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How To Defeat Alcoholism And Drug Abuse [Update: Defeating Food Addiction]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What do you say about an addiction to food? It's more difficult to draw the limit on this one because food is not something inherently toxic or forbidden that you can just say "I'll stay clear from this", because we need it. So where does the "enough" stop? How do you know if you can do without that additional portion?
This is especially confusing for someone struggling to lose weight because if you eat too little your body enters an emergency state and weight loss doesn't happen.

Actually, excessive food intake can also act in many cases like a drug addiction. We should only look in many cases in the West now, and food has indeed become a drug in itself.

People have been known to beat others senseless for food that they don't need [over a MacDonalds meal] and numerous other things happen because of this, not dissimilar to drugs. An addictive situation around food can arise and cause the same outcomes as other addictions, including overspending, overeating, problems in relationships, or what have you.

Food consumption past a certain degree causes similar effects to getting actual drugs, and that is scientifically documented.

I'll be frank here. How do we control appetite? You fucking shut that fridge down and don't get close to it and don't fucking over-eat.

But as we all know that doesn't work and it's crap advice so I have some actual constructive advice below.

There are tricks. You can eat certain foods that will dampen your appetite, like apples, or find other appetite cutters.

Still, these "appetite cutters" will not necessarily make your weight drop lower, as many bodies will go into an energy conversion mode that indeed anything you throw into them, they will literally attempt to save it as fat. And many bodies are resillient in this craft and not easy to change their course.

Therefore I have some simple advice: Stay away from temptation and away from the fridge if you can, and away from the kitchen counter, and when you experience these overwhelming needs to eat, try to sit them down until they pass, or sidetrack your body by putting you attention elsewhere. We aren't talking about starvation here, we are talking about "oops I just ate 3 chocolate bars now because of my appetite".

Food clearly produces a lot of pleasure and it also activates your parasympathetic nervous system when you eat it. A friend trainer I have explained this to me months ago and therefore this answered a lot of things for me. Trainers and others know, including psychologists, that's the basis of emotional over-eating. One wants to activate the parasympathetic nervous system for relief out of stress. One essentially eats out of a need to do stress relief, out of boredom, or out of wanting to taste things, or other reasons, but stress is central.

I had a friend who became obese after he experienced rejection by a girl years ago. Out of depression, he was trying to manage the feeling of depression and banish it temporarily by food consumption. That should not be taken lightly as it's a real addiction, same as anorexia.

Indeed the key here is to get your diet written down, see what you truly need, and instate in your life a steady diet. But I will be honest, I have never seen a person with extra weight just fixing everything just because they did a diet, especially if they never exercised before.

Excuses are always found by people who just get a diet going, because inherently there can be a lack of willpower. I am nobody to tell you that you can't succeed but I am explaining a rule here, that I have found to be overwhelming.

Now that can be difficult to follow in more than one areas, including preparation yet most people lose this train where self control is maintained. If you have like 99% self control, you can cheat a little bit on diets, but your appetite has to be controlled.

Yet here is the point, without having other habits, to just put someone who is up there in his weight, suddenly on a diet, can be very difficult for them. It can also feel to them like impossible to do on their own. That's why I always have the same recommendation of these subjects...

That's why I give everyone a higher tier of advice, which is to exercise. Why do I tell this to everyone as if I am a lunatic? That's because automatically, exercise hits you on more than one areas:

1. It unavoidably causes you to moderate your diet, or to eat more to do it.
2. You cannot avoid the fact that you have to apply willpower to exercise, and this willpower being trained, can be applied elsewhere in your life.
3. As you see results from exercise over time, you will start feeling guilt and start recognizing what is good for you, and you will want to inherently avoid doing bad dietary choices and so on, out of respect for what you are doing.
4. If you relapse and let's say you fuck up one day an you start eating a lot, you can still decide to rock your training the next day and burn it. You can clear out your mistakes.
5. The overall stress reduction, and the mentality of exercising, will make you naturally in less need of drugs or overeating.
6. Exercise can help you socialize a bit with other people [if you train with them] and this socialization can help banish depression.
7. It will build you self confidence whether you accept this or not based on your physical improvements.

You don't need to become a gym freak for this, just casually exercise and add this to your routine. Even very long walks will do.

Adding meditation to this combination and maintaining this for 2 years, you will come to the forums and thank me for it, or basically thank yourself for the application of this, you will see.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I need help too I'm drug addicted, I'm failing I'm a alcoholic, need yr help HP hoodedCobra.

Greetings my fellow brother in the Gods,

Now, that situation you are finding yourself into, you must understand, you are not the only one into it. Many Spiritual Satanists have come into Spiritual Satanism and struggled with many similar problems, and the striking majority of our people have escaped the chains of these two great slavers, namely, drugs and alcohol.

Over the years the Gods with their knowledge and the community has saved anywhere from people who have been heavy late stage alcoholics, to huge drug addicts, to many others who have been at the jaws of death with all of these false directions in life.

These people have changed their lives completely. Many now have friends, work, happy lives, a good existence where they can hardly remember about these mistakes, but have also matured from doing these and elevated as if these things haven't happened before.

That's a very liberating feeling and one walks around empowered from this.

These negative drinking and drug abuse directions have nowhere to take you, but to definite ends which are only going to cause you more and more grief. There is no goodness in these directions. Every temporary feeling of false relief will be always replaced with more guilt, pain and reprisal.

One must look at these bottles and these things and only see that more pain will arrive, after control has been lost. We want to save people from this pain and the Gods want nobody to suffer from this.

Clearly in this case we are nowhere close to moderated use, therefore this post is about addiction of a serious nature. It's not even about drinking to party once in a while, but we are talking about a self destructive tendency that is actively leading someone to their end.

It can be an uphill battle, yet, with the means and tools that the Gods give to us in our disposal, it is way easier than it is for most people who have no Gods, no ethics, no self awareness of these problems, but also no meditational methods to gradually compensate and fix these issues.

I have to first tell you congratulations for recognizing this problem in your life. It's a big problem. You can see that you are failing because of alcoholism. Having recognized the damning consequences of this problem, is the first step to solving it. Never feel doubt and guilt again for RECOGNIZING the problem.

I also further congratulate you for asking for help in solving this problem on the forums.

Ask also of the Gods with a sincere heart to lead you to a solution to this problem, as the Gods always help people in dire need. The Gods NEVER turn down a honest prayer out of the heart of the distressing man.

One more thing: If the situation is very serious and longterm [and you know you cannot get out of this without the use of substitutes] it is NOT a negative or bad choice to actually seek professional help in a counselling union or anti-alcoholism facility.

In fact, combining this method with the knowledge from JoS, and returning to the embrace of the Gods, will heal you faster.

Yet, you must be ready to exercise logic and willpower to limit this beast of a habit that has went out of control in your life. You must see drunkedness and drug use as your enemy now, and an enemy that eventually is trying to kill you. You must disassosciate yourself from this, and understand that the real YOU wants to be healthy and in a good life.

This enemy, is very real, and must be destroyed if you are to live a good life. Another delusion that must be banished is the delusion that this is really "you". It comes "from you", but this is not the "real you".

The real you is the person who came out bravely here to ask for help, and wants to fix that. That's the mind you should listen to from now on.

You don't "Truly" want this for yourself, your True Self does not want drugs and drunkedness to take you in and to bring you into a ruinous future, it is the body that aches for these things, mostly out of a response to gain a quick rush that it needs for issues of emotionally avoiding other circumstances that might make your life difficult right now.

You can be open here about what these problems are, and to vent them out. Merely speaking about the problems to the family here, will make you feel like a great weight has been lifted, especially if people aren't hearing you in your normal life. People will hear you out and care for you here.

The cause of these life and internal issues that led to that problem, CAN be fixed. Circumstances can only be addressed, when you focus very much on first setting yourself in order and getting sober. After you regain your power from these mortal enemies, your newfound willpower will be able to be used to even out almost every problem that have led you there in the first place. You have that power in you as a Spiritual Satanist.

With that stated YOU TOO, YOU CAN DO IT. The point is to DECIDE THIS, and then exercise enough WILLPOWER to finish this task. This is the simple recipe.

To assist your WILLPOWER, you are going to do magick, workings and prayer, in order fortify your mind and slowly de-program it.

Valefor's Power Ritual as seen here: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Valefor_Power_Ritual.html , can be used to facilitate a connection with Valefor and ask him with kindness to help you heal from this ruinous situation. Valefor will assist you and put you on the proper path. There have been cases of miracle situations with this, so be open to miracles, but be aware that real change will take time.

Other SS will certainly comment below with workings you can do, such as Runic Workings, Affirmations and other positive self work that you can do detach from these catastrophic situations of alcoholism and drugs.

A positive affirmation you can do is this: "I am free and absolved of drug abuse and alcoholism. I have the willpower to quit, and I am strong. I can deny overdrinking and I always deny doing illegal drugs.

I deny this easily and effortlessly because I love myself and I believe in myself, I want to do good to myself.

I lead a healthy and advancing lifestyle. I want to be healthy and I am healthy.

