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How Jews Use Blacks


Oct 6, 2017
The relationship between Jews and Blacks has always been negative and the Jews always had a nefarious motive. Blacks relationship with Jews, if you can call it that, only benefits Jews and furthers their agenda. Ever since the Jew ran Trans Atlantic slave trade Jews have used blacks to serve their purpose. One of the ways they used us to their advantage was using us as a scapegoat. Another way they use us is to further their communist plan. Blacks must learn about this Jewish abuse and stop it before its too late.

The Jews used us as a scapegoat and what that means is we were there to divert the attention that whites had on them on to us. Jews bringing Africans to the Americas served them not only in financial means but also as Dr, Henry Feingold states there was a “concealed advantage in living in a society which reserved most of its fear and rancor for its blacks."(1). Another Jewish scholar Dr. Harold Brackman said Blacks in the 1860s “bore the main brunt of the war-heightened social tensions that, had there been no black scapegoats, would certainly have [been] borne much more heavily [by] the Jews."(2) . Also Jewish folklorist David Max Eichhorn stated that the southern Jew "was spared some of the indignities suffered by the Jews in more northern states, mainly because of the ubiquitous presence of a convenient scapegoat, the black."(3). As you can see from the Jews own mouth Blacks took the heat from whites whereas if Blacks weren't there it would have been on the Jew. As Dr. Irving Howe has said "For decades American blacks had served…as a kind of buffer for American Jews. So long as native hatreds were taken out primarily on blacks, they were less likely to be taken out on Jews."(4). Even Malcom X knew about the Jews and the scapegoating they do he stated in his autobiography concerning Jews and Civil Rights in the chapter 1965 page #380 " But I said at the said at the same I knew that the Jews played these roles for a very careful strategic reason : the more prejudice in America could be focused on the Negro, then the more the White Gentiles' prejudice would keep diverted off the Jew."(5). As you can see it's well documented one of the ways and reasons Jews use Blacks but there is also another nefarious reason.

Another way the Jews use Blacks is to use them for their communist plan. In 1912 a Jew named Israel Cohen wrote an article titled A Radical Program for the 20th Century in it states "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."(6). The Jews accomplished this with their involvement with the Civil Rights movement. Jews funded the civil rights movement and were founders of civil rights organizations such as the NAACP where the highest honor you can get is the Joel Spingarn Award who was a Jew and FBI informant. According to Jewish Virtual Library "In fact, statistically Jews were one of the most actively involved non-black groups in the Movement."and " Jews made up roughly half of the white northern volunteers involved in the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer project and approximately half of the civil rights attorneys active in the South during the 1960s. (7). In We Thought They Were White it states "One year later other prominent Jewish and black leaders created the Urban League. Jews made substantial financial contributions to many civil rights organizations, including the NAACP, the Urban League, the Congress of Racial Equality, and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee."(8).

Another way the Jews fulfilled what Israel Cohen said was by trying to get blacks to join the CPUSA which was founded by a Jew named C.E Ruthenberg and they did this by using racial issues of that time. As Israel Cohen said " We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions." and in 1922 the Jews in the Soviet Union provided $300,000 to give communist propaganda to Blacks(9). For those that may not know Leon Trotsky was Jew(10), Lenin was a Jew(11) and Karl Marx was a Jew(12) and his mentor Moses Hess was a Jew(13). Communism is Jewish. In 1925 the CPUSA stated "The aim of our Party in our work among the Negro masses is to create a powerful proletarian movement which will fight and lead the struggle of the Negro race against the exploitation and oppression in every form and which will be a militant part of the revolutionary movement of the whole American working class ... and connect them with the struggles of national minorities and colonial peoples of all the world and thereby the cause of world revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat."(14). That same year Harry Haywood and other blacks were sent to the International Lenin School in Moscow, Russia to undergo propaganda training(15). Also to understand how to tie the black experience in with class struggle against Imperialism. According to BlackPast.org "He further developed the thesis on the Black Belt Republic and called for the establishment of the Republic in a detailed “Resolution on the Negro Question,” which he submitted to the Sixth Congress of Communist International (COMINTERN) of 1928." also "Soviet leader Josef Stalin embraced the Black Belt Republic as a viable and promising solution to the “Negro Question.” He declared black self-determination to be a priority of the international communist community, and commanded the American Communist Party to eliminate those perceived as racist from their ranks."(16).

