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Happy Women's Day - To Our Women

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It takes a special kind of a woman to be a Spiritual Satanist, there is an element in the heart of a woman that has to awaken for her to seek the path. In many women, it is still dormant, in many others, in deep slumber.

But not in you: In you, ladies of the forum and fellow Spiritual Satanist women, this birth has occurred.

Today, on International women's day, I was thinking in regards to how in the "modern world", we only had one celebration for women now - compared to the Ancient Past where women played an integral role spiritually in society, and were celebrated all day.

In our recent schedule, here She is, Astarte will be celebrated in our schedule. We will raise our voices high, and in the next days, we will be heard by the Lady of Ladies.

Indeed, everyone with a mother, a sister, a loving aunt, or a grandmother, a woman who fights, they all know of the most important value of our women. You are able to make the world to matter, and to be beautiful.

Looking at the future, we can have our hopes and our aspirations set high, and look to the restoration of the identity of our women and all women on earth on higher levels of consciousness, and more manifestation of beauty in all levels.

May all of you dwell and bring us closer to the divine feminine, in the name of Astarte, of Lilith, of all the Goddesses.

We thank you and we salute you!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Sometimes we need the reminder, thank you HP. It is easy to get worn down by life, yet we keep striving, men and women alike. I can't wait to celebrate the coming Spring with Astarte's ritual and get in touch with my more feminine side. May we all be smiled upon by the Gods and Goddesses, now and forever.

Thank you HP. It really means a lot, I look forward one day to our world being united once again together, Women and Men as we should be. Not at odds with each other, not disrespecting or treating each others as the jews treat each other. Where women are women and men are men and we celebrate both sides and combine them in a beautiful and powerful way to better this world and fully heal it from the cancer of the enemy.

The closest we have to this right now is alive here and well in these forums and it gives me confidence and happy feelings to know we are, mostly all of us, on the same page with respecting and caring for each other as it should be. I look forward to honoring Lady Astarte with these rituals soon. Our Goddesses and also Strong Women like HP Maxine have given me the confidence to strive to the best that I can be in all things that I do. We have many positive female role models here on these forums and every single one of them posting, helping, advancing, striving to be better and to make a difference, they make this community a wonderful place. To all my fellow strong female SS warriors we are awesome!! Much love to you all.

Thank you again for the uplifting words HP Hooded Cobra much love to you as well!

Hail Lady Astarte!
And Hail Father Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!
Hey Cobra, maybe I'm missing it, but where was your post celebrating International Men's Day on November 19th? Or maybe you didn't even know there's an International Men's Day too? That's what gynocentric/feminist brainwashing does, almost everyone know there's a Women's day but almost nobody knows about the Men's Day to honor the sex who built civilizations and everything else.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This "unique celebration" is above all the one instituted by the enemy to horizontalize the conflict so that it does not come upon him.

I dream of balanced relationships between men and women, complementary. Far from the MGTOW and ultra feminists, both completely stupid.

Thank you for your good thoughts Brother Cobra.

From a Satanist woman and mother.

Glory to Lilith, Astarte and the wonderful Goddesses!
Wishing all the SS sisters a Happy Women's Day :)

Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Lady Astarte!
Hail to all the Goddesses of Duat!
Salutations to our glorious women.

That's one reason I'm here doing my bit. To fight for a better future for humanity and our women.

I do adore women. Their feminine caring, gentleness and intuition.

Hail our beautiful women.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Just to now sir that I sent those beautiful greetings and wishes to my wife and she feels very happy and excited about it.

You're right a lot in what you say, women should always be appreciated like they were appreciated in ancient Egypt and Greek times, for example.

Like sister Sapphire put it, women shall never forget both the beauty and appreciation standards they deserve.

Happy Valentine's day for your wife sir and I wish the best for you two. ❤️
Yesterday I asked Lady Astarte for beauty and love, to teach me, and sent her some energy, yet I know more is needed to be guided in this path.
I have grown up without functionally stable female caretakers and it is a relief - to have our Goddesses in our lives.
Thank you HP :)

Hail Astarte!
Hail Lilith!
This makes me happy to see. Our SS women are the best women in the world, and I thank you all for being here.

Happy Women's Day! :D
Thank you, High Priest. Our women are very beautiful, strong souls.