Repetition must be done all the time with this, which will eventually make this ingrained into your mind. Affirmations like this can be adjusted, and will over time train your mind to understand the new rules that you are setting for it.

You should also pledge yourself here if that works with your character and update us to your struggle. I wish a full healing from this situation, and may your calmness of heart and mind arrive when you have understood of your inner power and based on a healthy lifestyle, which is definitely something you can achieve.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Multiple times in my life, I struggled heavily with alcohol use. Much of this was because of chronic pain and an inability to deal with this in any capacity, a weakness on my part from sustained physical suffering that had no cure for a very long time.

I don't know what happened, but over the years something just clicked and I broke free from this as I evolved in other ways.

Shockingly, I've even been able to drink with a friend or two in the past and be free o the urges to return to these states.

It's went from an addiction, to a bad habit, to a very ocassional drink for me personally, in a social setting. Given my past though, I do my best to avoid it like the bubonic plague.

However my recommendation to anyone is stay away from Alcohol. It has the capacity to cause a person to lose themselves heavily, especially when one is in the reigns of alcohol abuse..

Often the use of alcohol to escape pain, creates more of the same and it's a vicious cycle that can be very demoralising and break the spirit.

I want to tell you, that you can indeed break free from this. In extreme cases it can ruin a person, but you can be free of this and THE GODS ARE THERE AND THEY WILL HELP YOU.

If it wasn't for the gods I would of been deceased from a night of heavy drinking a few years ago. My wife found me laying on the floor dead with no pulse, no heartbeat, and a cold corpse and begged them to save me despite my foolish mistakes.

By all realistic and universal laws, I shoudl be dead, but the reality is that I OWE MY LIFE TO SATAN. I OWE MY LIFE TO THE JOY OF SATAN, AND ALL OF YOU HERE.


Stay strong and everything will be fine, do the working and really reign yourself in.



For me Buer helped. In the very beginning of my sober life I asked for help from him by doing ritual, not formal ritual, but just how I felt by myself. He helped, just need to be open for change, and put efforts of yourself to fight this. I never did any magical workings to quit any addiction, I hope someone of brothers and sisters will advise you on this.

But what helped me in essence, is studying and advancing no matter what and seeing everywhere possibility to do this as this is of ultimate importance if one aspires to go up in life or at least cling to it, if this is understood by experience and logic thinking, naturally you should move gradually out of any addictions as it is what has no place in advancement of one’s own.

Need to stop being one’s owns enemy, to be alive in proper way in the universe you have to fight for it, and most importantly because we live in a war field where enemy of humans tries to do dominate by all means, what this means all efforts should be in accordance to this war mode, which is waged against us constantly. In most advanced war there is no physical weapons anymore, enemy just will help to his oppositor to destroy himself.

I hope you will get out of this, and I’m sure with your own effort and of Gods, Valefor or Buer, JoS community, don’t turn back on us. Valefor ritual given above is very powerful and second time when I needed help with other things what was related to my health, I received necessary’s help from Him, he is very friendly, just be respectful and kind. That ritual is very effective.

Good luck. This community will always be ready to help you also.


Zodiac Position: 15- 19 degrees of Taurus
May 5th- 9th
Tarot Card: 6 of Pentacles
Candle color: Light blue
Plant: Aloe
Planet: Mercury
Metal: Mercury
Element of Earth
Rank: President
Buer is a Day Demon and rules over 50 legions of spirits
Buer heals all diseases, and teaches moral, natural, and logical philosophy. He discourages drunkenness, and provides familiars. He also teaches the properties of all herbs and plants.

I truly wish anyone here who is an addict, all the best in your recovery :) I'm rooting for you!

Also the God Buer helps heal addictions:
I can add, if possible, just detach from the places, situations and people that remind your addictions.
Fresh and new environments, new people around you, may help to see yourself under a different light, and help to create good environment for meditation and advancement.
Also, when a person is in a state of weakness, may attract other people projections onto himself. Just, move to a place where people do not see you as you are now - they won't "project" or constantly remember your addictions, while you will be struggling to overcome them.
TerKorian666 said:
For me Buer helped. In the very beginning of my sober life I asked for help from him by doing ritual, not formal ritual, but just how I felt by myself. He helped, just need to be open for change, and put efforts of yourself to fight this. I never did any magical workings to quit any addiction, I hope someone of brothers and sisters will advise you on this.

But what helped me in essence, is studying and advancing no matter what and seeing everywhere possibility to do this as this is of ultimate importance if one aspires to go up in life or at least cling to it, if this is understood by experience and logic thinking, naturally you should move gradually out of any addictions as it is what has no place in advancement of one’s own.

Need to stop being one’s owns enemy, to be alive in proper way in the universe you have to fight for it, and most importantly because we live in a war field where enemy of humans tries to do dominate by all means, what this means all efforts should be in accordance to this war mode, which is waged against us constantly. In most advanced war there is no physical weapons anymore, enemy just will help to his oppositor to destroy himself.

I hope you will get out of this, and I’m sure with your own effort and of Gods, Valefor or Buer, JoS community, don’t turn back on us. Valefor ritual given above is very powerful and second time when I needed help with other things what was related to my health, I received necessary’s help from Him, he is very friendly, just be respectful and kind. That ritual is very effective.

Good luck. This community will always be ready to help you also.


Zodiac Position: 15- 19 degrees of Taurus
May 5th- 9th
Tarot Card: 6 of Pentacles
Candle color: Light blue
Plant: Aloe
Planet: Mercury
Metal: Mercury
Element of Earth
Rank: President
Buer is a Day Demon and rules over 50 legions of spirits
Buer heals all diseases, and teaches moral, natural, and logical philosophy. He discourages drunkenness, and provides familiars. He also teaches the properties of all herbs and plants.


I’m sorry for I didn’t put quotation marks on info which is from JoS about Buer.
HP, you are GREAT, and I feel full of truth in telling you this!
I would like to say that, in my opinion, these types of posts will definitely help a lot of people. Because it is very important to support each other as a community.

I can confirm that the Valefor's power ritual you gave to this community is REALLY useful, this is my experience: some time ago I had frequent dizziness (I really had a lot of it during the day and it scared me a lot). I had this dizziness regardless of the activity I was doing, and, because of this, I couldn't live a normal life. I was locked up at home for a while because I was afraid that dizziness would be fatal if I went out and I didn't even want to worry anyone.

I went to Valefor performing the ritual for him, then I summoned him and, in prayer, I asked him to help me because I was so scared. After a very few days of performing the Valefor ritual as a way of thanking the God and as a method of personal healing, I can swear I was completely healed. My dizziness had disappeared and I was able to take control of my life again. I haven't felt dizzy since the time I summoned Valefor and did the rituals for him.

Valefor will remain forever in my heart, as far as I know he could have even saved my life by healing me. When I will reach the Magnum Opus, I promise that for all eternity I will never forget my love for Valefor!


PS Sorry for my grammatical errors, my English is very poor. I hope I haven't said some unintentionally stupid things trying to write in English...
How true our HPHC.

I was helped many years back, it was very much my fault as Satan was telling me " do not phone that number " i could hear it many times thinking i will be okay just once. (how wrong was I)

Im just lucky for the Gods helping, and equally the members on here for getting me back on track.

Ten years now been on JOS, this was after doing Kundalini you think you are invincible as a SS. Im lucky as i said i managed to come back on the right path for my family mostly.

Thanks my man HPHC and the ones who helped, great post brother.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What do you say about an addiction to food? It's more difficult to draw the limit on this one because food is not something inherently toxic or forbidden that you can just say "I'll stay clear from this", because we need it. So where does the "enough" stop? How do you know if you can do without that additional portion?
This is especially confusing for someone struggling to lose weight because if you eat too little your body enters an emergency state and weight loss doesn't happen.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What do you say about an addiction to food? It's more difficult to draw the limit on this one because food is not something inherently toxic or forbidden that you can just say "I'll stay clear from this", because we need it. So where does the "enough" stop? How do you know if you can do without that additional portion?
This is especially confusing for someone struggling to lose weight because if you eat too little your body enters an emergency state and weight loss doesn't happen.
It comes down to distinguishing between hunger and an appetite. The first needs to be fulfilled, and the other needs to be controlled.
Awesome post. With Neptune as one of my chart rulers, I struggled with alcohol/drugs addiction for many years in my life. Even as a Satanist, despite my efforts, for many years I was unable to overcome it. I attempted to break free countless times, but it took several dozen attempts to ultimately break free from this. I would stay on track for months, only to relapse and fall back into the vicious cycle for months on end. The constant relapses and failures plunged me into a state of profound despair, and I almost took my own life on multiple occasions, even though I knew the consequences of such action would only perpetuate the suffering throughout multiple lifetimes. At a certain point, I began losing my grasp on reality.

I fully conquered this in what seems like a lifetime ago, but it was only two years back.

The Gods NEVER turn down a honest prayer out of the heart of the distressing man.

