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Humans as gold-mining slaves


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017

As we know, satanisgod.org is the new site, yet it is still saying that we were to be gold-mining slaves, after which we were to be destroyed. I thought that was something that stitchin or whomever came up with and is bullshit, yet it is still on here, on our new site. It also says those who were to use us changed their minds and then decided to love us and uplift us instead. Did I miss something?

https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13232 seems to explain that it was from a jew who said that, but on the ABOUT.html page it is saying that was Satan and the Gods' and Goddesses' intention, but then changed Their minds. If it was just a jew's idea which is false, then it shouldn't be on the page, saying that that was the intention, at all. If it was not the original intention, then it should not be on the ABOUT.html page, or it must be on it for whatever confusing reason, then it should say that that was just a jew's idea and was not the original intended purpose for Humans.

Why am I still confused about this?
Also, on the main website, you can still see the circles around the pentagram.
I think there have been two different theories going around.

1) Humans were intended to be slaves, but then befriended by our Gods who changed their mind and decided to make us like them.

2) Humans were from the start intended to be made like the Gods, and the "mining for gold" was just an allegory for attaining immortality.

In either case, the following events followed;
The idea of us humans becoming immortal made some Gods furious as they did not like the idea of others becoming as powerful as them. These Gods went to become the "enemy Nordics" that we talk about today, and ended up banding together with Reptilians to start the war that is going on today.

This is all the knowledge we publicly have available as far as I'm aware. Maybe some other members can share more knowledge than what I did here. :)
Vaal said:
Also, on the main website, you can still see the circles around the pentagram.

Not that I have any problem with it. Just saying.
Vaal said:
Also, on the main website, you can still see the circles around the pentagram.

A circle around a pentagram (without jewish letters) is fine. But the circle around the Baphomet means binding, and that's bad.
Creelien said:
Vaal said:
Also, on the main website, you can still see the circles around the pentagram.

A circle around a pentagram (without jewish letters) is fine. But the circle around the Baphomet means binding, and that's bad.

I'm talking about a circle around Baphomet in the JOS logo. You can still kinda see purple rounds , if you look closely.
Shael said:
These Gods went to become the "enemy Nordics" that we talk about today, and ended up banding together with Reptilians to start the war that is going on today.

Except that this story might not be really true. According to HP.Cobra and his messages over the years ranging from something he said that as early as "2006" or "2007" it was known as such. In fact I recall Wotanwarrior making a reply HP.Cobra stating something that he was aware of it.

There is no such thing as "enemy Nordics", the enemy projects images of what people believe an angel to be and then fools the person. Due to pumping the civilization magick with beliefs that angels are humans and friendly and wear nice clothing with wings and whatnot.

The sheer fact is it's possible that "Nordic" is a catch-all term for a type of humanoid entity that is usually but not always Blonde/Blue eyes. Stereotypical kinda like say an Asian person with the slanted eyes. So these "Nordic" civilizations which are considered devas but aren't they are considered anti-devas cause they work for the anti-gods.

Best assumption certain civilizations of these Anti-Deva Nordics are too powerful to be toppled by Reptillian/Grey subterfuge like they attack much like here on Earth. Nuclear strike everything, year zero everything, then create a jewish clone of said civilization with a different soul and different genes. Then wage a campaign of whatever kabalistic intent is needed to sorta melange the civilization until they are controlled then perform a full-scale invasion with minimal to no casualties at the appropriate time.

The sheer fact is these "asshole civilizations" aren't exactly good people. On the other hand I HAVE read that certain Gods of ours are not human-friendly either they hate humans or are not very fond of humans. There perhaps is a range of people who even hate other extra-terrestials. It's possible that there might be Devas that don't exactly like the "multi-cultural, multi-racial" E.T.s that inhabit the planet. For example there might be beings of higher power that might use spirit demons as messengers and whatnot but perhaps don't like physical "gargoyle demons". It's just a possibility in every situation there is always an extremist so it's possible some Gods, same with humans, do not like us. But because other Gods outrank them and because of priorities if they are ordered to work with some E.T. they hate, they most likely have to do it.

