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Thank you all for your comments. We do not know each other, and yet you are genuinely helpful. And you take the time to write me advice.

I am 39 years old, and in that time it has become clear that I am not capable of surrendering myself permanently to any religious belief without direct evidence.

So, unfortunately, it is in vain that you write to me with good intentions to do this or that spiritual practice. I have already been doing my best by doing the various exercises/programmes you suggest every day without experiencing anything or my problems starting to move towards a solution.

It was the most I could do without faith. Since I am incapable of faith, and I am not experiencing the results of the exercises, I cannot continue on this path. I have no reason to continue. There are two cases in which I could continue: if I were capable of religious faith without experience on a sustained basis; or if I had experienced at least minimal results in all this time, which would have given me the ammunition to start faith.

Frankly, at 40, doomed to a life of loneliness, having made bad choices and fucked up my life, stuck in a doomed Balkan country, I don't even care if I get a new job or how much money I have to live on.

If reincarnation exists, then in my previous life or lives I may have committed suicide, and in my current life I have followed the same previous pattern, led myself into the same hopeless situation, and just as irreversibly fucked up my life.

Although I can't believe that either, because of course all the signs point to the fact that we live once and there is nothing after death. At least I think that no one on this forum can prove otherwise.

Whatever the truth, my current life is irreversibly the way it is. And I feel that my way is Cioran's nihilism. Whatever ideals or spiritual ideas I try to commit myself to permanently, I always come back here and feel at home. In nothingness.
Dark Lawyer said:

Due to your circumstances I advised you to begin a working, but there was always the risk that you could get upset at a perceived failure.

There have been plenty of times when I was unhappy, overly cynical, thought I had already fixed something, or whatever. However, none of that means the energy doesn't work.

In reality, you would have proved this to yourself if you worked more on beginner exercises, but you tried more of an intermediate task (pulling off a wealth working). Most likely, your power was not enough for a strong result and/or it ran into karma. Due to this, you perceived it as a total failure and it soured your mood.

If you tried workings which are easier to manifest, which also includes our short-term meditations, then this would have built up your natural confidence.

Also, do not forget that many problems could with society's inability to correctly make use of you. You have a lot of learned knowledge, plus I can see that you are intelligent. You are also able to work for long hours and so on. All of these are valuable skills, but because they are not applied correctly, then this is causing you stress. Yet, this is not your fault as a person.

It is probably better if you just relaxed and tried to do some basic meditations, such as a 30-60 minute basic routine. You will feel the energy here and this will build up your confidence by providing you the sort of evidence which you are looking for.
Dark Lawyer said:

You should just completely forget about your runic working and let the energy manifest itself, remember this is a permanent working so results will continue to manifest and probably will do so once you take your mind off of your situation, perhaps even being called for said interviews was a result you just need to keep enduring and the positive changes you seek will occur. I suggest completely focusing on the basics(Void, AOP, chakra spinning & empowerment, breathing exercises, rtr, cleaning and yoga if you can), consistency is important with these so if you can't stay consistent than don't bother and reduce what you do, these are important to keep your bio-electricty up which shields from bad luck and other problems, while helping you. Things will improve gradually if you are consistently doing the basics and developing. If you have any time than you can try a freeing the soul working but if not doing rtr and returning curses will help remove bad karma.

Other than that I strongly recommend doing a ritual to Volac(finds one a good job) and ask him to help you, or you can do the standard ritual to Satan and ask for help. If you are tired of lonliness you can also ask for a demon partner(succubi/incubi), if you still want to pursue human relations outside the relationship than go with polygamous and specify such(also just ask for the perfect partner for you if you are interested, rather than specifying everything), they are very loving and helpful, mine helps keep me consistent in my spiritual practice.

Further I suggest programming your aura to attract something, this will help give you confidence and faith in your ability to work magick. Program it to attract something small that you don't care about(like a cup of coffee) so you can just let it stay out of your mind and manifest. How to do this is located on the Fifth Month page as exercise #8, linked below with everything else.

Standard Ritual to Satan: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Ritual.html
How to summon demons: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html
Volac: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONVIII.html/index.html#Volac
Demon partner: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Incubus.html
Attract something to you using aura: https://satanisgod.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Fifth_Month.html

As always good luck with everything and add my post numbers together, its a sign...
My life could have been a castle. All the possibilities were there.

Now at 40, my life is a shit.

You can't build a castle out of shit. What I can build from nothing, at my age, in a Balkan country with no future: is a hut at best.

And I don't care what magical work I can do to improve the hut. The point is, it's still a shack that I'll never be able to enjoy knowing my old opportunities. All the big, serious opportunities in my life are gone, and I just don't care about the rest.

Apparently, RTRs did not prevent the outbreak of World War 3. Worse things could hardly have happened to the world. So if RTRs don't prevent the worst evil, it doesn't matter what they prevent.

Worse than that could be nuclear catastrophe, but now there is a chance of that too. The Jewish media is spreading the word that the Russians are desperate. This could be a preparation for someone to drop a small nuclear weapon and lie that the Russians have dropped it. From there the chain reaction would start.

If all this fails and there is no World War 3, in 20 years' time I will still be living alone and vulnerable in abject poverty in a collapsed Hungary like Argentina. Where there will be no right to bear firearms and where I will be a perfect target for the gypsy hordes terrorising the lonely elderly.

It is not a question of magic. Magic is not even capable of providing me with the work I need to earn a basic living. Or I would have to work magic for years, decades, to have at least a slightly more normal job and financial situation. I can't dream of a bigger achievement if I'm starting magic from scratch at the age of 40 and I have to build my life from scratch.

The most I can probably achieve with persistent daily magical work is a slightly better job (until the state goes bankrupt). And that still doesn't help me to live a normal life, without the threat of being killed in the collapsing Balkans.

I'm not interested in the bigger things you talk about on this forum. As I said, I am incapable of sustained religious faith. And if even small mundane goals in magic take years or decades, I will never be able to talk to the Gods, experience the reality of necromancy, or anything like that. And I can't believe in it.

I don't care about anything anymore. The only thing I do care about, and that is realistically doable for me, is giving my cat everything she needs to be healthy and happy.
Dark Lawyer said:
My life could have been a castle. All the possibilities were there.

Now at 40, my life is a shit.

So you're blaming yourself that you took a chance with this path and failed?

What did you do before you were 40? What will you do afterwards? If you spent the same amount of time working on yourself instead of wallowing in self pity and resentment who knows where you would be.

Do you know, one of the highest forms of maturity is knowing that you are responsible for where you are in life? You cannot change politics, the economy, WW3, the weather. You can only change yourself. And that is all you need. Do you think any successful person waited for the perfect circumstances to come about to start acting? Do you think we stood idly for the stars to align to fight the Jews? We act to bring about our desired reality. Regardless of where we are, who's in power, or world events. Why should it be any different in your life?

You think you are limited in some way because you live in a Balkan country or that there is a war going on, or that covid fucked everyone, but the fact is you were in the same position before all that happened. If I dropped you in Switzerland or the USA not much would change just because of that. You need to change what's within you.

There is a saying "As within, so without", meaning your outer world is a reflection of what is within you. If you change what is within you, it won't be long before you act differently to attract a life that represents what's in your inner self.

You can't keep a good man down, no matter how hard you try. If you took a successful person and dropped him in another country and just left him there, to figure out a new life for himself, a new job, a new business, if you checked on him a year later he would be doing just as well as before.

