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I Gave Up Spiritual Satanism - The Joy Of Satan Is Lie, I'm Going Back To "Christianity"


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
Before I go into anything else, I need to clarify the title of the post, which may confuse the whole phenomenon it actually covers.

There have been people here who (either because of their own failures or because of enemy dogma) have left this Path and joined what they were fighting against, of course, if they were really fighting and betrayed all that they had been for a long time and joined what they were fighting against - the enemy.

This is something that I think needs to be talked about, because it is possible that there are people who really belong to us who have suffered too much from the curses and manipulative writings of the enemy and have joined where they should not have instead of Spiritual Satanism, and there are unforeseen consequences for the soul.

For the newbie reading this, a little history to keep things in closer perspective and focus, as the prevailing morality and mentality in the current paradigm has manifested from the degenerate and depraved soul caused by "Christianity" and still thriving today.

It is no coincidence that children are tainted with these from a very early age and completely brainwashed into not even approaching the illusion of a normal adult life, and obey like slave minds to irrelevant "commands" for the total destruction of human rights.

In the beginning, when people were working to increase the power of their souls and minds, people were conscious. This kind of consciousness was harnessed by Knowledge and progress through Knowledge. At the time when the Gods were on Earth, the norms and morals were of a completely different trend.

With the approach of the enemy, things began to take a turn for the worse, as they, along with many others, wanted nothing more than the permanent removal of Knowledge and replaced it with fictions, dogmas and writings that blaspheme the Gods and Satan and degrade the human mind.

Meanwhile, as man slowly began to slowly regress below the mean tendency, the enemy known as the jews (advanced greys with Spiritual power) created the monumental citadel of manipulation and slander known today and for the past century as "Christianity".

Christianity has always been the agenda of everything that is happening today.

It is a plan on the part of the enemy, because Christianity is being used as a pretext to keep the human mind and soul at a level that is not even above 'average'. This is the reason why people have moved away from Spirituality, and even those who are receptive to it on some level are only using the false Spirituality created by the enemy, which is as far away from power and progress as possible.

The Joy Of Satan is here and exists to reopen Knowledge to the people, giving us all the opportunity to return to our Ancient Roots.

As I said, Knowledge has been removed. Libraries, archives and other texts and Knowledge that are important and necessary for people to take the Spiritual Steps have been destroyed. This was part of the plan at the time, as it was the beginning of the onion-skin-like degradation of humanity.

As time went on, people began to believe in this fictitious and destructive "knowledge" and "truth" that systematically degraded the individual as a human being, and thus kept their souls at an extremely low frequency. They spread slander about the Original Gods Of Pagans and Satan, furthering their agenda.

Satan was replaced by the "evil" they invented, the Gods were demonized and then slandered. After a while people believed this. If one is repeatedly confronted with the same claim (whether true or false), sooner or later one will come to believe it, regardless of one's attitude.

It takes Knowledge to spot a lie, and they knew this, so they destroyed it.

Everything from the Inquisition to the present day has an effect. Look at the current economic trend, not to mention the monumentally rampant inflation. Governments are exploiting people financially and presenting themselves as faithful Christians in the eyes of the people. They steal, they lie, they deceive, they cheat - real Christians, no joke.

So that, in a nutshell, is what Christianity and its teachings, which were created by the jews, are all about. They present lies in constructive disguise, expecting empathy and sympathy, and then the same mentality. So much for history, let us move on, there is more to talk about.

Almost everyone here today has experienced the hostile manipulations and their effects on both the mind and the soul, and we know how difficult it is to get rid of them. Deep cleansing of the Spirit requires daily work and can take months or even years, no matter how much people have previously engaged with "christianity".

Everyone who's been here for a long time is hanging in there and not giving up. This is the hardest thing to do as a newcomer, as events can happen that prevent you from stepping out of ignorance. It's part of progress and you need it to move on. The hardest step is to step out of it, but it is the first step.

Many people may think that Spiritual Satanism is not easy, and they are right. It takes will and perseverance, and it is not a Path that the average person can follow, but simply join what offers an easy path to destruction and nothingness - "Christianity". Here we are no longer talking about a religion, but an agenda. An agenda for the soul.

Satan wants his own to be safe and to follow the Path he has set for them. If you deny yourself progress and the opportunity to become God, that is your personal choice. Satanism is a nature based religion, nothing is binding.

It is not compulsory to participate in RTR, it is not compulsory to meditate, to evolve.

But if you skip those, it's like you're still basically the slave you were, you've just switched to the other team. There is no such thing as one team or the other. Satanism is the unique, separate and True religion, the others are just imitations, mixtures or distortions.