J. Peters wrote Communist Party: A Manual On Organization in it he says "The other important ally of the American proletariat is their mass of 13,000,000 Negro people in their struggle against national oppression. The Communist Party, as the revolutionary party of the proletariat, is the only party which is courageously and resolutely carrying on a struggle against the double exploitation and national oppression of the Negro people, becoming intense with the developing crisis, [and] can win over the great masses of the Negro people as allies of the Proletariat against the American bourgeosie."(17). The FBI was on to the Communists using blacks and its director of the time J. Edgar Hoover stated "Communists seek to advance the cause of communism by injecting themselves into racial situations and in exploiting them, (1) to intensify the frictions between Negroes and Whites to 'prove' that discrimination against the minorities is an inherent defect of the capitalistic system, (2) to foster domestic disunity by dividing Negroes and Whites into antagonistic, warring factions, (3) to undermine and destroy established authority, (4) to incite racial strife and riotous activity, and (6) to portray the Communist movement as the 'champion' of social protest and the only force capable of ameliorating the conditions of the Negro and the oppressed."(18). A lot of Blacks who were drawn to communism because they thought they were sincere eventually left because they found out that was not so such as Leonard Patterson who stated on November 18, 1950: "I left the Communist Party because I became convinced ... that the Communist Party was only interested in promoting among the Negro people a national liberational movement that would aid the Communist Party in its efforts to create a proletarian revolution in the United States that would overthrow the government by force and violence through bloody full-time revolution, and substitute it with a Soviet form of government with a dictatorship of the proletariat."(19). As Leonard found the Jews never cared about blacks in a genuine way they just, as Israel Cohen stated, used blacks to "deliver America to our cause.".

Even Martin Luther King was controlled by Jews and he was a communist. Also Martin Luther King plagiarized his doctoral thesis which means that he's not really a doctor. According to Mageson666 in his article MLK: Jewish Owned Puppet "King was photographed in 1957 at the Highlander Folk School, a communist training school in Tennessee, with (Jew)Abner Berry who held a post on the Central Committee of the Communist Party. The Joint Legislative Committee on Un-American Activities reported that his Southern Christian Leadership Conference was "substantially under the control of the Communist Party through the influence of the Southern Conference Educational Fund and the communists who manage it."(20). When this info came out many people tried to discredit it and say King wasn't a communist. But if you look into the history you'd find as Mathew Miles Goodrich reported in the news site In These Times MLK sent a letter to Coretta saying “I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic,” he admitted to his then-girlfriend, concluding that “capitalism has outlived its usefulness.”(21). Also in that article writes Goodrich " And in an interview with the New York Times in 1968, King described his work with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) this way, “In a sense, you could say we are engaged in the class struggle.”(22). Speaking at a staff retreat of the SCLC in 1966, King said that “something is wrong … with capitalism” and “there must be a better distribution of wealth” in the country. “Maybe,” he suggested, “America must move toward a democratic socialism.”(23) "In a 1961 speech to the Negro American Labor Council, King declared, “Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.”(24). Also king's secretary, Rev. Uriah J. Fields, said "King helps to advance Communism. He is surrounded with Communists. This is the major reason I severed my relationship with him during the fifties. He is soft on Communism."(25).

Along with that the FBI had documents on King that were recently declassified. In these documents it shows King had a Jewish communist as one of his principal advisors it says in the FBI report "Another complicating factor in the picture is the degree of communist influence on King. One of King’s principal advisors is Stanley David Levison. Ostensibly only a New York City attorney and businessman, Levison is, in fact, a shrewd, dedicated communist. Levison has spent the major part of his life advancing communist interests."(26). The FBI also mentioned "Through Levison’s influence, other subversives were attracted to SCLC [The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which King helped found]. Hunter Pitts O’Dell, former National Committee member of the CPUSA, was employed by SCLC. In 1962, when King mentioned to Levinson that he was thinking of adding an administrative assistant to his staff, Levinson recommended O’Dell, who was then head of SCLC’s New York office. King said he liked the idea. At that time, King was well aware of Levison’s and O’Dell’s communist affiliations."(27) and according to Robert Welch who is the founder of the John Birch Society "During this career of a brief dozen years, [King] was constantly surrounded by, and associated with, Communists. He “employed” such Communists as Bayard Rustin and Hunter Pitts O’Dell; and he worked closely with Carl Braden and James Dumbrowski."(28).

