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How Jews Lie

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Interesting but short topic.

In the Sefer Yetzirah which is called the "Book of Formation", which is the story of how Rabbis created the jew made Hebrew Alphabet (they name themselves God as usual in this book), they just give the array on some subjects, amongst one of these, is lying. These can be found in annotated versions especially under the letter "Betai" or "Beys" or "Bet" which is a letter associated in hebrew with the feminine element and the ability to lie. This is why they start the bible with the Bet, because it is a loose lie.

The jewish method of lying consists of mixing and perverting information. Other than that, outrageous lying. For example, as the jews command in many of their social engineering book, a lie, in order to be successful, has to have truth in it, or it cannot stand. Otherwise, the lie must be so monstrous, and so beyond comprehension, that it simply passes down as truth.

One of these lies is Rabbi Jesus. A lie so big, that literally made the brain of ancient people just lag. So what, you can get saved just by belief in a jewish guy?

This is typical in all sorts of swindlers, the lies are huge, outrageous, completely contrary to any logic, and against any analysis whatsover.

This is a method of inversion they follow. The Demons who were divine for the ancient people, they call them and enforce the meme that they are the source of all evil. This inversion is simple as the jews seek to overthrow a structure upside down.

For example, Stalin's genocides are pinned on Hitler. All the responsibility of all crimes is thrown on the innocents. All the crimes of jews, they pin on their enemies. An example here is how they do the ritual of the Goat of Azazel on which they throw all the wrongdoings of the Jewish Race on the Gentile God that they call Azazel.

Another of the most major conceptions of jews is that you can do any crime you want, and if you are not caught, it's all fine. If you get called, then this is "Satan". Satan is called the Accuser simply because he seeks to punish you for it.

Crimes especially on the back of the goyim are perfectly fine and permissible - the only 'unfortunate' thing is that you can get caught of it, this is the essence of the jewish mind.

The jew is uncreative in all his pursuits. The jew lies hugely but without creativity. This is why also jewish literary work is just worthless, same as jewish music and anything else the jews claim to be 'creators' of. This is evident in all their work. This became relevant when the jews tried to enter meta-platonic schools and many other occult sciences and just had nothing to add simply because as a species they are not meant for any high spiritual understanding. The same thing happened in Freemasonry, it became just useless bullshit as usual. It sank to the level of the jew.

Over time people have given more creativity to the jews than they deserve. Everything they have is stolen. The belief that to steal is better than to create is a major one for the jews, they believe others should do the work, while in the end they simply come and steal, and appropriate these things as theirs. This is foundational in Judaism and is proof their "god" exists.

The jew eventhough never bored to say lies, is always a lazy and uncreative liar, but a crafty one. Their laziness can be seen. For example, they just steal whole elements from a language and they don't even bother to change them, just slightly appropriate them. They just take the stories of the native population and just twist them in reverse.

The jewish brain is so lazy and psychotic that they believe that if people become angry for being stolen, ripped of, and planned on extinction by the jews, that is some irrational thing, and that this is of the 'devil'.

They stole the verb EL which was the name of "God" in the regions they were nested, and stuck some random letters on the side, to make their "Angels". They stole some letters and put them in different sequences to "create" their "alphabet". They stole the stories and creation myths of other people and just corroded them to create their own history. Their so called "savior" and their creation of Christianity is just a stolen Pagan story replayed all over again, but written in hebrew, and with some hebrew protagonists in place, then some reversal towards the originals. Just lazy stealing.

Do you want some names for your "God"? Take the ancient Gods of some other people and slap them together, and here you go. Take Shiva and make Yeshiva, take Adonis and make Adonai, take Sammash and make it into Shemmesh, and the list goes on. Why labor? You're a worthless kike and you cannot create anything anyway.

If one examines the true history of the jews, it's a story of slaves and worthless beings. Navigating in the desert, uncivilized and worthless, they never worked on the field or mined, or created a house. They used to just live in tents like worthless beggars as usual, going around and begging people to live in their country. If given mercy, they exploited this, and tried to kill them after stealing from them. It's typical of the worthless to develop a mental disease of hyper inflation of the ego, and the jews have this psychopathology more than any other race.

The jews are by nature a slave race, and no matter how many Armani and Golden Chains they wear, they will always in their core be the same.

The Rabbis know that Judaism is an 'open culture', aka, if they find new interesting things to steal, they incorporate them. The jews also have the doctrine of the "Exiles", aka, the fact that they believe they were commanded by their "God", to be exiled in other nation, just to essentially steal and corrupt spiritual knowledge, so they can have everything.

Thieving and lying to the jew is what eyeballs is to mammals. It's essential for survival.

Lastly the jews want to be taken seriously when Israel is literally the only place in the world where a class in lying and mindfucking goyim is literally a state affair. It's called Yeshiva school. Lazy even here, they name it Ye-Shiva, in blasphemy to Satan/Shiva, which is actually the lord of Truth, as even those in basic yoga know is the nature of Shiva, naming their school of master lying to add insult to injury.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another of the most major conceptions of jews is that you can do any crime you want, and if you are not caught, it's all fine.
Oh, yeah. I've said before - make sure you don't break the 11th commandment - "don't get caught". Hence, the legal/jude-icial system of proving "beyond a reasonable doubt"...and for those like jimmy saville, false-lord janner, etc., allowed/waited to have died before it came out about them. Then the proof bit goes further, as we've been saying, about proving something 100% totally fully completely absolutely, beyond any and all measure of doubt; misunderstanding; confusion; or imagination...otherwise, it's false - all for making it easier to not be caught lying/spreading false information/suppressing knowledge, etc.

They stole the stories and creation myths of other people and just corroded them to create their own history. Their so called "savior" and their creation of Christianity is just a stolen Pagan story replayed all over again, but written in hebrew, and with some hebrew protagonists in place, then some reversal towards the originals. Just lazy stealing.
I'm not going to mention these "reboot" films; rehashes of stories/novels; re-takes on programmes; repeats of "musicians" using others' work... all to raise so many shekels which the Goyim feel so desperate about needing to waste money on, so they can be entertained, and wasting 1100 shekels on 300-shekel phones, etc., which they neither want nor need...

Why labor? You're a worthless kike and you cannot create anything anyway.
[cough]Dirty (pun not intended) industry and pollution, of which there is a heck of a lot, with many Goyim slaving away - and as per the crApple whyPhone, slaving away for hours, with Children wading around in poison...and Amazon, named after a River, where you are not "allowed" to engage in a fundamental Natural thing (which is also supposed to be a basic Human "right") - i.e. pissing into a bottle because there's no time for you to go to the toilet...then with both of these being trillion-dollar traders... Don't forget to watch Apple's Broken Promises.