What people should recognize is what they are doing. It is useless to do for people if they are not willing to accept help. We are therefore fighting for the Earth, for the Pagan people and for our interests, but to do so we must learn to accept the help of others.

I myself suffer from this I admit, because anyone who wants to help me I am so sure that I will do it and sort it out myself. Note that until we reach Perfection, help must be a process in which both parties see the benefit.

And as a final thought here, I must say that those who give up Satanism just because something needs to be done here for change or progress are not exempt from all that the enemy tries to create with his slanders and lies, and often succeed. It is sad, but it will not stay that way.

Where we are now, as a society, is that if one spreads the Truth about something that is hidden behind lies, one puts oneself at risk. Here, every single writing and sermon is rich in wisdom and knowledge, and writers take risks, but someone has to pass on the Truth.

I fully agree with the words of the High Priest that we should speak the Truth openly about the enemy and not remain silent just because we live in a society that is unconsciously distancing itself from the Truth and is unconsciously complicit in all that is happening today.

Don't pray to a fictitious "god". Spiritual Satanism gives you the opportunity to become God yourself.

BrightSpace666 said:
I fully agree with the words of the High Priest that we should speak the Truth openly about the enemy and not remain silent just because we live in a society that is unconsciously distancing itself from the Truth and is unconsciously complicit in all that is happening today.

Don't pray to a fictitious "god". Spiritual Satanism gives you the opportunity to become God yourself.


This is a great post, I wish I could be more open about the Truth, but I live in the bible belt and I have no physical SS friends. I have to "hide" until I'm able to do any vibrations, as the rituals can easily spook Xians, and I currently live with one. They don't try to drag me to church, but they're still brainwashed. I would love to see the day when I don't have to "hide" Spiritual Satanism anymore.
I read the title and thought "great, another troll". The title is totally clickbait. :lol:

But aside from the point of your post, many people who want to go back to Christianity or do a reverse dedication ritual want to do so for stupid reasons:

1)They didn't experience anything after dedicating themselves so they think nothing works (what do you think, if you go back to Christianity you'll have more experiences than in Satanism? Or, if you felt nothing and you think it's all a lie, why do you need to do a reverse dedication for? Why do you need to reverse a lie, something that you think didn't and doesn't work? Nobody really said that you will automatically experience anything supernatural after dedicating yourself.)

2)Their parents/families/loved ones/husband/wife/boyfriend/girfriend don't approve of Spiritual Satanism (you don't have to tell them anything!)

3)They got attacked by enemy entities (congratulations, you took their bait and now did what they tried to get you to do all along!)

4)They found a contradiction or something that that they thought isn't true because they read a mainstream article which contradicts it (you can ask people here to explain those things instead of leaving. Also, just because something isn't true in the website because of outdated research or some other reason doesn't make the whole thing wrong or Satan non-existent, it only means there is a small error).

And many more.
Ursa Minor said:
BrightSpace666 said:
I fully agree with the words of the High Priest that we should speak the Truth openly about the enemy and not remain silent just because we live in a society that is unconsciously distancing itself from the Truth and is unconsciously complicit in all that is happening today.

Don't pray to a fictitious "god". Spiritual Satanism gives you the opportunity to become God yourself.


This is a great post, I wish I could be more open about the Truth, but I live in the bible belt and I have no physical SS friends. I have to "hide" until I'm able to do any vibrations, as the rituals can easily spook Xians, and I currently live with one. They don't try to drag me to church, but they're still brainwashed. I would love to see the day when I don't have to "hide" Spiritual Satanism anymore.

At the moment, we have to live with an enemy in the background who almost wants to destroy the Earth where we live. What is going to happen now is going to be truly terrible, because it is going to bring about even 'worse' times, and we are seeing the beginning of that now. Energy, inflation, the economy, livelihoods, and on and on the list of causes that are being eroded goes.

People have gotten to the point where they live for politics, which is a mistake. The war, CoVid, the terrible prices that are present now are just an excuse for a greater global devastation planned by the enemy and it seems that people are assisting in this, outside of us.

What people earn through hard work, even in these times, they have to spend on things that are important to their livelihood. What was once 'expected' and 'commonplace' now seems incredibly remote.