It brings me tears of joy just to read this. It is very true. I am so grateful for the consistent guidance I got from the Gods when I finally decided that I would free myself from that limitation no matter the cost and fully achieve my goals and dreams.

On that particular night, I disposed of everything I had related to that addiction and I never looked back. I kept one single joint, which I glance at from time to time, as a reminder of the excruciating anguish I endured. It serves as a constant reminder that I never want to revert to that state, and to recollect what I had triumphed over.

The way to overcome this, and also having known others who went through a similar self-recovery process, it really depends on the nature of each individual. For me, I focused on developing a great deal of self-discipline. I have done countless workings with the Nauthiz rune, many Saturn squares, and infused black onyx stones with these energies, which I carried with me at all times, even to this day, and I recharge them from time to time. Additionally, I engaged in various activities that help me cultivate discipline.

At the beginning I did a working with the Wunjo rune, which facilitated the healing process for my damaged mental and emotional state. Additionally, I performed a Munka working that was specifically focused on addressing negative karma associated with Neptune.

I have also done various planetary squares and munka workings targeting afflicted areas of my life.

Maintaining consistency with meditations, particularly through cleaning and yoga, also proved to be immensely helpful for me. Engaging in activities that encourage positive manifestations of Neptune also played a significant role in my recovery process.

During times when I experienced stress and insomnia, I found that drinking lavender tea helped induce a state of relaxation.

The most critical factor that enabled me to completely and permanently overcome addiction was becoming absolutely obsessed about it every single day, and having non-negotiable loyalty to my decision and persevering through every obstacle. The initial few months were undoubtedly the most challenging, but as I gained momentum and regained control of my life, the journey became easier.

If you are always too busy working on your self-growth and working on things bigger than you, you really don't have the time to think about these things, and after some point, they just don't even matter at all, it is just a thing of the past. And as you heal and grow stronger, you begin to grasp how far you've come.

Strengthening your connection with the Gods is of most importance not only for overcoming addiction but also for your growth in life in general. When I decided to overcome addiction, I started praying to the Gods every day, and I have continued to do so ever since. Communicating with them in some form has become an integral part of my daily routine. And in my limited ability to perceive their response, I know that they are always with me.

Never give up on your dreams, never allow yourself to be consumed by fate. There is a vast amount of tools you can use in order to overcome this and get a new beginning. You'll be surprised with how much you can accomplish once you overcome this.

As a last note, you absolutely need to get rid of "friends" who engage in this type of thing. Instead, seek out new companions who will elevate you towards greater achievements in life. Refrain from spending time with individuals who consistently squander their existence and bring you down with them. Surround yourself with positive role models. If you are unable to find any, come to the forum and develop friendships here. Everyone here encourages each other to progress, which is very empowering.
I consider with these problems that people must think on longterm. Many people are in a mindset where they expect instant results from any methods using to stop or remove their problems, and when there results do not come instantly or in an unrealistically short period of time, dissapointment occurs and they feel the solutions did not provide any help.

In the present case, many people have been doing drugs for years and years or even decades. Although not impossible, it is unlikely and unrealistic for any solution to heal someone's addictions completely in a matter of days or even weeks or something but by appying these solutions constantly and with the right mindset, one can be clear of drugs and alcohol in say a few months to a year or maybe a bit more depending on each individual case. Timewise, what is 6 months - 1-2 years of healing and active involvement into removing addiction when one has been into these for years and years? It also works the other way around, the less one has been into addictions, then certainly less time might be required to cure them.

People need to think on longterm regarding all their major issues and life goals likewise and accept that there is no quick fix for such major moves in someone's life. I think this mindset of expecting instant or quick results also comes from the modern lifestyle where everyone is on a rush and does not have time for anything.

A spiritual working definitely is a solution for curing addiction in the sense that it will push and stimulate someone to seek solutions physically and to clean the damage done on their soul, but a working should be regarded not as a quick fix that will remove an addiction by itself, but as a spiritual "medicine" that needs to be done irrespective of the time required until the problem is gone, granted physical action is taken as well, such as gradually reducing the consumption of drugs, or enganging in habits and activities that will demand the person to stop using drugs etc.

Of course what needs to be added to this is the willpower of the person doing the working because many people "doubt" the effectivity of spiritual workings. Thanks to the jewish infiltration in science most people don't understand how energy works and how it can help in materializing your goals if enough energy is generated and programmed. Doing spiritual workings is not a matter of "faith" or "trust" in the working itself but is a matter of focus, willpower and absolute involvement in actually fixing the issue, and not just doing a working and awaiting for the results to manifest, which can indeed be considered as "having faith" in the working, in the same way christians pray to the jewish thoughtform and then wait for prayers to manifest.

Do not "have faith" in your workings and wait for the results to come out of thin air, but do your workings with absolute determination that you ARE fixing the issue and in the same time seek solutions physically, whether is internet research, or speaking to professionals, or anything than can help you take action, irrespective of how long it takes.
I need help too I'm drug addicted, I'm failing I'm a alcoholic, need yr help HP hoodedCobra.

Lord Valefor is extraordinary : do His Power Ritual and contact Him respectfully by asking Father Satan first.
Lord Buer is also extraordinary.

I was a horrible smoker, since I was 15 years old, 40 cigarettes a day..
I stopped smoking thanks to these actions:

-Many Munka and spiritual cleansings /freeing the soul

-The help of Lords Valefor and Buer

-The reading of this VERY POWERFUL book: The easy way to stop smoking by Allen CARR, which does NOT rely on willpower!
(Links in my signature)
And it is because his method does not rely on willpower that it really works!
This author has done books on alcohol addiction, and another on drugs.

I gave my NON SS spouse the alcohol version, he was a horrible alcoholic and has been sober ever since !!

Read this book. Ask Lord Buer and Valefor. Take the time to clean and free your soul very deeply.

Your life will change!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I need help too I'm drug addicted, I'm failing I'm a alcoholic, need yr help HP hoodedCobra.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very good topic indeed HPHC.

I find this topic very good and even though I am not a drug addict, nor an alcoholic, still, for some of my relatives this came at the right time.

I saved one close relative in the Southern region of Italy who has been dealing with problems caused both by alcohol and hard illegal drugs.

If this topic wasn't given before she would have taken the dose of CBD, it would have been very hard again to reason with my relative.

Thankfully she is now recovering and, still, I need some advice from you what should I do next. Like what should I give my relative in terms of spiritual recovery?

Thanks in advance

Hail Satan

You are a wise man HPHC, and wisdom found its place in a very active and happy priest :)
Aside from what everyone else has said already, please, please seek professional help. The human body can take a lot of abuse and adapt to many things that are harmful to it, stopping abruptly, depending on the substance or quantity of consumption, can be extremely dangerous and even fatal.

Because of the changes that happen in the body and mainly in the brain, due to substance abuse, suddenly quitting can cause seizures, heart arythmia and other dangerous conditions.

This is true for alcohol and very hard drugs. A professional can assist you and tell you exactly what to do, even prescribe you substitutes to lower your dose gradually and get you clean.

I would definitely caution against doing this yourself. Depending on what you took and how much, quitting cold turkey is extremely dangerous. Please seek professional help.
SeguaceDiSatana said:
PS Sorry for my grammatical errors, my English is very poor. I hope I haven't said some unintentionally stupid things trying to write in English...

You're english is very good, don't worry :)
Engineered Trasformation said:
I can add, if possible, just detach from the places, situations and people that remind your addictions.
Fresh and new environments, new people around you, may help to see yourself under a different light, and help to create good environment for meditation and advancement.
Also, when a person is in a state of weakness, may attract other people projections onto himself. Just, move to a place where people do not see you as you are now - they won't "project" or constantly remember your addictions, while you will be struggling to overcome them.
Powerofjustice said:
Aside from what everyone else has said already, please, please seek professional help. The human body can take a lot of abuse and adapt to many things that are harmful to it, stopping abruptly, depending on the substance or quantity of consumption, can be extremely dangerous and even fatal.

Because of the changes that happen in the body and mainly in the brain, due to substance abuse, suddenly quitting can cause seizures, heart arythmia and other dangerous conditions.

This is true for alcohol and very hard drugs. A professional can assist you and tell you exactly what to do, even prescribe you substitutes to lower your dose gradually and get you clean.

I would definitely caution against doing this yourself. Depending on what you took and how much, quitting cold turkey is extremely dangerous. Please seek professional help.

Absolutely crucial advice by both our brothers here, must be taken very seriously.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
What do you say about an addiction to food? It's more difficult to draw the limit on this one because food is not something inherently toxic or forbidden that you can just say "I'll stay clear from this", because we need it. So where does the "enough" stop? How do you know if you can do without that additional portion?
This is especially confusing for someone struggling to lose weight because if you eat too little your body enters an emergency state and weight loss doesn't happen.

This can be emotional, even psychological from infancy not getting enough nourishment, or even famine in past lives. Try qigong, it cured my sweet tooth years ago. Look up Lee Holden on youtube, he has videos for free :)
EnkiUK56 said:
How true our HPHC.

