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How are you going to celebrate Halloween?

I will be at my altar at midnight, I will do a ritual for Satan, some meditation, a talk .. .. alone and far from the humanity that surrounds me.
homeraee said:
Halloween is coming!

Ill start a health working and will probably do some tarot reading
I usually indulge in food and drink, remind myself to be thankful for what I have, and just try to have a lot of fun.
I like starting a new meditation program on our holidays, such as including a meditation that I currently am not doing. Even though it's a waning moon. Also getting guidance from my GD or any other Demon I feel might be around. And a tarot reading.

And eating candy! I might also watch a Halloween movie that was tradition for my family when I was young, just for nostalgia's sake. One close loved one that I grew up with is deceased, so I will remember and honor their life, as is customary on Halloween (honoring the dead).

So overall, I have a well-rounded approach to this holiday.

Halloween is my favorite.
Im going to kit the house out with the raditional (or new tradition)

Its good for my daughter she is very interested in crystals altars, kind of verging on occult.

Now i would never impart my religion on her i will let her choose her own path. (unlike me i was indoctrinated)

Happy hallows eve guys
Start a new exercise schedule(involves running about 5 miles a day and a bunch of stuff beneficial for the body)

Begin a health working

and also start taking cold showers every morning

Halloween is gonna be my turning point for physical health and ima celebrate it as such. While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.

Really? Idk, I try to avoid eating fruit since it's been fucked in the past couple hundred years through selective breeding to increase the sugar and decrease the nutrients. I've been mostly eating just vegetables, meats(love me some offal), and fungi.

It definitely does make sense though, in my astrology, sexual problems and sexual hangups are extremely prevalent, which, considering the sacral is the "sexual" chakra I likely do have some blockages. Is there anything you would recommend for removing blockages within the chakras? Of course, besides typical advancement and all. I already plan to do that haha.
Monarch said:
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.

Really? Idk, I try to avoid eating fruit since it's been fucked in the past couple hundred years through selective breeding to increase the sugar and decrease the nutrients. I've been mostly eating just vegetables, meats(love me some offal), and fungi.

It definitely does make sense though, in my astrology, sexual problems and sexual hangups are extremely prevalent, which, considering the sacral is the "sexual" chakra I likely do have some blockages. Is there anything you would recommend for removing blockages within the chakras? Of course, besides typical advancement and all. I already plan to do that haha.

Yeah, HPS Maxine has even said it's important to indulge in food and sweets when appropriate. And it's clear this is the case when you look at it from a spiritual view, and also when observing the people who have these traits. People who are too neurotic over what they eat and deny themselves treats, are nearly always sexually frigid, and vice-versa.

For the most part, I eat quite healthy, and I exercise. But I allow myself to indulge on occasion and never feel guilt for doing so.

If you have blockages in your sacral, Uruz would be a great rune, as it is a sexual rune too. Perfect for the sacral.
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
Well Lydia, I wasn't planning on eating candy, but your post made me realize that maybe 1 pimple doesn't matter if it's Halloween :D
Aquarius said:
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
Well Lydia, I wasn't planning on eating candy, but your post made me realize that maybe 1 pimple doesn't matter if it's Halloween :D
I am very fortunate that I do not get acne from candy :lol:
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
Lydia said:
Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.

Really? Idk, I try to avoid eating fruit since it's been fucked in the past couple hundred years through selective breeding to increase the sugar and decrease the nutrients. I've been mostly eating just vegetables, meats(love me some offal), and fungi.

It definitely does make sense though, in my astrology, sexual problems and sexual hangups are extremely prevalent, which, considering the sacral is the "sexual" chakra I likely do have some blockages. Is there anything you would recommend for removing blockages within the chakras? Of course, besides typical advancement and all. I already plan to do that haha.

Yeah, HPS Maxine has even said it's important to indulge in food and sweets when appropriate. And it's clear this is the case when you look at it from a spiritual view, and also when observing the people who have these traits. People who are too neurotic over what they eat and deny themselves treats, are nearly always sexually frigid, and vice-versa.

