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How To Be A Fake "Sage": Go Into The Mountains, Be Worthless, And Use Leaves To Wipe Your Butt

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
likman666 said:
All the ancient cultures of the world look back to great sages before them, and earlier eras of wisdom and enlightenment. Whether the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains of India, or the ancient cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mexico, Peru, China, the Greeks, Celts, Polynesians and numerous others, including almost every native and indigenous tradition that we like to call primitive and are still trying to eradicate.
Many ancient and traditional cultures had the story of a Golden Age in the past from which humanity has fallen over time. This view is contrary to our civilizational image of great progress and increase of knowledge over the last few centuries, which is getting more powerful every decade.

Such ancient sages like the Vedic Rishis and Yogis lived closer to nature, in hermitage settings or in caves or out in the wild without much by way of clothes or possessions, having the ability to live off of nature.
The ancient sages followed secret mantric and symbolic teachings, through detailed oral traditions that required prodigious memories, very few have today. They developed control of mind, senses, prana and bodily temperature. They knew of occult powers like telepathy, were aware of their previous births, had knowledge of other worlds or lokas beyond the physical extending to the Infinite and Eternal. They could access higher states of consciousness and cosmic intelligence within themselves.
The question is whether we can continue to connect to the ancient sages and make their wisdom relevant to our lives and use it to guide humanity not just outwardly but inwardly. This may become a necessity to master our new technology that has many benefits but many dangers as well.
OM Namo Parama Rishibhyoh!

On Namo BigSissy DontBeOne! Namaste, goy.

"Yes, absolutely, if you are a Rishi or developed being, go shit in a bucket and don't engage in civilization. Do mantra and do nothing to really stop any impending doom. That's apparently your role in the universe for having incessant powers. It's very important to have a wooden bucket and talk to squirrels while you are at it, as this is very important and proves you are a very developed creature.

Meanwhile, just be uninformed in regards to where the planet is going, and just let it all go to shit, eventhough Aryans told us some shit like take care of civilization and having a duty to other beings including other humans and care for the future, but Aryans weren't that smart that's why they built all of this. Now let's pretend we are Aryans while we are all preaching the exact opposite values" - Modern Cucked Eastern Religions in nutshell

I am telling openly with the above behaviour you will receive the scold from the Gods especially for not doing anything during the Kali Yuga to help humanity or during difficult times. People aren't sent here to pretend on nonsense during these times.

The very serious and real "Rishis" like the Ancient Greeks stayed on the field and fought the wars, and died in temples, and did not seclude themselves in the middle of nowhere to pretend and feign importance, as part of the real Ancient Warrior Path, they fought their war on the front.

Cowardice and sissification are imports from jewish faiths and also cowardice that accumulated itself in the "Clerical" caste of the modern "spiritual sects", and is all a product of garbage.

Does that mean to take a weapon to go to the front in Ukraine or something? No. It simply means to remain vigilant and in awareness of what is transpiring, and be realistic.

Further garbage is also that if you are just attuned into a meditation or "Atma" you are a holy God, while you provide nothing substantial to yourself and others, and live in a worthless hut shitting in your own rugs. You don't matter in that state, you are in a solipsism state, and useless to the developmental path of the universe.

As one leaves nothing behind in themselves, in others, in works, or in deeds, then you are useless. Have you helped 3 other people in your life or something?

You think you are useful just because of your imagination, but this dangerous state is the opium of the East. Stop consuming this worthless opium which is only half the "Truth" and far distanced from it.

I am giving you the True Path here. We are here to do something good for ourselves and others while we are here, and not idly look into the skies.

Those who take this path will get scolded by the Gods for stupidity when they pass on the other side, and they will be resent here without any question and without any "Liberation" in sight.

If you say in the forest, you think you are connected to "Atma" because you are stoned out of your head, and you shit in your pants, yes, you are worthless and primitive, and you do nothing to help humanity in any substaintial way.

Voltaire or Newton are your superiors anyday, or Galilleo, and they have their position as the actual "Mystics" of humanity, because they helped humanity with their passing.

An Eastern Figure that understands this currently, is Sadhguru. He isn't on the mountains pretending a crock of shit, but in all human affairs, promoting the positive messages humanity needs. Heads up to Sadhguru.

Now about the rest of the delusional nonsense here, please do keep this crock of shit out of the forums please and adhere to the Warrior path, and stop being a worthless coward in the face of penultimate disaster.