Take responsibility for what happens to you, you are in charge of your life, no one else.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=398455 time=1667955509 user_id=21286]

It is probably better if you just relaxed and tried to do some basic meditations, such as a 30-60 minute basic routine. You will feel the energy here and this will build up your confidence by providing you the sort of evidence which you are looking for.

I have a fetish, which is a great erotic experience for me. It is not harmful to others or to me. It doesn't involve genital contact or intimate contact, so there is no need for the two people involved to be in a loving relationship or to know each other. And the other party may not even know that they are giving me erotic pleasure through such physical contact. This fetish is not common, so there is certainly not much competition for energy. And it can take a variety of forms.

But there may be complicating factors:

1. Fewer women are open/able to it.

2. And I'm a loner and I live a stimulus-poor life, so there's little chance of experiencing such fetishes.

3. And the woman should take the initiative for the first time, because it's not a average situation, and I have no experience and my confidence is in tatters in this area.

Do you think a specifically designed rune work will provide easy results and thus evidence? For example 40 days? I did the Fehu project for 87 days, now I don't want to experiment for more than 40 days.

There is a topic on this:

Magic for Getting sexual fetishes in reality


And Jack has repeatedly suggested the Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah mantra to others as the most effective way, so I thought of this mantra.



What do you think? Is there any point in waiting for results after 40 days? And if so, what should I do? I've never done this kind of magic work before, but I could get enthusiastic about it and would do it if you could help me with the technical information.

If you need any other information to help me answer, I'd be happy to post it here in the topic or by email.
Powerofjustice said:

You have misunderstood something or have not read my previous posts. I take full responsibility for my life, and am more aware than the average person of my character flaws and past bad decisions that led me to this point.
Meteor said:
Dark Lawyer said:
My life could have been a castle. All the possibilities were there.

Now at 40, my life is a shit.

You can't build a castle out of shit. What I can build from nothing, at my age, in a Balkan country with no future: is a hut at best.

And I don't care what magical work I can do to improve the hut. The point is, it's still a shack that I'll never be able to enjoy knowing my old opportunities. All the big, serious opportunities in my life are gone, and I just don't care about the rest.

Apparently, RTRs did not prevent the outbreak of World War 3. Worse things could hardly have happened to the world. So if RTRs don't prevent the worst evil, it doesn't matter what they prevent.

Worse than that could be nuclear catastrophe, but now there is a chance of that too. The Jewish media is spreading the word that the Russians are desperate. This could be a preparation for someone to drop a small nuclear weapon and lie that the Russians have dropped it. From there the chain reaction would start.

If all this fails and there is no World War 3, in 20 years' time I will still be living alone and vulnerable in abject poverty in a collapsed Hungary like Argentina. Where there will be no right to bear firearms and where I will be a perfect target for the gypsy hordes terrorising the lonely elderly.

It is not a question of magic. Magic is not even capable of providing me with the work I need to earn a basic living. Or I would have to work magic for years, decades, to have at least a slightly more normal job and financial situation. I can't dream of a bigger achievement if I'm starting magic from scratch at the age of 40 and I have to build my life from scratch.

The most I can probably achieve with persistent daily magical work is a slightly better job (until the state goes bankrupt). And that still doesn't help me to live a normal life, without the threat of being killed in the collapsing Balkans.

I'm not interested in the bigger things you talk about on this forum. As I said, I am incapable of sustained religious faith. And if even small mundane goals in magic take years or decades, I will never be able to talk to the Gods, experience the reality of necromancy, or anything like that. And I can't believe in it.

I don't care about anything anymore. The only thing I do care about, and that is realistically doable for me, is giving my cat everything she needs to be healthy and happy.
Even if you had your damn castle, would that really have satisfied you? It may seem like everything you wanted from your current point of view, but people always long for more regardless of how much they have. The natural course of action is to strive to fulfil those longings, no matter how futile, gaining and losing various things in the process, until the end of a lifetime.

Or you can always stay mindful of what you have, and treasure it to such a degree that you can be happy under any circumstances: even in a hut, even when homeless, even when sick, even when dead; and from there, likewise strive. Add any positive outcome as another little treasure to your pre-existing contentment, and any negative outcome as a part of your journey to learn from.

When you see the beauty in the experience of life itself, all its high and lows, you can find joy in everything, no matter the destination. To me, that's what the joy of Satan really is. Once you find it, embrace and never forget it, as it's the greatest treasure in the world.

I was depressed during my teenage years, and at some point, considered suicide. But that idea always seemed like it was missing something important; to put it another way, death seemed as pointless to me as life. Then, I had an epiphany.

Some say people are always dying: with every passing day, they're a day closer to passing. In that case, what greater, more beautiful suicide is there than to live eternally? To let my life burn brightly, until there's nothing left to burn, until the heat death of the universe. Perhaps then, after having seen everything this world has to offer, I can truly judge with certainty whether this was a life worth living. Everything good and bad along is way is just another part of that single action, further information to consider in my judgement.

You said you look back on the past, and regret not doing more. Will you look back and say the same thing when you're 50, 60, 70, 80?
If you have a lifespan of 80 years, then you still have half of your life ahead of you. If you do nothing with it, then just like now, it'll be your own fault that your age is the only thing that changed. Whether or not that will be the outcome is up to you to decide.

Even in just 10 years, things can happen which you could've never even imagined were possible. I speak from countless experiences.
So I think you should meditate at least for the sake of your own mental health. Witchcraft can come later. But if you ask me, there's already magic even just in the little things; you just need to be mindful to see it. And when you see it, you can use it.

You can do it if you want to.
Keep in mind meteor is a jewish tranny who is possibly responsible for the suicide of a man who was new here. The fucker still acts as if he's a normal dude here.
Meteor said:

Oyy Vey


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prisma said:
If I have an agenda, I have no idea what it is. To begin with, I can't think of a single thing in this world I don't have mixed feelings about; it's just a matter of which feelings are stronger. I often think it's like that for everyone deep down, but people just try not to overthink it, since it'd make them feel hypocritical. I don't mind if I'm banned; I'd simply move on and do other things instead. But as long as HP Hoodedcobra does not explicitly disapprove of me, I take it that I still have some kind of place here, so I'll act on a whim, as always.

I've reflected on what I wrote in the heat of the moment. I think I was being hypocritical, but it's also good and healthy to resent those who are hostile to me (such as you). Furthermore, I seemed to be mirroring some of the things NakedPluto feels about me, so maybe it wasn't even necessarily my own feelings, but just a reflexive reaction? I'm glad I'm even capable of that nowadays.

Regardless, this was obviously just a bunch of emotional drama. Emotions are temporary anyway, so I won't dwell on them anymore. I'll just act on them one way or another, deal with the consequences, and move on; as I always have in regards to everything.

What is not temporary and appears to be the case for over 2 years is how you have infiltrated the Joy of Satan and I have been patiently waiting because there are a million topics on addressing this too.

What you "refer to as temporary feelings" is you just lashing out and constantly causing damage to the Joy of Satan and other members. At this point you have to stop slandering and harming the Joy of Satan and it's members because this situation is overdue. Keep your attacks to yourself.

Unfortunately I was shown a few years ago to what this person was and what else was going on, which I briefly put my eyes onto just in case the situation was for real.

