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Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!


New member
Jul 8, 2003
I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
<td val[/IMG]Read all of joyofsatan.com

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: aikidoka37 <aikidoka71@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!
Sent: Sat, Oct 27, 2012 6:58:33 AM

<td val[/IMG]   I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!

first. your not going to burn in hell that is your xian church scare tactics two go to joyofsatan.org and read EVERYTHING from top to bottom and then perform a dedication ritual to father satan next once you are done with your dedication pray to father satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@... wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
Good afternoon. First I would just like to tell you that your fears are completely rational from someone coming from your background. It's only natural to fear the unknown, and it's to be expected when you were raised to fear it. But I assure you that none of what was told to you is true; I know you won't believe me at first, but with study and knowledge will come a wider view of things and then you will see everything as it is, and not as something people WANT you to see. I would suggest you begin reading the information at the JoyofSatan website, as it will explain all of your questions (but if you have any more, or need advice, feel free to ask us at this group here). 
Your interest in Satanism is a good thing, it shows an inquisitive mind and that you don't mind exploring different possibility's, both of which are good traits to have. And hey, look at it like this; if your god really is as loving and forgiving as your christian background suggests he is, then he is sure to forgive you if you stray down "the wrong path". And if he is NOT that forgiving or loving, then why would you want to worship him in the first place? You lose nothing from learning and having open eyes, afterall.

To: [email protected]
From: aikidoka71@...
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 06:58:33 +0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!

  I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!


What you are experiencing is quite common. The enemy has been brainwashing you since you were born not just in this life but in previous lives as well if you can any.

I will tell you my experience in coming to Satan because I kinda had same problem. I was raised a Roman Catholic. As a young boy I really believed in Jesus Christ but at the same time I remember believing in the pagan gods. I especially loved the Egyptian Goddess Isis and the Greek God Poseidon. As I got older I became less Christian and more Pagan. I started dabbling in Wicca and in New Age when I was in grade six pretty much until I was forced to do my confirmation.

For some reason I began to believe in god again so I converted back to Catholicism when I did my confirmation. I began hating all things pagan and non-christian but only for about two months. I was lucky because I stumbled on the joyofsatan website. I remembered how foolish I was when I was first read the site; I kept asking God to protect me and to not damn me in Hell for getting onto the website. I immediately hit closed the first time but something told me to open it again and keep reading. Its what I did. I spent all night reading everything and listening to the sermons they used to have on youtube.

I didn't do the initiation ritual until September of that year. I asked Satan to send me a message to show me that I was accepted. Well thirteen days after, at 4:24 am, I got the message of approval. The oldest Catholic Church in the Bahamas, the seat of the arch-diocese, caught on fire. Notice the timing, all the numbers are of Satan.

Today I don't believe I will be placed in a fiery pit for all eternity. Christianity is dead to me, I hate it with all passion. I argue with my family about it everyday. For once in my life I actually feel free since coming to Satan. I have experienced things I never thought possible. My life has become so much better. I now usually get everything I want the way I wanted it to work out and I am happier than ever.

I can only advice you to read all of the content on the joyofsatan.org and exposingchristianity.com You should sever any psychic links to christianity by doing the process taught on this site http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-serm ... -emotions/

I made my decision and you have to make your own. If you pick Satanism there is a lot of work that needs to be done but it will all be worth it.

Good Luck!
long hard working over self waits you aikidoka. i advice read Nietzsche's "Anti-Christian" for better effect.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "HellsArmy666@yahoogroups com" <[email protected]; "aikidoka71@..." <aikidoka71@...
Sent: Sunday, 28 October 2012, 4:07
Subject: Re: [HellsArmy666] Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!

<td val[/IMG]Read all of joyofsatan.com

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: aikidoka37 <aikidoka71@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!
Sent: Sat, Oct 27, 2012 6:58:33 AM

<td val[/IMG]   I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!


Also, you can't become a SS while having sympathies with the enemy hoax. You must be completely deprogrammed from this hoax and hate it and laugh at its lies. The site I gave you is a good for that purpose.

Since you're writing this in a spiritual warfare group, you'll see it's for dedicated SS's who fight against the xian hoax. We're actually working to destroy it and know it's a hoax and deceives and brainwashes people.

If you want to join us for that purpose and volunteer to fight with us that destructive hoax, GREAT! :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@... wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!

