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I hate being a women.


Nov 2, 2018
I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I am. I have a weak body, so I can't even protect myself and I will never able to. And this is happening since I was a child. I was in a lot of dangerous situation.
I had to escape from men, when I was a child (he was chasing me). Five men was yelling at me that they will pack me in the car. They weren't joking. They looked at me like they wanted to kill me. Once I was event attacked without a reason. My uncle was molesting me. And my other uncle tried to rape me. I could go on and go on with this stories. It's all happening just because I am women.
My father want to train me, so I can protect myself, but I told him it's useless, because I will never be as strong as a man. It's a fact and I know it.
I got a weak body, have a really painful menstruation (sometimes I just wish I could pass out from pain). Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women? And please don't think that I am hating on men, I don't want you to be offended. I actually appreciate you, yours strenght and everything. I got a wonderful brother (he always protected me in childhood, when dad was... angry) and a male friend, which is the nicest person ever and I would do everything to protect them. I always tell my female friends a good words about men and I know a bad womens too. But the things that happened to me are facts too. I don't know if this is the enemy attack again which causes me to feel this way, but today I feel like dying can be the best option, so nobody will hurt me again. Or do you think that Gods can protect me from humans too? I know that they are protecting me from enemies, but could they do that with humans too? Because I am scared that someday I will get finally hurt. And sorry if I offended someone, this wasn't my intention. Everything what I wrote is how I think about myself. Have a nice day.
It is terrible that these things have happened to you.

You need to start meditating. Women, for lack of material power [many men can also be fairly weak in body] can compensate in spiritual power. But this power has to be trained.

Also, in regards to your physical issues, consider carrying things like pepper spray. A woman that is armed is no weaker than any other man in a society. This however will depend on which country you are from. There are also classes that can teach you where to strike people [with minimal power] and wreck them senseless.

There are other ways to discover power, and bodily strength is not the only type of strength. Also, you can find a man or a partner who will protect you, again with magick, and clear up for you when you are experiencing problems.

Men also have major vulnerabilities, which women do not have. Womanhood is precious so don't hate yourself for being a woman, but hate weakness.

I wish you great luck. Start improving.
Przebiśnieg said:
I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I am. I have a weak body, so I can't even protect myself and I will never able to. And this is happening since I was a child. I was in a lot of dangerous situation.
I had to escape from men, when I was a child (he was chasing me). Five men was yelling at me that they will pack me in the car. They weren't joking. They looked at me like they wanted to kill me. Once I was event attacked without a reason. My uncle was molesting me. And my other uncle tried to rape me. I could go on and go on with this stories. It's all happening just because I am women.
My father want to train me, so I can protect myself, but I told him it's useless, because I will never be as strong as a man. It's a fact and I know it.
I got a weak body, have a really painful menstruation (sometimes I just wish I could pass out from pain). Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women? And please don't think that I am hating on men, I don't want you to be offended. I actually appreciate you, yours strenght and everything. I got a wonderful brother (he always protected me in childhood, when dad was... angry) and a male friend, which is the nicest person ever and I would do everything to protect them. I always tell my female friends a good words about men and I know a bad womens too. But the things that happened to me are facts too. I don't know if this is the enemy attack again which causes me to feel this way, but today I feel like dying can be the best option, so nobody will hurt me again. Or do you think that Gods can protect me from humans too? I know that they are protecting me from enemies, but could they do that with humans too? Because I am scared that someday I will get finally hurt. And sorry if I offended someone, this wasn't my intention. Everything what I wrote is how I think about myself. Have a nice day.

You can also train a dog to protect you and walk with you everywhere you go. Some dogs are very protective of their owners. My ex girl had such a dog and she did not allow me to even get near her( my ex) The dog somehow knew i was not the right guy for her.
I'm female too and I once thought the same thing.

Most things can't be solved by fist fights in 21th century. You don't have to have a stronger body than men to protect yourself. There are many other ways.

There are many people who are brainwashed by the enemy discriminate and hate women in many areas. I think I once read about this on the jos websites that it is one of the enemys tricks. So don't think like this! Don't be one of those fools.