In regards to the poster who asks, well, because basically "Meteor" is one of these ultra level infiltrators and haters of Joy of Satan who in particular also destroyed an online friend of the JoS. Then they swing back and forth pretending it's not the case, only to start again.

I have seen quite a few operations to derail important and valuable members as combinations of insanity and magick from the enemy, and this one has to have been one of the worst, that was aimed on a profitable businessman that introduced themselves to JoS and wanted to help it out.

In no time, the transexual Meteor somehow found them and sicced on them. How this happened I have no clue, other than it was not through the official JoS or any forum here.

Since he/she was a transexual, they sicced onto this member and started telling them the strangest things.

They literally did brainwashing to him to convince them of utterly destructive things, such as that he needed to destroy his business to go "in an underground base", that "they were an alien", that "aliens would abduct him from the middle of the desert", and other crazier things that "She" would bear children for him even if they were a transexual or something, and more.

Not staying close to JoS, this person unfortunately got sunk into these, believing these to be true. With enemy influence going active, they made this person insane in no time.

All of this insanity started growing in just 6 weeks, after these two had met. Meteor was busy playing the prophetess of insanity to him, and him, over unverified reasons, being under attack from the enemy, threw all common sense out of the window.

The amount of confusion and insanity seen in "her" posts, should be multiplied by around a factor of 100 to understand how much crap they told him. Unfortunately, this person was somehow manipulated into believing these things during their short absence from JoS. Other equally corrupted individuals surrounding them, all drove him together to destruction, with Meteor standing in the forefront.

Meteor was also part of some sort of subterranean fake group that was preaching about JoS but was indeed a hub of just semi lunatics having sicced on some good people on yet another Discord.

The highs of this insanity are so incomprehensible, that at first I thought they were equally trolling me. So I chose to deny this for a while.

However, I was alerted back then by a Demon who told me the poor SS that she had gnawed too was actually a man trying to evolve, and that all of this was serious and that I must try to bring them to their senses.

Their displays of friendly emotions to me and JoS were not allowing me to stay indifferent, as they had made also contributions and programmed things for JoS back then.

This SS described this "Meteor" person as totally manipulative and other things which I would rather not write about but I can prove any moment necessary, after the fact.

If anyone has followed their posts, then one should know. For example, look here, they attack the JoS and claim it's all some sort of game and so on. Real damage is done, then they claim "nothing really happened goy" and try to move on, or rather, blame the victims such as the JoS which is slandered by them but has been HARMED by this individual.

Playing the victim, doing toxic damage to everyone and pretending it never happened, "it's always the other peoples fault" and so on, but what they did to this person is the like of things we see in movies.

This SS being naive and a very good person, actually took this in and accepted them. Meteor also apparently tried to steal an inordinate amount of money from them as I could understand from what they said. But most definitely Meteor contributed so that this person lost everything they had by them playing the "Medium".

Make them lose it all, which apparently failed but did them an almost fatal amount of damage. It appears as retaliation for what Meteor did to them, the person decided to finally walk away from this mind-washing of Meteor, but able to save only a few things in the process and have most of their lives flattened in the process.

In less than 6 weeks of getting "Spiritually close" with Meteor, this SS lost his business and life, due to the insane delusions Meteor told them were "messages from the Gods" [her "gods", which apparently are clearly greys].

The belief in Meteor's insanities and illogical nonsense was so big, that if it were not for me formally as a High Priest to tell them anything, they might have committed suicide and worse.

This person drove this SS completely insane, telling them to go into the middle of the desert to be picked up by UFO's and aliens, that they were an incarnated alien that was "there to protect them" and other crazy things one wouldn't believe.

As this person messaged me in desperation and I tried helping them, they revealed to me that they were planning to do a great deed for the JoS, exactly on the time this grey servant Meteor decided to show up and ruin it all.

Then this crazy nutcase that doesn't even know who it is as it keep spamming here to confuse new members and Satanists alike, is boastfully spitting hatred about the top Joy of Satan officials because she is hating on the Joy of Satan and anything Satanic. So that is not surprising to me and those who know the backstory and have all the proof about this.

Then Meteor, who called herself an "Alien Transexual Vampire" [WTF] decided to slander him on top of everything even to me, in this person's absence, them having left the JoS after they have been made suicidal because of Meteor's abuse.

The person was so emotionally scarred that after they left this dubious "Meteor", however after losing their business and fortune, contemplated suicide and almost killed themselves. I helped them out of this and took care that they would not suicide, because they were a good man to me and the JoS.

Apparently all of this began in a discord, where many lunatics were convening together, but the unfortunate victim of this was this SS who for all intents was a great Satanist as far as I know. He also had a lot of contributions for JoS on the programming area.

Meteor was never in JoS but came after she destroyed him, and after certain kike places they dwelled into did unravel. I was shocked to see how many jews and other nasty people had been active in this so called "Discord" that was like a fake JoS. Then they came here to evoke false mercy and cry in front of me after having brutalized this person and ruined their life.

I do not know about all this SS's life, but I definitely know they have been a good person, at least towards me or JoS. What they did in their personal life I wouldn't know, or how twists of fate led them to this bitter crosswalk.

They were doing greatly in Spiritual Satanism until the confused Meteor sicced on them with their incessant delusions, bringing the greys and other insanity into their life in full power. We were speaking about one and half month prior, and everything was great and optimal with great plans ahead.

Then all of a sudden they were broken through this Meteor at a speed I have seen few times in my life. Progressively, she almost led them to full blown insanity. Meteor, no more than a few months pseudo-dedicated at the time, took a manipulative control of this persons life and attempted to play the intermediary between the Gods and "Him", acting as their "Medium".

Being skinless and merciless, this asshole lied to him and tried to take over his "Business decisions" and also pretending the Gods had anything to do with this.

This person had a great mission to do but they were thwarted by this "Meteors" actions.

This SS was also a good donor and tried their best to help the Joy of Satan financially, but Meteor, guided like a puppet of the greys, made sure to lead them to progressive insanity and harm them to the point they disputed together and had their own internal fuckups with "her" and things anticipated to happen never did.

Then this SS went bankrupt and lost what I think was everything in the process, remaining unable to finish off what they had to do. As Meteor lies constantly I do believe this guy a trillions times over.

When Meteor understood all of the damage that all of this had done, she decided to tell me lies about him and try to convince me that this person was "rotten" or a "jew", while they were definitely not one. These things I would not believe, especially after knowing what sort of a basket case "Meteor" was and knowing what they did to him.

After this she spent months playing the victim thinking that anyone was fooled, she reveals her true colors about what she thinks about JoS and what she thinks about anyone here, including the real members of JoS.

I tried for a very long time to remain impartial on the destruction of this precious Satanist. But to see this slander against the JoS and other top tier SS here, calling them these names, and this persons incessant promotion of insane norms such as cutting your dick and being happy about it, has brought my tolerance to the end.

To this day, I am worried that this person might have committed suicide out of the mental damage this reptile did to him, costing him his life savings and business in the process [all of which were lost in A GODDAMN OF 6 WEEKS!], but I have decided to stay silent and hope for the best for them, as to not arouse a scene that would make this person even more depressed.

I saw this very friendly person to JoS slowly drift into insanity and I tried speaking sense to them in the last moments, to save them. I do hope they listened and that they are now living a better life.