Good advice, go to the site and read!! the JOS site has all the info you need, but we cannot do it for you, as a Satanist you have to learn to get rid of the idea that others need to help you to make up your mind. You were born to be a independently powerful being and your creator Ea-Enki who the sheeples call Satan has given you the ability to create your own destiny. You should know your bible which is a good thing so that when you read the truth it will instantly make sense. The only true words in the bible is "The Truth Shall Set You Free" and boy when that freedom is realized you truly feel the power and up-liftment with a huge amount of energy. So take the time and do as I did absorb every bit of information so carefully composed on the site and I can promise you will never look back at the Xian Drivel
Kind Regards; Pathfinder - Ave Satanas Ave Ea-Enki 
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:45 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!

  Also, you can't become a SS while having sympathies with the enemy hoax. You must be completely deprogrammed from this hoax and hate it and laugh at its lies. The site I gave you is a good for that purpose.

Since you're writing this in a spiritual warfare group, you'll see it's for dedicated SS's who fight against the xian hoax. We're actually working to destroy it and know it's a hoax and deceives and brainwashes people.

If you want to join us for that purpose and volunteer to fight with us that destructive hoax, GREAT! :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@... wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!

christ is an enemy thoughtform nothing more it has absolutely no love or compassion or feelings for you or your wellbeing. Anything you feel or hear from this is destructive to your soul and designed to keep you in a mind prison, in fear of the truth. Have a look around at the world just for starters, the state of things the suffering of people. Does this look like the 'plan' of a loving compassionate god to you?
Everything to do with xianity has been stolen by the jews and twisted from it's original Pagan roots into something ugly. mary was stolen from Isis (Astaroth) the christ on the cross is a corruption and theft of the Pagan Gods the cross was stolen and corrupted, the story of genesis was stolen from much earlier creation stories. xmas and Easter are stolen and corrupted, everything has roots in True Paganism which IS Satanism. It wasn't called Satanism before the xian lie rose it's ugly head SATAN means enemy. Enemy OF THE LIE of the LIARS who HATE Humanity and created this mess to screw us and hide the truth, insult and downgrade our Gods and Satan and make us fear and hate the truth. What better way to turn us all against our Creator the one who really DOES love us and want us to rise and become something great than to turn him into a monster of evil.

Read everything... seriously it will make more and more sense and you will start seeing it for yourself. Burn and spit on your bible, make a ritual out of it and have fun cursing and trashing everything of xianity in your life it is very healing.
political correctness, passive attitudes, islam, the new age movement, wicca, budhism, all this is bollocks.

It is GOOD to have a strong ego and be proud of yourself. Anything that tells you otherwise is of the enemy. It is the strength of your EGO, of your soul and all that makes you YOU that sustains you and helps you to advance and get better each life. The enemy works against this to weaken and destroy your courage, pride and Ego.

I only bow to Satan and ONLY out of respect and gratitude He does not force this from Us He does not tell you what to do, think, feel or who to be. He does not use fear or hold His power over Us. He encourages and guides Us to be ourselves and to advance ourselves according to our nature. If you are a tiger inside He does not put you in a 'cage' and tell you to behave.
He tells you BE THE TIGER YOU ARE! and opens the door to the cage He does not fear this! He does not fear Us becomming powerfull Gods It is all He wants for Us. You cannot force someone to love you, respect you, you cannot force someone to be what they are not Satan understand this He is unlike anyone you have ever imagined.

When We go To Satan it is because We want to. He opens the door for you and is there with you on your journey to guide you and help you and be there for you when you need Him. If you get down He is there if you truly love Him He knows Once you realise who He is it cuts like a knife to the heart to suddenly realise all He has been through because He fought for Us and is still going. He has taken so much shit for Us even from Us before we knew better. It makes the bullshit of the christ on the cross look like a walk in the park. I asked Him to show me... early on I couldn't bare it.
He has watched Us His loyal ones slaughtered and tortured over and over again for staying by Him by the inquisitions He has watched as others were brainwashed against Him and He still takes them in again and again. Even Our Gods had been bound and abused.

Everyday and night the world around His name is still cursed and spat on and insulted over and over and over He has been blamed for everything falsly that has ever gone bad in this world. idiots kill and torture in His name because of these lies.

If you need proof Humans were genetically engineered and that is how we were created there IS evidence in our DNA. Google it, there are youtube videos with new discoveries made even this year. The jews will do anything to debunk this and cover it up.

