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How Should We call Our God?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Yahoo is being seriously fucked with. Messages are not showing up and there are also, many others problems, as random 'embed' videos on the messages and so forth.

There few people who wonder in regards to the name of Our God, Satan. There is also an ongoing arguement sometimes on how we should call Satan. If we should call him EA, Enki, Satan or Ptah or whatever. There are some uneducated people who assume that calling Satan, Satan is bad or insulting, which could not be further from the Truth. There are also self proclaimed "Enki-ists" and others who are pushing around this nonsense propaganda. This is totaly a lie. Its not in ANYWAY disrespectful and we will explain why.

Satyan/Satan in Sanskrit means Eternal Truth. The prefix Sat before words is a very spiritual prefix for this language and Sanskrit is a very spiritual language, that is exceptionally old. SATAN/SATYAN is ETERNAL TRUTH. The root SAT is connected in Saskrit to numerous very positively charged words. Satyam means "Truly, Indeed" and in some texts "Absolute Truth". Whats more important than the Truth herself? For those who know, SaTaNaMa is a most important mantra to raise the Kundalini Serpent in Hindu meditation and Satya Yuga is the Spiritual Golden age for the Hindus, in which the people are governed again by The Gods. Its INCREDIBLE for a word to have survived so much intact, after so many thousands of years, with only a minor phonetic change. The word Sah for the Egyptians was also very important and this is inscribed into many Egyptian texts and in Pyramids. The names of Lady Astarte, Ba'al, Lilith etc and so on are not disrespectful at all, and are very ancient Sumerian, Sanskrit and Babylonian Names, with positive and very dignified attributes. Abraxas can also be found for instance, in very Ancient Greek Mysteries. The Gods also have aliases in every Gentile/Pagan patheon and they can also be called by these.

The Greeks for instance, the Egyptians and the Sumerians all have a very similar story of how they emerged. Generally, all Ancient Gentile civilizations are revolving around the same ideal of how and from whom they were created, 12 main Gods and many other Gods and so forth. Also, Greeks and Egyptians mention mutually about the 'epic' of Atlantis and how the older one's of each of their kind came from there, from this lost continent. Then, we have the Sumerian Texts, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth and so on so forth. It doesn't take much of an intelligence to make one simple thought : IT ALL POINTS SOMEWHERE IN THE SAME DIRECTION. The writtings of HP Mageson666 have proved this many, many times.

Also, when one is studying, they must always keep in mind some things. Much of our history is distorted, on purpose or not. There is also a good streak of propaganda to guide people on certain 'beliefs' and 'findings'. For instance, many translators have translated the word "evil" as "Satanic" in many of their texts. The translators of the "Protocols of Zion" and such down the years translated "Goy" as "Christian" and many other things, to somehow make it again turn around to the "Jew VS Christian" lie and reinforce this lie. Its PAGAN vs JEW. This had a boomerang effect which is fucking the jews up, but matter is, it was about Gentiles and the Goy. The jews rule xianity from within and from without. Its a jewish religion. At best, they are using the devout christians to further their ends. Xians are also unknowing of "Races" so they cannot in anyway identify or know about the jews and that they are being used. This is no different than how many Egyptologists give entirely different translations on the same text in Ancient Civilizations.

 If the translator or scholar is manipulated or guided by the enemy, the outcome of their work can be monstrous, as its their minds make up exactly what their unconscience guides them to create: lies. This has also been happening a lot into the scientific community. If someone is jewdified or jewish, they unconsciously will push things to the direction which will keep their lies alive. This is another one of the reasons they are enforcing Race Mixing and other programs, so that everyone else will lose this ability while they well maintain it. There are many times we have been lied about. For instance, idiots claim the Swastika is Evil, that its of the Nazis and so forth. Wrong. The Swastika is a universal Aryan Symbol that existed all around the globe. Its found in India, its found in Egypt, its found in Asia, its found everywhere. Kikes will go on and claim that its a product of Germany and are doing all the attempts they can to link this symbol with the supposedly "Horrors" and lies they build around Germany.

Now the kikes took the names of the Gods, the holy Pagan number 666 that symbolizes the Sun, who in turn symbolized all Truth and Life and the Immortal Soul and turned these all into dirty nonsense. The Sun was commonly worshiped in most if not all Pagan traditions, more or less. More or less all Pagan traditions name how they 'were bred from the "Primordial elements" or the "primordial waters" and so forth. This is why the Sumerians also called Satan, EA, Lord of the Waters. The Waters of the primordial creation upon which Osiris has his throne, Humanity came and so forth. This is a connection with deepest spiritual significance.

The kikes were and will forever be hostile and abominational to all we are and stand for. They have been against us since the very beggining. What to PAGAN GENTILES meant "ETERNAL TRUTH" the kikes took and maligned to be their 'adversary' / 'accuser' in their language. This readily shows that the bible when it mentions of Satan, it mentions their major enemy: The Master God of the Pagan religions. This is their enemy, but this is not OUR enemy. We are Gentile Pagans and these are our Gods. His number is 666, the Number of the Sun and the Godhead/Immortality and our most divine symbol. To them, this is all an abomination, because they are against any Truth and against everything Gentile. The same was done with the names of other Gods. They stole these intact, changing one or few letters in each name and then assigned these VERY horrific meanings. This was done to Astarte, Lilith and so forth. Yet, even if the kikes mention these names to be evil and in their own vileness, they consider the MOST REVERED names of our Gods as "enemies" its of no concern to us. This is a jewish expression. "Demons" are the old Pagan Gods, those who know. In Greek Deamon means "him who has knowledge" and these were the beings that lead man to the Truth and guided Men since the dawn of Pagan civilization.

