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help about horny (self satisfaction)

Hctor_3996 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Hctor_3996 said:
Peace be upon you and your way. I have a question for you, please answer. There are many jinn around me and they are dangerous. How can I tell the difference between jinn and demons? Jinn have the ability to change their faces. I don't know if the creature that appears in my dreams at night is a jinn or a demon.

Almost all creatures who are called jinns are actually enemy aliens. For example Greys and Reptilians.these angels are enemy aliens. Jinn is another word for demon. Sometimes some muslim prayer writers trap the souls of some fire elementals ( elemental= creatures that exist in astral realm who are made of one element in their soul ). And then they think its a jinn. Usually these elementals come back to destroy their lives. The same thing happened way before Maxine freed the souls of some demons. They were abused to carry out tasks of jewish mages and foolish muslims. But the demons are too powerful they have many astral bodies and only one of them was trapped, no harm came to them and they were just annoyed.
Take a look at the books so many muslims use instructions from to try to abuse jinns and you will see the same insults and defamation that is thrown at them in Goetia books of the west countries.

Peace be upon you and your way. Thank you for your reply. You are Iranian? Because ID is an Iranian sign

Thank you for explaining the astral beings. I have a question for you, please answer. I read the release of demons but I don't understand. How demons are bound. Why the people who imprisoned them were not destroyed. Hadn't the leaders before the great Marxin been able to free them? Unfortunately, there are questions that came to my mind after reading this material. Because I still don't have an understanding of the supernatural world and supernatural and invisible beings..

And no i am not Iranian.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Hctor_3996 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Almost all creatures who are called jinns are actually enemy aliens. For example Greys and Reptilians.these angels are enemy aliens. Jinn is another word for demon. Sometimes some muslim prayer writers trap the souls of some fire elementals ( elemental= creatures that exist in astral realm who are made of one element in their soul ). And then they think its a jinn. Usually these elementals come back to destroy their lives. The same thing happened way before Maxine freed the souls of some demons. They were abused to carry out tasks of jewish mages and foolish muslims. But the demons are too powerful they have many astral bodies and only one of them was trapped, no harm came to them and they were just annoyed.
Take a look at the books so many muslims use instructions from to try to abuse jinns and you will see the same insults and defamation that is thrown at them in Goetia books of the west countries.

Peace be upon you and your way. Thank you for your reply. You are Iranian? Because ID is an Iranian sign

Also what do you mean by this? My ID is Iranian? What do you mean?

Peace be upon you. Your name is the name of one of the Iranian seas. It is also one of the old Iranian names
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Hctor_3996 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Almost all creatures who are called jinns are actually enemy aliens. For example Greys and Reptilians.these angels are enemy aliens. Jinn is another word for demon. Sometimes some muslim prayer writers trap the souls of some fire elementals ( elemental= creatures that exist in astral realm who are made of one element in their soul ). And then they think its a jinn. Usually these elementals come back to destroy their lives. The same thing happened way before Maxine freed the souls of some demons. They were abused to carry out tasks of jewish mages and foolish muslims. But the demons are too powerful they have many astral bodies and only one of them was trapped, no harm came to them and they were just annoyed.
Take a look at the books so many muslims use instructions from to try to abuse jinns and you will see the same insults and defamation that is thrown at them in Goetia books of the west countries.

Peace be upon you and your way. Thank you for your reply. You are Iranian? Because ID is an Iranian sign

Thank you for explaining the astral beings. I have a question for you, please answer. I read the release of demons but I don't understand. How demons are bound. Why the people who imprisoned them were not destroyed. Hadn't the leaders before the great Marxin been able to free them? Unfortunately, there are questions that came to my mind after reading this material. Because I still don't have an understanding of the supernatural world and supernatural and invisible beings..


Read this
Thank you for your kindless .
Hctor_3996 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Hctor_3996 said:
Peace be upon you and your way. Thank you for your reply. You are Iranian? Because ID is an Iranian sign

Also what do you mean by this? My ID is Iranian? What do you mean?

Peace be upon you. Your name is the name of one of the Iranian seas. It is also one of the old Iranian names

Oh? I didnt know that . I just thought Caspian was a cool name didnt know it was Iranian, because im not actually from there. Thanks for the info though.
I know I'm late but I just want to add to this discussion for future reference of members.

everything I'm about about say has been said before by others, just reiterating.

in truth there really isn't a problem with masturbation, it's healthy and necessary for healthy lower chakras. The problem comes with the excess of masturbation, and the leaking of energy. Everyone is born with a set amount of psychic and spiritual energy, which is why some people are born gifted and able to see the astral while others are born sick and ill. Everyday you gain and lose energy, think of it like money, you might start with $1,000,000,000 and everyday you might spend 80 dollars on work, school, exercise, and masturbation, but only gain about 50 dollars from meditating and eating good.

Sexual energy is one of if not the most powerful energy a human can make, and if someone masturbates multiple times a day without the proper energy(say someone who has a lot of fire alignments in their natal chart, they can regenerate energy faster) then they will drain out a LOT of energy and become weak and ill.

the trick is to orgasm without the loss of sexual fluids or energy, for men this would mean to orgasm with losing any sperm. One can do this many ways, and there's many tantric and taoistic texts that teach how to do this. This keeps the energy in the body and makes you spiritually and physically strong and healthy and benefits you in many ways.

In truth it's easy to gain energy, but it's hard to keep and clean energy. I have only recently realized my problem with masturbation and stopped it so I don't feel comfortable giving out anymore advice than confirmed because I have a long way to go before I can 100% guarantee my practices are right. instead I can give out some books I'm reading/going to read regarding the matter

book 1- the book I'm currently on and trying to master before moving on. Mantak Chia- Taoist secrets of love, cultivating male sexual energy(he has one for females aswell)

book 2- Daniel P. Reid- The Tao of health, sex & longevity

book 3-Margo Anand- the art of sexual ecstasy.

there are many more I'm looking into but these are the most recommended to me when doing research. good luck friend
Someone.something_ said:
the trick is to orgasm without the loss of sexual fluids or energy, for men this would mean to orgasm with losing any sperm
That is misinformation, because of corruption the taoists believe what you just stated, but ejaculation is completely fine, healthy and necessary. Because even without ejaculating the body would get rid of the sperm in other ways, in piss, or during sleep. What is necessary is avoiding excess ejaculation.
Aquarius said:
Someone.something_ said:
the trick is to orgasm without the loss of sexual fluids or energy, for men this would mean to orgasm with losing any sperm
That is misinformation, because of corruption the taoists believe what you just stated, but ejaculation is completely fine, healthy and necessary. Because even without ejaculating the body would get rid of the sperm in other ways, in piss, or during sleep. What is necessary is avoiding excess ejaculation.

sorry my friend! I didn't mean to spread misinformation. Yes you're right, masturbation and loss of sperm is healthy in moderation, but I think learning to reuse and "recycle" the energy in a way is very important to learn and can be beneficial. again I apologize about my text!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