We are not in 5000 BC where you can peacefully live by the trees and talk to squirrels all day, we are in 2023 and the world is as is. We are also here largely because of cowardice and other traits running rampant, and this false advice is pure nihilistic garbage, that is antithetical to the Gods.

If you think you are saintly and you go for the moutains during these time, fuck you. May the Gods send you here again in the height of the era of decay you did not fight to even prevent.

I bring all of you under the curse of the cowards that pretend are from "our side": May the Gods incarnate you in the era that you did not fight to prevent, and in the dystopia that you didn't fight your cowardice to prevent from happening. May they give you the justice that you are stealing now from our children by not giving a single fuck about them.

I bring everyone else under a blessing: those of you who fought for this, whether we win or lose, may the Gods open the Gates of Valhalla and of the Great Halls, and welcome you in as a soldier who won or lost, but fought for a better world. May you live infinite lifetimes in that state until you are filled with what you fought for.

The spirit of laziness and stupidity present in this errant mentality that is expressed constantly in the East, must be banished.

Powerful souls and evolved people are lost, leaving nothing behind whatsoever, in the sea of nothingness, while parasites insistent to affect the world, are maliciously forming it and bringing it under negative circumstances. That is the definition of injustice.

Never a Spiritual Satanist must adhere to this falsehood.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Satan!
Simply put your VR headset, get some crack weed and what other shit people do and you are Equal to a "mystic" in the mountains, probably happier too. No difference.

But all of this is just emotional abstract justification. If your phones are taken away all of those who want to live in mountains would have a breakdown.

You can live on a mountain here in society. Don't use electronics, only for communication and simply stay all day in the park.

If you want to realistically be truthful to yourself, go try the above for real in your house with no electricity and nothing. You'll break yourself in a few days because you are weak and unable. At least this way you can get some positive fruits of strength. Otherwise all of this is romanticizing stories.

All of the heros in all folklores are those who had obstacles, enemies and beasts against them. They go to war. All of them fought. None said, let me smoke this crack boy because it doesn't matter.

The higher states of being are also impersonal and must be made personal. To be made personal you need to personalize life and live it, not the other way around, to depersonalize here. First you are a person then you are other things.
There is no reason for an educated city to find itself distant from nature, the universe, of spiritual advancement. As HPHC has mentioned, the Satanic elite are supposed to uplift humanity, not avoid it. This is mutual, and the priestly class is also supported by the populace, so you don't have to spend your own time fishing or whatever.

Imagine if HPS Maxine had ran off into the woods and gave us nothing. We would be screwed.

See in Ancient Rome:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't think the way you have interpreted the article is what it's saying. The recent Ancient Civilisations did all talk about a Golden Age before them. And the sages where obviously much advanced. What I think the article is saying is to consult those Rishis of those times for guidance and so on. Some are even Gods,I think that's the point , especially given how low the spirituality is at this point.
I have been on JOS for 12 years or so . I have participated in the rituals,I do the meditations on JOS and so on. I am a devotee of Satan as Satan himself can attest to. I am sure He knows his true devotees ,no one can deceive the Gods. I know the progress ,I am making and so on. As for my personal relationship with the Gods no one can define it for me ,not even you HP Cobra with all due respect. Satan and the Gods sure know their true devotees. But I get it just JOS articles. Anything outside JOS is false or something. I did the blood dedication to Satan and so on. Satan Himself can attest to this. What I have been through in my karmic pattern and so on. I can tell you ,I am not weak. As many here can attest being a Spiritual Satanist in this day and age is not easy. You can be the only person in an entire town or province. 12 years as an SS ,I am not weak person. This even the Gods can attest to, especially in difficult economic circumstances , unemployment and so on.
likman666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't think the way you have interpreted the article is what it's saying. The recent Ancient Civilisations did all talk about a Golden Age before them. And the sages where obviously much advanced. What I think the article is saying is to consult those Rishis of those times for guidance and so on. Some are even Gods,I think that's the point , especially given how low the spirituality is at this point.
I have been on JOS for 12 years or so . I have participated in the rituals,I do the meditations on JOS and so on. I am a devotee of Satan as Satan himself can attest to. I am sure He knows his true devotees ,no one can deceive the Gods. I know the progress ,I am making and so on. As for my personal relationship with the Gods no one can define it for me ,not even you HP Cobra with all due respect. Satan and the Gods sure know their true devotees. But I get it just JOS articles. Anything outside JOS is false or something. I did the blood dedication to Satan and so on. Satan Himself can attest to this. What I have been through in my karmic pattern and so on. I can tell you ,I am not weak. As many here can attest being a Spiritual Satanist in this day and age is not easy. You can be the only person in an entire town or province. 12 years as an SS ,I am not weak person. This even the Gods can attest to, especially in difficult economic circumstances , unemployment and so on.