Personally speaking I love being female. I don't know why, maybe it is because I'm female in my deep soul. I live in eastern Asian and there are many males who are even shorter than me so I will probably still have a weak body if I were male. :lol: I'd rather be a female than a weak male. It also makes me love and focus on spiritual power advancement instead of body strength.
Przebiśnieg said:
I have a weak body, so I can't even protect myself and I will never able to. And this is happening since I was a child.
Then strengthen your body. Being fit and having a strong body is important for raising the kundalini serpent + completing the Magnum Opus. Self-defense isn’t only about strength or size, it’s also about speed and technique.

Physical fitness tips by HPS Maxine: https://archive.is/lDgOg

On physical training by HPS Maxine: https://archive.is/nThPO

Physical Yoga by HPS Maxine: https://web.archive.org/web/20200316100727/https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Yoga2.html

The FREE 45 Day Beginner Fitness Plan by Stew Smith: http://site.stewsmithptclub.com/45dayplan.pdf

Iron Shirt Qi Gong by Mantak Chia (PDF): https://mega.nz/file/TR1HDYRL#EJ3gaKlCrm-jqdN0tLEmi6D4rKL63Q9PihoUWqEKWX4

About Iron Shirt Qi Gong by HP Lucius Oria:

The Shaolin Workout: 28 Days to Transforming Your Body and Soul the Warrior's Way by Shi Yan Ming

If you’re female, it’s imperative that you do these exercises daily to prevent knee caving: https://archive.is/MVxZm

Why female athletes need to do exercises to prevent knee caving:

“...female pelvises widen during puberty through the influence of sex hormones. This wider pelvis requires the femur to angle toward the knees. This angle towards the knee is referred to as the Q angle. The average Q angle for men is 14 degrees and the average for women is 17 degrees. Steps can be taken to reduce this Q angle, such as using orthotics.[22] The relatively wider female hip and widened Q angle may lead to an increased likelihood of ACL tears in women.[23]”- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_cruciate_ligament_injury

“Researchers have found that female athletes often land with the knees relatively straight and collapsing inwards towards each other, with most of their bodyweight on a single foot and their upper body tilting to one side; these four factors put excessive strain on the ligaments on the knee and thus increase the likelihood of ACL tear.[38][17]”- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_cruciate_ligament_injury

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
As I mentioned before and will again, whenever you raise your energies through meditation, yoga, or any other spiritual discipline, it is very important to direct those energies. Each of us carries latent negativity in our chakras. This lasts through lifetimes and unless it is reprogrammed, this is what can cause unfortunate events and other negative experiences to occur. By stating positive affirmations following any spiritual working, even that of martial arts; this will direct the energies raised into something positive and helpful.
Source (page 3)

Example affirmation: “I am always safe, secure and protected in every way and at all times.”

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
For people who have trouble doing a full hatha yoga routine, the 'Sun Salutation' set of yogic exercises is excellent: https://www.healthandyoga.com/html/news/surya.aspx

The above can also be a compliment to any kundalini/hatha yoga program and can act as an excellent warm up after getting out of bed. These are easy and greatly help in improving flexibility, which is necessary for the serpent to ascend safely. One can begin with 2 rounds and work up to 12.
Source (page 51)

Working To Increase Physical Strength
START: Waxing moon in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. Do this working in the hours of Mars or the Sun. Never start this working during a Void of Course moon.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate the rune URUZ, THURISAZ or LOGR 40 times.
3. Affirm 9 times: “My physical strength is completely increasing in a healthy and positive way for me forever."

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce URUZ, THURISAZ or LOGR:

To obtain planetary hours, download this free software:

Complete JoS Planetary Calendar for 2021: https://archive.is/dfNbf
Przebiśnieg said:
I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I am. I have a weak body, so I can't even protect myself and I will never able to. And this is happening since I was a child. I was in a lot of dangerous situation.
I had to escape from men, when I was a child (he was chasing me). Five men was yelling at me that they will pack me in the car. They weren't joking. They looked at me like they wanted to kill me. Once I was event attacked without a reason. My uncle was molesting me. And my other uncle tried to rape me. I could go on and go on with this stories. It's all happening just because I am women.
My father want to train me, so I can protect myself, but I told him it's useless, because I will never be as strong as a man. It's a fact and I know it.
I got a weak body, have a really painful menstruation (sometimes I just wish I could pass out from pain). Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women? And please don't think that I am hating on men, I don't want you to be offended. I actually appreciate you, yours strenght and everything. I got a wonderful brother (he always protected me in childhood, when dad was... angry) and a male friend, which is the nicest person ever and I would do everything to protect them. I always tell my female friends a good words about men and I know a bad womens too. But the things that happened to me are facts too. I don't know if this is the enemy attack again which causes me to feel this way, but today I feel like dying can be the best option, so nobody will hurt me again. Or do you think that Gods can protect me from humans too? I know that they are protecting me from enemies, but could they do that with humans too? Because I am scared that someday I will get finally hurt. And sorry if I offended someone, this wasn't my intention. Everything what I wrote is how I think about myself. Have a nice day.

Although i can completely understand (and at one point even almost shared) your feelings, hating yourself won't get you anywhere. Enemy programs are also notorious in putting women down specifically and reducing them to property, which is still evident in many parts of the world even among the mentalities of agnostic or atheists...many still have the residue of that mindset. Those are horrible things that happened to you. Yes women in general are smaller and weaker but trust me..there are some exceptions. each gender also has their individual strenghts and weaknesses and both are important. I was actually one of these especially all througout middle and highschool. the reason i started bulking up? i was pissed off because i wanted people to stop bullying me in school. I also had alot of violent thoughts and anger as a result of being at odds with my dad for treating me differently than my brother because i was a girl. i resented him badly for double standards. he also used to beat my ass as a kid. he grew up roman catholic so was big on women obeying the husband and blah blah...literally said this shit to me. There was a time in my early teens i almost wanted to kill him. I had that much rage. It turned out i was developing alot more testosterone than the average girl. at first they thought i had PCOS. i was stronger than some boys in school. when i started beating people up they left me alone. now i am not advising you to do this. but as far as physical ability if some women work hard enough, although they have to work at it much harder can even ALMOST reach the level of some guys, but this is not common. I played football in highschool. there was a spectacle one time when i knocked the shit out of some black guy on the line. his team made fun of him and as a result even his mom called the school to bitch at the situation and for them letting a girl on the team.

towards my late teens i could bench more than my weight...and i was in the upper 150s. i also have a larger body frame and broader shoulders than alot of women so i think that played a role too...i have had people comment on that. Imagine yourself with even that level and knowing how to fight...even if you are significantly smaller than someone if you know where to hit you can REALLY fuck them. Carrying a gun trumps the strongest man in the world against you...and unlike many people in general will not turn on you. especially in my early 20s as i was repeatedly coming accross how boys and men talked about women in places like 4chan, the manosphere and red pill bull shit, and in other places online and looking at my past, i was starting to wonder why i didnt turn out to be a lesbian. I always felt attracted to more refined and even effeminate men, later i realized because i wanted nothing that resembled men like that or my dad for that matter,...yet most if not all of those will turn you down for not having a dick. I felt like being what an actual woman was, was something a man could never actually love and respect but just use and look down at. this ofcourse is enemy bullshit.

if weapons are not an option for self defense, Doing a working can help you bypass attracting people that are bad for you though. try to advance spiritually and clean your soul, and eventually you will be able to sense impending danger even more so through intuition which may even save your or anyone from having to use any kind of force to protect you.
Przebiśnieg said:
I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I am. I have a weak body, so I can't even protect myself and I will never able to. And this is happening since I was a child. I was in a lot of dangerous situation.
I had to escape from men, when I was a child (he was chasing me). Five men was yelling at me that they will pack me in the car. They weren't joking. They looked at me like they wanted to kill me. Once I was event attacked without a reason. My uncle was molesting me. And my other uncle tried to rape me. I could go on and go on with this stories. It's all happening just because I am women.
My father want to train me, so I can protect myself, but I told him it's useless, because I will never be as strong as a man. It's a fact and I know it.
I got a weak body, have a really painful menstruation (sometimes I just wish I could pass out from pain). Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women? And please don't think that I am hating on men, I don't want you to be offended. I actually appreciate you, yours strenght and everything. I got a wonderful brother (he always protected me in childhood, when dad was... angry) and a male friend, which is the nicest person ever and I would do everything to protect them. I always tell my female friends a good words about men and I know a bad womens too. But the things that happened to me are facts too. I don't know if this is the enemy attack again which causes me to feel this way, but today I feel like dying can be the best option, so nobody will hurt me again. Or do you think that Gods can protect me from humans too? I know that they are protecting me from enemies, but could they do that with humans too? Because I am scared that someday I will get finally hurt. And sorry if I offended someone, this wasn't my intention. Everything what I wrote is how I think about myself. Have a nice day.
You should read these articles:

On Women and Goddesses by HP HoodedCobra

Women: Traditions & Duties of Time by Lydia
What unfortunately happened to you had nothing to do with your gender. There are many boys who have been raped. Please do not hate your gender, this will cause many negative hangups that will prevent advancement, and will create a bad psychological state.

As others here have mentioned, try martial arts. If you feel physically frail, look into Ashwagandha herb, it builds strength in a nourishing way.
Thank you everyone for all yours important answers. I thought about it a lot yesterday and come to some conclusion. Today I will check everything you posted and improve myself, so I will get stronger and keep myself safe. Thanks again, it was really helpful.
Przebiśnieg said:
I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I am. I have a weak body, so I can't even protect myself and I will never able to. And this is happening since I was a child. I was in a lot of dangerous situation.
I had to escape from men, when I was a child (he was chasing me). Five men was yelling at me that they will pack me in the car. They weren't joking. They looked at me like they wanted to kill me. Once I was event attacked without a reason. My uncle was molesting me. And my other uncle tried to rape me. I could go on and go on with this stories. It's all happening just because I am women.
My father want to train me, so I can protect myself, but I told him it's useless, because I will never be as strong as a man. It's a fact and I know it.
I got a weak body, have a really painful menstruation (sometimes I just wish I could pass out from pain). Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women? And please don't think that I am hating on men, I don't want you to be offended. I actually appreciate you, yours strenght and everything. I got a wonderful brother (he always protected me in childhood, when dad was... angry) and a male friend, which is the nicest person ever and I would do everything to protect them. I always tell my female friends a good words about men and I know a bad womens too. But the things that happened to me are facts too. I don't know if this is the enemy attack again which causes me to feel this way, but today I feel like dying can be the best option, so nobody will hurt me again. Or do you think that Gods can protect me from humans too? I know that they are protecting me from enemies, but could they do that with humans too? Because I am scared that someday I will get finally hurt. And sorry if I offended someone, this wasn't my intention. Everything what I wrote is how I think about myself. Have a nice day.

here is a nice album for you to listen to if you like :)
Hi. I know it's one thing to say things like "sorry this happened to you or I understand" cause no one can truly understand because they aren't you but i hope you do feel that we all care about you and wish better things for you.

I won't add any more on the physical side getting stronger. No matter what route you go or do both physical and spiritual matters do try to do this one thing. Nourish your body. Physical or spiritual training won't matter if your body isn't getting the stuff it needs to help you build up your body.
The best thing to start off with is Bone Broth and I'm not talking the shit stuff in stores. There are plenty of ways to make your own -crock pot, bones, some veggies, salt, vinager, and water let cook for 24 hours and your done-
Another good body nurisher is grass fed butter. there are good stuff like this in stores but try to use close to a sticks worth of good butter a day.

If you want even better advice or recipies go to Weston A Price Foundation.
All SS should be doing what they can to nourish their bodies so they can better handle higher vibrations.
I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

Hail Father Satan
First I wish to give some links from Health forums that I consider interesting:




I made my own investigation on it and found very deep things behind it: jewish curses to women in bible and quran are as follows: "women will suffer during birth and not during birth just whenever because they are Devil or so" (in quran they have special curses to menstruation) so they created a society where women were executed by fire, mistrusted, blamed in everything, prohibited from professional realization and financial self-sufficiancy, which as quran itself admits is totally effeminate and belonged to women in Pagan world (myth of Khadidja).

