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Happy Upcoming 2023 & A Few Things

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our beautiful Satanic Family,

The New Year is coming up on us, and we are looking forward in with a lot of beautiful ideas and plans in mind. The Joy of Satan will be here to support and uphold everyone internally and with proper knowledge with the result in mind to grow ourselves.

Thank you to all of you who devote anything and everything in this, who understand why we all serve the Gods, and who can see how this returns to us all hundredfold, if only we can be wise.

May all of you who are givers, always be given to. We are all partakers of the abudance of the Gods in an ever increasing path towards the supernal understanding. There is an US and this US is the Joy of Satan, which, after all, is entirely and exactly that.

In contrast to anything having to do with the enemy, we here are moving onwards together. As we are individuals, one adjusts the pace, the thoughts, the actions. But the direction of our unity is going at a great and steadfast speed. We are all passengers into a great train going into a better future.

Last year's Agenda is largely completed. It's unbelievable but we are always moving onwards with both stability and ambition. So far, we have surmounted every challenge and every difficulty. Still, there is of course so much improvement and advancement work that must happen - but we are moving there. And we have to keep things steadfast and growing.

The official Satanic New Year where the Agenda of Father Satan is concerned is in April [this is a reminder] and we are now experiencing the change of the year based on the regular calendar.

There are still 4 months in the new year, to do meaningful things. Translations for example, in some languages, can be picked up again and must be brought to fruition. We have to be strong and finish these tasks, so that millions can benefit.

One must also think in mind that one needs the attention and help from the Gods, and this has to be received by proper courses of action. There is nothing that compares to this.

Now on another note, it is useful right now to look back into the year 2022, and see what challenges one had to face both as an individual and further into collective dreams. For the world, things were not easy. There were lots of ups and downs happening in general, and many challenges.

Yet as it looks, here we are, progressing and victorious. Quite a few are showing active initiative and starting to understand that one's destiny can be further fulfilled by reaching higher states and understanding of the notions of the Gods.

I have three messages specifically for the new year:

1. Do not be delusional. We must always seek to reduce the amount of pointless delusion and false "idealism" we have for everything and ourselves, not because these are bad, but because imagination and idealism are necessitated to be coupled by putting in the work necessary.

In other words, seek to grow, not to only "fantasize" you are doing it. Everyone out there can make a fantasy. The difference here is that as a Spiritual Satanist one has means in their disposal to advance in an actual way, by dealing with one's internal world accordingly.

2. Know that we are friends of "God", not enemies. We are only enemies to the falsified slave programs that lie to people about the Gods, our origins and our existence.

The "God" that everyone raves about is just a jewish story that does not exist, it's a sham and an idolatrous hoax, based on a false true "idolatry" that focuses on nothing important.

As with all fake accusations, the same xians that bow down before wooden paintings or statues, somehow made up kosher trolls about how this was so bad when it was done before, but so good now.

But the fundamental difference beneath the surface. A Satanist is in front of a statue because they recognize the force behind it, and we seek to evolve and reach the heights. Our requested help is requested guidance, friendship, telepathic asking for assistance. There is no empty bowing in Satanism. The universal forces and the Gods are recognized, the universe is appreciated for it's developmental process, and we understand our part in this.

Meanwhile, yet another random fool will again kneel, pray to some kike, and sit there like a bozo doing nothing at all, worshipping empty idols of the jews or empty stories.

As one can understand, that is exactly the reverse here, the antagonism of Truth versus lies. We are on the side of the Truth.

Look at these people and you will understand, in reality, they are just worshipping two empty jewish "figures" and nothing else. They do nothing to themselves in anyway, just wait there to be saved or whatever bogus lie they have been sold. They call that "Culture" or "God" too to add insult to their own inflicted injury. We talk about such heights of foolishness and oblivion.

As a Spiritual Satanist, one is on a whole other level where the above is not part of this mentality.

People who believe in this are believing in foolish and childish notions, they are not really "with God" let alone on the path of the Godhead. They are just harbouring a comfortable delusion. They are actively distancing themselves from "God" at a speed which is ever more infinite miles away. Instead of developing, they are withering away.

One rightfully has disconnected from this lying in search for true Spirituality. We know that Satan is God. The notions of the enemy have to be completely discarded to free one's mind.

This has nothing to do with the real "god" which is the unified field of the akasha force, the mind of the universe, which our Gods represent in the fullest and an ever advancing form, the holy neteru, or the "immovable moving force" of Aristotle.