Now I said M.C./M.R. and I don't intend to state Satan and the Gods perform race mixing or anything of that nature. But it's possible that even with the best of capabilities some E.T.s need to be on certain planets learning and advancing so there is some other culture and races around. Certainly not at HUMAN levels of such bullshit but at what the Gods deem reasonable for assistance to us and assistance to them. I'm sure racial separation and segregation is practiced to such a high degree certainly much higher than humans.

Anyways the other factor are neutral civilizations. Again HP.Cobra does state avoid the enemy and avoid neutral civilizations. The sheer fact is neutral people can be just as nefarious as enemy.

I hate to state this as it sounds very Bibliotechapleyades like but there are quite a lot of people interested on the situation of Earth in all three forms neutral, enemy, or friendly. So it stands to reason that this war has many sides to it and it's not a simple just off-the cuff normal day in deva/anti-deva situation. My guess is the Earth is a lot more important and frankly the whole blowing up Phaeton seems like it may have pissed off other civilizations using the planet for some reasons.

Although I don't wish to get all sci-fi, there really is no "Enemy Nordic" per say.
The enemy Nordics I thought were jealous of us cause they couldn't become as powerful or immortal I agree. That is what I heard. They still live over 1000 years though I believe one of the HPs said awhile back I can't remember where that was.

Idk I don't see us being created by the God's to be slaves maybe they wanted us to help them with something in the beginning but why would the God's want slaves. I mean most of us don't even want that cause we would end up looking down on them and wanting to destroy them for being stupid even in following us. Well at least that is the way my own instict goes. It would seem if we are made in the image of the God's they wouldn't like it either given how much they despise the weak and the enemy programs etc. Slaves are weak.

This is just my logic. I wasn't told anything or anything like that can't say it's true but I don't see the God's creating slaves. That sounds like a Jewish corruption.
Shael said:
2) Humans were from the start intended to be made like the Gods, and the "mining for gold" was just an allegory for attaining immortality.

The humans created to be slaves was the lie of the soviet jew Zecharia Sitchin who (from my side) purposefully invented this and it wasn't just a mistranslation of the Sumerian texts. HP. Mageson also spoke about this

Also there is one article that basically underline the same thing
Creelien said:
Vaal said:
Also, on the main website, you can still see the circles around the pentagram.

A circle around a pentagram (without jewish letters) is fine. But the circle around the Baphomet means binding, and that's bad.

Circles are binding all-in-all. If one wants to use a symbol as container of power, the Ing rune is the most suited.
It makes sense to me that Father Satan created us to expand His empire. We're both His army and His family.
If we were Gods when the reptilians attacked the war would have ended sooner.
Stormblood said:
Creelien said:
Vaal said:
Also, on the main website, you can still see the circles around the pentagram.

A circle around a pentagram (without jewish letters) is fine. But the circle around the Baphomet means binding, and that's bad.

Circles are binding all-in-all. If one wants to use a symbol as container of power, the Ing rune is the most suited.

HP Mageson666 said:
The Pythagoreans showed creation as the pentagram within the circle with the number 666.
The pentagram (5 elements) and the circle (kundalini).
Thanks for the replies.

As someone who might realise that it is allegorical for the Chakras - meaning to turn the base metals (Chakras) into gold (open, unblocked and empowered Chakras) - I can see this from that text on the page, but for a newb who is ignorant and believes lies or who is confused or high or drunk (literally or figuratively), or whatever, they may very well be coming from jew enslavement and brainwashing, and upon seeing that we are or were supposed to be gold-mining slaves of some Gods and Goddesses, but other Gods and Goddesses wanted to save us, seeing this on the page, they may not want to stick around for very long.

The Demons are the Nephilim, [the Original Gods] the ancient extra-terrestrials who came to Earth to mine for gold thousands of years ago. They are very intellectually, physically, and spiritually advanced. Many took human wives/husbands and were cursed for this by other Gods who opposed anything that would educate or elevate human beings above that of an animal. Human beings were intended to be slaves and when the mining project was finished, they were to be destroyed. The Demons befriended humans and wished for us to become as the Gods, just as Father Satan attempted to bring humans godly knowledge and power. For this, they were cursed and punished.