All the while Jews were pushing forced integration and communism they also worked to stop black separatist Marcus Garvey. Garvey led the largest black nationalist movement and one must wonder why did they want to stop that. How is black separatism a threat to Jews? Go back to Israel Cohen's quote "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions." if there aren't any blacks in the U.S.A then there wouldn't have been any racial tensions.

After the Jews succeeded with their civil rights movement they continued pushing their communist plan and as of recently the organization that has increased racial tensions is the Black Lives Matter movement which is funded by Jew Sorros and has Jewish Bolshevik ties. The Black Lives Matter movement was founded by communist women and according to James Simpson at Accuracy in Media "Garza, Cullors and Tometi all work for front groups of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), one of the four largest radical Left organizations in the country."(29). One of the founders, Garza, has a history of doing communist work such as being the Special projects director, National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA), Executive Director, People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER), Board member, School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL) and as 2011 Board Chair, Right to the City Alliance (RTTC)(30). Along with Cullors who was trained by a Jew named Eric Mann who was a Weather Underground member(31). The Weather Underground members known as The Weathermen were communist Anti Vietnam war radicals who planted bombs in government buildings. According to All That's Interesting "During the Weathermen’s eight years of operation, the U.S. Capitol building, the Pentagon, and other pillars of American government and law enforcement became targets of the radical group’s bombings. While they did warn of the locations of their blasts beforehand so that people could be evacuated, there was never any guarantee that casualties would be totally avoided. Ironically, the only people killed by their bombs were their own members."(32).

Ever since its founding the movement grew and it is now international. Just like the American founders of BLM were communists so are the foreign ones such as Natalie Jeffers. Marian L. Tupy of Foundation for Economic Education states "Natalie Jeffers, who cofounded BLM in the United Kingdom, urged her followers to: “Fight racism with solidarity. Fight capitalism with socialism. We must organize—dedicate ourselves to revolutionary politic power.”, he also states "The Black Lives Matter Movement, a separate British organization, was founded by Gary McFarlane, a representative of the Socialist Workers Party, who writes for the Socialist Review and the Socialist Worker, and claims that “Capitalism is racist from the top to the bottom.” His cofounders, including Kate Hurford, Harold Wilson, and Naima Omar, have also written for those two publications."(33). Not only was this movement founded by communists but their policy platform is similar to the Jew Marx Communist Manifesto see here:

“Communist Manifesto”: Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Black Lives Matter: A right to restored land, clean air, clean water and housing and an end to the exploitative privatization of natural resources — including land and water. We seek democratic control over how resources are preserved, used and distributed and do so while honoring and respecting the rights of our Indigenous family.

This is what cultural marxism is as Thurston Porwers reports for The Federalist " BLM has simply substituted Marx’s class conflict between the proletariat and bourgeoisie for class conflict between blackness and whiteness." and "The black vs. white dichotomy creates a permanent enemy class, to which defection is always incomplete. And unlike the proletariat class consciousness, race consciousness already exists, making mobilization easier."(34). The Black vs. White thing is just the Communist Manifesto just replace Bourgeoisie with white and Proletariat with black. More of the intellectual roots of BLM go to critical race theory which comes out of the Jewish Frankfurt School. According to James Simpson at Accuracy in Media "The school was founded in Frankfurt, Germany in 1923. Its Jewish communist scholars fled Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s, relocating to Columbia Teachers College in New York. Critical Theory—which discredits all aspects of Western society—rapidly infected the minds of newly-minted college professors, who then spread its poison throughout the university system."(35).