So in jew world order women could hardly realize and their potential was stuck and personality deformed, so they had a lot of Qi (vrill / lifeforce) and blood stagnation all over the body especially liver one because of emotional (wrath) nature of the liver. And a lot of blocks in chakras due it.

So here you can see what Pagan medicine tells of Liver and its spiritual functions:


The above was to solve your menstrual problem.

Now, you have to understand, it's not you alone, but all the Earth is in this situation. The jewish attack on the female part of this world can be seen in all spheres of life. It is not only about people or humans. You live in the world you can't be detached from its wars and problems. Most women (since jews see that only savages reproduce) do not live in 1st world educated countries which means they are open to all kind of savage treatment of uneducated mudslime/xian non-white animals that just follow their jewish book.

You should find a lot of dignity and pride to be a Satanic woman, a Witch. Just think how jews were so afraid of Satanic Women that they attacked them spiritually so much to be burned alive at stakes. Witch / Wiccie is not specifially female gender word, but they say in their treatises like Hammer of Witches that women are especially "evil" and need to be fight against as greatest enemies of humanity. Just read it and you will feel a lot of pride of our Ancestors. You will realize that our Formothers were not "weak" at all in their Spirit and Mind.

Also this I say and this topic is more for men than for women: men have to realize they are Worrior Class stop being afraid of it like cucks and start being proud of it. It is male biological role to protect, see that delicate classes are safe and keep The Order physically. We are the bulwark. I personally see my Duty to keep safe any worth Sibling in Race needing help. Human specie was meant to be integral and very social. We must be proud of our integrity instead of seeing it as dependence.

Demons can and always help when asked in need. They also can teach you self-protection, lead you to right books, teachers etc.
In this cold world, the truth is that the weak are exploited by the strong.
It might be that this fact is extremely concealed or hidden from plain sight in our society but one can't deny this fact.
Suppose for eg take a family having a picnic somewhere in a park. At one glance, happiness radiates and cheerful faces are plenty.
However, the members of the family are oblivious to the curses of the jews. They don't know that if they keep going like this without meditating, their souls will be sent straight to spirtual slaughterhouse belonging to the filthy reptiles.
Without sufficient Aop, any members can meet unfortunate circumstances at any time.

At one glance, the environment around our society would seem to radiate happiness and a feeling of safety. However, if one looked closer, they would find that behind the veil is the true reality of the strong preying on the weak.
There are many universal constants like value of G with which two objects attract and many more.
Similarly, the fact that weak are exploited by the strong is true in any part of the universe.
It is not so in Satanism since Sir Satan and the respected Demons care for us like our children.

I feel sad knowing that such thing happened to you. I won't say anything to console you.
What I will do is help you lift the veil.

Imagine if you were strong spirtually, the moment someone acted on any of their malicious intention, you could destroy them just with your thoughts.
Just imagine the feeling of freedom of being strong and fearing no one of their malicious intention because of your sufficient power to defend yourself.
Just imagine the countless possibilites of revenge.

What I mean to say is to strenghten yourself. Both spirtually or physically.
Note down the people who have done this to you, have revenge later when you are sufficiently advanced or just ask the Demons for help in this regard.
I know I made many members frown with my reply but these are my thoughts.
Take care.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Przebiśnieg said:
I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I am. I have a weak body, so I can't even protect myself and I will never able to. And this is happening since I was a child. I was in a lot of dangerous situation.
I had to escape from men, when I was a child (he was chasing me). Five men was yelling at me that they will pack me in the car. They weren't joking. They looked at me like they wanted to kill me. Once I was event attacked without a reason. My uncle was molesting me. And my other uncle tried to rape me. I could go on and go on with this stories. It's all happening just because I am women.
My father want to train me, so I can protect myself, but I told him it's useless, because I will never be as strong as a man. It's a fact and I know it.
I got a weak body, have a really painful menstruation (sometimes I just wish I could pass out from pain). Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women? And please don't think that I am hating on men, I don't want you to be offended. I actually appreciate you, yours strenght and everything. I got a wonderful brother (he always protected me in childhood, when dad was... angry) and a male friend, which is the nicest person ever and I would do everything to protect them. I always tell my female friends a good words about men and I know a bad womens too. But the things that happened to me are facts too. I don't know if this is the enemy attack again which causes me to feel this way, but today I feel like dying can be the best option, so nobody will hurt me again. Or do you think that Gods can protect me from humans too? I know that they are protecting me from enemies, but could they do that with humans too? Because I am scared that someday I will get finally hurt. And sorry if I offended someone, this wasn't my intention. Everything what I wrote is how I think about myself. Have a nice day.