These are hostile times, but their time is running out and our time is coming. We only have to win completely once, and then we have to win big.
Hyperborean said:
I read the title and thought "great, another troll". The title is totally clickbait. :lol:

But aside from the point of your post, many people who want to go back to Christianity or do a reverse dedication ritual want to do so for stupid reasons:

1)They didn't experience anything after dedicating themselves so they think nothing works (what do you think, if you go back to Christianity you'll have more experiences than in Satanism? Or, if you felt nothing and you think it's all a lie, why do you need to do a reverse dedication for? Why do you need to reverse a lie, something that you think didn't and doesn't work? Nobody really said that you will automatically experience anything supernatural after dedicating yourself.)

2)Their parents/families/loved ones/husband/wife/boyfriend/girfriend don't approve of Spiritual Satanism (you don't have to tell them anything!)

3)They got attacked by enemy entities (congratulations, you took their bait and now did what they tried to get you to do all along!)

4)They found a contradiction or something that that they thought isn't true because they read a mainstream article which contradicts it (you can ask people here to explain those things instead of leaving. Also, just because something isn't true in the website because of outdated research or some other reason doesn't make the whole thing wrong or Satan non-existent, it only means there is a small error).

And many more.

The title of the topic is deliberate. Irony hidden in ignorance.

The most common reasons for giving up are either weakness or deception. Those who do not take their share of both Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Satanism itself are, of course, the people who, when We win, will bask in the happiness and prosperity We have created. Many will be late in realising all that is happening now.

"Many will want to join in when it is too late."
I think one of the issues is we over emphasis meditation. No I'm not attacking it.


In many cases people come for political stuff i.e. WHAT is NS and Fascism? What are these pre-1945 properties?

Southern White Gentleman is the person I remember best stating I tried the whole meditation thing and it's not for me. But politics and history wise you got me.

Perhaps not everyone wants to do all these spiritual things. If they come from a background of not doing spirituality thinking praying and going to church and reading a book is all there is. Of course it's gonna drive away some.

I think some people are just content even just believing. I don't want to state trade Satan for God/Jesus. Unfortunately it sounds like that.

No more like maybe one meditation suits them or simply doing breathing exercises and that is it. Not everyone is cut out for this path especially in this realm of time whereby spirituality is seen as a cosmic joke by people.

Perhaps a better way to put it is exercises. Strength, Flexibility, Health, and Stamina are reasons people do it the big 4. But a better approach is instead of focusing on that which comes with time. That rather you move the blood. Many people can fit in a few minutes of vigorous exercise to move the blood, wet red and dark, occult goopy blood. You can gain some benefits but many people should move the blood especially with how sedentary people are.

Unfortunately some people trade God/Jesus for Satan. And it's not bad at least they are popped out of that judeo-communism and studying things from a better perspective.

Still I can see that as bad when people have issues like "I formed muh own Satanism 'n' sheit". There needs to be cohesion and unity.

Fortunately people do pay attention and like what we do. It's kinda like me I got reinvolved with meditation in 2016 and failed utterly. I remain loyal and try and help and apply logic but I have no experience. Makes me sound like a big faker or something. But I've kept a close fire to JoS and believe we are a game changing worldview changing organization.

Not everyone is cut out for meditation and I can see many mentally intense people such as myself or a person who is religious to an annoying degree have kinda WTF moments with JoS and meditation and opening themselves up to this new realm. It's not unlike a person pleasuring themselves and then engaging with another person intimately.

It's not strange or out of norm. Just some might satisfy their curiosity. For example Why did XYZ happen and we go because ABC happened. And it fills the blanks to people.

Some are just curious, mean no harm, but aren't really looking for the great shift i.e. meditation.

So if you don't meditate or participate in warfare or help out here in any way, what exactly is your plan? Wait for the Gods to descend here and then explain yourself? Staying on the right side of history, just in case? I really don't get you as a person, you share our ideology but that's about it, you've completely given up, because you tried once and failed.

And now you just hang around here, wallowing in your self pity "meditation isn't really for me". Seriously man, start the very basics, master them, and move on. What are you doing?
Gear88 said:
I think one of the issues is we over emphasis meditation. No I'm not attacking it.


In many cases people come for political stuff i.e. WHAT is NS and Fascism? What are these pre-1945 properties?

Southern White Gentleman is the person I remember best stating I tried the whole meditation thing and it's not for me. But politics and history wise you got me.

Perhaps not everyone wants to do all these spiritual things. If they come from a background of not doing spirituality thinking praying and going to church and reading a book is all there is. Of course it's gonna drive away some.

I think some people are just content even just believing. I don't want to state trade Satan for God/Jesus. Unfortunately it sounds like that.

No more like maybe one meditation suits them or simply doing breathing exercises and that is it. Not everyone is cut out for this path especially in this realm of time whereby spirituality is seen as a cosmic joke by people.

