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How are you going to celebrate Halloween?

Lydia said:
Stormblood said:
Eric13 said:

Because you argued against general principles, rather than once in a while (e.g. festive) exceptions and become passive-aggressive calling people 'ascetic' if they disagree. You also make make hyperboles out of someone telling you the consequences of doing something, like in the case of alcohol that has immediate consequences in low quantities but not as extreme ones as you make them sound (your cognitive dissonance distorts how remember things you rejected). Finally, you also assume that certain things in moderation are not going to affect you, which is the third logical fallacy in your arguments against self-discipline (it's called argument to moderation or false compromise).

You are certainly free to live your life as you choose. However, you shouldn't have the presumption to know more, be more self-aware (and aware in general) and be wiser than those who have meditated for longer and more consistently than you (out of your own admission, not my assumption) and that actually take time to sit and analyse life in general and their own life, instead of having the mindset of "I'll do whatever I want because I've always done and it must be right".

Indulgence doesn't means indulging in whatever you want or that your desires are not going to change as you advance. Just check the latest posts from HP Hooded Cobra, which you so boldly decided to mention. And alcohol was only created in xtard times. Pre-abrahamic civilisations had different indulgent treats. Such things as virgin cider, virgin beer, virgin wine, virgin mead, etc. have existed long before xtardanity. Alcohol is a modern recreational drug like tobacco, soft and hard 'drugs', caffeine and other things. Poison and indulgence are two different things.

Being legally adult doesn't also mean being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually mature. Most people in fact (including me) cannot be considered mature, even when their 80s. They're barely self-aware or not self-aware at all. Those of us who meditate consistently (awareness, power, purification) are more mature than the great majority of the population, and closer to being called adults. There is more responsibility at this point. Some people like HP Hooded Cobra are extremely likely fully mature, and the Gods are obviously the most mature. Most people shouldn't even be given rights to vote, as they cannot even manage their own life at a sufficient level (not even asking anything outstanding or superior here), let alone decide who can manage the lives of the many. There is a reason why golden civilisations always had the wisest in charge and only the ruling/golden class choose representatives, not the individualistic commoners who were still much more mature than most people today.

I had not read those posts by Eric in the health forums, so I should not have replied to him. I wasn't aware of the extent of things mentioned. What I wrote still stands though, like a sip of alcohol (which is literally what I have a few times a year if out for dinner with family or friends) won't set back spiritual progress. But getting drunk whenever a person feels like it obviously shows a lack of self-control or maturity.
That’s the thing. I’ve never advocated people getting drunk or anything. I’ve said exactly what you say here. That occasionally it’s fine. Same with everything. I’ve always said and advocated moderation. He just said in this reply that it’s wrong to assume things in moderation won’t effect you. Which you just said here a small amount of alcohol won’t effect your spiritual progress. Which I agree with. So it’s fine for you to say it but not me. Storm blood must obviously have something against me cause he’s sitting here saying not to assume I know more than him cause he’s wiser and more advanced, yet he doesn’t know me or know anything of my meditation habits. Me and stormblood disagree on things that’s for sure, but in his mind it seems that means I’m the enemy trying to promote enemy agenda. I have different philosophies and opinions on health and fitness topics than him. Doesn’t mean I’m trying to cause trouble on these forums. And also it doesn’t mean that’s he’s right on his opinions over me. It just means we look at it differently which is okay. In fact I’ve said nothing different than what you’ve said. So how off could my opinions actually be?

I’ve been on these forums for many many years. Going back to to the yahoo group days. My intentions have only ever been to help on here. Not cause trouble. Any arguments have only been in self defense. It’s extremely unsettling to me that storm blood is trying to paint me in some light that isn’t true. As far as I was aware I had no problems with stormblood. I always liked him despite any different opinions. I know he’s extremely aware and wise, but he’s got it all wrong on me if he thinks the things he’s said on his reply. Probably misunderstanding.
Stormblood said:
So you say, but I just re-read some of your post which pretty much substantiate my arguments. But I say we've already talked enough about you and your activities.
I know how I believe and how I’ve always believed on this subject. So if you read something that proves your point, why not link it? Rather than just saying you’re right, I’m wrong? Because I’ve never advocated people indulge in anything in excess. My stance echos only what’s been said by Hooded Cobra, Maxine and even Lydia here. So if you feel my stance is any different than them, than you have misunderstood. That’s all. You’re tone here is talking to me like some enemy, which is insulting. “..enough about you and your activities.” What activities? I mind my own business. Aside from Lydia and Cobra I literally communicate with NO ONE outside of these forums and NEVER have. Despite false accusations in the past. Which have all been cleared.