It's literal slave labour, but think you're OK and free to leave the job, and you are brainwashed into wasting your money on shit you neither want more need, spending a bit on unhealthy food, or being penalised and forced to spend more than a bit on healthy food. It's free to be lazy, but it costs you a lot to not be lazy - you're penalised for it. Fuck, it's as if the dirty kike is trying to fuck you up.

As such - people are still waiting for Brexit, to get out of the European jewnion (but not Europe - we'll always be in Europe :roll:), and for those who know, to be against the jew's wet farty, sloppy faecal stinky wet dream of jew world order, a one-government world.[/cough]

If one examines the true history of the jews, it's a story of slaves and worthless beings. Navigating in the desert, uncivilized and worthless, they never worked on the field or mined, or created a house. They used to just live in tents like worthless beggars as usual, going around and begging people to live in their country. If given mercy, they exploited this, and tried to kill them after stealing from them. It's typical of the worthless to develop a mental disease of hyper inflation of the ego, and the jews have this psychopathology more than any other race.
Hyper-materialism - the Goyim worked hard to build great architectural buildings and fine works of art, fine wine, and all sorts of materialistic antiques with brilliant imagination, ornate objects, expensive provenance...to be sold for hundreds or more for a shitty, little piece of metal...while actually-important things get thrown to the curb and ignored and forgot about and not funded - but in some examples, as I mentioned, which you have to spend money on.

The Rabbis know that Judaism is an 'open culture', aka, if they find new interesting things to steal, they incorporate them.
You know about jewsus of Borg. The jew is Borg, and loves stealing what's yours making those things its own - "We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.", also referencing what was said about rich Goyim being welcomed with open arms, and open legs, by a dirty female kike...

The jews also have the doctrine of the "Exiles", aka, the fact that they believe they were commanded by their "God", to be exiled in other nation, just to essentially steal and corrupt spiritual knowledge, so they can have everything.
Sorry to reference jewgene rottenverry's Star Trek again, but that is Odo, a Founder, 'sent out' (abandoned) into the galaxy by its own, in order to amass knowledge...for the Founders, who are shape-shifters, to come and steal everything and take over with the Dominion, and its army/social army of the Jem'Hadar, and the poor, ickle Vorta who were small nothings made to be field commanders; administrators; scientists; and diplomats, who saw themselves as those who "served the Founders". The condescending arrogance of the "god" jew Founders says a lot. Star Trek DS9 spoiler alert; spoiler ahead!

Odo: Captain, there's something you need to know. The Changeling, before he died, he whispered something to me.
Sisko: Go on.
Odo: He said, "You're too late. We're everywhere".

People who haven't watched the films/programmes which I mention all the time should watch them for clues and understanding.

The jew is everywhere. If it was in one place, a nice barrage of photon torpedoes (or missiles...) would 'finishit' off.

Our war is not Physical, but Spiritual, though - the RtRs are (Final RtR now is) beautiful.

How Jews Lie? "It's just a story/programme/film. It's not real." It's the soul of the jew being manifest in the Gentile World - and used to make money to control Gentiles.
I wish it was easier to criticize jewish music but its difficult because in jewish music you see the jewish soul. And if you can't see the jewish soul then you can't understand what about jewish music is... what it is. Rush and Death and Mendelssohn make a lot more sense when you're red-pilled on the Jews because while listening to the bands you get a sense that this is purple prose in musical format. I thought Rush was good until I heard Zeppelin & Yes and I thought Death was good until I heard Obscura and Decapitated. Musicians are always trying to appeal to the popular and the Jews just appeal to what is popular for their own kind and those are brainwashed with their bullshit. It ends up sounding vaguely artificial as hard as they try and succeed to make acceptable music. And also anybody who even likes Schoenberg should honestly just have a pole stuck nine feet up their ass. I'm really sick of the jews.
Godmode said:
I wish it was easier to criticize jewish music but its difficult because in jewish music you see the jewish soul. And if you can't see the jewish soul then you can't understand what about jewish music is... what it is. Rush and Death and Mendelssohn make a lot more sense when you're red-pilled on the Jews because while listening to the bands you get a sense that this is purple prose in musical format. I thought Rush was good until I heard Zeppelin & Yes and I thought Death was good until I heard Obscura and Decapitated. Musicians are always trying to appeal to the popular and the Jews just appeal to what is popular for their own kind and those are brainwashed with their bullshit. It ends up sounding vaguely artificial as hard as they try and succeed to make acceptable music. And also anybody who even likes Schoenberg should honestly just have a pole stuck nine feet up their ass. I'm really sick of the jews.

Looks up schoenberg. Oh god my ears. Why is there a picture of a gray? Ehh nasty.

Schoenberg was a Jew who by his own bragging confession admitted he created a degenerated form of music to create disharmony and trash the classic Hellenistic philosophy of music that others like Wagner worked on which revolved around a different musical scale that related to the union of notes in which they believed was the perfection of spirit and form. Schoenberg did all his music in the chromatic scale instead. Some have claimed this scale induces a chaotic mindset into people and maybe even mental illness in extreme cases. This is why Schoenberg did this he was driven by the passion of his alien Jewish soul to ruin Gentile society and cultural forms. As part of the Jews racial war on all mankind. What this kike did to music other kikes did to the other arts with modern art. A empty, mentality ill, nihilism, trash that is literally in many cases poop paintings and toilets as art. This is why there is some much nihilistic sophism surrounding and justifying this trash culture of phoney art. Without this it would have nothing to cloak itself and agenda in.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
If one examines the true history of the jews, it's a story of slaves and worthless beings. Navigating in the desert, uncivilized and worthless, they never worked on the field or mined, or created a house. They used to just live in tents like worthless beggars as usual, going around and begging people to live in their country. If given mercy, they exploited this, and tried to kill them after stealing from them. It's typical of the worthless to develop a mental disease of hyper inflation of the ego, and the jews have this psychopathology more than any other race.

The jews are by nature a slave race, and no matter how many Armani and Golden Chains they wear, they will always in their core be the same.

If you try to approach this from a more epigenetic point of view, it gets even more interesting.

The activity of your genes can be influenced without directly altering the genetic code itself. It's a phenomenon we summarize as 'epigenetics'.