"Some alien Dudes and Dudesses, who are as powerful as Gods and Goddesses and who are also Daemons and Daemonesses, which means that they are evil, came to Earth because they wanted our gold. They probably were wearing Egyptian-style clothing and jewelry - and as we all know, the history of Egypt, as taught, was that they they had millions of slaves building mega-monoliths to their selfish selves, ignoring our health and well-being. Is this a historical communist China/Korea/Russia/other?! These nice Gods and Goddesses (nice and good but also evil Daemons?! :?) who got punished for falling in love with some of us must have either not done a very good job, or they must have abandoned us - look at the state of the world! The commoner is still a wage-slave today, while the 1% have all of the gold/money!"

Of course, things are explained the more one reads, but far be it from me to tell or demand those higher in the hierarchy than I what to do, but I think that but on the page needs some clarification.

The Daemons (not evil; from thousands and thousands of years before islam, christianity and their parent root judaism, "Daemon" means Guardian, Teacher, Guide) are the Nephilim, (which means the Original Gods)...

...some Gods and Goddesses wanted to mine for gold on Earth - literal gold in mines; however, some of the Gods and Goddesses who came here to mine for gold actually fell in love with us. At this point, we were not yet as advanced Humans as we are today, in terms of evolutionary biology (even today, some evolutionarily/biologically-advanced Humans are lower than Animals - we can see that very clearly). After these Gods and Goddesses fell in love with us, they advanced our Biology, our DNA; before they did this, we were [Hominids/Homo sapiens/Neanderthals...]. While other Gods and Goddesses just saw us a slaves to mine for gold, these Gods and Goddesses who fell in love with us saw limitless potential in us, and advanced our DNA, so that we could be able to create our world as we see fit and be as powerful as these Gods and Goddesses. The others who just saw us as slaves didn't like this, because we could be more powerful than them, so they defected and sided with [an?] alien species who are our eternal enemy, causing many problems in the world to this day.

...however, now we're saying that these "lower race of (enemy) Nordics" don't actually exist in the sense of being enemies, but do exist and are not our enemies, because it is just greys projecting such images of them/Them into people's minds..., and they never actually defected from Satan for being upset that we could be more powerful than they/They. So then, who is/are "The Demons" who "are the Nephilim, [the Original Gods] the ancient extra-terrestrials who came to Earth to mine for gold thousands of years ago."? Satan, etc. who then changed His and Their minds? The reptillians/others, who are being called gods and goddesses here? If the reptilians, etc., cannot advance like, nor as far as, we can, then they are not gods nor goddesses and should not be called such.

Who is/are those whom "Many took human wives/husbands and were cursed for this“? Who are "by other Gods who opposed anything that would educate or elevate human beings above that of an animal."? "Human beings were intended to be slaves and when the mining project was finished, they were to be destroyed." By whom? Satan, etc. who changed His and Their minds? The gods-and-goddesses reptillians? "The Demons" (Satan, etc. who changed His/Their minds, not the reptilians) "befriended humans" - were we Humans at this point in time, or were we yet to have our DNA improved, meaning that we were not quite Humans yet actually? "and wished for us to become as the Gods, just as Father Satan attempted to bring humans godly knowledge and power." Those Gods and Goddesses who wanted us as gold-mining slaves but then changed Their minds. Satan here should also be explained as not being evil nor the devil, either. "For this, they were cursed and punished." By whom? The (enemy?) lower race of Nordics who didn't want us to be more powerful than they/They, or by reptillians who are or are not Gods and Goddesses but who are called gods and goddesses here? Why, then, would Satan, etc. be joining a mining operation with whom I thought were His eternal enemies, who have been His enemies for...well, the Gods and Goddesses know how long? Did the reptillians, as "gods and goddesses" come here, then Satan, etc. followed and saved us from the mining project, or did Satan etc. and the reptillians decide to come and do a joint mining operation/project together, with us Humans-who-are-not-quite-Humans-evolutionarily/biologically-yet as the mining slaves, but then Satan, etc. (the Daemons, Nephilim) changed His/Their minds, thus became cursed by (enemy?) lower race of Nordics and/or by gods-and-goddesses reptillians?