I’ve never had any intentions other than to contribute my perspective from my experiences on these forums all in a helpful way. My communication style obviously needs work, cause I get in many misunderstandings. So I’ll work on that. But the way you’re speaking to me is attacking my integrity and my character which is out of line. Because it’s not true. I’ve had disagreements with people and arguments. Nothing that wasn’t eventually settled. This happens on platforms like this. Not a big deal. Otherwise I have no clue what you mean by ‘activities’. I mind my own business and do my own thing.

Lydia said:
I had not read those posts by Eric in the health forums, so I should not have replied to him. I wasn't aware of the extent of things mentioned.
Oh and by the way, since making this reply have you gone on to read the alleged posts to which he refers? Or are you just taking his word over mine? If so why? Why would I lie, I never have before? Legitimate question. Not trying to be rude. It’s just a little insulting that what I’m saying right now in this thread is dismissed, in favor of accusations that aren’t true. Of which I encourage anyone to find posts of me encouraging over indulging or drunkenness or anything like that. I’ve only ever said , there’s a set of people who project a no tolerance policy on it, which I, and apparently, even you don’t agree with. And I believe in freedom. Nothing controversial. Cobra even made a recent sermon saying there’s no guilt in indulgence. My only opinions ever and even now are just that. Do as you please. I can’t understand why this is hard to understand.
Stormblood said:
Lydia said:
Lydia said:
I did not mean it like that. I meant the free mind of being able to indulge when appropriate without going crazy thinking that a bit of sweets will cause damage or harm. A free mind, a free soul, will be able to live a full and enjoyable life, which includes taste experiences when celebrating holidays.

I did not mean it on a literal, low-level of "sugar can be healthy for the soul" ffs.

Guys, Weassel and I started a new meme. Now the trolls are going to be like "Lydia says eating sugar is healthy for the soul, so don't meditate just eat sugar!" :lol:

Trolls 4 Shekels are going to hit you so hard lmao

I know!!! That's why I was initially irritated at the confusion, because I just knew they would jump at that lol.

Eric13 said:
I know you're only trying to help, there's just a lot of negativity being thrown at us from the enemy, including confusion as to what members are actually trying to say or mean. However, I will say that I don't agree with the "everything in moderation" mindset as it seems to be pushed by the enemy to encourage their agenda of tolerance. "Tolerate this thing in moderation, so the goyim will tolerate the next thing we push because everything in moderation." I get what you're saying, but perhaps the wording is a bit off.
Eric13 said:
I know how I believe and how I’ve always believed on this subject. So if you read something that proves your point, why not link it? Rather than just saying you’re right, I’m wrong? Because I’ve never advocated people indulge in anything in excess. My stance echos only what’s been said by Hooded Cobra, Maxine and even Lydia here. So if you feel my stance is any different than them, than you have misunderstood. That’s all. You’re tone here is talking to me like some enemy, which is insulting. “..enough about you and your activities.” What activities? I mind my own business. Aside from Lydia and Cobra I literally communicate with NO ONE outside of these forums and NEVER have. Despite false accusations in the past. Which have all been cleared.

I’ve never had any intentions other than to contribute my perspective from my experiences on these forums all in a helpful way. My communication style obviously needs work, cause I get in many misunderstandings. So I’ll work on that. But the way you’re speaking to me is attacking my integrity and my character which is out of line. Because it’s not true. I’ve had disagreements with people and arguments. Nothing that wasn’t eventually settled. This happens on platforms like this. Not a big deal. Otherwise I have no clue what you mean by ‘activities’. I mind my own business and do my own thing.

No, I never thought of you as the enemy or even an infiltrator. That's for sure. I see you like a moderate version of a broscience gym lad, which can literally mean anything.

As for 'activities', I just mean what you do in your private time, how you conduct your life, etc. It's none of my business, like you said. Any comment is because of social responsibility I have to this community as a member. If you see it as intrusive for me to comment on what you say, advise or do, I will keep my replies depersonalised from now on so you shouldn't feel personally.