Excellent, and I understand.

However, please read what you wrote and consider that my reply is not a reply to you "personally", but this mentality that is a dangerous monster we must all avoid.

No, not everything outside the JoS is false, there is a lot of wonderful information that is originally of the Gods out there. The key is to bring it in and put it properly in front of people.

I write this also for people who might take this out of context. Your reply here was made into a Sermon, ie, it's important.

Be aware that most "Rishis" did not spend their time in a forest, but wrote the Veda, orally taught the most important teachings, helped built civilization, taught people language, and did other things. The Golden Age was an age of supreme power, ethics and light, but not weakness or pacifism. These beings built themselves to that level.

Nowadays, the Golden Age and whatever related to it is painted in false colors of "pacifism" and hebrew fake morals. In the Golden Age people were peaceful, because they were strong, nowadays they are peaceful out of weakness, which leads to brutal wars eventually.

And yes, we ought certainly look at them, and empower ourselves in this example.
This retarded mentality in the east just creates worthless people and cowards.

We are here in our world to do our part in making it a better place, and bringing light and good to contrast the darkness that ignorance and evil can bring to the world.

The enemy being the worthless maggots they are, always love to preach these corrupted eastern practices to people so they just waste their whole existence on this.

The unknowing gentiles just perpetuate this garbage unfortunately.

Muh sawdust shit bucket and dmt herbs to shoot the brain chemistry to shit... add in some vegan dietary practices, celibacy and drinking ones own piss and surely one will become SOOOOO ENLIGHTENED.


Watching documentaries of people who withdraw from society is very telling in how deeply people suffer from this.

I can understand why people withdraw, as society is very unbalanced at this point. Personally I have alot of issues functioning myself.

But the cold hard truth is nothing will EVER get better unless we change things through consistent effort in our societies to steer this in a better direction.
The title really made me laugh, thank you HP!

But really awesome sermon! Made me feel blessed and glad that I am on this path and I can help others, by translations and the RTR's and whatnot.

May other SS true to this path be blessed forever by the Gods!!

Couldn't have said this better myself. People need to heed this advice because all Sv3rige and others advocating 'abandoning civilization' are teaching is cowardice.
Many of the Sages and Mystics in the past were likely scorned, pushed aside and not allowed to flourish, to advance where they were meant to. Society scorned them. So they decided to go and live alone as they could not develop themselves where they would be useful. I know,,, Christianity. .......... Eh ? Which is why I left religion. It was a hindrance to spiritual ( occult ) progress, actually threatening. These christians even run away from their own shadow, figuratively. They panic when confronted with a deck of Tarot cards .. ""wtf???""". , having crystals are considered by many christians to be of the devil, evil. Like sage and other perfumes to ''clean'' the house. The ''strong '' in many cases push aside those a little weaker, and in many cases the weaker one had the best chance of real success and helping society. But the bully got it instead. I curse them bullies to the lake of fire. Satan burn them and their Seed. Which is why I actively and publicly ( Facebook, youtube, etc ) curse Israel and the church of JEWsus Christ to their own lake of fire. Use their own word against them. "energy follows thought, intention". "Israel shall now have it's part in the lake of fire. I cannot go back on my word. Jews are Damned'". ( christian hell testimonies show Jesus saying "I cannot go back on My word". ) I am just using it against the Jews and christians. and muslims. I actively post the Curse Israel rtr on Facebook, when I post christian videos condemning the world for ''sin''. The goal here is not to promote christianity, just to bring more curses on the Jews, christians, muslims. So there is no misunderstanding. Without the occult information publicly available like the Joy of Satan and others, I would be sucking my thumb, and wiping my Ass with a dry, brown leaf. ... Instead I get to curse the Jews, christians, muslims , and even state online things like, Benjamin Netanyahu will die of a heart attack by 2025. And,,, get away with. ( remains to be seen how effective it is ). Also Jewish chief rabbi. And cursing the Jewish Angels,, Elohim Watchers, etc. And,, of course doing the RTRs. And meditations. I can get away with it. The worst I can get from Twitter and Facebook, YouTube is for the Jew Kikes to ban me and tell me to "Fuck Yourself", "Fuck off'", etc. That penalty is easy to accept, for most of us anyway. THOSE THAT ARE HIGHLY GIFTED AND INSPIRIED ARE '''DEMONIZED'''' BY SOCIETY AT LARGE, AND ESPECIALLY, RELIGION AND FAMILY. ""A prophet is not without honor accept among his own people and house'". Even the jew bible gives good points now and then. So these people got no other choice other than to ''conform to society'', or go off and do their own thing. Now a days ,, we have some better options. Thank you all and Satan and the Gods for this.
This post resumes Anarcho-Primitivists and everyone like them who keeps sperging the same shit about "muh evil cities", "muh evil civilization", "muh evil technology"... In the meanwhile, they need some internet website to keep spreading their shit online instead of actually doing something and joining the Amish.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I was on this state of mind one or two years ago because I thought that
the civilization wasn't worth to fight for. But now I possess a warrior mentality .. thanks to Gods that I stopped being a vegetable
All of this nonsense comes from the mind of Siddhartha Gautama who has Poisoned the entire Eastern Tradition with his insane and irrational anti life beliefs. The Ancient Rishis were nothing like this. All of them had wives ,children, and were in extremely prominent posts leading civilization.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On Namo BigSissy DontBeOne! Namaste, goy.