The Demons are the Nephilim, [the Original Gods] the ancient extra-terrestrials who came to Earth to mine for gold thousands of years ago.


Human beings were intended to be slaves and when the mining project was finished, they were to be destroyed.
FancyMancy said:
...however, now we're saying that these "lower race of (enemy) Nordics" don't actually exist in the sense of being enemies, but do exist and are not our enemies, because it is just greys projecting such images of them/Them into people's minds..., and they never actually defected from Satan for being upset that we could be more powerful than they/They. So then, who is/are "The Demons" who "are the Nephilim, [the Original Gods] the ancient extra-terrestrials who came to Earth to mine for gold thousands of years ago."? Satan, etc. who then changed His and Their minds? The reptillians/others, who are being called gods and goddesses here? If the reptilians, etc., cannot advance like, nor as far as, we can, then they are not gods nor goddesses and should not be called such.
This is something that I have told you because it is my opinion, and some other people have agreed. But obviously I'm not a god and I don't really know.

Also, that page is old and not all correct. It is partly based on Zachariah Sitchin's writings, who is a rat and a liar. It needs to be updated and corrected. So don't just take all that it says as the truth.
Creelien said:
Stormblood said:
Creelien said:
A circle around a pentagram (without jewish letters) is fine. But the circle around the Baphomet means binding, and that's bad.

Circles are binding all-in-all. If one wants to use a symbol as container of power, the Ing rune is the most suited.

HP Mageson666 said:
The Pythagoreans showed creation as the pentagram within the circle with the number 666.
The pentagram (5 elements) and the circle (kundalini).

When you quote, please don't put words in the author's mouth. Were did Mageson state the circle is the kundalini? Nowhere. The circle is a symbol for the Sun and spirit. Kundalini is the lightning bolt going into the pentagram.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
...however, now we're saying that these "lower race of (enemy) Nordics" don't actually exist in the sense of being enemies, but do exist and are not our enemies, because it is just greys projecting such images of them/Them into people's minds..., and they never actually defected from Satan for being upset that we could be more powerful than they/They. So then, who is/are "The Demons" who "are the Nephilim, [the Original Gods] the ancient extra-terrestrials who came to Earth to mine for gold thousands of years ago."? Satan, etc. who then changed His and Their minds? The reptillians/others, who are being called gods and goddesses here? If the reptilians, etc., cannot advance like, nor as far as, we can, then they are not gods nor goddesses and should not be called such.
This is something that I have told you because it is my opinion, and some other people have agreed. But obviously I'm not a god and I don't really know.

Also, that page is old and not all correct. It is partly based on Zachariah Sitchin's writings, who is a rat and a liar. It needs to be updated and corrected. So don't just take all that it says as the truth.
n00bs will, and that is my point.
Stormblood said:
Creelien said:
Stormblood said:
Circles are binding all-in-all. If one wants to use a symbol as container of power, the Ing rune is the most suited.

HP Mageson666 said:
The Pythagoreans showed creation as the pentagram within the circle with the number 666.
The pentagram (5 elements) and the circle (kundalini).

When you quote, please don't put words in the author's mouth. Were did Mageson state the circle is the kundalini? Nowhere. The circle is a symbol for the Sun and spirit. Kundalini is the lightning bolt going into the pentagram.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that he stated that. I read that in the previous forum, so I added it to my reply.
Creelien said:
Stormblood said:
Creelien said:

The pentagram (5 elements) and the circle (kundalini).

When you quote, please don't put words in the author's mouth. Were did Mageson state the circle is the kundalini? Nowhere. The circle is a symbol for the Sun and spirit. Kundalini is the lightning bolt going into the pentagram.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that he stated that. I read that in the previous forum, so I added it to my reply.

I read on other topic what you meant. The serpent circling the pentagram. I don't know what to tell you about that. It probably a way of fusing the two meanings: the kundalini and the circle. Is that right? No need to be sorry. It's all fine.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