We are followers of the Gods and they are leading us to our own Godhead and in the discovery of the inner God. Our litanies, relations, honorary Rituals, and worship, is focused around this recognition of others while we meanwhile work on ourselves, recognizing the Gods in all things.

This has to be understood by all and incorporated in one's life.

3. Help yourself, and help others to increase abundance in the community. In this idiotic world with even more idiotic people, everyone expects someone to come and save them all the time without them doing anything at all. This is not happening. Nothing is happening to save you out of anything, be the problem bigger or smaller.

Help is not for granted. Most people are just parasitically seeking help without providing any to others, siphoning them to the ground, only because they themselves are an empty void.

These lazy and passive mentalities where one does not do any self help, ignores themselves, and ruins themselves while pretending they need anyone else's "help" are bogus nonsense that should not be part of a properly evolved Satanist mind.

Reason why this is not a part of the Satanic Mind, it's because this vortex of foolish misery, simply accumulates itself like a galaxy of damnation circulating around the middle pillar of damnation, which is the prototype of the enemy programs. There, as people enter closer and closer, misery grows and grows.

This takes time to understand. But eventually when one does, then help towards one's self and others start making sense; especially when others do help and get helped in return.

Spiritual Satanism is to be and is a community of self elevating and constantly generated energy, where the real notion of a brotherhood is understood on a fundamental level: By a better self, we ought help others, and our help returns to us to make a better self. Then, the cycle repeats, bringing more and more people in, increasing the power, light, understanding and all the blessings of creation.

The above should be seen as the opposite of the enemy, who is a vortex where people go in and disappear. In our case, in a world where Truths are opposite to lies, we are the Truth and we adopt this mentality, and not the other.

Happy New Year 2023 with all the greatest things is wished upon all of you Satanic family, be blessed!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The last New Year I did not celebrate at all(I don't really do it anyway celebrate usually the new years),because I knew it wasn't going to be the best of times,and 2 months have not passed and war broke out in my immediate neighbourhood(Ukranie),lol,and not to mention all that rubbish caused by the war.

However,I have learned many new things this year,and I realised things(I have experienced) in spirituality and the things of life,especially since I joined this forum this year.I have received many valuable answers to my questions here on this forum.
Special thanks for valuable answers to HP.Hoodedcobra666,Henu the Great,Blitzkreig,Veritá_666,even moreover Gear88,CaspianTheDreamer(currently Caspian),Aquarius and Egon also.And I hope I haven't missed anyone worth mentioning,who has helped me.
Happy New Year to everyone, 2023 will be a great year!

By the way, High Priest, please check the email I sent you.
happy 2023 everyone

Happy New Year!!
Happy new year to all SS Fam and comrades.
Contributing and doing work for the Gods is one of the most rewarding things one can do. I can attest that going through this will make one grow and teach them many things and I am very happy to be part of that and plan to continue to be such.

Happy new year!
I didnt really check the forum for two days.. nor other things. But that plus how I spend the last 2 days or so.. made me realize how much meaning this path gives me in life. It gives me a sense of fulfillment despite not always meditating the best.