"Yes, absolutely, if you are a Rishi or developed being, go shit in a bucket and don't engage in civilization. Do mantra and do nothing to really stop any impending doom. That's apparently your role in the universe for having incessant powers. It's very important to have a wooden bucket and talk to squirrels while you are at it, as this is very important and proves you are a very developed creature.

Meanwhile, just be uninformed in regards to where the planet is going, and just let it all go to shit, eventhough Aryans told us some shit like take care of civilization and having a duty to other beings including other humans and care for the future, but Aryans weren't that smart that's why they built all of this. Now let's pretend we are Aryans while we are all preaching the exact opposite values" - Modern Cucked Eastern Religions in nutshell
This was funny to read :lol:
But sad at the same time because so many Hindus believe these individuals are what a Rishis is.

Some of these so called 'Rishis' are present in Mount Kailash/Kangrinboqe Peak, these 'Rishis' are 200+ years old(I think it was an Indian diplomat who revealed this).
These individuals are openly engaging with Greys and other hostile entities from what I understood. I wouldn't be surprised if these individuals are working for these entities, some of these could be in total control of these entities.


The above is a pic of an extra terrestrial being, someone shot this pic before their camera got stolen near that peak some other day. I believe this is real, since many have had negative experiences in that place and near it, and reported weird humanoids, shadows, lights, sounds, and headaches etc.
Even Sadhguru had a negative experience, he said these entities are malevolant and negative.
“I don’t call Mansarovar a spiritual place, because spirituality comes from human beings. And these beings, they don’t belong to anything that we know of life,” remarked Sadhguru upon his visit to the Manasarovar and Kailash Parvat.

I think these beings probably scared him.

Hopefully someday, when we get powerful enough, we will repel these hostile entities from all over the world.
Nice one, well put as always. Lesson that I struggled with a lot in the past. At one point I almost took that bucket and went into the woods but was cautioned against it by a wise friend. So glad I listened.

For those fighting a strong urge to go away from this infected civilization, let me assure you, there's a way to have both. Be a factor in healing the world, a responsible satanist and a healthy human being living close to nature. It is not easy just as anything worth doing but still very much possible.

One question came to mind after reading this sermon. Those that were not involved in or have not witnessed an actual war cannot grasp the level of horror and suffering that results from it. For the time being it is calm where I'm at but another war always hangs over our heads. I hope for the sake of my children and everyone else that it does not happen, however in the case that it does, should one assume a commanding position if that is required by circumstance and requested by law or decline and take on the risk of consequence? Maybe it's not the most appropriate place for this question but it arose as a direct reaction to digesting the information presented here.
This is an insanely good piece of writing.It's good that you're clarify these stupidity and retardation, you Great Commander.