here is a nice album for you to listen to if you like :)

Not a good album i listened to one of her songs and she is a jew sorry about that.
I forgot to mention. Here is very powerful thing to do:



A lot of things you told in OP are curses. See that all violence, frears, weakness, victimization and related kike demnation goes away of you and your fate once and for all. You even might imagine how in the first part of work all mass of feces that you cleansed from yourself is returning into souls and bodies of those who attacked you and poisons them. Then imagine how it is locked inside them stay with them forever. I tried it with some and it worked in most powerful way.
So many great responses. Let me add a few videos that have helped me tremendously. I'm really busy but I try to contribute as best as I can. I've been planning on making a post to help out busy SS that want to pursue fitness and martial arts. Might be a while with this current schedule and since I've been really busy lately. Anyways,

Joe Rogan's Kicks Sound Like Gun Shots

Joe Rogan - How To Workout Smarter

This one I've always known to do but he does a great job at breaking it all down,

HOW TO STRIKE WITH MAXIMUM POWER - Training with Michael J White

(I recommend watching the videos in higher speeds)

Lastly, iron deficiency is a common thing in todays world so make sure this isn't your case. Even if women aren't biologically stronger than men, in general, it will still help you if you're suffering from this.

When it comes to self defense anything goes. So learning how to strike a vulnerable spot will always be effective if you're True. Being in tune with your body, mind and soul will always give you a True mark and that will do as much if not way more damage than a 250 pounds muscular man who just throws slaps around, especially if you aim at his nose with your palm while taking the above into consideration... in self defense of course. ;)

Beat of luck Sister.
Why would you hate yourself for something that didn't depend on you? Being a woman it's an amazing thing, embrace your feminity, no matter your age. Feminity doesn't have anything to do with weakness, women aren't supposed to be weak in any way.

I see the perfect woman as strong, both physically and psychically, also spiritually, well behaving, and smart, with a balanced attitude and confidence, which loves herself and embraces who she is and who would also embrace positive changes in her life, knowing how to deal with negative ones.

Get your energies in harmony with the moon, get outside when it's full moon and try to absorb all that energy from it, affirming that you embrace and love your feminity in a very positive manner for yourself.

Do not let brain lacking people affect you like this. Feminity is amazing, the pure feminine energy is amazing.

And nor you nor your feminity had to do with what happend, it has to do with them people who made you feel like this. So hating yourself for this isn't a thing you should consider, instead, as HP Cobra said, and I think it may be the best way to keep others away, try carrying a peper spray with you all the time.

While, of course, try to get in touch with your natural energies and learn to be stronger, train yourself, and, of course, to meditate, as, as time passes, you'll see positive changes, not only in your body but in your mindset and spirituality.

Wish you good luck and all the best!