Another thing they believe is 'White Privilege" which according to James Simpson "The “White Skin Privilege” idea was created in 1967 by (my note Jew) Noel Ignatiev, an acolyte of Bell and professor at Harvard’s W.E.B. Du Bois Institute (Du Bois was a Communist black leader who helped found the NAACP). Ignatiev was a member of CPUSA’s most radical wing, the Maoist/Stalinist Provisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (POC). POC was the intellectual forerunner to FRSO."(36). This idea of white privilege coincides with the idea of white guilt. Which is exactly what Israel Cohen wanted as he stated "In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.". This also goes along with white genocide which is what the Jews want. Some may ask why would Jews want that aren't they white?. No they are not they openly say this in their song I'm Not White I'm Jewish by Matt Bar. Ignatiev stated “The way to abolish the white race is to challenge, disrupt and eventually overturn the institutions and behavior patterns that reproduce the privileges of whiteness, including the schools, job and housing markets, and the criminal justice system. The abolitionists do not limit themselves to socially acceptable means of protest, but reject in advance no means of attaining their goal(emphasis added).”(37). One of the ways they do this is by forced integration, bringing non whites into white countries and promote miscegenation.

As Israel Cohen stated " With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.". Their cause in this case is communism which is Jewish and has claimed the lives of 100 million people. The communists promise the good life to blacks if they side with them and help them win. But as Leonard Patterson stated on November 18, 1950: "I left the Communist Party because I became convinced ... that the Communist Party was only interested in promoting among the Negro people a national liberational movement that would aid the Communist Party in its efforts to create a proletarian revolution in the United States that would overthrow the government by force and violence through bloody full-time revolution, and substitute it with a Soviet form of government with a dictatorship of the proletariat.".

What Patterson stated is happening now Jews and Communists have gone to these BLM protests to incite the blacks there to riot and revolt. Jews such as Lisa Fithian who went to Ferguson after the Michael Brown shooting. Instead of waiting for a verdict she trained prostesters who weren't even from Ferguson some reports say they were bussed out(38). Fithian stated “Create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.”(39) and that is what ensued in Ferguson. Fithian got that idea from the Cloward-Piven Strategy which according to Discover the Networks "seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse"(40). The creators of it, Richard Andrew Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven, were members of the Democratic Socialists of America which is communist and Piven was a Jew(41). Another communist at Ferguson who was a leader was Rasheen Aldridgho who has participated in CPUSA events in the past(42). Remember that the CPUSA was founded by a Jew. Also the CCDS which is a moderate grouping of the CPUSA was at the Ferguson riots and supported it(43).

Another Jewish Communist group there was the Revolutionary Communist Party which was co founded by a Jew named H. Bruce Franklin(44). This commie group was inciting violence and trying to recruit members and spread their message. Community leaders said there were outsiders messing around, Anna Merlin reported in the Village Voice "Missouri State Senator Claire McCaskill also blamed outsiders for the violence, telling MSNBC, “The protesters have now been invaded, and embedded among them are a group of instigators, some coming from other states, that want a confrontation with the police.” and that the Revolutionary Communist Party "issued a statement urging “defiance and rebellion” in Ferguson."(45) . Dylan Scott of Talking Points Memo reported" St. Louis alderman Antonio French, who has been on the scene since the beginning, tweeted that outsiders had been “trying to incite a riot” on Monday with an apparent picture of a RCP member. That’s what they do, Gitlin said. RCP members show up at the site of social outrage, trying to spread their message and recruit followers. That is almost the entirety of their operation, so far as he knows. “They have an MO, which is of parasitism. They glom onto a cause, and then they roll with it,” he said. “They read the papers, and they made a bee-line for Ferguson is what I would guess. They’re always looking for signs of the coming revolution.”"(46). Also another communist involved with BLM is Jew Soros who he and other organizations are said to have given $33 million to that movement(47).

Remember what the Jewish CPUSA stated in 1925 "The aim of our Party in our work among the Negro masses is to create a powerful proletarian movement which will fight and lead the struggle of the Negro race against the exploitation and oppression in every form and which will be a militant part of the revolutionary movement of the whole American working class" even though the Jews make sweet promises to black they must remember communism is Jewish and only is good for their tribe. 100 million gentiles died under Jewish communism(48) and black people are gentiles. The conditions in the communist gulags aren't much different than the conditions of Jewish owned slave ships.

It is past time Black people wake up to this Jewish communist plot and take the reigns of their races destiny back from the Jew. Who has always used blacks for their own benefit not because they genuinely cared. The Jew is the enemy of the Black race whether be the the Slave trade, scapegoating, or indoctrinating blacks to be a communist proletariat. They have never meant blacks any good.