I was helped many years back, it was very much my fault as Satan was telling me " do not phone that number " i could hear it many times thinking i will be okay just once. (how wrong was I)

Im just lucky for the Gods helping, and equally the members on here for getting me back on track.

Ten years now been on JOS, this was after doing Kundalini you think you are invincible as a SS. Im lucky as i said i managed to come back on the right path for my family mostly.

Thanks my man HPHC and the ones who helped, great post brother.

And now you see the light on the other side. May the Gods keep you on the right track. Congratulations on your success. As it turned out you didn't need that number, you had better numbers to call and that was better.

SeguaceDiSatana said:
HP, you are GREAT, and I feel full of truth in telling you this!
I would like to say that, in my opinion, these types of posts will definitely help a lot of people. Because it is very important to support each other as a community.

I can confirm that the Valefor's power ritual you gave to this community is REALLY useful, this is my experience: some time ago I had frequent dizziness (I really had a lot of it during the day and it scared me a lot). I had this dizziness regardless of the activity I was doing, and, because of this, I couldn't live a normal life. I was locked up at home for a while because I was afraid that dizziness would be fatal if I went out and I didn't even want to worry anyone.

I went to Valefor performing the ritual for him, then I summoned him and, in prayer, I asked him to help me because I was so scared. After a very few days of performing the Valefor ritual as a way of thanking the God and as a method of personal healing, I can swear I was completely healed. My dizziness had disappeared and I was able to take control of my life again. I haven't felt dizzy since the time I summoned Valefor and did the rituals for him.

Valefor will remain forever in my heart, as far as I know he could have even saved my life by healing me. When I will reach the Magnum Opus, I promise that for all eternity I will never forget my love for Valefor!


Thank you Seguace, I appreciate your words. Yes, I know what I am doing with these. I am very glad this forged a relationship between you and lord Valefor.

We are here for support. In my honest opinion you should go get checked also just in case, some blood tests or what have you, to check everything is 100% fine, as dizziness can be tricky in some cases.
In regards to the food addiction, one more thing besides cutting the junk food and doing exercise: Mind the sugar! It is way more damaging as people think. Sugar is good for neurons, but in excess it is almost as bad as alcohol. As a meme said: Don't blame the steak for what sugar did. Be mindful of this.

As for addictions in general, the first week of any change is the hardest and after that it becomes almost reflex so take heart and you will enjoy the results ;)
I have something to admit I'm extremely ashamed of myself I've been heavily addicted to cannibas since I was 16 I finally got the will to quit in November of 2022 i relapsed in March I take 3 prescriptions for anxiety i promised father satan i was done with cannabis and I felt very serious about staying sober and one day I went on a walk and found a joint on the ground and just like that with out even thinking about it I picked it up ive felt so stupid ever since and confused as to why, I'm tired of taking drugs prescription and cannabis, I need to break free from this
I'll definitely try to use these techniques to quit thank you for this sermon
HP. Hoodedcobra666

In my case when I was in my early 20's, I did exactly what your friend did and I put on a lot of weight because I had emotional problems and in my case I was shameless and did not even hide it: on one occasion an acquaintance told me that I had put on a lot of weight and lost my physique and I answered him without hesitation "what the fuck does it matter, if I don´t have to likes to nobody anymore".

Sometimes these problems can take a long time to heal.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EnkiUK56 said:
How true our HPHC.

I was helped many years back, it was very much my fault as Satan was telling me " do not phone that number " i could hear it many times thinking i will be okay just once. (how wrong was I)

Im just lucky for the Gods helping, and equally the members on here for getting me back on track.

Ten years now been on JOS, this was after doing Kundalini you think you are invincible as a SS. Im lucky as i said i managed to come back on the right path for my family mostly.

Thanks my man HPHC and the ones who helped, great post brother.

And now you see the light on the other side. May the Gods keep you on the right track. Congratulations on your success. As it turned out you didn't need that number, you had better numbers to call and that was better.

SeguaceDiSatana said:
HP, you are GREAT, and I feel full of truth in telling you this!
I would like to say that, in my opinion, these types of posts will definitely help a lot of people. Because it is very important to support each other as a community.

I can confirm that the Valefor's power ritual you gave to this community is REALLY useful, this is my experience: some time ago I had frequent dizziness (I really had a lot of it during the day and it scared me a lot). I had this dizziness regardless of the activity I was doing, and, because of this, I couldn't live a normal life. I was locked up at home for a while because I was afraid that dizziness would be fatal if I went out and I didn't even want to worry anyone.

I went to Valefor performing the ritual for him, then I summoned him and, in prayer, I asked him to help me because I was so scared. After a very few days of performing the Valefor ritual as a way of thanking the God and as a method of personal healing, I can swear I was completely healed. My dizziness had disappeared and I was able to take control of my life again. I haven't felt dizzy since the time I summoned Valefor and did the rituals for him.

Valefor will remain forever in my heart, as far as I know he could have even saved my life by healing me. When I will reach the Magnum Opus, I promise that for all eternity I will never forget my love for Valefor!


Thank you Seguace, I appreciate your words. Yes, I know what I am doing with these. I am very glad this forged a relationship between you and lord Valefor.

We are here for support. In my honest opinion you should go get checked also just in case, some blood tests or what have you, to check everything is 100% fine, as dizziness can be tricky in some cases.

Thank you for that HPHC means a lot my bro.

I have a problem with food. I definitely don't eat enough and month by month, I weigh less and less. Eating doesn't give me as much pleasure as it used to and I feel like nothing tastes good to me.
Indeed I'm a nutritionist coach and I'm studying to be a personal trainer and cobra pretty much hit the nail on the head please do not turn to diets like the keto diet these are very unhealthy and unnatural forcing your body to burn the fat reserves can be toxic it's much better to eat less the best way I have gotten people to turn their weight around is to.

1. Eat 5 different vegetables and 2 different fruits every day and a small portion of meat do not cut out cards like bread and cereals as they are good fibre is good for brain function.

2. Exercise especially jogging why jogging because it's all you no machine to make it easier no water to make you lighter your legs must carry you if you can't jog then walk and do it for about 5km you can do this on a tread mill or on a nice flat surface go for parks as many street side walks unfortunately are very poorly maintained so you will want a nice park foot path where they are better maintained.

3. Go to your doctor and make sure you are cleared for exercise as you may have developed a chronic condition such as diabetes which means you could put yourself at risk of heart attack so make sure you don't push yourself to far you can conduct tests on yourself like the queens college step test to make sure it's okay for you to do all kinds of work out and test your blood pressure regularly.

4. Start off with low impact training and scale yourself up low impact training is jogging swimming weight lifting.
High impact training is gymnastics Running cross fit that kind of thing.

5. Really try to get family support or a friend if you can't afford a PT to hold you accountable to your routine get them to ask you if you have done your days in the gym and get them to scould you for failing to do so and get them to give you a pat on the back when you do the right thing.

6. You can also do something that the normies call CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy where you affirm that you like the gym or the exercise and that this is a good thing and everytime you drink or eat something bad you say that this is disgusting or a bad habit stop doing it this will program your brain to not do this anymore we here in the know call this process Affirmations through meditations or rather ingraining upon the soul just as we can reverse our curses and bring ourselves wealth we can apply this to many things.

But yeah I'm currently training to heavier individuals for the past 2 months one of them was 156kg now down 149kg and the other was 106kg now down to 100kg it's a slow painful process and you will regress a little here and there but don't give up and get back up and get into it, I ring them if they aren't 5 mins early to their session with me asking them where they are and why they aren't down there and how many times are you going to keep letting yourself down like this like you promised me and yourself you weren't going to do this anymore get up and don't waste my time again you know like they come in to my sessions bro I'll go round their and knock on their door if I have to I hate people who waste my time and let me down.

They might not like it at first but when they see themselves and their own rib cage again they soon start thanking me when people can reach around them to give them a proper hug because their big fat guts aren't in the way they thank me then when they start to build muscle and they start to flex and look good they thank me for it like Alex the 149kg guy we hug it up and cry sometimes young dude only 23 bullied all of school it's a big journey he is on right now he is doing really well.
I wouldn't have much to add since HPHC has given a fairly complete answer, but I can tell you about some parts of my experience.

Drugs were part of my life and part of me, alcohol I didn't use that much also because I mainly liked hard liquor because it gave me an instant effect like drugs.

Alcohol I used very little because every time I ended up really sick, aches, headaches, vomiting and other strange feelings and tastes.

The main problem was marijuana or smoking, those made me feel "good" and took me into a world of illusions where I had a different perception of the world.

I always had an attitude of looking for something different, while the old "friendships" were just mainstream, sour and spoiled.

Because of my attitude I became interested in esoteric topics, and fortunately or found JoS as the first site for information.

Otherwise I would have joined something like judaism, although from an early age I hated jews for no apparent reason, and I was also the one targeted most by deeply sour people or gypsies. Here I see a patern.

I then began to read and then later to practice some meditation.

For a period I would maintain a routine and for another period of a few months I would drift off and do nothing, only to return punctually.