I don't really know what to say, but... I hope as I keep walking this path I can be more like our Goddesses, and fully embrace my own femininity.

Hail Lady Astarte and all our Goddesses!
We women.. go through a lot of changes throughout our life! Finding the truth and things.? Which never ends! And finding the truth Within ourselves? Which takes time. And it's all worth it! Being a female and A Spiritual Satanist. We can spend a whole life time learning many things! And the learning continues on and on even after we have died and passed on! We carry that lineage with this! We make our pack and we make our promises and our Blood Ties and our connections with their families as children but when it comes to friends and being a part of a miraculous group like this and being a part of Satan and his kingdom! And to be one with him! Is priceless and it's everything! I don't think there's any words to best describe the feeling that I have for Father Satan. The moment I made that dedication to him! Back in the year 2013! It was the best thing I ever did! It was everything to me! And finding this website was everything! And it's Priceless to me! Getting to know everybody on here and the clergy who runs this website! Is priceless to me! I have come a long way since then! Overcoming a lot of the awkwardness that I had learning the truth about my people and our country! I just learning things all over again compared to the things that I learned as a teenager going to school! Having to relearn everything again! Stating and reading taking notes looking things up out of the dictionary it was just like I was back in school again brushing up on everything! Having the crash course test on here reading and studying! Reading about the things that women have done throughout the centuries! Yes we ladies have been through a lot! And for a damn good reason! Representing the mother and the goddess lady Lilith and mother Inanna And our Queen Astrte Atroth❤️🌹.. Cleopatra and Isis and all of the many names that she went under throughout the centuries! And many of these beautiful lady goddesses and queens! Daughters of these beautiful women throughout the centuries have done a lot of wonderful Works! And prove their worthiness to the gods more and more with their intelligence their power on the battlefield! And the strength and the intellect and not to mention the fact of beauty that these wonderful ladies have and that has been passed down from generation to generation! Not only to us ladies throughout the world but also to our children down the road! And to have such a lineage of beautiful women in this world! Honoring the blood connection and our family ties with our ancestors. Laugh out loud people nowadays May laugh at such things and have no consideration of their of! People don't even take the time to look into themselves before they even say a kind word to their own mom or their sister! I've always loved and appreciated my mother and my grandmother! For the things that they have taught me throughout my living years! And I've always looked up on these women with respect with the knowledge that they have learned and gained throughout their lifetime passing it down from family member to family member I may not have children of my own but I do know that back in my days if I had children I would have been a Dandy of a mother! I would have been picking up my kids after school taking them to dance lessons treating them to with sandwich somewhere! And making sure they get everything they want and need! I would be teaching my children about the ancients and the love and the respect between both the God and the goddess! I would be raising my kids a hell of a lot differently! Being the woman that I am I maybe 51 years old! I may not have kids of my own but I still consider myself a woman in every way! And like most women I've always wanted to have children of my own! That doesn't stop me from babysitting children or adopting a kid if I wanted to! There's a lot of wonderful women out there who took the time to show the world the capabilities of a female and what a woman and a goddess can do! And there's a lot of fabulous women out there! Who have done many great and wonders throughout the centuries whether to be in Europe somewhere or in the United States this lady has carried on a lineage and has one hell of a name to go along with her face representing the independence and the grace and the beauty of a woman! And the headstrong intellectual who has the right to flash her sword and use it as well! I don't think there's anything more beautiful and more powerful than a satanic woman! Especially that if a spiritual satanist! We ladies never give up no matter how old we are no matter how tough and hard the task gets! It doesn't matter how crazy this world gets we still find time to study and read and have the time to do an article and share something of interest! Taking the time to do things for ourselves? Cuz there's always a time and in need to satisfy yourself with something to reward yourself with something knowing that you are a warrior tackling each and every day like a warrior getting up and having to face the morning and face the crowd on the job site! Going to work ready to work! Spending time with the family and the kids at home! Whether you've got a family or not? You do somewhere! Where you are loved wanted and appreciated! And it doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman! But when you are a beautiful woman who has the intelligence of thereof and lives it by example! And you're married your husband is a lucky man! And your children are lucky to have you! Passing down that knowledge to your children is priceless! Everything that you learn is not only a part of you but it's a part of your family and your children and that you're doing a generation of children wonderful! Teaching them the values of Father Satan and his gods and demons! And living by example of what Lilith was like and representing our mother demeanor Inanna Astart. A,...NNA, ASTR, ASTER, ASTR, ASTARTE, ASTAR, ASTR, NNA, A. QUEEN ASTRTE ATROTH. HAIL SATAN!!❤️🌹 HAIL ASTROTH!!❤️🌹 HAIL TO THE LADIES AND GODDESSES!! ❤️🌹 HAIL THE WOMEN OF THE JOS!!!❤️🌹
tabby said:
Thank you, High Priest. Our women are very beautiful, strong souls.