In regards to "Meteor" they are most likely jewish and for certain insane, unstable, and many other things. Always, they are busy playing the victim as jews always seek to do, while in fact vandalizing our brains all the time about their transexual escapades, cutting penises, and all of this strange confusion that is authored by the greys that they are promoting.

This is the tip of the iceberg compared to what this SS guy I describe went through. They seem to have stuck with Meteor due to misplaced mercy or something similar.

I do not need to act on every individual case, nor I knew all the details between them besides what is stated here which I was shown proof. So I decided to say nothing. But after all of this long-term abusive nonsense, then this is the end for me and I have therefore revealed this so not anyone else can be fooled.

Somewhere towards the end this SS seems to have taken a form of revenge on "her", and tried to go away while taking things from her in the process, which I cannot comment upon.

This, after they lost something like millions and their business and life to this creature's delusions seems to have been an event that is the least they could do. And then they went away, likely leaving the Joy of Satan [I hope not...].

Since, I have not heard from this SS but I truly wish them well.

In regards to Meteor I tried to remain impartial and see if they were a Gentile, but all I saw is a backstabbing kike that is spreading delusions AGAIN to people in here, without mercy.

Reading the latest comments attacking JoS and members made me say "enough is ENOUGH". For those of you whom you have become fed up with this kike dross, yes, there are strong reasons of instability and likely kike shit being in play, so do not think any of this is non deliberate by them.

Ciao. I think the problem here with you is that you still don't fully understand how magic works and the steps to properly achieve it. Starting from scratch and doing 80 (87) days of runes without understanding what exactly needs to be done is just wasted work, since you only use 1% of the potential, let's say.
1) Did you use the affirmation correctly? What was it? Can you tell us what phrase you used?
2) During the affirmation, what did you do? What did you imagine yourself while making the affirmation?
Cfecit said:

Ciao. I think the problem here with you is that you still don't fully understand how magic works and the steps to properly achieve it. Starting from scratch and doing 80 (87) days of runes without understanding what exactly needs to be done is just wasted work, since you only use 1% of the potential, let's say.
1) Did you use the affirmation correctly? What was it? Can you tell us what phrase you used?
2) During the affirmation, what did you do? What did you imagine yourself while making the affirmation?
Also, Maxine once said:" A good mage forgets his spells", that's because if you constantly think about the spell it's bound to not work as you're basically creating chaos in the energy you directed already, this weakening a lot the spell.
Aquarius said:
Keep in mind meteor is a jewish tranny who is possibly responsible for the suicide of a man who was new here. The fucker still acts as if he's a normal dude here.

I did not know that, thanks for the warning!
Aquarius said:
Cfecit said:

Ciao. I think the problem here with you is that you still don't fully understand how magic works and the steps to properly achieve it. Starting from scratch and doing 80 (87) days of runes without understanding what exactly needs to be done is just wasted work, since you only use 1% of the potential, let's say.
1) Did you use the affirmation correctly? What was it? Can you tell us what phrase you used?
2) During the affirmation, what did you do? What did you imagine yourself while making the affirmation?
Also, Maxine once said:" A good mage forgets his spells", that's because if you constantly think about the spell it's bound to not work as you're basically creating chaos in the energy you directed already, this weakening a lot the spell.
Yeah, but reinforcing the spell outside of a meditation session will empower it. But it must be done properly, ie. by not worrying etc.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The time you would certainly know what a waste of time you have chosen is after you die when you are between lives and your soul is with the gods waiting to reincarnate again. The gods will show you what work you still need to do, and how much further along you would have been if you consistently did at least a small amount every day.

Have you been to the afterlife and remember it? Or did you talk to ghosts? Or did you use some objective method to make sure you had past lives?

Or have you read about it on JoS and are able to believe it with religious faith?
VoiceofEnki said:
Maxine had said in the past, after continuous work of at least 10.000 vibrations into your chakra's (which if you do say 30 vibrations daily into each chakra, will take you about a year), you will begin to step into realms of power.

However, to really build major power takes more time and work than that.

If you do some work for a few weeks, and then quit it because you don't feel anything, and are never consistent, you won't build any power at all.

You are missing the point. I am unfit for sustained religious belief. I can't work on my chakras every day for a year because someone told me so or I read it somewhere. I'm about to turn 40, I've been through a lot of shit in my life, and in all that time it's become a certainty that I'm incapable of sustaining any religious belief that I don't have proof of. I think it's a simple thing.
Powerofjustice said:

I re-read your reply. Now I'm sure you didn't read any of my posts, or didn't pay attention at all. Sorry, but you didn't need to post here.
Cfecit said:

Thank you for your reply.

Now everyone is trying to explain why my 87 days of the rune work is worthless. And why the money spells (anti great reset ritual) performed together during the same period did not make any difference. While during the works Jupiter was in retrograde motion in my sign for a quarter of a year continuously.

I understand that you are all speaking from your own experiences. And I don't dispute anyone's own experience.

But my experience so far is that it doesn't work for me. The only way I could continue on this path from here on out is if I were permanently fit for religious faith without evidence. And by the age of 39, it had become certain that I was not - at least permanently - fit for any religious faith.
Dark Lawyer said:
Cfecit said:

Thank you for your reply.

Now everyone is trying to explain why my 87 days of the rune work is worthless. And why the money spells (anti great reset ritual) performed together during the same period did not make any difference. While during the works Jupiter was in retrograde motion in my sign for a quarter of a year continuously.

I understand that you are all speaking from your own experiences. And I don't dispute anyone's own experience.

But my experience so far is that it doesn't work for me. The only way I could continue on this path from here on out is if I were permanently fit for religious faith without evidence. And by the age of 39, it had become certain that I was not - at least permanently - fit for any religious faith.

You have done nothing yet, respectfully. You also need to achieve the power to properly conduct the working to exact the expected results.

But this perceived nothing, is a built up to the considerable results you seek. You have to snowball this and your meditations.

How many hours a day you spent spiritually in those 80 days? If I am to sum it up, do I have at least a day? 3?

So with 3 days of accumulated effect you will want to have changed your fate and festivity, the extreme planetary energies, the material laws and furthermore be proved upon for your mind to say, ah ok it is real?

To properly condone workings of the material you need to have some little power, not much but enough that you will known since day one of the success of it or the failure of it.

This comes with tryouts, with experience, with meditation and a solid background of applying and being spiritual.

You are presently bitter and disappointed at imagined results, and you look at reality and see it is not as imagined.

This is good, in the sense that, if you can overcome the imagined effect, and seek the reality, with continued effort and purpose, you will change that reality.

Reality is changed by another reality, never by all of these harmful values that you have gathered.

Workings do not need a fatalist approach but neither that of a complete dream.

You are in NO PROBLEM NOW. It is a problem only when with invested and summed up hours of workings in the terms of years, have "no effect" to that extent.

A Sun Square is 36 days. An average day is about 20 minutes of vibrations give or take. Between 12-16 hours is a Sun Square. 2 days in high school classes.

But have some months of these Squares, of these workings and most importantly of advancement.

Then you come and tell me, I doesn't work. Then you say, I can't do it.

Until then it is a misunderstanding of what is to be done, of what's your capacity, of how this works.

If you properly set yourself straight now, within a few months to a couple of years a real problem will arise. You will be scared at how powerful your magic will manifest.

Magic is real and scary. It is a big monster when you finally get to it, it is a lot of responsibility.

