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How to fully uproot Christianity/Islam from your subconcious (And a request for the Clergy/Guardians)

Seeker in the Dark

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
Warning: DO NOT get caught doing this if you live in a Christian/Muslim household. Use earphones/headphones and a low volume, test if the sound can be heard outside of your headphones/earphones and adjust appropriately.

Today I'm going to share with you what worked for me in fully uprooting Christianity from my subconscious. Even after I became an SS and left Christianity for years before my dedication, I'd find myself still drawn to Christianity at a subconscious/emotional level even though rationally I had fully rejected it, with my mind automatically doing the "lord's prayer" when I think of it, sometimes in english but most strongly in my native tongue, as that is the one I was taught to do repeatedly since I was a child. If you were Christian, you would have been taught to pray before you go to bed or at other times. Some of you were likely taught to pray multiple times with a rosary, especially if you were Catholic/Orthodox. This over time engraves itself vibrationally into your mind. The truth is, even after you dedicate, you're most likely still Christian at a subconcious level. The issue is, trying to rationally get rid of something that was irrationally inserted in you is like trying to cut weeds out without removing the roots, they'll lay dormant and try to grow back again. You will need to irrationally uproot it from your mind.

This is done by reversing the lord's prayer and the complementary hail mary prayer.

The theory behind this is basically the same reasoning as the science behind reversing the rtrs, but at a personal/subconscious level rather than the astral plane:

The method I will provide will reverse the vibrational engraving the christian prayers have done to your subconcious, fully freeing you from christianity's grip on your mind. I am speaking from experience. It's very effective.

Step 1: Download a video of the lord's prayer in your native tongue, whatever that is, the one you were taught as a child, if you got used to saying it in english, download a video of that as well. There's plenty of them on youtube. You can covnert it to an mp4 through this website by pasting the link:

Step 2: Now you will need to reverse the video using this website, you browse for the downloaded video, then click "Upload video!". After that make sure you tick the small box to reverse the sound in the video then click on "reverse video!". You will then get the reversed video with the sound reversed.

Now what you do is develop a routine of listening to both videos 1-3 times a day, I personally listen to both 3 times in the morning and 3 in the night before bed, when the subconcious is most open to suggestion. This works better with earphones/headphones, which I use as well, as the sound vibrations will hit directly into your brain, strengthening the effect. My link to Christianity at this point is pretty much completetly severed at a subconcious level. I've lost interest in even studying it, although I'm pretty much an expert on the religion.

Muslim version:

Now if you were raised as a Muslim, your subconscious was likely engraved with the shahada and the adhan, most likely in Arabic. Basically do the same thing as the Christian method by downloading and reversing videos of both, plenty to choose from on YouTube as well. You were likely emotionally engraved with verses from the Qur'an as well, or even entire Surahs. The Qur'an is sung because it's meant to have a vibrational impact on your subconcious. My advice is to find videos of the Surahs that had the most emotional impact on you(plenty of those on youtube as well) and reverse them as well, then develop a routine of listening to the reversed videos once or several times a day, whatever number you feel most appropriate. . Just don't do too many as it's better to do a small number every day, the process should last a few minutes a day. Do it in the morning and in the night, before you sleep and after you wake up, as that is when the subconscious is most open to suggestion, but you can do it any time of the day if you wish as well.

The key is to keep doing the routine for several days, perhaps it could take weeks/months. This stuff was programmed in you subconsciously for years since you were a child without your consent.

This stuff works very well, I know it has for me. The Abrahamic infestation in your mind has to be removed the same way it was inserted, subconsciously/vibrationally/irrationally, which is why I am asking for the Clergy/Guardians to put this post on Satan's library if you deem it appropriate, as I'd like people to find it long after it has been buried by newer forum posts. I believe it will help people get rid of their programming, and I wouldn't ask this if I didn't see results for myself to justify that belief.
This doesn't work on any level. Propaganda or brainwashing works by repeating a consistent message, often tied to emotional triggers like fear, hope, or pride. Over time, these messages shape beliefs and perceptions. Neural pathways are strengthened with repeated exposure to the same ideas, creating deeply ingrained patterns of thought. In other words, the brain is wired to fire in very specific ways, which cements a set of behaviors and beliefs, making them automatic.

Reversing a message doesn't address the specific neural and emotional associations that were formed during the indoctrination process because the human brain is not equipped to process and understand reversed speech naturally. The reversed message would likely be perceived as meaningless noise.