Until one day I went all the way and decided to devote myself (I was already participating in rituals but lacked this seriousness intake).

My life from here took another (better) turn, until one day I came across a post here on the forum that explained that pot and other substances are harmful and prevent any spiritual progress.

Maybe it was that:

Here I was faced with a difficult (traumatic) choice, which was to stop drugs.

I analyzed the two paths in front of me, and I saw that with pot I would never move forward, while with Satanism taken seriously I would achieve something.

So I started a period where I didn't smoke anymore (with alcohol I didn't have who knows how many problems, since it was just the nasty substitute when I couldn't smoke), then I went out with "friends" and I was in disappointment as to why I didn't smoke, how could I not smoke? It was part of me.

I went home after that mistake and decided not to go out again.

Here we can see the important step number 2, which is to eliminate contact with other toxic people.

Time goes by and within 1-2 weeks I felt different, lighter and purified.

Time goes on and I eliminated it and kept it out of my life for 2 years.

The more time passed, the more satisfied I was that I didn't fall into it again, sometimes I even had dreams where I fell into it and thought I had succumbed, but then I woke up and found I was still standing.

Contact with the Gods was crucial during that time is still crucial today.

I have made spirituality and progress my drug, and it makes me happy fulfilled and edifies me.

Of course, I found that the body needs certain urges, such as being in contact with nature or interacting with someone.

Total isolation is not healthy, you just need to eliminate toxic people and toxic habits and replace them.

Essentially it is a path where you make a decision and carry it out.

Celebrate small milestones and cultivate a sense of control and self-confidence as well.

Set yourself goals and reach them step by step.

You'll get to a level where you won't care about alcohol, because you'll be engaged in nobler and higher practices, and you'll be at a level where you can't relapse again.

Now I will add a second experience, namely the use of substances such as marijuana and smoking as SS.

I will start by saying that I was in a confused period with an unstable mindset, there were periods when I did not see the light of the Sun for days.

What I was also doing was clinging to past illusions of happiness and leisure, until one day I fell back into weed.

The "friendships" were no longer what I remembered and perhaps never had been, these people had only gotten worse and more plastic, this also in contrast to my progress.

Weed and smoking appealed to me to bring me back to a sense of lightness.

But this lightness was not that of meditation, but it was as if you were missing a part of your body or soul.

At the end of the day I would feel sick and it would make me go back with the progress.

When I was in this state my mind was foggy and I felt like meditating or doing something to advance, it was literally the highest thing I could aspire to, my hidden Sun.

The next day I felt hurt and felt my mind was inhibited, so I did the Valefor ritual to heal, and it had fantastic results.

I returned to feeling full and no longer feeling the painful chakras that bring you down (mainly 2nd and 3rd).

I had more relapses, periodically every 2-3 months, until I gave it up for good.

It was at night and I had just smoked, no illusory benefit, just inhibited mind and a bad smell.

After eating a larger amount of food, I found myself in bed with a strong piercing pain eating me from within (especially at the 3rd chakra), I could not breathe normally, I had to take small, calculated breaths to avoid feeling pain.

The feeling was very similar to when you are drunk and you have to vomit.

Everything sucked, and I decided to give up that poison for good.

I got up again, again thanks to rituals of the Gods, especially Valefor's ritual for healing, and I intensified or made more serious progress after the first JoS pdf came out.

Now I am in a much more optimal situation.

In my opinion the more advanced and sensitive you are the more you feel and suffer from these poisons.

Even if you are not sensitive and don't feel it, you are suffering deep damage.

From my experience there is much to learn.

Eliminate negative karmic seeds, completely cut off conscious and unconscious connections and influences with junkies, delinquents and damaged souls in general.

Always do aura cleansing and aura protection.

Keep your energies high with Yoga and chakra rotation.

And don't give in to low-level impulses driven by your lower self and remaining delusions (an example might be porn or drugs).

Or pay the consequences; the laws of the universe will show no mercy.

And never give up on life, you have the ability to overcome it.

If you persist and strike like a battering ram, sooner or later you will win.

You also see this in spiritual warfare, no matter how much resistance the enemy has, sooner or later he will fall.

You have to develop your own characteristics of "menos" and remain steadfast and convinced in your mission.

For liberation try the Munka mantra or a combination of Ansuz and Sowilo or even Uruz, for a Sun number, such as 36, 74, 100, 111, 130, 216, etc.

For cleansing use the mantra Surya, Vissudi or Raum (also good for purification qualities), for a Sun number.

Also for cleansing you can use Lydia's technique which is very effective.

Use the Ritual of Valefor for healing and also use the other rituals of the Gods for edification.

Yoga is also very pleasant and uplifting.

Get your ideas in order and organized, also keep in mind the "karmic chain" one event can activate another (e.g., porn causes you to be depressed, depression causes you to do drugs, and drugs causes you to use porn).

Negative karmic chains need to be eliminated.

This post I did a while back may come in handy:

I hope my experiences and advice can help you and anyone else who has these or similar problems.

I would especially like to thank Valefor, Gods and my partner for supporting me and standing by me during these times, and also Joy of Satan for the knowledge provided.

For anyone who has similar problems and is willing to solve them, the Gods and the Joy of Satan community are always available to help and support.
This is all such wonderful advice! Thank you Hp for addressing this situation. There are many different kinds of addiction.

There's addiction to video games or other escaping activities like TV, Social media. Caffeine, excessive comfort. Even sex can become an addiction and become a problem if the person doesn't have self control.

And I'd like to address one that I've struggled with in my past. Due to episodes of depression in my youth from various life factors, I used to oversleep, as in sleeping all day just to not have to deal with certain people or responsibilities. I didn't even realize that I was doing this. I just wanted to be left alone. But it's also an escape from one's struggles and it also can become an addiction.

Soon I found that any time I was sad or having a hard time, I'd fuck off my responsibilities by laying down to take a "nap" and sleep like 8 hours or so.. then I'd feel super guilty because I missed out on doing things I needed to do. It took me a while to actually train myself to not do this. And I was able to overcome it. But it took willpower as you've stated. I recognized it was a very bad habit that I had developed due to sleeping being easier than trying to examine what was wrong and find out how to fix it. Then I realized that's how you develop depression and laziness. Inactivity is bad in many ways and causes Imbalances.

Really just about anything enjoyable done in excess can become an addiction. Once we beat the addiction we must attack the root of the issue and discover why we developed this in the first place. In some cases it's a way to escape painful situations, trauma, responsibility. Once we know why we were escaping or what from, we must face it and make sure to be prepared to develop better habits and not fall back Into the hole.
My High Priest always hit's the nail nail right on the head..
Los locos kick your ass, los locos kick your face & los locos going to kick your reptillian hook nosed long ear worthless worms balls back into outer space!! Scum of the Earth.

Heil Hitler!
Hail Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you.