For the most part, I eat quite healthy, and I exercise. But I allow myself to indulge on occasion and never feel guilt for doing so.

If you have blockages in your sacral, Uruz would be a great rune, as it is a sexual rune too. Perfect for the sacral.

Thanks so much, I plan to start quite a few workings on the 4th. Would that be a good date to begin this one or would it be good to add it on the 31st along with my health working?

Also, I wouldn't say I'm sexually frigid, more so, that I have some sexual interests which are certainly degenerate and deprived. However, there used to be a LOT worse ones, but as I've been meditating and advancing, I've stopped feeling attraction to them.
Aquarius said:
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
Well Lydia, I wasn't planning on eating candy, but your post made me realize that maybe 1 pimple doesn't matter if it's Halloween :D

Packs of Haribos are fine (off to shops) :lol:
I will honor the dead. A deep meditation with Satan and my GD. Take my children trick or treating. We will have a bonfire and eat and drink abundantly. Enjoy the happiness and beauty and hail Satan!
Lydia said:
Aquarius said:
Lydia said:
Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
Well Lydia, I wasn't planning on eating candy, but your post made me realize that maybe 1 pimple doesn't matter if it's Halloween :D
I am very fortunate that I do not get acne from candy :lol:
This very thing I’ve said on the health forums multiple times to people and always gets a backlash. It confuses me. Like I’m advocating self destruction or something. People act like you have to be so strict with everything health related or you’re going to die. In my opinion, as you said, this is indicative of some kind of blockage or hangup. Like adult people on this forums need permission to have candy or sweets or whatever other indulgence they want from time to time. Makes no sense. And I know you’re very respected compared to me so they’ll listen to you. Which is good but still irritating. It shows people don’t think for themselves but just look for someone to give them instructions for life. Otherwise why when little ol me says it, it gets ignored or argued with, but someone else says it it’s like they’re fallowing orders? Like little robots.

Same with people who say like even a sip of an alcoholic beverage means all of your brain cells will die and your brain goes to mush. I’ve had those conversations on here. Even hooded cobra said maybe on a hot summers day on a celebration or something he might have a beer. We can do things in moderation that we do simply because it’s enjoyable and we like it and not have to be afraid our body is going to fall apart and acne or whatever everywhere or illnesses or our brains going to mush. Things like this are so obvious I can’t understand why you’d even have to explain yourself, wanting sweets on Halloween. Or anything. Maxine has always said in Satanism we’re free to live our lives as we choose. Others here would prefer a dictatorship. So they don’t have to think. Because a thinking person would understand when Maxine said that, it doesn’t mean run around and inject yourself with meth and smoke crack and rob and steal. But it means, be smart and be wise of course, but do as you please. Eat ice cream before dinner if you want. We’re adults who can do these things. Why would there be guilt?
If you want to remain healthy but indulge somewhat, you can always go the dark chocolate and wine route (lots of anti oxidants!) or find some fruit based treats, or maybe some yogurt or gelato!
Aquarius said:
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
Well Lydia, I wasn't planning on eating candy, but your post made me realize that maybe 1 pimple doesn't matter if it's Halloween :D
You can offset excess dampness in the body by pressing certain acupuncture points.
While there's nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy, I completely understand what you've said. People act like you're trying to kill them. Unless you're diabetic, overweight, or something of the like, this isn't rational. If you don't have the money, then it's completely understandable.
I also had a random guy I barely knew in my class ask me if the packet of chips I was eating was my second packet. He laughed, so I think he thought it was funny. Who the fuck cares? I'll eat a third if I want to, you bitter bastard. Ended up learning one of my turn offs that day.
I remember this one time I was buying sushi and I bought 4 rolls. The old girl behind me with her husband making her order was like "Oh no, I won't have that many. I'll just have 2." How the fuck does that fill your stomach the whole day? 2 tiny pieces of fish with a couple handfuls of rice? Anyway, I just see so many old women in particular screeching at their husbands when they want a tiny piece of cake with their coffee. Let the old mate have his cake, he's worked hard all his life!
Eric13 said:
This very thing I’ve said on the health forums multiple times to people and always gets a backlash. It confuses me. Like I’m advocating self destruction or something. People act like you have to be so strict with everything health related or you’re going to die. In my opinion, as you said, this is indicative of some kind of blockage or hangup. Like adult people on this forums need permission to have candy or sweets or whatever other indulgence they want from time to time. Makes no sense. And I know you’re very respected compared to me so they’ll listen to you. Which is good but still irritating. It shows people don’t think for themselves but just look for someone to give them instructions for life. Otherwise why when little ol me says it, it gets ignored or argued with, but someone else says it it’s like they’re fallowing orders? Like little robots.