As for reference, here's one example:
:arrow: This post where you state drinking alcohol on a daily basis is fine. This is different from what Lydia stated, which is that she thinks it's okay once in a while such as once or twice a year. I didn't even say I agree with that. I agreed with other things she mentioned, such as sweets/desserts. Not alcohol. Silence assent is a logical fallacy.

Her stance is also much better than what you stated. Certainly, it doesn't do as much damage as daily build-up, but it's una tantum which can be healed much faster. In her case, it is also doubtful whether it does any damage at all because she may have built defences to low-tier damage, as bioelectricity can perform a protective function on bodily tissues, especially if accumulated and reinforced in the way that, for example, Iron body practitioners used to do. It's clear you don't have any of that protecting yourself, like most people here don't. Her degree of advancement would also allow her to heal faster because her meridians are clean and open, so the energy goes through faster, and her frequency is higher. She's like spiritual royalty, the way I see it.

That being stated, often your posts are well-balanced and it would be wrong to say otherwise. It is just a few things that we disagree on, such as alcohol and protein (those are the easiest disagreements to find). Now, go enjoy your apple pie. I'm going to turn a blind eye :lol: and get some for myself :lol:
Henu the Great said:
Is this what you are talking about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1qX5eHwaNA (I need something new)

I don't know if that's related. The basic level is just using the breath of fire, then directing the raised energies to be stored in the fasciae. I'm using Mantak Chia's books to learn. I have moved to the joints at some point, and I can certainly attest that, thanks to this daily practice, I am no longer prone to easy inflammation and injury. There is talk about it in a sermon from HP Lucius Oria in the Asian subforum.
Stormblood said:
Henu the Great said:
Is this what you are talking about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1qX5eHwaNA (I need something new)

I don't know if that's related. The basic level is just using the breath of fire, then directing the raised energies to be stored in the fasciae. I'm using Mantak Chia's books to learn. I have moved to the joints at some point, and I can certainly attest that, thanks to this daily practice, I am no longer prone to easy inflammation and injury. There is talk about it in a sermon from HP Lucius Oria in the Asian subforum.
Interesting. So I already do BoF daily, but I do not always direct it like you do. So does not count as iron shirt, I guess. I have noticed doing BoF daily greatly benefits my wellbeing on many levels.

Will check out the resources you mentioned. Cheers.
ghost kid said:
By eating a bag of candy.And going to my sister's Halloween party. :)

Be a good boy and inspect all the candy given to you before you eat it. If it smells or looks funny, if the wrapper is loose or looks like it has holes in it toss it. There are alot of twisted people who don't like children.
Henu the Great said:
Stormblood said:
Henu the Great said:
Is this what you are talking about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1qX5eHwaNA (I need something new)

I don't know if that's related. The basic level is just using the breath of fire, then directing the raised energies to be stored in the fasciae. I'm using Mantak Chia's books to learn. I have moved to the joints at some point, and I can certainly attest that, thanks to this daily practice, I am no longer prone to easy inflammation and injury. There is talk about it in a sermon from HP Lucius Oria in the Asian subforum.
Interesting. So I already do BoF daily, but I do not always direct it like you do. So does not count as iron shirt, I guess. I have noticed doing BoF daily greatly benefits my wellbeing on many levels.

Will check out the resources you mentioned. Cheers.

I most likely don't need to tell you, but you need to programme that energy of course. Anything simple in line with that goal helps. I'm sure you don't need suggestions. Cheers for doing BoF daily. I agree with you on that.
Stormblood said:
Henu the Great said:
Stormblood said:
I don't know if that's related. The basic level is just using the breath of fire, then directing the raised energies to be stored in the fasciae. I'm using Mantak Chia's books to learn. I have moved to the joints at some point, and I can certainly attest that, thanks to this daily practice, I am no longer prone to easy inflammation and injury. There is talk about it in a sermon from HP Lucius Oria in the Asian subforum.
Interesting. So I already do BoF daily, but I do not always direct it like you do. So does not count as iron shirt, I guess. I have noticed doing BoF daily greatly benefits my wellbeing on many levels.

Will check out the resources you mentioned. Cheers.

