything that needs to be clarified, etc. If everything is fine and circumstances allow, it is important to try and get the next stage booked immediately. Don't give them time to think about other candidates or the opportunity to have you disqualified in any way.

Concluding by thanking about their time, etc, also leaves a good impression.

I used to do one-shot aura programming to make me give an outstanding/excellent impression on the hiring manager and have me hired immediately. The stronger your aura, the more this will influence them and empower all other behaviours.

I hope this is helpful.
Yurei said:
NakedPluto said:
If I design you a 40 day programme, within the limits of an hour a day routine, would you do it?

As to not waste time writing it for nothing.

I would. I would love a way to further my empowerment so that I'll have more success in future workings.

You seem acknowledged enough to create your own suited and better routine. I think you are doing fine, is there anything you are looking for by this?

I was proposing in the context of a complete pre-beginner level.
Yurei said:
NakedPluto said:
If I design you a 40 day programme, within the limits of an hour a day routine, would you do it?

As to not waste time writing it for nothing.

I would. I would love a way to further my empowerment so that I'll have more success in future workings.

You should rather approach a Demon with the desire for help and guidance in your advancement.
Yurei said:
NakedPluto said:
If I design you a 40 day programme, within the limits of an hour a day routine, would you do it?

As to not waste time writing it for nothing.

I would. I would love a way to further my empowerment so that I'll have more success in future workings.

People like Pluto and others could give you meditations to open up your soul or to develop siddhis, but they shouldn't do this for a ego push, as this has to come from the Demons. (At least this is how I see it)

Also, if you ask others that are more advanced than you, you lose the opportunity to learn something from the Demons for yourself, and grow closer to them, which will make you opener for them to guide you further.

So, approach a Demon for your endeavor.
Stormblood said:

Thank you! The last two times I didn't make it to the interview, but I'm no longer upset about rejections. I've probably had so many rejections in the last 10 months that I've become immune.

My current employer unexpectedly announced a small pay rise from 1 January. It's not much, but it's a bit of a boost as I continue my search for job. I've already let this year go, my employer is closed for 3 weeks, I'm resting and relaxing. It's been 14 years since I've had 3 weeks without having to work or study for exams.
NinRick said:
Yurei said:
NakedPluto said:
If I design you a 40 day programme, within the limits of an hour a day routine, would you do it?

As to not waste time writing it for nothing.

I would. I would love a way to further my empowerment so that I'll have more success in future workings.

People like Pluto and others could give you meditations to open up your soul or to develop siddhis, but they shouldn't do this for a ego push, as this has to come from the Demons. (At least this is how I see it)

Also, if you ask others that are more advanced than you, you lose the opportunity to learn something from the Demons for yourself, and grow closer to them, which will make you opener for them to guide you further.

So, approach a Demon for your endeavor.
Thank you both for your advice and encouragement.
Why do you need an admin to delete your account? Can't you just... leave?
You don't need anyone's permission to just leave.
It's super easy. You just stop logging in, checking the forum or engaging.

You're a man? So man up, sort your shit out, deal with your problems, accept responsibility for the circumstances you've created and stop whining like a little bitch.

I also request the deletion of his account.
Why isn't there an option to delete accounts anyway? It shouldn't be too difficult to program and would resolve many problems.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