Works Cited

1. Noi Researrch. “The Scapegoating of Blacks Is an Old (Very Old) Jewish Trick.” Noirg.org, 29 Mar. 2018, https://noirg.org/articles/the-scapegoating-of-blacks-is-an-old-very-old-jewish-trick/.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. X, Malcom. Malcom X: the Autobiography of Malcom X. Penguin Group, 1968.
6. A Radical Program for the 20th Century by Israel Cohen
7. American Jews and the Civil Rights Movement by Jewish Virtual Library
8. Jews and the Civil Rights Movement by Dontell Jackson
9. Rivera, David Allen. “Communism and Racial Tension.” Modern History Project, 1994, https://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=7.7#NAACP.
14. Ibid.
15. Foster, Hannah. “Black Belt Republic (1928-1934).” BlackPast, 22 July 2019, https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/black-belt-republic-1928-1934/.
16. Ibid.
17. Rivera, David Allen. “Communism and Racial Tension.” Modern History Project, 1994, https://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=7.7#NAACP.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid
20.HP Mageson666. “MLK; Jewish Owned Puppet.” BlacksforSatan, http://www.blacksforsatan.org/martin_king.html.
21. Goodrich, Matthew Miles. “The Forgotten Socialist History of Martin Luther King Jr.” In These Times, 15 Jan. 2018, https://inthesetimes.com/article/20839/martin-luther-king-jr-day-socialism-capitalism.
22. Ibid.
23 Ibid.
24 Ibid.
25.Rivera, David Allen. “Communism and Racial Tension.” Modern History Project, 1994, https://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=7.7#NAACP.
26.Mass, Warren. “Declassified FBI Paper Reveals Communist Associates of Martin Luther King.” The New American, 6 Nov. 2017, https://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/history/item/27310-declassified-fbi-paper-reveals-communist-associates-of-martin-luther-king.
27. Ibid.
29.“Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter.” Accuracy in Media, Accuracy in Media, 23 May 2016, https://www.aim.org/special-report/reds-exploiting-blacks-the-roots-of-black-lives-matter/.
30. Ibid
32.Kelly, Erin. “Inside The Vietnam War Era's Free-Loving, Bomb-Planting Radical Group.” All That's Interesting, All That's Interesting, 1 Mar. 2018, https://allthatsinteresting.com/weathermen-the-weather-underground.
33. Tupy, Marian L. “Anti-Racists Should Think Twice about Allying with Socialism: Marian L. Tupy.” FEE Freeman Article, Foundation for Economic Education, 14 Nov. 2017, https://fee.org/articles/anti-racists-should-think-twice-about-allying-with-socialism/.
34. Culture. “How Black Lives Matter Is Bringing Back Traditional Marxism.” The Federalist, 28 Sept. 2016, https://thefederalist.com/2016/09/28/black-lives-matter-bringing-back-traditional-marxism/.
35.“Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter.” Accuracy in Media, Accuracy in Media, 23 May 2016, https://www.aim.org/special-report/reds-exploiting-blacks-the-roots-of-black-lives-matter/.
36. Ibid
37. Ibid
38. “Take A Closer Look at Who Is Behind the Protests in Ferguson and You'll Understand Exactly What's Up: IJR %.” IJR, 25 Nov. 2014, https://ijr.com/story-ferguson-protesters/.
39. Ibid.
40. “Discover The Networks.” Discover the Networks | Cloward-Piven Strategy (CPS), https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/organizations/clowardpiven-strategy-cps/.
41. Traub, Alex. “This 86-Year-Old Radical May Save (or Sink) the Democrats.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 May 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/10/nyregion/frances-fox-piven-democratic-socialism.html.
42. “Rasheen Aldridge.” KeyWiki, https://keywiki.org/Rasheen_Aldridge.
43. “Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter.” Accuracy in Media, Accuracy in Media, 23 May 2016, https://www.aim.org/special-report/reds-exploiting-blacks-the-roots-of-black-lives-matter/
44. “Crash Course by H. Bruce Franklin.” Books in Review II, 16 Apr. 2019, https://vvabooks.wordpress.com/2019/04/16/crash-course-by-h-bruce-franklin/.
45.“Highway Patrol Captain In Ferguson Blames Agitators from New York and California For Unrest [Update].” Village Voice, https://www.villagevoice.com/2014/08/19/highway-patrol-captain-in-ferguson-blames-agitators-from-new-york-and-california-for-unrest-update/.
46. “What The Heck Is The 'Revolutionary Communist Party' Doing In Ferguson?” Talking Points Memo, 21 Aug. 2014, https://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/left-wing-radicals-ferguson-missouri-protests.
47 / Richardson, Valerie. Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations.” The Washington Times. August 16, 2016. Accessed August 31, 2017. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/16/black-lives-matter-cashes-100-million-liberal-foun/↩
48. Courtois, Stephane. Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression. Harvard Univ Press, 2015.
So Cowboy I have decided when you did the flaming comments to not ban you or anything as I knew your comments came from love for your people. Which is normal and healthy.