I don't really know what to say, but... I hope as I keep walking this path I can be more like our Goddesses, and fully embrace my own femininity.

Hail Lady Astarte and all our Goddesses!

These days make me think of HPS Maxine and other women of the forum, because the world celebrates this, and unavoidably, the thoughts of these great women come to mind.

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Yesterday I asked Lady Astarte for beauty and love, to teach me, and sent her some energy, yet I know more is needed to be guided in this path.
I have grown up without functionally stable female caretakers and it is a relief - to have our Goddesses in our lives.

Lady Astarte and the Goddesses are available for this, and the same goes for men who lack certain examples. You will find these energies and connect with them with the Goddesses. Other than this, you can receive them socially or from others, so do not give up there. We live in a universe that wants to bestow things to us, but we must open up to this.

SapphireDragon said:

Thank you HP. It really means a lot, I look forward one day to our world being united once again together, Women and Men as we should be. Not at odds with each other, not disrespecting or treating each others as the jews treat each other. Where women are women and men are men and we celebrate both sides and combine them in a beautiful and powerful way to better this world and fully heal it from the cancer of the enemy.

It's going to happen, the rubble and crap will sit down eventually, as most of these problem are reflections people have of internal problems, then going into society.

We should be a healed union where these problems don't reflect as much. And we are building that step by step.

Deep Darkness said:
Women are nice so happy women's day.

But why we need to celebrate this holiday on this forum, if we know that this tradition have very communist background?

That's not a full blown celebration, it's statement.

Some of my statements are social. As I specify, the next schedule and all schedules related to Astarte, are celebration of this. It's also spring.

Vlad Tepes said:
Hey Cobra, maybe I'm missing it, but where was your post celebrating International Men's Day on November 19th? Or maybe you didn't even know there's an International Men's Day too? That's what gynocentric/feminist brainwashing does, almost everyone know there's a Women's day but almost nobody knows about the Men's Day to honor the sex who built civilizations and everything else.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I didn't know, women told me a few days ago. That's because women I assosciate with tend to care about men equally and aren't having a long chain of psycho issues in regards to men, which I readily avoid, to further avoid mental damage as any smart person should do, which later on avoids me mental scars, and pointless conversations of waiting for Novermber 19th to celebrate myself in order to fight any gynocentricism or to fight for manocentricism.

Thanks for reminding me. I tend to forget, as I feel that we men don't have any "celebration" and we have to fight everyday. Women remind me of this, sometimes.

But because I am a male, I don't spend endless time in incel forums and related trying to articulate an argument that we built civilization alone, and spending my time trying to compare to women, while I was literally born from a female or something.

I also don't write pussy inflammatory comments while having registered yesterday.

I have written numerous topics about men, which you are not familiar of. Here are you throwing a fit that women are told a few words.

Gotta exit these other incel forums my friend, and do it quickly. Stay also away from women of lesser qualities that are promoting this insanity, and you will be fine.

Adam darski said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You couldn't even manage to treat your wife good and save your marriage but you have a gut to say all of these..it's easy to say than to be done polish asshole...taking advantage of people not knowing you here don't worry we know you and your evil ways metallic musician

You are being completely misinformed, I don't know by whom. I am not the metal musician that slapped you in the face or something. I am not Polish, although, I wouldn't have any problem being a Polish man who are of the most valiant now in Europe. In regards to marital status, it's nothing of what you claim.

Speaking of evil metallic music, here is some Ronny James Dio if you need him, though.
Happy Women's Day ladies!