Same with people who say like even a sip of an alcoholic beverage means all of your brain cells will die and your brain goes to mush. I’ve had those conversations on here. Even hooded cobra said maybe on a hot summers day on a celebration or something he might have a beer. We can do things in moderation that we do simply because it’s enjoyable and we like it and not have to be afraid our body is going to fall apart and acne or whatever everywhere or illnesses or our brains going to mush. Things like this are so obvious I can’t understand why you’d even have to explain yourself, wanting sweets on Halloween. Or anything. Maxine has always said in Satanism we’re free to live our lives as we choose. Others here would prefer a dictatorship. So they don’t have to think. Because a thinking person would understand when Maxine said that, it doesn’t mean run around and inject yourself with meth and smoke crack and rob and steal. But it means, be smart and be wise of course, but do as you please. Eat ice cream before dinner if you want. We’re adults who can do these things. Why would there be guilt?

I've noticed that too. Satanism requires freedom, not strict rigid rules like a dictatorship. Obviously as people advance they will tends more towards health, but occasionally eating candy or having a beer is NOT going to set anyone back or prevent advancement. I will happily eat a large amount of chocolate on occasion, have no guilt, and it does not affect me in the least. (Alcohol gives me insomnia and makes me feel really physically weak so I personally avoid it, but I will have a sip of something if it tastes good and pairs well with the food eaten, if a friend or relative has a drink.) I will try to get in extra cardio to make up for the extra calories consumed, and that's it.

In fact, I feel it is mentally healthy to indulge when appropriate. I went too rigid with health foods years ago and when I broke free of it, I felt better on all levels. And like I mentioned already, you can see it from a spiritual level, occasional indulgence is necessary. I don't see why some people think eating some chocolate cake or anything would set anyone back from spiritual advancement, and as long as it isn't done all the time it will not affect your physical health.
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
Lydia said:
Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
Well Lydia, I wasn't planning on eating candy, but your post made me realize that maybe 1 pimple doesn't matter if it's Halloween :D
You can offset excess dampness in the body by pressing certain acupuncture points.
Is it dampness that causes pimples? I just know that when I eat stuff that has too many commercial ingredients in it I get a pimple the day after. I noticed a common pattern especially when there's glucose scyrup.
Awesome topic, as for myself, I will do halloween decorations and some indulgence.

Will start a healing working at the Sun hour.

Start other plans towards healthier diet and workout routine.

Finally at night I will do some meditation on Satan and my Guardian and talk to them for a while regarding other future plans that I am making, progress report and analysis as well as talking to Them about other personal things.
Lydia said:
I like starting a new meditation program on our holidays, such as including a meditation that I currently am not doing. Even though it's a waning moon.

But isn't that counter productive?? I'm looking to start working on my chakras and thought to wait till Nov 5 (new moon). But do you think I should start working on my chakras starting Halloween even in a waning moon? Or just wait??
स त न म said:
Lydia said:
I like starting a new meditation program on our holidays, such as including a meditation that I currently am not doing. Even though it's a waning moon.

But isn't that counter productive?? I'm looking to start working on my chakras and thought to wait till Nov 5 (new moon). But do you think I should start working on my chakras starting Halloween even in a waning moon? Or just wait??