And not only in India, but there are also very isolated people in Alaska, who have deliberately left society, moreover and they do not even deal with spiritual practices.Just so they don't starve to death and provide themselves with food themselves.
I'm only writing this because many TV channels make such people look very cool and powerful, fancy(as mark them up).LoL.

Excuse my English, if possibly incorrect, I tried to give the best translation, btw.
I know it seems like that a lot of people overnight ever since Harry Potter come out laugh out loud everybody wants to be a witch everybody wants to be a part of it somehow? Either dress the part and play at or actually get into it and study and read and learn something!? It has brought out the Curiosity most definitely? Of wanting to make a goblet turn into a bird of some kind.🤣. People shopping mystical stores all over getting incense and collecting books not even knowing what they're filled with? A lot of useless watered down information and yet people spend good money on a wand and a burning pot and candles. And think that they're invincible and call themselves a witch or a wizard of some kind laugh out loud when they don't even know what the fucking hell they're dealing with and what they're getting into. I can see people buying and collecting that kind of crap for amusement? If they want a conversation piece or to draw all of the attention of the other kids in the neighborhood fixing your room up like the Slytherin house or Gryffindor. Mimi came the voices and the British drawl mimicking Hermione Granger or one of the stupid Weasleys really getting into it with all the bullshit you can dressing up as Harry Potter and people don't even know the difference between what is real and what isn't laugh out loud they get so caught up in it all that they don't even know what they're doing! And then of course she get those idiots who call themselves The New Age idiots! Lighting and incense and sitting around smoking a bag of weed! Hanging out and talking to each other until 2:00 in the morning pretending that they understand shit and then he gets somebody that thinks that they can do a palm reading and knows all about astrology and gives you a bullshit reading that doesn't make sense it makes you wonder where these people come up with their ideas? On thinking that they can do things when they don't have a fucking clue! They don't even have a fucking clue about themselves! Where they come from? Who their ancient ancestors are? And yet they laugh at them they think that there's some kind of a caveman when they don't even realize that they're ancient ancestors had nothing to do with living in a cave? The enemy put that out there on purpose to give younger Generations the impression that our ancient ancestors and gods and demons were a bunch of monsters and a bunch of uneducated fools! If these people knew anything about their ancient history and their background and maybe perhaps they would have some understanding of who they are? And the type of gifts and the abilities that they've inherited perhaps! If somebody really wanted to take the time and learn Witchcraft and Magic learning how to focus on their energies and meditation! Plus reading and I don't mean reading a lot of junkie books that are cartoon related laugh out loud or just simply go talk to somebody about what they're interested in and what they want to learn? Find out what types of books they need to get? If they wanted to take it seriously and do something for real? Go get an education! Learn to look into yourself there are possibilities! And a lot of these people don't even realize that they just think this sitting around smoking a bag of weed! Is going to make them cool and they think that they're automatically a fucking witch! And they automatically think that they're a part of something? When they don't even have an idea of who they are don't even take the time to look into themselves laugh out loud they think they know everything and understand everything! And it leaves you scratching your head kind of wondering!? Who are these idiots! They think that they know about the monsters in your closet and how they got there when all they're doing is looking for an excuse to put you down it just to build themselves up! And now that they've got your attention and now that they're getting control of you? Or control of whoever when they get the attention of a person! Playing their little mind games and trying to play into your head because they want someone to control and because they want power over someone! And we get a lot of these stupid Anton Layve Satanists...🤣.. I think they know everything about Satan and Satanism! When all they're doing is mimicking the enemy! Following along with what is in the Christian Bible and going out and committing murder torturing and abusing an animal of some kind and the gruesome acts of behavior using the blood it to smear all over bathroom walls just to get attention and shock the hill out of the neighborhood drawing all kinds of unwanted attention and along with it the nasty ass attitude that goes with sneaky and secretive acting just like a bunch of useless Jews! Running around with her upside down crosses and the Pentacles and don't even know what they mean and what they really represent and how people take things so seriously when they think that they're interested in witchcraft and learning about magic! And when it comes down to being a Sage... they think they're just wearing a pentacle around their neck is going to give them all the knowledge and make them into some kind of an expertise! Of some kind or just because they've got a couple of books on witchcraft or because they happen to know something about crystals and stones? A lot of people nowadays are lost in their own head they don't even have a clue to who and what they are to begin with? People don't respect one another not to mention the fact people don't want to take the time to study and read and learn anything they want things to be easy peasy lemon squeezy and they want shortcuts instead! Instead of taking the time to read and learn something of themselves! And learn to do things right! But nowadays you can't teach or tell people anything! And yet they want to run around like little kids dressed up as Superman thinking that they were going to fly someday! Stupid little kids...
