reading a bit about Jos and different sources, the Nazis had different scientists, geniuses of science who were quite psychic and communicated with extraterrestrial civilizations simply with their minds, from which they could have different technologies that in turn these extraterrestrial Gods had this technology from other extraterrestrial races that in turn distributed free technological projects from advanced civilizations perhaps millions of years (of technological development), so a Nordic God told me... that they gave him technology with the psyche from very advanced civilizations, so he had not personally produced the technologies he used, so basically the Gods asserted themselves and sent into production extremely essential machines (instead on earth they make everyone work with inventions like Tesla's free energy)... the free energy that brings freedom of life.. the UFOs that give freedom of life (with a UFO I finished working for an apartment or a mortgage, because I find infinite land where to build a house with my own strength and for free.) .. with free energy I keep the house warm without even the effort of making firewood, and now we can thank the rich Jewish families for the beautiful life we common earthlings lead. but really to be thanked, moreover the people who blow up with LPG every year, in campers and cars like that, can all thank the rich Jewish families for the lives we lead and their deaths.