Usually, it is a completely normal process. For instance, women possess two copies of the X sex chromosome.
One copy gets hypermethylated in order to deactivate it.

These changes can also be triggered by external factors, however. To make things even worse, they can be hereditary, as well.
Behavioral patterns, DNA damage, environmental conditions; these are all external factors. A single famine is enough to imprint this information in future generations, thus increasing the risk of obesity etc.

In the case of our beloved kikes, just look at the many millennia of inbreeding, degeneracy, violence, worthlessness, avarice and malice.
Delightful little creatures, aren't they?
Godmode said:
I wish it was easier to criticize jewish music but its difficult because in jewish music you see the jewish soul. And if you can't see the jewish soul then you can't understand what about jewish music is... what it is. Rush and Death and Mendelssohn make a lot more sense when you're red-pilled on the Jews because while listening to the bands you get a sense that this is purple prose in musical format.

Could you explain what you mean by purple prose? I think I've heard the enemies color is purple but I'm not sure why?

On a comical note I looked at my cd Symbolic by Death( I didn't even know he was jewish until recently) and noticed he thanks his Attornies and tax accountants :lol:.
Purple Prose is the term for when people speak with way more words than necessary, trying to sound smart and elaborate, but end up sounding horrible because they tried too hard. Shoenburg is so unbelievably bad and so obviously jewish that it's not even funny as a joke. It's just offensive.
If you want a strong example of purple prose, look up Amanda McKittrick Ros. I can't prove that she's jewish but I'd be absolutely floored with shock if she was not. A lot of gentiles find amusement at the try-hard attempts of the jews because they can't even believe how much work was put into something so bad. Shoenberg's Verklarte Nacht is a good example too because it will sound normal and good for a while, and then just get really fucked up and retarded, dissonant and depressing out of the blue. And it's also boring and rarely resolves properly, just often leaves you hanging on a disgusting note that makes you wonder what the fuck you just listened to and why it was written like that. And also there's all these random fucking sound effects in the song that make it sound like the violinists are literally flossing their teeth with their instruments half way through the song. And this shit is supposed to be "new" and "good"? Its a little silly.

It's kind of like writing a Haiku except you switch out all the first letters of each word for the last letter of the same word like pig-latin. Like why the fuck would you do that? Just make the poem normally. Jews always have something to "add" and always have a problem with everything Gentiles create, but are never able to provide a meaningful contribution. it's actually really just sad on their behalf but since they resort to murder to keep their arts alive, they deserve zero pity.

The sad fact is that only whites can write music that sounds like Beethoven or Bach or Holst. Music is a trait that's passed through generations, that anybody can learn, but only those with the actual blood of composers can speak in the language and converse with other composers through music. Through art the race can talk among itself in a more subtle way. That is how music of the ages changes and we'd been doing it that way for hundreds of years until the Jews fucked it up by teaching blacks, women, and other Jews that they too can write music "just like Beethoven or Bach!". So the jews basically just try to make jewish version of European styles, the blacks try to make black versions of European styles, and the women try to make femme versions of European styles, unconsciously. It just comes down to wanting to be some kind of minority hero for these people sometimes. It usually ends up sounding like "lite" Classical music or otherwise just kind of boring but sometimes its actually OK if the writer doesn't pay mind to their own identity. Katharina Cibbini-Kozeluh for example is female and writes actual decent music. Dunno why but a good dynamic seems to be a talented female musician and improviser combined with a talented male composer who can repair instruments, it seems like women are very good at working with their hands in the arts and men are marginally better at thinking up new ideas.

I'm not saying I'm like fucking Wagner over here writing the best music anyone's ever heard and now I have ultimate authority to judge all. I mean, my music is not great all the time just because I'm a white male. That would be absurd and narcissistic to think, but I'm pretty sure having musical German ancestry is part of why I've heard music in my head from an early age.
Did you ever watch that movie "Excalibur" I found it was excellent the director based a lot of the sound track on Wagner because he just watched the Wagner opera Parsifal before production of the movie and he brought that into the movie. Excellent film it captures that Christianity sucks and replaced the Pagan world of mystery and magic. My favourite character in the film is Merlin. The best scene in the movie is at the wedding of Arthur were Merlin is not at the Christian wedding he is standing far off on Pagan ground watching and he talks to Morgana about the Pagan world and the new world of men and Christianity and how it sucks. Merlin's world of the Dragon and the power of the Dragon is the world that was shown honestly to be purer and noble. Arthur in the movie turns his back on the Pagan world and destroyed for this.
Godmode said:
The sad fact is that only whites can write music that sounds like Beethoven or Bach or Holst. Music is a trait that's passed through generations, that anybody can learn, but only those with the actual blood of composers can speak in the language and converse with other composers through music. Through art the race can talk among itself in a more subtle way. That is how music of the ages changes and we'd been doing it that way for hundreds of years until the Jews fucked it up by teaching blacks, women, and other Jews that they too can write music "just like Beethoven or Bach!". So the jews basically just try to make jewish version of European styles, the blacks try to make black versions of European styles, and the women try to make femme versions of European styles, unconsciously. It just comes down to wanting to be some kind of minority hero for these people sometimes. It usually ends up sounding like "lite" Classical music or otherwise just kind of boring but sometimes its actually OK if the writer doesn't pay mind to their own identity. Katharina Cibbini-Kozeluh for example is female and writes actual decent music. Dunno why but a good dynamic seems to be a talented female musician and improviser combined with a talented male composer who can repair instruments, it seems like women are very good at working with their hands in the arts and men are marginally better at thinking up new ideas.

You are seriously saying women should not have been taught to make music.... that the jews fucked up by teaching women music....

The jews fucked up, by holding back women's potential. But thanks for proving you are just a xian-minded so-called SS.

The reason why there were not many women composers, artists, and so on in history, is because women spent all their time with their children and in their home. A mother could not devote the time to artistic pursuits, whereas a father could spend time away from his children, and did not have household responsibilities. Women were not given the opportunity for even a decent education, we were property of our father and then husband.

Music and art are from the feminine side of the brain. Women are more in tune with this, obviously, so women do have the natural inherent ability for this. But we were held back by the jews.

"Femme version of European styles"... or perhaps the original male versions were off balance and would have been so much better if xianity never existed. If there was never xianity in the first place, do you honestly think no women would have become musicians, that women are only musicians because the jews taught us music?