And your life will not be magically fixed and all your problems overnight, you get out what you put in.

You know what go out to some nice natural place with noone around or anywhere quiet and private and talk to Satan as if He were sitting right there next to you. Let it all out, your fears, concerns everything I have found Him very easy to talk to, I don't always hear Him answer but He gives me signs. Lots of them, very obvious. I ask Him all kinds of things I would never tell anyone. I feel His presence and the more you meditate the easier it gets. You can tell him anything, He is the only one I completely trust with everything. If there is something in yourself you want to change He can help you. If you don't want to change thats fine too. He dosn't judge you like this 'fake god' He understands Us as Human beings He understands our problems, our emotions, our fuck ups, our desires He will help you to become balanced and happy. To feel good about yourself. Our Gods are wonderfull They are not scary, or evil. They want to be our friends and allies and help us. Their happiness when someone comes to them finally can be felt. Everytime one of Us breaks free and finds out the truth is another Victory. It adds up.

The truth is everywhere if you want it, through the JOS and these groups it will help you to find this.

The sooner you see the filthy imposter thoughtform on the cross for what it is the better you will start to feel.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@... wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
That's the fear they use in controling the Gentiles, the fear of hell, fear of satan bro/sis you really need to deprograme yourself from that believe and start believing the real thing. Good site to read about this, www.exposingchristianity.com there you will see the truth.
Hail Enki

------Original message------
From: aikidoka37 <aikidoka71@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:58:33 AM GMT-0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
Your [/IMG]  From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of the_fire_starter666
Sent: Sunday, 28 October 2012 4:53 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!    http://www.exposingchristianity.com

REad it.

"Christ" is fictitious, never existed. "Hell" is a beautiful place.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@... wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
You should also go to www.exposingchristianity.com . Keep reading it ova nd ova. You'll find sum facts that will really open your eyes nd help u get over those hang ups. I also had them wen I started.

Ave Satan! \m/Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless deviceFrom: "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 09:45:58 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!
  Also, you can't become a SS while having sympathies with the enemy hoax. You must be completely deprogrammed from this hoax and hate it and laugh at its lies. The site I gave you is a good for that purpose.

Since you're writing this in a spiritual warfare group, you'll see it's for dedicated SS's who fight against the xian hoax. We're actually working to destroy it and know it's a hoax and deceives and brainwashes people.

If you want to join us for that purpose and volunteer to fight with us that destructive hoax, GREAT! :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@... wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Joshua De Kooker <dekookerj@... wrote:
Good advice, go to the site and read!! the JOS site has all the info you need, but we cannot do it for you, as a Satanist you have to learn to get rid of the idea that others need to help you to make up your mind. You were born to be a independently powerful being and your creator Ea-Enki who the sheeples call Satan has given you the ability to create your own destiny. You should know your bible which is a good thing so that when you read the truth it will instantly make sense. The only true words in the bible is "The Truth Shall Set You Free" and boy when that freedom is realized you truly feel the power and up-liftment with a huge amount of energy. So take the time and do as I did absorb every bit of information so carefully composed on the site and I can promise you will never look back at the Xian Drivel

Kind Regards; Pathfinder - Ave Satanas Ave Ea-Enki 
I have been reading, it's VERY intriguing to me, I LIKE IT! But it's still HARD making that kind of decision because I have been a Christian for some time, and I have always been afraid of being sent to hell.

From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:45 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!

Also, you can't become a SS while having sympathies with the enemy hoax. You must be completely deprogrammed from this hoax and hate it and laugh at its lies. The site I gave you is a good for that purpose.

Since you're writing this in a spiritual warfare group, you'll see it's for dedicated SS's who fight against the xian hoax. We're actually working to destroy it and know it's a hoax and deceives and brainwashes people.

If you want to join us for that purpose and volunteer to fight with us that destructive hoax, GREAT! :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@ wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
I wrote a long debunking of the xian version of "hell" before, I'm copypasting it:

"You know how absurd the xian version of hell is? You can't feel physical
pain after you die as pain is in your physical body and nerves and brain not
your soul, and even if you can there're ways to stop feeling it. Some people
have a rare condition where they can't feel physical pain because some part of
their brain isn't functioning. Go and tell those people they'll be tortured
forever, they'll surely don't know what that means. Then there are indian yogis
who have trained their minds to not feel pain, some of them sat and were burned
to death to protest, they couldn't feel their bodies burning.

