Do more void meditation. Aura cleansing and aura of protection every day. Also, shift your perspective. Watch some videos on the jewish involvement in pornography. Watch a video on pornography creating the demand that fuels human trafficking. Meditate on the negative effect that your porn use is causing to you and the world, and choose to be greater. See sex as sacred, as something meaningful, a beautiful bond between two people. Intimate, powerful, uniting, loving. See porn for what it is, pixels on a screen, not real sex, not even close. A mockery of something that should be experienced first hand. Not something to be filmed for shekels.
Hardcore pornography is terrible, creates and amplifies insecurities and hangups. As well as the other harmful effects on the brain. I think softcore is a problem too. Because when seeing attractive people in real life, it's natural to be aroused. But watching softcore on a screen trains you to get aroused to pixels, to digital instead of real.
Urges are natural, should we really suppress them? I say no unless you want to end up like the Xian pedo priests. IMO - fantasizing is fine, masturbation is fine(in healthy intervals). NOPORN = Good, but NOFAP = bs. <- Transmuting orgasm energy. Frequency of masturbation is dependent on the individual, their sex drive. People that fap too much, past their limit get exhausted. Listen to your body and your intuition about this.
Also, for some people -- porn use and masturbation is used as an avoidance tool for dealing with real problems in life. I can speak from experience that I used to use it whenever I got stressed and overwhelmed with current events, social problems, insecurities, etc. So if this is the case for you, meditate on your problems and choose to make steps towards solving them, both magickally and through real physical action. Even if the problem seems huge, make a plan on how you can take little steps towards solving it, a day at a time, 1% at a time.
What worked for me is recognize your "triggers". For example, if you use porn when you feel stressed -- say to yourself, "when I feel stressed, I will meditate instead". Another form of triggers are certain websites or habits. Using porn whenever you are mindlessly browsing the internet? I used to use porn while browsing the chans and reddit; saw something that aroused me and a few minutes later I was on nsfw parts of the site. So I blocked them totally in hosts file. (Search for "nofap block porn hosts file" -- add other sites that trigger you to it).
Lastly, the better you take care of yourself, the easier it is to fight porn urges. Meditation, Yoga, Spiritual Warfare(it frees our own souls as well), Healthy sleep schedule, getting fresh air every day, keeping your living area clean, good diet, exercise etc. Filling your life with productive tasks, setting goals, taking action towards them, having healthy relationships with others, these things keep you fulfilled and kills your desire for porn.