I am not a (((feminist))), but you "Godmode", have a serious mental problem here. Either go back to xianity where you belong, or get a fucking clue about what Satanism actually is.
HP Mageson666 said:
Did you ever watch that movie "Excalibur" I found it was excellent the director based a lot of the sound track on Wagner because he just watched the Wagner opera Parsifal before production of the movie and he brought that into the movie. Excellent film it captures that Christianity sucks and replaced the Pagan world of mystery and magic. My favourite character in the film is Merlin. The best scene in the movie is at the wedding of Arthur were Merlin is not at the Christian wedding he is standing far off on Pagan ground watching and he talks to Morgana about the Pagan world and the new world of men and Christianity and how it sucks. Merlin's world of the Dragon and the power of the Dragon is the world that was shown honestly to be purer and noble. Arthur in the movie turns his back on the Pagan world and destroyed for this.
Now I have plans for tonight
Godmode said:
If you want a strong example of purple prose, look up Amanda McKittrick Ros. I can't prove that she's jewish but I'd be absolutely floored with shock if she was not. A lot of gentiles find amusement at the try-hard attempts of the jews because they can't even believe how much work was put into something so bad. Shoenberg's Verklarte Nacht is a good example too because it will sound normal and good for a while, and then just get really fucked up and retarded, dissonant and depressing out of the blue. And it's also boring and rarely resolves properly, just often leaves you hanging on a disgusting note that makes you wonder what the fuck you just listened to and why it was written like that. And also there's all these random fucking sound effects in the song that make it sound like the violinists are literally flossing their teeth with their instruments half way through the song. And this shit is supposed to be "new" and "good"? Its a little silly.

It's kind of like writing a Haiku except you switch out all the first letters of each word for the last letter of the same word like pig-latin. Like why the fuck would you do that? Just make the poem normally. Jews always have something to "add" and always have a problem with everything Gentiles create, but are never able to provide a meaningful contribution. it's actually really just sad on their behalf but since they resort to murder to keep their arts alive, they deserve zero pity.

The sad fact is that only whites can write music that sounds like Beethoven or Bach or Holst. Music is a trait that's passed through generations, that anybody can learn, but only those with the actual blood of composers can speak in the language and converse with other composers through music. Through art the race can talk among itself in a more subtle way. That is how music of the ages changes and we'd been doing it that way for hundreds of years until the Jews fucked it up by teaching blacks, women, and other Jews that they too can write music "just like Beethoven or Bach!". So the jews basically just try to make jewish version of European styles, the blacks try to make black versions of European styles, and the women try to make femme versions of European styles, unconsciously. It just comes down to wanting to be some kind of minority hero for these people sometimes. It usually ends up sounding like "lite" Classical music or otherwise just kind of boring but sometimes its actually OK if the writer doesn't pay mind to their own identity. Katharina Cibbini-Kozeluh for example is female and writes actual decent music. Dunno why but a good dynamic seems to be a talented female musician and improviser combined with a talented male composer who can repair instruments, it seems like women are very good at working with their hands in the arts and men are marginally better at thinking up new ideas.

I'm not saying I'm like fucking Wagner over here writing the best music anyone's ever heard and now I have ultimate authority to judge all. I mean, my music is not great all the time just because I'm a white male. That would be absurd and narcissistic to think, but I'm pretty sure having musical German ancestry is part of why I've heard music in my head from an early age.
I don't normally go against SS directly because I think it's useless, but the patience has its limit and you dude are a retard, what the actual fuck, seriously, woman can't do music? I hope you are just a new SS because if you're long term one you have the most disgusting xtian mindset one could have, just convert to xianity already if you think woman are inferior that wouldnt be a big loss.
There are so many things wrong with Godmode's post, I had to do a triple take lol. Other races have creative talents as well. On the gender side, I actually wish there were more well known female musicians in history, it upsets me there isn't (and that there's not more strong female characters in anime, but that's another topic, I ramble!)

Lydia said:
"Femme version of European styles"... or perhaps the original male versions were off balance and would have been so much better if xianity never existed. If there was never xianity in the first place, do you honestly think no women would have become musicians, that women are only musicians because the jews taught us music?

I like your post! Especially the part about the feminine side of the brain each gender has and can use, the side associated with the typical "female" traits, the one great artists and musicians, man and woman have tapped into for their master works. It helps greatly to practice with your musical instrument while in a light trance at times, so this being the other side of the coin makes a lot of sense!

Oh yeah Lydia , the "original male versions" you speak of, are you saying you're not really a big fan of those?

Hail Satan!
The Catholic Church castrated young boys so they would sing in place of having to allow women in to the musical establishment.
Godmode said:
If you want a strong example of purple prose, look up Amanda McKittrick Ros. I can't prove that she's jewish but I'd be absolutely floored with shock if she was not. A lot of gentiles find amusement at the try-hard attempts of the jews because they can't even believe how much work was put into something so bad. Shoenberg's Verklarte Nacht is a good example too because it will sound normal and good for a while, and then just get really fucked up and retarded, dissonant and depressing out of the blue. And it's also boring and rarely resolves properly, just often leaves you hanging on a disgusting note that makes you wonder what the fuck you just listened to and why it was written like that. And also there's all these random fucking sound effects in the song that make it sound like the violinists are literally flossing their teeth with their instruments half way through the song. And this shit is supposed to be "new" and "good"? Its a little silly.

It's kind of like writing a Haiku except you switch out all the first letters of each word for the last letter of the same word like pig-latin. Like why the fuck would you do that? Just make the poem normally. Jews always have something to "add" and always have a problem with everything Gentiles create, but are never able to provide a meaningful contribution. it's actually really just sad on their behalf but since they resort to murder to keep their arts alive, they deserve zero pity.

The sad fact is that only whites can write music that sounds like Beethoven or Bach or Holst. Music is a trait that's passed through generations, that anybody can learn, but only those with the actual blood of composers can speak in the language and converse with other composers through music. Through art the race can talk among itself in a more subtle way. That is how music of the ages changes and we'd been doing it that way for hundreds of years until the Jews fucked it up by teaching blacks, women, and other Jews that they too can write music "just like Beethoven or Bach!". So the jews basically just try to make jewish version of European styles, the blacks try to make black versions of European styles, and the women try to make femme versions of European styles, unconsciously. It just comes down to wanting to be some kind of minority hero for these people sometimes. It usually ends up sounding like "lite" Classical music or otherwise just kind of boring but sometimes its actually OK if the writer doesn't pay mind to their own identity. Katharina Cibbini-Kozeluh for example is female and writes actual decent music. Dunno why but a good dynamic seems to be a talented female musician and improviser combined with a talented male composer who can repair instruments, it seems like women are very good at working with their hands in the arts and men are marginally better at thinking up new ideas.