Perhaps a better way to put it is exercises. Strength, Flexibility, Health, and Stamina are reasons people do it the big 4. But a better approach is instead of focusing on that which comes with time. That rather you move the blood. Many people can fit in a few minutes of vigorous exercise to move the blood, wet red and dark, occult goopy blood. You can gain some benefits but many people should move the blood especially with how sedentary people are.

Unfortunately some people trade God/Jesus for Satan. And it's not bad at least they are popped out of that judeo-communism and studying things from a better perspective.

Still I can see that as bad when people have issues like "I formed muh own Satanism 'n' sheit". There needs to be cohesion and unity.

Fortunately people do pay attention and like what we do. It's kinda like me I got reinvolved with meditation in 2016 and failed utterly. I remain loyal and try and help and apply logic but I have no experience. Makes me sound like a big faker or something. But I've kept a close fire to JoS and believe we are a game changing worldview changing organization.

Not everyone is cut out for meditation and I can see many mentally intense people such as myself or a person who is religious to an annoying degree have kinda WTF moments with JoS and meditation and opening themselves up to this new realm. It's not unlike a person pleasuring themselves and then engaging with another person intimately.

It's not strange or out of norm. Just some might satisfy their curiosity. For example Why did XYZ happen and we go because ABC happened. And it fills the blanks to people.

Some are just curious, mean no harm, but aren't really looking for the great shift i.e. meditation.

Honestly. You really should just meditate. Theres no reason not to.

Meditation will change you. It changes us over time. It brings out the best in us and we confront and destroy what holds us back.

Why do you not want to grow? I can't understand. You read, study. You've been around for awhile I've seen you on here often.

Please. Try to reflect and think about it for awhile. It's crucially important.
Powerofjustice said:

So if you don't meditate or participate in warfare or help out here in any way, what exactly is your plan? Wait for the Gods to descend here and then explain yourself? Staying on the right side of history, just in case? I really don't get you as a person, you share our ideology but that's about it, you've completely given up, because you tried once and failed.

And now you just hang around here, wallowing in your self pity "meditation isn't really for me". Seriously man, start the very basics, master them, and move on. What are you doing?

Simply and honestly. I have no idea. Maybe I have better luck next life. This is precisely why I avoided the forums all these years. I knew it was a mistake to come on the forums.

No I didn't try once and fail. I've been at this since 2003. And nothing happened. I don't know why but it's not my thing. Do you genuinely expect me everyday of everyday waste my time meditating doing the same shit over and over and over again.

I'm not a robot; No, I guess I'll wait for the Gods IF they come I don't know if it's fake information or whatever. Sheer fact is yeah be on the right on History I guess just in case.

I'm simply a person who studies this stuff it has no basis in reality nor does anyone else do it. If my society and people around me don't do this why should I?

I simply exist. That is it just simple breath in and breath out every second of my life.

What I'm doing is simply be here but it seems even my own NS/SS dislike me. I should probably quit the forums and that is it.

That's life I guess a worthless piece of shit, that serves no purpose. Day in, day out.

I just learn for the sake of learning. Why should I meditate if it doesn't work. I don't feel better nor sense better nor improve or change. It's like if I did magick, DID I really cause that.

Why should I be a slave to meditation. I don't know I felt happier inventing my own stuff and feelings from being in Middle and High school and up to 2016 with my own interpretation of Ns and SS. And afterwards till now It seems people have such opinions even they or I don't know anything on Satanism or National Socialism.

I really see it no one understands this and the more they learn the less they understand. I think in the end people here are just scientific people who don't want to believe in God cause that is stupid. Why believe in something that causes problems. I figure people in here are simply wanting to replace God and put a new God in power. If Satan and the Pagan Gods fit this paradigm than delete the judeo-bolshevism and apply the Gods information.

What am I doing? I don't know simply and that is the truth of the matter.

What should I be doing. Simply read a new sermon or gather information add it to my data banks and simply learn something new or entertain new thoughts and just process it in mind. Then move on new stuff comes in.

I'm simply gathering data for my databanks. I knew replying and talking on the forums is a terrible idea. It's no surprise people stay away from the forums except to read and see the schedule.
Gear88 said:

Gear, we already talked about this. Meditation is an act that is done for our future. Sure, it is not always "fun", but it directly leads to prosperity.

If I am a farmer who decides that tending my crops is no longer fun, then I will suffer because of it. On the contrary, if I put in the effort, then I will get a major yield to enjoy.