I hope to overcome my personal hurdles the next year and to break out of this mess that Ive been finding myself in.
I do celebrate. And it is also a way of picking up on some of the positive things that we've learned and experienced throughout the year. And letting go! Feeling the energy and the joy of the holiday! Because I know that I've done my best..and considering how much I've learned throughout the year!
I personally think that this year! Has been one of the better years for me! So there is a reason for me to celebrate! And give thanks to Father Satan for everything that he has helped me with... and so many things that he has blessed me with! So it is an honor for me to close the end of each year and ring in the new year!. And to top it off perfectly! By renewing my dedication! Writing my New Year's resolutions... plans for the new year! Room for improvement in room to grow!... looking back and remembering all of the wonderful blessings that we have been blessed with throughout the year... including the not so nice that has been there to challenges and to wake us up and give us something to think about! What we need to prepare for each and every year! As we grow stronger, in MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT. And to be able to sit back and meditate! And reminisce! And to be able to look back and laugh at some of the things that you enjoyed and what you found pleasure and! And what put that smile on your face the love and the positive energy! Knowing that you are in the right place! And to enjoy each and every moment of the present! :D Knowing that we are forging ahead! With lots to do and lots to prepare for! Not only as a spiritual Satanist but also was a satanic Soldier.. and looking forward to each and every new day and a new moment! Enjoying something that you've never done before and learning something new! Looking forward to words each and every year with something new and positive! And with new challenges that are going to be mett... Seeing what the future brings! And much more!!! :D HAPPY NEW YEAR' !!! HAIL SATAN!!! HAIL THE JOY OF SATAN!!!🥂❤️🌎🎉🎊🎁🙏 And thank you For sharing this information. Brother HP HoodedCobra666 ❤️
Ever since these pslams to satan i have been having such a good time and really been able to stay on top of a lot of emotional stuff like now im really getting out there socializing and such im looking at trying new things and what not im also very close to the gods like being able to see and even hear them quite easily or go into this like really nice version of a sleep paralisys when they want to reach down and talk to me it feels great im very keen on this year coming up i want to make a difference this year around time to start being a leader rather then a follower.
Definitely have some new years resolutions I cannot continue to be stagnant I have to drop the fear of what could happen, I just permanently cut ties with my Bible thumping lunatic aunt It Definitely brought some drama and I'll be even more isolated than I already am from my family. and people in general, but nothings going to change if I don't at least try, most of this year I've been miserable AF wishing i was dead an as usual its my own fault I'm a. Complete asshole to people and just to hateful,... i I feel like I just don't know how else to be... I've been so stuck in my ways I find it so hard to change not even a near death experience and a host of other negative events hasn't even inspired me enough to be different well I think im tired of being miserable I know the only reason i am alive is obviously cause of satan and i can't help but think he saved my life for what? Just for me to live in my own world, to live my life in fear of what could happen and just be angry everyday and just hate myself and others for no good reason. Only reason I want to live is not to do good things but bad things cold payback on the kike and his family that ruined my life... and got away with it to, all I want is justice.... my soul will never be at peace until I do, but in order for me to make this happen
I HAVE TO CHANGE I can think of a thousand reasons/excuses to justify why im this way a frontal lobe brain injury being one of them,
But I cannot keep being this way I have good hopes for this year I cannot keep making father satan look bad to other
People cause of my stupidity I'm thankful I'm able to come on here spill out my thoughts
To people who may be like me even though nobody could ever understand, as they are not in my shoes...
Happy NY our Commmander HPHC

Good luck to you and family this coming year mate.
Great sermon.

Happy New Year to all Satanic brothers and sisters.

Let’s do even better in 2023. 🥂
The period of March - April onwards brings drastic revolutionary change through disaster. Brace yourself. A lot of things to come are starting to come.
Great Great message!

I just opened the new calendar for 2023, very am very keen to understand it fully!

Sending a big big thank you to all the Satanic Family & the gods of Orion for all your hard work.

Satanama <3
Happy New Year to all my Satanic Brothers and Sisters in Satan!

May we rise like the over the horizon, and attain victory against the enemy, and may we win against ourselves. In becoming the best Satanists we can be.

We shall succeed.

Happy new Year!
With the Gods' grace and our work it shall be better than the last one.
Beautiful Sermon High Priest.
It has been 5 months since I dedicated my soul to Father SATAN😁, and like H.P Maxine said it's not a easy road.

Father SATAN &the Gods have been good to this old soul as I will continue to meditate & Eradicate these kike parasites through the RTR and self improvement by any means Necessary!.

HAIL Satan
HAIL the God's of Hell
HAIL Marchosias
HAIL Victory
HAIL HoodedCobra666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Congratulations to all Spiritual Satanists and Pagans on the upcoming Happy New Year 2023!!!
Happy New Year to all!

Next year I need to get my act together and get on with my tasks.
I went through a lot of changes this year. Painful but necessary changes.

I Thank Satan and the Gods for their help!

It is not easy for the Gods to deal with me. It is difficult for me to learn like this. This was the year I really realised how difficult this journey is.
Lightningsnake said:
Happy New Year to all!

Next year I need to get my act together and get on with my tasks.
I went through a lot of changes this year. Painful but necessary changes.

I Thank Satan and the Gods for their help!

It is not easy for the Gods to deal with me. It is difficult for me to learn like this. This was the year I really realised how difficult this journey is.

Keep yourself focused forward towards the future, you will do fine.

Many of your fellow brothers and sisters can relate strongly to painful and necessary changes, along with time periods of struggling with how difficult this path and or life in general can be.