I'm not saying I'm like fucking Wagner over here writing the best music anyone's ever heard and now I have ultimate authority to judge all. I mean, my music is not great all the time just because I'm a white male. That would be absurd and narcissistic to think, but I'm pretty sure having musical German ancestry is part of why I've heard music in my head from an early age.

That post is the result of what happens when someone hangs out with xian "NS"/neo-"Nazis" and at the same time isn't advanced enough to see thru blatant bs. Come on dude. I thought you were better than that.
Ascension said:
There are so many things wrong with Godmode's post, I had to do a triple take lol. Other races have creative talents as well. On the gender side, I actually wish there were more well known female musicians in history, it upsets me there isn't (and that there's not more strong female characters in anime, but that's another topic, I ramble!)

Lydia said:
"Femme version of European styles"... or perhaps the original male versions were off balance and would have been so much better if xianity never existed. If there was never xianity in the first place, do you honestly think no women would have become musicians, that women are only musicians because the jews taught us music?

I like your post! Especially the part about the feminine side of the brain each gender has and can use, the side associated with the typical "female" traits, the one great artists and musicians, man and woman have tapped into for their master works. It helps greatly to practice with your musical instrument while in a light trance at times, so this being the other side of the coin makes a lot of sense!

Oh yeah Lydia , the "original male versions" you speak of, are you saying you're not really a big fan of those?

Hail Satan!

Thank you :) As for what I said about original male versions (I am a fan of classical music), what I meant was, if women were also involved in the music scene back then, it could have been even better. I am not a musician myself, but I do have the ability to see/hear how things could be better in music.

We are children of the Gods, both men and women, different yet equally important in society. By holding back one gender, it throws everything off balance, and there would have been so much more beauty and talent in our history, art, music, and so on, if women were given the same opportunities. It literally makes no sense to purposely hold back one type of the same people from having opportunities, this goes against Nature and against Satan, as Satan stands for developing and expressing our talents. That's why anyone who is against women having the same opportunities, does not belong here in the JoS (which, incidentally, was founded by a women, no man did what HPS Maxine did). Christianity (and Islam) are literally mental disorders, people with those mindsets have literal retardation.

Side note, there were a lot of female artists (painters etc) who had their father, brother, or husband pass their work off as his own, in order to be sold. This is a documented fact, so I wouldn't be surprised if some musical compositions were written by women as well, given our history.

@HP Mageson, yeah it makes so much sense to cut off a boys penis so he can sing those high notes, lol. Christianity = retardation.
Yeah I actually have absolutely no idea why I was just attacked. Do you think I'm fucking retarded?

When you try to take something classically beautiful and bastardize it by making a feminist or a "African American" version of it, its literally derivative like a copy. Learn to read, Aquarius. I actually specifically said I think women are more reliable as actual skilled musicians whereas a male composer is more reliable to produce a steady stream of original content. Literally, learn to read or I will never post here again. You need to stop looking for badguys because if you think you have a lesson to teach me then you're not doing a good job.

And to the other guy I'm sorry buddy but no time in one million years is a black or indian or chinese person going to come to Europe and be able to write our music. Japenese can write fantastic video game music but it's typically (not always ffs) just a simulation of the real thing. That would be like a white guy going to Africa and claiming he is the best who ever lived at writing African music. Thanks a lot for the progressive conversation.
I think the idea that Bach would be better if xianity never existed is plain ignorance of history. Bach was Bach. It didn't matter what he believed or what he was forced at swordpoint to say he believed. He needed to do work in order to find a place in society and eat food, give him a break instead of saying "oh but I'm sure there's a gay black woman who could do it better".
Lydia said:
We are children of the Gods, both men and women

Aye, I look forward to when this is all over, the God's/Goddesses or even Mr.Piper himself could teach us a few musical lessons!
Yeah you can't just add women to Bach and all of a sudden Bach is better lol....
Step out of Canada for just two seconds please for the love of all hell.
Just go listen to the female composers and maybe suggest them to your local symphony. If people went to symphonies more often they'd see plenty if not usually equal female influence in all areas. There's always pieces by female composers being played where I live. Wagner and Bach aren't overrated but it doesn't mean they aren't overplayed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ relax, if you're pissed about history then grow up and do something to change it because I actually worked my entire life so far to correct Bach's religious mistake.
What have you done.
People like Bach or Wagner are the one percent of centuries of a male dominated regime. So holding them up over everyone else as to a claim of male superiority in music is somewhat not solid of an argument. Also factoring in to the fact the Jews have ruined all classical artistic systems and lowered everything down in standard. If more women composers existed in a solid system in time a women composer would arise as well of excellent ability its a matter of numbers and time within the race.

I don't think Blacks are going to want to write European style music its unconscious., I have studied classic systems of Asian music and I couldn't even start to write something that would appeal to them. Its something in their own racial soul. It would just be apeing their style. Jazz seems to be the synthesis that came about from the Black psyche mixing with classical European style music. Its very revealing as to how Blacks are wired in the soul its a totally right brained style of music.
Godmode said:
Yeah you can't just add women to Bach and all of a sudden Bach is better lol....
Step out of Canada for just two seconds please for the love of all hell.
Just go listen to the female composers and maybe suggest them to your local symphony. If people went to symphonies more often they'd see plenty if not usually equal female influence in all areas. There's always pieces by female composers being played where I live. Wagner and Bach aren't overrated but it doesn't mean they aren't overplayed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ relax, if you're pissed about history then grow up and do something to change it because I actually worked my entire life so far to correct Bach's religious mistake.
What have you done.

You said the jews fucked up by teaching women music. This is just wrong on so many levels, you are literally saying that if we had no jews, Gentile men would not have allowed women to play music. That is why everyone commented on your post. And I never said add women to any one man in particular, it's overall that music would have been better. I never wrote Bach.

"When you try to take something classically beautiful and bastardize it by making a feminist". Nobody said feminist. You said women.

"And to the other guy I'm sorry buddy but no time in one million years is a black or indian or chinese person going to come to Europe and be able to write our music". Agreed, but you also included women in that mix. Like european women can't write european music?

I am not pissed about history, I am pissed about so-called SS stuck in the jewish-created mindset.