This post makes me think this was a correct decision.

The salvation of our people won't come by instigating hate between Whites and Blacks as this is only a waste of time and it's meant to divert our attention from the creators of chaos: JEWS.

Seeing all of the above that you write, isn't it obvious that we Whites are also victimized and slandered by the jews? I hope your newfound understanding helps you understand this.

Go to http://www.satanslibrary.org and you will see that we have exposed a lot of what the jews have done to Black People. HPS Shannon and HP Mageson have wrote important things for you to study:


The above site was such a threat to the enemy, because it contains pure Truth about Blacks, that it was shut down in like 2 weeks. We had to go to lengths to keep it up, and I did technical research to have good recommendations so it would be afloat. HPS Shannon has the website running to free black people.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
So Cowboy I have decided when you did the flaming comments to not ban you or anything as I knew your comments came from love for your people. Which is normal and healthy.

This post makes me think this was a correct decision.

The salvation of our people won't come by instigating hate between Whites and Blacks as this is only a waste of time and it's meant to divert our attention from the creators of chaos: JEWS.

Seeing all of the above that you write, isn't it obvious that we Whites are also victimized and slandered by the jews? I hope your newfound understanding helps you understand this.

Go to http://www.satanslibrary.org and you will see that we have exposed a lot of what the jews have done to Black People. HPS Shannon and HP Mageson have wrote important things for you to study:


The above site was such a threat to the enemy, because it contains pure Truth about Blacks, that it was shut down in like 2 weeks. We had to go to lengths to keep it up, and I did technical research to have good recommendations so it would be afloat. HPS Shannon has the website running to free black people.

Cowboy is actually a black member that has been with us for alittle while, since I was ordained. He is knowledgeable. He went by another name on the forum and yahoo groups, but he is not new. He has also written a couple articles on the blacksforsatan website. Him and I have been working together to put new information out concerning the black race. The gods have been guiding him and myself to great books and information.

This article will be put on the blacksforsatan website.

We both spoke about that flaming he did, and it wasnt neccessary but apparently him and I have been having pretty bad attacks within this month, which I blame partly for his unreasonable lashing on that thread you are referring to.
works cited completed

10.. Leon Trotsky, https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/leon-trotsky.

11. Wisse, Ruth. “Was Lenin Jewish?” My Jewish Learning, My Jewish Learning, 6 Apr. 2011, https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/was-lenin-jewish/.

12. Karl Marx, https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/karl-marx.

13.“JewishEncyclopedia.com.” HESS, MOSES (MORITZ) - JewishEncyclopedia.com, http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/7649-hess-moses-moritz.
HPS Shannon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
So Cowboy I have decided when you did the flaming comments to not ban you or anything as I knew your comments came from love for your people. Which is normal and healthy.

This post makes me think this was a correct decision.

The salvation of our people won't come by instigating hate between Whites and Blacks as this is only a waste of time and it's meant to divert our attention from the creators of chaos: JEWS.

Seeing all of the above that you write, isn't it obvious that we Whites are also victimized and slandered by the jews? I hope your newfound understanding helps you understand this.

Go to http://www.satanslibrary.org and you will see that we have exposed a lot of what the jews have done to Black People. HPS Shannon and HP Mageson have wrote important things for you to study:


The above site was such a threat to the enemy, because it contains pure Truth about Blacks, that it was shut down in like 2 weeks. We had to go to lengths to keep it up, and I did technical research to have good recommendations so it would be afloat. HPS Shannon has the website running to free black people.