Even people that are old enough to know better! Adults who want to be a part of it dressing up like a fucking idiot a big dumb over growin child...on meth or some high grade of marijuana! Thinking that he can please a Crowd by doing a reading! I noticed that there's a lot of phony people out there with decks of cards thinking that they can give people a fucking rating of some kind! These are the kind of people that follow covers all over thinking that they're a part of something when they're not or expecting some kind of knowledge to rub off onto them! People are so clueless when it comes to Magic and witchcraft they think that if they could dress up like it that they are that and you tell them to go get books and stuff like that and they look at you like you're nuts they think that it's just something that's going to happen overnight or something that they're going to inherit from their grandmother or something this stupid things that people believe in and the stupid things that people do just to get attention! Looking for some easy way to be some kind of a musician or a SAGE.
And people don't realize that there's millions of books out there that they can read and get their hands on truth is they don't even know which ones to get!? And a lot of these newfangled books these days taken a lot of the ideas from the old school books and water them down with Christianity and modern day bullshit that doesn't seem to match up! And yet they feel happy with themselves because they think that they can learn magic they follow along with what is in the book like little children and instead of learning the real skills and taking the time to educate themselves on what they're supposed to do cleansing themselves meditating and building themselves up? They think they're going through all of that is going to be hard they sit there and boohoo and cry and bitch about it cuz they don't want to study and read! But they want things to be easy and they want to learn things the easy way? When all they're doing is making a big mess doing things the hard way or doing things the idiot way! Going up under the mountains and wiping your ass with leaves and lighting a candle and an incense and sitting under the moon? High on methamphetamines I'm talking all kinds of crazy shit and where they come up with their ideas? And whatever else they do? They seem to think that it fits in going along with some movie or some scene or character that they happen to like or admire at the moment getting into all kinds of trouble making asses of themselves! Laugh out loud I know it's fun to be a kid I know it's fun getting into mischief going out of your way to do wild and crazy things with your friends being adventurous and having something to laugh at just being a kid and playing around but then there are some kids out there some people out there laugh out loud that tend to take things pretty seriously and don't even understand or appreciate let alone have the knowledge of thereof or even so much is showing interest when it comes down to learning something and taking their time to do something right if they want to be serious!? That there are things that the person can do and there are numbers of things out there! That would help the individual find his or her way on to their path? But they sort of have to have an idea or sort of know something? To start out with that will lead them there and still people even if they do get on to it somehow they wander off? Bouncing all over the place and getting themselves lost and eventually they get sidetracked and led Away by their curiosity vulnerable as hell falling into the traps of the enemy and don't even know the difference between what is right and what is wrong and what is acceptable and what isn't? A lot of people out there seem to be like little children! In so many ways it's not even funny! It's disgusting! Some of the things that people do out there these days and the stupid shit they get into and the dumb things they come up with it never ceases to amaze me! And then they still go on and on and on making their mistakes and making a bigger ass of themselves. And eventually they quit especially when they hurt themselves! Or end up in trouble with the police or something burning their own house down doing a ritual of some kind or getting themselves into so much trouble with the demon or something or somebody on the other side to the point that it haunts them draws in negative energy opens up a portal and then they end up paying the price when shit happens! And then they get so scared to death that they go running back to their stupid Jesus and their Church and don't even take the time to figure out where they have gone wrong and what they need to do? With a lot of these people was just one mess after another! And still these idiot people walk around thinking that there's something special when they know damn well that they're an idiot fucking wanta-be of some kind.. and then later on end up paying for a dearly if they haven't learned a lesson yet!?
I used to think about it a lot, but I always came to the conclusion that it was stupid.