Meditation was boring for me when I first started, but I kept doing it because I knew I had to. Then, I was able to use the Nauthiz and Sowilo runes to inspire effortless discipline and drive, respectively, to further my Satanic efforts. Now I can pull off large amounts of Satanic effort without getting burnt out.

However, the above takes an initial investment of time to accomplish. A product must first go through years of Research and Design before it can be manufactured on a large scale. If you give up too early, then sure, you will feel like nothing has manifested.

Your perceptions are grim because you are suffering. Anyone would feel the same if they did not engage in these activities.
No, nobody hates you, but they are just confused and upset that you are leaving yourself in a bad position.

Just start with the basics of Satanism. If you are either bored or skeptical of the results, then focus on more tangible activities like Yoga and Pranayama, which similarly grow the soul. Combine this with just a small amount of the necessary meditations, and this will bear fruit, just like the farm analogy above.
Gear88 said:
Do you genuinely expect me everyday of everyday waste my time meditating doing the same shit over and over and over again.

I'm not a robot; No, I guess I'll wait for the Gods IF they come I don't know if it's fake information or whatever. Sheer fact is yeah be on the right on History I guess just in case.

It is only a waste of time if you meditated for 5 minutes doing the same thing in a mediocre way, never seeking to refine and improve upon your focus, visualisation, relaxation etc. In that case, yes , absolute waste of time, I seek to improve myself every day, better my meditations even a little bit, every day. It is a waste of time to wait all your life for something to happen when you could have spent some time out if your day, every day improving yourself for that moment.

And when the Gods do come, then what? You'll demand an audience with them, try and explain yourself somehow? And what do you expect them to tell you? To do something OTHER THAN MEDITATION? Self improvement through meditation is what we do, so you're just waiting around for a supreme being to slap you in the face with obvious facts. If they even bless you with their time to do that.

Even if you "are" on the right side of history, "knowing" the truth all along won't matter when it's all over. The facts would be you stayed on the sidelines while the rest of the SS fought on the front lines. Rituals, donations, translations, people contribute in every conceivable way to our cause, and they are blessed for it. What have you done for Father, who shares the eternal truth and elevates everyone for free?
Gear88 said:
No I didn't try once and fail. I've been at this since 2003. And nothing happened. I don't know why but it's not my thing. Do you genuinely expect me everyday of everyday waste my time meditating doing the same shit over and over and over again.
Liar. You have not consistently put effort into meditation since then.

You might have made small efforts here and there, which is why you never got to the point of a positive reinforcement feedback loop regarding meditation.

We expect every Spiritual Satanist to practice 8 fold path every day, yes. That is the reality.

I'm afraid simply by dedicating you are not on the right side of history. You are simply fully at the whims of your fate for better or worse.

It is unfortunate to witness you repeat the same defeatist message year after year even though many have instructed you how to proceed multiple times regarding practicing spirituality. As a courtesy to us, you could at least stop your whining when the reality is that you are not doing anything but reading.
Gear88 said:

I had this same defeatist attitude myself, however that same mindset is what held me back most of the time. Void mediation doesn't have to be always forcing yourself to "think about nothing", and it's actually very difficult for me to maintain that state. For me I must have a target to focus on, even if the target is "the void", I have to pick one if I want to focus for more than just a few seconds.

Also, that same level of focus can be used to go into a trance, even just a light trance, and find any sources of weakness. As you remove and or rectify those weak points, you'll improve as a result. In fact, I had multiple addictions before I started meditating to get rid of them. Yes it takes a lot of work, but I know I'm progressing because those addictions have far less control over me now.
Gear88 said:
Powerofjustice said:

So if you don't meditate or participate in warfare or help out here in any way, what exactly is your plan? Wait for the Gods to descend here and then explain yourself? Staying on the right side of history, just in case? I really don't get you as a person, you share our ideology but that's about it, you've completely given up, because you tried once and failed.

And now you just hang around here, wallowing in your self pity "meditation isn't really for me". Seriously man, start the very basics, master them, and move on. What are you doing?

Simply and honestly. I have no idea. Maybe I have better luck next life. This is precisely why I avoided the forums all these years. I knew it was a mistake to come on the forums.

No I didn't try once and fail. I've been at this since 2003. And nothing happened. I don't know why but it's not my thing. Do you genuinely expect me everyday of everyday waste my time meditating doing the same shit over and over and over again.

I'm not a robot; No, I guess I'll wait for the Gods IF they come I don't know if it's fake information or whatever. Sheer fact is yeah be on the right on History I guess just in case.

I'm simply a person who studies this stuff it has no basis in reality nor does anyone else do it. If my society and people around me don't do this why should I?