On the dual aspect of this, now you are bitter it "doesn't work", then you will be bitter it works too good.

And the mountains come and go. Only your investment will decide which mountain.
Dark Lawyer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The time you would certainly know what a waste of time you have chosen is after you die when you are between lives and your soul is with the gods waiting to reincarnate again. The gods will show you what work you still need to do, and how much further along you would have been if you consistently did at least a small amount every day.

Have you been to the afterlife and remember it? Or did you talk to ghosts? Or did you use some objective method to make sure you had past lives?

Or have you read about it on JoS and are able to believe it with religious faith?

I have always remembered this very clearly since I was a young child. I remember it like it was only a few years ago. I have had this memory since many years before I learned about Satanism or Joy of Satan, and of course everything that I have learned matches with what I already knew.
Dark Lawyer said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=398455 time=1667955509 user_id=21286]


I have a fetish, which is a great erotic experience for me. It is not harmful to others or to me. It doesn't involve genital contact or intimate contact, so there is no need for the two people involved to be in a loving relationship or to know each other. And the other party may not even know that they are giving me erotic pleasure through such physical contact. This fetish is not common, so there is certainly not much competition for energy. And it can take a variety of forms.

But there may be complicating factors:

1. Fewer women are open/able to it.

2. And I'm a loner and I live a stimulus-poor life, so there's little chance of experiencing such fetishes.

3. And the woman should take the initiative for the first time, because it's not a average situation, and I have no experience and my confidence is in tatters in this area.

Do you think a specifically designed rune work will provide easy results and thus evidence? For example 40 days? I did the Fehu project for 87 days, now I don't want to experiment for more than 40 days.

There is a topic on this:

Magic for Getting sexual fetishes in reality


And Jack has repeatedly suggested the Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah mantra to others as the most effective way, so I thought of this mantra.



What do you think? Is there any point in waiting for results after 40 days? And if so, what should I do? I've never done this kind of magic work before, but I could get enthusiastic about it and would do it if you could help me with the technical information.

If you need any other information to help me answer, I'd be happy to post it here in the topic or by email.

I think too many focus on runic workings or other 40 day workings to manifest something, especially for beginners, I made this mistake as well. You should focus on empowering your soul through regular meditation and yoga, while building the skills necessary to do these types of workings(concentration, trance, void, visualization, etc), I would not recommend doing another 40 day working for your goal. Doing a working without the skills mentioned above will hamper it, and as far as I know the effectiveness of the runes/mantra is directly dependent on your own vril/witchpower which is built up though the yoga, power meditation, chakra empowerment, etc. Plus vibrating runes will not necessarily empower the soul or increase any skill unless it is specifically affirmed to do so, with physical manifestation you will not be progressing in any way. Working with the aura and energy however is much different and will build/empower your soul.

For the specific thing you want to acheive I would recommend programming your aura to attract such situation though I doubt your aura is very strong and will have to be amplified by consistent practice of the basics I have mentioned. A quicker way to achieve results and prove to yourself the reality of magick is the love spell I link below as it relies on orgasmic energy, you will need to have a specific person in mind for this but it should work with consistent application.

Aura: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html

Love spell: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Love_Spell.html
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I have always remembered this very clearly since I was a young child. I remember it like it was only a few years ago. I have had this memory since many years before I learned about Satanism or Joy of Satan, and of course everything that I have learned matches with what I already knew.

Thank you for your reply. Personal certainty can be good.
NakedPluto said:

Very few people here seem to understand what I am talking about.

Whatever spiritual work I do, you say on this forum, is nothing. (40-day meditation program, 87 days of rune work, shared rituals, 1 year of daily aura cleansing, protective aura, void meditation.) And you tell me to work for more years or decades to see results. And I'm not arguing with you.

But believe me: if I were capable of sustained religious faith, I would do spiritual practices for years without seeing any results. Law school is 5 years. I worked alongside my studies and graduated in 11 years. Many people dropped out, but I didn't give up because I believed I would get my degree. And I graduated summa cum laude.

But unfortunately, since I got my degree, my life is getting worse in most strategic areas. I'm working 12 hours, I hate my humiliating job, I've been looking for a job for 8 months and I'm living month to month, trying to find a way to manage my money. And not to fall back into alcoholism, which I got rid of three and a half years ago.

I do not experience anything, I can't find my Guardian Demon, I can't get any answer or sign from Satan. Can you believe I have no strength and no enthusiasm? I'm clinging on, trying to survive day by day.

And I have no faith. I am trying to survive day to day in solitude, and in this situation I am not able to meditate and do yoga for hours a day, based on a religious belief alone, hoping that maybe one day the meditation will have some results.


It's just the icing on the cake it is that, despite FRTRs and common rituals, World War III has broken out, and my country currently has a base rate of 13%, up from 0.6% in the first half of last year, so my country is heading for hyperinflation. Regardless of magic, my maximum chance is to find a mediocre (non-law) graduate job in a public company for not much more money than I'm making now. And I can work there until the state goes bankrupt. And I have already written in detail in another topic about how Hungary will soon be in collapse and chaos, completely independent of covid or world war. This was already clear 10-15 years ago, because Hungary is plummeting towards demographic collapse with all its consequences. Again, this is independent of magic, it is just mathematics.

Here in East-Central Europe, we have perhaps 10 years before the era of unmeasured civil wars with gypsies. And in Western countries, a few years later, everyone can buy a chador or a prayer mat. These are long-standing, clearly visible and now unstoppable processes. The numbers speak for themselves, and this is completely unrelated to the covid or the war in Ukraine.

Of course, the situation has changed in the last 3 years. Now the culmination of these demographic processes could be preceded by genocide, migrant war, third world war. Of course, I prepare as much as I can (not much). But I prefer to wait helplessly. My family and I have little chance of surviving the impending crisis. It would take great luck to be in the right place at the right time. If we manage to survive, then presumably things will be good afterwards. For a while. Then, presumably, in my old age, the shit would hit the fan, the WEF world.
Dark Lawyer said:
Cfecit said:

Thank you for your reply.

Now everyone is trying to explain why my 87 days of the rune work is worthless. And why the money spells (anti great reset ritual) performed together during the same period did not make any difference. While during the works Jupiter was in retrograde motion in my sign for a quarter of a year continuously.

I understand that you are all speaking from your own experiences. And I don't dispute anyone's own experience.

But my experience so far is that it doesn't work for me. The only way I could continue on this path from here on out is if I were permanently fit for religious faith without evidence. And by the age of 39, it had become certain that I was not - at least permanently - fit for any religious faith.

Don't put others in the middle, I don't speak for others. So you refuse to answer my two trivial questions. If you have not used the affirmation correctly or other passage of magic workings, it is normal that it does not work, and then it is also useless for you to complain, you were just naive.
I saw that you asked another time for how to proceed with love/sex magic, I'll tell you up front, that won't work either because you don't know how to proceed. Go ahead and blame SS, you are just a fucking retard or troll. Can you fucking believe it? Luckily you failed, because if one randomly and does a very bad money ritual and gets wealth, think how the world goes, pure chaos, because any person without a spirituality background will make any desire happen. You need a certain level and power to be successful in magic, fortunately.