But I have been working on improving my mentality for a while. I'm trying to improve it.

Maybe that was the first step when I realised that I was myself. I am not my mother, not my colleague, not my boss, I am myself.

Then I realised that I was still myself. I'm not in control of myself, which is a problem. I am not controlled by myself, I am controlled by my thoughts, my feelings, other people's thoughts, feelings, mentalities.
Here I made an effort to be conscious of this. It was better that way.

Then I reflected on the reality.
I realized that peace exists only in the mind. Anyway, everything is in motion. Even if we don't pay attention to it. As if Satan once appeared and said that life is like a tree. It's growing all the time. And we are the gardeners who prune the branches of life properly. That is, to guide our destiny in the right direction. But he also said that if we don't watch the branches, they will grow. And we lose positive control over our lives.
He said that branches always grow. They don't care if we have a bad day.
Therefore, you must always be vigilant.

Then I started thinking that if everything is moving, then there are no stable points in life.
If I define everything at one point along the way, I don't get the reality. I don't get the essence. So I tried to understand the reality in 3 points. First in the present state of the thing, then in the past state of the thing. Then in what it is heading towards, which is its essence.
I call this the "realistic way".

Then a few months later I did the ritual of Beelzebul and then I thought about mentalities. In the previous ritual period.
I was thinking that most mentalities are wrong because they are not based on consciousness.
They are based on a feeling based on some unconscious experience.
So I thought that if a mentality came up in my life in a particular situation, I would analyse it.
And if the mentality is wrong, I create a conscious alternative and replace it with that.
There was a lot of mentality based on sadness and bad feelings. I had to do this several times when a mentality came up. But it was useful.

These are the things I understood after the meditations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An Eastern Figure that understands this currently, is Sadhguru. He isn't on the mountains pretending a crock of shit, but in all human affairs, promoting the positive messages humanity needs. Heads up to Sadhguru.

doesn't Sadhguru have some connection to the WEF?
Solar Legion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An Eastern Figure that understands this currently, is Sadhguru. He isn't on the mountains pretending a crock of shit, but in all human affairs, promoting the positive messages humanity needs. Heads up to Sadhguru.

doesn't Sadhguru have some connection to the WEF?

I've been drawn to this mans lectures out of curiosity and saw some of them (not in person) although I am very suspicious of any such guru type characters. It is not likely to happen but I'd like to meet him and see for myself if he's the real deal or just a well spoken trickster. I don't know about the WEF but I had a bad vibe thinking about him, could be wrong though. Speaking of people I'd like to meet, I'd rather meet our High Priest and Commander Hooded Cobra more than anyone else, alas that is not likely to happen either. Most importantly thanx to Maxine we have the means and opportunity to communicate and receive guidance from the Gods themselves. I miss her powerful voice and wise words. Feeling so grateful for all the inspiration and motivation she has given me. Also thank you Cobra for helping me get rid of fear and doubt.

It wasn't the "Sages" or "Rishis" living in the mountains who saved India's cultural and religious identity. It was men who were willing to pick up swords (and spears as some had the brains to know how damn effective it was) to defend their country. We can thank them and their cherished bloodlines that many temples, texts and lives have survived this far thanks to them.

Mountains were often symbolic to the metaphysical idea of "elevation", spiritually or maternally, and perhaps was sought to attribute to these ideals. Regardless, one cannot escape the real world forever as eventually one must do their part before the the tide reaches the tip. We're living in different times, if one lives in the past we will never go forward.

However, seeing how fucking incompetent "leaders" of today have been who can't even solve the simplest of all fucking problems, and instead bend their ass and think otherwise, it would be no surprise if one found it tempting to just hide in cave in a mountain not caring if the world gets nuked 5 times over, assuming that to be the lesser bad than Jews fulfilling their zionist utopia if they don't already have secret fallout bunkers deep underground with their ideals ready at the go after it all falls over. And smuggled lives for their factory farm... But we're better than this, and we wouldn't still be here if people gave up that easily.
Polish Adam darski said:
:lol: :lol: don't worry about this illiterate asshole, manipulative ability in his nature trying to scare people so they can do as he like, it's nothing new we know him...he talking about the things he knows nothing about, I never seen a person being deluded like this dick head he believes he doing very important thing and the aliens like it very much..he's an asshole and that statement come from them totally idiot

t. Rabbi Schlomo Infantdicksuckerberg
Solar Legion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An Eastern Figure that understands this currently, is Sadhguru. He isn't on the mountains pretending a crock of shit, but in all human affairs, promoting the positive messages humanity needs. Heads up to Sadhguru.

doesn't Sadhguru have some connection to the WEF?