Do not ever say you are to weak. when I used to do some martial arts all the women would beat me especially in ju jitsu. women are strong and powerful. You need to exercise, do yoga, and meditation. you can do this honey ask Astaroth for advice. she helped me when I needed her always will. find something in your life you love and hold on to it and never let it go. Like our gods and goddesses. you have a lot of life yet to still live. Enjoy the little things and moments.
Hail Satan!!!! hail Astaroth!!!!
Sorry for late reply. I would like to thank everyone who responded to my post. I really aprecciate your help. I am doing everything to improve myself thanks to your advices. Honestly, I didn't expect that I would receive so many replies. There is a lot of good people here. When I was writing this post, I was being emotional. I don't even know what happened with my mind. I always thought, that I have a strong psyche, but on that day I just broke. Of course, I don't hate being a women. Bad things happens to everyone, but it will make me stronger. I decided to not bother demons with this matter, they are busy. Since you give a lot of option how to protect me, I will do it by myself. Thank you again, you are amazing. Hope you have a good day.
Hail Satan!
Przebiśnieg said:
I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I am. I have a weak body, so I can't even protect myself and I will never able to. And this is happening since I was a child. I was in a lot of dangerous situation.
I had to escape from men, when I was a child (he was chasing me). Five men was yelling at me that they will pack me in the car. They weren't joking. They looked at me like they wanted to kill me. Once I was event attacked without a reason. My uncle was molesting me. And my other uncle tried to rape me. I could go on and go on with this stories. It's all happening just because I am women.
My father want to train me, so I can protect myself, but I told him it's useless, because I will never be as strong as a man. It's a fact and I know it.
I got a weak body, have a really painful menstruation (sometimes I just wish I could pass out from pain). Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women? And please don't think that I am hating on men, I don't want you to be offended. I actually appreciate you, yours strenght and everything. I got a wonderful brother (he always protected me in childhood, when dad was... angry) and a male friend, which is the nicest person ever and I would do everything to protect them. I always tell my female friends a good words about men and I know a bad womens too. But the things that happened to me are facts too. I don't know if this is the enemy attack again which causes me to feel this way, but today I feel like dying can be the best option, so nobody will hurt me again. Or do you think that Gods can protect me from humans too? I know that they are protecting me from enemies, but could they do that with humans too? Because I am scared that someday I will get finally hurt. And sorry if I offended someone, this wasn't my intention. Everything what I wrote is how I think about myself. Have a nice day.

You can strenghten your body with using Sun-square, and you can evolve your selfdefense skills with using Mars-square. That is not true, that a women can't be strong, there are a lot of strong women in our world. (etc: martial artists, weightlifters)
Just reading old posts and seeing this I wanted to say is it possible you really hate being beautiful but don't want to say that? if so that's one of those things everybody understands but can't really be said out loud, and it's impossible to sympathize with because it's either flirting or arrogant to point it out. But people do sympathize if that's the case and over time it can be a strength to be naturally distracting. A lot of men do sympathize with this even if it seems like just flirting because everybody knows that very shiny pretty people attract more attention and not everybody wants that.
Fanboy said:
Przebiśnieg said:
I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I am. I have a weak body, so I can't even protect myself and I will never able to. And this is happening since I was a child. I was in a lot of dangerous situation.
I had to escape from men, when I was a child (he was chasing me). Five men was yelling at me that they will pack me in the car. They weren't joking. They looked at me like they wanted to kill me. Once I was event attacked without a reason. My uncle was molesting me. And my other uncle tried to rape me. I could go on and go on with this stories. It's all happening just because I am women.
My father want to train me, so I can protect myself, but I told him it's useless, because I will never be as strong as a man. It's a fact and I know it.
I got a weak body, have a really painful menstruation (sometimes I just wish I could pass out from pain). Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women? And please don't think that I am hating on men, I don't want you to be offended. I actually appreciate you, yours strenght and everything. I got a wonderful brother (he always protected me in childhood, when dad was... angry) and a male friend, which is the nicest person ever and I would do everything to protect them. I always tell my female friends a good words about men and I know a bad womens too. But the things that happened to me are facts too. I don't know if this is the enemy attack again which causes me to feel this way, but today I feel like dying can be the best option, so nobody will hurt me again. Or do you think that Gods can protect me from humans too? I know that they are protecting me from enemies, but could they do that with humans too? Because I am scared that someday I will get finally hurt. And sorry if I offended someone, this wasn't my intention. Everything what I wrote is how I think about myself. Have a nice day.

Learning how to lose a battle and stay strong inside is what makes a warrior. Women have the strength to endure horrible things and still remain pure this is secretly and deeply much stronger than manhood and its fragility.