I simply exist. That is it just simple breath in and breath out every second of my life.

What I'm doing is simply be here but it seems even my own NS/SS dislike me. I should probably quit the forums and that is it.

That's life I guess a worthless piece of shit, that serves no purpose. Day in, day out.

I just learn for the sake of learning. Why should I meditate if it doesn't work. I don't feel better nor sense better nor improve or change. It's like if I did magick, DID I really cause that.

Why should I be a slave to meditation. I don't know I felt happier inventing my own stuff and feelings from being in Middle and High school and up to 2016 with my own interpretation of Ns and SS. And afterwards till now It seems people have such opinions even they or I don't know anything on Satanism or National Socialism.

I really see it no one understands this and the more they learn the less they understand. I think in the end people here are just scientific people who don't want to believe in God cause that is stupid. Why believe in something that causes problems. I figure people in here are simply wanting to replace God and put a new God in power. If Satan and the Pagan Gods fit this paradigm than delete the judeo-bolshevism and apply the Gods information.

What am I doing? I don't know simply and that is the truth of the matter.

What should I be doing. Simply read a new sermon or gather information add it to my data banks and simply learn something new or entertain new thoughts and just process it in mind. Then move on new stuff comes in.

I'm simply gathering data for my databanks. I knew replying and talking on the forums is a terrible idea. It's no surprise people stay away from the forums except to read and see the schedule.

A new and deeper understanding of the post may help. The very fact that you are here is a starting point, as you are aware of things that are the beginning of the Satanic Path. Break away from the negative and unnecessary things that can hold you back and cause laziness. Just because you are not meditating here does not mean you are a bad person.

Attitude changes from meditation to meditation, everyone's attitude is different.

When I first started meditating a long time ago, I found it to be constructive and I have improved a lot in that time. I've done aura cleansing, meditation or even magic when I shouldn't have. I'm not always in the mood to meditate either, but I have a routine that I've been doing for a long time, and when all the ropes are cut, meaning I don't feel like doing anything, I do it purely for the morale.

But it is also a contribution to my own development.

It may sound boring with all the "progress" and "development" talk, but it's the Truth. Without them you cannot evolve, without them you just exist, as you wrote. I've done almost all the meditations on the JoS site, repeated many of them, incorporated them into my routine, but I still only do 2-3 meditations, but the strongest ones and doing my things on the Astral. Aura cleansing, AoP is also daily, with learning and systematic understanding. Rune Work, Chakras and the Element work is daily.

Understanding comes through Knowledge. I do not encourage meditation, but I strongly recommend starting meditation. You don't have to do 20 meditations. In meditation, it is not quantity that counts, but quality. Everyone has a different meditation routine.

You can start at the beginning with the Void Meditation, then slowly work your way up. Meditation requires the mind, but a quiet and undisturbed mind requires Void Meditation.
BrightSpace666 said:
Hyperborean said:
I read the title and thought "great, another troll". The title is totally clickbait. :lol:

But aside from the point of your post, many people who want to go back to Christianity or do a reverse dedication ritual want to do so for stupid reasons:

1)They didn't experience anything after dedicating themselves so they think nothing works (what do you think, if you go back to Christianity you'll have more experiences than in Satanism? Or, if you felt nothing and you think it's all a lie, why do you need to do a reverse dedication for? Why do you need to reverse a lie, something that you think didn't and doesn't work? Nobody really said that you will automatically experience anything supernatural after dedicating yourself.)

2)Their parents/families/loved ones/husband/wife/boyfriend/girfriend don't approve of Spiritual Satanism (you don't have to tell them anything!)

3)They got attacked by enemy entities (congratulations, you took their bait and now did what they tried to get you to do all along!)

4)They found a contradiction or something that that they thought isn't true because they read a mainstream article which contradicts it (you can ask people here to explain those things instead of leaving. Also, just because something isn't true in the website because of outdated research or some other reason doesn't make the whole thing wrong or Satan non-existent, it only means there is a small error).

And many more.

The title of the topic is deliberate. Irony hidden in ignorance.

The most common reasons for giving up are either weakness or deception. Those who do not take their share of both Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Satanism itself are, of course, the people who, when We win, will bask in the happiness and prosperity We have created. Many will be late in realising all that is happening now.

"Many will want to join in when it is too late."