Why the hell would you kiss a tyrant's ass who would threaten to burn you in
hell for ever anyway? For me it's completely against human dignity to do that
and that being who does that doesn't deserve to be worshiped.

Do you know what the xian heaven is about according to their bible? No, it's not
about having fun and being free, but serving their "god" for all eternity with a
perfect servitude. That's what the bible and the xian apologists say. So, I
would much prefer to be tortured than to kiss a tyrant's ass for all eternity
and losing all my individuality and human dignity.

This is only an example of how everything in xianity can be taken apart if you
think logically. Seriously, use your brain. Xianity is completely illogical,
even their bible contains absurdities, contradictions e.t.c. and is full of lies
and massmurder as a result of this xians tortured and burned and killed millions
of people in the middle ages.

If xianity was the right religion why would it need to kill and torture all
those people and burn their libraries and destroy their knowledge to silence

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@... wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Joshua De Kooker <dekookerj@ wrote:

Good advice, go to the site and read!! the JOS site has all the info you need, but we cannot do it for you, as a Satanist you have to learn to get rid of the idea that others need to help you to make up your mind. You were born to be a independently powerful being and your creator Ea-Enki who the sheeples call Satan has given you the ability to create your own destiny. You should know your bible which is a good thing so that when you read the truth it will instantly make sense. The only true words in the bible is "The Truth Shall Set You Free" and boy when that freedom is realized you truly feel the power and up-liftment with a huge amount of energy. So take the time and do as I did absorb every bit of information so carefully composed on the site and I can promise you will never look back at the Xian Drivel

Kind Regards; Pathfinder - Ave Satanas Ave Ea-Enki 
I have been reading, it's VERY intriguing to me, I LIKE IT! But it's still HARD making that kind of decision because I have been a Christian for some time, and I have always been afraid of being sent to hell.

From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:45 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!

Also, you can't become a SS while having sympathies with the enemy hoax. You must be completely deprogrammed from this hoax and hate it and laugh at its lies. The site I gave you is a good for that purpose.

Since you're writing this in a spiritual warfare group, you'll see it's for dedicated SS's who fight against the xian hoax. We're actually working to destroy it and know it's a hoax and deceives and brainwashes people.

If you want to join us for that purpose and volunteer to fight with us that destructive hoax, GREAT! :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@ wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:
christ is an enemy thoughtform nothing more it has absolutely no love or compassion or feelings for you or your wellbeing. Anything you feel or hear from this is destructive to your soul and designed to keep you in a mind prison, in fear of the truth. Have a look around at the world just for starters, the state of things the suffering of people. Does this look like the 'plan' of a loving compassionate god to you?
Everything to do with xianity has been stolen by the jews and twisted from it's original Pagan roots into something ugly. mary was stolen from Isis (Astaroth) the christ on the cross is a corruption and theft of the Pagan Gods the cross was stolen and corrupted, the story of genesis was stolen from much earlier creation stories. xmas and Easter are stolen and corrupted, everything has roots in True Paganism which IS Satanism. It wasn't called Satanism before the xian lie rose it's ugly head SATAN means enemy. Enemy OF THE LIE of the LIARS who HATE Humanity and created this mess to screw us and hide the truth, insult and downgrade our Gods and Satan and make us fear and hate the truth. What better way to turn us all against our Creator the one who really DOES love us and want us to rise and become something great than to turn him into a monster of evil.

Read everything... seriously it will make more and more sense and you will start seeing it for yourself. Burn and spit on your bible, make a ritual out of it and have fun cursing and trashing everything of xianity in your life it is very healing.
political correctness, passive attitudes, islam, the new age movement, wicca, budhism, all this is bollocks.

It is GOOD to have a strong ego and be proud of yourself. Anything that tells you otherwise is of the enemy. It is the strength of your EGO, of your soul and all that makes you YOU that sustains you and helps you to advance and get better each life. The enemy works against this to weaken and destroy your courage, pride and Ego.

I only bow to Satan and ONLY out of respect and gratitude He does not force this from Us He does not tell you what to do, think, feel or who to be. He does not use fear or hold His power over Us. He encourages and guides Us to be ourselves and to advance ourselves according to our nature. If you are a tiger inside He does not put you in a 'cage' and tell you to behave.
He tells you BE THE TIGER YOU ARE! and opens the door to the cage He does not fear this! He does not fear Us becomming powerfull Gods It is all He wants for Us. You cannot force someone to love you, respect you, you cannot force someone to be what they are not Satan understand this He is unlike anyone you have ever imagined.