Also, I spent most of my life out of Canada. Why people think I live in Canada is beyond me, I made like one post years ago about having been born in Canada and people assume people are chained to the country they were born in. I'm getting tired of this "Lydia is from Canada" meme, people even email me about Canada and I'm like, ffs.... What does Canada have to do with anything anyway?
Lydia said:
Godmode said:
Also, I spent most of my life out of Canada. Why people think I live in Canada is beyond me, I made like one post years ago about having been born in Canada and people assume people are chained to the country they were born in. I'm getting tired of this "Lydia is from Canada" meme, people even email me about Canada and I'm like, ffs.... What does Canada have to do with anything anyway?
Because of the 'America is better than Canada' jewish meme. Yeah, it's pretty stupid but i guess it's hard for some people to forget jewish meme's.
Something to remember is women were also allowed into the Hellenist spiritual schools of the philosophers these people had the full understanding of musical harmonic's and the soul the classical composers were working from a small remnant of. In the Pagan world women were obviously great musical composers as well. The idea that teaching music to women is how the jews ruin things is obvious to be a false belief system. It was the jews that banned women from everything when they took over with the Church. The jews banned music as well as far as they could under the Church because it carried the spiritual teaching within it.
Let's not forget that the system they teach music right now is jewed A LOT, just listen to some accademic stuff, people play without any emotion, they way they teach to play the piano is about doing exercises with which you beat the keyboard to achieve "finger strength". There is proof that these exercises are complete garbage and that the natural way of playing is using your emotions, in that way you will naturally have the sensible touch when playing.

Just hear rubenshit i mean rubenstein, that kike is a fucking disgrace, he can have all the "technique" he wants but he is a disgusting fucker who cant show any emotion when playing.

A good read about this is the book the art of piano playing by Neuhaus. Chopin was creating a method of teaching that has to do with emotions but unfortunately he died when he was 39 years old, sometimes that makes me tear, the music that he could have wrote if only he lived longer..
True jew music is all robotic and cold its just copying a program. Wagner started the jews are not creative and ruin everything. I noticed with my time on Violin the reason its hard is because its a right brained instrument and robot playing does not come off well.

Some stuff on Schoenberg and his "serialism" around the 10 minute mark. All the serialist "musicians" he shows are jews.

The overall video is explaining how repetition can actually be a very important element in music (using Deadpool and other film sound tracks for examples, the familiarity of the musical repetition drawing you closer to the intended mood) and how the kikes screwed with this by trying to shit on anyone who played the same notes in a composition. Everything has to be different but bizarre, and 1-upping beauty in some way.

I've been following this guys account for awhile, he has many important musical quips in his videos for those wanting to learn music here. You should check his other stuff out, funny how it comes around the same time you're bringing up Schoenberg- let's all bring up a musical revolution. :twisted:
Lydia I'm sorry and didn't mean to be an asshole, the Canada thing was sarcasm... I'm actually from Canada and just not happy with the gender equality totalitarianism going on here. And was not happy and feeling defensive when I was posting.

As I see it, people who follow along with marxism are ignorant and basically think that if you don't write rap music you must hate black people, and they think if you don't love Schoenberg and only listen to female composers then you're a white supremacist who wants to turn jews into lampshades. At least when I talk to other musicians, they constantly virtue signal towards this stuff and it gets a little too much. I like the big name composers but I don't believe in raising male/white composers to such a level that people are told they have to imitate what white guys did 300 years ago just to make valid music. But I don't think Blacks are interested in writing European styles of music, so regardless of gender they just won't be motivated to add to European music.

There's a pressure to make certain imitations in music, so when we tell people that we have to imitate Bach or Mozart or one of the big names to make good music it makes people feel like they'll never be as good as... white men. So telling women that they should/can write music just like Bach or Mozart is actually literally backhanded if you think about it. What message does that send? It makes it seem like women have to imitate men in order to produce something of value.
@Godmode, it's all fine :) The Canada thing makes sense now that I know you're also from there. I get it now, your comment was about the gender equality totalitarianism, I was confused as I thought you were saying Canadians are lacking in refined taste in music or something, lol.
Hahahaha xD Nah, quite the opposite in my experience but yes perfect, I'm so glad we got that sorted out :cool:
Godmode said:
If you want a strong example of purple prose, look up Amanda McKittrick Ros. I can't prove that she's jewish but I'd be absolutely floored with shock if she was not. A lot of gentiles find amusement at the try-hard attempts of the jews because they can't even believe how much work was put into something so bad. Shoenberg's Verklarte Nacht is a good example too because it will sound normal and good for a while, and then just get really fucked up and retarded, dissonant and depressing out of the blue. And it's also boring and rarely resolves properly, just often leaves you hanging on a disgusting note that makes you wonder what the fuck you just listened to and why it was written like that. And also there's all these random fucking sound effects in the song that make it sound like the violinists are literally flossing their teeth with their instruments half way through the song. And this shit is supposed to be "new" and "good"? Its a little silly.

It's kind of like writing a Haiku except you switch out all the first letters of each word for the last letter of the same word like pig-latin. Like why the fuck would you do that? Just make the poem normally. Jews always have something to "add" and always have a problem with everything Gentiles create, but are never able to provide a meaningful contribution. it's actually really just sad on their behalf but since they resort to murder to keep their arts alive, they deserve zero pity.

The sad fact is that only whites can write music that sounds like Beethoven or Bach or Holst. Music is a trait that's passed through generations, that anybody can learn, but only those with the actual blood of composers can speak in the language and converse with other composers through music. Through art the race can talk among itself in a more subtle way. That is how music of the ages changes and we'd been doing it that way for hundreds of years until the Jews fucked it up by teaching blacks, women, and other Jews that they too can write music "just like Beethoven or Bach!". So the jews basically just try to make jewish version of European styles, the blacks try to make black versions of European styles, and the women try to make femme versions of European styles, unconsciously. It just comes down to wanting to be some kind of minority hero for these people sometimes. It usually ends up sounding like "lite" Classical music or otherwise just kind of boring but sometimes its actually OK if the writer doesn't pay mind to their own identity. Katharina Cibbini-Kozeluh for example is female and writes actual decent music. Dunno why but a good dynamic seems to be a talented female musician and improviser combined with a talented male composer who can repair instruments, it seems like women are very good at working with their hands in the arts and men are marginally better at thinking up new ideas.

I'm not saying I'm like fucking Wagner over here writing the best music anyone's ever heard and now I have ultimate authority to judge all. I mean, my music is not great all the time just because I'm a white male. That would be absurd and narcissistic to think, but I'm pretty sure having musical German ancestry is part of why I've heard music in my head from an early age.