Happy Women's Day Lady Agares!
Hail Agares
This reminded me I should thank more often to my Guardian Demoness. She is definitely one of most beautiful women in the universe.

Happy women's day to all sound women.
Thank you. :slight_smile: 💐
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=429022 time=1678273607 user_id=57]
One of the reasons I am who I am is because I had a strong father who did not ditch his paternal duties. Women need men, men need women, for a healthy society.

Beautifully put. I second this, I'm strong as I am because I had a strong father who kept my family together. I am fortunate to have had this example growing up. He had his issues but we all have our own struggles and person problems, he did his best and I'm here because he didn't give up and kept us going.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's going to happen, the rubble and crap will sit down eventually, as most of these problem are reflections people have of internal problems, then going into society.

We should be a healed union where these problems don't reflect as much. And we are building that step by step.

I agree, I believe in what we're doing here. I know it will happen. Things will heal back to normal eventually. It's been a long time coming and we are going to ensure that this happens by the works that we do here under Father Satan and the God's guidance.

One step at a time, the more people who work on themselves through advancing on this path the more people will come to better understanding. The more who come to us and learn to live life by Father and the God's teachings the world will start to heal in the right direction person by person. The more people we help here and the more knowledge we share here will ensure this. There is no stopping what we've put in motion.
Hypatia666 said:
Beautiful words, dear HP. Thanks to you for everything. ❤️🌹

Do you have english google drive link of joy of satan folder that contains mantras and all
I want to thank Satan for creating women and for the benefits I have gained from the feminine part of this world. Mother's love, caring, great mercy and kindness. Patience, forgiveness, if it weren't for that, I never would have lived. I may never be able to live up to the hopes of our Goddesses and their incarnation on Earth, and what they invested in their great mercy will remain a hope. But this generosity, the ability to invest with faith and devotion to one dream alone, receiving nothing in return, this is not characteristic of any jewess seeking only profit. It is a quality only of Gentile women and Goddesses. The ability to build for the sake of the very ideal of building. This is how our mother builds her child and this is how Gentile women who invest in art and science give themselves wholeheartedly to their cause. These are the genes of the Gentile Gods that are unknown to jewish feces.

I study a field that the jews in their arrogance have declared "masculine" and have imposed only jewish surnames on it. But here and there I stumble upon a real contribution that changed the course of things with a female Gentile surname, one of which the jews even brazenly tried to steal to impose jewishness on without proof.

The truth is that whatever area the pure Satanic Pagan Soul comes into, female or male, it gives that area an impetus and directs it in a new direction.

Our women are genial in everything they do, wherever they go. And I am alive and Satanist because two women were geniuses, one in motherhood, the other in spiritual leadership. And the second one is where she should be right now.

Satan does not create bad sexes, bad fields or professions. We are those who decide our own case to be good or bad.
I want to thank Satan for creating women and for the benefits I have gained from the feminine part of this world. Mother's love, caring, great mercy and kindness. Patience, forgiveness, if it weren't for that, I never would have lived. I may never be able to live up to the hopes of our Goddesses and their incarnation on Earth, and what they invested in their great mercy will remain a hope. But this generosity, the ability to invest with faith and devotion to one dream alone, receiving nothing in return, this is not characteristic of any jewess seeking only profit. It is a quality only of Gentile women and Goddesses. The ability to build for the sake of the very ideal of building. This is how our mother builds her child and this is how Gentile women who invest in art and science give themselves wholeheartedly to their cause. These are the genes of the Gentile Gods that are unknown to jewish feces.

I study a field that the jews in their arrogance have declared "masculine" and have imposed only Jewish surnames on it. But here and there I stumble upon a real contribution that changed the course of things with a female Gentile surname, one of which the Jews even brazenly tried to steal impose jewishness on without a proof.

The truth is that whatever area the pure Satanic Pagan Soul comes into, female or male, it gives that area an impetus and directs it in a new direction.

Our women are genial in everything they do, wherever they go. And I am alive and Satanist because two women were geniuses, one in motherhood, the other in spiritual leadership. And the second one is where she should be right now.

Satan does not create bad sexes, bad fields or professions. We are those who decided our own case.
Bright Truth said:
This reminded me I should thank more often to my Guardian Demoness. She is definitely one of most beautiful women in the universe.

Happy women's day to all sound women.