Call the Gods however you will, so long this is done respectfully- in any of their Ancient Names. Personally, Satan will always be Satan for me; Eternal Truth. Enki means Lord of the Earth. Its another title. Satan is not some "jhvh" neurotic murderer piece of shit that will punish you if you call him by...any other of his names. Sah for the Egyptians is a word of uttmost power, that was given to them by the Atlanteans, when one studies some of the Pyramid texts. Thing is, the info adds up even with the few pieces of knowledge we have today, after so many hundreds of years of corruption and reshaping of history. Imagine if we had all of it. Thoth was an Atlantean, The Greeks mention of Atlantis, the Easterns mention of Shamballah and so forth, the Greeks mention about the Macariae Island. They all talk about a very identical lost civilization in where people and Gods co-existed together. The message of glorification to the Gods was the Pyramids Pointing at Orion and lining up with them and this was said to be our Ancestral Home. The Greeks themselves created many architectural structures to prove this aswell, our origin from the stars. Native Americans, Tibetans and so forth. The list never ends. All these people's mention about our divine and ancestral origins and give the same myths or very similar myths on how we were 'created' her on Earth. 

There are idiot organizations who are either enemy controlled or controlled by retards and they have stolen our info by a long shot. Even a retarded person would understand and see this. Sermons, theory etc, all stolen, without the smalles "Thank you" and regard for some supposedly "brothers" who have been on the warpath for too long. Simply, because they were too bored and uncreative, they changed names, they made up sick lies that the Gods 'hate' being called by their Sumerian names, using the trick and telling people these were...jewish. These are lies. No matter what these mean to the kikes and their language, their meaning remains the same for us Gentiles. There is also some stupid claim going around that Satan only hates Zionism or something. These are obviously made up by jews to protect themselves by what's coming for them and what they have paved on for themselves for all their ruthless, immoral and murderous acts upon Gentiles. First of all, one needs to simply look in the jewish grimories, jewish "spirituality", the "bible" and anything else, the behavior of these people, so they can see one thing: They stand against for all we are and do as Gentiles. Their writtings and creations, their "Ars Goetia", their other texts, their being in itself is like poison against people. The "Ars Goetia" contains the names of the most important of our Deities and through the utilization of the bible and using the blind people as an energy source, these kikes managed to bind partly the Gods for a small time. HPS Maxine removed the circles from the Sigils and made these public and also, freed the Demons. The Gods themselves were not 'trapped', but what we 'trapped' was a part of their being that has to do with us Humans down here on Earth. For that reason, we fell into the darkness.

The jews are the masters of Racism. They have been a racial clique since the start of time itself. They have been intolerant and murderous to other Races, for no "apparent" reason at all. This can be seen readily in their Bible and their other works such as the Torah. THEY THEMSELVES are in the PREDATORY positions and we are DEFENDING ourselves. Pagan Gentiles were fine and rarely there was 'racial war' or 'religious war'. They invented both. If you want to see the history of racial hatred of the jews, you must read their bible. They attacked many Gentiles into their imaginative book of the bible, leading many to perish. Egyptians, Phoenicians and so forth. They were the first to create a bastardized religion, of stolen elements from OUR religions and use this as a Trojan Horse to destroy our civilizations from within. While the Racial memory of ours migth be blinded now, theirs is really up well and going. "Anti Semitism" is very well rooted in people, thats why many are naturally hateful towards them, without the need for any 'logical' proof. This all has a huge history. The jews are taught of all these from a very young age and if they do not, they know unconsciously by blood. Thats why they are always afraid and they are always in fear for sudden revolts. Everytime in history, they thought they had it good and then, something happened and destroyed all they ever achieved.

This is due to Racial Memory of Gentiles. There is no Gentile Nation that has not suffered more or less under the jewish crap. Its inside the Soul Memory. Our Gods, countries, customs and religions were all stolen and destroyed by these people. Even nowdays whole countries and states have succumbed into their pressure. Internally Gentiles and Pagans know that jews are the  cause of suffering, lies and perversions. The Ancients knew that all too well and they tried to chase them out of their territory, keep them supressed and so forth, they left the Truth inscribed in stone. The methods of "Racial infiltration" and interbreeding are very Ancient, as these peoples knew very well what this could possibly do. They knew that all one is, does and what one creates, what one seeks, is in their blood. Therefore by destroying this, those who have this clear and clear goals, they can take over. This in the mind of the jew is one part of the deal, the other is xianity and then, politically, this is by the use of communism.  Their racial antagonism and terrorism has been going on for hundreds of years and they still faithfull cling to it.

Also, all these Ancient Civilizations mention of the lost arts of the most Ancient of Civilizations, which above we talked on was Atlantis and so forth. There are records about certain of our Gods being Leaders into this civilization, there are records and hymns to this and so forth. All this ties again into Orion and Satan. Father Satan is the Good and Great God, the Creator, The Giver of Knowledge, the Architect, the Creator of Civilization and Human Kind. If anyone still believes the jewish crap and lies about him, that is only a result of jewish hatred for Gentiles, they better reprogram themselves fast. That, so they can see Father Satan's Greatest Kingdom for themselves and their own lenses and own consciousness.

Some intresting info to read, just to expand one's knowledge, from jewpedia herself. In Satanism, studying is Mandatory:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merneptah [Proof that the Ancients were against Israel from day one]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philo [The burning of the Library of Alexandria by the jew Philo Judeaus]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Je ... n_mobsters [Some few jewish mobsters]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantis [Read with care and to just add to your knoweledge, as much of this is a Mythical Allegory]

All must make their research and let the jews lie and keep lying. The world fucking knows. Grasp that already. The lies are over and Justice is coming.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I've wondered why you guys haven't just made your own forum yet. Yahoo Groups is so fucking buggy

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