It's up to you. If you believe it's counterproductive then it is counterproductive for you. Personally, Halloween is always my best time of year, and it's a power day. You might be better off waiting for the new moon :)
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.

Time to whip up some hot chocolate and get a new festive pyjamas. One should also note that you can also make these things in a healthy way. One can get organic raw milk, for example, and organic cocoa powder. If they want some whipped cream, getting it from the same farm or health store where you got that milk may be an option. You don't even need to add sugar, as milk is sweet in nature and powder actually contains sugars too (in much lesser quantities). You want it sweeter, you can just use more milk. You want it denser, just add potato starch or something like that. You want to add other flavours, there's a host of nuts and seeds one can try.
Eric13 said:
This very thing I’ve said on the health forums multiple times to people and always gets a backlash. It confuses me. Like I’m advocating self destruction or something. People act like you have to be so strict with everything health related or you’re going to die. In my opinion, as you said, this is indicative of some kind of blockage or hangup. Like adult people on this forums need permission to have candy or sweets or whatever other indulgence they want from time to time. Makes no sense. And I know you’re very respected compared to me so they’ll listen to you. Which is good but still irritating. It shows people don’t think for themselves but just look for someone to give them instructions for life. Otherwise why when little ol me says it, it gets ignored or argued with, but someone else says it it’s like they’re fallowing orders? Like little robots.

Same with people who say like even a sip of an alcoholic beverage means all of your brain cells will die and your brain goes to mush. I’ve had those conversations on here. Even hooded cobra said maybe on a hot summers day on a celebration or something he might have a beer. We can do things in moderation that we do simply because it’s enjoyable and we like it and not have to be afraid our body is going to fall apart and acne or whatever everywhere or illnesses or our brains going to mush. Things like this are so obvious I can’t understand why you’d even have to explain yourself, wanting sweets on Halloween. Or anything. Maxine has always said in Satanism we’re free to live our lives as we choose. Others here would prefer a dictatorship. So they don’t have to think. Because a thinking person would understand when Maxine said that, it doesn’t mean run around and inject yourself with meth and smoke crack and rob and steal. But it means, be smart and be wise of course, but do as you please. Eat ice cream before dinner if you want. We’re adults who can do these things. Why would there be guilt?

Because you argued against general principles, rather than once in a while (e.g. festive) exceptions and become passive-aggressive calling people 'ascetic' if they disagree. You also make make hyperboles out of someone telling you the consequences of doing something, like in the case of alcohol that has immediate consequences in low quantities but not as extreme ones as you make them sound (your cognitive dissonance distorts how remember things you rejected). Finally, you also assume that certain things in moderation are not going to affect you, which is the third logical fallacy in your arguments against self-discipline (it's called argument to moderation or false compromise).

You are certainly free to live your life as you choose. However, you shouldn't have the presumption to know more, be more self-aware (and aware in general) and be wiser than those who have meditated for longer and more consistently than you (out of your own admission, not my assumption) and that actually take time to sit and analyse life in general and their own life, instead of having the mindset of "I'll do whatever I want because I've always done and it must be right".

Indulgence doesn't means indulging in whatever you want or that your desires are not going to change as you advance. Just check the latest posts from HP Hooded Cobra, which you so boldly decided to mention. And alcohol was only created in xtard times. Pre-abrahamic civilisations had different indulgent treats. Such things as virgin cider, virgin beer, virgin wine, virgin mead, etc. have existed long before xtardanity. Alcohol is a modern recreational drug like tobacco, soft and hard 'drugs', caffeine and other things. Poison and indulgence are two different things.