The idea of subliminal or reverse messages influencing people comes from popular myths, but scientific studies show limited evidence that reversed audio has any meaningful impact on cognition or behavior.

You don't need "anti-Christianity" to remove the programming; you need to change your thought patterns through self-hypnosis. Besides, not everyone was indoctrinated with daily prayer.
This doesn't work on any level. Propaganda or brainwashing works by repeating a consistent message, often tied to emotional triggers like fear, hope, or pride. Over time, these messages shape beliefs and perceptions. Neural pathways are strengthened with repeated exposure to the same ideas, creating deeply ingrained patterns of thought. In other words, the brain is wired to fire in very specific ways, which cements a set of behaviors and beliefs, making them automatic.

Reversing a message doesn't address the specific neural and emotional associations that were formed during the indoctrination process because the human brain is not equipped to process and understand reversed speech naturally. The reversed message would likely be perceived as meaningless noise.

The idea of subliminal or reverse messages influencing people comes from popular myths, but scientific studies show limited evidence that reversed audio has any meaningful impact on cognition or behavior.

You don't need "anti-Christianity" to remove the programming; you need to change your thought patterns through self-hypnosis. Besides, not everyone was indoctrinated with daily prayer.
It’s no so much about subliminal messaging as it is about reversing the vibrations of these prayers. All I know is that it has affected me positively. It wouldn’t hurt others to experiment for a few days if they want to see if it helps them too.
It’s no so much about subliminal messaging as it is about reversing the vibrations of these prayers. All I know is that it has affected me positively. It wouldn’t hurt others to experiment for a few days if they want to see if it helps them too.
I know you mean well, but that's just not how it works. If it were, we would all be blasting a recording of the FRTR 24/7.
I know you mean well, but that's just not how it works. If it were, we would all be blasting a recording of the FRTR 24/7.
I’ve actually put on HPS Maxine’s FRTR recording on loop while walking or doing work sometimes, I felt my aura becoming more purified. Not as effective as actually pronouncing the FRTR but it still had an effect. These are just my personal experiences though.
Whatever the case, it’s worked for me, and I thought I’d share the method with people here.

You’re all free to try it for yourselves and see if it affects you in any way. I noticed all thoughts, feelings and emotional attachments related to christianity in me are basically gone.

I finally achieved my goal of killing christianity in me through this method. Perhaps it can help others out as well in doing the same.
This doesn't work on any level. Propaganda or brainwashing works by repeating a consistent message, often tied to emotional triggers like fear, hope, or pride. Over time, these messages shape beliefs and perceptions. Neural pathways are strengthened with repeated exposure to the same ideas, creating deeply ingrained patterns of thought. In other words, the brain is wired to fire in very specific ways, which cements a set of behaviors and beliefs, making them automatic.

Reversing a message doesn't address the specific neural and emotional associations that were formed during the indoctrination process because the human brain is not equipped to process and understand reversed speech naturally. The reversed message would likely be perceived as meaningless noise.

The idea of subliminal or reverse messages influencing people comes from popular myths, but scientific studies show limited evidence that reversed audio has any meaningful impact on cognition or behavior.

You don't need "anti-Christianity" to remove the programming; you need to change your thought patterns through self-hypnosis. Besides, not everyone was indoctrinated with daily prayer.
Regarding the neural pathways, and emotional connections, about things becoming a person more and more, the more they are exposed to it and the more it is repeated, with indictrination, advertising, films, TV programmes, music, etc., I have been considering putting that into words for a while. (I imagine pathways or 'wires' in the Brain becoming thicker and stronger, along the lines of not being a 'smoothbrained' idiot, with the Brain - in a sense, if not literally - becoming larger, and also having more bumps and ridges with more knowledge (to put it simply).) What you said is a great way of putting it. The rest you said is also nice!
Warning: DO NOT get caught doing this if you live in a Christian/Muslim household. Use earphones/headphones and a low volume, test if the sound can be heard outside of your headphones/earphones and adjust appropriately.

Today I'm going to share with you what worked for me in fully uprooting Christianity from my subconscious. Even after I became an SS and left Christianity for years before my dedication, I'd find myself still drawn to Christianity at a subconscious/emotional level even though rationally I had fully rejected it, with my mind automatically doing the "lord's prayer" when I think of it, sometimes in english but most strongly in my native tongue, as that is the one I was taught to do repeatedly since I was a child. If you were Christian, you would have been taught to pray before you go to bed or at other times. Some of you were likely taught to pray multiple times with a rosary, especially if you were Catholic/Orthodox. This over time engraves itself vibrationally into your mind. The truth is, even after you dedicate, you're most likely still Christian at a subconcious level. The issue is, trying to rationally get rid of something that was irrationally inserted in you is like trying to cut weeds out without removing the roots, they'll lay dormant and try to grow back again. You will need to irrationally uproot it from your mind.

