Try to perform the Complete
Chakra Meditation from Base to Crown. It is advisable you take the time to be focused and go into a trance.
Focus on it intensely, and perform the techniques properly. You should absolutely feel energy in your base if you have a decent level of skill with feeling energy.
Your focus and sensations should shift to each Chakra as you progress upwards. If you, at any point, feel like energy is not moving up anymore (after performing the amount of reps you have chosen for a certain Chakra, you no longer feel a buzz from it), sit there and let the energy dissipate. Try to will it into the crown and out through the crown, and if that doesn't work, you just found your blockage.
If this doesn't happen, and you get all the way to the crown just fine, feeling at least something in every Chakra, they are sufficiently open to be worked with, and meditating on them with the proper breathing exercises, words of power and visualization will open them further regardless, so don't sweat it too much that you haven't done the Openings by the book. If you don't feel anything bad, just empower them like normal.
"Open" is a bit of a misnomer, because it really just means they are open to being empowered. They are not completely clean and open after performing the opening meditations, as that takes a very very long time and is individual to each person.
If you do feel obstruction, however (or you stop feeling energy after a certain Chakra), it is imperative that you open them in order for cleaning to not result in issues. If you noticed a blockage when doing the CCM, work on opening the Chakra right above it first, then go down all the way to the Base, with the given Opening meditations.
Perform the openings, and meditate on the given Chakra you are opening afterwards, by visualizing it where it is supposed to be, enlarging it, lighting it up in the right color, spinning etc.. This will familiarize you with the feeling of energy, as well as the particular sensations of each Chakra.
Once you are done with opening and meditating on the Chakras, you can perform the Complete Chakra Meditation on a regular basis to empower them, or pick one specific Chakra on the proper day to work on it, per day (this is the method I found gave me better results, but it depends on the individual).