Being legally adult doesn't also mean being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually mature. Most people in fact (including me) cannot be considered mature, even when their 80s. They're barely self-aware or not self-aware at all. Those of us who meditate consistently (awareness, power, purification) are more mature than the great majority of the population, and closer to being called adults. There is more responsibility at this point. Some people like HP Hooded Cobra are extremely likely fully mature, and the Gods are obviously the most mature. Most people shouldn't even be given rights to vote, as they cannot even manage their own life at a sufficient level (not even asking anything outstanding or superior here), let alone decide who can manage the lives of the many. There is a reason why golden civilisations always had the wisest in charge and only the ruling/golden class choose representatives, not the individualistic commoners who were still much more mature than most people today.
Aquarius said:
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
Well Lydia, I wasn't planning on eating candy, but your post made me realize that maybe 1 pimple doesn't matter if it's Halloween :D
You can offset excess dampness in the body by pressing certain acupuncture points.
Is it dampness that causes pimples? I just know that when I eat stuff that has too many commercial ingredients in it I get a pimple the day after. I noticed a common pattern especially when there's glucose scyrup.
Yes. As far as I know different constitutions handle these things differently. So for someone else the same amount of sugars/fat would not be the same as for you. Glucose syrup is like concentrated sugar.
Stormblood said:
Because you argued against general principles, rather than once in a while (e.g. festive) exceptions and become passive-aggressive calling people 'ascetic' if they disagree. You also make make hyperboles out of someone telling you the consequences of doing something, like in the case of alcohol that has immediate consequences in low quantities but not as extreme ones as you make them sound (your cognitive dissonance distorts how remember things you rejected). Finally, you also assume that certain things in moderation are not going to affect you, which is the third logical fallacy in your arguments against self-discipline (it's called argument to moderation or false compromise).

You are certainly free to live your life as you choose. However, you shouldn't have the presumption to know more, be more self-aware (and aware in general) and be wiser than those who have meditated for longer and more consistently than you (out of your own admission, not my assumption) and that actually take time to sit and analyse life in general and their own life, instead of having the mindset of "I'll do whatever I want because I've always done and it must be right".

Indulgence doesn't means indulging in whatever you want or that your desires are not going to change as you advance. Just check the latest posts from HP Hooded Cobra, which you so boldly decided to mention. And alcohol was only created in xtard times. Pre-abrahamic civilisations had different indulgent treats. Such things as virgin cider, virgin beer, virgin wine, virgin mead, etc. have existed long before xtardanity. Alcohol is a modern recreational drug like tobacco, soft and hard 'drugs', caffeine and other things. Poison and indulgence are two different things.

Being legally adult doesn't also mean being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually mature. Most people in fact (including me) cannot be considered mature, even when their 80s. They're barely self-aware or not self-aware at all. Those of us who meditate consistently (awareness, power, purification) are more mature than the great majority of the population, and closer to being called adults. There is more responsibility at this point. Some people like HP Hooded Cobra are extremely likely fully mature, and the Gods are obviously the most mature. Most people shouldn't even be given rights to vote, as they cannot even manage their own life at a sufficient level (not even asking anything outstanding or superior here), let alone decide who can manage the lives of the many. There is a reason why golden civilisations always had the wisest in charge and only the ruling/golden class choose representatives, not the individualistic commoners who were still much more mature than most people today.
Unfortunately, Stormblood, I hate to say this, but you are incorrect. I have only ever advocated moderation with things. That’s been my philosophy forever. People here advocate or heavily imply black and white lifestyles. This isn’t reality and grey area exists. Which is the point of what I said and has been my main issue for years. It doesn’t need to be that strict. I stand by that.

As for the rest of your reply. I’m sorry to inform you, cause I know how wise and aware you are, but you’re also incorrect. Or misremembering, or assuming or idk. But I meditate daily. I have for many many years. The time I dedicate to meditation has been inconsistent at times over the years, but that applies to everyone on these forums and every SS. You can’t assume my abilities or anything though and lord yourself over me. It just comes across so strange.