Cowboy is actually a black member that has been with us for alittle while, since I was ordained. He is knowledgeable. He went by another name on the forum and yahoo groups, but he is not new. He has also written a couple articles on the blacksforsatan website. Him and I have been working together to put new information out concerning the black race. The gods have been guiding him and myself to great books and information.

This article will be put on the blacksforsatan website.

We both spoke about that flaming he did, and it wasnt neccessary but apparently him and I have been having pretty bad attacks within this month, which I blame partly for his unreasonable lashing on that thread you are referring to.

Stay strong, also, the article was astounding. The article was super good.

I did not know Cowboy has been with us for a while, that's great.

Everyone goes through hard times. I completely understand and I also think others also understand.

HPS Shannon I also owe you an upload. I'll have it running now, will send later. May take hours. I'll put it up right now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
So Cowboy I have decided when you did the flaming comments to not ban you or anything as I knew your comments came from love for your people. Which is normal and healthy.

This post makes me think this was a correct decision.

The salvation of our people won't come by instigating hate between Whites and Blacks as this is only a waste of time and it's meant to divert our attention from the creators of chaos: JEWS.

Seeing all of the above that you write, isn't it obvious that we Whites are also victimized and slandered by the jews? I hope your newfound understanding helps you understand this.

Go to http://www.satanslibrary.org and you will see that we have exposed a lot of what the jews have done to Black People. HPS Shannon and HP Mageson have wrote important things for you to study:


The above site was such a threat to the enemy, because it contains pure Truth about Blacks, that it was shut down in like 2 weeks. We had to go to lengths to keep it up, and I did technical research to have good recommendations so it would be afloat. HPS Shannon has the website running to free black people.

Cowboy is actually a black member that has been with us for alittle while, since I was ordained. He is knowledgeable. He went by another name on the forum and yahoo groups, but he is not new. He has also written a couple articles on the blacksforsatan website. Him and I have been working together to put new information out concerning the black race. The gods have been guiding him and myself to great books and information.

This article will be put on the blacksforsatan website.

We both spoke about that flaming he did, and it wasnt neccessary but apparently him and I have been having pretty bad attacks within this month, which I blame partly for his unreasonable lashing on that thread you are referring to.

Stay strong, also, the article was astounding. The article was super good.

I did not know Cowboy has been with us for a while, that's great.

Everyone goes through hard times. I completely understand and I also think others also understand.

HPS Shannon I also owe you an upload. I'll have it running now, will send later. May take hours. I'll put it up right now.

Ok, thanks. I look forward to that. I'm having some issues with one of my laptops so updates on my site will take alittle while longer.

I will privately email you as I need to figure some things out with that.

I look forward to your email back on the upload. Take your time though.
HPS Shannon I want to asl you something if you do not mind.
Recently when I see black people , especially when they have relationship with people from my country (Greece) I have a feeling of anger within me and i cannot explain why I have this.In the past I used to think that racism is something completely evil but for about half a year now I have completely accept that it is a part of the physical low and it is not evil at all .So my question is :
Is that feeling of anger that I have something physical or it is a part of Jewish brain washing or I am just a shit person?
(keep in mind that there many immigrants in Greece from various countries and communist have much contol in many things and also I am surrounded by many communists).
*Also I recently did a freeing the soul working ,can this be related since i had also had finished one about half a year ago (this when it first started).
Νίκος said:
HPS Shannon I want to asl you something if you do not mind.
Recently when I see black people , especially when they have relationship with people from my country (Greece) I have a feeling of anger within me and i cannot explain why I have this.In the past I used to think that racism is something completely evil but for about half a year now I have completely accept that it is a part of the physical low and it is not evil at all .So my question is :
Is that feeling of anger that I have something physical or it is a part of Jewish brain washing or I am just a shit person?
(keep in mind that there many immigrants in Greece from various countries and communist have much contol in many things and also I am surrounded by many communists).
*Also I recently did a freeing the soul working ,can this be related since i had also had finished one about half a year ago (this when it first started).

Many black women feel this way about black male entertainers and athletes who date out. Some black women don’t a lot of black women do. Just not too long ago they threatened to boycott Michael B. Jordan for being seen with white women. I don’t know if it’s natural or not depends on the individual. As I said some black women don’t care.