My mother is a heavy smoker and addicted to tranquilizers.
I'm rearranging a bit this confirmation for my Mother.
But he wants to quit, so I hope this will help him.
You would think that being addicted to food is just as bad as alcohol and drugs? Actually being addicted to food kind of goes back into your childhood with some people who went without? And was lucky to get a meal a day if they could? And I know what it's like being that poor! Where you're lucky to get anything throughout the day whether to be lunch at school or whatever you can put together at home? I ate oatmeal for weeks is a little kid well my mother went out and worked! And sometimes a neighbor would come over and check in on me and my brother! And once in a while take is shopping for some things to cook for dinner making it easier for my mom! Back when she used to go to school and work! I walked to school winter rain and shine love it or hate it I had to learn to get used to it and I had to let myself in after school! Fix myself a snack and sit down and do my homework and take care of my brother and make sure that he got food and make sure that he got his homework done! And I remember every time we went grocery shopping we would load load load the card! With whatever we could every time we went grocery shopping! And I know the groceries didn't last very long because we were both hungry kids and we were starving all the time and we were at that growing age! And so I know what it's like to starve and I know what it's like to be addicted to food! And when my mother finish with school and was able to get a better job! It was good news to me and my brother in fact the whole family! Just to be able to go into a restaurant once in awhile and dress nice! And to be able to sit down to a nice dinner and to be able to go into the kitchen and help cook and learn something! And that is where I learned the idea about cooking food! I used to love to watch The Gabby Gourmet shows! And being able to go in and help my grandma in the kitchen afterwards showing her things that I could do with food! Not to mention the fact I used to hoard food! I would have food in my bedroom hiding sandwiches! Hiding a bottle of peanut butter under my bed and cookies! And every time I went trick or treating I would hide the trick or treat bag in my closet so that I knew where it was and could find it and it didn't matter how much food we had in the kitchen or in the refrigerator I had to make sure that I got my stash as well! And it was not cool I was one of those kids that would go for the Oreo cookies and sit down and eat almost a whole bag in one sitting! Another thing that I was addicted to was salty potato chips and coca-cola! Lucky for me I didn't put on any weight I'll throw out my teen years! And it didn't matter how much I ate I could literally eat like Michael phelps! And didn't even gain an ounce and it was probably because I was busy going to my classes plus I was in gymnastics and dance as well another reason why I use the energy instead of getting the weight! And I still ate like Michael Phelps clear up until I graduated from high school and there were all kinds of yummy goodies and treats that I was buying repeatedly! Just because we could and it didn't matter if we were on a budget! And it didn't matter how much money I made whether I earned it or not I would take the money and spend it on bubble gum soda pop Doritos and all kinds of crap food! And needless to say it was not a good habit for me and by the time I hit my mid-20s I started to put on the pounds! And it was not cool and I have been battling weight problems ever since! And it was my fault and it was my bad because I always went for The Trashies and the nastiest junk food! Money could buy just simply because I wanted to eat! And I am somebody who loves to eat! And I'm somebody who loves to cook! And trust me if you were to come and visit me and see my kitchen! You would see that the refrigerator is loaded! And every cupboard in my kitchen is loaded! With food and shit that is supposed to last me weeks! I'm surprised I can get through half of that without throwing it in the garbage can and how wasteful it is for some people to spend money they don't have just to get food! I use the food I buy for dinners and for special occasions! But still when people come to visit with me they shake their head and question me wondering if I could eat all of that? Back is a teenager I probably would have said yes no problem! But now I'm an older woman and I am pretty aware of what I want to eat! And what is better for you and what is an! And yes I do have my junk food cabinet full with Oreo cookies potato chips and all of that too! But in the same sense I also know that that's not good! Either! But at least I know that I've got choices and I know that there's better choices in life besides eating food! And it is almost like being addicted to drugs! Sometimes you have to train your mind and body and learn to listen to it! What really sounds good to you? And what really don't? What does your body really need laugh out loud your body would normally tell you what is craving! Naturally! But a lot of people make a habit after getting out of work they go to McDonald's and then I wonder why they don't feel good or later on and what it does to a man's sex drive when he's married! And goes out and buys hamburgers and french fries and loses his appetite and his one and need for sex! Well it also happens to women just the same! When they eat junk food! And junk food seems to be the weakness of any teenager or anybody out there who loves to eat food and spend money on crap! You can clue me in because I was one of those idiot people! I used to weigh close to 200 lb! And I literally kicked the shit out of myself trying to slim down! I have tried everything from the golo diet to the keto diet! The South Seas diet! None of that shit never really does help and I've tried it and I didn't even notice anything much except for the fact that I was hungry constantly and all the time! And then I started taking Bikram yoga classes and that was what gave me to start to listen to my body and wake up my mind when it comes to food and eating right! It's something that you discover within yourself! When you really want to try because I know people get tired of buying extra large clothes and extra extra this and bigger sizes instead of buying the cuter clothes when you know very well that you can do it and it's within you! And the way we are wired we know that we unlock those instincts when it comes to survival whether to be food or weight loss! I like the idea of taking yoga classes and I like the idea of teasing myself with the smell of food every time I get out of the yoga studio! Driving around for a bit teasing myself with the smell of food and then finally I go home and pull out a bag of salad and make us a simple size salad no more bigger than your fist! With the little bit of fruit and a side serving of vegetables measuring out the amount of food counting the calories! I managed to do it and I have dropped down to 136 lb! And I know it gets harder and harder the older you get especially if you're a female! I quit a lot of bad habits throughout the years! Methamphetamines I was on that for about a year back when I was in high school and I was lucky I was able to get off of it and walk away and fortunately I was on cigarettes and I smoke cigarettes for about 3 years after I got off the drugs and I had to quit coffee at the same time as cigarettes and it was not fun and I remember the withdrawal and arguing and yelling at people was not cool and I almost got fired from a nice job in the process! And needless to say being on the golo diet anything that has to do with pills I don't like it! And anything that is not normal or natural I disagree with especially if it's going to put chemicals in your body and make things worse! I don't like a lot of these fad diets! They may help some people but they don't help everyone! I had to learn to help myself get off the drugs and I had to help myself get off the cigarettes! And I had to learn to listen to my body and I had to learn to step down from the food that I like and walk away from it and learn to make better choices of food and I had to learn how to follow healthier recipes! Recipes that I still use this very day! Keeping me Slim and trim! Last year I wrote something about getting back in shape! When it comes down to energy and getting back in the shape yes! Well here I am and I've lost 75 lb! And now I have got my energy back plus going back to my yoga studio! Getting back into the groove of things I was able to put on cuter clothes! Not to mention the fact to a Ford the clothes and to have the money instead of blowing it on food now I can spend money on things that are more sensible! Not to mention the fact I'm getting my energy back! Especially in my old age! It is nice to be able to get up and dance and party and rock and roll like you're young again and to still have the moves that I used to back as a teenager! And I'm a 51 year old woman and I know what it's like dealing with weight problems and being addicted to food and my weakness out of all food was junk food! Potato chips Pizza McDonald's hamburgers Taco bell! You name it and if I can buy it I knew that I can buy the ingredients and stuff at the store and go home and make my own crap! And now I spend my money on things that are healthier! Learning to enjoy food and eating at the proper way! And trust me it's still food but then again you learn how to eat it and you learn to measure it out! By looking at your body your weight and your height you can pretty much tell what kind of a diet you need just by looking at yourself! And being an average person like myself three small meals a day is sufficient! I have to admit I still like to sneak in a Coca-Cola once in a while or have a Twinkie or something! Other than that! I'm doing very well in the name of Satan and I'm still going to keep going! And I know that you can overcome the food addiction! I know I did and I know you can do it as well! However quitting the junk food was a lot easier than quitting the cigarettes! But if I can do it you can do it! :D And you will be a lot happier and you will truly find out what real Freedom really is! We have Satan and we have his Gods right here on our side and they will help you with anything that you need help with!
I have a question...I noticed in your thread about addiction and alcohol you mentioned something to the effect of using to where it interferes with relationships, work, and other things, as opposed to someone who socially uses it. I ask because I had a drug addiction when I was in my 20's. I'm 38 now and do use but after not using for some years I definitely matured so now I use and it doesn't affect anything it use to but it does cause my emotions to be what I'd call unstable others may see it as too sensitive or you touchy. I prefer to do a lot of meditation late night so when I'm up I get Alot done. Anyhow I still agree with your post that's why I would like to know what I can or should do to transition over to substance free yet able to he up and energized more late night so I can be productive when meditating or speaking to my GD or Father Satan. Please let me know, it's greatly appreciated 🖤💖
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thanks for the advice on mentality. I'm not overweight but I'm trying to lose fat and build more muscle. I am exercising but not eating is difficult for me, I will try my best with what you said.
Something important in regard to obesity and food addiction, that doesn't so much apply to drinking or drugs, is that it often coincides with social anxiety, lack of social networks and hatred of being around others or being outside. If it wasn't there to begin with, as one puts on weight, this becomes entrenched because of the negative attitudes one constantly can encounter from others, not wanting to be seen with bothers, self hatred and so on often fuelled by karma itself. Boredom takes hold as one becomes isolated and one just wants to eat to enjoy oneself and activate pleasure networks.

I notice this time and time again with obese people. Anxiety is very common among them. Fat people are also TIRED all of the time from breathing issues, anxiety and disordered sleep patterns.

Yes, there are a few obese people who are always out partying and pro-social and blah blah, but this is the exception, not the rule. Some people take on 'fat positive' attitudes to their detriment to deal with this, saying 'fuck it I can be 400lb in public forever, ~healthy at any size~' which is just delusional and extremely dangerous.

I really recommend ANY obese person do the MUNKA working for negative karma, plus the Returning Curses and SATANAS to raise energies. These may fix a lot of the food issues by themselves, but you have to start being in public and exercising.

Sometimes fat people have parasocial and symbiotic dangerous relationships with others. Mothers, even if loving, can overfeed their children to dangerous levels, especially if the Moon is conjoined to Pluto or Jupiter in one's Chart. But this can be the father (via the Sun/Saturn conjoined to those), a partner (via Mars/Sun, Venus/Moon) or anyone.

Another thing is portion control, which unfortunately is not very encouraged by any food vendor in the West right now, and families, friends and lovers can also interfere here. If you are obese, you are in a critical place. It is not a crime to eat less of something (even if it is something rather unhealthy, it is better to eat less than more) and put the rest in the trash.

If one is fed by others or full of guilt over 'muh African children, non-green overconsumption and homeless' one is often conditioned to not want to do this. But calories don't lie and neither does the scale. If YOU want to eat 200 calories of a cheeseburger instead of 400, just trash half of it discreetly. Screw what anyone else says.

I recommend any obese person keep a food diary and put down HARD evidence of calorie intake every day, without fail. Any fat person has blind spots. Rectifying your mind requires TESTING it in accordance with hard reality.

Another thing you can do (I do not recommend trashing food in this case) is cleansing the energy of your food. This is a given with produce grown in pissrael or who knows what created in China (I recommend avoiding food made in China in general as per what HPS Maxine warned), but negative energies can also come to you through what you eat, via its slaughter methods, pesticides, where it is grown and the energies there, how it is picked from the ground, etc.