Otherwise agree to disagree.
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
I don't really know how it could be healthy, sure, sure the body can have some uses for sugar and the souls reflect that I suppose. Still you can get that necessary good old sugar from fruits, natural sugar and not the kikesish crap that people eat today, of course I meant for the fruits from gardens not the ones full of pesticides.
Of course no one will get killed if they eat some sweets from time to time, if people can survive eating from kikedonals then you can allow yourself a bit more progress toward diabetes (joke).
Since we're talking about sweets then let me recommend the best type of chocolate which is German chocolate and for the best hard candy then you gotta go with the Mexican stuff. :p
Lydia said:
It's up to you. If you believe it's counterproductive then it is counterproductive for you. Personally, Halloween is always my best time of year, and it's a power day. You might be better off waiting for the new moon :)
Thank you. It seems I'll just wait a few more days.
I asked my mother if she wanted to spend time together this weekend and she has off in the morning, so I will take her to get some food and hopefully I can go see my neices and nephews. I'll go take them some candies :D

The 2nd half of the day, I will be working, it is a very fun job and I couldnt think of a better time then being in the community on this night..

When I am done, I will take a walk up the mountain to meditate, perhaps i can make a bonfire and do a race awakening ritual. I need to make some new runes.

I will probably listen to Bathory, Folk, and Metal music all day. Do some skateboarding and enjoy some candy corn, Chocolate, skittles and Smarties.
Stormblood said:
Eric13 said:

Because you argued against general principles, rather than once in a while (e.g. festive) exceptions and become passive-aggressive calling people 'ascetic' if they disagree. You also make make hyperboles out of someone telling you the consequences of doing something, like in the case of alcohol that has immediate consequences in low quantities but not as extreme ones as you make them sound (your cognitive dissonance distorts how remember things you rejected). Finally, you also assume that certain things in moderation are not going to affect you, which is the third logical fallacy in your arguments against self-discipline (it's called argument to moderation or false compromise).

You are certainly free to live your life as you choose. However, you shouldn't have the presumption to know more, be more self-aware (and aware in general) and be wiser than those who have meditated for longer and more consistently than you (out of your own admission, not my assumption) and that actually take time to sit and analyse life in general and their own life, instead of having the mindset of "I'll do whatever I want because I've always done and it must be right".

Indulgence doesn't means indulging in whatever you want or that your desires are not going to change as you advance. Just check the latest posts from HP Hooded Cobra, which you so boldly decided to mention. And alcohol was only created in xtard times. Pre-abrahamic civilisations had different indulgent treats. Such things as virgin cider, virgin beer, virgin wine, virgin mead, etc. have existed long before xtardanity. Alcohol is a modern recreational drug like tobacco, soft and hard 'drugs', caffeine and other things. Poison and indulgence are two different things.

Being legally adult doesn't also mean being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually mature. Most people in fact (including me) cannot be considered mature, even when their 80s. They're barely self-aware or not self-aware at all. Those of us who meditate consistently (awareness, power, purification) are more mature than the great majority of the population, and closer to being called adults. There is more responsibility at this point. Some people like HP Hooded Cobra are extremely likely fully mature, and the Gods are obviously the most mature. Most people shouldn't even be given rights to vote, as they cannot even manage their own life at a sufficient level (not even asking anything outstanding or superior here), let alone decide who can manage the lives of the many. There is a reason why golden civilisations always had the wisest in charge and only the ruling/golden class choose representatives, not the individualistic commoners who were still much more mature than most people today.

I had not read those posts by Eric in the health forums, so I should not have replied to him. I wasn't aware of the extent of things mentioned. What I wrote still stands though, like a sip of alcohol (which is literally what I have a few times a year if out for dinner with family or friends) won't set back spiritual progress. But getting drunk whenever a person feels like it obviously shows a lack of self-control or maturity.
Weassel said:
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
I don't really know how it could be healthy, sure, sure the body can have some uses for sugar and the souls reflect that I suppose. Still you can get that necessary good old sugar from fruits, natural sugar and not the kikesish crap that people eat today, of course I meant for the fruits from gardens not the ones full of pesticides.
Of course no one will get killed if they eat some sweets from time to time, if people can survive eating from kikedonals then you can allow yourself a bit more progress toward diabetes (joke).

I did not mean it like that. I meant the free mind of being able to indulge when appropriate without going crazy thinking that a bit of sweets will cause damage or harm. A free mind, a free soul, will be able to live a full and enjoyable life, which includes taste experiences when celebrating holidays.