Just giving that as an example.
Νίκος said:
HPS Shannon I want to asl you something if you do not mind.
Recently when I see black people , especially when they have relationship with people from my country (Greece) I have a feeling of anger within me and i cannot explain why I have this.In the past I used to think that racism is something completely evil but for about half a year now I have completely accept that it is a part of the physical low and it is not evil at all .So my question is :
Is that feeling of anger that I have something physical or it is a part of Jewish brain washing or I am just a shit person?
(keep in mind that there many immigrants in Greece from various countries and communist have much contol in many things and also I am surrounded by many communists).
*Also I recently did a freeing the soul working ,can this be related since i had also had finished one about half a year ago (this when it first started).

Its not wrong or evil for you to feel upset at seeing members of your race with another. Its normal since race matters. I dont think you should let it ruin your day or distract you from the bigger picture but you should acknowledge it and know that these interracial relationships are small incl comparison to the millions of gentiles who still stick to and prefer their own. Dont worry.

The meditations we do help us to control ourselves and re act differently in a positive way.

If anything, your feelings are normal. If you were totally okay with it then that is Jewish brainwashing. Stay calm and positive but know the truth.
Νίκος said:
HPS Shannon I want to asl you something if you do not mind.
Recently when I see black people , especially when they have relationship with people from my country (Greece) I have a feeling of anger within me and i cannot explain why I have this.In the past I used to think that racism is something completely evil but for about half a year now I have completely accept that it is a part of the physical low and it is not evil at all .So my question is :
Is that feeling of anger that I have something physical or it is a part of Jewish brain washing or I am just a shit person?
(keep in mind that there many immigrants in Greece from various countries and communist have much contol in many things and also I am surrounded by many communists).
*Also I recently did a freeing the soul working ,can this be related since i had also had finished one about half a year ago (this when it first started).

If you have anger when you see a black gentile, then I cant say much on that. Those are your feelings and preferences. You have your reasons..but probably not the best, or healthy to feel anger at a black gentile for no reason.

But if it is one of those black gentiles terrorizing Europe then yes, I would be pretty angry too.
HPS Shannon said:
Νίκος said:
HPS Shannon I want to asl you something if you do not mind.
Recently when I see black people , especially when they have relationship with people from my country (Greece) I have a feeling of anger within me and i cannot explain why I have this.In the past I used to think that racism is something completely evil but for about half a year now I have completely accept that it is a part of the physical low and it is not evil at all .So my question is :
Is that feeling of anger that I have something physical or it is a part of Jewish brain washing or I am just a shit person?
(keep in mind that there many immigrants in Greece from various countries and communist have much contol in many things and also I am surrounded by many communists).
*Also I recently did a freeing the soul working ,can this be related since i had also had finished one about half a year ago (this when it first started).

If you have anger when you see a black gentile, then I cant say much on that. Those are your feelings and preferences. You have your reasons..but probably not the best, or healthy to feel anger at a black gentile for no reason.

But if it is one of those black gentiles terrorizing Europe then yes, I would be pretty angry too.
I don't hate the black gentiles ,but the idea of mixing the races making me really mad .I know that all of the gentiles are actually brothers and we are also in the same side against the disgusting jewish race.
Thank you for both of your answers very much!
Cowboy123 said:
Νίκος said:
HPS Shannon I want to asl you something if you do not mind.
Recently when I see black people , especially when they have relationship with people from my country (Greece) I have a feeling of anger within me and i cannot explain why I have this.In the past I used to think that racism is something completely evil but for about half a year now I have completely accept that it is a part of the physical low and it is not evil at all .So my question is :
Is that feeling of anger that I have something physical or it is a part of Jewish brain washing or I am just a shit person?
(keep in mind that there many immigrants in Greece from various countries and communist have much contol in many things and also I am surrounded by many communists).
*Also I recently did a freeing the soul working ,can this be related since i had also had finished one about half a year ago (this when it first started).

Many black women feel this way about black male entertainers and athletes who date out. Some black women don’t a lot of black women do. Just not too long ago they threatened to boycott Michael B. Jordan for being seen with white women. I don’t know if it’s natural or not depends on the individual. As I said some black women don’t care.

Just giving that as an example.
Thank you for this answer.This is excalty what I needed to hear!
check this out:



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