Be sure to thank her, brother Bright Truth.

Hail Satan
Ave Lilith
Edward Lonsa said:
I want to thank Satan for creating women and for the benefits I have gained from the feminine part of this world. Mother's love, caring, great mercy and kindness. Patience, forgiveness, if it weren't for that, I never would have lived. I may never be able to live up to the hopes of our Goddesses and their incarnation on Earth, and what they invested in their great mercy will remain a hope. But this generosity, the ability to invest with faith and devotion to one dream alone, receiving nothing in return, this is not characteristic of any jewess seeking only profit. It is a quality only of Gentile women and Goddesses. The ability to build for the sake of the very ideal of building. This is how our mother builds her child and this is how Gentile women who invest in art and science give themselves wholeheartedly to their cause. These are the genes of the Gentile Gods that are unknown to jewish feces.

I study a field that the jews in their arrogance have declared "masculine" and have imposed only Jewish surnames on it. But here and there I stumble upon a real contribution that changed the course of things with a female Gentile surname, one of which the Jews even brazenly tried to steal impose jewishness on without a proof.

The truth is that whatever area the pure Satanic Pagan Soul comes into, female or male, it gives that area an impetus and directs it in a new direction.

Our women are genial in everything they do, wherever they go. And I am alive and Satanist because two women were geniuses, one in motherhood, the other in spiritual leadership. And the second one is where she should be right now.

Satan does not create bad sexes, bad fields or professions. We are those who decided our own case.

Your post filled me with joy brother, and I am glad to see that a lot of people are thinking the same about women and that the Jewish paradigms are the worst.

My mother has been always and is still loving me and does everything that stands for the definition of a mother.

And yes, our women are doing a lot of fantastic things and are perfect in every single way possible.

Like, everything is in Natural Order. Beauty, of course there is, and the best of all natural beauty, intelligence, there wasn't ever a Gentile women along history to score negative at an IQ test, mother love, hmm... I got nothing to say about this as unlike Jewish women, our Gentile women never abandon their children in case of sickness.

We shall take every single moment we spiritually have to appreciate the women in our lives and be happy that we are the ones who will evolve and have beautiful families.

And, our professions who the Gods foresaw that they will be good for humanity, they will make the Earth prosperous and active.

Hail Satan
Kazekage666 said:
Hypatia666 said:
Beautiful words, dear HP. Thanks to you for everything. ❤️🌹

Do you have english google drive link of joy of satan folder that contains mantras and all

In Spanish, I think I was wrong and it says that it is in English, but it is in Spanish
Adam darski said:
You think I'm a fool like yourself.. :lol: :lol: denying yourself is the first sign of being a son of bitch that you are, piece of shit..you think you are very smart old man, you thought it will be hard to find an asshole like. you are metal musician and you are a Polish man which is cool...how can you deny yourself bitch, what kind of person are you or you want to spread your shit anonymous 😉 don't worry I'm good at keeping secrets..Lol why you don't say it straight that your marital status is non of my business, don't have gut mmh..you are a rotten man know that.

Nobody believe you useless man, and I think you will kicked out soon. :ugeek:
Looking for a pagan wife preferably from the black race (mixed race people are welcome too. I am a pure black single male 27 - who has no children.

Email [email protected]
Adam darski said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You couldn't even manage to treat your wife good and save your marriage but you have a gut to say all of these..it's easy to say than to be done polish asshole...taking advantage of people not knowing you here don't worry we know you and your evil ways metallic musician

Fuck off jew.Get lost this is not a Synagogue.You are only allowed to be here if there is a shortage of soap lol :lol:
Adam darski said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
tabby said:
Thank you, High Priest. Our women are very beautiful, strong souls.

I don't really know what to say, but... I hope as I keep walking this path I can be more like our Goddesses, and fully embrace my own femininity.

Hail Lady Astarte and all our Goddesses!

These days make me think of HPS Maxine and other women of the forum, because the world celebrates this, and unavoidably, the thoughts of these great women come to mind.

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Yesterday I asked Lady Astarte for beauty and love, to teach me, and sent her some energy, yet I know more is needed to be guided in this path.
I have grown up without functionally stable female caretakers and it is a relief - to have our Goddesses in our lives.