I did not mean it on a literal, low-level of "sugar can be healthy for the soul" ffs.
I have a fun story. I was planning on not celebrating Halloween this year because I wanted to save money. But Satan made it clear to me that he wants me to enjoy my Halloween and be a Warlock/Dark Wizard. I am excited about this costume idea now and will be shopping for the costume tomorrow at the store. Then I can go to some celebratory events.

Thank you to Father Lucifer for encouraging me to enjoy this holiday as I am now excited about it and glad I changed my mind at His behest. I am hoping to find a staff with a king cobra on it as I have seen pictures of at reasonable prices online.
Samhains day!! 👌
Lydia said:
Weassel said:
Lydia said:
Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
I don't really know how it could be healthy, sure, sure the body can have some uses for sugar and the souls reflect that I suppose. Still you can get that necessary good old sugar from fruits, natural sugar and not the kikesish crap that people eat today, of course I meant for the fruits from gardens not the ones full of pesticides.
Of course no one will get killed if they eat some sweets from time to time, if people can survive eating from kikedonals then you can allow yourself a bit more progress toward diabetes (joke).

I did not mean it like that. I meant the free mind of being able to indulge when appropriate without going crazy thinking that a bit of sweets will cause damage or harm. A free mind, a free soul, will be able to live a full and enjoyable life, which includes taste experiences when celebrating holidays.

I did not mean it on a literal, low-level of "sugar can be healthy for the soul" ffs.

Guys, Weassel and I started a new meme. Now the trolls are going to be like "Lydia says eating sugar is healthy for the soul, so don't meditate just eat sugar!" :lol:
Weassel said:
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
I don't really know how it could be healthy, sure, sure the body can have some uses for sugar and the souls reflect that I suppose. Still you can get that necessary good old sugar from fruits, natural sugar and not the kikesish crap that people eat today, of course I meant for the fruits from gardens not the ones full of pesticides.
Of course no one will get killed if they eat some sweets from time to time, if people can survive eating from kikedonals then you can allow yourself a bit more progress toward diabetes (joke).

Some fruits often taste so much batter. My grandmother has a plum tree that makes plums so sweet they put to shame every sweet I ever tried. She also has an apricot tree but that's more hit and miss: sometimes really sweet, other times quite sour, despite they always let them ripe to the proper time rather than harvesting too early like most commercial producers.

If you prefer eating fruits over other sweets, you are free to do so.

Eric13 said:
Unfortunately, Stormblood, I hate to say this, but you are incorrect.

So you say, but I just re-read some of your post which pretty much substantiate my arguments. But I say we've already talked enough about you and your activities.

newbie40 said:
Samhains day!! 👌
Well, as far as I am concerned. Halloween is on the 31st, while Samhain is related to astrology, so never on a fixed date. The Sun is going to be half-way through Scorpio on the night between the 6th and the 7th of November at 5:00am, which is still the 6th in Western Europe (sun rising almost 2 hours later).
Lydia said:
Lydia said:
Weassel said:
I don't really know how it could be healthy, sure, sure the body can have some uses for sugar and the souls reflect that I suppose. Still you can get that necessary good old sugar from fruits, natural sugar and not the kikesish crap that people eat today, of course I meant for the fruits from gardens not the ones full of pesticides.
Of course no one will get killed if they eat some sweets from time to time, if people can survive eating from kikedonals then you can allow yourself a bit more progress toward diabetes (joke).

I did not mean it like that. I meant the free mind of being able to indulge when appropriate without going crazy thinking that a bit of sweets will cause damage or harm. A free mind, a free soul, will be able to live a full and enjoyable life, which includes taste experiences when celebrating holidays.

I did not mean it on a literal, low-level of "sugar can be healthy for the soul" ffs.

Guys, Weassel and I started a new meme. Now the trolls are going to be like "Lydia says eating sugar is healthy for the soul, so don't meditate just eat sugar!" :lol:

Trolls 4 Shekels are going to hit you so hard lmao

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