And fuck does it have to do with the age of 39, stop crying like a fucking baby, if you do nothing, even at 50, 60, 70, more old, the situation will not change. Get that fucking evidence out of your brain. You can see the evidence in the JoS. If you don't believe in spirituality despite the fact that you know the jews removed and cursed through magic humanity, then what can you say? Go out and don't blame JoS, the only fault here is you. The Jews are laughing at you.
Cfecit said:
...you are just a fucking retard or troll.

I assume you think of yourself as an advanced SS. I'm surprised that despite this, with 1500 posts behind you, you so quickly lose control of a conversation and are unable to communicate without using obscene insults. I think that speaks for itself. Perhaps you need meditation more than I do? :roll:

I started the conversation by thanking you for your answer. And I spoke to you politely. If you want to continue the conversation, I'll give you another chance to communicate without barroom style and insults. If you feel you can't control yourself, please leave this topic and do more void meditation.

So, to answer your two questions:

1. Yes, my confirmation was good. This has been discussed in detail in another thread with Blitzkreig and Henu the Great.

2. As much as I could, I tried to get into it and imagine that the result was already there. This is also a thread that we have discussed with Blitzkreig and Henu the Great, so I see no point in starting over with you.

In response to your other statements.

1. Nowhere did I write that I blame SS. That conclusion comes from your temper and lack of understanding. In my reply to you I wrote this in black letters on a white background:

Dark Lawyer said:
I understand that you are all speaking from your own experiences. And I don't dispute anyone's own experience.

But my experience so far is that it doesn't work for me.

So please communicate with me and not with your own ideas.

2. Thanks, I have a detailed plan of how I would spend the money. As I have a better than average view of events in the world, Eastern-Central Europe and Hungary, I would spend the money on prepping. To prepare my loved ones and myself as much as possible for the upcoming SHTF. So I would not spend the money to satisfy desires. I have already written this in another thread. So again you were insulting me, but again you were not writing about me. It was about a picture in your head.

3. What does my situation have to do with my age of 39? :roll: If you asked me that question, there is no point in answering. There are A and B sides to a record. But my record has only a B side. And that is my fault. I am now working on the B side without the support of the A side. From the zero.

4. Yes, I am to blame. But I've already written that. Yes, my life will be worse than it is now when I'm 50-60-70. I've already written that down. This is exactly the problem. Although I probably won't survive the impending cataclysm.
Yes, I cannot blindly believe in anything. If you really knew the SS ideology, you would know exactly what it says about this. So you seem to have betrayed yourself a bit by taking me to task for doubting, understanding and researching, and you're trying to get me to believe this or that with some kind of sectarian blind faith. That won't work with me because I was a Christian for years. :D

5. I do nothing? :lol: I have written down many times what I do and what I have done. By putting my face and name on it, and using my expertise, I have probably done more in the last 3 years to fight the great reset than you would dare to do in your wildest dreams.
I'm currently working 12 hours, while I've been looking for a job for 8 months. And trying to be a good owner to my cat. And I'm trying to manage my minimum wage so that it doesn't completely run out by the end of the month, while everything is getting more expensive. And all the while, somehow trying to prepare for the upcoming SHTF. Oh, and I climbed out of alcoholism on my own three and a half years ago. Welcome to the real world, little brother. :cool:
Dark Lawyer said:
NakedPluto said:

Very few people here seem to understand what I am talking about.

Whatever spiritual work I do, you say on this forum, is nothing. (40-day meditation program, 87 days of rune work, shared rituals, 1 year of daily aura cleansing, protective aura, void meditation.) And you tell me to work for more years or decades to see results. And I'm not arguing with you.

But believe me: if I were capable of sustained religious faith, I would do spiritual practices for years without seeing any results. Law school is 5 years. I worked alongside my studies and graduated in 11 years. Many people dropped out, but I didn't give up because I believed I would get my degree. And I graduated summa cum laude.

But unfortunately, since I got my degree, my life is getting worse in most strategic areas. I'm working 12 hours, I hate my humiliating job, I've been looking for a job for 8 months and I'm living month to month, trying to find a way to manage my money. And not to fall back into alcoholism, which I got rid of three and a half years ago.

I do not experience anything, I can't find my Guardian Demon, I can't get any answer or sign from Satan. Can you believe I have no strength and no enthusiasm? I'm clinging on, trying to survive day by day.

And I have no faith. I am trying to survive day to day in solitude, and in this situation I am not able to meditate and do yoga for hours a day, based on a religious belief alone, hoping that maybe one day the meditation will have some results.


It's just the icing on the cake it is that, despite FRTRs and common rituals, World War III has broken out, and my country currently has a base rate of 13%, up from 0.6% in the first half of last year, so my country is heading for hyperinflation. Regardless of magic, my maximum chance is to find a mediocre (non-law) graduate job in a public company for not much more money than I'm making now. And I can work there until the state goes bankrupt. And I have already written in detail in another topic about how Hungary will soon be in collapse and chaos, completely independent of covid or world war. This was already clear 10-15 years ago, because Hungary is plummeting towards demographic collapse with all its consequences. Again, this is independent of magic, it is just mathematics.

Here in East-Central Europe, we have perhaps 10 years before the era of unmeasured civil wars with gypsies. And in Western countries, a few years later, everyone can buy a chador or a prayer mat. These are long-standing, clearly visible and now unstoppable processes. The numbers speak for themselves, and this is completely unrelated to the covid or the war in Ukraine.

Of course, the situation has changed in the last 3 years. Now the culmination of these demographic processes could be preceded by genocide, migrant war, third world war. Of course, I prepare as much as I can (not much). But I prefer to wait helplessly. My family and I have little chance of surviving the impending crisis. It would take great luck to be in the right place at the right time. If we manage to survive, then presumably things will be good afterwards. For a while. Then, presumably, in my old age, the shit would hit the fan, the WEF world.

Thankfully this is not a faith religion, so you are on the right path.

It is clear you have strong chains on your life by karmic planetary energies.

The required effort to change that is that of what I told you.

You can spend 10 minutes everyday for a year, yes. Cumulated however it is nothing, it is 2 and a half days of meditation.

But the next year, a 10 minute of meditation might however be 1 hour of the past year, and the 3rd year with 10 minutes you might accumulate hours on end proportionally of the before years.

The ladder is walked exponentially. Faith is not needed for this.

I actually advise you, be extremely watchful, discriminant and judgemental. Be extremely serious and watch reality.

Not the opposite.

With these judgemental eyes, you will see. Now you don't have the clarity of it by the lack of truthfulness. As I said, you expect imagined effects while they need more effort and systematic approach.

In a couple of days you can prove to yourself the power of magic and spiritual. Only by breathing exercises.

Do now a few sessions of breath of fire. Then yogic. Everyday for 3 days.

Hold for about 5 seconds and do rounds that sum this retention to a 10 or 15 minutes mark. A ten minute mark is 600 seconds. That means 120 rounds of 5 second retention of Yogic breath.

Breath of fire is very powerful, so do retention for 10 seconds if comfortable for 6 rounds, a minute in total.

After you'll have a fever in the following days, and or whatever personal effect you'll feel from the bio electricity, from headaches or power, come to me and tell me, how that is not real or whatever.

Do this for 10 days after, then add some trance meditation. Then vibration. In time you'll become conscious of energies and then you can start workings.

Workings do not work on faith. They work on factual energy that is known and manipulated.

They work on created wavelengths and activated dimensions from the body, by the vibration.

They work by the acquired focus on factual anchors by the senses.