When We go To Satan it is because We want to. He opens the door for you and is there with you on your journey to guide you and help you and be there for you when you need Him. If you get down He is there if you truly love Him He knows Once you realise who He is it cuts like a knife to the heart to suddenly realise all He has been through because He fought for Us and is still going. He has taken so much shit for Us even from Us before we knew better. It makes the bullshit of the christ on the cross look like a walk in the park. I asked Him to show me... early on I couldn't bare it.
He has watched Us His loyal ones slaughtered and tortured over and over again for staying by Him by the inquisitions He has watched as others were brainwashed against Him and He still takes them in again and again. Even Our Gods had been bound and abused.

Everyday and night the world around His name is still cursed and spat on and insulted over and over and over He has been blamed for everything falsly that has ever gone bad in this world. idiots kill and torture in His name because of these lies.

If you need proof Humans were genetically engineered and that is how we were created there IS evidence in our DNA. Google it, there are youtube videos with new discoveries made even this year. The jews will do anything to debunk this and cover it up.

And your life will not be magically fixed and all your problems overnight, you get out what you put in.

You know what go out to some nice natural place with noone around or anywhere quiet and private and talk to Satan as if He were sitting right there next to you. Let it all out, your fears, concerns everything I have found Him very easy to talk to, I don't always hear Him answer but He gives me signs. Lots of them, very obvious. I ask Him all kinds of things I would never tell anyone. I feel His presence and the more you meditate the easier it gets. You can tell him anything, He is the only one I completely trust with everything. If there is something in yourself you want to change He can help you. If you don't want to change thats fine too. He dosn't judge you like this 'fake god' He understands Us as Human beings He understands our problems, our emotions, our fuck ups, our desires He will help you to become balanced and happy. To feel good about yourself. Our Gods are wonderfull They are not scary, or evil. They want to be our friends and allies and help us. Their happiness when someone comes to them finally can be felt. Everytime one of Us breaks free and finds out the truth is another Victory. It adds up.

The truth is everywhere if you want it, through the JOS and these groups it will help you to find this.

The sooner you see the filthy imposter thoughtform on the cross for what it is the better you will start to feel.

Hail Satan

WOW, that is FVCKING amazing!! I even felt an ache in my heart when you said that Satan had watched his loyal ones die and tortured. Is this enemy an alien?
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@ wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
<td val[/IMG]Not just the sheeples we know Him as Satan too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Joshua De Kooker <dekookerj@...;
To: [email protected] <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [HellsArmy666] Re: Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!
Sent: Sun, Oct 28, 2012 10:45:15 AM

<td val[/IMG]  
Good advice, go to the site and read!! the JOS site has all the info you need, but we cannot do it for you, as a Satanist you have to learn to get rid of the idea that others need to help you to make up your mind. You were born to be a independently powerful being and your creator Ea-Enki who the sheeples call Satan has given you the ability to create your own destiny. You should know your bible which is a good thing so that when you read the truth it will instantly make sense. The only true words in the bible is "The Truth Shall Set You Free" and boy when that freedom is realized you truly feel the power and up-liftment with a huge amount of energy. So take the time and do as I did absorb every bit of information so carefully composed on the site and I can promise you will never look back at the Xian Drivel
Kind Regards; Pathfinder - Ave Satanas Ave Ea-Enki 
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:45 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!

  Also, you can't become a SS while having sympathies with the enemy hoax. You must be completely deprogrammed from this hoax and hate it and laugh at its lies. The site I gave you is a good for that purpose.

Since you're writing this in a spiritual warfare group, you'll see it's for dedicated SS's who fight against the xian hoax. We're actually working to destroy it and know it's a hoax and deceives and brainwashes people.

If you want to join us for that purpose and volunteer to fight with us that destructive hoax, GREAT! :)

--- [/IMG][email protected], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@... wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!