Yes and he was caught on video saying he wants to see ''less people on the planet'', followed by an evil laughter. He's a tool of the jews.
Luzebel said:
Yes and he was caught on video saying he wants to see ''less people on the planet'', followed by an evil laughter. He's a tool of the jews.

I remember him saying that he felt like he had become a slave to Shiva at some point. I'll try find the link.

I thought at first maybe he was trying to infiltrate the WEF, but I guess he is just looking for fame etc.
Solar Legion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An Eastern Figure that understands this currently, is Sadhguru. He isn't on the mountains pretending a crock of shit, but in all human affairs, promoting the positive messages humanity needs. Heads up to Sadhguru.

doesn't Sadhguru have some connection to the WEF?

I would be really careful to not judge him by his surface, but from his works and message. His work eliminates the central causes of enemy influence, first and foremost enemy being ignorance. He does a great task.

As about the WEF, it won't leave any influential personality be. He does good to appear in this cesspool to actually say something positive.

Sadhguru and many others are exposed and face the enemy on a daily basis. One must go past the cover to judge them. They don't have the freedom to express themselves. That's our world right now, and we must do what we can in the context of the world.

Generally the Gods won't judge people by how much their beliefs align with 4Chan or other mentalities that don't reflect the state of the world, but based on the effectiveness of reality.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I would be really careful to not judge him by his surface, but from his works and message. His work eliminates the central causes of enemy influence, first and foremost enemy being ignorance. He does a great task.

I used to watch his videos before I found JOS.

Yes, I wonder if he had to water-down his teachings once he had reached a certain level of exposure.

I remember him being a big fan of Shiva, but in one video he said he felt like he had become a slave to Shiva. It could be a cover though.
Firm but fair sermon.

If one needs to know if they are living in accordance to a spiritually high or sagely manner they only need to ask themselves if Satan would act this way. Would he live alone in a remote cave wearing dirty rags, eating bark and shitting behind trees, or would he take charge of his Empire and act with the most responsibility towards all those under his care, and make sure to uphold the highest and most dignified standards possible?

In his image and likeness.

It means working towards doing that which is most like him, in order to be aligned with divinity, but with our own unique individuality included. He's the blueprint. Whatever he is, is how divinity looks like at it's best for all of us.
Honestly, I never quite understood the entire rhetoric being "running to the woods" among the so-called "spiritual community", yep - go meditate endlessly (towards no goal) and live in straw waddle and daub (literally cow shit and piss huts) while the enemy is the one that builds civilization, get all the good people to live as slaves in waddle and daub huts. I always hated "stereotypical spirituality" hippie New Age-type shit.

In early Modern China, they had a "Self-Strengthening Movement", which I'm still doing a bit of research on, which seems very Satanic in its philosophy, and even enabled certain regions in China to modernize. The soldiers who implemented this movement into their lives fought opium kings, communists, Christian revolutionaries, what-have-you - they weren't running anywhere.

I notice how a lot of bad spirituality/meditation groups literally teach people to be helpless, "meek/weak" victims in the woods, coupled in with the vegetarian over-stringent diet bullshit. It's why people who've I encountered that practice meditation (corrupted) tend to be ultra-sensitive, not what JoS wants for its people.

Within the context of China and the Eastern Oriental nations, the "woodland Buddhists" have surely done a great job of allowing the communists to hijack all of our cities and temples.

Mongolia too, seems to suffer this kind of mentality, in-so-much while I have deep respect for the skills Mongols have adopted in surviving a nomadic life in the harsh winters, it's not feasable for the resource-rich country of Mongolia, which is being eaten up by Chinese communist and Russian Jewish businesses. Most of Mongolia lives in poverty 'cuz "muh Buddha".

I guess this is what the Japanese were up against during World War II, by that point, China had been overrun by Soviet agents "National Revolutionary Army" who were going by this nonsensical meak/weeak ideology. The Japanese described them as "knife cutting through butter", but they gave the Chinese the option of becoming real soldiers and serving in Chinese units within the Japanese military.
BUMP. How did I miss this sermon??? Beautiful written, and so true. We are here to be a part of civilization, to enjoy the good things about it (indoor plumbing, for one), and to help other humans, and humanity as a whole.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I bring everyone else under a blessing: those of you who fought for this, whether we win or lose, may the Gods open the Gates of Valhalla and of the Great Halls, and welcome you in as a soldier who won or lost, but fought for a better world. May you live infinite lifetimes in that state until you are filled with what you fought for.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