They work when something happens truly, not by imagination, not by faith, not by hope, but by raw created force.

A force which goes and does the programming, which fights.
NakedPluto said:

Thank you, but if I didn't feel anything during HP Cobra's 40-day meditation program or the FRTRs, then I guess there's no point in experimenting any further.

Not because these practices don't work, but because they don't work for me for some reason.

(I mistakenly added the opening of the 6th chakra to the 40 day program, contrary to the instructions. This is supposed to induce very intense sensations, which is why it is not included in the 40-day program for beginners. I have not experienced anything...)

My other observation is that unfortunately I don't have x years for spiritual work. The shit-tsunami is about to hit, even the biggest Tesco store in county seat has empty shelves, etc. I can't get an answer from Satan, I can't find my Guardian Demon, and magic hasn't worked to improve my situation.

I have no more time to waste, so now I need to find a quick solution on the physical plane to how we survive the impending collapse.

But thanks again, you are very helpful. I hope you don't misunderstand me like Cfecit. I hope that if, by some great stroke of luck, I survive the cataclysm, I may have more opportunity and time for spiritual experimentation in the future.
Dark Lawyer said:

As usual, when I write a bad word, you focus on that word and not the context, seeing the finger and not the moon. I tell you the truth, I get a great urge to slap your face, I have never seen a person self-pitying himself like you.

You're still missing the fucking point. You have no faith anymore, all right, look at what the world is out there. Judaism preaching the enslavement of humanity, as are its copies of xianism and Islamism. Buddhism preaching dissovolence in the ether. We are the only ones who give a minumium of spirituality, but because of level of humanity i.e. we have fallen so low energetically and otherwise, consequently to get back to a higher vibrational level, we would have to do a lot of workings.
Then someone comes along who in one year wants things to happen....what shall I say?
I am sorry, but that is not the case. There are laws of the universe. You may even have a bad transit going on.

You have two choices, you can continue to cry and think it's all over, imagine doomsday scenarios and have confidence in them, so go fuck yourself, because for obvious reasons you can never have good things when you're in this state, OR be a man of worth, get back up after every obstacle, as they told you you have to have enough power to make your desires happen.
Xianity is still strong in you. Doomsday here, doomsday there... It's the xtians that constantly act like you do, using excuses like "but the doomsday is coming!!", "the end is near". An SS simply adapts and goes on. "Life goes on", it always does, we've seen times that were much more harder than these and people still managed to survive. You'll do fine if you stop thinking you'll die and just stop trying to be a prophet of doom.
Aquarius said:

I have zero xianism, but thanks for the analysis. :ugeek: I am not a Christian, I am a prepper.

And you didn't read carefully: preppers are not preparing for any "end of the world". It's just that I can see the processes in my country, which I have already described in concrete terms, with numbers and context. And I am responsibly preparing for the SHTF (when Shit Hits The Fan) for the protection of my loved ones and myself.

SS and preppering are not mutually exclusive.

You will do well if you do not try to give a template answer when someone writes individual specifics. Sober preppering has nothing to do with "end of the world" Christianity.
Cfecit said:
As usual, when I write a bad word, you focus on that word and not the context, seeing the finger and not the moon.

If you read my post, you saw that I didn't just respond to the bad word, and I didn't take anything out of context. I answered all your questions and statements in bullet points. My post speaks for itself.

Thanks for trying to give constructive advice.
Dark Lawyer said:
Aquarius said:

I have zero xianism, but thanks for the analysis. :ugeek: I am not a Christian, I am a prepper.

And you didn't read carefully: preppers are not preparing for any "end of the world". It's just that I can see the processes in my country, which I have already described in concrete terms, with numbers and context. And I am responsibly preparing for the SHTF (when Shit Hits The Fan) for the protection of my loved ones and myself.

SS and preppering are not mutually exclusive.

You will do well if you do not try to give a template answer when someone writes individual specifics. Sober preppering has nothing to do with "end of the world" Christianity.
You have a completely defeatist attitude towards meditation, and the reason is "I have to prep for the end of Hungary".
Aquarius said:
You have a completely defeatist attitude towards meditation, and the reason is "I have to prep for the end of Hungary".

"On the other hand, retrograde Jupiter is a blessing. Jupiter retrograde over a loved or desired one’s Venus, same with Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto concerning love; a love spell in directing these energies can be most effective.

Retrograde Jupiter over your personal planets, love spells, money/success, promotions and everything else can come in abundance with the proper direction. Retrograde Jupiter is where we luck out and have opportunities. Taking control of this period and directing the energies will result in our success."


Jupiter was retrograde in my sign for a quarter. During this time I did continuous rune work and we also did money spells together (anti great reset ritual). The result: about nothing.

"So, the main aim of this program is to advance you spiritually to where in 40 days:

You will establish a strong aura of protection that will actively protect you.

Your Aura will be more powerful and you will be able to feel energy better.

Your chakras will be far cleaner than they ever were.

Your chakras will be awakened and open, which is necessary in working magick.

The levels of your bio-electricity will be far more powerful.

You will be competent enough to join in the fight of fighting the enemy, if this is what you will, in the shortest time possible. It’s advisable that you should.

You will feel far better in terms of how energetic and how healthy you feel.

Other effects include you will have a sense of strength and feel powerful.

Psychologically you will have proven to yourself how capable you are and how you can stick to a program.

You will have made the Gods of Hell and Satan proud in your obvious attempt and dedication to grow spiritually. Lazy bummers, fearful people and those who want to sit back and watch the world burn..."


This is the description of HP Cobra's 40-day programme. I finished it almost a year ago, but I have not experienced any of the things described. Not despite the fact that I mistakenly added a "bonus": opening the 6th chakra. This is what Henu the Great wrote to me about this amendment:

Henu the Great said:
It is 40 day program by design. The 6th chakra can be opened later because for most newbies this would cause overcharging of the nervous system.


If anyone, I'm a very beginner, but I didn't feel anything with the 6th chakra modification either.

Be honest with yourself: if you were in my shoes, would you continue your spiritual experimentation?


Hungary will soon be in chaos, no question about it. Ten years ago, it was possible to put the culmination of negative demographic trends around 2050. Today it could happen well before 2050. I wrote about this in detail in another topic. And indeed, the collapse will eventually be followed by total depopulation. East-Central Europe (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary) is likely to become literally uninhabited by the last few decades of the 21st century. This is not Christianity or prophecy of doom. Just logical deduction from numbers and tendencies. This is the most likely mathematical scenario.
Dark Lawyer said:
You are missing the point. We are primarily working towards the Godhead instead of only seeking short-term successes. That being said, we also look for smaller goals. For example, I've had much success with Mars' and Jupiter's energy. Feeling energy (when used as an isolated meter) is not a good indicator of progress. Sensations are very dependent on the person and planetary influences. Progress is also made when nothing is seen by the naked eye. The 40-day program is meant as a first step into meditation as a habit since after 40 days one has ingrained a habit into their psyche and soul. It's simply the first step and if one does not see results as advertised that is not to say no change or progress has been made. One simply has to go further to evolve more which enables more tangible results.

Yes, I would definitely continue since it's about the well-being of your soul and success as a person long-term what is a stake. You have received multiple posts explaining the situation and the means for you to continue.

And stop with the doomsday nonsense. We are above that. You have whined enough about the state of the world already. Be a man and take responsibility for your life.
Henu the Great said:
You have received multiple posts explaining the situation and the means for you to continue.