Oh like the prosperity were the torah say every jew will have 2800 slaves, an who will be those slaves the Gentiles,oh let's not forget the prosperity were in act 7 it says, you were worshiping moloch for the 40 days in the wilderness,which by the way includes moses, also moloch is an obvious scapegoat, the jews were preforming blood offerings in those days to sacrificing their own an the jews thoughtform ,it's just that obvious,you can run from the contradictions of the bible but you can't hide it anymore,Satan was never the enemy but you'll learn in time,go down the Xian none of us are stopping you,
Gear88 said:
Powerofjustice said:


You will not have "better luck next life" if you make no progress in this one you will end up in the same situation. In situations like yours it is important to start off very small, I mean doing something like 2 minutes of void meditation per day and working up from there. The important thing is to stay consistent so you can ingrain in your subconscious the habit of meditating and then expand from their, this will take some time but there is no rush. I personally have never done the 40 day program because I wanted to go at my own pace which in some regards was much more than the program and sometimes less, just find something that works for you and do it consistently. When I started I only did AOP, Cleaning x1, and chakra spinning each day I have since incorporated a lot more into my routine, you can do simularly. You can also easily just do part 1 of the rtr daily and set the repetitions to 3 this will help remove any curses and build relations with the gods.

It also helps to have someone to keep you accountable, my demoness always makes sure I complete my meditations and helps me when I am not motivated. Perhaps you can do a standard ritual to Satan and ask for a demon friend to keep you accountable in your meditations. Also stating an affirmation every morning and night like "I am always motivated to meditate" or "I easily meditate" will help, also write it down each day. Also hypnosis is always an option just saying. Perhaps it would be beneficial to take a brief hiatus from the forum and focus on the basics as it seems to be a big distraction for you as well or you could make a rule to not view the forum until you have done you meditations, whatever works for you. Be sure to ask Satan for help on this matter he knows the best way for you to advance and an answer will eventually come the above are just some ideas to consider, good luck.

rtr: https://evilgoy.com/RTRS/A/index.html just do let me choose and pick x3

standard ritual to satan: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Ritual.html
you don't need all the ritual tools just work with what you have.
BrightSpace666 said:
Gear88 said:
Powerofjustice said:
So if you don't meditate or participate in warfare or help out here in any way, what exactly is your plan? Wait for the Gods to descend here and then explain yourself? Staying on the right side of history, just in case? I really don't get you as a person, you share our ideology but that's about it, you've completely given up, because you tried once and failed.

And now you just hang around here, wallowing in your self pity "meditation isn't really for me". Seriously man, start the very basics, master them, and move on. What are you doing?

Simply and honestly. I have no idea. Maybe I have better luck next life. This is precisely why I avoided the forums all these years. I knew it was a mistake to come on the forums.

No I didn't try once and fail. I've been at this since 2003. And nothing happened. I don't know why but it's not my thing. Do you genuinely expect me everyday of everyday waste my time meditating doing the same shit over and over and over again.

I'm not a robot; No, I guess I'll wait for the Gods IF they come I don't know if it's fake information or whatever. Sheer fact is yeah be on the right on History I guess just in case.

I'm simply a person who studies this stuff it has no basis in reality nor does anyone else do it. If my society and people around me don't do this why should I?

I simply exist. That is it just simple breath in and breath out every second of my life.

What I'm doing is simply be here but it seems even my own NS/SS dislike me. I should probably quit the forums and that is it.

That's life I guess a worthless piece of shit, that serves no purpose. Day in, day out.

I just learn for the sake of learning. Why should I meditate if it doesn't work. I don't feel better nor sense better nor improve or change. It's like if I did magick, DID I really cause that.

Why should I be a slave to meditation. I don't know I felt happier inventing my own stuff and feelings from being in Middle and High school and up to 2016 with my own interpretation of Ns and SS. And afterwards till now It seems people have such opinions even they or I don't know anything on Satanism or National Socialism.

I really see it no one understands this and the more they learn the less they understand. I think in the end people here are just scientific people who don't want to believe in God cause that is stupid. Why believe in something that causes problems. I figure people in here are simply wanting to replace God and put a new God in power. If Satan and the Pagan Gods fit this paradigm than delete the judeo-bolshevism and apply the Gods information.

What am I doing? I don't know simply and that is the truth of the matter.

What should I be doing. Simply read a new sermon or gather information add it to my data banks and simply learn something new or entertain new thoughts and just process it in mind. Then move on new stuff comes in.

I'm simply gathering data for my databanks. I knew replying and talking on the forums is a terrible idea. It's no surprise people stay away from the forums except to read and see the schedule.

A new and deeper understanding of the post may help. The very fact that you are here is a starting point, as you are aware of things that are the beginning of the Satanic Path. Break away from the negative and unnecessary things that can hold you back and cause laziness. Just because you are not meditating here does not mean you are a bad person.