Lady Astarte and the Goddesses are available for this, and the same goes for men who lack certain examples. You will find these energies and connect with them with the Goddesses. Other than this, you can receive them socially or from others, so do not give up there. We live in a universe that wants to bestow things to us, but we must open up to this.

SapphireDragon said:

Thank you HP. It really means a lot, I look forward one day to our world being united once again together, Women and Men as we should be. Not at odds with each other, not disrespecting or treating each others as the jews treat each other. Where women are women and men are men and we celebrate both sides and combine them in a beautiful and powerful way to better this world and fully heal it from the cancer of the enemy.

It's going to happen, the rubble and crap will sit down eventually, as most of these problem are reflections people have of internal problems, then going into society.

We should be a healed union where these problems don't reflect as much. And we are building that step by step.

Deep Darkness said:
Women are nice so happy women's day.

But why we need to celebrate this holiday on this forum, if we know that this tradition have very communist background?

That's not a full blown celebration, it's statement.

Some of my statements are social. As I specify, the next schedule and all schedules related to Astarte, are celebration of this. It's also spring.

Vlad Tepes said:
Hey Cobra, maybe I'm missing it, but where was your post celebrating International Men's Day on November 19th? Or maybe you didn't even know there's an International Men's Day too? That's what gynocentric/feminist brainwashing does, almost everyone know there's a Women's day but almost nobody knows about the Men's Day to honor the sex who built civilizations and everything else.

I didn't know, women told me a few days ago. That's because women I assosciate with tend to care about men equally and aren't having a long chain of psycho issues in regards to men, which I readily avoid, to further avoid mental damage as any smart person should do, which later on avoids me mental scars, and pointless conversations of waiting for Novermber 19th to celebrate myself in order to fight any gynocentricism or to fight for manocentricism.

Thanks for reminding me. I tend to forget, as I feel that we men don't have any "celebration" and we have to fight everyday. Women remind me of this, sometimes.

But because I am a male, I don't spend endless time in incel forums and related trying to articulate an argument that we built civilization alone, and spending my time trying to compare to women, while I was literally born from a female or something.

I also don't write pussy inflammatory comments while having registered yesterday.

I have written numerous topics about men, which you are not familiar of. Here are you throwing a fit that women are told a few words.

Gotta exit these other incel forums my friend, and do it quickly. Stay also away from women of lesser qualities that are promoting this insanity, and you will be fine.

Adam darski said:
You couldn't even manage to treat your wife good and save your marriage but you have a gut to say all of these..it's easy to say than to be done polish asshole...taking advantage of people not knowing you here don't worry we know you and your evil ways metallic musician

You are being completely misinformed, I don't know by whom. I am not the metal musician that slapped you in the face or something. I am not Polish, although, I wouldn't have any problem being a Polish man who are of the most valiant now in Europe. In regards to marital status, it's nothing of what you claim.

Speaking of evil metallic music, here is some Ronny James Dio if you need him, though.
You think I'm a fool like yourself.. :lol: :lol: denying yourself is the first sign of being a son of bitch that you are, piece of shit..you think you are very smart old man, you thought it will be hard to find an asshole like. you are metal musician and you are a Polish man which is cool...how can you deny yourself bitch, what kind of person are you or you want to spread your shit anonymous 😉 don't worry I'm good at keeping secrets..Lol why you don't say it straight that your marital status is non of my business, don't have gut mmh..you are a rotten man know that.
Lol the last time your friend was crying like a bitch who hasnt been paid enough because he mistook HP as jewish :lol: Now here is another one of you again crying :lol:
Lol by the way which polish metalist fucked your mom without paying her enough)))))))Stop looking for your father here :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Deep Darkness said:
But why we need to celebrate this holiday on this forum, if we know that this tradition have very communist background?
That's not a full blown celebration, it's statement.
All Hail to our SS ladies here.

To my knowledge, women's day was started by communist kikes Rosa Luxemburg and Clara Zetkin.

One of my beliefs is that every respectable man should treat respectable women in a respectable way, this includes compliments and flowers amongst other things every now and then. Real gentlemen don't need kikes to remind them of that ;)
Thank you HP, this uplifted me at the right moment, which you always do when most needed.

Hail Satan
Hail Astarte
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebul

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