This is done by reversing the lord's prayer and the complementary hail mary prayer.

The theory behind this is basically the same reasoning as the science behind reversing the rtrs, but at a personal/subconscious level rather than the astral plane:

The method I will provide will reverse the vibrational engraving the christian prayers have done to your subconcious, fully freeing you from christianity's grip on your mind. I am speaking from experience. It's very effective.

Step 1: Download a video of the lord's prayer in your native tongue, whatever that is, the one you were taught as a child, if you got used to saying it in english, download a video of that as well. There's plenty of them on youtube. You can covnert it to an mp4 through this website by pasting the link:

Step 2: Now you will need to reverse the video using this website, you browse for the downloaded video, then click "Upload video!". After that make sure you tick the small box to reverse the sound in the video then click on "reverse video!". You will then get the reversed video with the sound reversed.

Now what you do is develop a routine of listening to both videos 1-3 times a day, I personally listen to both 3 times in the morning and 3 in the night before bed, when the subconcious is most open to suggestion. This works better with earphones/headphones, which I use as well, as the sound vibrations will hit directly into your brain, strengthening the effect. My link to Christianity at this point is pretty much completetly severed at a subconcious level. I've lost interest in even studying it, although I'm pretty much an expert on the religion.

Muslim version:

Now if you were raised as a Muslim, your subconscious was likely engraved with the shahada and the adhan, most likely in Arabic. Basically do the same thing as the Christian method by downloading and reversing videos of both, plenty to choose from on YouTube as well. You were likely emotionally engraved with verses from the Qur'an as well, or even entire Surahs. The Qur'an is sung because it's meant to have a vibrational impact on your subconcious. My advice is to find videos of the Surahs that had the most emotional impact on you(plenty of those on youtube as well) and reverse them as well, then develop a routine of listening to the reversed videos once or several times a day, whatever number you feel most appropriate. . Just don't do too many as it's better to do a small number every day, the process should last a few minutes a day. Do it in the morning and in the night, before you sleep and after you wake up, as that is when the subconscious is most open to suggestion, but you can do it any time of the day if you wish as well.

The key is to keep doing the routine for several days, perhaps it could take weeks/months. This stuff was programmed in you subconsciously for years since you were a child without your consent.

This stuff works very well, I know it has for me. The Abrahamic infestation in your mind has to be removed the same way it was inserted, subconsciously/vibrationally/irrationally, which is why I am asking for the Clergy/Guardians to put this post on Satan's library if you deem it appropriate, as I'd like people to find it long after it has been buried by newer forum posts. I believe it will help people get rid of their programming, and I wouldn't ask this if I didn't see results for myself to justify that belief.

All you have to do to deprogram from this, is build the realization in your mind, based on factual observation, truth and knowledge, that xianity and pisslam are just bogus nonsensical programs and that the prayers are worthless nonsense, that these religions are nothing more than a worthless death cult worshipping a soulless and empty thoughtform rather than anything decent or positive.

Reading the truth about these religions, what they do, what their purpose is, and understanding how disgusting and worthless these things are is how you will re-program your mind to discard these things and completely remove them from your subconsciousness.

The reason this may have worked for you is because you were doing this with the intention to break any remaining xian programming in your mind. It isn't listening to these prayers in reverse that ended up removing leftover programming, but the conscious intention itself to reject and completely remove xianity from your mind which ultimately got you to break this programming.

The key here is that you reject it and intended to de-program from xianity, this intention alone is enough for the mind to reject these things, break false programming, be it in the brain through rewiring established neural pathways, or in the subconsciousness itself by clearing out any xian dross. The action taken by itself does nothing, you pursued this idea as a medium to remove this programming as a form of affirming to yourself this intention. In that sense, perhaps it can work, but there are many methods you can use. The key is simply to reject it. Realize what these things are, and then through knowledge and understanding of it consciously reject these things.

Self hypnosis is the most effective method if there are any deep rooted and stubborn programming in your mind that isn't going away easily. Self hypnosis is the art of consciously reprogramming the subconscious and also your brain. Removing false programming or unwanted things from the mind is very easy through it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