Lastly, avoid diet-drinks. These are almost worse than sugar. They will keep you at the same weight, the same as full Coca Cola does.
The Cobra has outlined well. Physical exercise and power meditation.
In Ayurvedic healing , there's an understanding that at the core of our individual sheaths ,is a Perfect Essence,a Supreme Soul ,called Atma. It's Unchanging, indestructible Essence and is the support of our individual sheaths. The more our Awareness is tuned out of Atma ,the more our individual sheaths suffer,the more out of sorts we feel. Like we are lucking,the more the desire ,which can be described as a search for contentment. This Atma can be imagined as Eternal Light. An Eternal Flame. Classic meditation and yoga has always been about being still and withdrawing Awareness from the senses into the Eternal Light within. The more you contemplate on Atma ,the better your individual sheaths become ,you evolve. All things done before like striving for moral conduct,Dharmic Scripture reading, invoking the energy of the Gods, that's mantra recitation, yogic Asanas which are postures, physical exercise of the body is also under this. In the East,in the Traditional sense most Martial Artists are also considered as sages. They call them Lohan in China , meaning holy men. It's got to do with the Atma,the intensity of it , and therefore the Martial art forms or katas practiced are about strengthening the physical body and nervous system to handle the Atma. We can even put working out in a gym , jogging,weight lifting , aerobics and so on.
All this is done in a Yogic sense,so that one can then Be Still and withdraw Awareness into their own Atma. Being still actually requires some physical strength and strong nerves. With the spine upright preferably sitted. It's simple the more you tune into and feel your Atma,the better your individual sheaths become,the more contentment you feel. Atma is the fullness of everything. This evolves the soul body ,your true being,the more your soul body evolves ,the more of the Atma you will feel,the less you will seek sensory pleasures.
Depression is the soul body complaining that it's being neglected, that's what it is. That's why even physical exercise on it's own without meditation is not enough.
This is because people limit their identity to their physical body and mental ego. A mental ego which has been programed to identify with the physical body , ignoring the soul. Some scienctists even think that it's the physical brain that produces the mind and so on. When it's the brain that's the tool of the mind.
The Existence one feels is not coming from the physical body and mental ego. Its from Atma and it is Eternal. Deep sleep proves this, were physical and mental activity is suspended and with it creation also. But the feeling of Existence never ever goes, there's a Bliss in deep sleep,as Awareness is just resting on the brink of the Atma,they are no worries,no 'you' or 'I', and so on creation disappears.
So as long as one thinks they are the physical body and limit themselves to it. They will remain for ever externalised while awake, keeping their Awareness away from the hidden gem within ,the Atman. Making them less and less content, and seek contentment in the senses as they just identify with the mental ego and physical body. Which makes the situation worse. The Atma and the soul body being ignored.
The Bhagavad Gita says "the senses are a source of pain, the wise don't rejoice in them.."
In Chapter 2 :66
"There is no knowledge of the Self (Atma) to the unsteady,and to the unsteady no meditation is possible;and to the un-meditative there can be no peace;and to the man who has no peace,how there be happiness?."

From the begger to the president or king everyone is seeking contentment ,and this can only be in the Self (Atma). So everyone from the begger to the king must realize the Self (Atma) by the self.
When it comes to any addiction, including food addiction, what I recommend is to use self-hypnosis to find the cause. This practice is the most likely one to show you the real cause that is causing you to overeat, or indulging in whatever other addiction. Once you know the cause, you can heal from this addiction and anything else which is just a symptom of a deeper problem. Yes, the addiction is ruining your life but simply trying to address the addiction on its own will most likely fail or have it replaced with another addiction.

For more information on self-hypnosis, go here: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Self_Hypnosis.html
AND here: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Hypnosis.html

Once you reached to most appropriate depth of trance, you can begin by focusing on your subconscious and asking it questions. Professional hypnotherapists use a 7-question system to identify which technique is most appropriate to deal with the issue at hand. In many cases, regression is very helpful and will lead you to where the problem originated so you become aware of the cause and then you can address it.

In the links provided above, the instructions for "past life regression" apply to reliving any moment of your life. When you specifically set the intention to go to whatever memory you are trying to access, your subconscious mind will take you there when you cross the door.

I will write more in-depth about this once my research is completed. This research was inspired by Powerofjustice's article "Self-Concept: Blueprint of Our Lives".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What do you say about an addiction to food? It's more difficult to draw the limit on this one because food is not something inherently toxic or forbidden that you can just say "I'll stay clear from this", because we need it. So where does the "enough" stop? How do you know if you can do without that additional portion?
This is especially confusing for someone struggling to lose weight because if you eat too little your body enters an emergency state and weight loss doesn't happen.

Actually, excessive food intake can also act in many cases like a drug addiction. We should only look in many cases in the West now, and food has indeed become a drug in itself.

People have been known to beat others senseless for food that they don't need [over a MacDonalds meal] and numerous other things happen because of this, not dissimilar to drugs. An addictive situation around food can arise and cause the same outcomes as other addictions, including overspending, overeating, problems in relationships, or what have you.

Food consumption past a certain degree causes similar effects to getting actual drugs, and that is scientifically documented.

I'll be frank here. How do we control appetite? You fucking shut that fridge down and don't get close to it and don't fucking over-eat.

But as we all know that doesn't work and it's crap advice so I have some actual constructive advice below.

There are tricks. You can eat certain foods that will dampen your appetite, like apples, or find other appetite cutters.

Still, these "appetite cutters" will not necessarily make your weight drop lower, as many bodies will go into an energy conversion mode that indeed anything you throw into them, they will literally attempt to save it as fat. And many bodies are resillient in this craft and not easy to change their course.

Therefore I have some simple advice: Stay away from temptation and away from the fridge if you can, and away from the kitchen counter, and when you experience these overwhelming needs to eat, try to sit them down until they pass, or sidetrack your body by putting you attention elsewhere. We aren't talking about starvation here, we are talking about "oops I just ate 3 chocolate bars now because of my appetite".

Food clearly produces a lot of pleasure and it also activates your parasympathetic nervous system when you eat it. A friend trainer I have explained this to me months ago and therefore this answered a lot of things for me. Trainers and others know, including psychologists, that's the basis of emotional over-eating. One wants to activate the parasympathetic nervous system for relief out of stress. One essentially eats out of a need to do stress relief, out of boredom, or out of wanting to taste things, or other reasons, but stress is central.

I had a friend who became obese after he experienced rejection by a girl years ago. Out of depression, he was trying to manage the feeling of depression and banish it temporarily by food consumption. That should not be taken lightly as it's a real addiction, same as anorexia.

Indeed the key here is to get your diet written down, see what you truly need, and instate in your life a steady diet. But I will be honest, I have never seen a person with extra weight just fixing everything just because they did a diet, especially if they never exercised before.

Excuses are always found by people who just get a diet going, because inherently there can be a lack of willpower. I am nobody to tell you that you can't succeed but I am explaining a rule here, that I have found to be overwhelming.

Now that can be difficult to follow in more than one areas, including preparation yet most people lose this train where self control is maintained. If you have like 99% self control, you can cheat a little bit on diets, but your appetite has to be controlled.

Yet here is the point, without having other habits, to just put someone who is up there in his weight, suddenly on a diet, can be very difficult for them. It can also feel to them like impossible to do on their own. That's why I always have the same recommendation of these subjects...

That's why I give everyone a higher tier of advice, which is to exercise. Why do I tell this to everyone as if I am a lunatic? That's because automatically, exercise hits you on more than one areas:

1. It unavoidably causes you to moderate your diet, or to eat more to do it.
2. You cannot avoid the fact that you have to apply willpower to exercise, and this willpower being trained, can be applied elsewhere in your life.
3. As you see results from exercise over time, you will start feeling guilt and start recognizing what is good for you, and you will want to inherently avoid doing bad dietary choices and so on, out of respect for what you are doing.
4. If you relapse and let's say you fuck up one day an you start eating a lot, you can still decide to rock your training the next day and burn it. You can clear out your mistakes.
5. The overall stress reduction, and the mentality of exercising, will make you naturally in less need of drugs or overeating.
6. Exercise can help you socialize a bit with other people [if you train with them] and this socialization can help banish depression.
7. It will build you self confidence whether you accept this or not based on your physical improvements.

You don't need to become a gym freak for this, just casually exercise and add this to your routine. Even very long walks will do.

Adding meditation to this combination and maintaining this for 2 years, you will come to the forums and thank me for it, or basically thank yourself for the application of this, you will see.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I need help too I'm drug addicted, I'm failing I'm a alcoholic, need yr help HP hoodedCobra.

Greetings my fellow brother in the Gods,

Now, that situation you are finding yourself into, you must understand, you are not the only one into it. Many Spiritual Satanists have come into Spiritual Satanism and struggled with many similar problems, and the striking majority of our people have escaped the chains of these two great slavers, namely, drugs and alcohol.

Over the years the Gods with their knowledge and the community has saved anywhere from people who have been heavy late stage alcoholics, to huge drug addicts, to many others who have been at the jaws of death with all of these false directions in life.