Attitude changes from meditation to meditation, everyone's attitude is different.

When I first started meditating a long time ago, I found it to be constructive and I have improved a lot in that time. I've done aura cleansing, meditation or even magic when I shouldn't have. I'm not always in the mood to meditate either, but I have a routine that I've been doing for a long time, and when all the ropes are cut, meaning I don't feel like doing anything, I do it purely for the morale.

But it is also a contribution to my own development.

It may sound boring with all the "progress" and "development" talk, but it's the Truth. Without them you cannot evolve, without them you just exist, as you wrote. I've done almost all the meditations on the JoS site, repeated many of them, incorporated them into my routine, but I still only do 2-3 meditations, but the strongest ones and doing my things on the Astral. Aura cleansing, AoP is also daily, with learning and systematic understanding. Rune Work, Chakras and the Element work is daily.

Understanding comes through Knowledge. I do not encourage meditation, but I strongly recommend starting meditation. You don't have to do 20 meditations. In meditation, it is not quantity that counts, but quality. Everyone has a different meditation routine.

You can start at the beginning with the Void Meditation, then slowly work your way up. Meditation requires the mind, but a quiet and undisturbed mind requires Void Meditation.

Sorry my bad I meant to regular post, not reply my other comment, but I still stand by it, if they choose xian crap no one's going to change them, they have to choose the jewish false prosperity or learn to become strong for an gain prosperity themselves
Ursa Minor said:
This is a great post, I wish I could be more open about the Truth, but I live in the bible belt and I have no physical SS friends. I have to "hide" until I'm able to do any vibrations, as the rituals can easily spook Xians, and I currently live with one. They don't try to drag me to church, but they're still brainwashed. I would love to see the day when I don't have to "hide" Spiritual Satanism anymore.

Do a 3x RTR on them. Of course the more the better, but even every now and then will help deprogram them.

Also, use Isa to bind them from interrupting you, or Ansuz to remove any obstacles to your opportunity to advance as fast as you can.

Similarly, I know of a friend who used a working to increase their opportunity/free time to advance. In particular, Fehu and Raidho are good for this type of thing. This resulted in significant positive changes within both his job and home life, resulting in much more free time.

For most people, free time/opportunity is the biggest obstacle. Do everything to get past this.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=394273 time=1666099527 user_id=21286]
Ursa Minor said:
This is a great post, I wish I could be more open about the Truth, but I live in the bible belt and I have no physical SS friends. I have to "hide" until I'm able to do any vibrations, as the rituals can easily spook Xians, and I currently live with one. They don't try to drag me to church, but they're still brainwashed. I would love to see the day when I don't have to "hide" Spiritual Satanism anymore.

Do a 3x RTR on them. Of course the more the better, but even every now and then will help deprogram them.

Also, use Isa to bind them from interrupting you, or Ansuz to remove any obstacles to your opportunity to advance as fast as you can.

Similarly, I know of a friend who used a working to increase their opportunity/free time to advance. In particular, Fehu and Raidho are good for this type of thing. This resulted in significant positive changes within both his job and home life, resulting in much more free time.

For most people, free time/opportunity is the biggest obstacle. Do everything to get past this.

Thanks for the advice, I haven't tried focusing the RTR on my roommate but I could. They seem to be at that "transitional" phase I was in before I dedicated, most of the people I'm around are like that, try to think for themselves and not depend on (((god))) to "save" them.

I'll practice vibrating and feeling the energy of Raidho, as I've never used it before. Some runes seem to have similar functionality, but I guess some are better than others for specific tasks?
Ursa Minor said:
I'll practice vibrating and feeling the energy of Raidho, as I've never used it before. Some runes seem to have similar functionality, but I guess some are better than others for specific tasks?

Yes, exactly. You want to pick the best rune(s) for the job. Sometimes it does not matter, but other times there can be a meaningful difference.

For example, Raidho is described as a solar rune, yet it is also pertains to travels, changes, correct choices, etc. Sowilo is also a solar rune, but it is more like "raw" solar energy. It may bless you with a general form of success, but it won't be as guiding or changing as Raidho.

So if you are trying to do something for increasing your free time: Raidho is good for stimulating changes, such as a someone moves and you feel driven to apply to their better position. Sowilo is better for adding pure solar energy, such as increasing your money or power coming through from various sources.


Fehu is like Jupiter and specifically about expansion, good luck, new opportunities, etc. Fehu will attract the opportunity, Raidho will guide you to them, and Sowilo will ensure general or increased success throughout.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