Well said there, especially in the soul not feeling pain after death part, it makes sense

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@... wrote:

I wrote a long debunking of the xian version of "hell" before, I'm copypasting it:

"You know how absurd the xian version of hell is? You can't feel physical
pain after you die as pain is in your physical body and nerves and brain not
your soul, and even if you can there're ways to stop feeling it. Some people
have a rare condition where they can't feel physical pain because some part of
their brain isn't functioning. Go and tell those people they'll be tortured
forever, they'll surely don't know what that means. Then there are indian yogis
who have trained their minds to not feel pain, some of them sat and were burned
to death to protest, they couldn't feel their bodies burning.

Why the hell would you kiss a tyrant's ass who would threaten to burn you in
hell for ever anyway? For me it's completely against human dignity to do that
and that being who does that doesn't deserve to be worshiped.

Do you know what the xian heaven is about according to their bible? No, it's not
about having fun and being free, but serving their "god" for all eternity with a
perfect servitude. That's what the bible and the xian apologists say. So, I
would much prefer to be tortured than to kiss a tyrant's ass for all eternity
and losing all my individuality and human dignity.

This is only an example of how everything in xianity can be taken apart if you
think logically. Seriously, use your brain. Xianity is completely illogical,
even their bible contains absurdities, contradictions e.t.c. and is full of lies
and massmurder as a result of this xians tortured and burned and killed millions
of people in the middle ages.

If xianity was the right religion why would it need to kill and torture all
those people and burn their libraries and destroy their knowledge to silence

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Joshua De Kooker <dekookerj@ wrote:

Good advice, go to the site and read!! the JOS site has all the info you need, but we cannot do it for you, as a Satanist you have to learn to get rid of the idea that others need to help you to make up your mind. You were born to be a independently powerful being and your creator Ea-Enki who the sheeples call Satan has given you the ability to create your own destiny. You should know your bible which is a good thing so that when you read the truth it will instantly make sense. The only true words in the bible is "The Truth Shall Set You Free" and boy when that freedom is realized you truly feel the power and up-liftment with a huge amount of energy. So take the time and do as I did absorb every bit of information so carefully composed on the site and I can promise you will never look back at the Xian Drivel

Kind Regards; Pathfinder - Ave Satanas Ave Ea-Enki 
I have been reading, it's VERY intriguing to me, I LIKE IT! But it's still HARD making that kind of decision because I have been a Christian for some time, and I have always been afraid of being sent to hell.

From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:45 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!

Also, you can't become a SS while having sympathies with the enemy hoax. You must be completely deprogrammed from this hoax and hate it and laugh at its lies. The site I gave you is a good for that purpose.

Since you're writing this in a spiritual warfare group, you'll see it's for dedicated SS's who fight against the xian hoax. We're actually working to destroy it and know it's a hoax and deceives and brainwashes people.

If you want to join us for that purpose and volunteer to fight with us that destructive hoax, GREAT! :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "aikidoka37" <aikidoka71@ wrote:

I am deeply in root with my Christian self but I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but my mixed feelings of Christ tells me I'm going to burn in hell if I do commit myself to Satan! I don't know what to do!!!
Your AFRAID of going to hell? Ahh yes fear, fear is the only thing keeping people in those anti life programs. That proves it right there. You want to become a Satanists, however FEAR wont let you.

Sounds like a great religion. Perhaps you should stay in it. Stay in fear for the rest of your life. Sounds good to me. Or maybe you will face that fear and get rid of it once and for all.

The decision ofcourse, is yours...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Not just the sheeples we know Him as Satan too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
That is Not they way to put it. Being Satanic is to spread light on Satan. Not make him/her feel worse! I read this, what u said, and thought. It was wrong. Coz u didn't say anything good about it

1st off, u coulda said. """"Satanism is Not about Hell, Hell is the base chakra. The Hell u are talking about, u are living, and the "Hell" us SS are going to is Not a burning pit. It is a huge palace and is called Duat

Read Joyofsatan.org more and find out for urself about Satanism"""""

That is what I would say

Hail Satan.
=^.^=Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!From: "damnplanetsaturn" <damnplanetsaturn@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 02:40:29 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Hi, im new converting from christianity to spiritual satanism. HELP!!
Your AFRAID of going to hell? Ahh yes fear, fear is the only thing keeping people in those anti life programs. That proves it right there. You want to become a Satanists, however FEAR wont let you.

Sounds like a great religion. Perhaps you should stay in it. Stay in fear for the rest of your life. Sounds good to me. Or maybe you will face that fear and get rid of it once and for all.

The decision ofcourse, is yours...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Not just the sheeples we know Him as Satan too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