These people have changed their lives completely. Many now have friends, work, happy lives, a good existence where they can hardly remember about these mistakes, but have also matured from doing these and elevated as if these things haven't happened before.

That's a very liberating feeling and one walks around empowered from this.

These negative drinking and drug abuse directions have nowhere to take you, but to definite ends which are only going to cause you more and more grief. There is no goodness in these directions. Every temporary feeling of false relief will be always replaced with more guilt, pain and reprisal.

One must look at these bottles and these things and only see that more pain will arrive, after control has been lost. We want to save people from this pain and the Gods want nobody to suffer from this.

Clearly in this case we are nowhere close to moderated use, therefore this post is about addiction of a serious nature. It's not even about drinking to party once in a while, but we are talking about a self destructive tendency that is actively leading someone to their end.

It can be an uphill battle, yet, with the means and tools that the Gods give to us in our disposal, it is way easier than it is for most people who have no Gods, no ethics, no self awareness of these problems, but also no meditational methods to gradually compensate and fix these issues.

I have to first tell you congratulations for recognizing this problem in your life. It's a big problem. You can see that you are failing because of alcoholism. Having recognized the damning consequences of this problem, is the first step to solving it. Never feel doubt and guilt again for RECOGNIZING the problem.

I also further congratulate you for asking for help in solving this problem on the forums.

Ask also of the Gods with a sincere heart to lead you to a solution to this problem, as the Gods always help people in dire need. The Gods NEVER turn down a honest prayer out of the heart of the distressing man.

One more thing: If the situation is very serious and longterm [and you know you cannot get out of this without the use of substitutes] it is NOT a negative or bad choice to actually seek professional help in a counselling union or anti-alcoholism facility.

In fact, combining this method with the knowledge from JoS, and returning to the embrace of the Gods, will heal you faster.

Yet, you must be ready to exercise logic and willpower to limit this beast of a habit that has went out of control in your life. You must see drunkedness and drug use as your enemy now, and an enemy that eventually is trying to kill you. You must disassosciate yourself from this, and understand that the real YOU wants to be healthy and in a good life.

This enemy, is very real, and must be destroyed if you are to live a good life. Another delusion that must be banished is the delusion that this is really "you". It comes "from you", but this is not the "real you".

The real you is the person who came out bravely here to ask for help, and wants to fix that. That's the mind you should listen to from now on.

You don't "Truly" want this for yourself, your True Self does not want drugs and drunkedness to take you in and to bring you into a ruinous future, it is the body that aches for these things, mostly out of a response to gain a quick rush that it needs for issues of emotionally avoiding other circumstances that might make your life difficult right now.

You can be open here about what these problems are, and to vent them out. Merely speaking about the problems to the family here, will make you feel like a great weight has been lifted, especially if people aren't hearing you in your normal life. People will hear you out and care for you here.

The cause of these life and internal issues that led to that problem, CAN be fixed. Circumstances can only be addressed, when you focus very much on first setting yourself in order and getting sober. After you regain your power from these mortal enemies, your newfound willpower will be able to be used to even out almost every problem that have led you there in the first place. You have that power in you as a Spiritual Satanist.

With that stated YOU TOO, YOU CAN DO IT. The point is to DECIDE THIS, and then exercise enough WILLPOWER to finish this task. This is the simple recipe.

To assist your WILLPOWER, you are going to do magick, workings and prayer, in order fortify your mind and slowly de-program it.

Valefor's Power Ritual as seen here: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Valefor_Power_Ritual.html , can be used to facilitate a connection with Valefor and ask him with kindness to help you heal from this ruinous situation. Valefor will assist you and put you on the proper path. There have been cases of miracle situations with this, so be open to miracles, but be aware that real change will take time.

Other SS will certainly comment below with workings you can do, such as Runic Workings, Affirmations and other positive self work that you can do detach from these catastrophic situations of alcoholism and drugs.

A positive affirmation you can do is this: "I am free and absolved of drug abuse and alcoholism. I have the willpower to quit, and I am strong. I can deny overdrinking and I always deny doing illegal drugs.

I deny this easily and effortlessly because I love myself and I believe in myself, I want to do good to myself.

I lead a healthy and advancing lifestyle. I want to be healthy and I am healthy.

Repetition must be done all the time with this, which will eventually make this ingrained into your mind. Affirmations like this can be adjusted, and will over time train your mind to understand the new rules that you are setting for it.

You should also pledge yourself here if that works with your character and update us to your struggle. I wish a full healing from this situation, and may your calmness of heart and mind arrive when you have understood of your inner power and based on a healthy lifestyle, which is definitely something you can achieve.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Good post :!:

If you really want to cure drug addiction, I strongly recommend that you seek medical help, it is very difficult to break the withdrawal.
In my country, there are no drug addicts on the streets, because for a bag of cannabis you can get 25 years in prison :!: :!: :!:

SATANGODLOVETHOTH140666, I sincerely wish you to recover and be healthy :!:
Here are some TCM articles on alcoholism problem to understand it better:




As far as I see the main reason of dependency being starvation for Qi relief, i.e. Qi stagnation while all alcohol (and coffee to some extent) causes temporary Qi relief. But key word here is temporary. That's why those with bad physical pain syndromes should NOT use alcoholism / drug abuse to smooth them because when the poison of the dose is away pain returns and it returns twice in its power.

Actually a lot of modern pain-killers are based on Qi dispersing effect, because pain itself is caused by Qi and blood stagnation. Unfortunately they usually act as poisons more or less and they poison the Liver, gradually destroying its functions to move Qi and blood, thus creating addiction to them.

As for those who only seek euphoria, just do a lot of yoga on and vibration into your higher chakras (balancing it with meditation on lower ones if needed). Addiction is also refereed as Yin deficiency which alcoholism worsens with time because it is Yang poison (not every drug is a Yang poison, some, such as cannabis, are Yin ones, key word here being imbalance). Higher Chakras are feminine and vibration into them may work as a substitute in spiritual sphere.

There are certain TCM means to cure addictions as well as imbalance patterns which they worsens.

As for sweet food addiction, this is heavily abused by kike food and fast-food industries: you can see how all supermarkets and shops are shock full of sweet heavy oily food, usually cold one. It is hard to digest both oily and sweet in the same time because both are phlegm formating and very Yin and cold in nature. It is imbalanced, it is literally Damp+Damp+...+Damp with nothing else to balance it. This produces a lot of Damp which human body especially if Spleen is not the strongest, usually can't digest. This may end up with extra weight, diabetes, thickened phlegm can shape kidney stones or help to grow tumors (combined with blood stagnation) if one has such predisposition (which many have). And you have this general Western problem with Ladies weighting 300kg.

Vegetarianism, which a lot of people try to utilize for weight loss, because it is also heavily propagandized by kikes, destroys Spleen too and it is obviously not a decision - you can see it in forever fasting extremely fat xian priests. Balanced diet and anti-phlegm herbs are.

Those who enjoy sweets, should try naturally sweet not-phlegm-formating products such as fresh and dried fruits, sweet potato and other natural light things that are enough sweet, and balance them with Yang nourishing food such as non-fatty meets.
MiniMe3388 said:

I have a problem with food. I definitely don't eat enough and month by month, I weigh less and less. Eating doesn't give me as much pleasure as it used to and I feel like nothing tastes good to me.

That is bad MiniMe, it's going to cause a problem down the road for sure. The less you eat then you might develop nervous reaction to food and start hating it, and your body will not want this. This is a late stage issue that can be really bad, if you get there, with only hospitalization and other very bad things waiting down the line.

Keeping in mind the above you should eat even if it feels like a chore.

Wotanwarrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666

In my case when I was in my early 20's, I did exactly what your friend did and I put on a lot of weight because I had emotional problems and in my case I was shameless and did not even hide it: on one occasion an acquaintance told me that I had put on a lot of weight and lost my physique and I answered him without hesitation "what the fuck does it matter, if I don´t have to likes to nobody anymore".

The wrong idea is that your weight has to do with others, in fact, it has to do with you. So start taking care of you first. That's a very wrong mentality but many make it.

Sometimes these problems can take a long time to heal.

Actually, yes, I know. That's because behind the problem with the weight, there is a whole other problem that has to do with mentality and other things, which remains unresolved in the background. But taking action in exercise and to reverse the problem, also will fix the underlying problem. It's all a part of the balance of the universe here.

Karnonnos said:
... If you are obese, you are in a critical place. It is not a crime to eat less of something (even if it is something rather unhealthy, it is better to eat less than more) and put the rest in the trash.

Actually yes, that's very true brother. Obesity should be seen as a warning sign because it won't be long until it brings other diseases with it.

We have went very soft on this just because kikes wanted to sell infinite KFC and MacDonalds to people, and that's a fact. Chubby's fine, even a bit fat, but obesity is actually a disease and shouldn't be looked at as a "preference" or something to take very lightly.

Generally as we age the tolerance factor lessens, because obviously, one is getting older, but still, obesity can become a great robber of one's quality of life let alone health. It can cause many issues.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