If the men in your life aren't stepping up and keeping you safe, then it's not your failure as a woman, it's theirs. Noble men are in very short supply in this world

but the truth is that noble women are even more scarce and even more precious. You will heal from all this. You're not alone

Check back in with us as soon as you can as we all want to hear from you, much love sister ❤

After so long, I didn't expect anyone else to answer this thread. Thank you very much dear brother. In fact, my past trauma recovery process is fruitful thanks to other people's advice, meditation, cleansing, etc. It's not perfect, but it's much, much better than when I first appeared on the forum. I understood a little more and stopped hating my weaknesses. There is still a long way to go, but I never give up. Thank you again. Have a nice day, brother.
Przebiśnieg said:
After so long, I didn't expect anyone else to answer this thread. Thank you very much dear brother. In fact, my past trauma recovery process is fruitful thanks to other people's advice, meditation, cleansing, etc. It's not perfect, but it's much, much better than when I first appeared on the forum. I understood a little more and stopped hating my weaknesses. There is still a long way to go, but I never give up. Thank you again. Have a nice day, brother.
It is great to hear that you have made progress with healing.

If you do not mind, I would suggest that you write about your struggle and overcoming somewhere down the road so as to inspire others. Such stories are always a good testimony of the greatness of the path we walk.
Henu the Great said:
Przebiśnieg said:
After so long, I didn't expect anyone else to answer this thread. Thank you very much dear brother. In fact, my past trauma recovery process is fruitful thanks to other people's advice, meditation, cleansing, etc. It's not perfect, but it's much, much better than when I first appeared on the forum. I understood a little more and stopped hating my weaknesses. There is still a long way to go, but I never give up. Thank you again. Have a nice day, brother.
It is great to hear that you have made progress with healing.

If you do not mind, I would suggest that you write about your struggle and overcoming somewhere down the road so as to inspire others. Such stories are always a good testimony of the greatness of the path we walk.

Thank you, Henu.
As for your suggestion, if this could be beneficial/helpful or could inspire our Brothers and Sisters here, then of course I will consider this.
Fanboy said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Fanboy said:
Learning how to lose a battle and stay strong inside is what makes a warrior. Women have the strength to endure horrible things and still remain pure this is secretly and deeply much stronger than manhood and its fragility.

If the men in your life aren't stepping up and keeping you safe, then it's not your failure as a woman, it's theirs. Noble men are in very short supply in this world

but the truth is that noble women are even more scarce and even more precious. You will heal from all this. You're not alone

Check back in with us as soon as you can as we all want to hear from you, much love sister ❤

After so long, I didn't expect anyone else to answer this thread. Thank you very much dear brother. In fact, my past trauma recovery process is fruitful thanks to other people's advice, meditation, cleansing, etc. It's not perfect, but it's much, much better than when I first appeared on the forum. I understood a little more and stopped hating my weaknesses. There is still a long way to go, but I never give up. Thank you again. Have a nice day, brother.

Amazing work, admittedly I didn't expect to hear from you either . Most people go on the descending spiral when faced with such hardship, but you are climbing the mountain instead :)

Just make sure you go deep in your yoga. Not only with the body of the soul, but with the flesh body aswell. The most horrible corruptions end up stuck in the body because the body vibrates lower. even if the rest of your soul is clean. Give special attention to the flesh and bones and blood. It's easy to forget and neglect.

With your resolve, success here is basically a guarantee. It doesn't matter if anything gets in your way again. You won't be beaten

The Gods can and do protect us against humans, but magic can only do so much against so many people. Earth is not a safe place right now for any of us. That's why they are at their home, they can't come do rescues. But they will go very far to make sure their diciples do not get destroyed. No matter what happens they will always protect our heart and the core of our soul so we can recover.

I used to think that being a strong powerful man would protect me against being hurt, it does sometimes. But to be a strong man you have to train your body everyday. And weak men will always come after you when you are tired and hungry, and surprise you and beat you when you are weak instead. You can't win in life like that. Taking safe precautions and staying out of trouble is the best solution. Your weaknesses are extremely beautiful in my eyes and I have faith everything is going to work out for you.

Thank you for the yoga advice, I will take that into account. It's good to know about it.
As for the rest of your statement, I agree, especially on the subject of security. You need to take care of your own safety.

The Gods helped me a lot, with words I cannot describe my great gratitude towards them. The same goes for people here. If I hadn't found this place, I'd probably be stuck in a vicious circle.

I realized that I had used the wrong word in the previous message. Actually, my weaknesses are something I definitely want to work on and improve. I just don't look down at myself anymore.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