I most likely don't need to tell you, but you need to programme that energy of course. Anything simple in line with that goal helps. I'm sure you don't need suggestions. Cheers for doing BoF daily. I agree with you on that.
I'm not excactly affirming, but my intent has been that it will energize me, boost my vitality and wellbeing. I could try actual words, but I am also interested in testing how far can I go with intent and practice it.
Speaking of desserts, I agree that you should let loose every now and then, but either way I would avoid the crappy products and go more for a homemade dessert or from a trusted bakery.
Eric13 said:
Stormblood said:
Because you argued against general principles, rather than once in a while (e.g. festive) exceptions and become passive-aggressive calling people 'ascetic' if they disagree. You also make make hyperboles out of someone telling you the consequences of doing something, like in the case of alcohol that has immediate consequences in low quantities but not as extreme ones as you make them sound (your cognitive dissonance distorts how remember things you rejected). Finally, you also assume that certain things in moderation are not going to affect you, which is the third logical fallacy in your arguments against self-discipline (it's called argument to moderation or false compromise).

You are certainly free to live your life as you choose. However, you shouldn't have the presumption to know more, be more self-aware (and aware in general) and be wiser than those who have meditated for longer and more consistently than you (out of your own admission, not my assumption) and that actually take time to sit and analyse life in general and their own life, instead of having the mindset of "I'll do whatever I want because I've always done and it must be right".

Indulgence doesn't means indulging in whatever you want or that your desires are not going to change as you advance. Just check the latest posts from HP Hooded Cobra, which you so boldly decided to mention. And alcohol was only created in xtard times. Pre-abrahamic civilisations had different indulgent treats. Such things as virgin cider, virgin beer, virgin wine, virgin mead, etc. have existed long before xtardanity. Alcohol is a modern recreational drug like tobacco, soft and hard 'drugs', caffeine and other things. Poison and indulgence are two different things.

Being legally adult doesn't also mean being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually mature. Most people in fact (including me) cannot be considered mature, even when their 80s. They're barely self-aware or not self-aware at all. Those of us who meditate consistently (awareness, power, purification) are more mature than the great majority of the population, and closer to being called adults. There is more responsibility at this point. Some people like HP Hooded Cobra are extremely likely fully mature, and the Gods are obviously the most mature. Most people shouldn't even be given rights to vote, as they cannot even manage their own life at a sufficient level (not even asking anything outstanding or superior here), let alone decide who can manage the lives of the many. There is a reason why golden civilisations always had the wisest in charge and only the ruling/golden class choose representatives, not the individualistic commoners who were still much more mature than most people today.
Unfortunately, Stormblood, I hate to say this, but you are incorrect. I have only ever advocated moderation with things. That’s been my philosophy forever. People here advocate or heavily imply black and white lifestyles. This isn’t reality and grey area exists. Which is the point of what I said and has been my main issue for years. It doesn’t need to be that strict. I stand by that.

As for the rest of your reply. I’m sorry to inform you, cause I know how wise and aware you are, but you’re also incorrect. Or misremembering, or assuming or idk. But I meditate daily. I have for many many years. The time I dedicate to meditation has been inconsistent at times over the years, but that applies to everyone on these forums and every SS. You can’t assume my abilities or anything though and lord yourself over me. It just comes across so strange.

Otherwise agree to disagree.

what i simply can’t understand is, why would someone have the desire to indulge in something that makes one feel like shit?

to me that’s a lack of self-love, or repressed emotions coming to the surface, in a night of indulgence I would eat stuff I rarely do, or do things out of ordinary. But never sacrifice my well-being indulging in Jew invented shit like alcohol
Aquarius said:
Lydia said:
Monarch said:
... While everyone else is indulging in sweets, i'll indulge in the sweetness of health.

Occasionally indulging in sweets is actually healthy for the soul. People who refuse to indulge usually have blockages in their Sacral chakra.
Well Lydia, I wasn't planning on eating candy, but your post made me realize that maybe 1 pimple doesn't matter if it's Halloween :D

REeeeee i was doing so great keeping off sugar untill they started bringing it at work. One of the guys on our crew was a bigger sweet tooth than me even and everytime i saw him he was eating a piece of candy haha. Thanks to my crew i have relapsed HARD for Samhain. :lol: i even made them my homemade candy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