Be careful. You sound like a catholic. Black people can compose music. Women can compose music. Your statement is silly.
Osiris Silvio said:

Be careful. You sound like a catholic. Black people can compose music. Women can compose music. Your statement is silly.

Nah, you're looking at my post as if I said Bach and Beethoven are "superior artists", but I never said that because it's not what I believe. This is what you are saying, not me. It's not my favorite genre.

Post is three years old too but the fact is just that western classical music is still almost entirely composed by white men. Chinese music is mostly made by Chinese people. African music is mostly made by people that live in the continent of Africa.... And so on because that's just how it is, and in my opinion, it's because genetic memory influences people to create things that relate to their ancestors. That makes it authentic. It has nothing to do with who's music better or worse, they are entirely different styles/cultures in the first place. But I've never heard of a white guy making really good and authentic Chinese music or of a Chinaman making really good and authentic western classical. It just flat out never happens, I've never had anybody try to refute me on that.

I didn't mean to offend.
Osiris Silvio said:
Godmode said:
If you want a strong example of purple prose, look up Amanda McKittrick Ros. I can't prove that she's jewish but I'd be absolutely floored with shock if she was not. A lot of gentiles find amusement at the try-hard attempts of the jews because they can't even believe how much work was put into something so bad. Shoenberg's Verklarte Nacht is a good example too because it will sound normal and good for a while, and then just get really fucked up and retarded, dissonant and depressing out of the blue. And it's also boring and rarely resolves properly, just often leaves you hanging on a disgusting note that makes you wonder what the fuck you just listened to and why it was written like that. And also there's all these random fucking sound effects in the song that make it sound like the violinists are literally flossing their teeth with their instruments half way through the song. And this shit is supposed to be "new" and "good"? Its a little silly.

It's kind of like writing a Haiku except you switch out all the first letters of each word for the last letter of the same word like pig-latin. Like why the fuck would you do that? Just make the poem normally. Jews always have something to "add" and always have a problem with everything Gentiles create, but are never able to provide a meaningful contribution. it's actually really just sad on their behalf but since they resort to murder to keep their arts alive, they deserve zero pity.

The sad fact is that only whites can write music that sounds like Beethoven or Bach or Holst. Music is a trait that's passed through generations, that anybody can learn, but only those with the actual blood of composers can speak in the language and converse with other composers through music. Through art the race can talk among itself in a more subtle way. That is how music of the ages changes and we'd been doing it that way for hundreds of years until the Jews fucked it up by teaching blacks, women, and other Jews that they too can write music "just like Beethoven or Bach!". So the jews basically just try to make jewish version of European styles, the blacks try to make black versions of European styles, and the women try to make femme versions of European styles, unconsciously. It just comes down to wanting to be some kind of minority hero for these people sometimes. It usually ends up sounding like "lite" Classical music or otherwise just kind of boring but sometimes its actually OK if the writer doesn't pay mind to their own identity. Katharina Cibbini-Kozeluh for example is female and writes actual decent music. Dunno why but a good dynamic seems to be a talented female musician and improviser combined with a talented male composer who can repair instruments, it seems like women are very good at working with their hands in the arts and men are marginally better at thinking up new ideas.

I'm not saying I'm like fucking Wagner over here writing the best music anyone's ever heard and now I have ultimate authority to judge all. I mean, my music is not great all the time just because I'm a white male. That would be absurd and narcissistic to think, but I'm pretty sure having musical German ancestry is part of why I've heard music in my head from an early age.

Be careful. You sound like a catholic. Black people can compose music. Women can compose music. Your statement is silly.

That post is full of shit. Last I checked, Blacks never just went like, 'hey guys we are now going to start making European music and compete with them'. Blacks were taken as slaves in a foreign land and obviously adapted to the different culture so of course they would start making European music at some point.

Blacks have always been very musical and I personally enjoy African music. It was an integral part of our spirituality together with dancing and very instrumental in rousing the serpent, among other purposes. I don't enjoy Asian music but I wouldn't go around talking trash about Asians just because. And who tf said all music has to sound like Beethoven's? There's countless genres of music all across the world. I don't know how this post flew over my head two years ago.
Blackdragon666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Godmode said:
If you want a strong example of purple prose, look up Amanda McKittrick Ros. I can't prove that she's jewish but I'd be absolutely floored with shock if she was not. A lot of gentiles find amusement at the try-hard attempts of the jews because they can't even believe how much work was put into something so bad. Shoenberg's Verklarte Nacht is a good example too because it will sound normal and good for a while, and then just get really fucked up and retarded, dissonant and depressing out of the blue. And it's also boring and rarely resolves properly, just often leaves you hanging on a disgusting note that makes you wonder what the fuck you just listened to and why it was written like that. And also there's all these random fucking sound effects in the song that make it sound like the violinists are literally flossing their teeth with their instruments half way through the song. And this shit is supposed to be "new" and "good"? Its a little silly.

It's kind of like writing a Haiku except you switch out all the first letters of each word for the last letter of the same word like pig-latin. Like why the fuck would you do that? Just make the poem normally. Jews always have something to "add" and always have a problem with everything Gentiles create, but are never able to provide a meaningful contribution. it's actually really just sad on their behalf but since they resort to murder to keep their arts alive, they deserve zero pity.

The sad fact is that only whites can write music that sounds like Beethoven or Bach or Holst. Music is a trait that's passed through generations, that anybody can learn, but only those with the actual blood of composers can speak in the language and converse with other composers through music. Through art the race can talk among itself in a more subtle way. That is how music of the ages changes and we'd been doing it that way for hundreds of years until the Jews fucked it up by teaching blacks, women, and other Jews that they too can write music "just like Beethoven or Bach!". So the jews basically just try to make jewish version of European styles, the blacks try to make black versions of European styles, and the women try to make femme versions of European styles, unconsciously. It just comes down to wanting to be some kind of minority hero for these people sometimes. It usually ends up sounding like "lite" Classical music or otherwise just kind of boring but sometimes its actually OK if the writer doesn't pay mind to their own identity. Katharina Cibbini-Kozeluh for example is female and writes actual decent music. Dunno why but a good dynamic seems to be a talented female musician and improviser combined with a talented male composer who can repair instruments, it seems like women are very good at working with their hands in the arts and men are marginally better at thinking up new ideas.