Know that you aren't alone in this.

Keep in your mind that you will succeed and get to where you desire to be.

The road can be rocky, with all sorts of bumps along the way, but you'll make it regardless.

The Gods are very patient and understanding with us.

They are understand on a much greater level how hard things can be and here for all of us, and will always continue to guide us.
Let’s kick this new years off with a bang hail Lucifer, and this path been a journey much love to all the ss family
Lightningsnake said:
Happy New Year to all!

Next year I need to get my act together and get on with my tasks.
I went through a lot of changes this year. Painful but necessary changes.

I Thank Satan and the Gods for their help!

It is not easy for the Gods to deal with me. It is
difficult for me to learn like this. This was the year I really realised how difficult this journey is.

Same situatian here brother!

I don’t have enough beatiful words to express to our Gods for their help.When i was about to quit, i just felt how my Father Satan and my Dg filled my hearth with enough courage to do the things i was very scaried to do and i now feel like i’m the best version of myself, but i also know that my journey it is not done yet.

So Happy New Year to all my brothers and sisters in Satan and to my Role Model HP HoodedCobra666 for every word that he spell on this forum.
This Year I recovered some of my lost emotions, thanks to the knowledge given by the Gods.
So I can now wish everyone here, a rhappy new year, rich of good feelings!
serpentwalker666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
Happy New Year to all!

Next year I need to get my act together and get on with my tasks.
I went through a lot of changes this year. Painful but necessary changes.

I Thank Satan and the Gods for their help!

It is not easy for the Gods to deal with me. It is difficult for me to learn like this. This was the year I really realised how difficult this journey is.

Keep yourself focused forward towards the future, you will do fine.

Many of your fellow brothers and sisters can relate strongly to painful and necessary changes, along with time periods of struggling with how difficult this path and or life in general can be.

Know that you aren't alone in this.

Keep in your mind that you will succeed and get to where you desire to be.

The road can be rocky, with all sorts of bumps along the way, but you'll make it regardless.

The Gods are very patient and understanding with us.

They are understand on a much greater level how hard things can be and here for all of us, and will always continue to guide us.

Thank you.
Meneteu said:
Lightningsnake said:
Happy New Year to all!

Next year I need to get my act together and get on with my tasks.
I went through a lot of changes this year. Painful but necessary changes.

I Thank Satan and the Gods for their help!

It is not easy for the Gods to deal with me. It is
difficult for me to learn like this. This was the year I really realised how difficult this journey is.

Same situatian here brother!

I don’t have enough beatiful words to express to our Gods for their help.When i was about to quit, i just felt how my Father Satan and my Dg filled my hearth with enough courage to do the things i was very scaried to do and i now feel like i’m the best version of myself, but i also know that my journey it is not done yet.

So Happy New Year to all my brothers and sisters in Satan and to my Role Model HP HoodedCobra666 for every word that he spell on this forum.

Gods are truly wonderful.

Good luck in the future!
I do not comment much, but I always read with great interest all the interventions of the most active members.
I would like to wish you all a good and fruitful year of growth and satisfaction, but I also want to say thank you.

Since I came here and started to follow your advice (reading the posts, I'm always afraid of disturbing so I have a hard time asking for advice directly) and do the rituals, many things have started to change. I am changed, many pieces have fallen into place, the fog about many things in my past has dissipated, and I am coming to an inner healing that I wish for each of you.

Finally, I hope to be able to contribute more, now I do not feel in a position to give advice in my turn. For now, I will continue to do the translations as I have done for the past few months, hoping to be able to do more in the future.
LiliumS said:
I do not comment much, but I always read with great interest all the interventions of the most active members.
I would like to wish you all a good and fruitful year of growth and satisfaction, but I also want to say thank you.

Since I came here and started to follow your advice (reading the posts, I'm always afraid of disturbing so I have a hard time asking for advice directly) and do the rituals, many things have started to change. I am changed, many pieces have fallen into place, the fog about many things in my past has dissipated, and I am coming to an inner healing that I wish for each of you.

Finally, I hope to be able to contribute more, now I do not feel in a position to give advice in my turn. For now, I will continue to do the translations as I have done for the past few months, hoping to be able to do more in the future.

You should try to comment more my Sister!!!!

I find your posts full of value here and most importantly, what you say is said in a calm manner and more importantly, it is very good that you are a SS just like me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