And stop with the doomsday nonsense. We are above that. You have whined enough about the state of the world already. Be a man and take responsibility for your life.

I have not received a single post explaining the situation.

I've received descriptions of practices that you think I should do in the same way I've been doing: following religious blind faith. Every day, in the hope that maybe years or decades from now they will bring results. This may be news to you: the measure of manliness is not how long one can follow some vague template with religious blindness, ineffectually, sweating. :eek:

What kind of doomsday are you talking about? The only way to doomsday would be a global nuclear war. Of course it has a chance. But if you read my posts, you'll see that's not what I'm writing about. Think about it: it is not possible to prepare for the doomsday. :) If the world ended, there would be nothing for anyone to do.

I am preparing for what is to come in my country and the wider region. This is completely unrelated to the fictional epidemic or the war in Ukraine. The reason you don't understand what I am writing about is because you don't have enough information about the demographics of Eastern-Central Europe to calculate the future of the situation. Furthermore, you have no experience of the everyday practical problems and tensions that the demographic situation is already causing here in Hungary.
Dark Lawyer said:


Do this. Do all of the breaths and spine flexes very quickly and with deep breaths, like breath of fire. Except for the few steps that it says to do slowly.

If you do it correctly you will definitely be feeling this. Your entire body will be buzzing so powerfully with spiritual energy, it will be completely different than anything else you have ever felt before.

After this you will have no excuse of "How do I know if it is real if I never felt it?" Because you will feel it.

Thank you. I can't do this completely yet, I don't have the physical fitness.

And I've heard that it's dangerous for beginners to do the whole program in one intensive session, so I don't know why you recommend it.
Dark Lawyer said:
I have not received a single post explaining the situation.
Yes, you have been explained in this topic, and in others.

I've received descriptions of practices that you think I should do in the same way I've been doing: following religious blind faith. Every day, in the hope that maybe years or decades from now they will bring results. This may be news to you: the measure of manliness is not how long one can follow some vague template with religious blindness, ineffectually, sweating. :eek:
None of our practices rely on faith alone. Faith is but one component, for beginners mostly.

What kind of doomsday are you talking about? The only way to doomsday would be a global nuclear war. Of course it has a chance. But if you read my posts, you'll see that's not what I'm writing about. Think about it: it is not possible to prepare for the doomsday. :) If the world ended, there would be nothing for anyone to do.
The one which you mention over and over instead of working to better yourself and the world as a result.

I am preparing for what is to come in my country and the wider region. This is completely unrelated to the fictional epidemic or the war in Ukraine. The reason you don't understand what I am writing about is because you don't have enough information about the demographics of Eastern-Central Europe to calculate the future of the situation. Furthermore, you have no experience of the everyday practical problems and tensions that the demographic situation is already causing here in Hungary.
We are to raise above these influences and provide this world with a path that will not result in worst-case scenarios.

Dark Lawyer said:
Thank you. I can't do this completely yet, I don't have the physical fitness.

And I've heard that it's dangerous for beginners to do the whole program in one intensive session, so I don't know why you recommend it.
Excuses. If you are not paraplegic then you can do this and end the debate about "blind faith" once and for all. The point was for you to understand that these practices are very real instead of something elusive. Furthermore, the post by NakedPluto regarding breathing exercises serves the same end as well.
Dark Lawyer said:

Thank you. I can't do this completely yet, I don't have the physical fitness.

And I've heard that it's dangerous for beginners to do the whole program in one intensive session, so I don't know why you recommend it.

Dangerous? Why if you don't believe it.

Just some mimicry of sexy time for the most part. Rapid breathing and flexing your spine.

One might be served with harsh warnings when it is a beginner and wants and does much more than they can handle or what they might not understand.

But since you want proof, there is proof to be had. Infinity of proofs in all meditations, in all of the yoga, in all of the breathing exercises.

If one wants to see, one will see.
Henu the Great said:
Excuses. If you are not paraplegic then you can do this and end the debate about "blind faith" once and for all. The point was for you to understand that these practices are very real instead of something elusive. Furthermore, the post by NakedPluto regarding breathing exercises serves the same end as well.

How interesting. A couple of months ago you suggested a total of 3 minutes of Sat Kriya for me. And you explained why you didn't suggest more Kundalini Yoga:

Henu the Great said:
However, the reason why I only suggested Sat Kriya, and for a short time aside from time constraints on your side is because it would be better to get used doing hatha asanas on a regular basis for better flow of energy. Doing a lot of KY without adequate openness in energy pathways will cause energy to be potentially blocked in certain areas.

When you want to introduce new methods, or more of something you have already done it would be good to find balance between being too careful adding new and being too bold, adding too much and burning out. Middle ground is best and where this middle ground is you will have to figure out yourself.



Henu the Great said:
The one which you mention over and over instead of working to better yourself and the world as a result.

Keep repeating. :cool: Anyone who reads my posts knows exactly that I am not talking about any doomsday. I am talking about the demographic situation in Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. What motivates you, after I have corrected you, to repeatedly lie about the content of my posts? Don't you think that is not a very clever move when my posts are readable? As I said, doomsday can only come from a global nuclear war. I hope we avoid that. Of course it's possible we won't.

And should I make the world a better place? It is frankly interesting to me that you are completely incapable of considering what I have done over the last 3 years to combat the great reset. Is this the result of some brainwashing, or are you simply ignoring my posts that don't fit your preconceived pattern? But the fact is that the world is not a better place because of my efforts.
Dark Lawyer said:

Thank you. I can't do this completely yet, I don't have the physical fitness.

And I've heard that it's dangerous for beginners to do the whole program in one intensive session, so I don't know why you recommend it.

There is nothing dangerous about this. Anybody is able to do this, except maybe a person with no legs and no arms. Even a beginner would never be harmed from this. Again, you give nothing but excuses. You do not seem honest.

If you are so fat that you are unable to sit on the floor, then this is your real problem. What are you trying to get ready for? Do you think you would be able to do anything or take care of anything if your country goes into a dangerous situation, and you are not even able to sit on the floor?

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. I am not asking you to do this exactly perfectly on your first try because it is difficult enough for an inflexible person that it does take some practice. But whatever amount you are able to do, as well as you are able to do it, just get it done.

And I don't want to see any more fake excuses. All I've seen from you on this topic is fake excuses and what I am telling you to do would remove all of them.

The other thing is it does not work for you to tell us "How can I believe that it is real?" Because every single one of us have been having direct experience every day for years. There is no question that Satanism is truth and we experience the proof of this every day. If you are so lazy that you have done almost nothing and accomplished nothing, that is not anybody else's fault.

You are still talking about the 40 day schedule. The 40 day schedule is good for the first 40 days that anybody ever does because it starts to teach some simple things. But the 40 days does almost nothing. Isn't it just basic visualization and void? Like visualize this simple symbol in your mind. If this is all you have ever done it is no question why you have never felt anything, because you have never done anything. Same with opening the chakras but then never using any of the chakras and never flowing any energy through any of the chakras. A partially opened chakra with no energy current flowing through it you can say is the same feeling as a closed chakra which is nothing.

I told you already what to do. That kundalini yoga is the single fastest and easiest way for anybody to build up enormous amounts of energy buzzing in the body. It is safe for anybody to do. And it will work even for a beginner and even for a person who has never felt anything.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