I'm not saying I'm like fucking Wagner over here writing the best music anyone's ever heard and now I have ultimate authority to judge all. I mean, my music is not great all the time just because I'm a white male. That would be absurd and narcissistic to think, but I'm pretty sure having musical German ancestry is part of why I've heard music in my head from an early age.

Be careful. You sound like a catholic. Black people can compose music. Women can compose music. Your statement is silly.

That post is full of shit. Last I checked, Blacks never just went like, 'hey guys we are now going to start making European music and compete with them'. Blacks were taken as slaves in a foreign land and obviously adapted to the different culture so of course they would start making European music at some point.

Blacks have always been very musical and I personally enjoy African music. It was an integral part of our spirituality together with dancing and very instrumental in rousing the serpent, among other purposes. I don't enjoy Asian music but I wouldn't go around talking trash about Asians just because. And who tf said all music has to sound like Beethoven's? There's countless genres of music all across the world. I don't know how this post flew over my head two years ago.
I noticed some tribal african music that makes you dance stimulate the kundalini alot. It is so fun.

Some Africans and blacks really know how to dance to stimulate the serpent. I think I want to learn dancing like this one day.

Also viking and nordic music does the same. Indian and tantric music also. So cool.
Blackdragon666 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Godmode said:
If you want a strong example of purple prose, look up Amanda McKittrick Ros. I can't prove that she's jewish but I'd be absolutely floored with shock if she was not. A lot of gentiles find amusement at the try-hard attempts of the jews because they can't even believe how much work was put into something so bad. Shoenberg's Verklarte Nacht is a good example too because it will sound normal and good for a while, and then just get really fucked up and retarded, dissonant and depressing out of the blue. And it's also boring and rarely resolves properly, just often leaves you hanging on a disgusting note that makes you wonder what the fuck you just listened to and why it was written like that. And also there's all these random fucking sound effects in the song that make it sound like the violinists are literally flossing their teeth with their instruments half way through the song. And this shit is supposed to be "new" and "good"? Its a little silly.

It's kind of like writing a Haiku except you switch out all the first letters of each word for the last letter of the same word like pig-latin. Like why the fuck would you do that? Just make the poem normally. Jews always have something to "add" and always have a problem with everything Gentiles create, but are never able to provide a meaningful contribution. it's actually really just sad on their behalf but since they resort to murder to keep their arts alive, they deserve zero pity.

The sad fact is that only whites can write music that sounds like Beethoven or Bach or Holst. Music is a trait that's passed through generations, that anybody can learn, but only those with the actual blood of composers can speak in the language and converse with other composers through music. Through art the race can talk among itself in a more subtle way. That is how music of the ages changes and we'd been doing it that way for hundreds of years until the Jews fucked it up by teaching blacks, women, and other Jews that they too can write music "just like Beethoven or Bach!". So the jews basically just try to make jewish version of European styles, the blacks try to make black versions of European styles, and the women try to make femme versions of European styles, unconsciously. It just comes down to wanting to be some kind of minority hero for these people sometimes. It usually ends up sounding like "lite" Classical music or otherwise just kind of boring but sometimes its actually OK if the writer doesn't pay mind to their own identity. Katharina Cibbini-Kozeluh for example is female and writes actual decent music. Dunno why but a good dynamic seems to be a talented female musician and improviser combined with a talented male composer who can repair instruments, it seems like women are very good at working with their hands in the arts and men are marginally better at thinking up new ideas.

I'm not saying I'm like fucking Wagner over here writing the best music anyone's ever heard and now I have ultimate authority to judge all. I mean, my music is not great all the time just because I'm a white male. That would be absurd and narcissistic to think, but I'm pretty sure having musical German ancestry is part of why I've heard music in my head from an early age.

Be careful. You sound like a catholic. Black people can compose music. Women can compose music. Your statement is silly.

That post is full of shit. Last I checked, Blacks never just went like, 'hey guys we are now going to start making European music and compete with them'. Blacks were taken as slaves in a foreign land and obviously adapted to the different culture so of course they would start making European music at some point.

Blacks have always been very musical and I personally enjoy African music. It was an integral part of our spirituality together with dancing and very instrumental in rousing the serpent, among other purposes. I don't enjoy Asian music but I wouldn't go around talking trash about Asians just because. And who tf said all music has to sound like Beethoven's? There's countless genres of music all across the world. I don't know how this post flew over my head two years ago.

Exactly. We can benefit from studying a bit about ethnomusicology. There are different genres and types of Gentile musical cultures. Black people are quite artistic and creative; they have their own style which invokes the African scene. I personally prefer European music, although I'm not European; but Beethoven and Wagner are my daemonic inspirations. I can see that many members on here hate the Black. Is it because the Jews brought the slaves to America and to Europe as well and then fabricated endless conflicts and racial clashes between the two? Yes, obviously. The Jews created a large problem that seeped into the subconsious of the people. One must be much wise to be aware of this.

Other than that, many JoS members think that women must not work, but stay at home and breed children!! What would Lilith say about this, I wonder !
Godmode said:
Osiris Silvio said:

Be careful. You sound like a catholic. Black people can compose music. Women can compose music. Your statement is silly.

Nah, you're looking at my post as if I said Bach and Beethoven are "superior artists", but I never said that because it's not what I believe. This is what you are saying, not me. It's not my favorite genre.

Post is three years old too but the fact is just that western classical music is still almost entirely composed by white men. Chinese music is mostly made by Chinese people. African music is mostly made by people that live in the continent of Africa.... And so on because that's just how it is, and in my opinion, it's because genetic memory influences people to create things that relate to their ancestors. That makes it authentic. It has nothing to do with who's music better or worse, they are entirely different styles/cultures in the first place. But I've never heard of a white guy making really good and authentic Chinese music or of a Chinaman making really good and authentic western classical. It just flat out never happens, I've never had anybody try to refute me on that.

I didn't mean to offend.

I totally agree with that. It is all about preferences, in the end.
In terms of actually creating art women are more suited towards psychical things like drawing or general crafts. I think sewing can be considered a form of art. There are no female classical composers or bands that have ever existed before modern times because women typically don’t make good music as modern Pop and other female dominated genres show.

It isn’t racial either black jazz and blues bands didn’t have women in them unless it was for backup vocals or something similar. It’s the same reason why female talk shows like the view and podcasts aren’t being listening to by anyone except certain types of women. No one wants to hear a shrill female voice while they are trying to enjoy music or talk entertainment for hours at a time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
